Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at mindpumppodcast.com. Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at mapsfitnessproducts.com

Mind Pump Fit Tip: Stop your full-body or split routine now! It might be killing your gains! (2:14) Do you want to eat more, bump your calories, and protein? Eat grass-fed! (22:57) Brain cancer and diet. (26:07) Sal’s beefy. (33:33) The impact of group coaching. (36:28) “You got really nice skin bro.” (40:24) The age of the AI influencer. (42:21) The Christianity explosion. (49:49) #ListenerLive question #1 – Do you have any information about the impact of weightlifting/resistance training on liver function tests? (54:38) #ListenerLive question #2 – What foods would you recommend eating during a bulk to avoid digestive discomfort? Do you have any advice for improving grip strength or preventing this discomfort? (1:02:15) #ListenerLive question #3 – Have you guys had any clients with hyper-mobility issues, and can you offer any insight on dos and don’ts on how to train/help someone stay safe and still get strong with this issue? (1:16:30) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I hack my mindset? (1:26:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** Efficacy of Split Versus Full-Body Resistance Training on Strength and Muscle Growth: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis Successful application of dietary ketogenic metabolic therapy in patients with glioblastoma: a clinical study Mind Pump #1030: Dr. Roy Vongtama The SIMPLE STEPS To Burn Fat, Build Muscle & Speed Up Your Metabolism - Sal Di Stefano Mind Pump # 2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days Watch Apple Cider Vinegar | Netflix Official Site Seeking God, or Peter Thiel, in Silicon Valley – DNyuz Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump # 1895: Eight Hacks for an Insanely Strong Grip How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism The Dunphy Squat | At Home Squat Variation – YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Roy Vongtama MD (@doctorroyv) Instagram Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The five BEST sources of protein for bodybuilding. (1:44) What body types have advantages with certain lifts? (21:38) Mind Pump’s Vuori favorites. (31:29) Probiotics and cognitive function. (36:39) We need to normalize parasites. (40:20) Fun Facts with Justin: What color is crab blood? (43:21) Exercise and dementia. (46:33) Transform your body in 90 days! (51:02) #Quah question #1 – I’ve been a yo-yo dieter for years. I’m doing MAPS Starter and have maybe 50lbs to lose. Should I do this in a bulk or cut? (55:13) #Quah question #2 – What is the best way to warm up for a full-body workout? I’m older and need a few sets to warm up before I begin a muscle group. How can I warm up and not double my time in the gym? (58:33) #Quah question #3 – Have you guys ever trained someone with scoliosis? Are there any exercises to avoid, and If so, can you guys recommend replacements to get similar benefits? (1:01:50) #Quah question #4 – I have terrible arthritis in my shoulders. It prevents me from doing back squats, I can’t hold the barbell on my back. I’ve replaced back squats with Zercher and/or front squats, or squats with the safety bar. Are these effective? (1:03:47) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? Probiotic and Fiber Drink Deters Dementia in New Japanese Study  This Much Weekly Exercise Can Slash Your Dementia Risk by 41 Percent The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child&Developing Mind Mind Pump #2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead! Stop trying to get your kids in shape! Try these 6 methods instead. (1:38) #1 - Be the example. (2:15) #2 - Foster a good relationship with exercise and eating healthy. (9:43) #3 - Give them options consisting of protein, something new, something they love. (17:22) #4 - Use bodyweight and suspension trainers. (25:17) #5 - Play with them. (27:03) #6 - Reduce screen time with time limits. (31:57) Questions: I have dual custody, and my ex doesn’t agree with my approach to health and fitness. How do you suggest navigating this? (39:47) How do I turn the ship with my teenage kids? (43:44) My kids are picky eaters. Do you have any strategies? (50:46) What are some healthy snack ideas for on-the-go? (52:27) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. ** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind How Mothers Influence Their Daughters' Body Image Mind Pump # 1877: Obesity, It’s Not Your Genetics Mind Pump # 2277: The Five Best Sports for Kids Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked – Book by Adam Alter Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Five weird & proven hacks to SPEED up recovery. (2:46) Why you MUST have high standards when it comes to your supplements. (14:55) Muscle dysmorphia. (20:55) The Cola Wars saga. (24:47) Any guesses on how Sal injured his hamstring? (27:00) Surprising foods that contain red dyes. (31:25) An alarming recent study on long COVID. (35:38) Kids say and do the darndest things. (38:03) Shout out to the Whole-Brain Child book. (39:42) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is there a way to bridge this ‘sleep debt’ gap to push through a training plateau? (53:26) #ListenerLive question #2 – What can I do to minimize forearm pain without sacrificing my workout progress? (1:04:43) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice on injury management, powerlifting, mobility, and where to go from here from an SI joint injury? (1:10:01) #ListenerLive question #4 – I went for my annual checkup and my PCP said my creatinine levels were slightly elevated so I should stop taking creatine. Any thoughts on this? (1:21:19) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** Scientists identify how fasting may protect against inflammation The ketogenic diet as a treatment for traumatic brain injury: a scoping review NOW Testing IDs Creatine Gummies Failings (Plus Brands That Deliver) The association between dietary creatine intake and cancer in U.S. adults: insights from NHANES 2007-2018 Muscle-building supplements may put teens at risk for a body image disorder, study finds The botched Coca-Cola heist of 2006 - The Hustle Immune markers of post-vaccination syndrome indicate future research directions The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #1927: Performance Training Secrets from a Top NBA Trainer With Cory Schlesinger How To Do The Zottman Curl – Mind Pump TV How To Fix Golfers Elbow And Elbow Pain With A Stick MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #2497: The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Mind Pump Group Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Joe De Sena (@realjoedesena) Instagram
Get Crazy Results in 90 Days! | MAPS Transform If you want your body to adapt and change, you must do it the RIGHT way! (1:59) Breaking down how you can get CRAZY results in 90 days: First 30 Days (8:18) Start SLOW (maximize adaptation and minimize recovery time)  Five workout days a week Reverse diet Second 30 Days (17:07) Increase volume and intensity (takes more to trigger growth, move to a general split, sets are up with bulk and down with cut) Cut down workouts to 4 days a week Mini cuts mini bulks for diet Third 30 Days (23:38) Move to full body (muscle-sparing) Cut down workouts to 3 days a week All cut for diet  Add cardio Get MAPS Transform today! (31:19) Related Links/Products Mentioned MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At-Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal (35 workout videos, Adam’s IG stories, Adam’s favorite snacks & recipes), and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump # 2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump # 2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump # 2210: Best Workouts for Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump # 1697: HIIT Training Doesn’t Work (Unless You Follow These Steps) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Five SNEAKY and EASY ways to BOOST protein intake. (1:48) Three PROVEN movements to increase your push press. (19:37) Grip strength and its association with longevity. (29:04) Is AI making us dumber? (33:47) Four proven ingredients for a happy, lasting marriage. (36:00) An option when you can’t get your veggies in. (43:39) Weird Science with Sal: Rupert’s Drop. (44:57) Natural formations that look REAL. (49:37) #ListenerLive question #1 – Why can't I lean down and get better muscle definition? (55:18) #ListenerLive question #2 – Does metabolism adapt upwards? (1:07:41) #ListenerLive question #3 – What specific movements can I do with my client that can help her regain that ability to do hip flexion? (1:17:18) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any guidance on calorie targets for someone of my height and activity level? (1:29:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2450: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2357: The 7 Overhead Presses Everyone Should Be Doing Handgrip strength and all-cause dementia incidence and mortality: findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER Study Finds That People Who Entrust Tasks to AI Are Losing Critical Thinking Skills Four Proven Ingredients of a Happy, Lasting Marriage Mind Pump #2325: Why Marriages Fail & What to Do About It With Dr. John Delony Prince Rupert's Drop vs Hydraulic Press [ 4K - Slow Motion ] ( S1 E9 ) Weird 'Square' Spotted On Mars Isn't As Mysterious As It Seems Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS Prime Webinar Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump #2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Dr. Stacy T. Sims (@drstacysims) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you follow scientific studies to determine what to do for fat loss and muscle gain, STOP NOW! Consider these things first. (1:42) The interesting side effect of customers who consume LMNT. (24:01) Don’t be afraid of some germs. (26:24) Encouraging signs when it comes to government policies on health. (31:09) Sex and poor health correlation. (38:36) The #1 predictor of child abuse. (40:11) Why do people end up in divorce? (43:08) Caldera is NOT just for men. (52:01) #Quah question #1 – Do trigger sessions still send the signal to build muscle and speed up metabolism? (54:33) #Quah question #2 – When should you consider "eating back" your burned calories? (57:54) #Quah question #3 – Do you recommend any kind of break from training? (1:00:35) #Quah question #4 – I have 3 consecutive days off a week. I want to try full-body workouts, but is training full-body 3 days in a row a smart idea? I currently do legs and biceps on Monday, chest and triceps on Tuesdays, and back & biceps on Wednesdays. (1:04:01) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2517: Hip Thrusts vs Squats… Which Builds a Rounder Butt? Men Who Have More Sex Have a Lower Risk of Heart Attacks I'm a evolutionary psychologist - here's the number one predictor of child abuse in the home The Couple that Prays Together Divorce rates double when people start watching porn Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle - Mind Pump Media Blog Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Boyle (@mbsc_online) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. Gad Saad (@doctorgadsaad) Instagram
5 Steps You Can Take to Get Back into Shape Fast 5 Steps You Can Take to Get Back into Shape Fast #1 - Eat more protein. (1:30) #2 - Lift weights (most days). (9:17) #3 - Walk after every meal. (15:17) #4 - Go to bed early. (19:07) #5 - Hire a coach. (21:20) Questions: Why is the fail rate so high for getting back into shape? (24:50) Is running a good way to get back into shape? (27:05) Should I start my fitness journey with a long fast? (29:11) What is the success rate for gym vs at-home workouts? (30:15) I have a lot of weight to lose. Should I lose weight first then build or vice versa? (32:19) Related Links/Products Mentioned Mind Pump Group Coaching Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2450: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here is the ONE strength-building technique NONE of you are doing that is killing your progress. (2:27) The most important thing to consider when training your kids. (18:53) Turbocharge collagen production in your skin with red-light therapy. (27:40) Cluster vs. traditional sets. (29:17) Shout out to Ben Bruno! (33:32) Adam has a gift for numbers. (35:23) Look out for parasites! (38:10) The grossest thing you have dealt with as a parent. (41:14) The ultimate scam artist. (47:29) GHK-Cu benefits the skin. (50:55) #ListenerLive question #1 – Are my workouts too long? I am averaging 2 hours. (54:04) #ListenerLive question #2 – You guys always talk about ‘muscle memory’. Is there ‘fat’ memory? Would that explain weight gain and how easily people gain weight back? (1:06:51) #ListenerLive question #3 – How would you help someone lose over 100lbs and get absolutely jacked? (1:14:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Cluster sets and traditional sets elicit similar muscular hypertrophy: a volume and effort-matched study in resistance-trained individuals Ben Bruno trainer post "Scamanda": All About the Viral Cancer Scammer Saga Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You are Overtraining Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways to Know If Your Workout Is Not Right for You Mind Pump #1695: How to Lose 100 Pounds Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brad Schoenfeld, PhD (@bradschoenfeldphd) Instagram Ben Bruno (@benbrunotraining) Instagram
Ranking the Top 5 Techniques to Maximize Chest Gains and Growth Ranking the Top 5 Techniques to Maximize Chest Gains and Growth. (1:18) Fight the negative portion PROPERLY. (1:34) Drive hands together on all chest presses. (8:33) Focus on the stretch on all fly movements. (12:14) Rotate palms down for max squeeze. (15:03) When putting your chest workout together, go in this order: upper, middle, lower, isolation. (17:03) How would you rank them? (21:35) Questions: Does a big bench press equal a big chest? (24:12) How many sets per week should I do for the chest? (26:56) Should women worry about chest training? (31:10) Are pushups a good chest exercise? (34:08) Any chest training advice for those with shoulder pain? (36:41) Can you please compare dumbbells vs barbells vs machines for the chest? (39:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Mention Mind Pump when you do a consultation to get the free $100 gift card + free outfit if you go with us! ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2127: Bench Press Masterclass Mind Pump #1940: Chest Building Master Class Prime Your Shoulders with Handcuffs with Rotation on a Bench Fix Your Shoulder Pain (SHORT & LONG TERM FIX!!) | MIND PUMP Improve Your Shoulder Press with Shoulder Dislocates Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Don’t get that surgery!!! You could be making a huge mistake! Consider and listen to these 4 factors to make a better decision. (1:51) Static stretching combined with Brain.fm. (23:57) TVs look A LOT different these days. (28:30) The importance and value of maintaining exercise as you age. (29:16) Life expectancy trends of different countries. (31:35) Addressing the viral GLP-1 fear tactics. (33:46) The powerful tool of having coaches in your corner. (43:19) What’s more interesting than people? (44:32) The evolution of gyms. (48:16) Justin’s a workhorse. (51:02) #ListenerLive question #1 – I’m stuck in this 4-day split routine and not seeing the results I want. Any advice on how to bust out of this rut? (57:12) #ListenerLive question #2 – I am not seeing the physical results I’d like to after turning 40. Any advice on how to get out of this dad bod? (1:18:45) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any wisdom you guys can offer on the next steps in my own training and coaching business? (1:31:19) #ListenerLive question #4 – I got the gastric sleeve last year. Any recommendations on how to get more protein in? (1:40:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Displace TV Regular Exercise May Keep Your Body 30 Years 'Younger' The Impact of GLP1 Agonists on Bone Metabolism New Gym In Santa Cruz, Ca! Rise Above Fitness Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Train the Trainer Webinar Series Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Visit Transcend for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Brandan Schieppati (@brandanschieppati) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The pros and cons of group fitness coaching. (2:05) How much exercise do you really need to build muscle? (23:50) Sleep’s impact on an athlete’s performance. (28:31) Big Food vs. GLP-1s. (37:04) Don’t fall for this scam. (46:40) An Eastern medicine approach to avoid waking up in the middle of the night. (48:43) What prevents child predators? (53:39) #Quah question #1 – You guys are always giving great advice on fat loss, but can we get some rapid-fire tips for the hard gainers? (56:01) #Quah question #2 – How do I tell if a coach is worth the investment if the only option is online? (1:01:36) #Quah question #3 – I've seen lots of ads for beef organ supplements for women. Is that something good for females? And if so, what is a good reputable company to go through? (1:03:55) #Quah question #4 – What's your all-time favorite exercise to perform? (1:06:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** "The most perfect example of how important sleep is for athletes" - Expert says LeBron's sleeping habits may have made him the GOAT Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #1622: Nine Signs Your Trainer Sucks Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Brian Shaw (@shawstrength) Instagram
The 5 Secret Advantages of Old Experienced Lifters The 5 Secret Advantages of Old Experienced Lifters. (1:34) #1 - You can get the same or better results with lighter weight. (1:54) #2 - Muscle memory. (10:32) #3 - Keeping muscle requires far less work. (18:28) #4 - The difference between you and your peers becomes massive. (24:22) #5 - You know your body. (30:15) Questions: Can new/older lifters build muscle like younger lifters? (35:54) At what age should someone stop lifting heavy? (38:51) Are machines better for older lifters? (42:39) How should an older lifter eat? (45:33) What are the best supplements for older lifters? (47:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Meal One by Kreatures of Habit for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off your first purchase sitewide! Discount Auto-apply at checkout! ** Special Promotion: MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code HALFOFF at checkout. ** Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Prevent muscle loss with minimal training? Study Shows That Just One Training Session a Week Can Prevent Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength Muscle Mass and Strength Gains Following Resistance Exercise Training in Older Adults 65–75 Years and Older Adults Above 85 Years Mind Pump # 2450: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle Mind Pump # 2497: The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The downfall of the fitness industry: DON’T listen to people who do these three things. (2:34) The #1 benefit of personal training. (23:19) Introducing MAPS Transformation. (27:27) Why is poor sleep so common? (32:39) The flaw in the recent Jeff Nippard strict vs. cheat curl study. (39:02) How some people value how they look more than the way they perform. (41:26) The recent cultural shift to patriotism. (46:30) Why pure CBD sucks. (52:08) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do I maximize muscle gain 11 months before my next competition? (56:36) #ListenerLive question #2 – Do you have any suggestions for people working through your MAPS programs who experience chronic pain? (1:11:41) #ListenerLive question #3 – How do I know if I'm training to failure or not? (1:19:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently, it ships to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #1622: Nine Signs Your Trainer Sucks Mind Pump #1717: Why Before & After Pictures Are Bullsh*t The Effectiveness of Personal Training on Changing Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Mind Pump # 2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump Group Coaching Are Cheat Reps Actually Cheating? – BarBend Kat Williams Roast Video Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Jon Fitch (@jonfitchsmash) Instagram GEORGIO POULLAS (@georgiopoullas) Instagram Mind Pump | Ann Svogun (@mindpumpann) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram
If Someone Wants to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40, What Are the First 7 Steps They Should Take? If someone wants to go from dad bod to fit at 40, what are the first 7 steps they should take? #1 - Lift weights. (1:08) #2 - Eat ONLY real food. (6:11) #3 - Eat protein first. (8:20) #4 - Eat veggies second for every meal. (13:18) #5 - Get consistent sleep. (16:37) #6 - Check hormones. (19:38) #7 - Ignore scale and mirror, focus on health and performance. (23:25) Questions (Diet, Training, & Lifestyle):  How do I build a simple meal plan that helps me lose fat without feeling like I’m starving all the time? (26:06) Do I need to completely cut out beer and junk food, or is there a way to enjoy them in moderation? (29:32) What’s the best workout plan for someone in their 40s who hasn’t exercised regularly in years? (32:50) How often should I train each week to lose fat and build muscle without overdoing it? (34:31) Should I be lifting heavy weights at 40, or is it safer to stick with bodyweight exercises? (36:06) I feel stiff and sore after workouts. How can I improve my recovery and flexibility at this age? (38:28) How do I stay consistent with my fitness goals when work and family responsibilities take up most of my time? (40:29) What’s the best way to involve my family in this fitness journey so I don’t feel like I’m doing it alone? (43:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Transcend for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Mind Pump #2450: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results | Cabral Concept 2526 Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump #2235: Ten Tips for a Leaner, Fitter Body After Age 40 Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Sore muscles…what does it mean? – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time for an Effective Workout? Mind Pump #2152: How to Convince Friends & Family to Work Out Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The top 5 plateau busters! (1:48) Cheat vs. strict curls. Which are better for progress? (20:11) Omega-3s can slow the aging process. (27:39) Real vs lab-created shilajit. (30:29) Creatine and head trauma. (34:54) Cannabis legalization/rehab increase. (36:56) Scary smartphone statistics. (48:56) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is it bad to lift a Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) of 8 or 9 every time I workout? (52:53) #ListenerLive question #2 – I’ve hit my protein target easily at 1600-1700 calories. However, I am not reaching the 2633 caloric target. Am I okay to continue or should I try to hit the 2633 target too? (1:06:04) #ListenerLive question #3 – As an “athlete,” would I be good to just run Performance/Performance 15 forever? (1:12:20) #ListenerLive question #4 – Do you think autoimmunity, Hashimoto's in particular, makes it difficult to build muscle? (1:20:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** They’re offering a free consultation call to discuss your situation. Whether you’re personally battling addiction or have a loved one in need of help, they’re here to guide you toward the support you need. By filling out the form and scheduling your call, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a free 60-day scholarship at Rock Recovery Center, their premier treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Muscle memory: A long break from exercise has little impact on strength 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide | Free by Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light Are Cheat Reps Actually Cheating? - BarBend Omega-3s can slow down aging process | ScienceDaily How & Why to Take Creatine for Brain Injury & Recovery Cannabis/Marijuana Use Disorder > Fact Sheets - Yale Medicine How Much Time Does the Average Person Spend on Their Phone in 2025 ?  Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2490: Improve Your Muscle, Strength & Athleticism in Only 15 Minutes a Day Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The BEST style of workout if you only have 3 days a week to try to burn fat, build muscle, and get lean. (2:05) More ALARMING news on microplastics. (17:57) Probiotics to improve the body’s immune system. (29:01) Justin’s training philosophy going into his upcoming YouTube series. (32:15) The startling progression of Sal’s bag and what’s currently in it. (42:30) Mind Pump is looking for trainers. Apply today! (45:20) Magnus Carlsen is a SPECIAL mind. (48:10) Justin’s “Uncle Rico” moment. (53:21) #Quah question #1 – What are the best mobility movements for someone sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day? (58:45) #Quah question #2 – I am training for a Hyrox, what MAPS program would be best for training? (1:03:10) #Quah question #3 – My neck and upper traps are tight. Every time I try to do your mobility stuff like wall slides and handcuffs with rotation, it makes it worse. What should I do? (1:07:02) #Quah question #4 – What’s the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? Should you be taking both? Thoughts on prebiotic sodas? Are they worth it? (1:11:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Train the Trainer Webinar Series February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump # 2477: Our 10 Favorite MAPS Programs Your brain may have a plastic spoon’s worth of microplastics, study finds New study suggests link between autoimmune diseases and dementia Mind Pump Personal Training – Apply today! They blindfolded Chess legend Magnus Carlsen and made him face 10 players at once. He still won. Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order ** The Wall Test | Mind Pump TV Special Promotion: MAPS Performance | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code HALFOFF at checkout. ** MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Hunter McIntyre (@huntthesheriff) Instagram
STOP Trying to Go From 30% to 10% Body Fat & DO THESE 3 Things Instead! The BIGGEST mistake people make when trying to do this. (1:08) Changing your approach. (3:09) STOP Trying to Go From 30% Body Fat To 10% Body Fat & DO THESE 3 Things Instead! #1 - Get stronger. (5:47) #2 - Get healthier. (9:50) #3 - Change your relationship with food. (16:50) Questions: How many calories should I be eating to lose fat without starving myself? (26:59) How do I figure out how much protein, carbs, and fat I should be eating? (29:29) Do I need to completely cut out carbs to get lean, or is there a smarter way? (31:45) What are the best foods to keep me full while I’m trying to lose weight? (34:04) How do I deal with cravings? I keep wanting snacks even though I’m trying to stay on track! (36:07) Does intermittent fasting really work, or is it just another fad? (38:50) Is it okay to have a cheat meal every week, or will that totally mess up my progress? (40:59) How do I stick to my diet when I eat out with friends or family? (44:44) Should I be taking any supplements to help burn fat or build muscle while I’m dieting? (46:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2442: How Strong Should You Be? The Fastest Way to Get Bigger & Stronger at the Same Time The Power of Mindful Eating - Transform Your Relationship with Food Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Mind Pump #1797: The 5 Step Strategy to Defeat Cravings Mind Pump #2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain Mind Pump #2162: The Best Supplements You Can Take for Building Muscle, Performance & Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The top 5 fat-burning muscle-building superfoods. (2:22) Aging spikes. (15:12) A supplement with PROFOUND benefits as you age. (24:42) Cannabinoids and their effect on sleep. (29:28) Who are kids most likely to misbehave in front of? (36:13) The product family members love the most. (50:48) #ListenerLive question #1 – What are some ways I can get my legs to grow more muscle with the two months left I have in my bulk? (56:04) #ListenerLive question #2 – Any training and diet tips for a larger athletic guy trying to maintain strength while optimally losing weight for better overall health? (1:08:57) #ListenerLive question #3 – How do I balance the mental health benefits of exercise with the potential physical strain of overtraining? (1:19:51) #ListenerLive question #4 – What should a year of training look like for someone who had never done less than 6 reps in the gym, until doing some MAPS programs, but wants to transition into powerlifting? (1:32:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Pre-Alcohol by ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP25 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Human aging accelerates dramatically at age 44 and 60 DHEA benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Largest Study Ever Done on Cannabis and Brain Function Finds Impact on Working Memory Here's Why Kids Behave So Much Worse Around Their Parents Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Mind Pump #1927: Performance Training Secrets from a Top NBA Trainer With Cory Schlesinger Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram
Why All Women Should Take Creatine The four myths surrounding creatine and why all women should take it. (1:21) #1 - Creatine makes you bulky. (3:38) #2 - Creatine makes you bloated. (9:58) #3 - Creatine makes you gain weight. (17:48) #4 - Creatine is unsafe. (21:08) Questions:  Is there a best time to take creatine? (28:26) Who should not take creatine? (28:59) Does creatine cause hair loss? (30:01) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2497: The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Trying to lose weight? Avoid these 3 common “healthy” breakfast choices. (1:41) What is the RIGHT way to perform a bicep curl? (16:40) The more extreme a diet is, the louder its supporters are going to be. (27:15) Ruining microwave popcorn for everyone. (32:58) Justin’s bad morning. (37:58) GLP-1s: A net positive or negative for society? (42:04) Sal’s paradigm-shifting fitness tool. (47:25) Saffron for depression and anxiety. (50:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – I want to get to the next level but have hit a plateau. Any advice on how I should proceed? (55:46) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can my body think that it’s not getting the proper rest and in turn feeling like a hostage state and survival mode? Could this be affecting my muscle and strength gains? (1:05:10) #ListenerLive question #3 – I’m wondering about powerlifting specifically since it is overall strength that’s hitting each muscle group twice is it the best option? (1:18:24) #ListenerLive question #4 – Can you speak to the spiritual benefits of exercise, specifically weight/resistance training? (1:24:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain Ben Yanes vs Mike Israetel Incline Curl Debate The ONLY Way You Should Be Doing Dumbbell Bicep Curls! Mind Pump #725: Mikhaila Peterson’s Personal Account of Treating Debilitating Disease Through Diet 'Carnivore diet' caused yellow lumps to grow on man's hands and feet How to use your HSA/FSA at F45 Training - Dr. B DeskCycle Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser - Stationary Bikes for Home & Office - Standard and Adjustable Height Versions Effects of Saffron Extract Supplementation on Mood, Well-Being, and Response to a Psychosocial Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Clinical Trial Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways to Break Through a Plateau Mind Pump #2452: The Hidden Hormone That is Disrupting Your Sleep With Dr. Stephen Cabral SS-31 Peptide: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects - Jay Campbell Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off Tesofensine and Semaglutide: These discounts apply to individual medications only (no bundling required) | 25% off the Transcend GLP-1 Probiotic. Patients can redeem this discount by ordering through a wellness specialist OR by purchasing online. ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Yanes (@ben_yanes) Instagram Michael Israetel (@drmikeisraetel) Instagram Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram FrSteveGrunow (@FrSteveGrunow) Twitter/X
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The MOST underrated hacks to enhance the fat loss effects of walking. (2:00) Electrify your workout. (16:32) Enter now to win a scholarship through Rock Recovery Center. (28:40) The effects of reading. (29:27) Kids say the darndest things. (33:06) The dream of your kids following in your footsteps. (33:46) The myth of not being able to live on a single income. (41:19) Where do you spend the most time in your house? (49:54) Homemade beef jerky hack! (54:04) #Quah question #1 – What are your thoughts on colostrum? Seems like it’s getting popular and would love to know what you guys think and when/if you would find it useful. (58:10) #Quah question #2 – How did the overhead squat assessment become the go-to for movement patterns and posture? What other assessments do you find to be valuable? (1:01:48) #Quah question #3 – I'm a 48-year-old powerlifter. How can I keep my joints healthy so that I can continue lifting as long as possible? (1:04:31) #Quah question #4 – How many years would you guys have stuck with this had you not been successful within a few years? (1:08:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** They’re offering a free consultation call to discuss your situation. Whether you’re personally battling addiction or have a loved one in need of help, they’re here to guide you toward the support you need. By filling out the form and scheduling your call, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a free 60-day scholarship at Rock Recovery Center, their premier treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Mind Pump #2522: Athletic Training Secrets With Alex Whitehair Electrifying your workout can boost muscles mass, strength The Effects of Reading the Bible Four Days a Week The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy Study finds that the average family use only 40% of their home's floorpan regularly. Smoked Bourbon Jerky Recipe - Traeger Grills Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #2505: The Story of Mind Pump (10 Year Anniversary Special) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Alex Whitehair (@realgame.athletics) Instagram
Breaking the February Fitness Funk | Staying Motivated After January Common reasons people drop off going to the gym in February. (1:13) Five methods to solve the problem of staying motivated after January. (5:12) #1 - Have an easy to commit to option. (6:36) #2 - Change the style of workout. (15:18) #3 - Make a more realistic commitment for time. (19:12) #4 - Read/watch something fitness-related every day. (22:44) #5 - Hire a coach. (27:08) Questions: If I reduce my training frequency, how much are my results going to slow down? (29:17) Is doing a little really better than nothing? (31:07) How do I know if a coach is good or bad? (32:31) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently, it ships to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. ** Special Promotion: MAPS Suspension or MAPS Bands HALF off! ** Code SB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2080: Get Jacked With Bands! Mind Pump #2137: The Best Suspension Training Workout Plan for Beginners Mind Pump Store Mind Pump #1172: Four Ways to Change Your Workout for Maximum Results Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time for an Effective Workout? Mind Pump #1622: Nine Signs Your Trainer Sucks Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Four steps to RADICALLY better skin in 30 days! (2:01) Exercise vs. sleep. (18:16) Will this new gym concept catch on? (20:43) Youth and side hustles. (28:20) The biggest mistake serial entrepreneurs make. (34:34) Yet another great example of the body’s ability to adapt. (38:58) How we as a county tend to let regulations get in the way. (40:42) The future of AI. (46:21) #ListenerLive question #1 – Will reducing my training limit my goals of building muscle and building my metabolism? (58:00) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is it wrong that I sometimes perform exercises with my clients? (1:10:00) #ListenerLive question #3 – Should I eat 130 grams of protein because that’s the weight the world thinks I should be? (1:26:23) #ListenerLive question #4 – Would I be an appropriate client for your live webinars or coaching? (1:35:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** The Effect of Physical Activity on Sleep Quality and Sleep Disorder: A Systematic Review PT Pods | Personal training How Normal People Experience G Force VS A WW2 Veneration Chamath Palihapitiya: Zuckerberg, Rogan, Musk, and the Incoming “Golden Age” Under Trump Cell Phone Plans | Mobile Network Provider | PureTalk Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Train the Trainer Webinar Series 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide | Free by Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump #2525: Five Steps to Build a $10,000/Month Fitness & Coaching Business in 2025 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Twitter/X Jake Heyen (@jakeheyen) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram Chamath Palihapitiya (@chamath) Twitter/X Chalene Johnson (@chalenejohnson) Instagram
5 Steps to Build a $10,000/month Fitness and Coaching Business in 2025 Fitness coaching is rewarding if you love fitness and people. (1:05) Why is the turnover rate so high? (4:23) 5 Steps to Build a $10,000/month Fitness and Coaching Business in 2025 #1 - Talk to people every day. (7:52) #2 - Practice your presentation. (18:19) #3 - Block 30 minutes a day for learning. (23:56) #4 - Use social media properly (to support your clients). (29:45) #5 - Use a mix of in-person and virtual is best. (35:11) Questions:  How much does the average trainer make? (37:36) What kinds of clients are the best to get? (40:11) What hours do trainers work? (42:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching ** Approved provider by NASM/AFAA (1.9 CEUs)! Grow your business and succeed in 2025. ** Mind Pump #2390: Should You Become a Personal Trainer? Mind Pump #2465: How to Become a 6-Figure Trainer Mind Pump #2515: How to Become a Successful Trainer in 2025 Mind Pump #2482: Success Secrets from Badass 8-Figure Entrepreneur Jasmine Star Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jasmine Star (@jasminestar) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Top 3 signs you’re losing fat and NOT muscle. (1:53) Are squeem’s becoming a trend again? (14:51) Zoolander in real life. (22:01) Fashion isn’t about what looks good, but WHO is wearing it. (24:34) Who won the worst photo contest? (31:04) A more appropriate route for fat loss for MOST people than GLP-1s. (32:57) Will we see a change in pharmaceutical advertising? (36:43) Vaccinations and neurodevelopmental disorders. (38:08) Scary Apple wristband lawsuit. (44:59) Fighting the urge when your kid shows an interest in something you love. (47:47) The use of social media to build a fitness business has been misunderstood. (50:58) #ListenerLive question #1 – I’ve recently switched over from CrossFit/competitive weightlifting to traditional strength training. Any advice on where I should go from here to keep up my peak fitness levels? (54:20) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is my current programming too intense or unsustainable? (1:10:45) #ListenerLive question #3 – Could my hypermobility be the reason I’ve been so slow to gain after being consistent for so many years, or is that just from my lack of food and overtraining? (1:28:03) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on how I look like a trainer and not like I need to hire one? (1:42:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off Tesofensine and Semaglutide: These discounts apply to individual medications only (no bundling required) | 25% off the Transcend GLP-1 Probiotic. Patients can redeem this discount by ordering through a wellness specialist OR by purchasing online. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Slaviks fashion Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health Apple Watch Lawsuit Claims Some Bands Contain Harmful 'Forever Chemicals' Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How to Properly Switch It Up HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching ** Approved provider by NASM/AFAA (1.9 CEUs)! Grow your business and succeed in 2025. ** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump # 2337: Is Hidden Household Mold Making You Sick? Mind Pump # 2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: STOP trying to lose 20lbs in 30 days! Do THIS instead. (1:55) Why it’s not just about body fat percentage, but the QUALITY of that muscle. (16:13) Mind Pump’s core message to their audience. (23:05) The hallmark of mental health issues. (28:52) Personal takeaways from the Erica Komisar episode. (32:12) A milestone win with your teenage kid. (41:06) LMNT gives back to firefighters and people affected by the LA fires. (43:39) Elon is an odd bird. (45:36) Mind Pump goes down the third rail. (47:12) Breaking down the announced Stargate AI Project. (49:34) Need to improve your sleep? Try THIS! (54:01) Netflix’s next BIG move. (55:20) #Quah question #1 – Do you have any dietary tips for a couple with opposite goals? For example, one wants to bulk, the other wants to lean out. What are some of the best strategies to help both individuals meet their goals? (59:20) #Quah question #2 – How do I get my husband to be more adamant about taking care of his body (i.e. being more active and eating more protein/veggies) without him rebelling? We want a baby and I’m trying to make him realize his health is important too. (1:01:35) #Quah question #3 – How do you deal with a client whom you genuinely can’t stand to be around, but you can’t cut them because you’re trying to build a schedule? (1:07:20) #Quah question #4 – Why doesn't Mind Pump recommend MAPS Anabolic Advanced? I’ve only ever heard you recommend Anabolic. Is it an inferior program in the grand scheme of MAPS programs to follow? (1:15:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. Starting tomorrow, 01/31/25 - 02/03/25 - Free Organifi sleep & Fun sized Happy Drops w/ orders over $40. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump # 2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Fatty muscles raise the risk of serious heart disease regardless of overall body weight Mind Pump #2512: How to Raise Healthy & Resilient Children with Erica Komisar The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts Fire at battery plant in Moss Landing, California, forces evacuation What Is Stargate? Trump's $500 Billion AI Project Explained WWE 'Raw' moving to Netflix in shocking deal worth over $5 billion Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump # 2152: How to Convince Friends & Family to Work Out Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #2015: How to Apply Advanced Training Techniques to Build More Muscle Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Erica Komisar, LCSW (@ericakomisar) Instagram
Athletic Training Secrets with Alex Whitehair His background in the fitness and training space. (1:57) Where did he get his inspiration? (6:32) Translating application to action. (7:41) How he assesses an athlete. (12:48) The challenge of working with an athlete and not disrupting their timing or technique. (15:21) How athletes are SO different from sport to sport. (18:16) The difficulty in communicating recovery to his athletes. (20:23) The various training modalities and how he would use them. (21:25) Why if you’re going to add in one area, you need to dial back in another area. (24:10) Risk vs reward. (27:03) Why training cycles are important. (29:17) The tools he uses and why. (33:05) Exercises with the most value. (35:08) A sports connoisseur. (42:43) The most difficult athlete to train. (43:54) Proud athlete comeback story. (48:29) Lessons learned from Bruce Lee’s training. (52:31) How he uses isometrics with his athletes. (58:09) The differences between training men and women. (59:48) Plyometrics AREN’T meant for conditioning. (1:03:37) What does his business model look like? (1:10:00) Downsides of building a business on social media. (1:11:19) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Fundamentals of Biomechanics Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Padres' Tommy Pham settles strip club lawsuit, working to get strength back from stabbing Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Alex Whitehair (@realgame.athletics) Instagram Website Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach 3 Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Would you like to live longer, have fewer strokes and heart attacks, have a lower chance of becoming depressed, be less likely to have advanced cancer at the time of diagnosis and more likely to survive cancer for a longer period, survive a major operation more often…DO THIS! (2:50) It’s wedding season! Get decked out in State & Liberty. (15:43) Thoughts on getting married at a younger age. (21:30) Grip strength standards for men & women. (26:58) The compounded effects of being without your phone. (32:29) Homemade jerky. (40:22) Presidents net worth before and after taking office. (42:45) The history of Presidential pardons. (45:50) AI training in sports. (51:08) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do I fix the hip pain I feel when lying on a flat bench? (58:34) #ListenerLive question #2 – Have you ever met a real-life intuitive eater? (1:04:06) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can I gain strength and increase in weights and reps without gaining muscle mass? (1:14:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Mention Mind Pump when you do a consultation to get the free $100 gift card + free outfit if you go with us! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or salmon in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Wedded bliss: Married people are less likely to be depressed, 7-country analysis suggests Marriage Reduces the Risk of Developing an Alcohol Use Disorder HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks for an Insanely Strong Grip Colchester students give up smartphones for 21 days in experiment Chart Shows Net Worth of US Presidents Before and After Office How virtual reality is training one of the NFL's newest stars Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** FIX LOWER BACK PAIN By Deactivating Your Hip Flexors! | Mind Pump How To PROPERLY Do The Bird Dog Exercise – YouTube Mind Pump #2516: Flat Bench Vs. Incline Bench… Which Builds a Better Chest? Intuitive Nutrition Guide | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump #1305: Five Steps to Intuitive Eating Mind Pump #2442: How Strong Should You Be? The Fastest Way to Get Bigger & Stronger at the Same Time Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Jayden Daniels (@thatkidjayden) Instagram
The Best Diet for 2025 Taking the five most popular diets and ranking them based on the following criteria: Fat loss, muscle gain, longevity, and sustainability. (1:36) Mediterranean diet. (5:06) Keto diet. (12:13) Plant-based diet. (19:21) Paleo diet. (24:59) Intermittent fasting. (28:44) Why Mind Pump doesn’t believe in diets. (33:02) Questions:  What is the worst diet you have ever heard of? (34:23) Do I even need to be on a diet to lose weight? (36:11) What’s just one thing I can do with my diet that will have a really big impact? (37:56) Related Links/Products Mentioned Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching ** Approved provider by NASM/AFAA (1.9 CEUs)! Grow your business and succeed in 2025. ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #987: The Ketogenic Diet is Making You Fat Mind Pump # 2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain Mind Pump # 2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Dumbbell vs cable flies for chest: Which is better? (1:45) Not only does elderberry help with not getting sick, but it helps with insulin sensitivity. (16:01) Why most people should take a probiotic. (18:14) Be careful how you talk around your kids. (23:00) Feeling sassy. (25:55) Addressing the controversy surrounding the Erica Komisar podcast. (28:00) UFO retrieval program. (37:58) Trump knows how to play the game of politics. (40:04) Crypto is crushing! (43:52) Shout out to the Biggest Heist Ever on Netflix! (46:15) National Green Juice Day! (49:43) Has Adam lost his shoe credibility? (52:29) #ListenerLive question #1 – How you guys might approach this kind of process to optimize patient progress while being a little more “hands off?” (57:57) #ListenerLive question #2 – What are your thoughts on protein timing? Does it make a difference to consume the protein surrounding times of activity? (1:10:40) #ListenerLive question #3 – How do I know if I am eating too low of calories while on the GLP-1? (1:18:49) #ListenerLive question #4 – I have a pelvic torsion and I'm unsure how to correct it or if it's safe to continue lifting. Any advice? (1:29:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. National Green Juice Weekend - Free Green Juice w/ any 2 Pouch purchase! ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #1950: Shoulder Building Masterclass Elderberry Juice Shows Benefits for Weight Management, Metabolic Health Mind Pump # 2512: How to Raise Healthy & Resilient Children with Erica Komisar UFO retrieval program is real: New UAP whistleblower Trump signs executive order to pause TikTok ban Watch Biggest Heist Ever | Netflix Official Site The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Ask Mind Pump Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Erica Komisar, LCSW (@ericakomisar) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: 5 PROVEN factors for amazing sleep. (2:06) The FDA bans red dye No. 3 from foods. (20:17) Living off the land and doing things yourself. (27:03) Is fake meat good to eat? (33:21) Why don’t we all have parachutes? (40:40) Fun Facts with Justin: “Custom of the Sea.” (43:16) Red light therapy and fat loss. (46:46) Treating viruses with viruses. (49:20) #Quah question #1 – I work out from home and have limited weights, will increasing my reps have a similar effect as increasing the weight? (55:47) #Quah question #2 – I’m training for my first bikini competition in April. My coach provided me with a meal plan with no gluten or dairy because she says these foods are inflammatory. I don't have any food intolerances so I’m wondering if I need to eliminate these foods this far out from the competition. I don't want to develop any digestion issues later by excluding these from my diet for so long. (58:38) #Quah question #3 – Do you have a 1 day a week program? That’s all I have time to commit to. (1:01:18) #Quah question #4 – If you've got to the point where you feel like you are big enough or too big, how do you transition your diet and protein goal and your workout routine? (1:04:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently, it ships to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** CHRONIC LACK OF SLEEP IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED SPORTS INJURY IN ADOLESCENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS Effects of caffeine on sleep quality and daytime functioning Caffeine Effects on Sleep Taken 0, 3, or 6 Hours before Going to Bed FDA bans red dye No. 3 from foods, nearly 35 years after it was barred from cosmetics because of potential cancer risk Is fake meat good to eat? Processed plant-based meat alternatives linked to depression risk in vegetarians Plane that can detach its entire CABIN in the event of an emergency Cannibalism and "Custom of the Sea"  Does Red Light Therapy Work for Weight Loss? - Healthline This scientist treated her own cancer with viruses she grew in the lab The Day of The Jackal (2024) TV Series - Peacock Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Hip Thrusts vs Squats…What Builds a Rounder Butt? The BIGGEST debate in fitness. (1:22) The evolution of hip thrusts. (3:56) What do the studies say? (5:57) The points that support hip thrusts vs squats. What builds a rounder butt? Squats load heavier in a stretched position. (8:05) Hip thrusts are easier to connect to. (10:51) Squats have greater functional carryover. (14:17) Hip thrusts require less skill. (17:57) Squats build better legs. (21:28) Hip thrusts can be done more frequently. (24:54) The winner is…(26:57) Questions: If I squat and hip thrust, how should I program them? (30:42) How should I eat if I want to grow my butt? (31:49) Is the Stairmaster good for building the butt? (32:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #2155: The Art & Science of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Hip thrust and back squat training elicit similar gluteus muscle hypertrophy and transfer similarly to the deadlift Mind Pump #1382: Why Everyone Should Squat Mind Pump #2135: Barbell Squat Masterclass Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Mind Pump #2450: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Flat vs incline bench. Which is better for chest development? (2:28) How sauna use affects all-cause mortality. (12:49) Shocking rehab statistics. (23:24) 17-year tradition. (27:10) The nostalgia factor of photo albums. (29:05) Will TikTok get banned? (32:36) Going down the third rail with Mind Pump. (34:58) Kids and understanding their relationship with technology. (37:52) Who brings out the worst in you? (51:16) The benefits of using peptides for the skin. (53:30) Shout out to Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump! (55:41) #ListenerLive question #1 – Do you think my kratom usage may be affecting my gains? (57:08) #ListenerLive question #2 – Any advice for the digital nomad who just turned 30 on how to maximize personal growth and grow their business? (1:11:18) #ListenerLive question #3 – What do you guys suggest I do to improve my grip? (1:26:16) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on how I would modify a usual assessment test when first meeting an older client who suffered a stroke? Should I focus more on machines that provide a set range of motion to build some initial muscle? (1:32:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** They’re offering a free consultation call to discuss your situation. Whether you’re personally battling addiction or have a loved one in need of help, they’re here to guide you toward the support you need. By filling out the form and scheduling your call, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a free 60-day scholarship at Rock Recovery Center, their premier treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida ** Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Grow Your Chest with the INCINE DUMBBELL PRESS | Mind Pump Sauna use associated with reduced risk of cardiac, all-cause mortality Alcohol Relapse and Recovery Statistics Did Ron Wyatt Really Find The Lost Ark And Jesus' Tomb? Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Train the Trainer Webinar Series The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks for an Insanely Strong Grip Handgrip Dynamometer 60 ML / 350 ML Superior Grip Liquid Chalk Mess-Free Gym Chalk for Weightlifting, Gymnastics, Rock Climbing, Dancing, Dries in Seconds. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Peter Attia (@peterattiamd) Instagram Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Twitter/X Mind Pump | Ann Svogun (@mindpumpann) Instagram
Become a Successful Trainer in 2025 Statistics to illustrate the potential of becoming a trainer. (1:13) Built in purpose. (8:55) Personal growth. (11:03) Learn to maximize your opportunities and efforts. (12:05) 5 Steps to Become a Successful Trainer in 2025. #1 - Know your numbers. (13:09) #2 - Learn SALES. (21:41) #3 - Educate yourself. (27:22) #4 - Find a mentor. (32:11) #5 - Build a network. (37:57) Questions:  What are the best certifications?  (41:52) Is a degree necessary or valuable? (43:28) Which is better, a big box gym or private studio? (45:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Personal Trainer Job Outlook: Looking past 2025 - Trainer Academy Average salary in the US by state, age & gender - Sage Advice US Mind Pump #2465: How to Become a 6-Figure Trainer Mind Pump #2482: Success Secrets from Badass 8-Figure Entrepreneur Jasmine Star Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Jasmine Star (@jasminestar) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: It’s not the feelings, it’s the BEHAVIOR. Don’t deny, bury, or avoid feelings. Embrace them. (2:14) The number one challenge with breakfast. (22:41) Boy energy. (26:03) The history of Nerf. (29:18) The best peptides to raise growth hormone. (33:23) Justin recaps Everett’s first basketball game. (36:56) Mind Pump Recommends Wesley Huff on The Joe Rogan Experience. (43:10) Is peak Oprah viewership smaller than Joe Rogan’s? (48:32) Doug updates the audience on his Joymode experience. (56:15) Shout out to Dr. Becky Kennedy! (58:21) #ListenerLive question #1 – What program of yours should I get to help me and any additional advice for a chronic over-exerciser, who knows what to do and can tell clients and everyone else and believe it, but say to myself "That is what works for them" but not for me? (59:43) #ListenerLive question #2 – I'd love to learn more about correctional exercises, so do you guys have a recommended place to go for that? Also, should I jump head-first into that or just go back to college to get my PT degree or something similar? (1:22:15) #ListenerLive question #3 – Am I too old to start my own personal training business? Also, to start from scratch, what are my first steps? (1:33:39) #ListenerLive question #4 – Have you guys heard any research about the effects of CBD on glucose levels? (1:45:49) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MPM25 at check out for 25% off site wide. ** Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Rich Dad CASHFLOW Board Game, Educational Business & Finance Literacy Game, Ages 14 & Up Joe Rogan Experience #2252 - Wesley Huff Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action - Netflix Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off Tesofensine and Semaglutide: These discounts apply to individual medications only (no bundling required) | 25% off the Transcend GLP-1 Probiotic. Patients can redeem this discount by ordering through a wellness specialist OR by purchasing online. ** Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Train the Trainer Webinar Series What is ELDOA | ELDOAUSA Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Cannabis and Autoimmunity: Possible Mechanisms of Action The Effects of Medical Cannabis on Healing Autoimmune Diseases The impact of marijuana use on glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance among US adults Role of Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 in Insulin Resistance  MP Holistic Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Wesley Huff (@wesley_huff) Instagram Dr. Becky Kennedy | Parenting (@drbeckyatgoodinside) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Our top 5 favorite fitness snacks. (1:58) The health risks of loneliness. (15:05) Take a walk with Brain.fm. (22:38) Mind Pump Book Club: The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government. (26:43) How effective isometrics are for strengthening tendons. (30:53) This is a sad new makeup trend. (32:03) A painting touch-up gone wrong. (34:48) When it’s fun to be a cop. (36:39) If it’s predictable it’s preventable. (40:15) Firefighting drones. (41:25) Worst school photos. (43:33) The guy’s Caldera favorites. (49:09) We created formal education! (49:54) #Quah question #1 – What is the biggest difference you guys see with someone who eats a high protein diet containing protein powders/bars/shakes vs someone who eats high protein 100% through whole natural foods? (56:46) #Quah question #2 – Which variation of shrugs do you all prefer? Hands in front, to the sides, or behind the back? (1:02:53) #Quah question #3 – Is it true if you train abs with weights, it makes you grow a thick waist? (1:05:49) #Quah question #4 – When is the best time to ask a client to get their hormones checked? (1:08:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Loneliness linked to higher risk of heart disease and stroke and susceptibility to infection The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith Introducing the Cute Butthole Lips Makeup Trend | TikTok Grotesque Irreverence: The Transformation of ‘Ecce Homo’ Operation Flagship China's New Generation Firefighting Drones SHOCKED the World Mind Pump #2505: The Story of Mind Pump (10 Year Anniversary Special) Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump #2085: Abs & Core Masterclass Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Tom Bilyeu (@tombilyeu) Instagram Mind Pump | Ann Svogun (@mindpumpann) Instagram
How to Raise Healthy & Resilient Children with Erica Komisar What inspired her to write her book ‘Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters’. (1:54) The first 3 years are the first CRITICAL period of brain development. (4:52) Various attachment disorders. (10:33) Defining ‘learned helplessness’. (13:35) The myths that children need daycare. (15:15) Sleep with your children. (18:18) Why little boys are more sensitive. (21:07) Social-emotional development has to proceed with cognitive development. (24:59) Regulating toughness and aggression. (28:24) Mothers are the love objects of attachment, and fathers are the love objects of separation. (32:13) Advocating for the importance of paid leave. (34:37) The lost instinct. (37:53) The causes of postpartum. (43:53) Breastfeeding is best. (47:55) The birthing effects on attachment. (51:49) What can fathers do in the first three years to support? (54:46) Young children benefit from being talked to. (57:14) The greatest gift you can give your children. (59:15) Can you repair attachment issues from the first three years? (1:00:07) In adolescence, you have a second chance. (1:01:45) The importance of the friends your kids choose. (1:04:12) The impact of technology. (1:07:19) Are children’s tantrums a reflection of the parents? (1:14:16) Gentle separation process. (1:16:47) Building the foundation of resilience. (1:18:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters How ‘alloparenting’ can be a less isolating way to raise kids Learned Helplessness: Seligman's Theory of Depression Lamarck, Evolution, and the Inheritance of Acquired Characters How Do Genes Sway the Sensitivity or Resilience of a Child? Oxytocin produces more engaged fathers and more responsive infants CDC: One in Five Kids Lives with a Mental Health Issue - NAMI Primary Maternal Preoccupation - Oxford Academic Brain templates for Chinese babies from newborn to three months of age Homepage - Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Australia bans social media for children under 16 | AP News Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Erica Komisar, LCSW (@ericakomisar) Instagram Website
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: How do you know you are doing fitness the right way? You can tell by the fruits it produces. (2:03) This is a reminder of how terribly abused caffeine is in modern society. (19:01) When the joke goes too far. (22:54) A HUGE milestone for Mind Pump Fitness Coaching. (28:12) Husbands want peace, wives want safety. (32:31) How your blood sugar affects your mood. (42:02) Cannabinoids have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity. (43:06) The censorship pendulum is swinging back. (49:51) #ListenerLive question #1 – What advice would you guys have for me to be able to hit a 315 bench before I'm over the hill of age? (58:47) #ListenerLive question #2 – How much strength loss should I expect during a cut? (1:10:22) #ListenerLive question #3 – How would you guide someone with a binge eating disorder to a life of intuitive eating and eating until they are satisfied? (1:19:52) #ListenerLive question #4 – Could you all talk about how physical and mental trauma impacts weight and progress? (1:30:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways to Know If Your Workout Is Not Right for You Mind Pump #2412:  The 5 Worst Fitness Mistakes Damaging Your Overall Health & Longevity Mind Pump #2505: The Story of Mind Pump (10 Year Anniversary Special) Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Lunchtime Leniency: Judges' Rulings Are Harsher When They Are Hungrier The impact of marijuana use on glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance among US adults Meta says it will end fact checking as Silicon Valley prepares for Trump Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or salmon in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #2507: Six Steps to a 315 Pound Bench Press Mind Pump Store Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Ninja NC301 CREAMi Ice Cream Maker, for Gelato, Mix-ins, Milkshakes, Sorbet, Smoothie Bowls & More, 7 One-Touch Programs, with (2) Pint Containers & Lids, Compact Size, Perfect for Kids, Silver Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off Tesofensine and Semaglutide: These discounts apply to individual medications only (no bundling required) | 25% off the Transcend GLP-1 Probiotic. Patients can redeem this discount by ordering through a wellness specialist OR by purchasing online. ** What is "Parts" Therapy? Internal Family Systems Explained Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram
Building Fitness Habits that Actually Stick in 2025 Shaming is a TERRIBLE way to get anybody to stay consistent. (1:21) The data around why people fail to reach their fitness goals. (3:30) Big reasons people fail: Too much too soon. (8:15) Not strength training. (17:06) Using exhaustion, soreness, and intensity as gauges of a good workout. (25:21) Focusing on the scale (instead of performance). (33:18) Not having a plan. (36:23) Questions:  How should I start with strength training? (39:23) What about cardio? (40:57) What supplements should I take? (42:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Special Promotion: MAPS Starter HALF off! ** Code START2025 at checkout! ** Why your New Year's resolution to go to the gym will fail Mind Pump #1522: How To Stay Consistent With Your Diet & Workout Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is the Best Form of Exercise for Fat Loss and Overall Health Workout Because You Love Yourself Not Because You Hate Yourself – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Mind Pump #2162: The Best Supplements You Can Take for Building Muscle, Performance & Health Mind Pump #2497: The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The top 5 nutrition mistakes of 2025. (2:12) Probiotics and skin health. (27:10) Growing pains. (30:35) The spark of life. (34:03) The body keeps the score. (36:50) Exercise and its effect on your mortality rate. (42:39) Remaining positive on the GLP-1 craze. (46:48) The newest Ozempic trend. (48:36) Rotten Tomatoes gauge for a good movie. (49:55) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is my lifting workout enough activity for the day or do I need to add cardio? (59:40) #ListenerLive question #2 – I'd like to decrease the muscularity of my arms and shoulders without significantly losing strength because I still need to be strong for my day job. Is that possible? (1:09:01) #ListenerLive question #3 – How should you train if you keep hurting your knees? (1:23:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win a $60K scholarship!  By filling out the form and scheduling your call, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a free 60-day scholarship at Rock Recovery Center, their premier treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida. You don’t want to miss this opportunity, so act fast! ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class How to Get the Best Benefit From Probiotics for Skin Health The effect of probiotics on immune regulation, acne, and photoaging Scientists Just Captured The Flash of Light That Sparks When a Sperm Meets an Egg Mind Pump #2392: Steps to Overcoming Addiction with Tom Conrad & Ben Bueno UPDATE: Fitness Still Matters to Reduce all-Cause and Heart Disease Deaths, Despite Advances in Modern Medicine and Lifestyle Changes Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Jupiter Ascending (2015) - IMDb The Later Daters Season 1 Docuseries Cast & Release Date – Netflix Train the Trainer Webinar Series Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump #2490: Improve Your Muscle, Strength & Athleticism in Only 15 Minutes a Day Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Thomas Conrad (@realrecoverytalktom) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Which eggs are best? (1:38) Fat but powerful paradox. (12:45) DON’T follow the world, be weird. (32:42) So good, it’s hard to believe there is NO sugar! (37:44) Justin’s next BIG thing. (39:25) When you are at THAT age. (43:19) Amazing Christmas gifts. (46:57) What all the cool kids are wearing. (51:04) Shout out to Stiff Lip Supplements™. (53:51) #Quah question #1 – What is the best exercise to REALLY target my rear delts without the upper back taking over? (55:29) #Quah question #2 – What do I do if reverse dieting never works, and I just continuously gain fat above 1800 calories? (58:50) #Quah question #3 – If you had to pick a way to build a hybrid trainer business from the ground up with multiple revenue streams how would you do it? (1:01:00) #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on weight vests for walking? (1:06:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Eggs now qualify as 'healthy' food, FDA says: Here's why 'Fat but powerful' paradox: association of muscle power and adiposity markers with all-cause mortality in older adults from the EXERNET multicentre study Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Jazzminton-Sport GIBBON GiBoard Balance Board for Adults & Kids Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off Tesofensine and Semaglutide: These discounts apply to individual medications only (no bundling required) | 25% off the Transcend GLP-1 Probiotic. Patients can redeem this discount by ordering through a wellness specialist OR by purchasing online. ** Build your Rear Delts with this Cable Fly – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways to Know If Your Workout Is Not Right for You Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump #2495: The Truth About Beachbody With Chalene Johnson Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Twitter/X Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Stiff Lip Supplements™ (@stifflipsupps) Instagram Chalene Johnson (@chalenejohnson) Instagram
Six Steps to a 315-Pound Bench It’s a pretty awesome goal to go after, but MOST will not hit it. (2:12) The value and history of the bench press. (3:13) Six Steps to a 315-Pound Bench #1 - Master the technique (strong arch, activate lats, squeeze bar, elbows slightly tucked, use leg drive). (5:23) #2 - Bench 2 days a week (heavy and speed days). (14:20) #3 - Do shoulder mobility daily. (17:34) #4 - Eat in a surplus. (23:06) #5 - Don’t neglect back work. (24:05) #6 - Use isometric pauses. (26:03) Questions: How important is including an incline press? (28:37) How can bands and chains be used to improve my bench press? (30:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently, it ships to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #2127: Bench Press Masterclass Fire up your Central Nervous System to maximize Muscular Adaptation – Mind Pump Blog Innovation - David Weck - The Ready State Podcast The Official Indian Clubs Checklist (AVOID MISTAKES) | MIND PUMP Shoulder Health Series- Build More Shoulder Mass!- High Face Pull (Video 3 of 5) Suspension Training Series - 3 Favorite Shoulder Exercises Grow Your Chest with the INCINE DUMBBELL PRESS | Mind Pump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Kelly Starrett (@thereadystate) Instagram David Weck (@thedavidweck) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Are you measuring your progress with the mirror and scale? You WILL fail! DO THIS instead. (2:26) The strength benefits of dietary cholesterol. (18:15) Addressing the egg shortage. (22:17) The GLP-1 phenomenon continues to explode. (28:55) The illusion of freedom. (32:14) Being proactive vs reactive when it comes to a cold. (36:45) Terrible health trends of the past. (40:22) Prenatal nutrition and your face shape. (45:56) Red-light therapy and improvement in eyesight. (49:53) If you could live forever, would you? (50:57) Washing away at sea. (52:57) #ListenerLive question #1 – Any help or guidance on a 69-year-old wanting to get on stage? (58:23) #ListenerLive question #2 – How can I roll out a strength-based workout for our Star Wars Fanclub? (1:20:41) #ListenerLive question #3 – When do you breathe during the exercises? (1:31:23) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any suggestions on how to be a strong, fit 56-year-old, and rock the Mother Of the Bride look? (1:39:37) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Effect of Dietary Cholesterol on Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Training Nestlé's GLP-1 push takes in protein shots - Yahoo Finance Skincare trends of the past: toxic and sometimes fatal How Mom's Pregnancy Diet Affects Your Facial Features Does Red Light Therapy Help Your Eyes for Macular Degeneration? Don't Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever - Netflix Santa Cruz Wharf collapse: 3 rescued after pier falls into ocean Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #2480: Your Blueprint for Single-Digit Body Fat MAPS Prime Pro Webinar How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) – YouTube The Best Way to Breathe For Maximum Power & Strength (Ben Pollack) | MIND PUM Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bryan Johnson (@bryanjohnson_) Instagram
10 Year Anniversary Did you think we’d get here? (2:06) How it all started, and first impressions of each other. (6:27) The ‘Splinter’, Doug Egge. (24:12) Do they believe they’d make it today? (27:30) When did they decide MAPS Anabolic would be the ‘baby’? (31:48) Punching up. (33:18) New listeners vs. old listeners. (39:40) Deciding to start the YouTube channel. (41:12) Early financial highlights. (42:38) The creation of MAPS programs. (44:55) First notable interviews. (47:26) Sal’s greatest strength and greatest weakness. (1:00:45) A time business-wise when they got really excited. (1:01:41) Leveling up. (1:09:39) Shifting the direction of the fitness industry. (1:12:02) Guests who have impacted them the most. (1:13:32) Mind Pump’s first BIG investments. (1:22:50) The COVID scare. (1:26:07) Mind Pump Partners. (1:29:15) Resistance Training Revolution. (1:41:03) What’s in my bag? (1:42:56) Fire hose of knowledge. (1:44:28) Mind Pump Live. (1:45:49) The next 10 years. (1:48:10) Time flies. (1:49:52) A timeline for their kids to listen to. (1:55:13) Buy in with family & friends. (1:57:20) AskMindPump.com (2:00:07) Fun, challenging, and rewarding. (2:01:11) Mutual respect and trust. (2:02:27) Built to win. (2:05:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place is having its holiday sale right now! Save over 35% on your order now through January 12. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #767: Ben Greenfield Bares All- His Rules for Life, Hacking His Penis, His Family Life, Religion & MORE Mind Pump #480: Paul Chek- Controversial Fitness Pioneer on Fitness, Health & the Meaning of Life Mind Pump #470: Dr. Layne Norton on Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, IIFYM, Sugar & the Supplement Industry Mind Pump #762: Barbell Shrugged- Unusual CrossFit History & MORE Mind Pump #1762: Tony Robbins – Life Transforming Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Mind Pump #827: Bishop Barron- Using YouTube & Social Media to Demystify Christianity & God Mind Pump #2325: Why Marriages Fail & What to Do About It With Dr. John Delony Mind Pump #872: Dr. Warren Farrell- The Boy Crisis Mind Pump’s First Ever Luxury Destination Mind Pump Partners The Resistance Training Revolution: The No-Cardio Way to Burn Fat and Age-Proof Your Body―in Only 60 Minutes a Week Mind Pump #1035: Joe DeFranco Mind Pump #2185: Reclaiming Self-Love & Respect With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump #2217: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Train the Trainer Webinar Series Ask Mind Pump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Craig Capurso (@craigcapurso) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Ben Zorn (@benzornlife) Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins) Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron)  Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Warren Farrell, PhD (@drwarrenfarrell) X Aubrey Marcus (@aubreymarcus) Instagram Jon Call (@jujimufu) Instagram Elijah Helfman (@elijahhelfman) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Christina Rice Spiritual Mentor (@christinathechannel) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: For the best pumps of your life, DO THIS! (1:31) Caldera Lab is making its way on the small screen. (22:41) What do you consider to be old? (25:27) When does the age gap become weird? (30:27) Research your pre-natal supplements. (36:08) Processed foods impact on muscle quality. (38:52) When your science fiction brain goes crazy. (44:06) NIL is changing the dynamics of college sports. (50:11) QVC is selling on IG. (53:11) #ListenerLive question #1 – What advice do you have for scaling a personal training business while maintaining that passion, avoiding burnout, and finding that endgame when you want to retire? (55:19) #ListenerLive question #2 – Should I focus on losing more weight first and then build muscle, or should I maintain a weight around 205-215, and recomposition by losing fat and gaining muscle? (1:06:37) #ListenerLive question #3 – Did my years of overtraining affect my ability to lean out? (1:16:51) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Mind Pump #2497: The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Lioness - Watch on Paramount Plus Less than 50% of many prenatal supplements have the adequate amount of choline and iodine Eating high-processed foods impacts muscle quality, study finds Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Declassified CIA Documents Claim Ancient Mars Had Giant Inhabitants and Pyramids Fanstake Unveils Fan-Driven NIL Platform, Enabling Fans to Recruit and Retain Their Favorite College Athletes Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Dave Annable (@dave_annable) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you workout the same way all the time you’re killing your gains…it’s not always about changing exercises. (1:45) The fascination with probiotic/microbiome research. (15:09) Going down the AI rabbit hole. (22:34) Cat Debacle: Part II. (26:48) Car experience fails. (31:48) Sal’s garage workout with his son. (33:49) Sunrise to sunset bundle. (35:09) Drug tales with Mind Pump. (39:19) Healthy meals for your family and kids. (50:20) Shout out to @this.is.michael2024! (51:41) #Quah question #1 – How do you navigate the new year/new me hype? (54:44) #Quah question #2 – Are there any acupuncture benefits related to muscle building or fat loss? (1:02:01) #Quah question #3 – Thoughts on assisted stretching labs? Is it worth it? (1:07:39) #Quah question #4 – Do you think BPC-157 would work for an older bicep tendon injury? (1:11:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** New year Sunrise to Sunset bundle - 25% off & free shipping code MINDPUMP at checkout ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or salmon in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1867: Ten Advanced Next-Level Workout Techniques Super Slow Zone Fact-Checking The 4 Most Popular Akkermansia Claims Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Barbarian Warriors May Have Fought The Romans While High On Drugs Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Mind Pump #1462: Setting New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Work Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 with Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC- Gut Health (@drrusciodc) Instagram Michael Farrell (@this.is.michael2024) Instagram
Hormone Therapy for Aesthetics for Women Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald Why she believes you should go on hormone therapy once you are past a certain age. (1:26) Normal does NOT mean optimal. (2:56) The difference between BHRT and HRT. (3:47) Her journey of becoming an MD, a Beachbody coach, and how she got into functional medicine. (7:51) How is she different from traditional functional medicine doctors? (16:02) Why hormones place a MASSIVE role on your progress. (17:44) Her experience with GLP-1s and busting the myths surrounding them. (20:15) The most common hormones she starts her clients with. (24:23) Which provides the most aesthetic benefit? (24:58) What does progesterone provide for women? (25:40) Why labs are NOT nearly as important as symptoms. (26:33) Why she prefers creams for men and women. (29:46) You can have a good libido and have TERRIBLE testosterone. (32:23) Her preferences when it comes to thyroid medication. (33:05) Why she prefers to be OPTIMIZED and not natural. (36:23) To whom doesn’t she recommend hormone replacement therapy? (37:56) The benefits of DHT. (40:37) The sooner you invest in yourself the CHEAPER your healthcare will be when you get older. (41:43) The rise of the female hormone optimization movement. (44:34) The order of operations for a female looking to make a shift in their health. (46:05) The best form of exercise for hormone optimization. (51:46) The muscle-memory investment. (52:54) Why getting back to the way our ancestors lived just helps support how our hormones are designed to work. (54:38) PCOS needs to be renamed. (55:35) Weak muscles, weak bones. (57:07) The importance and value of protein. (57:55) Why nothing happens fast with hormones. (59:15) If you’re taking thyroid medication, DO THIS! (1:01:42) Her primary business. (1:05:29) Make America Hard Again. (1:06:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0  ** Savings up to $350! ** Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - Healthline FITz & Healthy with Dr. Lauren Fitz - YouTube Mind Pump #2500: Weird Performance Enhancing Supplements That Work With Jay Campbell DHT (Dihydrotestosterone): What It Is, Side Effects & Levels Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Intensity and Effects of Strength Training in the Elderly Legal Muscle: Performance Enhancement | Victory Men's Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Keith Nichols, M.D. - Tier 1 Health & Wellness Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Amy Stuttle (@somethingstuttle) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three BIG dietary lies the government has told you. (1:51) Exercise and how it affects your nerves. (18:40) Charity vs evolutionary theory. (23:57) Slowing down time as a parent. (38:14) Previewing the next Train the Trainer webinar series. (46:28) It’s Organifi Gold Juice season. (54:06) Mind Pump Recommends Landman on Paramount Plus. (55:24) #ListenerLive question #1 – I can’t shake the feeling that I should be much stronger by now. I’m consistent and dedicated in the gym, so it’s disheartening to feel like I’m spinning my wheels. What could I be doing wrong? (1:00:03) #ListenerLive question #2 – Why am I waking up so early? Please help! (1:12:09) #ListenerLive question #3 – For being on TRT, I don’t feel I am getting the gains I should. Any advice on what to do at this point? (1:22:49) #ListenerLive question #4 – What should training and diet look like depending on how busy my dance schedule is (off-season vs in-season)? (1:38:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1037: How Ultra-Processed Foods Are Making You Fat, Sick, & Weak ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news When muscles work out, they help neurons to grow Give gifts that grow | World Vision Empathy as added value in predicting donation behavior Train the Trainer Webinar Series Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Landman - Watch on Paramount Plus Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef or salmon in every box for a year +$20 off! Mind Pump #2442: How Strong Should You Be? The Fastest Way to Get Bigger & Stronger at the Same Time Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf) Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron)  Instagram Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram Mind Pump | Ann Svogun (@mindpumpann) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
Jay Campbell Should you be concerned about your mitochondrial health? (1:05) Is NAD supplementing a waste of time? (3:58) The REAL benefits of creatine. (9:59) The truth behind ‘exercise in a bottle’. (13:08) Why Retatrutide will Forever Change Society. (21:40) The importance of having a trainer while on a GLP-1. (29:15) Why the genie is out of the bottle with peptides and bio-regulators. (33:01) The differences between peptides and pharmaceuticals. (39:50) What things can people take to heal themselves from multiple vaccines? (45:33) The peptide forefront. (49:55) The value of the struggle. (51:38) The latest bodybuilding stack. (54:34) Highlighting one of his exciting businesses. (1:04:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Harnessing NAD+ for Optimal Health, Performance, and Longevity with Dr. Jin-Xiong She Mind Pump #2497: The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Exercise in a Pill? Breakthrough Mimics Workout Benefits Triple-Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity Apeiron Zoh Center Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV BioLongevity Labs Brings Innovation to the Forefront at LongevityFest 2024 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Website Newsletter Signup - Jay Campbell Dr. Jin-Xiong She’s LinkedIn Profile  Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Jason Theobald (@jasontheobald_scoobyhealth) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. Daniel Stickler, M.D. (@drdanielstickler) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you AREN’T doing the following six movement patterns you will NOT get the body you want. (1:42) PSA for trainers who want to be more effective with their clients. (23:15) Exercise can boost your mood and memory. (26:08) Medjugorje Miracle. (34:19) Society is so behind what technology is capable of. (38:19) Doug’s testosterone results before and after Joymode. (50:33) Kids say the darndest things. (52:16) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is there any way to mitigate the negative effects of doing high-intensity cardio a few times a week? (55:27) #ListenerLive question #2 – What programming would you recommend to balance the extreme stress that cops face? (1:02:14) #ListenerLive question #3 – How detrimental would it be to progress if we toggled between two programs due to scheduling conflicts? (1:08:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 50% off CES (self-study). Code MPMCESSS at checkout. ** Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Short-term cognitive boost from exercise may last for 24 hours Medjugorje Deception or Miracle? - EWTN Mind Pump #2482: Success Secrets from Badass 8-Figure Entrepreneur Jasmine Star Google Unveils Willow Quantum Chip That Solves Complicated Problems in 5 Minutes The Later Daters Season 1 Docuseries Cast & Release Date - Netflix Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump #1487: The Best Way for First Responders to Stay in Shape MAPS 15 Performance Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Boyle (@mbsc_online) Instagram Jasmine Star (@jasminestar) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three reasons to EAT MORE to get LEANER. (1:30) How much of an impact the layout of your city has on your activity. (20:01) Two-faced mustache. (29:04) When the smack-talk thread backfires. (30:34) Blood flow in the brain: FMRI studies. (33:55) AI in fitness. (37:22) Mind Pump Recommends Later Daters on Netflix. (39:52) Joey Swoll, good guy? (42:11) Ryan’s World. (44:20) Vuori’s impressive rise. (46:23) What makes you likely to sleep with a robot? (50:44) AI pitching machine. (53:26) #Quah question #1 – Is going for .7g of protein per pound of ideal body weight good enough for a cut? (57:07) #Quah question #2 – I just lost 60lbs and am looking to lose 40 more and I feel stuck during the holidays. Suggestions? (1:00:06) #Quah question #3 – Now having experience weightlifting. Is it best to lift on how I feel versus sticking with the program? (1:05:05) #Quah question #4 – If I have long legs is it better to elevate the deadlift bar? (1:09:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV A study of 11,000 twins shows how to make America walkable again Our science - BrainFM The Later Daters Season 1 Docuseries Cast & Release Date - Netflix Ryan's World: YouTube Superstar Ryan Kaji Grows Up Vuori Vaults To $4 Billion In a Decade, It Is Just Warming Up Hot for Robots! Sexual Arousal Increases Willingness to Have Sex with Robots The New AI Pitching Machine That's Taking MLB by Storm Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump # 2462: How to Actually LOSE Weight This Holiday Season Mind Pump # 2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Jake Heyen (@jakeheyen) Instagram Joey Swoll (@joeyswoll) Instagram
The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine Why MOST people should be taking creatine. (0:58) The Amazing & Weird Side Effects of Creatine #1 - Builds muscle and strength. (8:17) #2 - Prevents injury. (14:40) #3 - Improved cognition. (15:49) #4 - Anti-depressant. (18:21) #5 - Anti-anxiety. (19:33) #6 - Helps with sleep. (22:24) #7 - Bone health. (24:00) #8 - Promotes skin health. (26:39) #9 - Fat burning. (27:45) Questions: #1 - How much creatine should I take every day? (31:02) #2 - Does it make a difference when I take creatine? (31:56) #3 - Should I cycle creatine? (33:13) #4 - What's the best form of creatine? (33:53) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Common questions and misconceptions about creatine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show? Effects of creatine supplementation on cognitive function of healthy individuals: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials Creatine and Cognitive Function in Vegetarians Creatine Supplementation in Women's Health: A Lifespan Perspective Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Machines are better for THESE three things. (2:25) How FIT you are is a better predictor than your BMI. (18:25) This is an important tip if you are taking thyroid medication. (24:21) The drone conspiracy. (26:28) If you have hormonal imbalances or PMS symptoms, listen up. (34:42) Tornadoes in California? (37:13) Funny pranks. (42:06) Family time at church. (45:25) The benefits of grass-fed ground beef vs. grain-fed. (48:58) Starbucks drive-thru does it again. (51:13) California is doing California things. (52:56) Shout out to our three Park City giveaway winners! (58:56) #ListenerLive question #1 – Why is it important for kids to play various sports for their overall athletic performance? (1:03:23) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can you speak to if/how weight and muscle training principles can be applied to the face? (1:13:02) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can eating healthy make you fat? (1:22:39) #ListenerLive question #4 – Should I extend maintenance/bulking through the time it takes to run Symmetry first and then run a cut through something like Maps 15 or even something like the heavy portions of Maps Strong? (1:30:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive 2 lbs. of grass-fed and finished ground beef in every box for the LIFETIME of their subscription + $20 off. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1782: When Machines Are Better Than Free Weights Mind Pump #2455:  The 5 Gym Machines You Need to Stop Using ASAP Why Weight? Researchers Say It’s Fitness That Matters Police arrest two men posing as construction workers attempting to enter Kyle Field for A&M-Texas game EPA allows California to ban gas-powered new car sales by 2035 Mind Pump’s First Ever Luxury Destination Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #952: Chad Wesley Smith of Juggernaut Training Systems Supertraining Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports for Kids Does Jawzrsize Work? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #962: Jawzrsize Inventor & CEO Brandon Harris The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance Muscular Potential Calculator | MAPS Fitness Products  The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Michael Israetel (@drmikeisraetel) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Elena Reese-Arroyo (@elena.reese.arroyo) Instagram Jillian Harbarcuk (@jillianrfit) Instagram Kevin Bates (@kevin_bates07) Instagram Chad Wesley Smith (@chadwesleysmith) Instagram
Chalene Johnson What is going on with Beachbody? (1:54) Why you MUST have more than one stream of income. (12:03) Biggest business learning lessons. (15:16) Changing the conversation around perimenopause/menopause. (20:29) Her relationship with traditional strength training. (31:13) The 5 pillars of health. (33:23) Breaking the fear of cutting cardio. (34:40) The power of changing your algorithm. (36:58) Use your intuition! (38:00) The major disservice of giving a sex assignment to hormones. (41:08) Why she quit alcohol. (45:25) Where does her growth mindset come from? (54:10) How does she communicate giving yourself grace? (55:50) Being in alignment. (58:10) Why she is focusing on her sleep. (59:23) Her favorite attributes about her husband. (1:02:45) Favorite revenue streams. (1:10:15) Creating boundaries. (1:11:40) A family of entrepreneurs. (1:13:27) Favorite podcast guests. (1:15:30) How muscle is an underrated bio hack. (1:16:44) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Up to 35% off the following: Tesofensine / GLP-1 & IGF / Tesamorelin ** Limited Launch Promotion: MAPS 15 Performance public launch price: $87! ** Code 15PLAUNCH for $20 OFF. Free Bonuses: 30-Day Landmine Workout + 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide. ** Mind Pump #2052: Chalene Johnson: Female Fitness Mogul Mind Pump #2447: The Keys to Visceral Fat Loss & Muscle Gain With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #2430: How Women Can Slow Aging & Improve Hormone Balance With Dr. Stephanie Estima IS EXERCISE CORTISOL RESPONSE OF ENDURANCE ATHLETES SIMILAR TO LEVELS OF CUSHING'S SYNDROME? Mind Pump #1305: Five Steps to Intuitive Eating The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts – Book by Mary Claire Haver, MD Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Chalene Johnson (@chalenejohnson) Instagram Bret Johnson (@bretjohnson11) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. Stephanie Estima (@dr.stephanie.estima) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Kelly Casperson, MD Urologist (@kellycaspersonmd) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Kristen Holmes (@kristen_holmes2126) Instagram Mary Claire Haver, MD (@drmaryclaire) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three reasons why staying in shape is easier than getting into shape. (2:09) The first lesson in understanding women. (21:27) The cost of temptation and fame. (23:20) Challenging carbon dating. (35:13) One of the BIGGEST investments in improving your sleep. (40:21) Free advertising. (41:37) The dangerous sides of conservatism. (45:00) Give the gift of health this holiday season. (50:24) Shout out to Neckzilla! (51:57) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is it normal that I found when I dropped my steps 10k per day, lowered my training to 4 Upper/Lower days from 7 days, and increased food my hunger increased? (54:41) #ListenerLive question #2 – When do you have hard conversations with people about their goals and that they have to take it into their own hands? (1:07:51) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is there something that you had other than MAPS 15 that you would suggest running in the meantime because part of the reason I need the lifts is for my sanity? (1:22:05) #ListenerLive question #4 – I sit all day at a desk job, but I will walk 1-2 miles before I lift in the morning and an additional 2-3 miles, sometimes walking/running in the evening. I average 12-17k steps a day, weekends sometimes more. Is this too much? Am I affecting my gains? (1:30:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order. ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently, it ships to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. ** Limited Launch Promotion: MAPS 15 Performance public launch price: $87! ** Code 15PLAUNCH for $20 OFF. Free Bonuses: 30-Day Landmine Workout + 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Lily Phillips who slept with 100 men in a day reveals real reason she did it Flintstone facts? 41 percent of Americans say people and dinosaurs co-existed Proposed California law would require warning labels on social media Rubiel Mosquera: What You Need to Know about Neckzilla Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers Train the Trainer Webinar Series Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) Instagram Rubiel Mosquera (@neckzilla.official) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Add 30 minutes of THIS for better gains! (2:10) An update on Sal’s CPAP machine. (9:28) Playing for each other and not for themselves. (15:36) The growing trend of restricting teenage access to fitness videos. (22:51) A classic bodybuilder steroid cycle. (29:01) Life expectancy is projected to stall out by 2050. (31:36) Previewing the interview with Erica Komisar on parenthood. (37:18) Red-light as a pre-workout. (42:13) Universe expansion theory. (44:34) Anglerfish mating. (51:52) Shout out to Santa Cruz Athletic Club! (54:20) #Quah question #1 – Are there any real benefits from waist trainers? Why do they exist? (57:16) #Quah question #2 – Is it a good idea to increase your NEAT before starting a workout? (1:04:46) #Quah question #3 – I’m currently on a GLP-1 and am not losing any more weight. I don't want to increase the dose anymore because I already have a hard time eating enough and I don't want to lose too much muscle. Should I lower my dose and start a reverse diet? (1:10:12) #Quah question #4 – How much would someone have to pay you all to train? (1:14:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** Limited Launch Promotion: MAPS 15 Performance public launch price: $87! ** Code 15PLAUNCH for $20 OFF. Free Bonuses: 30-Day Landmine Workout + 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** YouTube will begin limiting access to fitness videos for European teens. Here's why Breon Ansley Breaks Down Gear Used To Compete At 2024 Olympia US life expectancy forecasted to stall by 2050 Erica Komisar, LCSW Universe expansion study confirms challenge to cosmic theory First-Ever Footage of Deep-Sea Anglerfish Mating Pair - YouTube Santa Cruz Athletic Club Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win a 4-month, $60K scholarship!  All you have to do is complete the application to register for the scholarship.  Tom and Ben know what it takes to live a life of sobriety that is fruitful and everlasting.  You don’t want to miss this opportunity, so act fast! ** The TVA and Your Hip Flexors: Smaller Waist and More Core Definition Shrink Your Waist with Stomach Vacuums | MIND PUMP - YouTube Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Breon Ansley "The Black Swan" (@breonma_ ) Instagram Erica Komisar, LCSW (@ericakomisar) Instagram
How Probiotics Affect Fat Loss, Muscle Building & Cognition with Dr. Zain Kassam Dr. Kassam’s background in the space. (1:42) How important is our relationship with our microbiome? (7:01) The connection between our microbiome and the explosion of autoimmune disorders. (8:47) Are these problems inherited? (11:56) Two pathways to consider why obese mice get skinny when getting the right microbes. (13:02) How are they using AI? (16:31) Why does the gut influence our brain? (18:40) Can our microbiome influence our cravings? (22:11) Our microbiome’s connection to our muscle mass. (23:22) How can we use this science in the future? (26:25) The 4 D’s of picking a probiotic. (32:05) The transient effect of taking a daily probiotic. (34:41) How can we restore a ‘leaky gut’? (36:30) Not all probiotics are created equal. (38:42) Science is not complete until it’s communicated. (40:00) How do you know you’re getting live bacteria? (43:26) How does he maintain good microbiome health? (45:13) Understanding antibiotics. (48:49) Are probiotics beneficial to take while on antibiotics? (50:11) Probiotics effect on performance. (54:48) Galaxy class solution. (56:31) His take on GLP-1s. (58:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Limited Launch Promotion: MAPS 15 Performance public launch price: $87! ** Code 15PLAUNCH for $20 OFF. Free Bonuses: 30-Day Landmine Workout + 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Antibiotic exposure and ‘response failure’ for subsequent respiratory tract infections: an observational cohort study of UK preschool children in primary care Altering mix of gut microbes prevents obesity, but diet remains key factor Microbial-based treatment reverses autism spectrum social deficits in mouse models Muscle strength is increased in mice that are colonized with microbiota from high-functioning older adults Impact of probiotics on muscle mass, muscle strength and lean mass: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials VCU receives $11.5 Million NIH grant to study the vaginal microbiome and its relevance to disease, genetics and the environment Post-Antibiotic Gut Mucosal Microbiome Reconstitution Is Impaired by Probiotics and Improved by Autologous FMT Seed-Science Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Work out once a week and get results, but ONLY if you focus on this. (2:57) Ragging on Sal. (15:06) Xtreme Xperiences. (16:08) Viagra increases muscle protein synthesis. (21:32) How NIL is reshaping collegiate sports. (24:20) The difference between Christmas, X-Mas, and Happy Holidays. (30:13) Kids say the darndest things. (32:11) How do you know if a CBD product is worth it? (33:45) Justin’s first parade. (35:47) Sal is tough to break. (37:40) Teasing an interview with Erica Komisar. (39:42) The food dye argument is REALLY heating up. (42:16) The controversy surrounding Jay-Z. (43:43) It’s about the journey, not the destination. (46:29) Luminose by ENTERA. (55:08) Shout out to Ian Simpkins! (56:28) #ListenerLive question #1 – Any advice on how I can progress in my bench press? (57:37) #ListenerLive question #2 – So I know your programs can be run in either a bulk or cut, but is there any time where it’s good to be running maintenance? (1:10:04) #ListenerLive question #3 – How would you suggest the average person go about reintroducing sprinting into their training routine? (1:19:50) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on continuing to workout through the rest of pregnancy and postpartum? (1:31:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Visit Xtreme Xperience to find a track near you! With their 30% off holiday deal, this is the best time to make it happen. Limited Launch Promotion: MAPS 15 Performance public launch price: $87! ** Code 15PLAUNCH for $20 OFF. Free Bonuses: 30 Day Landmine Workout + 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2490: Improve Your Muscle, Strength & Athleticism in Only 15 Minutes a Day Erica Komisar, LCSW The Hawk Tuah Meme Coin Debacle Explained And Why It Looks Bad For Hailey Welch Visit Pre-Alcohol by ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** Mind Pump # 2127: Bench Press Masterclass Mind Pump # 2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial for Women? Mind Pump # 2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump # 1375: How to Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Train the Trainer Webinar Series Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 50% off CES (self-study). Code MPMCESSS at checkout. ** Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) Instagram Erica Komisar, LCSW (@ericakomisar) Instagram Ian Simkins (@iansimkins) Instagram
MAPS 15 Performance Launch YES! You can get fit, lean, strong, and fast in only 15 minutes a day. (1:49) Short daily workouts vs. traditional. (5:53) Why this is our most popular methodology. (9:34) The best program for athletes who are in season. (22:55) Makes you feel good. (23:53) Floor and ceiling metaphor. (24:38) Introducing MAPS 15 Performance: An overview and what’s included. (25:47) Related Links/Products Mentioned Limited Launch Promotion: MAPS 15 Performance public launch price: $87! ** Code 15PLAUNCH for $20 OFF. Free Bonuses: 30 Day Landmine Workout + 7-Day Overtraining Rescue Guide. ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time for an Effective Workout? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Matthew Vincent (@matthewpvincent)Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Walking protocol to get healthy and lean. (1:40) Someone living amongst you. (13:58) Manufacturing adversity. (18:58) High-quality athleisure wear. (24:07) Visceral fat’s connection to Alzheimer’s. (25:40) The CPAP black market. (33:00) Hidden food intolerances and the value of tracking. (37:48) The home gym market is exploding! (45:41) Pursuing what you love and going all in! (48:39) Shout out to Dry Creek Wrangler. (1:00:43) #ListenerLive question #1 – How can I make mobility exercises enjoyable and competitive? (1:02:09) #ListenerLive question #2 – What are the top resources that you think every trainer should tap into to stay relevant and as educated as possible in this ever-growing field? (1:14:02) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is 300+ grams of protein ok if my calories, carbs, and fat are all in line? (1:27:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No Code for 5% Discount gets automatically applied in checkout!!! ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Homeless Hidden Camera Visceral fat found to contribute to Alzheimer's disease development Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Exclusively for Mind Pump listeners, head over to Eterna Health to discover the benefits of PLGAns. Whether you’re looking to restore your skin or revitalize your hair, PLGAns has the solution. ** For a limited time use the code MINDPUMP10 for 10%. ** MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** New Patients-Get 15% off your first order (cannot be stacked with other offers)! ** Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Dry Creek Wrangler | Dewayne Noel (@drycreekdewayne) Instagram Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you’re not building muscle, this is why. (1:39) Kids say the sweetest things. (10:11) The more you give, the more you get. (10:54) The direct correlation between your wife’s happiness and bedtime schedule with your partner. (22:29) Is having a child easier than having a dog? (25:19) The benefits of grass-fed meat for athletes. (38:23) The longest recorded fast. (40:54) Why you should consider changing your cookware. (43:27) The Billy Corgan/Bill Burr connection. (47:10) Can women smell if a man is single? (49:39) Shout out to @socialcapofficial. (52:28) #Quah question #1 – How do you know if a lagging body part isn’t growing because you’re doing too much or because of other factors? (55:46) #Quah question #2 – Is there any real science behind compression shirts, leggings, etc.? (58:47) #Quah question #3 – If you’ve seen the same trainer multiple times at the gym giving poor advice or allowing poor form, would you eventually say something? (1:01:05) #Quah question #4 – I’m 21 years old. What would you tell your 21-year-old self financially, spiritually, physically, and mentally? (1:03:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive 2 lbs. of grass-fed and finished ground beef in every box for the LIFETIME of their subscription + $20 off. ** Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place is having its holiday sale right now! Save over 35% on your order now through January 12. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1762: Tony Robbins – Life Transforming Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Couples sleep in sync when wife is satisfied with their marriage The True Story of a Man Who Survived Without Any Food For 382 Days It seems that Billy Corgan's possible half brother Bill Burr had no time for The Smashing Pumpkins Is Justin Trudeau Fidel Castro's Son? - Snopes.com Single people smell different, according to science - Newsweek Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #1745: How to Pack on Muscle to Your Lagging/Stubborn Body Parts The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins)  Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron)  Instagram Tyler | Finance & Wealth (@socialcapofficial) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
Brad Jensen The origin of @thesoberbodybuilder. (1:39) Making amends to those he had harmed. (40:33) At what point did he start believing in himself? (43:34) The importance of his spiritual connection. (45:33) Filling a strong pull to share his story. (49:34) The missing link for most people is to overcome addiction. (53:00) Most people underestimate how much their spiritual health can affect their physical health. (56:15) How becoming sober has made him a better coach. (1:01:55) How his son has changed his life. (1:09:53) Speaking confidence into your kids. (1:14:26) Why sometimes the worst addictions are the ones that are not as destructive. (1:17:50) How you choose to respond is most important. (1:25:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Rock Recovery Center for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win a 4-month, $60K scholarship!  All you have to do is complete the application to register for the scholarship.  Tom and Ben know what it takes to live a life of sobriety that is fruitful and everlasting.  You don’t want to miss this opportunity, so act fast! ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2392: Steps to Overcoming Addiction with Tom Conrad & Ben Bueno Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Brad Jensen (@thesoberbodybuilder) Instagram Ben Bueno (@realrecoverytalkben) Instagram Thomas Conrad (@realrecoverytalktom) Instagram Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: What would happen if you did 100 squats daily. (2:35) The Di Stefano Annual Post-Thanksgiving workout. (14:05) New traditions. (19:24) Embracing the holiday spirit. (24:38) Crazy cat rescue. (28:45) Salted caramel delights. (34:31) A great/unknown place for a pick-me-up. (36:33) Christian revival. (37:52) The growing trend of politics. (39:33) Deep frying meats. (44:58) The Organifi Starter Kit. (48:07) Shout out to Dr. Mark Harwood. (49:48) #ListenerLive question #1 – At the moment I want to go back to finish my degree and get into sports program strength & conditioning. Is this a good move? Or should I focus on personal training? If you suggest the latter, how do I scale that as a legitimate business? (53:24) #ListenerLive question #2 – I can see my muscles when I’m lifting, however when  I’m not working out, I feel like I have nothing to show for my progress. I guess I’m hard on myself but I was wondering if I’m doing something wrong? (1:11:21) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice for someone who has struggled with losing weight their entire life? (1:26:51) #ListenerLive question #4 – I am struggling with the effects of a reverse diet. Should I add in a cardio day, and remove a day of weight training? (1:39:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Up to 35% off + a free gift on orders over $75. If someone subscribes and saves and spends over $75, they receive a free gift FOR LIFE!! (the life of the subscription). ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** TRUTH Behind BRO-SCIENCE: Their Key to Unlocking the SECRETS of Fitness & Health | Mind Pump 1998 US Sees 22% Surge in Bible Sales Compared to Last Year Dr. Mark Harwood - Creation Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2390: Should You Become a Personal Trainer? Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2462: How to Actually LOSE Weight This Holiday Season Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump #2452: The Hidden Hormone That is Disrupting Your Sleep With Dr. Stephen Cabral Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
How to Make 2025 a Successful Year for Your Fitness Journey Getting ahead of the New Year’s resolutions. (1:14) The Roadmap on How to Make 2025 a Successful Year for Your Fitness Journey Start with the big goal. (3:16) Make it challenging but realistic Break it down into smaller goals. (9:33) Calculate in “breaks” Use reverse diets and cuts. (17:02) Stick with easily digestible foods Avoid processed foods. (21:53) Use shakes for protein targets Get your programming all laid out for the year. (26:54) Bodybuilding, corrective, strength, conditioning  Set up a backup plan. (30:43) What if you can’t go to the gym? Questions: What supplements should I take? (31:48) Should I hire a coach? (33:09) Is it better to start slow or go for it? (34:54) How would you cut and bulk through the RGB Bundle? (35:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: RGB Bundle 50% off! ** Code FIT2025 at checkout! ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Final days of Black Friday promotion: This offer will only be valid until December 14! Hurry up and use the code MINDPUMP at checkout for $600 off the Pod 4 Ultra when bundled w/sleep essential bundle (Includes everything you need to pair with your Pod: one Pod Sheet Set (white), one Pod Protector, and two Air Pillows and mattress) ** Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business – Book by Gino Wickman Mind Pump # 2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump # 1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Mind Pump # 2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump # 2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts for Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The ONLY 5 exercises you need to do to get jacked! (1:26) One of the BEST pre-workout ways to get a pump. (13:08) Kids say the darndest things. (18:36) The impact of muscle memory. (19:39) Gym fights on the basketball court. (26:02) The miraculous tale of Sarah Whitcher. (29:05) Child fight club. (31:27) Simplifying the tax code. (34:36) Signs of too much caffeine. (38:52) The athletic performance benefits of a good probiotic. (43:14) Shout out to Lioness on Prime Video. (46:07) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do I get more leg strength? (47:41) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is there any way I could continue going to the gym daily to maintain the mental benefits while still allowing for adequate recovery? (1:05:12) #ListenerLive question #3 – Are there any risks associated with BPC-157? (1:19:23) #ListenerLive question #4 – Regardless of the number on the scale, why does it seem like I'm gaining fat? Should I change my macros? (1:27:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Cyber Monday Sale is ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code CYBERMONDAY. Sale: Monday, December 2nd and expires on Friday, December 6th. Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV New Hampshire's Sarah Whitcher Meets a Bear in 1783 Texas Teacher Allegedly Encouraged Middle School Students to Fight in Classroom, Told Them to Monitor Door Watch Special Ops: Lioness Season 1 | Prime Video Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order. ** Mind Pump #2135: Barbell Squat Masterclass Mere Christianity – Book by C.S. Lewis Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 Meditations: A New Translation Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The best gyms have these three things. (1:45) The impact of correctional exercise knowledge for trainers. (12:32) The new Sal and Jessica party. (16:44) The value in chasing the flow state for overall health. (18:42) Instagram teen accounts. (24:38) How Adam incorporated BFR training into his rehab. (27:37) Fun Facts with Justin: HoloTile. (32:42) The importance of creating a culture within a business. (34:20) What kinds of things help ensure professional success as an adult? (36:00) First big purchase from money saved from work. (40:24) The appeal of entrepreneurship. (45:53) The guy’s favorite winter drinks. (50:06) Building confidence in your children. (52:53) The vaccine third rail. (56:28) Shout out to Max Lugavere. (59:12) #Quah question #1 – Do complex carbs help muscle soreness, before a workout? What foods do you recommend for pre-workout? (1:00:52) #Quah question #2 – Will circuit training group classes still be beneficial and muscle building if a person isn't super fit and they still get sore from it? (1:05:29) #Quah question #3 – Will you be sharing more about the outcomes for the GLP1 group you’ve been coaching? I would love to hear more about how it all went! (1:08:25) #Quah question #4 – Any plans to make some sort of online registry for coaches so that listeners can find coaches in their area who listen to Mind Pump? (1:15:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 50% off CES (self-study). Code MPMCESSS at checkout. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Cyber Monday Sale is ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code CYBERMONDAY. Sale: Monday, December 2nd and expire on Friday, December 6th. Mind Pump # 2140: How to Choose the Best Gym for You Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Occlusion Training Tutorial- How to Increase Muscle Size Using Blood Flow Restriction Disney Unveils the HoloTile Floor, Inching Us Closer to a Real-Life Holodeck Harvard study, almost 80 years old, has proved that embracing community helps us live longer, and be happier Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Sore muscles…what does it mean? - Mind Pump Media Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram
Success Secrets from Badass 8-Figure Entrepreneur Jasmine Star Why she quit law school. (1:07) Chose the unknown. (4:46) Tapping into people’s emotions. (7:32) The biggest mistake people make. (12:02) Trading hours for dollars. (13:52) If they ask, they are willing to pay. (16:53) Content begets content. (20:40) The moment that completely shifted what she was able to do. (21:54) Acting and behaving like a successful entrepreneur. (25:10) Gold-plated grit. (28:56) The big mistakes people make trying to build an online business. (29:52) The work ethic around learning and leveling up. (31:36) The fear of letting people in. (36:20) Specializing is the name of the game. (38:48) Balancing work life and being a mother. (39:33) Living in the cages that we construct for ourselves. (40:52) The only person that stops you is YOU. (42:54) If you don’t have a hater today, you are NOT doing it. (48:20) If you don’t make a move, the move will happen to you. (50:24) Her favorite part about the game of business. (52:42) Her perspective on masterminds. (54:52) She chose a frame for how she wanted to live in the world. (59:11) How is the game changing for her now? (1:01:30) Just DO! (1:04:43) Social curator. (1:05:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Cyber Monday Sale is ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code CYBERMONDAY. Sale: Monday, December 2nd and expire on Friday, December 6th. CreativeLive: Do what you love. Watch Martha | Netflix Official Site The Jasmine Star Show Podcast Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jasmine Star (@jasminestar) Instagram Brené Brown (@brenebrown) Instagram MrBeast (@mrbeast) Instagram Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian) Instagram Katt Williams (@kattwilliams) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you’re not building muscle this is why. (2:06) Improving the health of your skin. (15:58) Speculating on the DOGE impact. (17:26) The conspiracy surrounding the Actor Bahn. (25:26) Adam, future Twitch star? (28:44) The top reasons why you may be waking up in the middle of the night. (35:00) Sal’s snoring issues and marriage maturity. (38:29) Shout out to Silo on Apple TV. (49:30) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do you get past feeling like an imposter when starting to train people? (53:06) #ListenerLive question #2 – What is the best way to train when traveling? (1:07:39) #ListenerLive question #3 – What’s the most amount of running you can do without losing muscle? (1:16:19) #ListenerLive question #4 – As a new trainer, how should I approach a client who can’t do anything? (1:27:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off sitewide with code FESTIVE. Ends Thursday, Dec. 5th. ** Cyber Monday Sale is ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code CYBERMONDAY. Sale: Monday, December 2nd and expires on Friday, December 6th. Weight-loss Success Depends on Eating More Protein, Fiber while Limiting Calories, Study Finds Argentina’s monthly inflation drops to 2.7%, the lowest level in 3 years What Are the Alleged Actor Bahn Tunnels in Los Angeles? T-Pain Is Making This Much Per Hour From Livestreaming Watch Silo - Show - Apple TV+ Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 50% off CES (self-study). Code MPMCESS at checkout. ** Ask Mind Pump Train the Trainer Webinar Series Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2477: Our 10 Favorite MAPS Programs Mind Pump #1845: How to Do Cardio & Not Lose Muscle MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) Instagram
Your Blueprint for Single-Digit Body Fat There are some things to understand regarding achieving single-digit body fat. (1:36) Your Six Step Blueprint for Single Digit Body Fat #1 – Single-digit body fat mindset. (9:26) #2 - Track everything. (15:50) #3 - Eat more and BUILD (high protein). (17:51) #4 - Cut calories. (24:15) #5 - Reduce training volume. (26:00) #6 - Increase steps. (30:02) Questions: Is it worth it to get to single-digit body fat? (34:12) What are the best high-protein foods for building? (37:18) What are some tips to reduce cravings while cutting? (38:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** TRIPLE POINTS for the Black Friday Sale - Ends Dec. 1st! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 30 entries, Program purchase - 15 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 3 entries. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #1840: Eleven Steps to a Single-Digit Body Fat Percentage Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three worst cardio mistakes everyone makes for fat loss. (2:08) Improve your sleep risk-free for 30 days! (19:12) Going down the rabbit hole of the origins of the ultra-processed food industry. (20:17) RFK’s impact on the food industry. (42:37) Eterna’s patent on stem cells. (44:32) Doug’s not so secret. (45:32) Shout out to Jeff Born! (53:23) Triple entries for the Black Friday sale! (54:31) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do you know when you are ready to run a MAPS program that is higher in volume? (55:47) #ListenerLive question #2 – How can I increase my squat strength and build my confidence with this lift? (1:11:58) #ListenerLive question #3 – An update on the advice recommended on how to prepare and gain some muscle before attempting the 6th-degree black belt test in Santiago Chile last December. (1:20:32) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I gain muscle (not just maintain)? (1:34:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Black Friday promotion: Use the code MINDPUMP which will provide up to $600 off the Pod 4 Ultra when bundled. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. 30 Days Free Trial, Money Back Guarantee!!! ** Exclusively for Mind Pump listeners, head over to Eterna Health to discover the benefits of PLGAns. Whether you’re looking to restore your skin or revitalize your hair, PLGAns has the solution. ** For a limited time use the code MINDPUMP10 for 10%. ** TRIPLE POINTS for the Black Friday Sale - Ends Dec. 1st! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 30 entries, Program purchase - 15 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 3 entries. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Why Cardio Is TERRIBLE For Long-Term Fat Loss – YouTube Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV 1910: The Year American Medicine Changed Forever 50 Years After Surgeon General's Warning, Smokers Still Light Up Mind Pump #2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Tired of your Instagram algorithm? You'll be able to reset it soon for a 'fresh start.' Ninja NC301 CREAMi Ice Cream Maker, for Gelato, Mix-ins, Milkshakes, Sorbet, Smoothie Bowls & More, 7 One-Touch Programs, with (2) Pint Containers & Lids, Compact Size, Perfect for Kids, Silver Can RFK Jr make America's diet healthy again? - BBC Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts for Bulking & Cutting Train the Trainer Webinar Series Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Save up to $1,000 on a new Joovv system. Plus, 0% financing is available with payments starting as little as $34 a month! ** Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Up to 35% off Select Peptide Bundles now through Nov. 30th! ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram Dr. Stephanie Estima (@dr.stephanie.estima) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three things nobody tells you about creatine. (2:08) Proud Dad moments. (15:48) Poison oak sucks. (18:23) Don’t read the comments. (20:26) Government failures and conspiracies. (26:05) Fun Facts with Justin: Interactive 3D grid. (33:55) Mind Pump Store’s FIRE sale. (36:02) What hobbies do women find most attractive that men do? (39:29) Organifi’s MASSIVE Black Friday sale! (47:01) Poor policy. (47:42) Pop metal. (51:31) Shout out to the Modern Wisdom podcast with Matthew McConaughey. (52:50) #Quah question #1 – Why was “muscle confusion” a popular thing once, and why do I still hear it sometimes? (57:08) #Quah question #2 – Is it okay to give kids protein powder? (1:01:21) #Quah question #3 – I hired a trainer and they have not shown up to the times due to sleeping in, etc. I’m frustrated. How do I just quit?  I feel like I’m quitting on myself. Any advice? (1:04:24) #Quah question #4 – Since we are in the midst of the cold and flu season how should we adjust training, nutrition, and lifestyle habits when sick, or key things to think about to help reduce the risk of getting sick? (1:07:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. Special Black Friday deals: BOGO 50% Off Sitewide + FREE GIFTS on Orders Over $99. Free $10 Legion Gift Card on Orders Over $99. Free $20 Legion Gift Card on Orders Over $149. Free Supplement on Orders Over $199. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for an additional 20% off. From 11/25 -11/28 Early bird Black Friday Deals: Spend $100, get 20% off and free shipping; Spend $150, get 20% off, free shipping & 15 free green juice travel packs. ** Mind Pump Store – Black Friday Sale TRIPLE POINTS for the Black Friday Sale - Ends Dec. 1st! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 30 entries, Program purchase - 15 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 3 entries. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Creatine: A Treatment for Memory and Mental Health? Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump's Sal Di Stefano: Revolutionizing Fitness and Wellness! – The F Y’all Podcast with C.T. Fletcher Pentagon fails 7th audit in a row, eyes passing grade by 2028 The 15 Most 'Attractive' Hobbies For Men, According To Women The world's first 'fart tax' to be introduced in Denmark The Hidden Art Of Reinventing Yourself - Matthew McConaughey (4K) Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users can select their choice of a 10-14 lb turkey, 8 lb spiral ham, or 5 lb boneless turkey breast, from Butcher Box for FREE in your first box PLUS get $20 off. ** Mind Pump #1172: Four Ways to Change Your Workout for Maximum Results Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned C.T. Fletcher (c.t.ali.fletcher) Instagram Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram
Our 10 Favorite MAPS Programs The origin story of MAPS. (1:29) Our 10 Favorite MAPS Programs #1 - Fat loss (Anabolic). (3:41) #2 - Strength (Powerlift). (5:44) #3 - Conditioning (Performance). (9:13) #4 - Bodybuilding (Aesthetic). (11:54) #5 - Unconventional mass (Strong). (15:16) #6 - Fun (Old time). (17:33) #7 - Women (Muscle Mommy). (21:26) #8 - Beginners (Starter). (23:10) #9 - Moms and dads (15, 40+). (26:17) #10 - Travel (Suspension). (29:09) Questions: If I’m a personal trainer, what programs should I own? (31:32) What do you think of HIIT? (32:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump TRIPLE ENTRIES for Black Friday Sale!  ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 30 entries, Program purchase - 15 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 3 entries. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #1152: Why You Should Powerlift Mind Pump #2397: How Do I Train Like My Favorite Athlete? Mind Pump #2247: Can You Look Like a Bodybuilder Without Taking Steroids? Mind Pump #1062: Get Strong… Look Better Naked Mind Pump #2340: The Ultimate Muscle Mommy Workout Program Mind Pump #2230: How to Optimize Your Training, Diet & Lifestyle After Age 40 Mind Pump #1925: How to Build a Great Physique in 15 Minutes a Day Mind Pump #1697: HIIT Training Doesn’t Work (Unless You Follow These Steps) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Ben Pollack (@phdeadlift) Instagram Robert Oberst (@robertoberst) Instagram Amelia Boone (@arboone11) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram ATHLEAN-X™ | Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS (@athleanx) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: What happens when you do 100 push-ups every day for 30 days? (2:22) How effective the hype machine is. (14:28) Adam updates the audience on his rehab protocol from his recent injuries. (19:51) What makes Ned’s magnesium stand above the rest? (23:17) Sal needs an intervention. (26:44) We are in for some weird times. (34:26) Water buffaloes can swim how fast?! (35:38) Updates on the roaming mountain lion. (37:55) Kids say the darndest things. (42:28) When you know you’re at a HIGH status. (45:29) Puppet yelling. (47:30) An example of why people do not trust the media. (49:14) Shout out to Choki Valle. (51:33) #ListenerLive question #1 – Should I ditch my trainer? I've hit some amazing PRs, but my body feels like s***. (52:41) #ListenerLive question #2 – Thoughts on why I am getting lightheaded lifting early in the morning? (1:07:37) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can I be a Muscle Mommy? (1:15:10) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do I get my shoulders and back to fill out? (1:28:46) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** NEXT 2 DAYS DOUBLE ENTRIES Black Friday Sale until Nov. 26th!  ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 20 entries, Program purchase - 10 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 2 entries. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Leaked ‘jellyfish’ UFO video leaves the internet enthralled and baffled How to make your own shadow puppet theatre NYT dragged for hilariously botched ‘fact check’ of RFK Jr.’s war on artificial ingredients Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order. All November long, you can get 15% off every Plunge on the site. ** Finding the Best Personal Trainer for YOU Mind Pump #2105: How to Become a Muscle Mommy Mind Pump TV - ELDOA - YouTube Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram Choki Valle (@c.vallle) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
Calling Out the Fakes in Fitness with Goob Where the nickname ‘Goob’ came from. (1:55) How he got into strength training. (3:40) 35 Eggs a Day: A Basic Guide to Fitness. (6:42) When he fell in love with fitness. (9:57) How he fell into personal training. (11:20) What triggered him to go after fitness frauds? The driving force behind it? (15:33) The art of digging into a story. (19:21) Does he give people a second chance? Worry about retaliation? (23:02) How does he balance his page yet make money? (28:53) Safety measures around getting banned on social media. (29:35) Doing this for a purpose. (30:26) His strategy behind what stories he decides to dig into. (33:04) His charitable drive. (34:20) Does he have an endgame? (37:55) Coping and dealing with a traumatic childhood. (38:25) Dealing with the hand you’ve been dealt. (44:03) Coming from privilege is a disadvantage. (46:11) What does he want his big contribution to be? (54:46) His journey of meeting other fitness professionals. (55:53) His unique relationship with Andy Frisella and 1st Phorm. (58:22) BIG watch guy. (1:07:22) Why he chooses to stay away from addictive tendencies. (1:09:50) Goob x Mind Pump toy drive collab. (1:13:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Early Black Friday Deals: All Racks and our Profile® Folding Benches are on Sale! The sale runs from 11/1 through Cyber Monday 12/02. No code is necessary. The products will be marked on sale. ** NEXT 2 DAYS DOUBLE ENTRIES Black Friday Sale until Nov. 26th!  ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 20 entries, Program purchase - 10 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 3 entries. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** 35 Eggs A Day : A Basic Guide To Fitness Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned John Dorsey (@goob_u2) Instagram   Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Jon Call (@jujimufu) Instagram Andy Frisella (@andyfrisella) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: You will not burn fat or build muscle unless you do this one thing first. (1:45) The importance and value of trainers. (17:12) Strategies for trainers to retain clients during the holiday season. (21:35) More disturbing data on the loneliness epidemic. (25:06) When your kids ask you questions about having a girlfriend. (32:44) The best surgeons play video games. (38:20) Expanding your mind with Brain.fm. (42:39) Don’t mess with people’s kids! (45:41) Don’t trust everything you read. (47:52) Checking people with power and hope for America. (49:18) Shout out to Mind Pump Kyle! (56:45) #ListenerLive question #1 – Should I use the same philosophy training with bands, as I would with free weights? (57:42) #ListenerLive question #2 – When I finish Split should I run another high-volume program since I've responded so well to it? Or should I change things up and give my body a break and do a MAPS 15 advance, or just challenge myself differently with Anabolic Advanced? (1:09:01) #ListenerLive question #3 – I am wondering how much my steps should play a factor in my workout? (1:19:42) #ListenerLive question #4 – Knowing that I am coming from this place of having a slow metabolism from overdoing cardio, do I stay the course with my own strength training programming or is there something else I can do to speed up my metabolism? (1:32:51) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Black Friday Deals: 30% off site wide for first orders, including subscription orders. Sale is live from November 22nd - November 27th. ** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** EARLY ACCESS to Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire Sunday December 1st. ** Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5 day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. Mind Pump #2060: Maximize Fat Loss With Continuous Glucose Monitors: Kara Collier Train the Trainer Webinar Series What is Causing Our Epidemic of Loneliness and How Can We Fix It? The impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Bone Broth Protein – BOGO – Buy one get one free! The discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2080: Get Jacked With Bands! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users can select their choice between a whole turkey, turkey breast, or ham in their first box + $20 off ** Mind Pump #2457: Four Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Being sedentary is deadly. (2:33) Why we lose function as we age. (15:03) What Adam is doing to address his most recent injuries. (18:44) Creatine as a sleep supplement. (25:28) Adam’s new protein shake hack. (30:35) The grossest meal the guys have made. (34:14) The gummy trend is real! (38:14) Patience wins. (42:20) Shout out to Premiere Spine & Sport. (54:08) #Quah question #1 – How do you know if you're doing enough cardio to kill muscle gains? (55:57) #Quah question #2 – I’ve always wondered why if to maintain muscle you need to do a lot less, like 1/7-1/9 of the volume, but then why do bodybuilding competitors always do so much volume in prep to maintain their muscle? (59:01) #Quah question #3 – How can you stay consistent in a calorie deficit when you struggle with binging at night? (1:02:55) #Quah question #4 – How do I jumpstart my appetite? It seems like I'm never hungry and most days I go without eating much. How do I fix that? (1:06:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Save up to $1,000 on a new Joovv system. Plus, 0% financing is available with payments starting as little as $34 a month! ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Free harmony & ceramic container w/ any 2 pouches. ** Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Up to 35% off Select Peptide Bundles now through Nov. 30th! ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Sitting is the new smoking: 'Truly a silent killer' Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Common questions and misconceptions about creatine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show? Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? How Phasing Your Workouts Leads to Consistent Plateau Free Workouts – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram Premiere Spine & Sport (@premiere_spine_sport) Instagram
Four Fat Loss Supplements That ACTUALLY Work The top-selling category of supplements is fat-burning supplements. (1:10) Explaining the fat loss process. (3:30) Supplements for fat burning are broken down into three categories. (7:44) The two most effective ways fat burners work. (12:21) Four Fat Loss Supplements That ACTUALLY Work: #1 - Protein powder (build more muscle to speed up metabolism). (15:09) #2 - Caffeine (to help with increased movement). (17:52) #3 - Ashwagandha (to help the adaptation process). (20:12) #4 - Creatine (muscle building to speed up metabolism). (22:33) Questions: Can supplements really make a big difference in fat loss? (25:01) Can a multivitamin help with fat loss? (26:57) How low should I bring my calories for fat loss? (28:54) Is it true that my sleep plays a role in fat loss? (31:58) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #2457: Four Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism Mind Pump #1387: Turning Your Body Into a Fat-Burning Machine Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: if you want to get lean DON’T eat out. (2:23) Turkeyflation! (12:28) How Mind Pump does Thanksgiving. (16:00) Not a shout-out. (20:19) Adam updates the audience on his workout challenges and most recent body fat test. (22:54) When your training behaviors manifest in your children’s actions. (40:48) Don’t mess around with wild animals. (45:21) Low-calorie AMAZING hot chocolate. (49:14) Justin’s staple Christmas cocktail. (51:20) Shout out to Jade’s Café! (52:33) #ListenerLive question #1 – What is your experience with TRT and are there any good alternatives to TRT that might have fewer side effects? (54:32) #ListenerLive question #2 – Do I need to be concerned about the number if my body composition is healthy and I have no negative side effects? (1:08:44) #ListenerLive question #3 – What can I be doing to help increase the power, speed, and height of my kicks? (1:30:01) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on getting leads at my new personal training business? (1:41:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users can select their choice between a whole turkey, turkey breast, or ham in their first box + $20 off ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase – 10 entries, Program purchase – 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) – 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Calorie labels are often wildly inaccurate. Here’s how to prevent extra calories from derailing your diet. Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump #2465: How to Become a 6-Figure Trainer Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Benjamin Kendrick (@kendrick_bbq) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Jade's Cafe (@jadescafe) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram
Personal Trainers & the Gym Industry with UFC Gym VP Don Cardona Don’s first impression of Sal, and how their relationship was built. (2:01) Building and inspiring other people. (5:47) Gym culture then and now. (10:38) Challenging moments early on. (13:50) The differences in the club industry. (20:14) Empowering the fitness professional through culture. (30:22) How do we keep the RIGHT people? (32:58) Attracting the best talent and bringing mixed martial arts to the masses. (42:59) Merging Social and Brick & Mortar. (47:12) The goal moving forward. (55:37) Nailing the 4 F’s: Faith, family, fitness, and finances. (57:51) Aging like fine wine. (1:00:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Fitness and Nutrition Bundle – Buy CPT get CNC Free! ** Code MPMFNB at checkout ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #2465: How to Become a 6-Figure Trainer Mind Pump #1390: The State of the Gym Industry with UFC Gym President Adam Sedlack Mind Pump #1525: The Death of the Gym Industry?: A Reality Check With UFC Gym CEO Adam Sedlack UFC Gym and Alta Global Launch Gym Programs in Costa Mesa & Huntington Beach, California: Part of a Global Rollout to 150+ UFC Gyms Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Don Cardona (@dc.fit1) Instagram Adam Sedlack (@ceoufcgym) Instagram  Hany Rambod (@hanyrambod) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Compound before isolation lifts are the best, except when they're not. (2:04) The buzz around the Park City house giveaway. (13:47) The movies that represent the four founders. (15:25) Kids say and do the darndest things. (22:52) Leaning into your kid's passions. (27:55) Exercise and mental health for children. (31:04) Maximizing opportunities through innovation. (34:34) Forever chemicals and what they are most strongly connected to. (38:28) Organifi’s top sellers. (40:19) Toddlers and ultra-processed foods. (42:30) Highlighting gym owners doing things the right way. (45:22) Shout out to Chris Ellis! (52:11) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do I approach my training and nutrition going forward, as I’m looking to transition from competitive sports to powerlifting/bodybuilding? (52:55) #ListenerLive question #2 – I am trying to bulk but feel like I’m just getting fat. What am I doing wrong? (1:09:42) #ListenerLive question #3 – Which of your programs would you recommend to someone who wants to be consistent, but is terrified of injuring themselves? (1:21:43) #ListenerLive question #4 – Why am I still hungry? Do I need to bump my calories even more? (1:31:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. ** EARLY ACCESS to Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday December 1st. ** Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5 day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. Mind Pump’s First Ever Luxury Destination Childhood Physical Fitness as a Predictor of Cognition and Mental Health in Adolescence: The PANIC Study Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports for Kids In Japan, walking and driving now generate electricity Toddlers Get Half Their Calories From Ultra-Processed Food, Says Study Santa Cruz Power Fitness, A Fit Community Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #091: Adam’s Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 1 Update Mind Pump #095: Adam’s Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 2 Update Mind Pump #099: Adam’s Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 3 Update Mind Pump #103: Adam’s Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 4 Update Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chris Ellis (@chris_ellis_ifbb_pro) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Training for looks vs training for health & fitness. (2:23) Doug’s skincare routine. (25:03) That one time Justin s*** the bed. (26:23) Spiritual physics. (33:42) Future race car drivers. (40:45) The future of energy. (47:00) Mind Pump’s Black Friday sale is on! (52:25) Using the cold plunge as a pre-workout. (54:10) Shout out to Venture Church. (57:58) #Quah question #1 – Is there an alternative to Turkish get-ups that work the same muscles/movement patterns in less time? (58:43) #Quah question #2 – For a freshly postpartum mama who has been cleared to workout again, which 3 programs would you recommend (in order) to start and progress through? Assuming little to no workouts happened during pregnancy. (1:01:03) #Quah question #3 – How important is getting 10k steps if you also worked out the same day? (1:03:26) #Quah question #4 – Are chiropractors legit? What are the benefits and cons? (1:05:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order. All November long, you can get 15% off every Plunge on the site. ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #2412:  The 5 Worst Fitness Mistakes Damaging Your Overall Health & Longevity Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1995: Seven Reasons Your Favorite Fitness Influencer is Unhealthy Google and Kairos sign nuclear reactor deal with aim to power AI Mind Pump’s First Ever Luxury Destination Home - Venture Christian Church - Los Gatos, CA Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** How To Do A Turkish Get-Up – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1375: How to Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Ask Health: What Are the Benefits of Walking 8,000 Steps a Day? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
Get Jacked & Ripped in 5 Steps (Must do in this order!) Get Jacked & Ripped in 5 Steps. (1:35) #1 - Lift weights to get strong. (4:18) #2 - Reverse diet. (12:58) #3 - Walk daily after meals. (21:21) #4 - Cut calories. (25:27) #5 - Add cardio. (28:37) Questions: Does cardio hurt muscle building? (30:45) What is the best food for reverse dieting? (33:42) Will I gain body fat on a reverse diet? (35:01) Can I get leaner while building muscle? (36:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Black Friday promotion. Use the code MINDPUMP which will provide up to $600 off the Pod 4 Ultra when bundled. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #2462: How to Actually LOSE Weight This Holiday Season Mind Pump #2457: Four Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How to Properly Switch It Up Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: There are some things you MUST consider when you train to failure, and it's different from the other stuff. (2:58) Super athletes. (15:51) Setting your kid up for success. (22:43) Learning how to lose. (26:36) Stay protected during ‘illness season.’ (33:12) Take your favorite influencer’s endorsements with a grain of salt. (35:56) The addictive properties of ultra-processed foods. (39:08) Sugar restriction and children’s development. (43:34) Derma rollers work! (49:45) All worth it. (52:58) When the white lie is the right answer. (54:38) Shout out to sciencedaily.com (56:20) #ListenerLive question #1 – I developed a big knot in my right upper trap that doesn't seem to go away. Could this be due to incorrect form and the number of shrugs I'm doing with Anabolic? (57:23) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is it better to eat less but higher quality calories than eating more lower quality calories when trying to bulk? (1:12:25) #ListenerLive question #3 – Do you think my age could be a reason I’m not gaining muscle, or do you think it’s a combination of diet? (1:20:04) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I modify MAPS 15 to make it more of a MAPS 30? MAPS 15/Anabolic? (1:31:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase – 10 entries, Program purchase – 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) – 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #1282: The #1 Key to Consistently Building Muscle & Strength (Avoid Plateaus!) Mind Pump #2455:  The 5 Gym Machines You Need to Stop Using ASAP Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Saquon Barkley move ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news Restricting sugar consumption in utero and in early childhood significantly reduces risk of midlife chronic disease, study finds Mind Pump #1435: How to Kick Your Sugar Addiction in 5 Simple Steps Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** MAPS Prime Webinar Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health– Prone Cobra – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways to Know If Your Workout Is Not Right for You Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chris Bumstead (@cbum) Instagram Saquon Barkley (@saquon) Instagram Nicole Arbour (@ibnicolearbour) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
How to Become a 6-Figure Trainer The average salary for a personal trainer in America. (1:23) Building a rewarding and successful career. (4:10) How to Become a 6-Figure Trainer #1 - Be passionate about people. (13:04) #2 - Become a master of sales. (21:02) #3 - Become a master of coaching. (25:31) #4 - Never stop your education. (32:53) #5 - Figure out how many people you need to talk to every day. (35:34) Listener Questions: How long does it take for mastery? (40:11) How many clients are considered full-time? (42:06) Is it best to start in a big box or private gym? (43:40) What is the best skill to learn fitness-wise for a trainer? (49:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Mind Pump #2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers Mind Pump #2317: Success Tips from World Class Trainers Mind Pump #2302: How to Be a Successful Trainer in 2024 With Jason Phillips Personal Trainer 3 Day Training | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Fitness Coaching - YouTube Mind Pump # 1262: Why Fitness Assessments are Important Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The top 5 unpopular, yet amazing, muscle-building exercises. (2:10) Sal’s ULTIMATE muscle-building meal. (18:43) Creating energy from your poop. (22:02) Hydrogen cars are coming back into favor. (23:09) Things you should never say to your angry wife. (28:23) Politics is funny. (30:40) Black Friday deals are here! (43:19) Treating your son on his birthday. (48:48) Shout out to Mind Pump’s ‘Train the Trainer’ Webinar series! (51:55) #ListenerLive question #1 – What else can I do to support a higher HRV? (53:20) #ListenerLive question #2 – Is there a maximum amount of protein powder you can/should consume per day? (1:02:19) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is there still any novelty to running MAPS Powerlift back-to-back? (1:08:20) #ListenerLive question #4 – What do we do, as trainers, when the client says they do not feel the difference? (1:17:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users can select their choice between a whole turkey, turkey breast or ham in their first box + $20 off ** Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Early Black Friday Deals: All Racks and our Profile® Folding Benches on Sale! Sale runs 11/1 through Cyber Monday 12/02. No code necessary…the products will be marked on sale. ** November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5 day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. BEST Front Squat Regression & Mobility Tips (START HERE) Front Squats- How to Place & Hold the Bar – YouTube How To Improve YOUR Work Capacity (6 MOVEMENTS) | MIND PUMP TV How To Do The Sled Push The RIGHT Way! (AVOID MISTAKES!) – Mind Pump TV How to Perform a PROPER Dumbbell Pullover (Target Chest of Lats) | MIND PUMP Mind Pump # 1605: How to Get Jacked on a Budget South Korean professor develops toilet that turns poop into power and cryptocurrency Mind Pump's First Ever Luxury Destination Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump #2447: The Keys to Visceral Fat Loss & Muscle Gain With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk The Best Way to Breathe For Maximum Power & Strength (Ben Pollack) | MIND PUM Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Dave Smith (@theproblemdavesmith) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift)  Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Sometimes to get leaner you’ve got to eat more. (2:06) Navigating the seasons of all relationships. (12:52) Shilajit is sweeping the nation! (22:52) The online fitness coaching space is full of charlatans. (26:19) Early access to Mind Pump’s Black Friday sale is here! (36:26) Who would win an ultramarathon, humans or animals? (41:22) Kids say and do the darndest things. (46:54) What age range do women report the best sex and orgasms? (51:36) Shout out: ‘Watch the guys build a program on IG LIVE 11/13 Livestream 6 PM (PST)’ @mindpumpmedia  (1:01:22) #Quah question #1 – Whenever I go into a bulk it only goes to my belly. Any tips or tricks to make it go to my muscles? (1:02:30) #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on calisthenics and combo resistance training? (1:05:59) #Quah question #3 – What do you think about the new trend of emphasizing long-lengthened partials? (1:09:06) #Quah question #4 – Should you do underhand or overhand barbell rows? What is the difference? (1:16:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Bone Broth Protein - BOGO - Buy one get one free! Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. ** Mind Pump #2457: Four Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism Mind Pump Fitness Coaching - YouTube Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Mind Pump's First Ever Luxury Destination Human vs Animals Ultramarathon (100km) Tuttle Twins Book Series Yes, you can have better sex in midlife and in the years beyond Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV The #1 Setup Cue For The Barbell And Dumbbell Row Exercise Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Lewis Howes (@lewishowes) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
How to Actually LOSE Weight This Holiday Season Why the average American gains 1-8 lbs. during the holiday season. (1:33) Strategies to Lose Weight This Holiday Season: (14:40) #1 - Exercise at home to build muscle. (16:20) #2 - Walk after meals. (22:42) #3 - Eat high-protein foods first. (28:19) #4 - Undulate calories. (31:48) #5 - Utilize HIIT for short periods for calorie burn. (34:04) Listener Questions: What are the best holiday foods and what are the worst? (36:27) Which alcohol does the least damage? (38:53) I get stressed for holiday parties in fear of fat gain. Should I skip them? (40:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: Ultimate At-Home Workout Bundle (MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Suspension & MAPS HIIT) for ONLY 99.99!  Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Holiday weight gain: Americans expect to add 8 pounds over the next month Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No Code for a 5% discount that gets automatically applied at checkout!!! ** Mind Pump #2137: The Best Suspension Training Workout Plan For Beginners Mind Pump #2080: Get Jacked With Bands! The Case For Taking a Walk After You Eat How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1307: How To Make Your HIIT Workout More Effective The health benefits of strong relationships Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Training with heavyweight vs. lightweight. (2:24) Adam addresses challenges in his current muscle-building transformation. (11:02) Making gains with low testosterone. (19:39) Examples of extreme body manipulation. (21:11) The belief is that to be a successful coach or trainer you MUST be ripped. (26:21) Carnival Sal. (34:15) The Schafer’s Disney World Halloween experience. (35:28) Ethan’s homecoming extravaganza. (41:48) “My time has expired.” (43:13) The out-of-body experience as a parent when something happens to your kid. (45:34) Addressing the controversy over an ingredient in LMNT. (51:56) Shout out to Dr. Staci! (58:25) #ListenerLive question #1 – What adjustments or changes would you recommend to help boost my energy levels? (1:01:13) #ListenerLive question #2 – What should training look like to continue to lift like a bodybuilder, but get ready to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim in one day? (1:14:36) #ListenerLive question #3 – How to make the most of group fitness classes if that's currently my only option? (1:24:20) #ListenerLive question #4 –  If the calorie counter app is saying I can consume just over 3000 calories, does this mean that it’s still a deficit if I eat 2500 calories because my exercise offset it? (1:41:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Fitness and Nutrition Bundle - Buy CPT get CNC Free! ** Code MPMFNB at checkout ** Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges to Build Muscle & Burn Fat Colorado Experiment - Wikipedia Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump # 1587: Getting to Root Cause of Low Energy, Skin Issues and a Poor Libido With Dr. Stephen Cabral Mind Pump # 2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? Mind Pump # 1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Dr. Anastacia ("Staci") Whitman (@doctor_staci) Instagram Dr. Stephanie Estima (@dr.stephanie.estima) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram
Best and Worst Exercises for Each Body Part Why every exercise that exists, given the RIGHT context, is a great exercise. (1:06) Best and Worst Exercises for Each Body Part:  LEGS (8:18) Best: Squats Worst: Adductor/abductor machine GLUTES (13:23) Best: Hip thrust Worst: Cable kickback CHEST (17:38) Best: Incline press Worst: Svend press BACK (22:41) Best: Pull-ups/Barbell row Worst: Single-arm cable rows SHOULDERS (25:50) Best: Overhead press Worst: Front raises BICEPS (29:13) Best: Dumbbell curls Worst: Standing front double bicep curl TRICEPS (30:51) Best: Close grip bench Worst: Reverse grip press down/Dumbbell kickbacks Listener Questions: When should we include the worst exercises? (34:00) Is the ability to create a pump valuable? (35:31) What are the best rep ranges? (36:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump TV - YouTube (Search most exercises mentioned) Mind Pump #2155: The Art & Science of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges to Build Muscle & Burn Fat Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Michael Israetel (@drmikeisraetel) Instagram Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Slow metabolism? Do this! (1:43) Seed is in a class of their own. (18:12) A couple that prays together, stays together. (21:56) Grace-based fitness. (31:54) Is there more of an insecure space than Fitness? (33:23) Why should men have a skincare routine? (42:19) More proof that our government sucks at doing things. (45:30) What will they add to the Olympics next? (50:17) What’s the cutoff age for your kids to live at home? (51:43) Shout out to Danny Matranga. (56:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – How often do you need to switch up your workout routine? (58:07) #ListenerLive question #2 – How would you guys recommend a combat arms soldier to train to meet the demands of combat? (1:08:45) #ListenerLive question #3 – What is the proper way to reverse diet? (1:19:25) #ListenerLive question #4 – Are Rhodiola, ashwagandha, cordyceps, and theanine safe while breastfeeding, and what is the best approach to fitness post-baby? (1:25:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2457: Four Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism The Couple that Prays Together Star Bodybuilder Jeff Nippard Attacked By Mike Van Wyck, Charged W/ Assault Portable bridge unlocks road construction without traffic diversions Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life – Book by Bill Perkins Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways to Know If Your Workout Is Not Right for You Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #1375: How to Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Step-By-Step Guide For Postpartum Fitness - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #2272: The Dangers of Heavy Metals & How to Flush From Your Body With Dr. Stephen Cabral Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Mike Van Wyck (@bigmikevanwyck) Instagram Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Danny Matranga | CSCS | BSc. (@danny.matranga) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The 3 BEST foods for muscle and strength, ranked in order. (2:05) The impact of heavily processed foods. (16:45) The power of the law of thermodynamics. (22:45) Buying toys for your kids because you like them. (25:56) How PRx has completely revolutionized home gyms. (29:40) Challenging masculinity. (33:35) The rise of fitness trainers. (39:34) Adam updates our audience on his muscle-building transformation. (41:52) Using Brain.fm on longer flights. (53:57) Shout out: ‘Watch the guys build a program on IG LIVE 11/13 Livestream 6 PM (PST)’ @mindpumpmedia  (59:17) #Quah question #1 – I travel a lot for work, what kind of isometric exercises can I do while sitting in the car? (1:00:14) #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on posing after a workout? I am hoping to gain a better connection and control over different muscles. Is it something I should incorporate into my training or is it something just for competitors? (1:05:05) #Quah question #3 – I get dizzy after performing every set of deadlifts. I warm up to my PR of 195 lbs. I fuel up before my workouts and I drink LMNT with 5mg of creatine during my workouts. Am I not getting enough o2? Is this due to ineffective breathing? (1:10:04) #Quah question #4 – Before meeting your wives, what quality traits were most important to you when looking for a partner, especially for someone aspiring to be a future husband and father? (1:13:03) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No Code for a 5% discount that gets automatically applied at checkout!!! ** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Harvard Med Student Eats 720 Eggs in 30 Days, Highlighting a New Trend: N=1 Science Manliness concerns impede forgiveness of coworkers Watch Love Is Blind | Netflix Official Site Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Watch Mr. McMahon | Netflix Official Site Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose which high-quality, lean protein you’ll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That’s up to $404 in savings for the year! ** Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Mind Pump #1670: When Lifting Light Builds More Muscle Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
4 Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism Previewing what you will learn in this episode. (1:07) What is your metabolism? (3:14) Fat loss vs. body composition. (4:04) 4 Mistakes That Destroy Your Metabolism #1 - Eat less and do lots of cardio. (7:01) #2 - Endurance training. (18:03) #3 - Take fat burners. (19:09) #4 - Skip meals. (22:29) Do this instead: (25:06) #1 - Eat more (protein) #2 - Lift weights (build muscle) #3 - Avoid too many stimulants #4 - Eat throughout the day Listener Questions: How many calories does a lb. of muscle burn? (34:30) What is the best type of strength training for fat loss? (38:23) Is creatine good for fat loss? (40:11) What are the best strength training exercises? (41:58) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism Why CARDIO SUCKS for FAT LOSS?? (QUAH #14) | MIND PUMP Fat Burners are a Waste of Money - Mind Pump Media Is Fasting a Good Tool For Weight Loss? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #009: Is Eating Small Meals A Myth? Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits of Lifting Weights Energy expenditure and activity among Hadza hunter-gatherers Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The (3) signs someone is on steroids. (2:11) Mind Pump LOVES photo shoots. (22:49) Style fads. (24:56) Improve your sleep efficiency with Eight Sleep. (29:20) Underrated exercises. (33:31) Exercise and its neuro effects. (38:37) Speculating on technology and its future impact on society. (44:20) Shout out: ‘Watch the guys build a program IG LIVE 11/13 Livestream 6 PM (PST)’ @mindpumpmedia (56:21) #ListenerLive question #1 – How can I set healthy habits to be an example for my family and kids? (57:05) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can you help me understand how to adjust my programming while not losing progress due to knee tendonitis? (1:18:00) #ListenerLive question #3 – Do you think the ‘food pyramid’ is a case of public health/government being behind, or do they know exactly what they are doing? (1:35:13) #ListenerLive question #4 – Recommendations to treat a hip pinch I’m experiencing while squatting? (1:39:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1507: Everything You Need to Know About Steroids With John Romano Mind Pump #2247: Can You Look Like a Bodybuilder Without Taking Steroids? Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Scientists Say this is the Ideal Temperature Range for Sleeping How to Perform a PROPER Dumbbell Pullover (Target Chest of Lats) | MIND PUMP Effects of Exercise on Brain and Cognition Across Age Groups and Health States Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** Mind Pump #2220: How to Stay Consistent With Your Workouts KINSTRETCH - Functional Anatomy Seminars Hip Flexor Deactivators- Do these first to maximize your Ab development FIX LOWER BACK PAIN By Deactivating Your Hip Flexors! | Mind Pump Activate Your Glutes & Accelerate Butt Development with Butterfly Floor Bridges Adam Schafer’s DEEP Squat Mobility Secrets | Behind The Scenes at Mind Pump Mind Pump #2085: Abs & Core Masterclass Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Greg Doucette (@gregdoucetteifbbpro) Instagram Derek (@moreplatesmoredates) Instagram Ronnie Coleman (@ronniecoleman8) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Chris Bumstead (@cbum) Instagram Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
The 5 Gym Machines You Need To Stop Using ASAP Free weights tend to be better for these reasons: (1:35) #1 - Real-world carryover. #2 - Requires more stability. #3 - Forms to your body, not the other way around. Criteria for determining which machines suck: (6:12) #1 - Higher risk of injury. #2 - Far better versions available. The 5 gym machines you need to stop using ASAP: (8:28) #1 - Pec deck (arms externally rotated). #2 - Ab crunch machines (encourage hip flexor). #3 - Tricep extension machine (never right length). #4 - Most glute machines. #5 - Back extension machine. Listener Questions: #1 - What is the value of machines? (28:57) #2 - What are your favorite machines? (31:38) #3 - Plate loaded vs weight stacks. Any difference? (33:36) #4 - Favorite cardio machine? (35:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1782: When Machines Are Better Than Free Weights Mind Pump # 2085: Abs & Core Masterclass Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV How to Do SKULLCRUSHERS with Dumbbells for BIG Triceps (ADVANCED) Mind Pump # 2155: The Art & Science of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Build Your Hamstrings- How to Properly do Good Mornings Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: How many times per week should you workout? (1:44) Chasing protein. (16:53) Scary food dye statistics. (20:23) Tesla bots. (27:47) Make yourself resilient by being fit & healthy. (29:40) How proud of your age are you when you’re fit? (39:15) Celebrating the staff. (42:04) Fun Facts with Justin: Keanu Reeves is an athlete. (43:44) Mind Pump Recommends Mr. McMahon on Netflix. (46:12) LMNT hack. (50:45) Shout out: ‘Watch the guys build a program IG LIVE 11/13 Livestream 6 PM (PST)’ @mindpumpmedia (52:13) #ListenerLive question #1 – Any advice on which program to start to support strength gains in rock climbing? (59:19)  #ListenerLive question #2 – Could being on TRT affect my joints? (1:12:14) #ListenerLive question #3 – How long should I rest between sets if I have limited time to workout? (1:28:14) #ListenerLive question #4 – What would be a reasonable approach to strength training for someone with Parkinsons? (1:37:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2387: How Much Should You Really Workout? Ask Health: Does Walking 8,000 Steps a Day Have Health Benefits? Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Trainer Webinar Series New report shows artificial food coloring causes hyperactivity in some kids Gavin Newsom Signs Ban on Artificial Food Dyes in School Snacks and Drinks. What to Know Keanu Reeves was so good at one role that a real-life sports team 'invited him to try out' Watch Mr. McMahon | Netflix Official Site Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling – Book by Bret Hart Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** How to Fix Golfer's/Tennis Elbow! (Inner Elbow Pain) Work Your Wrists Flexors - QUICK FITNESS TIP! Improve Your Shoulder Workouts with the Kettlebell Halo Mind Pump # 1612: Everything You Need to Know About Sets, Reps & Rest Periods Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Brad Jensen (@thesoberbodybuilder) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip:  Three things NOBODY tells you about gaining muscle after 40. (1:53) Does your birth order play a role in your IQ? (21:14) Defining success and embracing the struggle. (31:50) Organifi’s Starter Kit. (43:09) Underrated exercises. (45:19) GLP-1s impact on your skin. (51:39) The importance of starting a skincare routine. (54:30) Shout out to Brad Jensen! (57:02) #Quah question #1 – How do you gauge appropriate workout intensity? I never get sore, but I have a feeling my workouts are too intense as I have overtraining symptoms. How do you gauge the appropriate dose because I’m scared of doing too little? (58:01) #Quah question #2 – As a 30+ year old female, how realistic is it to achieve and maintain a low enough body fat percentage that showcases abs, leg muscles, defined shoulders, and maintain a healthy hormone profile? Is this possible to maintain without tracking? (1:04:46) #Quah question #3 – Are there any pros and/or cons for lifting low reps and heavy weight for 5-8 reps and mid-weight for 10-12 reps in the same workout in a Push/Pull/Legs split? (1:09:56) #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on pausing the use of a GLP-1 for a couple of weeks to do a mini-bulk and then get back on the GLP-1? My calories have dropped low, and I am wondering if interrupting the large deficit with a little bulk would keep me on the right track. (1:15:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. Organifi Stater Kit: Starting your new juicing routine has never been easier! Snag this simplified starter kit and see what the lifestyle’s all about. 7 days each of Green Juice and Red Juice Travel Packs, 30 days of Essential Magnesium Capsules, 1 branded Organifi shaker bottle. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1225: The 5 Must-Dos For Fitness Over 40 Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1530: Why Warm-Ups Are a Waste of Time Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Study: First-born children are smarter, more successful than their siblings Mike Tyson neck training Prone Cobra Row Focus Session- - YouTube Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How to Properly Switch It Up Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) X Brad Jensen (@thesoberbodybuilder) Instagram Brendon Ayanbadejo (@brendon310) Instagram
The Hidden Hormone that is Disrupting Your Sleep with Dr. Stephen Cabral The 4 stages of sleep and how you can get deeper in them. (1:31) What sleep “aides” impact sleep the most? (7:55) The best tracking devices. (9:09) What are the most common reasons why people have sleep issues? (10:09) Is there a negative feedback loop with melatonin? (14:03) The cortisol curve. (16:52) Supplements for cortisol. (21:23) Revealing the guy’s Bedtime Cortisol (Poor Sleep) test results. (23:41) Doug. (24:31) Adam. (28:18) Justin & Sal. (32:17) Lifestyle improvements for better sleep. (36:06) Who is this test for and where can I get it? (45:03) Related Links/Products Mentioned For a limited time, Mind Pump listeners can visit here for a FREE “POOR SLEEP TEST” that shows the root cause of your sleepless nights by unveiling your night-time cortisol levels.  Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** $150 off any CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) package! ** Code MPM150 at checkout ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Effects of Withania somnifera on Cortisol Levels in Stressed Human Subjects: A Systematic Review How Daylight Saving Impacts Your Sleep and What to Do About It Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results | Cabral Concept 2526 The Impact of Resonance Frequency Breathing on Measures of Heart Rate Variability, Blood Pressure, and Mood Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Features Guest Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Website Podcast
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The worst, most overrated fitness advice. (2:23) Adam updates the audience on his muscle-building transformation (30-day body recomp). (10:51) Justin’s nightmare sleep. (39:26) A sign of the times. (45:05) Teaching trainers and coaches how to make a career in fitness. (51:18) Pre-alcohol probiotic drink. (53:41) Shout out to The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents book by Lisa Damour Ph.D. (56:25) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do you coach somebody who doesn’t want to be coached? (57:31) #ListenerLive question #2 – How do I modify the intensity while simultaneously reducing the volume in half? (1:08:15) #ListenerLive question #3 – Would you be able to share general, specific, and or exact protocols, tips, and advice for recovering and gaining back significant muscle loss? (1:18:02) #ListenerLive question #4 – Should I cut, reverse diet, or maintain and continue to recomp? (1:32:03) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Pre-Alcohol Probiotic Drink for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! "Influencer Studies" Break Into the Ivy League Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** From October 1st through October 31st, our patients will have access to 20% off a wide range of cognitive health peptides. This is the perfect opportunity to boost your sales and offer your following top-quality peptides. ** Mind Pump #2355: How to Safely Increase Your Summer Workouts Intensity Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle The protein effect. (1:25) One of the MOST effective ways to control appetite. (5:06) Leads to a faster metabolism. (11:18) Does the quality of protein matter? (14:13) Why you should start your day with a high-protein breakfast. (16:57) Aim for protein first. (22:11) When can I use protein shakes? (23:44) The value of supplementing with Essential Amino Acids (EEAs) for vegans. (25:14) Listener Questions: #1 - What are some great high-protein snacks? (28:00) #2 - Is there any benefit to eating more than 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight? (29:08) #3 - How often can I use a protein shake? (30:31) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Biggest sale of 2024, ends 10/22, up to 70% off all shoes! ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Study shows high-protein diets are better for fat loss A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources of Protein Mind Pump #2060: Maximize Fat Loss With Continuous Glucose Monitors: Kara Collier Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Kara Collier (@karacollierrd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Are you over 40 and storing more belly fat than usual? Do this! (1:47) Adam updates the audience on his muscle-building transformation. (17:43) Mind Pump Fitness Coaching success stories. (37:25) Wild-caught vs. farmed-raised salmon. (44:41) Reminiscing on old fast-food favorites. (47:26) Moldy ice machines. (51:40) Shout out to JC Santana! (54:09) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is it possible for a bulk to be working if the scale isn’t moving? (55:28) #ListenerLive question #2 – How do you progress back into working out when you have chronic pain from previous injuries? (1:06:04) #ListenerLive question #3 – I understand lifting heavy doesn’t make you bulky, but is there some truth to that? (1:21:03) #ListenerLive question #4 – What do you do if GLP-1s aren’t working? (1:36:31) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** From October 1st through October 31st, our patients will have access to 20% off a wide range of cognitive health peptides. This is the perfect opportunity to boost your sales and offer your following top-quality peptides. ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose which high-quality, lean protein you’ll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That’s up to $404 in savings for the year! ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2447: The Keys to Visceral Fat Loss & Muscle Gain With Dr. Tyna Moore Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1925: How to Build a Great Physique in 15 Minutes a Day Colorado Experiment - Wikipedia Mind Pump Trainer Webinar Series Fish Faceoff: Wild Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon The Most Scenic Taco Bell In The World, Or At Least In Pacifica, Ca Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #2212: The Value of a “Dirty Bulk” Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! MAPS Fitness Prime Pro Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump #2177: How to Build a Non-Anxious Life With Dr. John Delony Building a Non-Anxious Life – Book by Dr. John Delony Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** $150 off any CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) package! ** Code MPM150 at checkout ** Functional Movement Systems Lat Pulldown Focus Session – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram JC Santana (@jcsantanaihp) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: 3 Exercises You Must Include in Your Workout as a Beginner. (2:05) GLP-1s impact on the US obesity rate. (18:36) GLP-1s may reduce opioid overdoses. (30:21) Insidious motives. (31:53) Kids say the cutest things. (39:21) Justin’s ‘respectful’ violence outlet. (40:14) Experimenting in college. (49:33) Adam updates the audience on his pec injury. (54:15) The ultimate anti-aging beauty serum for the skin. (59:33) Shout out to Dr. Lauren Fitz! (1:04:59) #Quah question #1 – What are some quick, no-equipment exercises you can do during vacations that can help you retain muscle? (1:06:56) #Quah question #2 – What does cardio look like to increase endurance without compromising muscle? I know it’s terrible for fat loss but how do you go about it to be in good cardiovascular shape for real-world situations? (1:10:46) #Quah question #3 – What's your take on Pilates? (1:13:53) #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on CA banning artificial food dyes? (1:19:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Exclusively for Mind Pump listeners, head over to Eterna Health to discover the benefits of PLGAns. Whether you’re looking to restore your skin or revitalize your hair, PLGAns has the solution. ** For a limited time use the code MINDPUMP10 for 10%. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1382: Why Everyone Should Squat Mind Pump #1652: How to Overhead Press Your Bodyweight Obesity is falling for the first time as Ozempic and weight loss drugs rise MAPS GLP-1 | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Semaglutide may reduce opioid overdoses, a new study suggests TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Weed-killing chemical found in majority of U.S. urine samples Mind Pump #680: Dr. Zach Bush on How to Restore Gut Health Gavin Newsom Signs Ban on Artificial Food Dyes in School Snacks and Drinks. What to Know American Food Companies Must Stop Doing This Now! Testimony Washington D.C. Senate Roundtable Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Zach Bush (@zachbushmd) Instagram Vani Hari | Food Babe (@thefoodbabe) Instagram Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram
The Key to Visceral Fat Loss & Muscle Gain With Dr. Tyna Moore Her thoughts on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women. (1:41) What do her patients notice when they go on HRT? (6:22) Explaining Regenerative Injection Therapy. (11:12) What age are women going into perimenopause? (13:45) Estrogen and adipose tissue. (17:02) Get healthy FIRST! (21:48) Context matters. (26:40) Defining metabolic health. (30:06) Why she is a BIG advocate of strength training. (33:29) Not all muscle is the same. (37:14) Metabolic warning signs. (41:10) Cautioning the audience when taking peptides. (48:28) Her thoughts on protein for metabolic health. (51:09) Is HRT becoming more necessary? (54:39) The triad for perimenopausal women.  (58:34) Her thoughts on metformin. (1:03:42) How to find a good doctor. (1:04:49) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Ozempic Uncovered Course Mind Pump #2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Suicide rates in women of menopausal age rise | ITV News Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits of Lifting Weights How Botox Injections May Reduce Depression - Psychology Today Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #2442: How Strong Should You Be? The Fastest Way to Get Bigger & Stronger at the Same Time Androgen receptors and testosterone in men—Effects of protein ingestion, resistance exercise and fiber type Dr. Tyna – How to Find a Good Doctor Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Features Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Website The Dr. Tyna Show Podcast Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Stop doing “3 Sets of 12” to build muscle & DO this instead! (2:08) Cringy politicians. (19:38) We need each other. (24:25) The difference between a prebiotic and a probiotic. (38:27) Food dyes and your children’s health. (39:43) Brilliant marketing by Plunge. (49:16) Strength gains in the elderly. (55:21) Shout out to Jake Heyen! (57:54) #ListenerLive question #1 – If I eat more fat can that cause me to gain more weight during a cut? (59:32) #ListenerLive question #2 – How should you workout while pregnant? (1:15:12) #ListenerLive question #3 – Am I losing out on a serious amount of gains due to my body not processing everything correctly? And how can I resolve this? (1:25:45) #ListenerLive question #4 – Do you see lift changes between programs? (1:34:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges to Build Muscle & Burn Fat Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light What’s Driving Women To The Left And Men To The Right? - Arthur Brooks California is first state to banish Froot Loops from school cafeterias Landmark Ruling Declares Fluoridated Water a Threat to Children’s IQ California Autism Prevalence by County and Race/Ethnicity: Declining Trends Among Wealthy Whites Liquid Death Is Selling a Limited Edition Cold Plunge That Will Have You 'Flirting With Hypothermia' Can You Gain Muscle as You Age? New Research Says Yes! Association of Grip Strength With Risk of All-Cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Cancer in Community-Dwelling Populations: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies Mind Pump Newsletter Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump # 1375: How to Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Mind Pump # 548: Ben Pakulski is Giving Away 100 Pounds of Pure Muscle MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ronnie Coleman (@ronniecoleman8) Instagram Dexter “The Blade” Jackson (@mrolympia08) Instagram Bret Weinstein (@bretweinstein)  Twitter Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Mark Bell (@marksmellybell) Instagram Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Jake Heyen (@jakeheyen) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram
Women, You Will Never Lose Belly Fat Unless You Do These 5 Things The causes of visceral belly fat. (1:10) #1 - Hormone imbalances (insulin resistance and estrogen/progesterone imbalance). (3:15) #2 - Excessive stress (high cortisol). (4:59) #3 - Loss of muscle. (10:02) #4 - Under eating/overtraining. (13:23) #5 - Metabolic adaptation. (15:20) The fix. #1 - Lift weights (not cardio). (18:29) #2 - Eat to BUILD. (24:25) #3 - Have a spiritual practice for stress. (28:02) #4 - Get good sleep. (34:39) #5 - Check hormones (maybe HRT). (38:56) Listener Questions: #1 - How long should I reverse diet before returning to a calorie deficit for fat loss? (41:41) #2 - How can I tell if I am overtraining, and what are the signs to watch for? (45:45) #3 - What’s the difference between muscle loss and fat loss and how do I ensure I’m losing fat, not muscle? (47:08) #4 - How does sleep impact fat loss, and what practical steps can I take to improve my sleep quality? (49:26) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Age and muscle loss - Harvard Health Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #1647: Ten Female Fitness Lies Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits of Lifting Weights Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You are Overtraining Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Does it matter where you get your protein? (1:38) Reverse diet success story. (16:50) Updating the audience on the Mind Pump GLP-1 group. (19:30) Have firm boundaries with your kids, yet give them grace for their reactions. (31:19) Super mom and #dadlife tales. (41:01) Free trainer webinar series. (48:18) The health benefits of taking JOYMODE. (50:38) Why it is hard to be successful in losing body fat and building muscle when you are eating out. (53:20) Fun Facts with Justin: New species in Antarctica. (59:27) Shout out to Doug Bopst! (1:02:54) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is it possible to have the right training protocol to fire up my metabolism enough to get to 15% while only really focusing on protein intake? (1:03:56) #ListenerLive question #2 – If I only have a target body fat percentage rather than a target body weight, how much protein should I aim for? (1:14:18) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can you change where you store body fat? (1:24:33) #ListenerLive question #4 – How and where do I start to move my personal training business online? (1:38:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Animal Protein versus Plant Protein in Supporting Lean Mass and Muscle Strength: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely MAPS GLP-1 | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV The Russian Woman Who Gave Birth to 69 Children Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) - TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Alien-Like Sea Creature With 20 Arms Identified By Scientists The No BS Guide To Getting Jacked, Burning Fat & Staying Lean | Adam Schafer (Mind Pump) From Atheist To Christian - #1 Fitness Expert Finds God During Adversity | Sal Di Stefano Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism Mind Pump # 1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump # 2430: How Women Can Slow Aging & Improve Hormone Balance With Dr. Stephanie Estima Mind Pump # 2390: Should You Become a Personal Trainer? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Dr. Becky Kennedy | Parenting (@drbeckyatgoodinside) Instagram Doug Bopst (@dougbopst) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. Stephanie Estima (@dr.stephanie.estima) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three BIG reasons why your shoulders aren’t growing! (1:46) The new/decked-out Mind Pump studio brought to you by PRx. (12:21) An exciting new exercise-mimicking peptide. (16:20) The STRUGGLE is where the gold is. (19:57) Like father, like son. (23:27) Halloween costumes with the Mind Pump crew. (25:45) Feeling the Happy Drops. (29:47) OnlyFans creators earned more than the entire NBA last year! (31:39) The internet opportunities are ENDLESS! (37:35) Fun Facts with Justin: The world’s oldest cheese! (44:50) Shout out to exclusive access to a NEW MAPS Program October 16th on IG Live 6 PM PST!  (50:34) #Quah question #1 – Does an increase in strength equal building muscle? (52:20) #Quah question #2 – What's Sal’s verdict on EAA’s since he has been using them? (54:19) #Quah question #3 – I see weighted vests for walking all over the place. What are your thoughts? (57:25) #Quah question #4 – Should I still train my legs if I’m currently 5 weeks out from a marathon? (1:02:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. Organifi Stater Kit: Starting your new juicing routine has never been easier! Snag this simplified starter kit and see what the lifestyle’s all about. 7 days each of Green Juice and Red Juice Travel Packs, 30 days of Essential Magnesium Capsules, 1 branded Organifi shaker bottle. ** Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No Code for 5% discount that gets automatically applied in checkout!!! ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV How To Do A PROPER Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly Mind Pump #1117: How to Build Amazing Shoulders New drug may help lose weight, reduce fat by mimicking exercise OnlyFans Creators Earned More Than the Entire NBA Last Year The world’s oldest cheese is now revealing some of its secrets Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Get 20% off Kion at getkion.com/mindpump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Enrico Incarnati (@rico.incarnati) Instagram
How Strong Should You Be? - Fastest Way to Get Bigger & Stronger at the Same Time Everybody is different. Genetics matter. (2:13) How Strong Should You Be? - Fastest Way to Get Bigger & Stronger at the Same Time. (4:57) Male & Female Squat Standards. (7:10) Male & Female Bench Standards. (11:10) Male & Female Deadlift Standards. (13:22) Male & Female Overhead Press Standards. (15:00) Male & Female Pull-up Standards. (17:14) The four steps to getting as strong as possible. (18:45) Listener Questions: How realistic is it that I can reach advanced levels of strength? (30:33) I just want to build muscle. Is strength still important? (32:22) What are the best strength supplements? (34:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Limited Promotion: MAPS Power Bundle for only $79.99!  Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Strength Standards: Are You Strong? Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump # 1312: Eight Ways to Boost Strength Fast Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three steps to get bigger arms in 30 days. (2:24) The dynamics between little girls vs. boys. (16:57) Testing out Meta AI. (20:56) Adam updates the audience on his transformation docuseries. (22:41) How language shapes ideas and behaviors. (32:43) Improving quality time with your family and yourself. (34:01) If you are new to personal training, start here. (42:09) Mind Pump Free Trainer Webinars. (45:57) Shout out to Marriage That Works: God's Way of Becoming Spiritual Soul Mates, Best Friends, and Passionate Lovers book by Chip Ingram. (52:02) #ListenerLive question #1 – Should I change my workout routine based on a DEXA scan? (54:38) #ListenerLive question #2 – You talk about different planes of motion, so I am wondering if all the programs I’ve done in the past are in one plane, and if so, which program or preventative exercises would be beneficial? (1:07:33) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can I still build muscle with my group training and MAPS 15 at home? (1:18:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** $150 off any CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) package! ** Code MPM150 at checkout ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2100: Big Arms Masterclass Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Occlusion Training Tutorial- How to Increase Muscle Size Using Blood Flow Restriction We believe men deserve Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Marriage That Works: God's Way of Becoming Spiritual Soul Mates, Best Friends, and Passionate Lovers, book by Chip Ingram Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits of Lifting With Light Weight The Only Way You Should Be Doing Bulgarian Split Squats! (BUTT GROWTH) Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Chip Ingram (@chip_ingram) Instagram
If You Want to Build (10) lbs. Of Lean Muscle Before Winter Without Gaining Fat, Do These (5) Things How realistic is this goal? (1:14) Building muscle is a slow process. Consistency is key. (5:39) If You Want to Build (10) lbs. Of Lean Muscle Before Winter Without Gaining Fat, Do these (5) Things. #1 - Lift weights 3 days a week. (9:11) #2 - Squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press weekly. (14:17) #3 - Eat your target weight in grams of protein. (20:02) #4 - Sleep for 8 hours every night. (23:36) #5 - Avoid heavily processed foods. (25:49) Should I also track calories? (28:10) What supplements should I take? (30:01) Should I include cardio? (31:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV The No BS Guide To Getting Jacked, Burning Fat & Staying Lean | Adam Schafer (Mind Pump) Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump #2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Doug Bopst (@dougbopst) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: You will NEVER lose body fat unless you do these five things. (1:44) Probiotics & fat loss. (18:14) The importance of paying attention to your stool. (21:59) Ignorance is bliss. (28:58) Making your farts smell like roses. (32:51) Challenging your stability. (34:22) How red-light therapy can help with recovery. (39:39) Son of Concorde. (45:14) Shout out to the bi-monthly Mind Pump Trainer webinars! (48:14) #ListenerLive question #1 – What are your thoughts on Oscillation Training? (50:37) #ListenerLive question #2 – Does eating excess protein speed up that ‘Goldilocks’ process? (1:00:23) #ListenerLive question #3 – Could an imbalance or other issues be causing my tight lower back? (1:13:45) #ListenerLive question #4 – Do you have any advice on working with a client that moves from one eating disorder to another? (1:21:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2432: The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is the Best Form of Exercise for Fat Loss and Overall Health Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump #1037: How Ultra-Processed Foods Are Making You Fat, Sick, & Weak Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Probiotic and resveratrol normalize GLP-1 levels and oxidative stress in the intestine of diabetic rats The Potential Impact of Probiotics on Human Health: An Update on Their Health-Promoting Properties Throne Science | Pinpoint your pain foods Make your farts smell naturally good - Pilule Pet or the Fart Pill Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Son of Concorde: New supersonic airplane Overture revealed Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** Mind Pump # 1070: Underground Muscle Building Secrets with Dr. Scott Stevenson SCOTT STEVENSON- cluster sets MAPS Prime Pro Webinar How to Fix "Low Back" Pain (INSTANTLY!) | Mind Pump - YouTube Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Scott Stevenson (@fortitude_training) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The 6 best high-protein inexpensive foods you can get anywhere (even Walmart)!  (1:49) Fun activities with your kids. (15:07) Kids say the darndest things. (18:21) Physical vs. emotional injuries. (21:29) Ninja CREAMi, please sponsor us! (32:35) The role texture plays in palatability. (34:09) How will tech impact your health? (38:10) The big lesson from the pandemic. (49:37) Check out the ‘mash-ups’ at Mind Pump Show on YouTube. (53:25) Shout out to Eroding Weakness on Instagram! (55:03) #Quah question #1 – Do I need to count calories? Sometimes I feel like I’m forcing myself to eat just to hit those numbers. Sometimes I hit my calories without effort. (56:11) #Quah question #2 – Can you explain how different rep ranges can change your physique? (1:00:01) #Quah question #3 – What is the best approach to tackle a 1-week family holiday where you know you’ll be eating freely and in abundance? Training at the resort is easy, just curious about what sort of training would be best. (1:03:16) #Quah question #4 – Please explain the basics of gym etiquette, I don’t know what I’m doing. Sincerely - I’m a home gym person intimidated by going to the gym. (1:07:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose which high-quality, lean protein you’ll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That’s up to $404 in savings for the year! ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1605: How to Get Jacked on a Budget Watch Masters of the Air – Show – Apple TV+ Ninja NC301 CREAMi Ice Cream Maker, for Gelato, Mix-ins, Milkshakes, Sorbet, Smoothie Bowls & More, 7 One-Touch Programs, with (2) Pint Containers & Lids, Compact Size, Perfect for Kids, Silver Highly processed foods can be considered addictive substances based on established scientific criteria - Gearhardt - 2023 - Addiction - Wiley Online Library CA DMV Wallet & mDL Pilot - California DMV Neko Health, the body-scanning AI health startup from Spotify’s Daniel Ek, opens in London Promising new AI can detect early signs of lung cancer that doctors can't see Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population Mind Pump Show – YouTube Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #1907: Nine Ways to Get Lean Without Counting Calories Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges to Build Muscle & Burn Fat Mind Pump #1080: 21 Commandments of Gym Etiquette Mind Pump # 1862: How NOT to Be an Idiot in the Gym Mind Pump # 2045: Overcoming Your Fear of Going to the Gym Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Don Cardona (@dc.fit1) Instagram Christopher Chamberlin (@erodingweakness) Instagram Stan “Rhino” Efferding (@stanefferding) Instagram
What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days The ONE factor that has the biggest impact on the obesity epidemic. (1:23) What are ultra-processed foods and why are they so irresistible? (6:07) Pallet fatigue is a REAL thing! (12:13) What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra Processed Foods for 30 Days #1 - Your cravings will spike at first. (16:50) #2 - Your digestion will improve. (19:03) #3 - You will lose some weight. (21:59) #4 - You will build some muscle. (24:56) #5 - Your skin will clear up. (28:42) Tips: #1 - Always have a protein with your meals. (31:58) #2 – Pre-make meals. (33:10) #3 - Add electrolytes to water. (35:23) #4 – Stay away from bread. (37:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned The Benefits of Eating Whole Foods Guide Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1527: The 3 Step Solution to the Obesity Epidemic Mind Pump #1877: Obesity, It’s Not Your Genetics Mind Pump #1037: How Ultra-Processed Foods Are Making You Fat, Sick, & Weak Man v. Food: Kitchen Sink Challenge – (YouTube) Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources of Protein Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: AVOID doing this first thing in the morning for better health results. (2:45) This is a good warning for people who use peptides for healing. (17:21) The anti-aging benefits of GHK-CU for the skin. (19:43) Diddy: Epstein Part II and going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. (21:11) Being sneaky. (33:42) Email handles you want to go away. (36:58) Organifi’s starter kit. (39:15) An example of how priming works. (40:34) The value in tracking. (44:23) Ice cream vs. gelato. (46:38) Fun Facts with Justin: Panda dogs. (51:08) Halloween festivities with Mind Pump. (52:54) Shout out to Higher Up Wellness! (57:26) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do you know if taking GLP-1s is the right thing for me? (1:00:02) #ListenerLive question #2 – How do I break very unhealthy snacking habits in the middle of the day? (1:13:49) #ListenerLive question #3 – What is the difference between creatine monohydrate and creatine hcl, and would creatine hcl cause fewer gut issues? (1:29:07) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do I lean out without losing muscle from where I am now? (1:36:37) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. Organifi Stater Kit: Starting your new juicing routine has never been easier! Snag this simplified starter kit and see what the lifestyle’s all about. 7 days each of Green Juice and Red Juice Travel Packs, 30 days of Essential Magnesium Capsules, 1 branded Organifi shaker bottle. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties The Wall Test | Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Ninja NC301 CREAMi Ice Cream Maker, for Gelato, Mix-ins, Milkshakes, Sorbet, Smoothie Bowls & More, 7 One-Touch Programs, with (2) Pint Containers & Lids, Compact Size, Perfect for Kids, Silver ‘Panda Dogs’: Chinese zoo goes viral for luring visitors with painted pups Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** MAPS GLP-1 | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Mind Pump #2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Michael Smoak (@higherupwellness) Instagram Mari Llewellyn (@marillewellyn) Instagram Kris Gethin (@krisgethin)  Instagram
The Eight Best Exercises to Get Strong, Toned Arms ‘Toned’ is a made-up word. (1:32) The importance of feeding your body correctly to repair, build, strengthen, and adapt. (4:05) Explaining the categories of exercises picked. (5:34) Compound  #1 - Reverse grip chin up. (13:03) #2 - Parallel bar dips. (15:58) Elbows to side #3 - Barbell curls. (19:43) #4 - Tricep pressdown. (23:46) Elbows in front  #5 - Preacher curls. (26:34) #6 - Skull crushers. (29:18) Extras #7 - Hammer curl (neutral grip). (30:55) #8 - Overhead tricep extension (elbows above). (33:25) How many sets per week should I do for arms? (34:25) Is it necessary to do isolation exercises? (37:43) What do you think about BFR? (39:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2100: Big Arms Masterclass Mind Pump # 1362: What You Can Learn About Building Muscle from Inmates, Gymnasts and Sprinters Mind Pump # 1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) – Mind Pump TV Occlusion Training Tutorial- How to Increase Muscle Size Using Blood Flow Restriction – Mind Pump TV How To Use BFR Training To GROW Your Arms (CRAZY PUMP!) Occlusion Training Guide | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brandon Carter (@kingketo) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The one MUST-DO hack to getting lean & healthy if you’re starting at 30% body fat. (1:46) Moments when you get tested as a parent. (10:41) Earn phase of your life vs learn phase. (25:50) BPC-157 is crazy! (31:50) Fun Facts with Justin: Anal breathing. (37:47) The only ‘off the rack’ suit for “jacked” guys! (40:10) A Pampers commercial is waiting to happen. (41:59) Fall is here, get your Vuori down jacket. (43:50) How CRAZY counterintelligence is getting! (45:16) The secret sauce is NOT baby oil. (49:15) At what point do we not respect authority? (55:29) Shout out to Mind Pump Show ‘mash-ups’. (1:00:27) #ListenerLive question #1 – What do you think about "resetting" each rep during a workout? (1:02:15) #ListenerLive question #2 – What’s the best way to regain this muscle post-500-mile hike? (1:13:17) #ListenerLive question #3 – Should I stay in maintenance, do a bit of a bulk, or do a bit of a cut, and for how long if I want to get leaner? (1:23:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit October 23 - October 25th in Orlando, FL. Visit here and use the code “LIVE100” which will give $100 off any level ticket (excluding virtual). September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1937: How to Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holiday Season The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization – Book by John C. Maxwell Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 with Dr. William Seeds TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 accelerates healing of transected rat Achilles tendon and in vitro stimulates tendocytes growth Scientists win Ig Nobel for discovering anal breathing in mammals What we know about the Hezbollah device explosions Watch Masters of the Air - Show - Apple TV+ Mind Pump Show - YouTube Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose which high-quality, lean protein you’ll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That’s up to $404 in savings for the year! ** Mind Pump #2122: Deadlift Masterclass How To Sumo Deadlift (The RIGHT Way) | Jordan Syatt – Mind Pump TV What Is The Prerequisite For The Deadlift? – Dr. Jordan Shallow How To Hip Hinge Properly (Fix THIS!) Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here are three health habits I regret not starting in my 20s. (1:44) Ninja cream. (14:57) The education system must be disrupted! (19:02) How the fitness industry has overcomplicated the process of building muscle and losing body fat. (22:30) Should MMA go away? (30:12) How we crave discipline and structure as a kid. (36:53) Dad life moments. (40:38) Parent hack: Organifi popsicles! (53:08) A peptide that boosts immune function. (54:50) Shout out to Brandon Carter! (58:09) #Quah question #1 – If my workouts are good and I’m still progressively overloading and getting stronger, does that mean I’m not truly in a caloric deficit? (1:00:25) #Quah question #2 – What is a good whole-food snack to eat before an early morning workout? I typically eat breakfast after but have been getting nauseous working out fasted. (1:03:14) #Quah question #3 – If you’re not hitting your protein goal will creatine still help you build muscle? (1:05:15) #Quah question #4 – Getting into powerlifting to eventually compete in the raw/classic division, should I already start lifting with knee sleeves, a belt and wrist straps or should I wait until I have some arbitrary weight before starting to use them? (1:07:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit October 23 - October 25th in Orlando, FL. Visit here and use the code “LIVE100” which will give $100 off any level ticket (excluding virtual). September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1605: How to Get Jacked on a Budget Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Massive study uncovers how much exercise is needed to live longer Thymosin Alpha 1 Reduces the Mortality of Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 by Restoration of Lymphocytopenia and Reversion of Exhausted T Cells What is Thymosin Alpha 1 and How Does it Work? - Jay Campbell Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Becky Kennedy | Parenting (@drbeckyatgoodinside) Instagram Brandon Carter (@kingketo) Instagram
The Truth About Essential Amino Acids with Angelo Keely Coming back to his roots. Angelo’s background, personal story, and how he got involved with Kion. (1:37) Breaking down the role and importance of essential amino acids (EAAs). (9:39) The fundamental importance of building and maintaining lean muscle as we age. (13:05) The nuance in daily protein intake. (16:53) What leads to protein muscle synthesis? (20:37) What is the most anabolic whole source of protein? (27:56) Is a high protein diet less important in a bulk than it is in a cut? (28:30) How much does the intensity of your training dictate this? (30:56) Why supplement with essential amino acids over taking protein powder? (34:57) Questioning the validity of these studies. (44:20) The value of protein for someone who is injured or hurt. (51:19) The best time to take EAAs. (58:24) The difference between BCAAs and EAAs. (1:04:04) Sharing in a fair context. (1:10:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get 20% off Kion at getkion.com/mindpump Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! 50% off PES (Performance Enhancement Specialization) ** Code MPMPES at checkout ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Increased Protein Intake in Military Special Operations International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Effects of essential amino acid supplementation on exercise and performance Resistance training and timed essential amino acids protect against the loss of muscle mass and strength during 28 days of bed rest and energy deficit Daily Consumption of a Specially Formulated Essential Amino Acid-Based Dietary Supplement Improves Physical Performance in Older Adults With Low Physical Functioning Nutritional interventions during bed rest and spaceflight: prevention of muscle mass and strength loss, bone resorption, glucose intolerance, and cardiovascular problems Branched-chain amino acids and muscle protein synthesis in humans: myth or reality? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Kion (@kion) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: How to use caffeine the RIGHT way to maximize its health benefits and minimize its negatives. (3:22) Updating the audience on Adam’s transformation journey. (26:48) Highlighting the Viking press and other unconventional machines. (37:17) All show, no go. (40:38) Dark sense of humor. (42:19) Glamour shots with Mind Pump. (44:06) Having sympathy for people with addiction issues. (47:35) When your comments backfire with your kids. (54:21) Shout out to Sky Londa Motor Club! (57:17) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is losing 1lb (and .375" off of my waist) per week a good/steady amount of fat loss? Or do I need to be in a more aggressive cut? (1:00:16) #ListenerLive question #2 – How do you get over the idea of a bulk? (1:12:23) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can I lean out while eating my maintenance calories? (1:29:45) #ListenerLive question #4 – Can cutting calories for extended periods affect your hormones and sleep (1:43:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Update on Emergency Department Visits Involving Energy Drinks: A Continuing Public Health Concern Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump # 2392: Steps to Overcoming Addiction with Tom Conrad & Ben Bueno Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump # 1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump # 2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Mind Pump # 2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump # 2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Mind Pump # 1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Chris Duffin (@mad_scientist_duffin) Instagram Sky Londa Motor Club (@sky_londa_mc) Instagram
Dr. Stephanie Estima Her story and background. (2:31) Why has women’s health been left behind? (5:49) Why has she changed her opinion on fasting? (8:37) Using your menstrual cycle as a vital sign of good health. (14:50) Getting women to lift weights more. (19:49) Why women should bulk. (22:55) Strength training is the preferred form of exercise to balance hormones. (24:35) Nutritional interventions. (34:15) Explaining hyperthyroidism and its prevalence in women. (37:13) Leaky brain = leaky gut. (41:44) Can premenopausal women get lean through strength training? (43:43) A trainer checklist for premenopausal clients. (49:10) Her thoughts on GLP-1s. (55:06) It’s a privilege to age. (58:26) Practices or exercises to find what makes you happy. (1:02:37) The currency of attention. (1:05:03) Physique competitors and disordered eating. (1:09:56) Exploring the concept of ‘junk volume’. (1:18:19) Her current strength training routine. (1:20:17) Skinny to strong. (1:21:35) The investment in building muscle. (1:23:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Cardio Bunny to Muscle Mommy: Strength Training for Women with Sal Di Stefano A COMPLETE GUIDE TO FAT LOSS & METABOLISM with Sal Di Stefano Mind Pump #2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk In Gerald Shulman’s Lab, Work Focuses on Reversing Insulin Resistance in Diabetes Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) The Betty Body: A Geeky Goddess' Guide to Intuitive Eating, Balanced Hormones, and Transformative Sex – Book by Dr. Stephanie Estima Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Stephanie Estima (@dr.stephanie.estima) Instagram Podcast  Website David Perlmutter (@davidperlmutter) Instagram Peter Attia (@peterattiamd) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Fix your lower back pain in under 30 days by doing these four basic exercises every day! (2:34) The importance of the shoes you wear when you work out. (16:41) Why overreaching is a bad idea. (19:24) Sal’s change in workout music. (22:52) #Dadlife updates. (27:02) Seeing things differently as an adult. (40:50) Experience is something that you can’t skip. (43:27) Having joy by serving others. (51:52) Reach out to an older family or friend to tell them you love them. (54:34) #ListenerLive question #1 – How should someone properly brace when lifting heavy? (55:58) #ListenerLive question #2 – How do I find my "max" for my lifts? (1:06:16) #ListenerLive question #3 – do you have any different recommendations on approaching things differently due to my lack of testosterone and using a GLP–1? (1:18:23) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on how to boost my strength and win that pull-up competition? (1:31:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** 10% coupon code applied automatically ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose which high-quality, lean protein you’ll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That’s up to $404 in savings for the year! ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit October 23 - October 25th in Orlando, FL. Visit here and use the code “LIVE100” which will give $100 off any level ticket (excluding virtual). September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Add Windmills to Your Workout to Increase Your Deadlift Strength Stick Tension Hip Bridges to Wake Up Your Sleepy Butt Activate Your Glutes & Accelerate Butt Development with Butterfly Floor Bridges How to Fix "Low Back" Pain (INSTANTLY!) | Mind Pump | YouTube FIX LOWER BACK PAIN By Deactivating Your Hip Flexors! | Mind Pump Building Muscle with Adam Schafer - Mind Pump TV How to use the Gx Sweat Patch | Gatorade Official Site Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** How To Hip Hinge Properly (Fix THIS!) The Best One-Rep Max Calculator for Any Exercise - Legion Athletics MP Holistic Health Mind Pump # 2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Mind Pump # 2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dylan Wahl (@mindpumpdylan) Instagram Josh Nickerson (@mindpumpjosh) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Build muscle now, lose it, build muscle again much faster the second time around. (2:08) The motivation behind Adam’s transformation Docuseries: “I Lost 50 lbs. of Muscle; Watch Me Build it Back.” (11:27) Couple workouts. (25:34) Going off to college and the possibility of leaving California. (30:06) Mind Pump Recommends ‘Masters of the Air’ on Apple+. (34:05) “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times.” (38:53) The Resistance Training Revolution. (43:46) Gummies are the trend. (47:29) The best bar soap lather out there! (48:17) The three-bolt rule. (50:46) Shout out to Masters of Air! (58:27) #Quah question #1 – I’m using a GLP-1 and doing the MAPS GLP-1 program, but I feel like it’s not enough. I’ve done Anabolic and Aesthetic before and love those. I already walk as well but feel like I need more strength training exercises. What should I do? (59:22) #Quah question #2 – You speak about the 3-2-1 sleep protocol (describe the protocol), but what do you do or suggest people do in the last hour without screens? And for people who have made watching TV to fall asleep their routine, what suggestions do you have to fill this space until you’re ready to fall asleep? (1:04:16) #Quah question #3 – If I don’t have access to places that have water tanks and DEXA scans, what is the next best-recommended way to test my body fat? (1:10:01) #Quah question #4 – I just opened a training studio. Do you have any advice? (1:13:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Human Skeletal Muscle Possesses an Epigenetic Memory of Hypertrophy Mind Pump #1322: What’s Your Real Muscle Building Potential? (And how to get there…) Mind Pump TV - YouTube Watch Masters of the Air - Show - Apple TV+ Association of Grip Strength With Risk of All-Cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Cancer in Community-Dwelling Populations: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results | Cabral Concept 2526 Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
The Proven Way to Lose Fat & Keep It Off Without Ever Restricting Your Diet Behavior psychology is the BIGGEST factor in your success. (1:06) Why you have to expend more energy than you take in to lose body fat. (5:54) The Proven Ways to Lose Fat & Keep It Off Without Ever Restricting Your Diet #1 - Avoid foods that make you overeat. (11:30) #2 - Don’t eat while distracted. (18:45) #3 - Don’t drink while you eat. (23:06) #4 - Eat high protein. (27:32) #5 - Eat high fiber. (30:56) #6 - Food order. (32:00) Can I really get good results without ever having to track? (33:25) I hate tracking, it makes feel obsessive and I get anxious. What do you suggest? (36:29) I want to lose weight but every time I eat less my cravings become overwhelming. Any tips? (39:06) What is the ideal macro ratio? (41:35) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 1527: The 3 Step Solution to the Obesity Epidemic Chewing Your Food: Is 32 Really the Magic Number? Mind Pump # 1207: Five Ways to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories Mind Pump # 1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The surprising reason cardio is NOT the best form of exercise for fat loss. (2:33) The annual Di Stefano sauce making. (16:44) Big little feelings. (19:23) How long do you keep a camera on your kid? (23:21) Perspective is everything. (29:10) The strong pull for older cars. (35:06) Energize your mitochondria with red-light therapy. (39:46) Old wrestling fun facts. (44:08) Drone delivery coming to a house near you! (47:32) Shout out to David Weck! (52:08) #ListenerLive question #1 – How would you address a client’s feelings about feeling “fluffy” coming off a bikini show? (55:28) #ListenerLive question #2 – How would you guys go about explaining the importance of hydration to a teenager? (1:08:10) #ListenerLive question #3 – What are your thoughts on weighing food and counting calories in front of kids? (1:15:39) #ListenerLive question #4 – I am looking for a small shortcut here as I age. I am still putting in the work, I just need more help than I used to. Is there any advice you can offer in this area? What do you think I can try to help my body change again? (1:29:35) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** 10% coupon code applied automatically ** For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit October 23 - October 25th in Orlando, FL. Visit here and use the code LIVE100 which will give $100 off any level ticket (excluding virtual). September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2157: Using Cardio as a Weight Loss Tool Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #900: NBA Superstar Sports Performance Coach Paul Fabritz Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing the Wrong Workout Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned David Weck (@thedavidweck) Instagram Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram
Ernest Colling, Founder & CEO of Transcend From high school dropout to CEO. His history, background, and how he got into the peptide telemedicine space. (2:24) The first surprises and opportunities starting a telemedicine company. (23:49) His first introduction to peptides, and the most impactful ones to him. (28:30) At what point did he know things were taking off? (34:52) Scaling issues encountered. (36:50) How do these compound pharmacies work? (38:12) A better quality of life with preventative medicine. (39:59) How has the cost for the end consumer changed? (42:19) Does every peptide have a name brand? (44:05) The motivation and meaning behind his foundation. (48:21) How EMDR therapy changed his life. (53:27) The importance and value of getting your blood work done to find your baseline. (54:51) Related Links/Products Mentioned TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Mind Pump # 2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 with Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump # 2110: Ozempic the Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump # 2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Transcend Foundation - United for Change Exercise 1.5 times more effective than drugs for depression, anxiety Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Ernie Colling (@ewcolling) Instagram Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram Steve Weatherford (@weatherford5) Instagram Jason Poston (@jasonposton) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Are you getting back into fitness after taking some time off? DO NOT make this mistake! (2:44) The key to long-term fitness success. (11:59) Organifi are trendsetters! (20:13) A conversation with Nick Andrews from Entera Skincare on their new beard serum. (26:34) Please STOP the remakes! (34:48) Justin’s personal UFO story. (41:29) Debunking the moon landing. (45:13) Russian spy whale. (49:46) Stay mobile y’all! (54:11) Shout out to Georgio Poullas! (57:01) #ListenerLive question #1 – Do you have any general teaching points on how to modify MAPS programs for shift work or other difficult lifestyles? (59:56) #ListenerLive question #2 – Should you change your training once you go on TRT? (1:11:08) #ListenerLive question #3 – What are your thoughts on alternate-day fasting? (1:25:09) #ListenerLive question #4 – I’m an ex-athlete who finds it hard now to get lean and feel like I’ve hit a plateau when it comes to weight loss. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong? (1:39:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit October 23 - October 25th in Orlando, FL. Visit here and use the code “LIVE100” which will give $100 off any level ticket (excluding virtual). September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** How to Get Back in Shape After Letting Yourself Go Mind Pump #2257: Why Hitting Fitness Goals is a Bad Idea Mind Pump #1327: Five Mindset Techniques for Fitness Success Mind Pump #2222: Astronaut Mike Massimino Russian spy whale Hvaldimir found dead in Norway : NPR Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your ideal Caloric Intake Mind Pump #2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned GEORGIO POULLAS (@georgiopoullas) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Do this ONE thing in the morning to burn stubborn body fat. (1:51) Throwing a wrench in the whole bug plan. (9:24) Chickens’ growth over the years. (11:32) Food production vs. distribution problem in America. (13:49) Efficiency and transparency when it comes to charitable actions. (16:43) Wrestling with the GLP-1 craze and the obesity epidemic. (22:38) A conversation on the ‘tradwife’ movement. (31:33) Send a box of meat to a friend! (48:08) This month’s NASM offer for Mind Pump listeners. (50:27) Shout out to the Mind Pump Newsletter! (57:01) #Quah question #1 - Does it matter how high up your back leg is when you are doing Bulgarian split squats? The bench seems too high, so I use a step with 2 risers under each side. (58:20) #Quah question #2 - If I miss a few days of MAPS 15, can I do a few workouts all in one day? (1:00:58) #Quah question #3 - What are the best exercises to lift breasts after years of breastfeeding? (1:03:09) #Quah question #4 - Can I exchange trigger sessions for focus or mobility sessions while running MAPS Anabolic and still see similar results? (1:05:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Want to try before you commit? You can order a one-time box for yourself or someone else. Choose which high-quality, lean protein you'll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That's up to $404 in savings for the year! ** Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! 50% off PES (Performance Enhancement Specialization) ** Code MPMPES at checkout ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources of Protein Chickens have gotten ridiculously large since the 1950s About World Vision | HomePage | World Vision International Semaglutide reduces risk of major cardiovascular events by 20%, finds study The Trad Wife Paradox with Anne Helen Petersen [VIDEO] Do you offer one-time gift boxes? – Butcher Box Mind Pump Newsletter Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** The Only Way You Should Be Doing Bulgarian Split Squats! (BUTT GROWTH) Mind Pump #1940: Chest Building Master Class Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
The 30-Day Protocol to Lose 8 lbs. Pounds of PURE Fat (#1 Method) The nuance behind this statement. (1:03) The two things the guys want to accomplish in this episode. (5:53) The Steps to Lose 8 lbs. Pounds of PURE Fat In 30 Days #1 - Track your calories and steps for 1 week. (11:01) #2 - Go into a deficit of 750 calories. (13:24) #3 - Strength train 2-3 days a week. (15:06) #4 - Increase steps by 3000. (19:45) #5 - Hit your target body weight in protein. (22:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump’s 30 Days of Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here’s one of the BEST ways you can get lean, burn fat, and build muscle at home! (2:01) The big takeaways from the Mind Pump GLP-1 coaching group. (4:40) Kids say the darndest things. (19:26) Avoiding the letdown on your face as a dad. (20:00) Don’t simulate racing on an empty stomach. (25:32) Cannabinoids and insulin. (32:53) Ned for pets! (35:35) It’s fear season! (39:03) Scammers can be clever. (41:50) Paying homage to Sal’s Nonna. (49:42) Shout out to Mind Pump’s Free Resources! (54:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – How can I get my right side to properly engage and achieve the balance necessary to stop my scapula from winging due to nerve damage? (56:53) #ListenerLive question #2 – I’m currently working on personal goals, but since my job can include lifting people all day long (paraplegic/quadriplegic) I’m not sure where my volume/ training program should be. Any advice? (1:22:22) #ListenerLive question #3 – As long as I’m generally getting stronger and my weight stays where I want it to be, does it matter whether I’m in a surplus one day and a deficit the next? (1:33:53) #ListenerLive question #4 – When I exercise, I tend to feel lightheaded and dizzy especially when pushing the tempo. Any advice? (1:42:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Maximize Muscle Growth & Recovery with Anabolic Triggering Sessions – Mind Pump TV MAPS GLP-1 | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Sunsplash Water Park in Roseville, CA  The effects of recreational cannabis use on glycemic outcomes and self-management behaviours in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a rapid review Scammers hide harmful links in QR codes to steal your information MP Holistic Health Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit October 23 - October 25th in Orlando, FL. Visit here and use the code LIVE100 which will give $100 off any level ticket (excluding virtual). Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. What are the Best Mobility Exercises for Shoulders? Mind Pump # 2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
Deciphering the difference between lack of motivation and low physical energy. (2:04) The Eight Real Reasons You're Always Tired & Lazy! #1 - Poor sleep. (5:24) #2 - Not enough exercise or too much. (10:32) #3 - Not enough sunlight. (17:39) #4 - Electrolyte imbalance. (19:23) #5 - Nutrient deficiency. (23:49) #6 - Too much caffeine. (27:30) #7 - Overwhelmed with stress. (30:37) #8 - Lack of purpose. (34:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing the Wrong Workout MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1415: 7 Ways to Find Purpose Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: These are the three most important factors when hiring a personal trainer. (2:10) The conspiracy theory surrounding chemtrails. (29:05) ‘Amazing Grace’ is good for your heart! (36:46) Defining acetaldehyde and its effect on your body. (44:04) Exercise and cognitive function. (47:24) The fascinating story of the East German swim team. (51:04) The benefits of Rhodiola and how to wean off caffeine the right way. (52:33) Shout out to Jim Kwik! (59:29) #ListenerLive question #1 – What is the proper protein, calorie intake, and workout routine for someone with a history of fatigue and weakness and almost zero knowledge of working out? (1:00:51) #ListenerLive question #2 – Am I able to sculpt my body and also increase testosterone and most importantly fertility? (1:15:22) #ListenerLive question #3 – My body is not responding to a reverse diet, what am I doing something wrong? (1:24:11) #ListenerLive question #4 – Do you have three actionable things I can do/say to my clients to get them to trust and follow the programming? (1:39:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** What to Look for When Choosing a Personal Trainer Mind Pump #2262: Six Reasons Trainers Fail Mind Pump #2390: Should You Become a Personal Trainer? Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course RFK Jr. Is Vowing To Crackdown on the Crime of 'Chemtrails'  MCW Cardiovascular Medicine Singing and Cardiovascular Health Research Mind Pump #2207: Upgrade Your Brain With Jim Kwik Limitless – Expanded Edition Exercise Improves Cognitive Function, But Only When You Move by Choice Should the IOC redistribute medals to swimmers who lost to doping East Germans in 1976? Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump # 2162: The Best Supplements You Can Take for Building Muscle, Performance & Health MP Holistic Health TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump # 2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Jim Kwik (@jimkwik) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The OPTIMAL evening routine to build muscle, burn body fat, and feel energized! (1:48) Eating better protein sources connects to bigger brains. (15:20) That one time a bear broke into the Truckee house. (20:31) Protecting free speech. (29:03) Swimply x Plunge. (35:50) Your worst nightmare coming to life. (42:29) Helping your child coregulate with an emotions pillow and the pros/cons of homeschooling. (46:35) Shout out to @Calligraphy.jy on Instagram! (59:58) #Quah question #1 - I would love some deeper insight on the “stay in a calorie deficit to lose weight” and “eat more to lose more” statements. I find it confusing. (1:01:04) #Quah question #2 - What are some great ways to help clients start a reverse diet? (1:06:39) #Quah question #3 - Thoughts on MK677? (1:09:43) #Quah question #4 - You all talk about leading by example as the best way to teach your kids about healthy eating. How do you go about this when co-parenting in separate households if the other parent doesn't prioritize healthy eating? (1:13:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Cabral Concept 2526: Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results (TT) Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining The Association between Dietary Protein Intake and Sources and the Rate of Longitudinal Changes in Brain Structure - PubMed Mark Zuckerberg says Meta was ‘pressured’ by Biden administration to censor Covid-related content in 2021 Swimply and Plunge Team Up: A New Way to Boost Earnings and Wellness Mind Pump #1822: Wim Hof on How to Control Your Immune System With Breathwork Watch The Deepest Breath | Netflix Official Site Thailand man bitten by python hiding in toilet Classroom Must Haves Throw Pillow Covers Set of 2 - Calming Corner School Counselor Office Mental Health Pillow Decor Calm Down Corner Items for Home Kids Dutch Velvet 18x18 Inch Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP MK-677 Pros and Cons: Weighing the Benefits Against the Risks Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Wim Hof (@iceman_hof)  Instagram Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram Jameson Yap 彥晨 (@calligraphy.jy) Instagram
The myths surrounding working out from home. (1:20) The barriers people encounter. (4:40) Important things to consider when starting your fitness journey. (7:00) Strategies on How to Workout at Home and Still Get in Great Shape #1 - Workout most days but do so appropriately. (12:18) #2 – It’s ok to split up your workouts. (13:54) #2 - Start the day off with a workout. (16:09) #3 - Consider home friendly equipment (bands and bodyweight). (18:52) #4 - Adjust intensity based on how you feel. (23:31) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere 50% off! ** Code ATHOME50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1990: Nine Reasons People Stop Working Out (& What to Do About It) Mind Pump #1447: How to Start Your Fitness Journey Mind Pump #1262: Why Fitness Assessments are Important Mind Pump #2080: Get Jacked With Bands! Mind Pump #1357: The Single Most Effective At-Home Workout Tool Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing the Wrong Workout Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The smartest way to diet to get lean effectively and efficiently as possible. (2:34) Tech is NOT going to solve the obesity epidemic. (14:26) There is truly an app for everything! (21:43) Ukraine robot dogs. (26:32) The ULTIMATE home security. (28:23) Sal’s incredible Christian worship concert experience. (31:15) Justin’s trip to Kula Sports Performance. (34:41) The 1-2 punch gut/skin axis. (38:48) Would you consider this? (43:06) The controversy surrounding the Shroud of Turin. (47:28) When you see a black widow for the first time. (51:17) It’s a weird time for potential homeowners. (52:44) RFK Jr. endorsing Donald Trump. (58:59) Shout out to Kula Sports Performance! (1:02:21) #ListenerLive question #1 – Why am I not losing weight on Semaglutide? (1:03:45) #ListenerLive question #2 – Any advice on how to do a pull-up? (1:13:52) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is it possible to run and be strong and lean? (1:23:54) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I remedy a trap imbalance due to weakness in my rotator cuff? (1:38:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1522: How to Stay Consistent With Your Diet & Workout Mind Pump #1572: Is Tonal Worth the Money? With Aly Orady Reflect Orbital Ukraine deploys $9K robot dogs vs. Russia with plans to use them as ‘kamikazes’ on the front lines Sublethal Remote Gun Kula Sports Performance Mind Pump #2255: The Smart Way to Improve Speed, Power, & Performance With Brian Kula Mushroom coffins that biodegrade in 45 days will be available in US AI Uses the Turin Shroud to Reveal What Jesus ‘Might Have Looked Like’ California Moves Toward Zero-Down-Payment Mortgages for Migrants Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) The RIGHT WAY To Do More Pull-Ups (Make Them EASY!) How to do a Scapula pull up correctly Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Becoming a Supple Leopard 2nd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance Mind Pump #1790: The Secret to an Attractive & Functional Body Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits of Lifting With Light Weight Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Christopher M. Naghibi (@chrisnaghibi) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
What is inflammation, what is its role in the body, and what happens when it’s off? (2:37) The rain barrel effect. (6:19) A DRASTIC change in Americans’ diet causes inflammation. (8:42) Why what you put into your body is so crucial. (11:06) Defining oxidative stress and how too much hurts us. (17:07) Inflammation’s effect on your mental state. (20:50) Focusing on the symptom rather than the underlying root cause. (22:45) What are senescent cells, and why should you care about them? (26:33) The most dangerous or detrimental things the ‘fitness & health’ space tells people. (32:55) The importance of inflammation testing. (35:09) Revealing the guy’s Inflammation Score test results. (36:22) Justin. (38:30) Sal. (39:24) Adam. (40:35) Doug. (41:52) Recommendations based on their results. (43:47) The value of lab testing and omega-3 supplementation. (46:31) You are what your food eats. (55:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned For Mind Pump listeners only Equi.life offers a FREE At-Home Inflammation Score test shipped right to your door. (Customer pays shipping and handling and First-time test-buying customers only). Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** The Breakdown Recovery Trap, Why You Aren’t Progressing U.S. consumption of edible oils by type 2023 | Statista The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! – Book by Stephen Cabral Podcasts Archive - Stephen Cabral Inflammation and Brain Health | Harvard Medicine Magazine How Taking NSAIDs Might Make Pain Worse - Mind Pump Media How to kill the 'zombie' cells that make you age - Nature Dr. Cabral Detox- An Equilibrium Nutrition Detox To Wellness The Protocol - Stephen Cabral Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here’s the truth about the carnivore diet when it comes to building muscle and burning body fat. (2:14) The motivation behind the podcast. (12:34) Changing the narrative around sodium. (18:57) Another study proves what the guys have been touting for years. (23:21) Yet another groundbreaking study on GLP-1s. (29:50) How we have gotten foot anatomy and function all wrong! (36:16) What percentage in each state owns guns? (53:39) Shout out to Sal on Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk podcast. (57:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – Overall I feel better and think I look better, but I’m concerned about weight gain. I’m I in a good place? Should I be concerned? (59:29) #ListenerLive question #2 – How should my programming look now when dealing with the stress of an upcoming wedding? (1:11:39) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is the fitness industry soft, in the sense that trainers are supposed to be coddling a little bit more and having that participation ribbon mentally? Or is it a personal growth thing for myself where I can find a happy medium between the two? (1:23:07) #ListenerLive question #4 – What is the best way to incorporate strength training if I want to continue practicing Jiu-Jitsu? (1:39:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS GLP-1 ** Code: GLP70 for $70 OFF. Includes: Ultimate Medication Guide for Patients & Healthcare Professionals & Intuitive Nutrition Guide. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #987: The Ketogenic Diet is Making You Fat Mind Pump #2212: The Value of a “Dirty Bulk” Weight-loss success depends on eating more protein, fiber while limiting calories The ONLY Way You Should Be Doing Dumbbell Bicep Curls! Tirzepatide reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 94% in adults with pre-diabetes and obesity or overweight Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) Justin Holiday | Xero Shoes The Truth About Ozempic For Fat Loss – Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose from filet mignons, ribeye’s, or NY strips, FREE in every box for a year. Use our code and receive an additional $20 off. ** Mind Pump # 2320: Throw Away the Scale! How Phasing Your Workouts Leads to Consistent Plateau Free Workouts Mind Pump # 1715: Ten Mistakes Fitness Trainers Make Mind Pump # 2262: Six Reasons Trainers Fail Mind Pump # 2390: Should You Become a Personal Trainer? Mind Pump # 2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump # 1525: The Death of the Gym Industry?: A Reality Check With UFC Gym CEO Adam Sedlack Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) Instagram Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Bradley Martyn (@bradleymartyn) Instagram Adam Sedlack (@ufcgymperez)  Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here’s what happens to your body when you quit sugar for 14 days. (2:09) Using GLP-1s for behavior modification. (9:37) Another HUGE win for the free market. (18:56) Mind Pump’s go to arcade games. (28:46) Kids say the darndest things. (33:11) Recapping Justin’s 70s-themed dance party. (35:43) Fun Facts with Justin: Fire ants predator fly. (43:52) The variance in the guy's social feeds. (49:01) The power of certain brands. (51:55) Shout out to Dr. Stephanie Estima! (55:00) #Quah question #1 - What is the best approach to calisthenics for building muscle and how often can you train with this style? (56:21) #Quah question #2 - Are inversion tables and boots worth it? (1:01:11) #Quah question #3 - When should you use a foam roller, therapy gun, or stretching for recovery? (1:03:48) #Quah question #4 - After so many years in the fitness industry, what are some of the things that still get you excited about it? (1:06:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS GLP-1 ** Code: GLP70 for $70 OFF. Includes: Ultimate Medication Guide for Patients & Healthcare Professionals & Intuitive Nutrition Guide. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1435: How to Kick Your Sugar Addiction in 5 Simple Steps Mind Pump #2410: How to Maximize Fat Loss & Preserve Muscle on GLP-1s (Introducing MAPS GLP-1) T-Pain reveals 1st deal had a 15-85 split, now makes more money on Twitch Whatnot: Buy, Sell & Go Live Podcast - Dr. Stephanie Estima Visit JOYMODE for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** How To Foam Roll PROPERLY (AVOID THESE MISTAKES) | MIND PUMP Mind Pump #2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephanie Estima (@dr.stephanie.estima) Instagram
Training for longevity vs. performance. (1:31) Chase health and aesthetics will follow. (5:30) 5 Worst Fitness Mistakes Damaging Your Overall Health & Longevity #1 - Not being consistent with movement. (9:20) #2 - Not lifting weights. (14:50) #3 - Doing too much. (21:54) #4 - Valuing calorie burn of activity. (27:40) #5 - Not viewing exercise as a skill. (32:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. ** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS GLP-1 ** Code: GLP70 for $70 OFF. Includes: Ultimate Medication Guide for Patients & Healthcare Professionals & Intuitive Nutrition Guide. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2300: Seven Habits of Truly Healthy People Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Mind Pump #2310: Don’t Let Your Age Stop You From Getting in the Best Shape of Your Life Mind Pump #2387: How Much Should You Really Workout? Mind Pump #1990: Nine Reasons People Stop Working Out (& What to Do About It) Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want your skin to look younger and tighter, do these three things. (2:58) The #1 cause of death for pregnant women. (12:23) The craziest abduction story ever. (17:40) Angels or demons? (20:28) Sal’s opens up on his ongoing spiritual journey. (22:06) Humans have age spurts. (28:20) Going through old modeling photos. (31:45) Feeling a little too comfortable? (34:40) Mind Pump Recommends Spacey Unmasked on MAX. (37:54) Comparing protein cookies macros. (45:43) Another tale of Sal’s unbreakable gut. (47:23) Cereal nostalgia. (50:06) Shilajit, the CBD of 2024. (54:18) Timing the market perfectly. (56:02) Shout out to @icreatemillionaires on Instagram! (1:00:10) #ListenerLive question #1 – What would be the best approach to cutting? Does it change depending on what I’ve been doing? (1:04:38) #ListenerLive question #2 – How do you recommend I go about coordinating my nutrition for bulking and cutting to maximize my gains in muscle and strength? (1:16:15) #ListenerLive question #3 –Do you have any recommendations on the proper course of action to take to improve my testosterone? (1:24:51) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I get out of this cycle of tons of movement/not enough calories and get into a better place? (1:38:56) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS GLP-1 ** Code: GLP70 for $70 OFF. Includes: Ultimate Medication Guide for Patients & Healthcare Professionals & Intuitive Nutrition Guide. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Lifting Weights Might Help Prevent Skin Aging, Study Shows | Health Watch American Murder: Laci Peterson | Netflix Official Site 'Holy grail' or epic hoax? Australian Kelly Cahill's UFO abduction story still stirs passions Joe Rogan Experience #2190 - Peter Thiel Study Finds Humans Age Faster at 2 Sharp Peaks - ScienceAlert Watch Spacey Unmasked | Max E.T. Cereal Pet Rock Exotic Car Hacks | YouTube Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts for Bulking & Cutting TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Drew Canole (@drewcanole) Instagram Pejman Ghadimi (@icreatemillionaires) Instagram
GLP-1s, here to stay? (1:59) A culture-shifting moment in history. (7:20) Why we made MAPS GLP-1. (10:11) GLP-1s effect on the body and setting the narrative on the proper use. (15:48) Why being under muscled is an overshadowed chronic health issue. (22:22) Developing strategies to mitigate potential health issues on a GLP-1. (25:03) Introducing MAPS GLP-1 and what’s included. (30:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 50% off their Certified Nutrition Course, Promo code MPM50CNC at checkout ** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS GLP-1 ** Code: GLP70 for $70 OFF. Includes: Ultimate Medication Guide for Patients & Healthcare Professionals & Intuitive Nutrition Guide. ** Mind Pump # 2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump # 2110: Ozempic the Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram  Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Six warning signs you are not healthy and what you can do about it. (1:45) The real Nacho Libre. (21:49) Admiring old-time strength athletes. (26:16) The guy's ‘douchiest’ looks. (30:49) Growth spurts. (36:12) Hardcore gyms are the best! (40:09) Mind Pump’s top sales movies. (46:16) Chase mastery first. (47:50) Shout out to Alex Hormozi. (50:38) #ListenerLive question #1 – What are some good ways to increase your bench press? (51:43)  #ListenerLive question #2 – Which is better to track, macros, or calories? (1:00:50) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can doing a challenge be a good way to kickstart weight loss before going into a program? (1:08:34) #ListenerLive question #4 – Can I swap my accessories for my Olympic lifting program and replace them with unilateral movements or symmetry or wait until next summer? (1:18:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Bristol Stool Chart: Checking if Your Poop is Healthy - Verywell Health Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2307: How to Optimize Your Brainwaves for Improved Focus, Relaxation & Sleep 'Fray Tormenta', the Mexican Priest Who Inspired 'Nacho Libre' Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling – Book by Bret Hart The Great Gama - Legendary Strength Mind Pump #2140: How to Choose the Best Gym for You Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) - IMDb Boiler Room (2000) - IMDb The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - IMDb 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2127: Bench Press Masterclass Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump #2340: The Ultimate Muscle Mommy Workout Program The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano 30 Days of Coaching | Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Logan Paul (@loganpaul) Instagram Jon Call (@jujimufu) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift)  Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Should you eat breakfast? Or what should you do before you eat breakfast? (1:45) When a rebrand makes something cool again. (26:14) Why are we policing the internet all of a sudden? (32:26) The trends around fitness with Gen Z. (41:05) Fun Facts with Justin: A surprising athlete who promoted their own fitness book. (42:40) The evolution of the modern athlete. (44:34) The most expensive collectibles. (49:06) Looking ‘buffer’ in State & Liberty. (54:26) Shout out to the Mind Pump Trainers Instagram. (57:08) #Quah question #1 - Can you please give me more details on why our body needs rest days and time to recover & adapt? I’ve heard it over and over and still have this drive that makes me want to work hard every day. It’s hard for me to slow down and really give my body a rest, and I am fatigued. On a practical level, what can I tell myself and how can I convince myself that it's safe to take a rest day and I won’t lose progress? (58:26) #Quah question #2 - What’s the importance of ‘time under tension’ in the context of building strength vs size? (1:05:30) #Quah question #3 - My range of motion and form gets compromised as I lift heavier. Is it better to go lighter and get a deeper range of motion & more control or stay heavier with a more limited range of motion? (1:11:15) #Quah question #4 - How many warm-up sets do you suggest? As you progress through the workout and get to the 3rd and 4th exercises do you need as many warm-up sets? (1:15:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain EU takes shot at Musk over Trump interview — and misses Watch Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga | Max The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Gen Z Loves the Gym; That's a Problem for Chains Like Planet Fitness - Business Insider Mind Pump #2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Babe Ruth's Diet: How the Great Bambino Stayed Fit and Healthy 9 of the Most Valuable Baseball Cards in History | HISTORY Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining TRUTH Behind BRO-SCIENCE: Their Key to Unlocking the SECRETS of Fitness & Health | Mind Pump 1998 Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light MAPS Prime Webinar Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1530: Why Warm-Ups Are a Waste of Time Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
The 3 Golden Exercise Rules to Reduce Belly Fat and Visceral Fat The differences between belly vs. visceral fat. (1:12) Build muscle to increase insulin sensitivity. (5:32) The 3 Golden Exercise Rules to Reduce Belly Fat and Visceral Fat. (8:46) #1 - Train like a strength athlete. (10:50) #2 - Focus on big lifts. (16:45) #3 - Stop doing cardio with weights. (22:49) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1190: 3 Ways to Transform a Skinny Fat Body Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is the Best Form of Exercise for Fat Loss and Overall Health Mind Pump #1062: Get Strong… Look Better Naked Mind Pump # 2027: How to Improve Your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift Strength Mind Pump# 1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump # 2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Not all proteins are created equal. (2:11) The protein powder hustle. (13:06) The old Italian stereotype rings true. (18:29) Fun Facts with Justin: Nazi’s and meth. (23:23) Hot August Nights and car troubles. (26:32) Customer service 101. (34:15) Insulin sensitivity and cannabinoids. (44:18) Sleep up to an hour more with Eight Sleep. (48:02) Ideal bodyweight and fast cars. (49:58) Shout out to Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump. (57:33) #ListenerLive question #1 - What are some ways to increase cortisol? (58:44) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can being on a low-carb diet cause sleep disturbances? (1:16:47) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any strategies for my clients who seem to hit a wall with their appetite as we work to build their macros up? (1:28:42) #ListenerLive question #4 – Why am I still starving on a bulk? (1:38:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump # 1220: The 4 Best Sources of Protein Mind Pump # 1757: The Truth About the Anabolic Window & Protein Timing Joe Rogan Experience #2183 - Norman Ohler Nazis and meth Cannabis Use as Risk or Protection for Type 2 Diabetes: A Longitudinal Study of 18 000 Swedish Men and Women Mind Pump # 2060: Maximize Fat Loss With Continuous Glucose Monitors: Kara Collier Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts for Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul Saladino, MD (@paulsaladinomd) Instagram
The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain (Avoid this!) Does fasting belong in the diet category? (1:14) The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain. #1 - It’s for aesthetic goals. (3:01) #2 - You miss protein targets. (11:31) #3 - You binge when it’s time to eat. (15:24) #4 - You’re already over-stressed. (20:16) #5 – Tends to promote the eating of garbage. (25:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: A Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting 50% off! ** Code IF50 at checkout ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2190: Fasting Masterclass Mind Pump #1052: Why Fasting May Be Making You Fat Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism NIH study finds heavily processed foods cause overeating and weight gain Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The smartest way to get developed 6-pack abs. (1:31) Father/daughter relationship balancing act. (15:08) The dark side of ‘reality’ TV. (20:08) Where there is a will there is a way. (28:39) Is the ‘influencer’ trend here to stay? (31:48) Red-light therapy is FDA-registered for pain and healing. (36:53) What a shitty way to lose! (41:26) Why does the Eiffel Tower change size? (44:16) BIG people problems. (45:09) Shout out to Travis Chapman Art! (52:54) #ListenerLive question #1 – How do you determine your “ideal weight?” (54:00) #ListenerLive question #2 – Why am I gaining weight/belly fat when I am not doing anything different as far as my diet, just a different program? (1:11:30) #ListenerLive question #3 – How do you go through a cut without messing up your hormones? (1:24:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1855: How to Maintain a Beach-Ready Body All Summer Long Can You Achieve a 6-Pack if You Have Never Had Abs Before? Mind Pump #1285: The Ultimate At-home Ab & Core Workout Mind Pump #2085: Abs & Core Masterclass Watch Love Island USA | Netflix ‘Secret Lives of Mormon Wives’ docuseries set to unpack viral Mormon momfluencer sex scandal Free Guy (2021) - IMDb The Creator (2023) - IMDb Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Pole Vault guy hits his junk on the bar signed print French Pole Vaulter Gets $250K Job Offer Thanks to His Viral Bulge Why does the Eiffel Tower change size?   Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** Mind Pump #2300: Seven Habits of Truly Healthy People Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2040: Balancing Female Hormones With Dr. Becky Campbell and Dr. Krystal Hohn Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Theo Von (@theovon) Instagram Sean Whalen (@seanwwhalen) Instagram Travis Chapman (@travis_chapman_artist) Instagram Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer three Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you eat meat, eat GRASS-FED. (2:01) Using science to change your perception. (8:33) That time the guys got hustled. (14:30) When was the last time your mom had seen you naked? (19:04) The incredible/inspiring story of Terry Fox. (22:11) A discussion on the right time to give your kid a cell phone. (25:21) Toxic friends and their influence on your kid. (34:16) The challenges of raising kids while divorced. (43:50) How Mind Pump got introduced to ZBiotics. (47:49) It’s a rare partnership. (51:45) #Quah question #1 - What are the main qualities you look for in determining if a workout program is appropriate and will be effective?? There are so many options online, and I'm struggling to choose one and know what's good and what's not. (58:40) #Quah question #2 - What are the best hamstring hypertrophy exercises for someone who works out at home? (1:05:02) #Quah question #3 - When performing a unilateral exercise, is there any benefit to doing alternating reps vs. one side at a time? (1:08:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose from ground chicken, ground sirloin, or ground pork for free in every order for a year. Plus, get $20 off your first order. That's up to $236 in savings for the year! ** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Nutritional Comparisons Between Grass-Fed Beef and Conventional Grain-Fed Beef Common Knee Surgery May Help No More Than A Fake Operation The Inspiring Story Of Terry Fox And His Marathon Of Hope Good News, Inspiring, Positive Stories - Good News Network Unplugged: Evolve from Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness, Performance, & Consciousness – Book by Dr. Andy Galpin Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked – Book by Adam Alter iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy–and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood–and What That Means for the Rest of Us – Book by Jean M. Twenge PhD Drink Like There’s Tomorrow – ZBiotics IG video Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** GROW Your GLUTES with a SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT! Build Your Hamstrings- How to Properly do Good Mornings Build Your Hamstrings with the Stability Ball Leg Curl - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Brandon Turner (@beardybrandon) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) One of the EASIEST ways to introduce someone to a healthier lifestyle without the risk. (0:59) The BEST form of cardio for pure fat loss. (3:05) The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss. #1 - Most people can walk without major dysfunction. (5:42) #2 – Low barrier of entry. (12:28) #3 - It's harder to overtrain. (17:07) #4 - It supplements strength training best. (18:25) #5 - Improves relationships. (26:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1917: Ten Common Traits of Fit & Healthy People Running Injuries > Fact Sheets - Yale Medicine What is NEAT and Why Should You Care About it? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here is a good rule of thumb if you’re doing strength training: If you’re doing low reps, bump your sets. If you’re doing higher reps, drop your sets. (2:31) How Adam has used peptides to heal his recent injury. (10:54) Why thinking too much about the ‘self’ is actually not a good thing. (25:04) Spiritual physics. (27:58) Top herbs for anxiety. (33:40) Shocking social media statistics. (36:54) Making the case for or against Universal Basic Income. (42:52) The hack to being successful in life. (49:22) Shout out to the book Die with Zero. (52:48) #ListenerLive question #1 - What kind of yearly rotation of your programs would you guys recommend that would represent the typical athlete cycle (i.e., off-season, in-season, etc.)? (57:01) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I put on size and how should I change my training to go from bikini to figure? (1:02:17) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can MAPS Muscle Mommy be too much volume if I am on semaglutide? (1:18:20) #ListenerLive question #4 - I've been lifting for about a year and a half and although I've got definition on my upper body and feel I've become 'compact', I'm lacking it on my lower body. Please help! (1:25:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1282: The #1 Key to Consistently Building Muscle & Strength (Avoid Plateaus!) Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like an Athlete Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 with Dr. William Seeds Judging your own happiness could backfire Joe Rogan Experience #2180 - Jordan Peterson - YouTube Here's what a Sam Altman-backed basic income experiment found US didn't keep tabs on $293 million in Afghanistan funding, audit finds From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life – Book by Arthur C. Brooks Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life – Book by Bill Perkins Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #1927: Performance Training Secrets from a Top NBA Trainer With Cory Schlesinger MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Mind Pump #2360: What You Need to Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram
How can you tell if someone has too much visceral fat? (1:36) What are some of the top things that sabotage somebody on this journey? (5:24) #1 - Most people should AVOID heavily processed foods. (9:50) #2 - Not eating high-protein meals. (16:21) The best types of proteins for building muscle and getting lean. (18:48) Specific strategies on how to achieve this. (23:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** The Effect of Exercise on Visceral Adipose Tissue in Overweight Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis The Exercise Paradox | Scientific American NIH study finds heavily processed foods cause overeating and weight gain Processed foods make up 70 percent of the U.S. diet Mind Pump #620: Chris Kresser on the Chronic Disease Equation, the Potato Hack for Fat Loss, the Disease Worse than Being Eaten by a Shark & MORE Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources Of Protein Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is the Best Form of Exercise for Fat Loss and Overall Health Mind Pump #1282: The #1 Key to Consistently Building Muscle & Strength (Avoid Plateaus!) Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chris Kresser M.S., L.Ac. (@chriskresser) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you’ve plateaued here is something that can get you to progress again/that will build more muscle & strength. (1:55) The sourcing of the meat from Butcher Box. (12:35) Kids say the darndest things. (15:16) Navigating the emotional differences between men and women. (19:23) When to allow access to the internet for your children. (36:55) The seven types of friends everyone should have. (40:26) The AMAZING digestibility of Paleovalley’s bone broth protein powder. (52:53) Why all men need a few good nicknames. (54:05) Shout out to Ann Svogun! (58:08) #ListenerLive question #1 – What are your thoughts on protein sources specifically supplements to ensure maximum absorption when tracking your macro goals? (59:09) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can you help me get to the root cause of why my left hamstring is causing me so much pain? (1:08:11) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice for a 44-year-old, mother of 3, on where to start if I want to gain muscle? How long do I stay in a bulk and when do you know when to cut? (1:19:33) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on how I can improve my sleep hygiene? (1:29:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose from ground chicken, ground sirloin, or ground pork for free in every order for a year. Plus, get $20 off your first order. That's up to $236 in savings for the year! ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2347: Become a Better Husband, Wife, Father or Mother by Discovering Your Attachment Style With Adam Lane Smith 7 Types of Friends Everyone Needs Men's Social Circles are Shrinking  Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** 90/90 to Pigeon Pose Hip Stretch Progression - YouTube How To Foam Roll PROPERLY (AVOID THESE MISTAKES) | MIND PUMP MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Cabral Concept 2526: Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results (TT) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Ann Marie Svogun l Weight-Loss Coach (@annsvogun) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: A novel way to get your body to start building muscle and strength again. (1:18) Mind Pump gets back to its roots with MAPS GLP-1 Coaching. (17:49) Injectable or pill form? (24:07) Thoughts on GLP-1s being recommended for pediatrics. (25:52) The ULTIMATE scam. (28:17) Good and bad kid quirks. (36:43) The best candidates for cold plunging. (52:42) Shout out to Dr. Lauren Fitz! (57:29) #Quah question #1 - When you press overhead are you supposed to have the shoulders down and back in a packed position or let the scapula move freely? How much upper trap activation should be present? (58:44) #Quah question #2 - I tend to attract older clients as a personal trainer. I love helping them reverse the aging process! However, what are the best ways to approach severe upper-crossed syndrome? That seems to be the issue I am addressing the most. (1:03:23) #Quah question #3 - My arms carry a lot of fat. I’ve lost 15 lbs. and 23 inches overall (6 in my waist), but I haven’t lost any inches in my arms. Is there anything I can do to shrink my arms? (1:10:05) #Quah question #4 - What is your favorite exercise that gets weird looks in the gym and is super effective/underrated? (1:13:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1790: The Secret to an Attractive & Functional Body MAPS GLP-1 COACHING: Avoid The Pitfalls & Set Yourself Up for Success TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Everything You Need to Know About Ozempic for Kids, According to a Pediatrician, Obesity Expert and Psychologist After School Math & Reading Programs - Kumon 300% Work Increase Using THIS?! Andrew Huberman Explains the Coolmitt Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** How To Properly Do The Seated Cable Row (IT MATTERS!) – Mind Pump TV Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health- Levator Scapulae Stretch Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health– Prone Cobra The Wall Test | Mind Pump TV MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #2100: Big Arms Masterclass Sissy Squat – The forgotten quad building exercise of the pros – Mind Pump TV Build Your Hamstrings- How to Properly do Good Mornings Forgotten Muscle Building Exercises Intro: Old time muscle building exercises that build muscle fast Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram
How Do I Train Like My Favorite Athlete? Training like your favorite athlete does NOT guarantee you will look like them. (1:53) Common misconceptions that training like a pro will give you pro results:  #1 - They are genetic anomalies. (5:10)  #2 - Their training is VERY individualized. (7:09) #3 - They are paid to perform. (11:46) #4 - Train like them and you will get terrible results. (14:43) What to do instead: #1 - Correct your imbalances. (16:27) #2 - Practice your sport. (21:08) #3 - Get stronger. (23:10) #4 - Mobility is key. (26:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** Special Promotion: MAPS Performance Advanced half off. ** Coupon code ATHLETE50 at checkout ** Watch Receiver | Netflix Official Site Watch Quarterback | Netflix Official Site Mind Pump #1262: Why Fitness Assessments are Important Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like an Athlete MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #2255: The Smart Way to Improve Speed, Power, & Performance With Brian Kula Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Daniel "DC" Cormier (@dc_mma) Instagram Patrick Mahomes II (@patrickmahomes) Instagram Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: How you lift weights changes how you look. (2:31) Being a badass. (12:05) The fun process of building a MAPS program. (15:26) Sal likes to drive fast. (16:51) Adam’s hunt for creative car pathways. (17:41) New studies on the entourage effect of cannabinoids. (25:56) An appreciation of old muscle cars and the feeling of being present. (29:15) The ‘skibidi toilet’ viral trend. (41:02) Addressing the controversial Olympics opening ceremony. (45:45) The race to autonomous cars. (53:48) The latest deal from NASM. (58:33) Shout out to the FREE ‘How to Build a Profitable 7 or 8-Figure Coaching Business’ webinar with Jason Phillips and Adam. (1:00:02) #ListenerLive question #1 – What are your thoughts on athletes who do not have an “offseason”, but would still like some muscle gains? (1:03:23) #ListenerLive question #2 – How can I best utilize these higher-than-normal testosterone levels to optimize my strength and muscle building? (1:17:22) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is it better to work with clients on perfecting a deeper range of motion with their squats first or heavier weights and build strength? (1:28:26) #ListenerLive question #4 – How would you incorporate MAPS programs for an athlete who does their sport year-round? (1:40:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 50% off their Certified Nutrition Course, Promo code MPM50CNC at checkout ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits of Lifting With Light Weight Alice's Station Corvette ZR1 The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World skibidi toilet 76 (full episode) Olympics organizers address controversial 'Last Supper' tableau Gojira's Epic Performance at the Olympic Opening Ceremony Ottopia Technologies How to build a Profitable 7 or 8 Figure Coaching Business with Jason Phillips and Adam Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump # 952: Chad Wesley Smith of Juggernaut Training Systems Mind Pump # 2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut How to Box Squat to Improve Your Squat Form - YouTube 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #334: Jujimufu- The Anabolic Acrobat Mind Pump #435: The Secret of Jujimufu’s Success Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram Dylan Wahl (@mindpumpdylan) Instagram Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Chad Wesley Smith (@chadwesleysmith) Instagram Jon Call (@jujimufu) Instagram
Why Mind Pump Doesn’t Give Meal Plans Why Mind Pump does NOT give diet plans. (1:19) Reasons why they work (temporarily). (7:15) Reasons why they suck. (10:43) What to do instead. (19:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1522: How to Stay Consistent With Your Diet & Workout Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps to Determine Your Ideal Caloric Intake Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The BEST strength training workout for 85% of the population. (1:51) The role and benefits of Bifidobacteria. (15:00) Drumsticks are the margarine of ice cream. (21:03) Japan’s ‘fat’ tax and how ‘breakfast’ has been sold to our kids. (26:55) The BEST sunscreen you will find anywhere! (38:21) The stories we told ourselves that sounded normal at the time. (43:00) Trigger sessions are now mainstream! (47:06) An important PSA for trainers and coaches. (52:22) Shout out to the book Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free, by  Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. (56:08) #ListenerLive question #1 - If training a higher volume than 8 sets per workout is more valuable, how would I do higher volume while still doing failure training without feeling nauseous after my workout? (57:25) #ListenerLive question #2 – Any suggestions for a permanent weight-loss solution without medication? (1:09:01) #ListenerLive question #3 - What should progress look like for a beginner? How do I set myself up for success? What are good attainable goals I should be setting? (1:23:25) #ListenerLive question #4 - Do you have any good resources to help me diagnose specific muscle weaknesses or imbalances? (1:37:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+ 50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Probiotics in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: Current Perspective and Future Prospects TikTok Is Grossed Out Because Drumstick Ice Cream Won't Melt — But There's a Very Simple Explanation Big Government, Small Bellies: What Japan Can Teach Us About Fighting Fat Exercise Snacking: Boost Fitness Without Hitting the Gym How to build a Profitable 7 or 8 Figure Coaching Business with Jason Phillips and Adam Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps To A Faster Metabolism Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list… Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways To Know If Your Workout Is Not Right For You Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #1342: The Top 4 Mistakes Skinny Guys (Hardgainers) Make Working Out Mind Pump #1605: How To Get Jacked On A Budget How Unilateral Training Can Be BETTER Than Bilateral Training MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram Vicki Reynolds (@vicki__reynolds) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The ONE thing you can do to simultaneously improve your cognitive function, help you build more muscle, and burn more fat. (2:26) Kids say the darndest things. (14:07) Going down the Jesse Ventura rabbit hole. (14:56) Is Justin the best or worst storyteller in the world? (17:41) Such an American idea. (24:26) The ultimate insurance scam. (26:26) The science of liquid breathing. (29:31) Dogs can smell stress and alter their behavior.  (32:41) An elephant that paints! (34:15) The commonalities between leadership and coaching. (41:24) Why the peptide GHK-CU is so good to use on your skin. (55:25) Shout out to Presumed Innocent on Apple TV+. (1:00:32) #Quah question #1 - Why is it so hard to lose the last 5 pounds?? What to do?? Even less calories?? More cardio? (1:03:21) #Quah question #2 - Should I program scheduled deloads or just go by necessity? (1:08:49) #Quah question #3 - Could long hours of sitting at work affect my hamstring strength and be a cause of lower back pain during lifting? (1:13:28) #Quah question #4 - What are trends in the fitness market that you see and would recommend someone to invest in to create passive income? (1:17:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** How to build a Profitable 7 or 8 Figure Coaching Business with Jason Phillips and Adam August Promotion: MAPS Bands | MAPS 40+  50% off! ** Code AUGUST50 at checkout ** Probiotics’ Effects in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression: A Comprehensive Review of 2014–2023 Clinical Trials Mind Pump #2060: Maximize Fat Loss With Continuous Glucose Monitors: Kara Collier Reels of Justice Watch the Fireworks as Alaska Town Hurls 13 Cars off a Cliff The Abyss (1989) - IMDb Can Humans Breathe Liquid Like in The Abyss? - Today I Found Out Dogs can smell human stress — and it alters their own behavior, study reveals Suda - The Painting Elephant Mind Pump # 2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Watch Presumed Innocent - Apple TV+ Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Mind Pump # 2372: Five Steps To A Faster Metabolism Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump # 2015: How To Apply Advanced Training Techniques To Build More Muscle How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt (BECAUSE SIT HAPPENS!) | MIND PUMP How to Fix “Low Back” Pain (INSTANTLY!) | Mind Pump 3 Simple Exercises to Alleviate Your Back Pain - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump # 2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire A Trainer Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram Drew Canole (@drewcanole) Instagram Don Cardona (@dc.fit1) Instagram
Real Recovery Talk-Steps to Overcoming Addiction with Tom Conrad & Ben Bueno Tom and Ben share their history of addiction and trauma. (2:16) “Put the clients first and the money will be there.” The origin story of Rock Recovery Center. (25:17) The dark world and hustle of ‘Body Brokers’. (31:07) Are there common mistakes with treatment? (40:13) Why any attempt to shield an alcoholic is doomed to fail. (42:29) The importance of fitness for recovery. (44:57) How quickly can they tell if someone will be successful through this process? (49:14) What are some of the biggest obstacles patients encounter? (55:42) Strategies for people in denial. (57:46) “It’s not the amount of time that you spend with your children, it’s the intentionality behind it.” (1:01:49) The role of the spiritual component in recovery. (1:05:51) Is there a correlation to the level of addiction somebody has/gone through to the level of trauma they suffer from? (1:19:13) The first steps you can take if you want help. (1:26:07) Bringing awareness and staying authentic. (1:30:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, you can apply for a FULL scholarship for treatment.  It is valued at $60,000 and could be around 4/5 months' worth of treatment! Visit here to enter! TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Rock Recovery Center - Drug Treatment Center in Florida   Body Brokers (2021) - IMDb Al-Anon Family Groups Have a problem with alcohol? There is a solution. | Alcoholics Anonymous Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest(s)/People Mentioned Real Recovery Talk | Addiction Recovery (@realrecoverytalkpodcast) Instagram Website Podcast Thomas Conrad (@realrecoverytalktom) Instagram Ben Bueno (@realrecoverytalkben) Instagram David Goggins (@davidgoggins) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you’re on a low-carb diet increase your sodium intake! (2:30) When old things become cool again. (7:28) Sal’s daughter is a spitfire. (18:10) ‘How to Build a Profitable 7 or 8-Figure Coaching Business’ free webinar. (19:45) Mind Pump Recommends Skywalkers: A Love Story on Netflix. (24:50) Kids say and do the darndest things. (30:13) A lesson in trust. (35:05) Getting excited about the challenge. (38:52) Is mental illness the manifestation of spiritual illness? (41:03) The best time to visit the coast. (48:46) The Di Stefano’s love Ned! (51:17) Shout out to Roya at the Fitness Equinox Beverly Hills. (54:09) #ListenerLive question #1 - Given the drawbacks of training in a group format, would you advise I move forward with this opportunity to gain experience or keep trying/and or wait until a one-on-one training opportunity becomes available? (55:11) #ListenerLive question #2 - Can poor sleep be related to your workouts? (1:08:01) #ListenerLive question #3 - Is it less effective to cold plunge and use the sauna daily and if so, does it make sense to cycle these two things in order to continue to see and feel benefits? (1:18:05) #ListenerLive question #4 - I have been experiencing headaches doing shoulder exercises. Any advice to relive this? (1:31:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Research team discovers link between sodium and migraines before pain occurs The Legend of Vox Machina (TV Series 2022- ) - IMDb How to Build a Profitable 7 or 8 Figure Coaching Business (Aug 7, 2024 7pm eastern, 4pm pacific) Watch Skywalkers: A Love Story | Netflix Official Site Watch Love Island USA Streaming Online (2022-) | Peacock Spirituality, religiousness, and mental health: A review of the current scientific evidence Beverly Hills Fitness Club - Equinox Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! ** 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** Mind Pump #1822: Wim Hof On How To Control Your Immune System With Breathwork Add Size to Your Traps with Farmer Walks MAPS Prime Pro Webinar What are the Best Mobility Exercises for Shoulders? The Wall Test | Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram Vicki Reynolds (@vicki__reynolds) Instagram Wim Hof (@iceman_hof) Instagram
Should You Become a Personal Trainer? Why the guy’s got into the field of personal training. (1:19) The moment you realize there is ‘real’ money in this. (5:54) Personal training statistics. (12:37) Should You Become a Personal Trainer? #1 - Are you passionate about fitness and health? (14:46) #2 - Are you passionate about people? (18:27) #3 - Are you able to take ownership of people's success while simultaneously not taking it personally when they fail? (29:00) #4 - How do you feel about sales? (33:24) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course How to Build a Profitable 7 or 8-Figure Coaching Business with Jason Phillips & Adam Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the WORST ways to get fit, lean & healthy is to work out in groups. (1:54) Running clubs are the new dating apps. (12:25) How to sniff out bots. (20:09) Using psilocybin to reset your brain. (23:45) General characteristics of siblings. (29:45) The unhappiest group of people are young adults. (43:19) Developing character as a young man. (52:57) New product alert from Legion! (57:49) Don’t want this movie! (59:33) Shout out to the FREE group for trainer’s Personal Trainer Growth Secrets on Facebook. (1:02:28) #ListenerLive question #1 - I lost my period 10 years ago due to all kinds of eating disorders. I have been a normal weight for 5 years now but struggled for most of them with binge eating. Should I start hormone therapy or stay the course? (1:03:50) #ListenerLive question #2 – What are natural ways to increase testosterone? (1:18:21) #ListenerLive question #3 – I coach a 14u girls softball team. If you were me or my assistant, what would you have my girls doing for the first 5-15 minutes before practice or a game? (1:29:04) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I continue to go to the gym daily, but not feel overtrained? (1:39:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Chris Williamson | Run Clubs are the New Dating Apps MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #2155: The Art & Science Of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Psilocybin generates psychedelic experience by disrupting brain network Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties The Declining Mental Health of the Young and the Global Disappearance of the Hump Shape in Age in Unhappiness Gentlemen Broncos (2009) - IMDb Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by MindPump - Facebook Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Mind Pump #2380: Six Huge TRT Mistakes TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2252: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course MAPS Prime Webinar How To Do The Lizard with Rotation For Your Upper Back & Spine Punter Kicks (AKA Cheerleader Kicks) Mobility Session - YouTube Mind Pump #1530: Why Warm-Ups Are A Waste Of Time Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Brett Cooper (@imbrettcooper) Instagram Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: The WORST shoes to lift weights in. (1:40) Doug’s undercover bougie. (7:02) Dressing up with Vuori. (11:02) Date night with the Di Stefano’s. (13:39) Horseback riding with Mind Pump. (15:25) California wants to own your kids. (20:00) The misconceptions around homeschooling. (22:45) Beware of your feminine hygiene products. (25:56) What are things we will look back on in 50 years and say, “That was crazy we did that?” (29:43) The origin of the treadmill. (35:56) Elon is enemy #1. (39:15) Should the person running the country be a good businessman or a woman? (42:23) Men who kiss their wives goodbye live longer. (47:13) Beards bring ‘wizardly’ wisdom. (49:36) Gym pet peeves. (52:33) Shout out to The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man book by John Perkins. (57:01) #Quah question #1 - When is the best or right time to take Creatine? (58:06) #Quah question #2 - When following your programs is it ok to replace some upper body movements with lower? I noticed there are too many upper body exercises and as a female, I have a well-developed upper body and only want to maintain it. (1:01:07) #Quah question #3 - If I have a specific goal of reaching the 1000lb club (deadlift, bench, and squat), is there any point you would suggest using tools such as a belt or straps? (1:06:23) #Quah question #4 - Can you share who your "ideal" GLP-1 client is for the coaching you are offering? Lately, you have had conversations with listeners who you think are and are not ideal users for GLP1s. Would love to hear you talk more about this. (1:10:46) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Lucchese Boots California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs bill banning schools from notifying parents of child's gender identity HOMESCHOOLING: THE RESEARCH Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity - Book by Andrew Solomon A study found toxic metals in tampons. Here's what to know : NPR In the 19th Century, You Wouldn't Want to Be Put on the Treadmill Elon Musk to donate $45 million a month to new Donald Trump super PAC: Report Trump: The Art of the Deal Happy Wife, Happy Life: Men Who Kiss Their Wives Goodbye Everyday Live Four Years Longer On Average, New Study On The Impact of Physical Connection Men with Beards May Be More Stable Romantic Partners Mind Pump #1080: 21 Commandments Of Gym Etiquette The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Creatine benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Mind Pump #2027: How To Improve Your Squat, Bench, And Deadlift Strength Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list… Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram
How Much Should You Really Workout? The misconception around how much exercise you need to do to optimize your body’s progress. (2:07) Why does exercise, if done properly, build muscle? (5:05) “The goal is to do as little as possible, to elicit the most amount of change.” (11:38) How Much Should You Really Workout and Things to Consider? #1 - How often do you currently work out? (17:54) #2 – How good is your sleep? (20:31) #3 – How is your stress? (23:21) #3 - How is your diet? (26:19) What Does a Good Exercise Routine Look Like for the Average Person? #1 – General activity: Walk more. (32:32) #2 – Structured workout: Strength training (15-20 min. 5 days a week or 2 workouts a week to build. Half of that to maintain.) (36:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Special Promotion: MAPS 15 50% off! ** Code MAPS15 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How To Properly Switch It Up MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon What is NEAT and Why Should You Care About it? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1712: How To Get A Friend Or Family Member Started With Resistance Training Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Fat Loss And Overall Health Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The best way to use a cold plunge! (2:28) A discussion on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. (12:02) Birthdays at the Schafer household. (25:34) When your wife gets ‘closed.’ (31:52) Mind Pump’s current Butcher Box favorites. (32:50) What grosses you out when it comes to babies? (34:23) Lab-grown brains. (37:47) Aurelius is FULL of boy energy. (40:22) How fitness is such an impactful thing for a kid to pick up. (46:35) Shout out to the book Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, by Tom O’Neill. (56:39) #ListenerLive question #1 – Would coming off testosterone be appropriate for me, or staying on it? I am trying to find the root cause of my low sex drive and nutrient deficiencies. (58:27) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can you superset bilateral and then move to unilateral exercises? (1:14:16) #ListenerLive question #3 – I've recently become addicted to doing CrossFit, but my concerns are with doing these multi-body part movements and mobility. Should I also be doing isometrics, and if so, how often and which muscle parts are most important? (1:20:46) #ListenerLive question #4 – What can I take from your guy's advice and change it to fit someone in their early 20s? (1:39:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Cold Plunges for Anxiety & Depression - neurolaunch.com The Trump assassination attempt rattled the nation. Here’s what we know about the investigation. Home - FinalSpark 16 lab-grown brains run world’s first ‘living computer’ in Switzerland How To Hip Hinge Properly (Fix THIS!) Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports For Kids Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** MP Holistic Health The Most Important Daily Habits For Health & Longevity - Dr Rhonda Patrick (4K) Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #1605: How To Get Jacked On A Budget Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Mind Pump #2132: Six Reasons Men Today Are Weak MAPS Prime Pro Webinar 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Drastically improve your odds of success by hiring a trainer. (1:38) The misconception of the challenge and difficulty of getting fit and STAYING fit. (6:22) You don’t know what you DON’T know. (8:40) The resurgence of being a personal trainer. (11:08) Why don’t most people invest in a personal trainer when they get a gym membership? (12:59) How do I get a good trainer? (16:22) 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer #1 - They understand proper exercise. (17:23) #2 - They can guide you through pitfalls. (22:27) #3 – Accountability. (27:32) #4 – Objectivity. (32:02) #5 - It’s more enjoyable. (36:44) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Buy CPT Self Study and Get CNC for Free (A savings of $899!) ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers Mind Pump #1492: Five Things To Look For In An Online Coach With Jason Phillips Mind Pump #2262: Six Reasons Trainers Fail Mind Pump #2317: Success Tips From World Class Trainers Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: A subpar workout done CONSISTENTLY will outperform a perfect workout done inconsistently. (2:02) The unwritten rules of the mosh pit and channeling your anger.  (9:59) Introducing Mind Pump’s newest partner, Our Place. (30:35) Mind Pump Recommends Worst Roommate Ever on Netflix. (39:03) The guy's worst roommates. (43:47) An investment in your sleep. (52:49) Weird News with Sal: “Gay” bomb. (55:30) Shout out to Scott Donnell! (58:39) #ListenerLive question #1 – Any advice on hitting a 500 lb. deadlift before I turn 50? (1:00:23) #ListenerLive question #2 - Can you explain the reasoning behind the rest times in Phase 3 of MAPS Anabolic? (1:09:04) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any insights on how to get better at getting up from an Asian squat without using hands? (1:17:48) #ListenerLive question #4 - How does someone who has been consistently working out since age 12 or 13 keep variety in their training without sacrificing consistency? (1:26:03) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Our Place for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our Place offers a 100-day trial with free shipping and returns. ** Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2220: How To Stay Consistent With Your Workouts Mind Pump #1230: Surviving & Thriving In A Toxic World With Max Lugavere Watch Worst Roommate Ever | Netflix Official Site In 1994 The U.S. Military Actually Considered Building A "Gay Bomb" Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2122: Deadlift Masterclass Mind Pump #945: The Best Rest Periods For Muscle Gain & Fat Loss How Rest Periods Help Your Body Adapt For PROGRESS | Mind Pump Mind Pump #1375: How To Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Luna Physical Therapy Mind Pump #2340: The Ultimate Muscle Mommy Workout Program Mind Pump #1577: What To Do When You Are Getting Bored With Your Workouts Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Vicki Reynolds (@vicki__reynolds) Instagram Scott Donnell (@imscottdonnell) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Does the ‘pump’ build muscle and should you chase it? (1:42) Oxytocin with Mom’s and Dad’s.  (8:49) Things the guys do better than their partners. (10:38) Culture is VERY important when it comes to obesity. (15:58) Good gut health is good brain health. (25:35) The mental challenges with cutting and bulking. (27:11) Mind Pump’s favorite types of people in the gym. (36:51) Off the rack with State & Liberty. (39:13) What is in the water there?! (43:23) Why does war breed more boys? (47:07) The bio-hacking space is interesting. (51:22) Shout out to the NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event! (56:57) #Quah question #1 - Should you eat fewer calories on rest days? If so, how many fewer? (58:03) #Quah question #2 - How important is having a strong core for the main lifts? Is there a certain percentage more you can expect to lift by strengthening the core? (1:01:55) #Quah question #3 - How can I stop trap engagement while doing back exercises? (1:08:44) #Quah question #4 - How do you teach your kids about health and fitness? I want my kids to be healthy, but I don't want them to develop an unhealthy relationship with exercise, diet, or their bodies. (1:13:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** This is your brain on fatherhood: Dads experience hormonal changes too, research shows Expanding options for tackling obesity in Japan - Nature Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump #2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Why Does War Breed More Boys? - Popular Science The Returning Soldier Effect I: Why Are More Boys Born During and After Wars? Does Performing Resistance Exercise with a Partial Range of Motion at Long Muscle Lengths Maximize Muscle Hypertrophic Adaptations to Training? NCI x Mind Pump 2 Day Truckee Experience Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism Mind Pump #2085: Abs & Core Masterclass How to Fix Rounded Shoulders (GONE IN 4 STEPS!) | MIND PUMP What Are The Best Mobility Exercises For Shoulders? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf) Instagram Olivier Rioux (@olivier.rioux) Instagram Holly Tiarne Baxter (@hollytbaxter) Instagram Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Gary Brecka (@garybrecka) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram
5 Biggest Challenges with Cutting & Bulking Defining cutting and bulking. (1:28) Why would someone want to do either one? (4:49) The 5 Biggest Challenges with Cutting & Bulking. #1 - “Feeling” fat or “feeling” small. (7:07) #2 – The hunger or feeling full. (15:03) #3 - The scale lies. (18:02) #4 – How you work out. (25:05) #5 - Overcorrecting (lack of patience). (28:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps To A Faster Metabolism Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts For Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Is ‘cozy cardio’ valuable? (2:40) Max’s first experience at Universal Studios. (13:06) Embracing the moment and being patient as a parent. (19:06) An unregulated and wild weekend with the Andrews. (25:26) The Simpsons has always been edgy. (28:12) Fireworks and crowds. (29:48) Erroring with caution being a fitness fanatic around your kids. (31:47) Phases of life with your children. (36:27) Navigating challenging your ideas with your kids. (40:04) What you do is WAY more impactful than what you say. (47:01) Brilliant capitalism. (49:28) Cannabis is NOT so taboo anymore. (50:33) The chemistry and serendipity of Mind Pump Media. (55:57) Shout out to the NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event! (59:27) #ListenerLive question #1 - I have important questions about the MAPS Muscle Mommy program. Please help! (1:03:01) #ListenerLive question #2 - Is there something I can do to grow the inside of my legs and get more definition? (1:18:02) #ListenerLive question #3 - What are your thoughts on the importance of having protein right after a workout? (1:31:32) #ListenerLive question #4 - If I were to return to rowing, what would you advise for suggested time off? (1:35:58) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** What Is Cozy Cardio? Learn About the Fitness Trend and Try It Yourself Mind Pump #2220: How To Stay Consistent With Your Workouts The NCAA looks to weed out marijuana from its banned drug list Mind Pump #1507: Everything You Need To Know About Steroids With John Romano What to know about cannabis consumption at California State Fair NCI x Mind Pump 2 Day Truckee Experience Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #1080: 21 Commandments Of Gym Etiquette Lateral Lunge with Hop Mobility Session - YouTube COSSACK SQUAT - Increase Mobility & Leg Strength (TRY THIS SQUAT) Mind Pump #1757: The Truth About The Anabolic Window & Protein Timing Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. Becky Kennedy | Parenting (@drbeckyatgoodinside) Instagram Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram
The scary/disturbing decline of males’ testosterone levels. (1:09) 6 Huge TRT Mistakes #1 - No change in lifestyle. (6:02) #2 - Adding training volume. (10:40) #3 - No focus on mobility training. (13:55) #4 - Masking poor health signals. (18:42) #5 - Inconsistent dosing. (22:17) #6 - More is not better. (25:44) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also, try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1230: Surviving & Thriving In A Toxic World With Max Lugavere Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights The Importance of Incorporating Mobility Training to Avoid Injury TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One more reason you should lift weights. (1:53) Sierra Mist vs. Cierra Mistt. (12:36) The podcast rush. (17:06) Podcasting 101. (21:51) Lessons learned from nearly a decade of podcasting. (26:16) Becoming more ‘unplugged’. (40:51) The most brilliant thing Adam has ever said! (50:35) Shout out to the NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event! (54:22) #ListenerLive question #1 – I’m a lifting newbie who has been consistent for about 8 months, but am not seeing as much progress as I would like. Am I doing something wrong or is it really this slow? (55:33) #ListenerLive question #2 - I’m hoping you guys can help me figure out what could have caused such a drastic single-body test? (1:16:22) #ListenerLive question #3 – How can I program my strength training workouts to enhance my athletic performance without overtraining? But also, putting in many hours of MMA training as an MMA fighter. (1:28:55) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any long-term advice/strategies for training for the next decade? (1:39:26) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Lifting Weights Might Help Prevent Skin Aging, Study Shows - Health TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Sierra Mist Lawsuit: Internet Star "Cierra Mistt" Claims Legal Battle with PepsiCo Mind Pump #1197: Four Steps To Creating A Successful Podcast Failure Is The Best Form Of Mentorship | The Higher Standard 236 The Higher Standard Podcast - Episode 232 | The Get Dynasty Origin Story Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty ** A basic living trust is 100% free with GetDynasty and takes less than 10 minutes to make. ** Inflight ‘raw dogging’: The bizarre new travel trend that’s creating a buzz NCI x Mind Pump 2 Day Truckee Experience Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump #1927: Performance Training Secrets From A Top NBA Trainer With Cory Schlesinger Mind Pump #2255: The Smart Way To Improve Speed, Power, & Performance With Brian Kula MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #2230: How To Optimize Your Training, Diet & Lifestyle After Age 40 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Christopher M. Naghibi (@chrisnaghibi) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter/X Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The exercise that you suck the most at is where all the gains are! (2:01) Adam’s embarrassing bowling injury. (12:23) Putting the chicken nuggets from Butcher Box through the ultimate test! (19:35) I got my friends back! (24:14) When your AI clone goes dark. (29:30) Speculating on the future of education. (30:57) The human nature learning curve of adopting AI. (34:08) Cool technology. (42:37) Weighing the pros and cons of assisted suicide. (44:26) Making your property a cemetery. (49:23) USA’s football blunder. (53:49) Is Pat McAfee a sore loser? (56:41) Shout out to the NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event! (59:44) #Quah question #1 - How do you determine that you have spent enough time building muscle and will have something to reveal once you go into a deficit? Do you base it on time spent building or weight gain or something else? (1:02:04) #Quah question #2 - Can you reverse diet after a show without putting on insane amounts of body fat? (1:06:39) #Quah question #3 - What's your take on exercise snacks? Besides pull-ups and pushups, what other exercises are great to do during your breaks? (1:10:15) #Quah question #4 - I’ve tried for 2 years to build the inner part of my bicep and nothing seems to work. When my arms are down to their sides, the part of the bicep that rests against my body looks awful! I work out 4x a week, and could lose 8-10 lbs. so nothing drastic…. I hate that part of my arms and I cover them up even in this heat. HELP! I want to go sleeveless! (1:14:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! ** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2145: Forgotten Muscle & Strength Building Secrets Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How To Properly Switch It Up The Importance of Incorporating Mobility Training to Avoid Injury Influencer Disturbed When Her “AI Clone” Starts Engaging in Dark Fantasies Alpha School China builds robot with lab-grown HUMAN BRAIN dubbed ‘Organoid’ in Frankenstein experiment to create ‘hybrid machines’ The Revolving Toilet by Sanitronics, a revolutionary self cleaning toilet, by Business Insider NATIONAL DISASTER: Japan Beats Team USA National Team In Football... HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Caitlin Clark SUES Pat Macafee NCI x Mind Pump 2 Day Truckee Experience Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mark Sisson (@marksissonprimal) Instagram
The 4 Most Valuable Supplements Everyone Should Take Supplements DON’T come close to what proper diet, sleep, and lifestyle can do for you. (1:18) Personal stories and experiences. (3:57) The 4 Most Valuable Supplements Everyone Should Take #1 - Multivitamin. (8:13) #2 - Protein powder. (13:27) #3 - Electrolytes (if you consume whole food/low carb diet) (16:52) #4 – Creatine. (22:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Dietary Supplements Market Size And Share Report, 2030 Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults: When to Test and How to Treat Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Creatine benefits, dosage, and side effects – Examine Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the BIGGEST mistakes people make when trying to bring up a lagging body part. (2:30) Adam’s a BIG golf guy. (11:43) The insanity of politics. (18:50) Using the GHK-CU peptide to heal the skin. (26:56) The Brain Blend from Ned: A nice clean, euphoric feeling. (28:21) Mind Pump cashing in on GLP-1s? (29:21) Fun Facts with Justin: The ultimate time-share scam! (36:45) Adam’s dream house. (38:54) Why are Sal’s daughters so violent with him? (40:14) Vacation recap. (41:42) It pays to write your own shit! (54:39) Shout out to the NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event! (59:08) #ListenerLive question #1 - I'm having the hardest time finding moves that activate my core and butt better.  Any advice? (1:01:37) #ListenerLive question #2 - Do you have any tips or advice on how to navigate being a father and a trainer? (1:14:27) #ListenerLive question #3 - Teens usually overtrain & I've seen fellow teenagers take it to failure. They have physiques that are impressive for their age, but I’m wondering if it could be genetics or their training volume? (1:29:45) #ListenerLive question #4 - How to transition off of Semaglutide? (1:43:36) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1745: How To Pack On Muscle To Your Lagging/Stubborn Body Parts Mind Pump #1790: The Secret To An Attractive & Functional Body TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list… Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Eternal Real Estate? A Church in Mexico Is Selling Plots of Land in Heaven This Brutalist Beverly Hills mansion is being sold by the founder of Oakley for $68m! Diddy Is Still Paying Sting $5K a Day in Royalties NCI x Mind Pump 2 Day Truckee Experience Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
Is Summer the Perfect Time to Implement More Cardio-Based Workouts? Cardio is terrible for fat loss. (1:28) Cardio can be used as a tool to turbocharge fat loss the right way. (2:49) The misconceptions surrounding cardio. (3:54) Cardio 101.  #1 - Do appropriate cardio. (6:22) #2 - HIIT vs steady state. (13:37) #3 - Watch your performance. (17:40) #4 – Always incorporate strength training. (20:13) #5 - Diet is paramount. (22:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** Special Promotion: MAPS Cardio 50% off! ** Promo code 50CARDIO at checkout ** Mind Pump Apperal 4th of July sale is live! Get 25% off Freedom tee, Rebellion tee, and Freedom flag. Our equipment and other apparel will be 20% off.  This includes Tees, the Love Yourself Collection, Socks, Headbands, and Kitchen items. Mind Pump #1845: How To Do Cardio & Not Lose Muscle HIIT vs. LISS Cardio - Which is Better For Fat Loss? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps To A Faster Metabolism Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: (Workout of the Day) Instead of doing multiple exercises for a body part do ONE exercise for a lot of sets. (1:52) If you can’t sleep due to stress and anxiety, try this. (12:53) Man’s struggle to ask for help. (15:51) Moving can be stressful. (18:53) A reminder of how amazing our bodies are to adapt to their environments. (22:32) Mind Pump Recommends, Fight Inc. on Roku. (29:09) Fun Facts with Justin: Bear-hunting armor. (35:32) Do you want an AI bot? (38:17) Fake news goes crazy! (43:41) NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event announcement! (45:47) Why the guys are attracted to entrepreneurs who aren’t attention-seeking. (47:29) Caldera’s mineral-based sunscreen protects and heals! (50:38) Shout out to NCI x Mind Pump Tahoe Event! (52:54) #ListenerLive question #1 – What is the right way to wean off a GLP-1, like Semaglutide? (53:57) #ListenerLive question #2 - How often do you recommend doing a cold plunge for optimal health? (1:14:42) #ListenerLive question #3 – I was able to reverse diet a client from 1800 to 3800 calories and gained a lot of strength and size on the way but now looking to get her physique to the next level. We are struggling to see any weight loss going as little as 1900 calories. What are some things I could look into as a coach? (1:25:15) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do I incorporate MAPS Prime Pro with Anabolic? (1:39:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Apperal 4th of July sale is live! Get 25% off Freedom tee, Rebellion tee, and Freedom flag. Our equipment and other apparel will be 20% off.  This includes Tees, the Love Yourself Collection, Socks, Headbands, and Kitchen items.  Mind Pump #1632: The Truth About German Volume Training How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) – YouTube Mind Pump #2347: Become A Better Husband, Wife, Father Or Mother By Discovering Your Attachment Style With Adam Lane Smith Bajau people 'evolved bigger spleens' for free-diving - BBC Watch The Deepest Breath | Netflix Official Site How to watch and stream Fight Inc: Inside the UFC - Roku A Siberian bear-hunting armor from the 1800s Are German Police Wearing Chainmail to Defend Against Refugee NCI x Mind Pump 2 Day Truckee Experience Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore MP Holistic Health 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram   Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: A great way to add novelty to your workout. (2:00) The PRx Mind Pump HQ remodel. (10:42) The ‘Kim Kardashian’ of goats. (15:06) Jumping the shark. (20:00) Bike seat for men. (21:53) Adam goes down the beatboxing rabbit hole. (25:14) People who are obsessed with celebrities are less intelligent. (29:30) The guys react to Seed’s potential MASSIVE sale. (31:01) The activist movement. (35:03) Human nature worships idols. (42:34) Fathers who follow a religious practice vs. mothers. (44:19) Shout out to CoachGLP1.com. (54:41) #Quah question #1 - Would it ever make sense to change your daily caloric intake based on what workouts you do on certain days? (55:53) #Quah question #2 - Can you discuss the balance of deadlifting to get benefits without “looking like you deadlift.”? I feel like a deadlift physique is not the most desirable. (1:01:25) #Quah question #3 - What are the negative effects of artificial sweeteners? (1:06:25) #Quah question #4 - At what age do you all feel like you became a “man,” and what defined that moment for you? (1:12:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No Code for 5% discount that gets automatically applied in checkout!!! ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! Code JULY50 at checkout Mind Pump Apperal 4th of July sale is live! Get 25% off Freedom tee, Rebellion tee, and Freedom flag. Our equipment and other apparel will be 20% off.  This includes Tees, the Love Yourself Collection, Socks, Headbands, and Kitchen items. Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits Of Lifting With Light Weight Mind Pump Rentals – Utah Property People Are Just Now Discovering The Fat-Tailed Sheep Harvard Scientists Say There May Be an Unknown, Technologically Advanced Civilization Hiding on Earth People who are obsessed with celebrities may be less intelligent, study suggests Probiotics maker Seed Health explores $1 billion sale, sources say | Reuters The US city run by Muslim Americans - BBC Mind Pump #1997: Zuby Goes Off On Woke Culture, Freedom, Abortion & Other Third Rail Topics A father's faith: How modern dads impact their children's religious views Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list… Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Robert Reed (@robreednutrition) Instagram Caitlin Clark (@caitlinclark22) Instagram ZUBY (@ZubyMusic) Twitter/X Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Craig Capurso (@craigcapurso) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
Defining what metabolism means? (1:50) The complexity of our metabolism. (3:18) Survive and thrive. (6:25) Why a fast metabolism is an advantage in a modern society. (9:24) 5 Steps to a Faster Metabolism #1 - Strength train. (13:47) #2 - Eat more protein and food. (19:49) #3 - Get good sleep. (25:19) #4 - Balance hormones. (27:27) #5 - Walk after meals. (32:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Apperal 4th of July sale is live! Get 25% off Freedom tee, Rebellion tee, and Freedom flag. Our equipment and other apparel will be 20% off.  This includes Tees, the Love Yourself Collection, Socks, Headbands, and Kitchen items.  Mind Pump # 1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump # 1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Mind Pump # 2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The relationships around you are PROFOUNDLY impactful on your health & fitness. (2:44) Catrina the rock, and Justin steps up. (15:30) The car guy finishes last. (20:04) Justin’s embarrassing selfie. (31:12) AI hallucinations. (34:39) Never take notes again! (37:19) The gold standard of personal trainer certifications. (40:46) Embedded memories from childhood. (44:14) Sal’s go-to energy hack. (51:50) Mustache chicken. (53:11) Shout out to CoachGLP1.com! (57:43) #ListenerLive question #1 – How quickly, and how severely, can metabolic adaptation occur when on a long-term weight-loss plan? (59:03) #ListenerLive question #2 – What are the best forms of testosterone replacement therapy? (1:15:08) #ListenerLive question #3 – What other strategies can I use to set myself up for success while on Ozempic and coming out of it? (1:28:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Buy CPT Self Study and Get CNC for Free (A savings of $899!) ** Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** July Promotion: MAPS Split | Sexy Athlete Bundle 50% off! ** Code JULY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Apperal 4th of July sale is live! Get 25% off Freedom tee, Rebellion tee, and Freedom flag. Our equipment and other apparel will be 20% off.  This includes Tees, the Love Yourself Collection, Socks, Headbands, and Kitchen items.  Mind Pump #1912: The Science Of Successful Marriages & Relationships With Drs. John And Julie Gottman The Six Second Kiss - The Gottman Institute 17 cringe-worthy Google AI answers demonstrate the problem with training on the entire web Coconote: AI note taker Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list… Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Stephen Kopshaw (@stephenkopshaw) Instagram Vicki Reynolds (@vicki__reynolds) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram
Max Lugavere Max’s new film and the story behind it. (2:38) The troubling rise of dementia/Alzheimer’s. (5:39) What he learned about our medical system regarding this disease. (9:25) How these genes act with their environment. (15:49) Eastern vs. Western medicine. (17:55) Looking back, would he have done anything differently? (22:09) What prompted him to document everything? (25:16) The skills learned from being a journalist. (28:22) Giving a raw portrait of what it’s like to have dementia. (33:43) Did the storytelling change throughout the course of filming? (36:51) His stem cell experience with Dr. Khan. (41:04) The connection between certain pollutants and the risk of dementia. (41:57) Exercise, medicine for the brain. (48:08) Approaching your exercise with methodology. (56:39) His first experience seeing the film with an audience. (1:00:00) Releasing expectations and doing what you want to do. (1:02:55) A caregiver's disease. (1:09:18) The importance of creatine for the brain. (1:10:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Little Empty Boxes Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Type 3 diabetes is sporadic Alzheimer׳s disease: mini-review New Genetic Form of Alzheimer's Identified in People With Common Risk Factor Ambient air pollution and the dynamic transitions of stroke and dementia: a population-based cohort study Ending Parkinson's Disease: THE BOOK Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health Muscle-strengthening activities and cancer incidence and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies Prof. Darren Candow, PhD | Creatine For Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Website Podcast Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Dr. Oz (@dr_oz) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Ray Dorsey, MD (@raydorsey01) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Darren Candow (@dr.darrencandow) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the best things you can do to build muscle and strength is TAKE TIME OFF. (2:02) Saffron for recovery. (14:01) When you hit the genetic lottery. (16:09) The next generation of GLP-1s is on the horizon. (20:56) Getting ahead of the inevitable wave with an exclusive/small GLP-1 coaching group. (32:11) The art of speaking live. (39:00) When the joke doesn’t land. (43:57) Scary news on microplastics. (49:06) Elon Musk is on another level! (53:04) Shout out to CoachGLP1.com (57:23) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is there a way to modify the rules of the ’90 Days to Get Ready for Summer Plan’ to coincide with my pregnancy? (58:10) #ListenerLive question #2 – Due to time constraints and scheduling, should I split the workouts in half for the Muscle Mommy program and work out more days a week for shorter periods? Or if I should switch to a program like MAPS 15? (1:12:50) #ListenerLive question #3 – Why am I struggling to cut after a successful reverse diet? (1:22:24) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do you start a program/switch up your routine when you just don’t want to? (1:34:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Massive study uncovers how much exercise is needed to live longer Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Effects of Saffron Extract Supplementation on Mood, Well-Being, and Response to a Psychosocial Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Clinical Trial Mind Pump #2360: What You Need To Know About GLP-1 With Dr. Tyna Moore Gut-hormone triple agonists: clinical safety and metabolic benefits Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list... Microplastics found in every human semen sample tested in study | Plastics | The Guardian Elon Musk announces Tesla will unveil a 'robotaxi' on August 8 Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! ** Mind Pump #2305: 90 Days To Get Ready For Summer Plan Mind Pump #1375: How To Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism How to Fix Golfer's/Tennis Elbow! (Inner Elbow Pain) Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing The Wrong Workout Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Jolene Brighten (@drjolenebrighten) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The one component of health most of us miss. (1:45) Same-sex compliments are the most powerful. (22:09) A posterboard for Adam’s nighttime routine. (25:30) Viagra for brain health. (28:40) Missing nukes. (33:10) Crazy corruption. (37:42) The human behavior aspect of social media ‘gossip’. (41:11) The guy’s latest Vuori staples. (47:45) Celebrity/politician god complex. (50:53) Shout out to Mind Pump’s FREE 3-day training course. (56:20) #Quah question #1 - If you want to add volume to focus on building up a certain muscle, how much sense does it make to scale back on all the other muscle groups for a phase? How long would you recommend staying there before overfatiguing the target muscle? (57:27) #Quah question #2 - What's the best program for someone who typically overtrains at the gym and is about to start training for a half marathon? (1:00:56) #Quah question #3 - What are the best compound exercises? Which ones do you recommend above all else? Which ones are a waste of time? (1:03:39) #Quah question #4 - When should I take creatine? I used to stack it with my pre-workout but heard somewhere that the two fight for bio-availability so you don't get the full benefit so I switched to post-workout. Now after hearing about all the cognitive benefits, I'm considering taking it in the morning. I typically work out either at lunch or after work. When would you suggest is the optimal time to take it? (1:09:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1912: The Science Of Successful Marriages & Relationships With Drs. John And Julie Gottman Will Smith And Martin Lawrence Embarrass Themselves By Claiming Men Should Sit Down When They Pee To Stop The Bathroom Becoming A Mess Viagra may help prevent dementia by boosting brain blood flow The U.S. Military Is Missing Six Nuclear Weapons Shawn Ryan Show - YouTube 'My house is being sold at auction': An emotional Kevin Spacey breaks down in interview 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #1745: How To Pack On Muscle To Your Lagging/Stubborn Body Parts Mind Pump #2350: The 4 Types Of Squats Everyone Should Be Doing Mind Pump #2357: The 7 Overhead Presses Everyone Should Be Doing Mind Pump #2362: The 4 Best Deadlifts Everyone Should Be Doing Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Shawn Ryan Show (@shawnryanshow) Instagram
5 Factors All Online Coaches Need to Consider The explosion of online coaching. (1:39) The misconception is that this is an easy way to build a business. (3:47) What makes a “good” trainer. (5:38) 5 Factors All Online Coaches Need to Consider #1 - Must have a strong online presence (think retention and value add). (7:25) #2 - Use good workout programming (ie: MAPS). (14:04) #3 - Coach people for free at first, gradually raise prices. (17:32) #4 - Build an online group (ie: Facebook). (21:54) #5 - Don’t overcomplicate the process. (24:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2302: How To Be A Successful Trainer In 2024 With Jason Phillips Mind Pump #2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Stretch with purpose! (2:31) What’s going on with Stefi Cohen? (21:23) The sport of politics. (25:41) It’s getting weird with AI. (32:36) Would you ride a VR water slide? (36:36) Sal’s favorite conspiracy theory. (38:34) Dad of the Year moment. (41:52) The brilliance of Forrest Gump. (45:42) Why Ned stands out above their competitors. (46:53) Sal’s next gut test. (50:30) Previewing and shouting out MAPS GLP-1. (52:46) #ListenerLive question #1 - Do you have any tips for getting over the mental hurdle of bulking? (59:18) #ListenerLive question #2 - Are there ways to naturally boost testosterone, and what considerations should I be thinking about before taking it? (1:11:21) #ListenerLive question #3 - How would you rewrite the article, ‘6 Exercises That Are Too Hard on Your Body After 50’? (1:27:29) #ListenerLive question #4 - Why when I'm eating a meal, I'm still hungry right after even when I'm getting 30-40 grams of protein per meal? (1:41:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1530: Why Warm-Ups Are A Waste Of Time MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar @goob_u2 Stefi Cohen breakdown 1 @goob_u2 Stefi Cohen breakdown 2 @goob_u2 Stefi Cohen breakdown 3 Mind Pump #1075: Dr. Stefanie Cohen – From Venezuelan National Soccer Team To 4X Bodyweight Deadlift & 22 World Records Why this AI researcher thinks there's a 99.9% chance AI wipes us out Ready or not, the world's first VR water slide is here Bo Jackson Once Got Ejected on Purpose Because He's a Good Dad You Don't Know Bo - Stream the Film on Watch ESPN Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Action of Cannabidiol Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list... Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut MAPS Macro Calculator Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts For Bulking & Cutting TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. How To Increase Sensitivity And Density Of The Androgen Receptors? 6 Exercises That Are Too Hard on Your Body After 50 Mind Pump #2310: Don’t Let Your Age Stop You From Getting In The Best Shape Of Your Life Mind Pump #2365: The 4 Maps Fitness Programs Everyone Should Own 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Stefi Cohen (@steficohen) Instagram John Dorsey (@goob_u2) Instagram   Bradley Martyn (@bradleymartyn) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
The 4 Maps Fitness Programs Everyone Should Own Defining MAPS. (2:00) How POWERFUL good programming is. (3:38) The 4 Maps Fitness Programs Everyone Should Own #1 - MAPS Prime. (6:30) #2 – MAPS Anabolic. (14:49) #3 - MAPS Performance. (21:23) #4 – MAPS Symmetry. (28:23) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: The Top 4 Programs mentioned all 50% off for 72 hours ONLY! ** Code TOP4 at checkout ** Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** For the month of June, get 50% off Corrective Exercise Specialization (CES) self-study.  Promo code MPMCESS at checkout ** MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete Mind Pump #1790: The Secret To An Attractive & Functional Body Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: What is more important to look at? Calories and macros or food quality? (2:17) Have we been rocked to sleep when it comes to social media? (20:17) Bluey mania! (25:51) Aurelius, the garbage man. (27:06) A special call to the Mind Pump audience. (28:20) A discussion on potential depressing news coming out of 24 Hour Fitness and its downstream effects. (33:16) When Mind Pump gets lit, Zbiotics is nearby. (42:40) Life in the fast lane. (47:23) Shout out to Esco Elite! (54:28) #ListenerLive question #1 - I want to follow the Mind Pump route, but I'm not sure which program to start with. I have MAPS Anabolic and MAPS Performance. Should I bulk or cut? (57:32) #ListenerLive question #2 - Are macro calculators accurate? I wanted to start to fix my eating and get lean. I plugged my info into the macronutrient tracker. I am 180, 5'10" and I put that I moderately work out. The breakdown looked like this: Calories:2648, Protein: 166g, Fat: 59g, Carbs: 364g. (1:09:53) #ListenerLive question #3 - What are the best exercises, stretches, and or massages to loosen my tight chest, relieve pain in my neck and shoulders, and increase my shoulder mobility so that I can properly perform overhead squats? (1:27:13) #ListenerLive question #4 – Are six packs realistic without tracking? What's the time frame for this? (1:43:09) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! ** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1605: How To Get Jacked On A Budget Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course 54% of US Youth are Chronically Ill • Children's Health Defense The Internet’s Final Frontier: Remote Amazon Tribes Mind Pump #2132: Six Reasons Men Today Are Weak Sal Di Stefano on X: "Shame on you 24 Hour Fitness. I started with that company and learned a lot and credit them for so much in my life. But that was back in the days where Mark Mastrov ran the company. After he left, the company slowly fell apart. Sad." Cannonball Record Broken: 25 Hours, 39 Minutes from NYC to LA Esco Elite Mindset Life, Business and Relationship Hacks with Adam Schafer (Mind Pump) Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Macro Calculator Mind Pump #2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Mind Pump #1652: How To Overhead Press Your Bodyweight The Wall Test | Mind Pump TV MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Modern Warrior (@mwselfdefence) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The #1 recovery hack. (2:15) Is glow-in-the-dark baseball a thing? (14:24) Why are we attracted to freak shows? (16:22) Divorce by combat. (18:04) Mind Pump Recommends ‘Hit Man’ on Netflix. (20:02) Highlighting the Tucker Carlson interview with the President of El Salvador. (23:45) Black market GLP-1s have arrived. (26:23) Answering more questions on the benefits of Shilajit. (27:13) Will we be able to regrow teeth? (29:23) Interesting statistics on the liver. (33:27) Government conspiracies. (34:21) Every single man has done this. (38:01) Carnival Sal is at it again. (39:37) Fighting rules 101 with Mind Pump. (41:31) Should Mike Tyson retire? (44:30) Having a senior moment. (45:23) Gross or not? (47:10) Mind Pump Recommends ‘Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult’ on Netflix. (51:11) The distrust of the media. (54:11) Shout out to the Mind Pump Newsletter. (56:24) #Quah question #1 - If you're in your 40’s and you maintain mostly the same workout, weight, and volume that you used in your 30’s, does that mean you got stronger since you’re supposed to get weaker as you get older? Does going against time count as an improvement? (57:18) #Quah question #2 - Can sleeping too much make you more tired? (1:03:54) #Quah question #3 - With Instagram and other social media platforms sexualizing fitness so heavily, what strategies can be used to thwart people from the superficial and vanity of it all and turn inward to focus on using fitness for themselves, their quality of life, and their loved ones? (1:07:39) #Quah question #4 - What is the definition of cardio? Is it based on heart rate? (1:10:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Use code MINDPUMP to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Glow-in-the-dark 'Cosmic Baseball' game goes viral - MSN Video: Eddie Hall tosses, KOs Neffati in insane 2-on-1 freakshow fight Watch Hit Man | Netflix Official Site The Tucker Carlson Show - Bukele: Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, Advice to Trump The world's first tooth-regrowing drug has been approved How Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Helps Tooth Remineralization Cells that maintain and repair the liver identified Watch Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult - Netflix Mind Pump Newsletter Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Karvonen Formula Calculator What is NEAT and Why Should You Care About it? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭™️ (@eddiehallwsm) Instagram
Busting the myths surrounding the fears of deadlifting. (1:22) If you don’t use it, you lose it. (3:28) The muscles involved when performing a deadlift. (5:39) The aesthetic carryover. (10:59) The 4 Best Deadlifts Everyone Should be Doing #1 – Conventional. (13:08) #2 – Sumo. (18:52) #3 - Single leg. (23:11) #4 – Romanian. (28:01) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2122: Deadlift Masterclass Ben Pollack Shares The Proper Deadlift Setup (AVOID MISTAKES) | Mind Pump 4 Cues To Improve Your Deadlift With Eugene Teo The BEST Deadlift Warm Up & Mobility Routine | MIND PUMP How To Hip Hinge Properly (Fix THIS!) How To Start Deadlifting (REGRESSIONS) How To Sumo Deadlift (The RIGHT Way) | Jordan Syatt THIS Is The BEST Side Butt Exercise! GROW Your GLUTES with a SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT! Romanian Versus Stiff Leg Deadlift: How and When to Use Them Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to fitness, there are three categories that you should aim for. Balance is best. (2:51) Adams shares and opens up on the scariest week of his life. (13:52) Shout out to John Delony! (51:37) #ListenerLive question #1 - How can you speed up the time to complete the "adaptation cycle?” (52:33) #ListenerLive question #2 - I try to stop my reps when my form breaks down, but sometimes I feel like I have heaps left in the tank. Should I white-knuckle another rep or add another set? (1:08:53) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any advice on how to get good at front squats to add to my skill base? (1:17:39) #ListenerLive question #4 - Would you discourage a woman from prepping for a bikini competition and if so, what would you encourage them to do instead? (1:24:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, register for your chance to win a full NCI scholarship! ** The winner will be drawn on Sunday, June 23rd - so go register ASAP! ** Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1942: Lose Fat, Perform Better & Live Forever With Jason Phillips 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? MAPS Prime Pro Webinar BEST Front Squat Regression & Mobility Tips (START HERE) Front Squats- How to Place & Hold the Bar – YouTube How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) – YouTube Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@realjasonphillips) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram
How she got into practice and how she got into the GLP-1 space. (2:25) Peptide vs a drug. (10:45) The dose matters. (11:18) The GLP-1 deficiency factors. (15:50) Running into the resistance wall. (20:11) The downstream effects of GLP-1s on our metabolism. (22:15) The musculoskeletal impacts of GLP-1s. (25:38) Breaking down the GLP-1 peptides. (28:45) The thickening. (32:10) A wonderful tool/opportunity for people to get their lives back. (34:50) Wiring the brain through the use of these neurogenerative peptides. (37:48) Who is the best candidate for this peptide? (42:49) Addressing the fears surrounding these GLP-1s. (45:05) Is supplementation more important when on GLP-1s? (56:54) Understanding the incentives of a compounding pharmacy. (58:04) Speculating on the smear campaign against GLP-1s. (1:02:45) Why we’re Pottenger's cats. (1:08:56) Be an example to your children. (1:11:27) Addressing the autoimmune crisis. (1:16:13) The importance of educating yourself and being proactive as a patient. (1:18:57) Strength training is NON-NEGOTIABLE! (1:20:40) Lessons learned from her mentor. (1:23:25) One tool in the toolbox. (1:26:34) Her favorite peptides. (1:28:12) This is a slow and low process. (1:30:07) Why losing weight is the easier part. Maintaining it is hard. (1:31:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ozempic Uncovered Course Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Ozempic: A Weight Loss Miracle or Metabolic Menace? A Discussion with Dr. Tyna Moore & Calley Means Trends and Disparities in Cardiometabolic Health Among U.S. Adults, 1999-2018 Adverse Effects of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Evidence-Based Guideline for Adult Sedation, Pain Assessment, and Analgesia in a Low Resource Setting Intensive Care Unit: Review Article Healthy weight loss maintenance with exercise, GLP-1 receptor agonist, or both combined followed by one year without treatment: a post-treatment analysis of a randomised placebo-controlled trial Mind Pump #2110: Ozempic The Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon How Affordable Could Generic Ozempic Be? As Low as $5 a Month, Study Finds Pottenger's Cats: Early Epigenetics and Implications for Your Health TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Peptide World Congress – Seeds Scientific Research & Performance Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Website The Dr. Tyna Show Podcast Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Leonard Pastrana. Pharm D Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Drew Canole (@drewcanole) Instagram Lily Nichols RDN (@lilynicholsrdn) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip:  The more advanced you become with strength training the better results you can get with light weight. (1:59) Explaining ‘overcoming isometrics’. (10:21) The pros/cons of the ‘gummy’ supplement revolution. (12:58) Cannabis and alcohol blunders. (16:02) The social media dilemma. (22:00) Learning to release and embrace the cold. (32:01) Can you trust your elected leaders? (37:15) Crazy facts with Sal. (39:41) Aurelius the comedian. (40:54) The DRASTIC evolution of Sal’s gut health. (43:48) The glitter conspiracy. (50:59) Shout out to the Salon M. (58:03) #ListenerLive question #1 – How can I be more intentional about MAPS Performance, while splitting the program (MAPS 15 style), so I can do a portion each day, all while not overdoing it? (1:00:07) #ListenerLive question #2 – I feel like I’m doing all the right things, but not progressing in the ways I feel I should. What am I missing? (1:15:49) #ListenerLive question #3 – I have unexplained bloating and skin issues due to concurrent anoxic brain injuries from a workplace accident. Can you offer some insight into what I could change in my diet or what I could do to try to find some answers and relief? (1:32:48) #ListenerLive question #4 – What do I do if I want to also improve my grip strength? (1:44:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits Of Lifting With Light Weight Meet Ro's new prescription gummy for erectile dysfunction - Fast Company The Internet’s Final Frontier: Remote Amazon Tribes The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World Your Smartphone Reduces Your Brainpower, Even If It's Just Sitting There Mind Pump #1527: The 3 Step Solution To The Obesity Epidemic Mind Pump #1822: Wim Hof On How To Control Your Immune System With Breathwork Ask Me Anything Ice Bath Challenge | MIND PUMP Why Are So Many Mexican Election Candidates Getting Killed? Ex-Black Panther Party Leader Praises Donald Trump - MSN TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Hair Color/Extensions | Salon M Frisco Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Wim Hof (@iceman_hof)  Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Salon M (@thesalonm) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Hurry is the enemy of peace, joy, and growth. (1:46) What’s going on in Mexico? (14:41) The stress before election years. (16:31) COVID vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic. (19:44) Fauci is getting grilled! (24:13) Joy Mode for women? (25:53) When you know you’re getting too big. (28:47) The importance of correctional exercise knowledge for trainers and coaches. (37:10) The beauty of Sicily, old-man strength, and winning the genetic lottery. (40:33) Shout out to The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World book. (53:26) #Quah question #1 - Any suggestions to help build muscle more efficiently if I don't have time to rest at least 2-3 minutes between sets and can’t go more than 3 days a week to the gym? Can I still build muscle by resting 1 minute to a minute and a half between sets? (54:31) #Quah question #2 - Is it possible to do too much walking & it could cause metabolic harm? (58:08) #Quah question #3 - What is your recommendation for a 13-year-old boy who would like to start strength training? I have been lifting for years and have several of your programs, but I want to make sure what he does is age-appropriate and that he begins this journey the right way. (1:00:05) #Quah question #4 - I’ve just come across the term “functional fitness.” Have you all heard of this? What are the differences and benefits between traditional lifting and functional fitness? (1:04:07) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** For the month of June, get 50% off Corrective Exercise Specialization (CES) self-study. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1165: Bishop Robert Barron On Physical Fitness, Satan, Evolution, Psychedelics & Much More The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World Why Are So Many Mexican Election Candidates Getting Killed? COVID vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths since pandemic: study The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports For Kids Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron)  Instagram
The 7 Overhead Presses Everyone Should Be Doing A foundational human movement for shoulder and scapular health, mobility, strength, and development. (1:28) The overhead press has more athletic carryover than a bench press. (5:20) Why the shoulder joint is one of the most commonly injured. (6:29) The 7 Overhead Presses Everyone Should be Doing. (8:13) #1 - Standing strict press. (9:01) #2 - Push press. (13:41) #3 - One arm kettlebell press. (17:37) #4 - Behind neck press. (20:04) #5 - Seated dumbbell press. (23:49) #6 - Z Press. (24:46) #7 - Viking press. (26:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1652: How To Overhead Press Your Bodyweight How to Perform the Overhead Press (the CORRECT way) - YouTube How To Overhead Press with Kettlebells | Mind Pump - YouTube How To Behind The Neck Press Properly! (ADVANCED LIFTERS ONLY!) The Wall Test | Mind Pump TV MP - PROPER DUMBBELL SETUP: SHOULDER PRESS Z Press to take Your Shoulder Development to the Next Level The Viking Press: How to Perform and Include Them In Your Workouts Complete Guide To Growing Big Shoulders | Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show.Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the MOST effective steps you can take to improve your health is to AVOID heavily processed foods. (2:35) Is lab-grown meat keeping us obese? (16:20) Hair loss by ethnicity. (21:53) Aspirin is shown to reduce cancer risk. (30:24) Fauci on the hot seat. (34:11) Pitching Caldera to your tough guy friends. (40:53) Dad hacks. (43:30) Lions, cats, bobcats, oh my! (47:16) Emerging science tech with Mind Pump: The third thumb and Hypershell AI exosuit. (50:50) Conspiracy theory corner with Mind Pump. (54:45) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (57:52) #ListenerLive question #1 - Being that I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, what kind of programming and exercises would you recommend doing? (58:55) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do I balance increased training demand with a job that requires me to be extremely active? (1:11:56) #ListenerLive question #3 - Should I be concerned about having high cholesterol?  (1:23:41) #ListenerLive question #4 - Can you explain why when I had the cardio/strength combo work before, I was lean and strong? (1:38:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** EXCLUSIVE Ultra-processed foods do NOT cause obesity, says US government's top diet advisors in bombshell review of current evidence: 'Studies have been biased' Mind Pump #1527: The 3 Step Solution To The Obesity Epidemic Lab-Grown Meat Has a Big Problem Very Few People Know About Can a daily aspirin lower your cancer risk? Young People’s Gut Bacteria May Be Driving Colorectal Cancer Risk REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids The Third Thumb Hypershell AI exosuit See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.    3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Why Cardio Is TERRIBLE For Long-Term Fat Loss – YouTube EquiLife Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! **   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Gary Brecka (@garybrecka) Instagram Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram  Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Mark Bell (@marksmellybell) Instagram
Understanding what programming entails. (1:38) Intensity is the easiest metric to accelerate results, but also the quickest way to overtrain. (2:24) The misconception that people know what they are capable of doing. (5:06) The magic in how you manipulate intensity. (5:48) Six Factors to Focus on to Safely Increase Your Summer Workouts Intensity. #1 - Increasing intensity judiciously. (8:26) #2 - Applying increases for short periods of time (2-4 weeks). (11:18) #3 - Sleep and diet must be on point. (13:52) #4 - Free weights vs machine/compound vs isolation. (16:46) #5 - Intensity up/volume down. (19:16) #6 - Priming properly before intense workouts. (22:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: MAPS HIIT or Prime Pro Bundle half off **Code SAFETY50 at checkout ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Fasting is a TERRIBLE way to lose body fat! (1:56) Is perineum sunning a thing? (10:48) Are cults on the rise or decline? (12:00) Using red-light as a pre-workout. (15:15) The incredible tales of Dick Proenneke. (20:23) The profound manifesto of Ted Kazynski. (24:47) The inefficiency of traditional schooling. (28:10) Mind Pump Recommends ‘Take Care of Maya’ on Netflix. (32:16) The unlikely benefits of taking probiotics. (39:42) Fun Facts with Justin: Chinese police are re-parking cars. (45:33) Strange news with Sal: Prison energy drinks. (47:40) Shout out to the Mind Pump Newsletter. (49:33) #ListenerLive question #1 – What is the healthiest way for a vegetarian to hit their protein marks? (50:43) #ListenerLive question #2 – I would like to lose some fat and boost my metabolism but I’m not sure how to proceed in a way that doesn’t do more damage to my body. Any advice? (1:04:46) #ListenerLive question #3 – What is the best way to ramp up your workouts after having an egg retrieval procedure? (1:17:25) #ListenerLive question #4 – As someone who is muscular and has great numbers at her annual physical, should I worry about being underweight? (1:25:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.    Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1602: Why Intermittent Fasting Is Bad Mind Pump #2190: Fasting Masterclass Light-induced nitric oxide release in the skin beyond UVA and blue light: Red & near-infrared wavelengths One Man's Alaska (2024) - Dick Proenneke In His Own Voice Living Alone In a Wilderness Log Cabin Industrial Society and Its Future - Wikipedia Watch Take Care of Maya | Netflix Official Site Using Discrete Choice Methodology to Explore the Impact of Patient Room Window Design on Hospital Choice Impact of probiotics on muscle mass, muscle strength and lean mass: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials Systematic review: probiotics in the management of lower gastrointestinal symptoms – an updated evidence‐based international consensus Chinese police are now Re-Parking illegally parked cars instead of towing them.   How to make 'prison hooch' (AKA pruno) | How to Home Brew Beer Mind Pump Newsletter Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** MAPS Starter How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The LEAST amount is also the BEST amount. (2:16) Kids say the darndest things. (13:33) Father and son time. (16:48) How Butcher Box has ruined all other chicken nuggets. (20:51) The effect of whole foods vs. heavily processed foods on the brain. (22:25) Strength training is the most anti-cancer form of exercise. (27:16) When Justin goes ‘fight motor’ mode. (28:22) Hear about the cutting edge in the peptide space and see Sal speak at the Peptide World Congress event in Las Vegas June 14-15th. (32:47) The guys provide more updates on their Tirzepatide experiments and the importance of working with a coach throughout the process. (33:45) We are in the Fentanyl economy. (40:07) Adam’s appreciation for talent. (42:17) Matching your kids’ energy. (45:04) What’s the deal with the G-wagon? (47:48) AirPod cameras? (51:04) Imagine how much healthier we would be if we shut down social media. (53:17) When your family sees you in partner commercials. (55:38) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (58:33) #Quah question #1- What are your thoughts on fractional plates for more incremental progressive overload? (59:26) #Quah question #2 - Why did you create a program specifically targeted towards women when you have neglected to create such programs in the past? (1:02:53) #Quah question #3 - What are your tips on dealing with social anxiety? Not just in the gym, but in everyday life as well. (1:08:35) #Quah question #4 - What are some red flags we should watch out for when hiring a personal trainer? (1:11:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Your choice of bone-in chicken thighs, top sirloins, or salmon in every box for an entire year, plus get $20 off! ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** June Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Morgan Spurlock, 'Super Size Me' director and documentarian, dead at 53: Reports Peptide World Congress - Seeds Scientific Research & Performance TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2352: Is Ozempic A Threat To The Fitness Industry? Maestros de la guitarra 2025 Mercedes G-Class Electric G-Turn Apple's latest wild idea could be putting cameras in your AirPods Habits & Hustle Podcast: Censorship, Anti-Semitism, + Social Media's Influence on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump #2345: The Muscle Mommy Revolution Mind Pump #1622: Nine Signs Your Trainer Sucks Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter
How will GLP-1s impact the diet industry and nutrition coaches, in particular? (1:42) What makes an effective coach? (8:09) Anything that has that level of power is not going to hit the mass market. (10:01) Is the role of “coach” becoming more all-encompassing? (11:54) Will GLP-1s make a coach more or less effective? (15:46) GLP-1s, an amplifier of the current state of the industry? (20:53) Why tools by themselves are largely a waste of money. (28:39) Don’t have a scarcity mindset. (34:24) Intervention needs to lead to the fundamentals. (37:00) The BEST business model for coaches and trainers. (42:43) As a new trainer or coach, how would you look at these tools? (46:45) Whenever something comes on the horizon you need to learn it and know how to apply it or argue against it. (51:07) Related Links/Products Mentioned Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, our friends at NCI are really hooking you up!  This month they are giving you one of their 4 masterclasses…FOR FREE!  All you have to do is text MASTERCLASS to 615-813-6320 and they will share the 4 options with you. Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2110: Ozempic The Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #1942: Lose Fat, Perform Better & Live Forever With Jason Phillips Mind Pump #2060: Maximize Fat Loss With Continuous Glucose Monitors: Kara Collier 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump #2302: How To Be A Successful Trainer In 2024 With Jason Phillips Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@nci_ceo_jason) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Bill Campbell PhD Jay Ferruggia (@jayferruggia) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The order in which you eat your food can have PROFOUND effects on your fat loss goals. (2:40) Making yourself a better communicator through listening. (10:48) Highlighting the inflation impact. (16:21) How creatine may be the greatest longevity supplement. (26:32) The top five countries in the world for citizen gun ownership. (32:30) The importance and value of community and knowing your neighbor. (34:28) Using collagen or bone broth protein powder to improve your skin. (41:44) The systemic effect of strength training. (44:04) Highlighting the Sleep Blend from Ned. (45:56) What makes theft, theft? (49:05) Shout out to the Mind Pump Newsletter! (59:06) #ListenerLive question #1 - What are some good exercise alternatives since I have knee pain when I squat? (1:00:07) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do I begin to reintroduce carbs back into my diet after years of eating a “Ketovore” type diet? (1:11:30) #ListenerLive question #3 - How long can you run MAPS 15 before it starts to be too little volume? (1:22:47) #ListenerLive question #4 - Is aiming to stay the same weight when starting strength training a relevant strategy for someone who is significantly overweight or considered obese? (1:30:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake - Mind Pump Media 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Check out these charts showing how much fast-food prices have jumped since 2019 Single dose creatine improves cognitive performance and induces changes in cerebral high energy phosphates during sleep deprivation Mind Pump Newsletter Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** Mind Pump #2117: Fix Your Knee Pain These 3 Exercises Will Grow Your Butt! | MIND PUMP MP Holistic Health Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump #1815: Improving Fat Loss, Muscle Gain And Fitness With Continuous Glucose Monitors Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing The Wrong Workout Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Andy Frisella (@andyfrisella) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
All squats matter. (1:42) Squats, the king of exercises. (3:11) What makes something a ‘squat’? (6:19) The 4 Types of Squats Everyone Should Be Doing #1 - Traditional Squat (Pros: heaviest load, biggest muscle builder, Cons: injury risk). (7:30) #2 - Front squat (Pros: great for posture, great for quad strength, Cons: less posterior chain, hard to learn). (15:38) #3 - Split squat (Pros: very athletically functional, great pelvic stability, Cons: less load). (21:11) #4 - Cossack squat (Pros: lateral strength, Cons: incredibly low load, requires lots of mobility). (27:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2135: Barbell Squat Masterclass Front Squats- How to Place & Hold the Bar - YouTube Split Stance Squat (Lunge) Tips & Tricks to Maximize Your Quad, Hamstring & Glute Development The Only Way You Should Be Doing Bulgarian Split Squats ... - YouTube COSSACK SQUAT - Increase Mobility & Leg Strength (TRY THIS SQUAT) MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Suspension Training Series - 4 Favorite Leg Exercises SUSPENSION TRAINER – Mind Pump Store Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift)  Instagram Mike Boyle (@mbsc_online) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When in doubt, rest LONGER! (1:43) What it SHOULD look like when you train your clients and learn a new skill. (11:38) Why is there such a high turnover rate for personal trainers? (17:31) The mentors who impacted the guys the most. (26:58) Conspiracy theorists are CRUSHING! (33:38) Does sun exposure cause cancer? (37:44) The GLP-1 cultural impact. (42:13) How gummy supplements are improving customer usage. (50:16) Shout out to the Mind Pump Trainer Course! (53:43) #ListenerLive question #1 - Which MAPs program would be best for clients on GLP-1s? (54:44) #ListenerLive question #2 - Do you have any recommendations for specific foods, supplements, or any route without medical intervention to try and lower my estrogen levels? (1:03:05) #ListenerLive question #3 - How can someone who loves the mental benefits of cardio still reap the benefits of weight training? (1:11:38) #ListenerLive question #4 - Does TRT burn body fat? (1:20:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1612: Everything You Need To Know About Sets, Reps & Rest Periods Mind Pump #2262: Six Reasons Trainers Fail Mind Pump #2252: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Could fluoride in pregnancy affect kids' development? A study suggests a link Nestle set to sell $5 pizza, sandwiches for Wegovy, Ozempic users | Reuters Ozempic could help AIRLINES profits' rocket as passengers who use it slim down - as it's claimed United could save $80MILLION a year if every passenger lost 10 pounds Visit TRANSCEND for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners. ** For 24 HOURS ONLY, running through May 31st, we will be discounting the following two stacks: 1) The Peak Performance Stack: NAD +, 20% off vials or capsules, GHK Copper, 20% off cream or capsules, General Benefits, Increased energy and mental clarity, Metabolic Support, Anti-Aging Properties, Anti-Inflammatory Properties. 2) The Adonis Stack: IGF-1 LR3, 20% off vials, Tadalafil, 20% off troches. General Benefits: Improve Sexual Performance, Improved Athletic Performance, Enhanced Muscle Mass, Increased Fat Loss. ** Get your free Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase! And if you’re an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS 15 Minutes MAPS Starter   Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Mind Pump #1845: How To Do Cardio & Not Lose Muscle Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Tony Jeffries Boxing Boxeo (@tony_jeffries) Instagram Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to fitness, more is NOT better. (2:18) Do kids act differently with mom than dad? (9:38) The selling point of having PE in school. (17:37) Why regulations to protect kids are necessary. (23:08) Virtual vs. the real world. (26:44) Fun Facts with Justin: Why Beethoven went deaf. (33:17) You can patent anything! (37:19) Hair and fashion rules. (41:30) Important updates with Transcend/MP Hormones. (45:32) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (47:57) #Quah question #1- I’m not feeling lateral raises much in my side delts, what can I do to activate them and see progress again? (49:01) #Quah question #2 - To lose fat is it all about calorie deficit or is it about macros? (51:24) #Quah question #3 - What's the best peptide for just overall body soreness/healing? Depending on the MAPS program I’m doing, I train BJJ 2-3 times a week and strength train 3-5 times. (54:31) #Quah question #4 - People come on as live callers saying they have followed you guys for years, and follow up by saying stuff like, “I eat 1600 calories a day”, “I run 15 miles a week” or “I weigh myself every morning”. Why do you think people can hear you speak all this knowledge so often and just don’t get it? (58:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit TRANSCEND for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners. ** For 24 HOURS ONLY, running through May 31st, we will be discounting the following two stacks: 1) The Peak Performance Stack: NAD +, 20% off vials or capsules, GHK Copper, 20% off cream or capsules, General Benefits, Increased energy and mental clarity, Metabolic Support, Anti-Aging Properties, Anti-Inflammatory Properties. 2) The Adonis Stack: IGF-1 LR3, 20% off vials, Tadalafil, 20% off troches. General Benefits: Improve Sexual Performance, Improved Athletic Performance, Enhanced Muscle Mass, Increased Fat Loss. ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Comparison of muscle hypertrophy following 6-month of continuous and periodic strength training Mind Pump # 2217: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson JMIR XR and Spatial Computing (JMXR) - Using Virtual Reality to Reduce Stress in Adolescents: Mixed Methods Usability Study Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard - YouTube Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.   Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** How To Do A PROPER Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly Mind Pump # 2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
What is attachment theory and why should I care? (2:02) The six chemicals of the brain and how they affect your attachment. (7:48) #1 – Cortisol. (7:56) #2 – Oxytocin. (8:53) #3 – Gaba. (9:45) #4 – Vasopressin. (10:06) #5 – Serotonin. (10:37) #6 – Dopamine. (11:06) Why avoidant behavior is a lone wolf mentality. (12:33) How do I connect with my kids better? (16:34) Practices to improve your avoidant attachment. (19:05) Common challenges with women with avoidant men. (27:43) Breaking down the 7 attachment styles we need to understand. (31:27) How to identify which attachment style you are. (38:42) Signs you need to address your attachment issues. (39:54) Percentage numbers of attachment issues. (41:18) Common mistakes good-willing parents make that could lead to issues. (43:43) What’s missing in modern parenting/families? (45:01) Your kids are watching. (51:43) An exercise in how attachment can form in a child. (55:03) How to build secure attachment. (57:35) The goal of building peace mode. (1:02:18) Practices that can indirectly help your attachment style. (1:06:53) Why EVERYONE needs to be open to new relationships. (1:09:42) How to help ensure success. (1:13:55) What services does Adam offer? (1:16:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Adam Lane Smith's website for exclusive offers for Mind Pump listeners! ** MIND - Bootcamp 50% OFF | MIND30 - Avoidant Man 30% OFF | MIND20 - Coaching 20% OFF ** Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2092: How To Cultivate Amazing Relationships With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump #2185: Reclaiming Self-Love & Respect With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump #2195: How To Make & Nurture Amazing Friendships With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump #2205: Why Dating Sucks & How To Fix It With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump #2215: Simple Hacks To Improve Any Marriage With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump #2225: How To Be A Great Parent & Raise Successful Children With Adam Lane Smith Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Podcast Adam Lane Smith – YouTube Email: support@adamlanesmith.com C. Sue Carter - Kinsey Institute Dr. Glover
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Do you feel anxious, depressed, or sad? Look at the things you may be lacking in your life. (2:28) Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Ashley Madison Affair’ on Hulu. (12:51) The future of dating. (18:42) Kids say the darndest things. (25:57) The inner struggle as a parent. (28:46) The power duo, Brain blend plus caffeine. (33:20) Pool Day with the Di Stefano’s. (34:40) The benefits of Tesamorelin. (38:35) The nailing painting robot. (40:34) Tales of a nurse. (42:52) The gymnastics commitment. (45:06) The performance and recovery benefits of cold plunging. (51:30) How fitness changes the way you view aging. (56:10) Adam’s family loves Sal. (57:53) The evolution of Mind Pump. (59:57) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (1:05:03) #ListenerLive question #1 - Why do the insides of my knees hurt when lunging but not squatting? (1:06:31) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do you get started on your journey of finding and working with a functional medicine practitioner? (1:17:46) #ListenerLive question #3 - Is there a program I can purchase that would fit into my schedule and help me reach my goals? (1:26:24) #ListenerLive question #4 - What exercise-related care would you like to see from general physicians? (1:38:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Watch The Ashley Madison Affair Streaming Online - Hulu AI personas are the future of dating, Bumble founder says. Mind Pump #2205: Why Dating Sucks & How To Fix It With Adam Lane Smith TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Target's Nail Painting Robot In Action See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout for 10% off your order** Combat Stretch Ankle Mobility - YouTube How to Perform a 90/90 Hip Stretch (HIP FLEXOR STRETCH) Mind Pump #2117: Fix Your Knee Pain MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? Sleep and Injury Risk – PubMed Association of Grip Strength With Risk of All-Cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Cancer in Community-Dwelling Populations: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Ben Patrick (@kneesovertoesguy) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Andy Frisella (@andyfrisella) Instagram
The glowing reception of the new program. (1:44) Reflecting on the change in attitude towards fitness for women. (2:52) How CrossFit opened the door for strength training for women. (6:22) The Muscle Mommy Revolution is here! (8:29) Understanding health as more than just your looks. (11:57) Working with your metabolism and not against it. (13:54) The MASSIVE misconception around how irrelevant scale weight is. (19:34) Doing what’s right is ALWAYS easier. (25:45) How the hormone balancing effects of strength training also influence how you store body fat. (29:18) Let’s keep this revolution going! Post on all social media #MAPSMuscleMommy (32:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, if you get a CPT certification through NASM, you can add on additional education courses for FREE! Mind Pump # 1647: Ten Female Fitness Lies Mind Pump # 1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights Mind Pump # 1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Fat Loss And Overall Health Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Metabolic Consequences of Weight Reduction Mind Pump # 1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to strength training, you actually need a lot less than you think. (2:05) We look scruffy. (11:00) Tirzepetide updates. (12:19) As good as a protein cookie can be. (18:24) A kiddie pool debacle. (20:25) Highlighting people’s abuse of power. (23:41) Speculating on a potential black swan event. (28:07) Twilight Zone favorites. (34:12) First-time parent fears. (42:50) Return on investment for degrees. (49:54) Shout out to the 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son: Perspectives, Ideology, and Wisdom book. (56:44) #ListenerLive question #1 – What is an appropriate training program for me to be able to play as much golf as I’d like? (1:00:43) #ListenerLive question #2 – Any advice for reintroducing a sport after many years away from it? (1:09:19) #ListenerLive question #3 – Are there specific stretches or mobility exercises I can do to alleviate the pain in my hamstrings, so I can go heavier when targeting that muscle growth? (1:21:32) #ListenerLive question #4 – Is my fat intake hindering my aesthetic goals? (1:30:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Not Only The Hottest On Record, Summer 2023 Was Hottest For 2,000 Years 'Best ever UFO footage' on film has had its authenticity confirmed The 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son: Perspectives, Ideology, and Wisdom Many master's degrees aren't worth the investment, research shows Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** MAPS Performance Advanced MAPS Prime Pro Webinar How To PROPERLY Do The Bird Dog Exercise - YouTube How To Foam Roll PROPERLY (AVOID THESE MISTAKES) | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Don’t have weak ass feet! (2:18) Our dependence on electronics and the guys’ love of old cars. (17:29) Not so much fun. (25:24) The one-time Sal got mistaken for an actor. (33:04) Justin’s marathon dental appointment. (34:07) Walkie-talkies for the apocalypse. (37:40) Interesting statistics on margarine. (39:08) The fascinating science of CRISPR technology. (41:56) Pro/con life support? (44:07) The best salesperson for Entera Skincare. (50:30) What’s happening in Canada?! (52:46) Shout out to MAPS Muscle Mommy! (55:22) #Quah question #1 - Is interval sprinting good for fat loss? If so, how much time sprinting vs walking and for how long? (56:36) #Quah question #2 - Any benefit to using the power plate machine for mobility work vs regular stretches? (1:01:31) #Quah question #3 - Do you recommend creatine for women? I heard that creatine is hard on the digestive system. (1:07:40) #Quah question #4 - Does undereating affect joint health or is that more of a vitamin thing? (1:10:59) Related Links/Products Mentioned See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** Mind Pump #2042: The Essential Habits You Need To Move Freely & Live Fully With Kelly & Juliet Starrett Born to Run - Secrets of the Tarahumara - Runner's World The giant solar storm is having measurable effects on Earth : NPR Funtropolous | Family Fun Center, Play Structure, Arcade Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** CRISPR restores some vision to blind patients in clinical trial Study reveals patients with brain injuries who died after withdrawal of life support may have recovered ‘Polio Paul,’ who spent most of the past 70 years in an iron lung, dies at 78 Canada's new Online Harms Act (C-63): what you need to know Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Free for a Year offer: Choose salmon, chicken breast, or steak tips FREE in every order for a year, plus get $20 off your first order! ** Cardio Sucks for Fat Loss – Mind Pump Blog Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Creatine benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
His background and how he got into the field of pornography. (1:57) The silent epidemic of pornography. (3:49) Tapping into something that is so biologically wired into us. (8:43) The deeper the hooks go, the harder it is to get out of it. (10:29) How this can mold a child’s brain. (13:58) At what moment did he notice a problem and how did he stop? (17:02) Is there an archetype that tends to be addicted? (20:06) What’s on the other side of this? (21:17) Porn vs. video game addiction. (23:38) What drives someone to stop? (27:40) Why porn is an intimacy disorder. (30:39) The 3 Pillars of Recovery. #1 - Emotional fitness. (32:19) #2 – Transformation of the heart. (33:03) #3 – Identity shifting. (33:30) How the things that we watch bring clues to our trauma. (34:36) The need for more protection for minors. (40:48) The four major effects on the brain. (44:47) Porn and ADHD. (48:50) Common triggers connected to pornography addiction. (49:49) The pressure on women with body image issues. (53:38) Fast food intimacy. (56:59) Sobriety vs. freedom. (1:00:35) Getting in touch with your future self. (1:05:52) Casting a new vision to stay motivated. (1:08:26) Porn, the modern-day cigarette. (1:11:29) Is there a cultural shift? (1:12:53) Some examples of the craziest situations he has helped people through. (1:13:45) The benefits of quitting porn. (1:17:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** The Last Relapse: Realize Your Potential, Reclaim Intimacy, and Resolve the Root Issues of Porn Addiction How Many People Actually Watch Porn? | Psychology Today Mind Pump #2217: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson This Is Why Many Women Watch Porn | Psychology Today If You Ignore Porn, You Aren't Teaching Sex Ed - The New York Times Watch Money Shot: The Pornhub Story | Netflix Official Site The association between problematic pornography use and eating disorder symptoms among heterosexual and sexual minority men Billie Eilish says watching porn from age 11 'really destroyed ... - CNN Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong - TED Pornography consumption as existential escape from boredom Can Excessive Masturbation Cause Infertility - Birla Fertility & IVF Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Sathiya Sam (@sathiyamesam) Instagram Website Podcast Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Johann Hari (@johann.hari) Instagram Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Create a world you can THRIVE in! (2:45) Fascinating statistics on married men. (11:46) Sleep’s effect on your chance of getting injured. (19:16) Happy Mother’s Day. (25:37) Medical malpractice. (35:57) New partnership alert! Welcoming Xero Shoes. (38:50) MAPS Muscle Mommy is here! (42:22) Scary statistics on declining birth rates. (44:17) GLP-1s have fully gone mainstream. (49:14) Peptide updates. (54:22) Shout out to MAPS Muscle Mommy! (56:57) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is there a difference between doing the slow and controlled carries, and the faster strongman style carry? (58:20) #ListenerLive question #2 – What can a big, bulky guy do to slim down and get smaller? (1:05:15) #ListenerLive question #3 - If you have a client, male or female, and they are not losing weight, what blood tests should I send them to look for that could be affecting their weight loss? (1:17:34) #ListenerLive question #4 - How should someone feel during a cut? (1:34:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** Is There a Male Marital Wage Premium? New Evidence from the United States Sleep and Injury Risk - PubMed Mind Pump #2325: Why Marriages Fail & What To Do About It With Dr. John Delony "Vampire facials" at an unlicensed spa infected three people with HIV, CDC finds Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy Birth rates are shrinking in Japan - and elsewhere TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Get your free Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase! And if you’re an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram
Introducing MAPS Muscle Mommy. (1:12) How the industry has lied to women the most and has shifted. (3:53) The importance of the sustainability piece. (7:50) The INCREDIBLE side effects of proper strength training. (11:02) Muscle vs. body fat. (14:25) What is this program geared towards? (19:19) Understanding metabolic flexibility. (20:39) Feeling empowered. (26:05) Breaking down the programming and what it includes. (28:30) How to get the program today! (39:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When lifting weights, the rest periods are almost as important as the exercises themselves. DON’T SKIP THEM! (1:49) Using Joy Mode to get you in the zone. (12:45) Cash and cocaine. (13:52) Misconceptions surrounding having credit. (16:18) Pandemic amnesia. (29:12) Staged or real? The rap beef between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. (32:40) Misleading polls and evolutionary trends. (36:35) Lost fights. (42:30) The steak tips from Butcher Box are fire! (51:02) Paintball security cameras and bad business models. (52:11) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (58:41) #ListenerLive question #1 - I fall asleep quickly but wake up several times throughout the night. Any ideas on why this is? (59:40) #ListenerLive question #2 - Last time I ran MAPS Powerlift I felt like I underestimated my 1 rep max, which was still a PR, but I for sure had more to give. Is this a by-feel thing or is there a percentage range that would be good to aim for? (1:15:46) #ListenerLive question #3 - Why does my stomach bloat after meals? (1:29:11) #ListenerLive question #4 - How can I initiate the process of rediscovering my "why" so that I can once again commit to a structured program with tangible, meaningful goals? (1:36:59) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Free for a Year offer: Choose salmon, chicken breast, or steak tips FREE in every order for a year, plus get $20 off your first order! ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1612: Everything You Need To Know About Sets, Reps & Rest Periods Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Fat Loss And Overall Health 80% of cash carries cocaine - and more | CNN Household Debt Rose by $184 Billion in Q1 2024 AstraZeneca pulls its COVID-19 vaccine from the European market Chris Cuomo Uncensored | PBD Podcast | Ep. 289 - YouTube Police investigating shooting outside Drake's Toronto home | CNN 26,000 voters say RFK Jr. can win it all Startup pitches a paintball-armed, AI-powered home security camera See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty ** A basic living trust is 100% free with GetDynasty and takes less than 10 minutes to make. ** Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results | Cabral Concept 2526 HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump #2165: How To Address Your Food Sensitivities With Dr. Stephen Cabral MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #2022: Lost Motivation To Workout? Do This… Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) Instagram Robert Kennedy (@robertkennedyjr) X Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: There are NO shortcuts if you want to lose weight and look/feel better. (1:27) Zero complaints with Caldera. (12:21) Practicing what you preach. (14:28) Equinox’s brilliant new membership plan. (22:07) Mind Pump Live is coming soon! (29:20) Least favorite things to do in the business. (33:13) Knowing yourself and being confident. (43:39) Evidence towards a great flood. (48:55) Favorite dinosaur as a kid. (50:56) Mind Pumps’ “one asks” before they die. (54:16) Shout out to the FREE How to Squat Like a Pro guide! (58:37) #Quah question #1 - Thoughts on natural supplements to boost Testosterone? (59:33) #Quah question #2 - Can you build muscle on MAPS 15? (1:03:22) #Quah question #3 - What priming exercises do you guys recommend doing before bench pressing? (1:06:32) #Quah question #4 - How can a new mom mitigate the effects of lack of sleep for recovery and muscle building? (1:09:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 20% off your first order ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** @mindpumpsal post on X – Plus sized personal trainer Equinox Is Launching A $40,000 Gym Membership Aimed At Longevity—Here's What Comes With It Mind Pump # 2260: Look Younger & Live Longer With Dr. Adeel Khan See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. How Parts Work Helps Us Get to Know Ourselves Complete Guide To Squatting Like a Pro | Mind Pump Media TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Mind Pump # 1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights D-Aspartic Acid benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Mind Pump # 2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? Mind Pump # 2127: Bench Press Masterclass How To Properly Do The Seated Cable Row (IT MATTERS!) Get a Bigger Chest with this Pre-Bench Press Primer Mind Pump # 1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram
How common is mold? (2:13) Mold can and will affect everybody. (5:08) The hierarchy of mold. (6:53) How much do filtration systems help mitigate symptoms? (9:21) The scale of mold tests. (10:21) The typical symptoms of mold exposure. (12:20) Her traumatizing mold story and how she got better. (15:47) Defining remediation. (18:03) The steps to see if you have mold exposure. (19:46) Is the removal process expensive? (21:07) Supplements or methods that support detox pathways. (28:02) The correlation between trauma and autoimmune issues. (40:20) The common misdiagnosis for people who have mold exposure. (43:55) Things, nutritionally, that can exasperate or help make your mold symptoms better. (49:32) Sings in your house that you may have mold. (54:20) Steps you can take to stop repeated issues. (1:00:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Take the FREE quiz to help determine if you should test for mold. Visit the link here. Schedule A Consultation with Dr. Becky Campbell HERE Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** AirDoctor | HEPA Air Purifier for Home and Office Symptoms of Mold Exposure: In House and More - Healthline A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home | US EPA Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction - Wikipedia Glutathione benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine How Limbic System Therapy Can Help Resolve Trauma - NICABM Quercetin benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine What Is the MTHFR Gene? - Healthline Discover Your True Biological Age & Reverse Aging with This Cutting-Edge At-Home Lab Test The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Danger Coffee Mold Sickness Treatment - The Right Plan | Dr Shoemaker Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Becky Campbell (@drbeckycampbell) Instagram Website Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to strength training, there are two general ways to approach it. (2:11) An appreciation for high-level sports athletes. (15:04) Some kids need sports. (21:03) The demonization of meat. (24:31) Fake virtue signaling. (29:52) Highlighting the importance of exercise along with taking GLP-1s. (33:25) Fun Facts with Justin: Hooters Air. (48:31) You feel Ned. (52:17) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (53:30) #ListenerLive question #1 - I’d like to be able to increase my strength enough to match the female standards of 1x bodyweight squat, .75x bodyweight bench, and 2x bodyweight deadlift. Is that even possible for me? (55:00) #ListenerLive question #2 - Why is it so much harder for women to lose weight than men? (1:07:35) #ListenerLive question #3 - Am I too lean to gain muscle? (1:18:53) #ListenerLive question #4 - I am curious, how long you should give yourself to train for a powerlifting competition? (1:27:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, if you get a CPT certification through NASM, you can add on additional education courses for FREE! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Baseball: the physics of hitting a fastball | Brainscape Academy Just 12% of Americans — mostly men - New York Post Only 12% of Americans are Metabolically Healthy No greeting the meat: Florida bans selling or manufacturing lab-grown meat See Mark Zuckerberg’s glossy new $300M, 287-foot superyacht ‘Launchpad’ Healthy weight loss maintenance with exercise, GLP-1 receptor agonist, or both combined followed by one year without treatment: a post-treatment analysis of a randomised placebo-controlled trial Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Story Of Short-Lived US Carrier Hooters Air - Simple Flying See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Plunge for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for $150 off your order ** Strength Standards: Are You Strong? Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram DON SALADINO (@donsaladino) Instagram Robert Oberst (@robertoberst) Instagram
What are GLP-1s? (2:03) Future ground-breaking intervention or fad? (3:10) How do they make people lose weight? (5:16) The Truth about “Ozempic Face and The Factors Contributing to it. (10:26) #1 - Losing fat will reduce how filled out your face looks. (11:29) #2 - Not eating enough protein will reduce collagen production. (12:48) #3 - Not eating enough fats will make skin appear older, and cell integrity is reduced. (15:48) #4 - Lack of hydration. (18:11) #5- Losing muscle adds to skin sag. (19:05) #6 - Nutrient deficient. (23:35) The Top Supplements to Remedy. #1 – Take a protein powder or essential amino acids. (26:58) #2 - Take fish oil. (29:12) #3 - Take multivitamins. (29:25) #4 – HMB/creatine. (30:20) #5 - Strength training. (31:59) #6 - Drink plenty of water. (34:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase! And if you’re an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Ozempic Face: What It Is & How to Treat It - TODAY Mind Pump #2110: Ozempic The Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon HMB benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine THE DOCTOR’S FARMACY Podcast Ep. 884 – Ozempic: A Weight Loss Miracle or Metabolic Menace? A Discussion with Dr. Tyna Moore & Calley Means Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: BUILD MUSCLE to drastically improve your health! (1:45) Risk vs. reward when it comes to kids and contact sports. (15:19) Dispelling misinformation on Sal’s tattoo. (19:25) Adam at his lowest weight since competing days. (20:42) Educating the audience on the accuracy of body fat tests. (27:55) The Happy Drops from Organifi are CRUSHING! (32:04) A wedding reception gone TERRIBLY wrong. (36:43) That one-time Justin got stuck on a rollercoaster. (37:47) Adam’s embarrassing text. (39:08) Highlighting how we misunderstand studies or data. (43:06) Storytelling and teaching lessons. (46:05) How to get 10 clients in 10 days. (50:40) Shout out to Hippy Feet socks! (51:23) #ListenerLive question #1 – What sort of training/conditioning would you suggest aiding with dance lifts? (57:23) #ListenerLive question #2 – Would you have any suggestions on how to program for 75 Hard to finish strong and not be worn out or injured? (1:09:21) #ListenerLive question #3 – How do I work on body parts that are lagging? (1:24:10) #ListenerLive question #4 – I’ve had a string of injuries, any advice on how to remedy this? (1:37:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. May 10-12th, Mother's Day Weekend - Buy 1 Get 1 Free Organifi Harmony Plus Free Shipping ** Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NCI is offering access to their free guide on learning to find, close and retain 10 clients in 10 days.  May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Trends in nutrition, lifestyle, and metabolic disease in the United States from 1900 onwards Effects of macronutrient intake in obesity: a meta-analysis of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on markers of the metabolic syndrome Strength Of Grip Declines In Young Adults Mind Pump #1877: Obesity, It’s Not Your Genetics Guardian Caps: Are the soft-shelled football helmet covers effective at limiting head injuries? Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! An 8-Week Randomized, Double-Blind Trial Comparing Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of 3 Vilazodone Dose-Initiation Strategies Following Switch From SSRIs and SNRIs in Major Depressive Disorder The wedding menu that put 80 guests in hospital and left more than 100 people vomiting is revealed - as one attendee says men and women were given different food, but all ended up sick Giving Birth Later in Life Linked to Longer Life | TIME Children's Books by Andy Frisella The Very Hungry Caterpillar book hand2mind Numberblocks Friends One to Five Figures, Toy Figures Collectibles, Small Cartoon Figurines for Kids, Mini Action Figures, Character Figures, Play Figure Playsets, Imaginative Play Toys All Hippy Feet Products - American Made & Eco-Friendly Body Brokers | Rotten Tomatoes California fails to track how billions are spent to fight homelessness Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Improve Your Overhead Press & Build Your Shoulders with Unilateral Kettlebell Carries – Mind Pump TV Chaos Band Training: How To, Benefits, Variations - Muscle & Fitness Using The Earthquake Bar | Westside Barbell Mind Pump #2290: Becoming A Better Man With Jason Khalipa Mind Pump #2220: How To Stay Consistent With Your Workouts Ask Mind Pump Mind Pump #2322: Why Your Butt Won’t Grow Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits Of Lifting With Light Weight Sore muscles…what does it mean? – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Drew Canole (@drewcanole) Instagram Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Andy Frisella (@andyfrisella) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym)  Instagram James Smith (@smittydiesel)  Instagram Jason Khalipa (@jasonkhalipa) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Understand yourself first to move forward. (1:57) A big win for Justin and Sal. (22:12) As you get older, it gets easier. (24:32) The most difficult body parts to overtrain. (33:03) Red light therapy and psoriasis. (35:57) Fun Facts with Justin: Lactobacillus Reuteri. (39:51) The easiest-to-digest protein powder, EVER! (42:50) In-person ‘trainer’ events vs. live events with fans. (44:47) Is legalizing drugs better or worse for society? (48:05) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (1:00:16) #Quah question #1 - Whenever I travel, I end up losing weight because I am so scared of perfectly tracking food that I end up restricting. How do you balance staying active and choosing healthy meals while away without being overly restrictive? (1:01:12) #Quah question #2 - What are the most useful certifications for a new aspiring personal trainer going into the industry? What should I start with to get my foot in the door? (1:04:31) #Quah question #3 - If steps are controlled, does it matter if you get them from long-distance running or walking and would it affect your muscle building? (1:07:05) #Quah question #4 - Any benefit to "pre-exhausting" large muscles before compound lifts? That way you can use lighter weight and still reach close to failure with less risk. (1:10:09) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 1995: Seven Reasons Your Favorite Fitness Influencer Is Unhealthy Lactobacillus Reuteri Benefits and Side Effects — Probiotics.org See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. DOJ plans to reschedule marijuana as a lower-risk drug - CNN Why Oregon is recriminalizing even small amounts of illicit drugs Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering their CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) Premium for the Price of Self-Study ($899) usually $1,249. Get All Inclusive for the Price of Premium ($1179) $1899 $151/mo. 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course What is NEAT and Why Should You Care About it? – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram
What is the difference between your biological vs. chronological age? (2:10) What metrics does the test cover? (3:17) Have they connected these markers/tests to age-related symptoms? (5:03) The success of reducing one’s biological age. (7:07) Why all these specialty bio hacks are worthless if you’re not healthy. (9:07) Good vs. bad methylators. (10:26) It all comes down to bio-individuality. (16:33) Revealing the guy’s Biological Age test results. (18:31) Adam. (22:01) Sal. (25:22) Doug. (26:30) Justin. (29:00) Who is more neanderthal? (30:11) What causes us to age slower or faster? (33:04) The top supplements to slow aging. (33:52) How anything that is good for us can be negative if taken too much. (39:39) The best methods to reduce oxidative stress. (44:05) It’s all about finding the right level for you. (51:15) How often should one take this test and where can you get it? (53:56) Related Links/Products Mentioned Discover Your True Biological Age & Reverse Aging with This Cutting-Edge At-Home Lab Test Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** What Is the MTHFR Gene? - Healthline What Is a Whole Body MRI Screening and Why Should You Get One? Mind Pump #2272: The Dangers Of Heavy Metals & How To Flush From Your Body With Dr. Stephen Cabral Homepage - High Performance Health Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** What's Worse: Marijuana vs Alcohol | Cabral Concept 2735 Adrenal Soothe-Equi.life Cabral Concept 2938 - WW: The Simplest Way to Reduce Stress & Cortisol Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) Instagram David Sinclair (@davidsinclairphd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When you're working with weights, go with full range of motion. (2:12) That’s your private time. (16:38) Nostradamus Sal on GLP-1s. (19:40) The delicate dance of being in a caloric deficit and NOT losing muscle with the body fat. (25:20) At what age can you beat Dad? (32:01) Wild caught vs. farm salmon. (34:03) Lessons learned from the most recent conversation with John Delony. (38:20) Why you should get a living trust. (41:12) Seeing old friends and being recognized. (46:45) The move towards Christianity. (50:08) Shout out to the FREE How to Squat Like a Pro guide! (55:43) #ListenerLive question #1 - What advice would you give to an “introverted/extrovert” who prefers lifting alone but wants to try and break out of their shell and socialize with others at the gym due to the benefits of having spotters, accountability buddies, access to trainers, and other perspectives in health and fitness in general? (56:35) #ListenerLive question #2 - I am training minimally, but still feeling overtrained. What am I doing wrong? (1:10:12) #ListenerLive question #3 - Does eating high protein cause digestive issues? (1:23:05) #ListenerLive question #4 - How would you implement a GLP-1 with a time sensitive weight loss? (1:32:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Free for a Year offer: Choose salmon, chicken breast, or steak tips FREE in every order for a year, plus get $20 off your first order! ** Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty ** A basic living trust is 100% free with GetDynasty and takes less than 10 minutes to make. ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits Of Lifting With Light Weight Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light GNC BECOMES FIRST MAJOR RETAILER TO LAUNCH GLP-1 SUPPORT PROGRAM Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut Mind Pump #2325: Why Marriages Fail & What To Do About It With Dr. John Delony Russell Brand announces he is getting baptized as Christian Complete Guide To Squatting Like a Pro | Mind Pump Media Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Mind Pump #2092: How To Cultivate Amazing Relationships With Adam Lane Smith Batelle | So Much More Than Sleep Training Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #1375: How To Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram
Properly applied exercise will change your life in PROFOUND ways, and vice versa with improperly applied exercise. (2:46) Speculating on why this is more common with people who have chosen fitness as a profession. (3:39) Nine Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Exercise #1 - Your friends or family tell you you’re too obsessed. (6:17) #2 - When sick, injured, or run down you don’t take time off. (9:02) #3 - Doing less in the gym with equal results is less appealing to you. (11:22) #4 - Missing a day in the gym causes stress in your life. (13:55) #5 - You feel stronger when returning from forced time off. (16:32) #6 - You aren’t healthy. (22:18) #7 - You allow the mirror or scale to drive your gym routine or choice of exercise. (25:05) #8 - You take grey market substances to try and accelerate results. (28:00) #9 - You leave your workout feeling sick or having a headache. (33:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain Mind Pump #1707: The Top 5 Reasons You Are Not Recovering Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing The Wrong Workout Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! Mind Pump #1235: The 5 Most Overrated Supplements Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want your clients to succeed, you MUST focus on their mind/their psychology. (1:52) The better strategy when it comes to nutrition and dieting. (7:07) The INCREDIBLE benefits of walking after eating. (13:11) Kids say the darndest things. (14:54) The balancing act of influencing your kids to play sports. (17:17) Storytelling with Mind Pump. (22:58) Need more Caldera? (25:27) We are about to see the world of performance-enhancing drugs explode! (28:50) Crazy survival story! (42:00) Reimagining the jail industrial complex. (45:30) Come see Mind Pump Live and learn more about the cutting science of peptides! (55:17) #ListenerLive question #1 - Can an imbalance in my back be causing more pain when flat bench pressing? (57:15) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I eat high protein on a budget? (1:05:21) #ListenerLive question #3 - What are the best exercise programs that I can do at nighttime, where I can still see gains or at least maintain muscle while also mitigating/disrupting sleep? (1:15:01) #ListenerLive question #4 - As I approach my 40th birthday in August, I wonder what should be next for my fitness journey? (1:22:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** THE DOCTOR'S FARMACY Podcast Ep. 884 - Ozempic: A Weight Loss Miracle or Metabolic Menace? A Discussion with Dr. Tyna Moore & Calley Means Woman Skydiver Survived a Fall From 14,500 Feet After Being Bitten by Fire Ants Watch Unlocked: A Jail Experiment | Netflix Official Site Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Mind Pump #2127: Bench Press Masterclass MAPS Symmetry Mind Pump #1605: How To Get Jacked On A Budget Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will get $20 off your first order ** MAPS 15 Minutes Mind Pump #2230: How To Optimize Your Training, Diet & Lifestyle After Age 40 Mind Pump #2235: Ten Tips For A Leaner, Fitter Body After Age 40 Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dhru Purohit (@dhrupurohit) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: There is NO secret time to eat to lose body fat and build muscle. Listen to your body! (1:58) Boost your mood with Happy Drops from Organifi! (11:00) Slimy or fair game? The trend of hijacking your name, image and/or likeness to sell other brands' products’. (18:37) Posture straps, beneficial or a waste of money? (24:27) Natural signs of beauty that display good health vs. societal imposed ideals of beauty. (29:18) Should the death penalty exist? (34:43) The top things in science that are the murkiest, and the importance of admitting when you are wrong. (43:05) Why the delivery method matters when it comes to taking probiotics for the gut. (48:04) Mind Pump’s excitement for their car track day in Vegas. (50:32) Integrating new tech into old-school methods. (54:20) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (1:01:06) #Quah question #1 - What can I do instead of chin-ups and dips in MAPS Anabolic? I'm in phase two and still can’t do more than one. (1:02:02) #Quah question #2 - Which is better for perfecting a pull-up? Bands or an assisted pull-up machine? (1:05:17) #Quah question #3 - How would you train a client who is coming back from vacation? Would you start slowly and get back to where you ended up before they took off? (1:08:49) #Quah question #4 - What workout routine would you recommend for my mom who is in her mid-60s? She has very little gym experience. (1:11:07) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Partners The History of Hysteria | Office for Science and Society How a psychiatry professor accidentally discovered he was a psychopath Science - Seed Turo car rental marketplace | Car rentals, reimagined See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.  Visit biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout for 10% off your order** How to Use the Assisted Pull Up Machine in Your Next Workout The RIGHT WAY To Do More Pull-Ups (Make Them EASY!) How To Do A Pull Up | Banded Pull Up Regression (TRY THIS) MAPS Starter   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram Drew Canole (@drewcanole) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
The importance of making time for yourself. (1:30) The MASSIVE misconception that you must sacrifice something. (6:38) Four Ways Prioritizing Your Fitness Makes You a Better Mom #1 - Fitness improves your ability to deal with stress. (8:02) #2 - Exercise is a proven anxiolytic/antidepressant. (13:35) #3 - Take some time away for sanity. (19:06) #4 - It’s pro-self-care. (22:09) The key is to train PROPERLY. Consider these metrics. (24:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 20% off your first order ** Mother’s Day Special (Fit Mom Bundle, Bikini Bundle, Fabulous 40’s Bundle, or Build Your Butt Bundle) 60% off! Code MOM60 at checkout Don't miss our Mother's Day Sale on now through May 1st! BOGO 50% off select items.  Shop Now! May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 1802: Seven Surprising Benefits Of Exercise The Key to Fitness Success is Self-Love – Mind Pump Blog Workout Because You Love Yourself Not Because You Hate Yourself – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump # 1807: Why All Moms Deserve Time For Self-Care Mind Pump # 2072: The Best Workout For Busy Moms Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources Of Protein Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it’s important to START with an isolation lift before a compound lift. (1:57) Mind Pump Recommends, The John Delony Show – She Wants More Sex Than I Do. (12:41) Why the guys LOVE live events. (20:13) Do anti-inflammatories stunt growth? (25:04) The internet is undefeated. (30:57) Reimagining the education system. (32:21) Recreational cannabis use connected to cognitive decline. (34:53) How the media likes to demonize exercise. (41:01) Mind Pump Recommends, PBD Podcast with Suge Knight. (43:30) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (53:01) #ListenerLive question #1 – As I get closer to my upcoming season this fall, how can I continue to gain muscle while also balancing/focusing on playing soccer? What program do you recommend for these two stages? (53:33) #ListenerLive question #2 – I am currently running  MAPS Aesthetic and I was wondering if I can swim 10 lengths/3 times instead of doing the focus sessions? Would it have the same effect? (1:04:04) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can you control where specifically you want an area to grow or is it inevitable that there will be overall growth and is it genetics that determines a person’s shape? (1:13:40) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I prevent reoccurring injuries with my rhomboids and traps? (1:27:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.  Don't miss our Mother's Day Sale on now through May 1st! BOGO 50% off select items.  Shop Now! Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1745: How To Pack On Muscle To Your Lagging/Stubborn Body Parts The John Delony Show: She Wants Sex More Than I Do (What’s Wrong With Me?) The Effects of Inhaled Corticosteroids on Growth in Children California's K-12 spending exceeds $20,000 per pupil Study Links Recreational Cannabis Use to Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline and Dementia-Related Diseases 16.5MILLION Americans at risk of stroke from EXERCISING too hard Suge Knight OPENS UP About Diddy, Dre, Tupac & Biggie - YouTube Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will get $20 off your first order ** MAPS 15 Minutes MAPS Performance Advanced MAPS 40+ Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away The Scale! Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump #1490: How To Improve Your Posture Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf) Instagram Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) Instagram
The most challenging calls he has received. (1:24) The shift in divorce statistics. (6:29) Why men need work, family, and a higher purpose. (9:59) You can’t do anything hard based on feel. (15:43) The new rules for a successful marriage. (17:55) The power in celebrating wins and being accountable. (20:04) Lessons in communicating with the opposite sex. (26:41) Vulnerability is an act of courage. (35:51) Do people have a distorted view of divorce? (37:53) Love is a choice. (40:30) The importance of having a set of family values. (42:46) The value of having good friends outside your marriage. (48:58) Practices of successful families. (50:14) Is it necessary for your partner to have things in common with you? (51:43) How to navigate social media with your kids as a parent. (53:00) The impact of pornography on the younger generation and society. (1:07:29) Small practices that go a long way in a successful marriage. (1:11:49) Related Links/Products Mentioned Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here Mind Pump FREE Personal Trainer Course April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It – Book by Richard Reeves Dan Bilzerian Says Monogamy is Better Than Sleeping with Thousands of Women The One Minute Manager The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness – Book by Jonathan Haidt Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Dr. Becky Campbell (@drbeckycampbell) Instagram Jonathan Haidt (@jonathanhaidt) Instagram Shawn Ryan Show (@shawnryanshow) Instagram Esther Perel (@estherperelofficial) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) X Brené Brown (@brenebrown) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: ADD, don’t subtract, to your diet to lose weight. (1:45) Once a child of God, always a child of God. (11:07) Cautioning the audience on the impact of GLP-1s. (17:00) If you want to sleep hard, take Lunar. (40:35) Daddy’s little girl. (42:20) Boys and digging holes. (45:05) When your card collection pays off. (47:36) Mind Pump Recommends, Joe Montana: Cool Under Pressure on Peacock. (52:39) Stay consistent with Entera for continued results. (54:24) Odd proposal locations and chasing virality. (56:31) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (1:02:24) #ListenerLive question #1 - How should I approach diet and exercise when coming off GLP-1 agonists? (1:04:02) #ListenerLive question #2 - Should I be adding back the calories that I burn through exercise into my base calories? (1:24:40) #ListenerLive question #3 – How do you know if you have a healthy body type? (1:32:52) #ListenerLive question #4 - Being someone who has had years of imbalance on my right side compared to my left, is it a good plan to incorporate Symmetry between each new program? (1:43:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Watch Joe Montana: Cool Under Pressure Streaming Online - Peacock See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.  Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump #2300: Seven Habits Of Truly Healthy People Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump #2315: Five Signs You’re Doing The Wrong Workout Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Mark Bell (@marksmellybell) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Both the present you and the future you benefit from when you sacrifice the RIGHT why. (1:52) Why Mind Pump’s steers from before & after’s. (19:30) Proud leader moments. (23:33) Kids say the darndest things. (34:03) Organifi products FLY off the shelves! (35:50) Gummies vs. pills. (37:06) Shout out to the Mind Pump Newsletter! (43:17) Try Brain.fm, MIND BLOWN! (45:22) The difference between nerve and muscle pain. (48:32) See Mind Pump, LIVE in Las Vegas! (52:54) #Quah question #1 - Is just weightlifting 3x a week good enough for overall health and longevity? Also, does weightlifting affect your cardiovascular health in any way? (57:59) #Quah question #2 - Where do you classify lunges? They aren't in the big 5 but I'd love some insight into the value of them and their variations. (1:02:07) #Quah question #3 - Why is the body so stubborn to respond to a calorie deficit after a long reverse diet? (1:06:21) #Quah question #4 - What direction or challenges is Mind Pump going or facing as a company? (1:10:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Newsletter Mind Pump #2307: How To Optimize Your Brainwaves For Improved Focus, Relaxation & Sleep See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.  Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Fat Loss And Overall Health The BEST Beginner Lower Body Exercise (LUNGE VARIATIONS) with Sal Di Stefano 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram Marina Lifts (@marina.lifts) • Instagram
How the hips are the center of ALL your power. (2:42) Five reasons WHY your butt won’t grow and HOW to make it grow. #1 - Not Training Frequently: Train your butt three days a week. (7:58) #2 - Doing the Wrong Exercises: Do squats, hip thrusts, and deadlifts. (15:15) #3 - Sleep 9 hours. (19:12) #4 - Change the reps. (21:51) #5 - Eat more (Eat high protein). (25:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1370: The 4 Reasons Your Butt Is Not Building Mind Pump #1785: Why Most Women Fail At Developing Their Butt Mind Pump #2155: The Art & Science Of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Mind Pump #1667: The Best Exercises You Can Do To Develop The Perfect Butt Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut The Secret To A Great Butt Guide - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Work on sleep. It will make everything else better. (2:17) Signs we are having sex tonight. (15:16) Sal’s a terrible patient. (18:38) Getting your first pimple. (20:42) Bad food diets and the worst fast food. (23:19) At what point will the GLP-1s be used to save money? (29:33) When are they going to stop comparing us to apes? (33:27) The value of sports. (35:23) A test of patience. (41:35) The biggest advocate for Ned. (44:01) The appeal of Dubai. (45:25) NBA players are a different breed. (49:04) Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (54:17) #ListenerLive question #1 - How should I go about reversing out of the prep phase after the show? (59:37) #ListenerLive question #2 - What should I do to build my glutes? (1:14:46) #ListenerLive question #3 - How much does MAPS Oldtime Strength correlate with the strongman sport? (1:28:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance – PMC Sleep loss limits fat loss, study finds – University of Chicago News Sleeping less than 6 hours may raise risk of cancer, even death Walmart says users of weight loss drugs are buying less food - NBC Costco adds Ozempic prescriptions for members through virtual weight loss program Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships Deadly violence a natural tendency in chimps, study finds The joy of sports: How watching sports can boost well-being Dubai Before and After – All Roads lead to Dubai Neom - The Line - The Rise and Fall of Saudi Arabia's Linear City. adidas' The Box Shoes Releases April 2024 Take a Look at Victor Wembanyama's AI Designed Nike Sneaker Come see and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.  For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #1370: The 4 Reasons Your Butt Is Not Building Mind Pump #1667: The Best Exercises You Can Do To Develop The Perfect Butt Build Your Butt Bundle | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2145: Forgotten Muscle & Strength Building Secrets Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Christopher Maznaritz (Sca.astartesndinavian) Instagram
The power of the scale. (1:25) Why it’s irrelevant. (6:02) Four reasons why you should THROW AWAY your scale! #1 - It doesn’t measure body composition. (11:49) #2 - It takes our focus off other metrics. (14:31) #3 - It can mess with our heads. (21:46) #4 - Weight can fluctuate from day to day. (26:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering their CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) Premium for the Price of Self-Study ($899) usually $1,249. Get All Inclusive for the Price of Premium ($1179) $1899 $151/mo. April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1917: Ten Common Traits Of Fit & Healthy People Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you have a body part that seems to be lagging, don’t go heavier, go LIGHTER. (1:35) Connecting and disconnecting. (11:07) Understanding what is developmentally appropriate. (17:49) Owning up as a parent. (25:04) The favorite host results are in! (29:49) The best immune-boosting supplements for kids. (30:23) Eggs are NOT bad for you. (33:13) GLP-1 agonists’ impact on society and Adam. (35:56) Shout out to Mind Pump’s FREE 3-Day Trainer Seminar. (50:39) #ListenerLive question #1 - How can I increase my muscle mass and gain strength in that short time frame? (51:51) #ListenerLive question #2 - Should I or should I not do the trigger sessions if I’m doing MAPS Anabolic Advanced? (1:00:45) #ListenerLive question #3 - How do I choose which parts of a demanding program like Performance I include with my client? (1:04:04) #ListenerLive question #4 - My curiosity is training clients with implants and post-explant surgery. Are there certain exercises and sets and reps you would encourage, and any to avoid?  Also, I am having breast explant surgery. Any suggestions on the best approach to ease back into training chest post-surgery? (1:16:01) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Mind Pump’s Spring Apparel and Equipment Sale going on 4/19-4/22 - Visit here for more details. Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** What To Do About Lagging Body Parts - Mind Pump Media Eggs may be secret to high IQ in babies • Earth.com Eggs may not be bad for your heart after all | ScienceDaily 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Visit biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout for 10% off your order** Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Mind Pump Fit Tip: MANAGE your algorithms. (1:41) Shout out to Dr. John Delony. (14:29) Sal’s vasectomy experience. (16:49) Why Sal is dropping the ‘wife beater’ when working out. (24:00) Adam’s latest Tirzepetide challenge. (26:12) The homelessness epidemic in California. (39:51) The state of the economy. (43:54) Conspiracy theory corner with Mind Pump. (49:42) #Quah question #1 - As a 48-year-old male I’m having a tough time with increasing the overhead press. What would you recommend as a “Z” press progression? (58:43) #Quah question #2 - Is 30G of protein powder the same as 30G of animal-sourced protein? What are the differences in terms of how much we absorb? (1:02:50) #Quah question #3 - How does the body actually lose or burn fat? Do you sweat it out, breathe it out or is it something else? (1:07:29) #Quah question #4 - I made tremendous strength gains through Anabolic. I put 50 lbs. on my squat and 130 lbs. on my deadlift. I’ve done this w/o straps or a belt. At what point should someone start using wrist straps or weight belts? (1:11:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will get $20 off your first order ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 1140: Nir Eyal The Girls Are Not Alright: Responses to Three Claims that the Youth Mental Health Crisis Is Exaggerated The Dumbphone Boom Is Real | The New Yorker TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Nearly one-third of nation's homeless population lives in California, new research shows Audit finds California spent $24B on homelessness in 5 years, didn't consistently track outcomes Inflation runs hot for third straight month, driven by gas prices and rent Dollar stores are shutting down across America. They did this to themselves San Francisco Bill Would Let People Sue Grocery Stores for Closing Too Quickly @Travis_in_Flint post on X Mock human sacrifice at Cern Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** One Arm Arnold Press- Improve Shoulder Mobility & Development Build An Iron Grip with the Bottoms-Up Kettlebell Press Mind Pump # 1950: Shoulder Building Masterclass Exhaled Pounds: How Fat Leaves the Body Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Nir Eyal (@neyal99)  Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
Why they started the Fitness Business Mentorship. (1:26) How did they meet? (3:22) Getting close through the shared suffering of training Gary Vaynerchuk. (5:39) The inspiration behind how their podcast was born. (22:03) The needs they wanted to fill in the fitness space. (26:02) Do you want to be a coach or a CEO? (33:14) Online vs. in-person coach. (34:38) The characteristics of coaches who have built a good/sustainable career. (39:07) How social media can feed your insecurities and narcissism. (46:35) Are we getting better or worse as a society due to access to information? (48:39) Be great at one. (52:45) Realistic expectations for new coaches or trainers starting their business. (54:50) Explaining the process of the Fitness Business Mentorship. (1:00:30) How GLP-1 agonist peptides, like Semaglutide and Tirzepetide, will impact the fitness & health space. (1:07:39) The value of having a mentor who has been there and done it. (1:30:05) Creating impact. (1:31:44) What would they do differently if starting over? (1:34:35) The keys to building a tight community? (1:42:50) The advantage of time. (1:48:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Fitness Business Mentorship Podcast: How To Become A Personal Trainer - With Jordan Syatt and Mike Vacanti Eat It!: The Most Sustainable Diet and Workout Ever Made: Burn Fat, Get Strong, and Enjoy Your Favorite Foods Guilt Free – Book by Jordan Syatt and Mike Vacanti Mind Pump #2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain Alan Aragon's Research Review Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Ask Mind Pump Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked – Book by Adam Alter Periodization Training for Sports – Book by Tudor O. Bompa Mind Pump #1622: Nine Signs Your Trainer Sucks TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Will Weight-Loss Drugs Kill the Snack Food Industry? MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #2155: The Art & Science Of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Mind Pump #2047: How To Become One Of The Highest Paid Trainers In The Fitness Industry With Don Saladino Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest(s)/People Mentioned Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram Mike Vacanti (@mikevacanti) Instagram Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) X Kinobody (@gregogallagher) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram DON SALADINO (@donsaladino) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The value of the workout is NOT about the calorie burn. It’s about the adaptation. (2:22) Mind Pump Live is BACK! (11:05) Doug is a funny bear. (13:16) Having self-awareness and focusing on what you’re good at. (18:45) Caldera works for ALL skin types. (23:40) Acquired savant syndrome. (26:55) How people get misled by articles about economics. (33:31) The misconception that money equals happiness. (35:38) Conspiracies, another way to divide us? (42:00) When the party vibes get weird. (49:25) Joy Mode is the BEST pre-workout for pumps. (54:42) Shout out to the Mind Pump Newsletter! (57:31) #ListenerLive question #1 - At what point do personal athletic pursuits become complicated and demanding enough that it becomes worth it to hire a trainer? (59:03) #ListenerLive question #2 - I'm keen on leaning out even more, aiming to lose another 15-25 lbs., but I'm stuck on how to do it without risking setbacks or losing my progress. Any tips or guidance? (1:14:53) #ListenerLive question #3 - How can I approach people on the gym floor and start talking to them to try and sell them personal training packages? Are there any strategies or tips you guys have used that you found successful? (1:24:16) #ListenerLive question #4 - What is the best workout program during the rest of pregnancy? (1:35:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1517: The No Cardio Way To Train Your Body To Burn Fat Come see and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.  Is house dust mostly dead skin? | Live Science The Mystery of Sudden Genius | Psychology Today Post by Sal Di Stefano on X - Middle class Americans own less wealth than the top 1% Dan Bilzerian Says Monogamy is Better Than Sleeping with Thousands of Women Secret Tunnels Were Built Under The Playboy Mansion In The 1970s American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders – Netflix Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump Newsletter Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty Mind Pump #1927: Performance Training Secrets From A Top NBA Trainer With Cory Schlesinger Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering their CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) Premium for the Price of Self-Study ($899) usually $1,249. Get All Inclusive for the Price of Premium ($1179) $1899 $151/mo. Mind Pump #1375: How To Train Before, During & After Pregnancy MAPS Starter   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@nci_ceo_jason) Instagram Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram
Even ‘good’ workouts can be bad if used by the wrong person. (1:22) Defining a ‘good’ workout. (3:00) Five Signs You’re Doing the Wrong Workout. #1 - You aren’t getting stronger or progressing in PERFORMANCE. (7:45) #2 - You feel worse after the workout and/or generally. (11:35) #3 - Joint pain. (17:01) #4 - Overemphasis on intensity. (23:38) #5 - Poor sleep. (28:21) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways To Know If Your Workout Is Not Right For You Mind Pump #1095: How To Break Through A Plateau Mind Pump #2255: The Smart Way To Improve Speed, Power, & Performance With Brian Kula Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining Peptide Therapy – Guide to Unlocking Your Body’s Potential Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want to move in a direction where your life changes, having a mentor or a guide is your best bet. (1:45) Kids say the darndest things. (13:04) Sal’s devastating night of sleep. (14:22) BPC-157's healing ability. (21:38) GLP1’s use for impulsive behavior and another Adam Tirzepetide update. (24:12) Beware of studies. (37:12) Preventable measures to ward off a cold. (40:49) For every one idiot, there is a sea of good stories. (45:08) Celebrity gossip and conspiracies. (49:45) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on natural testosterone enhancers and when to seek out medical intervention? (1:03:17) #ListenerLive question #2 - What is the best approach to becoming a true hybrid athlete? (1:15:39) #ListenerLive question #3 - Would having an outside source (in this case, the EMS suit) make muscles contract illicit hypertrophy? (1:24:06) #ListenerLive question #4 - When trying to lose fat, is it better to reduce weight training and do more cardio? (1:32:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Doctor explains new study on salt substitutes, plus swaps to decrease sodium New Study: Mediterranean Diet, Daily Glass of Wine May Lower Depression Risk Beyoncé Accused of 'Extreme Witchcraft' by Former Drummer Kimberly Thompson The Fanatic (2019 movie) Mock human sacrifice at Cern Dark Parody and Villainous Clowns | Matt Walsh | The Daily Wire Guantonio's Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining MAPS Fitness Anabolic MAPS Fitness Performance   Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump #1987: How To Burn Fat & Build Muscle At The Same Time Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Michael Churnow (@michaelchernow) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you're going to talk good to anybody, talk good to yourself. (1:40) Reacting to the latest TikTok trend, Trad Wives. (16:00) Trauma lust. (25:04) The evolutionary theory behind strongmen dating tiny women. (33:17) Growth spurts. (35:22) The growth mindset is attached to being a successful personal trainer. (38:54) When people go viral due to hate. (40:52) Shout out to Mind Pump’s FREE Peptide Guide. (51:33) #Quah question #1 - How much volume is considered “too much?” How many sets per muscle group should we aim for? 6? 8? 12? (52:41) #Quah question #2 - Do you build cheat days into your nutrition plan? Especially around Birthdays and holidays? (58:51) #Quah question #3 - Can you discuss the differences between processed “unhealthy” foods vs non-processed “unhealthy” foods? I notice there is a massive difference in how I feel having a homemade dessert vs prepackaged and processed. (1:02:55) #Quah question #4 - Is it better to move more and eat more or to move less and eat less? (1:06:24) Related Links/Products Mentioned Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NCI has put together the ultimate starter kit full of resources that will help you do everything from creating an irresistible offer to properly intake and onboarding a new client.   Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will get $20 off your first order ** Tiktok's 'Trad Wife' Influencers Think The Kitchen Is Pretty Neat 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Hippie rapper Shanin Blake Mind Pump #2217: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Peptide Therapy - Guide to Unlocking Your Body's Potential Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Should I Do a Cheat Day While I'm Training? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1037: How Ultra-Processed Foods Are Making You Fat, Sick, & Weak Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned shanin blake (@shaninblake) Instagram   Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) X
Understanding the difference between what’s optimal, what’s tolerable, and what’s beyond that. (1:51) How healing/recovery is different than adapting. (4:15) The importance of consistency over intensity. (7:12) Signs of overtraining. (9:32) Five Steps to Bounce Back from Overtraining #1 - Take a week off. (16:10) #2 - Get good sleep. (19:54) #3 - Bump calories (protein). (22:55) #4 - Come back with half volume. (24:20) #5 - SLOWLY increase volume (setsXrepsXweight). (26:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** The Breakdown Recovery Trap, Why You Aren’t Progressing Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Why Training to Failure and Deloading is the Best Way to Gain Muscle Cabral Concept 2526: Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results (TT) Muscular Potential Calculator | MAPS Fitness Products Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men Muscle fiber hypertrophy in response to 6 weeks of high-volume resistance training in trained young men is largely attributed to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Fitness can be the solution or the problem. It’s all about HOW you do it. (2:24) Sal’s recent gross discovery. (15:05) Doug Wick. (19:31) When you know something is taking the Western world by storm! (24:17) Adam’s main goal with his Tirzepetide experiment. (25:49) Dad wins. (32:54) Justin’s ‘Yacht Rock’ experience. (34:16) Investing in a personal brand. (36:41) Sal’s proud dad moment. (39:22) Joovv is the REAL deal. (42:48) Social media’s impact on children’s state. (43:36) Shaggy’s voice is a fraud! (51:49) Speculating on the P Diddy conspiracies. (53:15) Adam’s first real dad talk. (59:37) Paleovalley, teenager approved! (1:03:55) Shout out to the FREE Peptide Guide. (1:05:34) #ListenerLive question #1 - What can I do to increase mobility in my shoulders and upper body to reduce the nagging pain? (1:06:37) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I hit protein goals being on a SIBO protocol? What program should I be following? (1:17:22) #ListenerLive question #3 - Given our preference for complex movements, heavy weights, and low reps, coupled with our primary goal of happiness and health, what program would you recommend for me and my wife to tackle next? (1:35:12) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any advice for someone who pinches their sciatica when squatting or deadlifting? (1:43:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining What to know about the 'oat-zempic' weight loss trend Bowie Bond: Definition, How It Worked, History - Investopedia All-In Podcast - E172: SBF gets 25 years, Trump's meme stock, RFK Jr picks VP, Biden's 2025 budget & more When Carlos Sainz went undercover at a go-kart track The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness – Book by Jonathan Haidt Conversation starters – Icebreaker Games | TableTopics ‘Flipped my wig': Internet stunned as Shaggy reveals 'real voice' and origin behind signature vocals Katt Williams once claimed Diddy will be 'exposed' in 2024 Peptide Therapy - Guide to Unlocking Your Body's Potential Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Promo code MINDPUMP to get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS Symmetry TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Big 5 Labs - EquiLife MAPS Starter   MP Holistic Health How To Foam Roll PROPERLY (AVOID THESE MISTAKES) | MIND PUMP Piriformis muscle foam roller exercise Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Jonathan Haidt (@jonathanhaidt) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) X Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
How your body NEVER loses the ability to adapt. (1:25) Six factors to consider as you age. #1 - Lift weights appropriately (modify). (7:36) #2 - Get good sleep. (15:05) #3 – Hit your protein targets from whole foods. (19:45) #4 - Track energy, libido, sleep quality, mood. (22:46) #5 - Do cardio for health, not calorie burn. (27:29) #6 - Easy lifestyle hacks. (29:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned SPECIAL PROMOTION: MAPS 40+ Half off! ** Code AGE50 at checkout ** For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Muscle Mass and Strength Gains Following Resistance Exercise Training in Older Adults 65-75 Years and Older Adults Above 85 Years Mind Pump #1802: Seven Surprising Benefits Of Exercise Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Fat Loss And Overall Health Jet lag disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Cabral Concept 2526: Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results (TT) Mind Pump #2230: How To Optimize Your Training, Diet & Lifestyle After Age 40 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Don’t listen to the world if you want to be healthy. (1:43) Highlighting the incredible and rewarding benefits of being a personal trainer. (11:03) Mind Pump has officially partnered with NASM. (15:01) Adam’s mindset taking on this Tirzepatide experiment. (23:27) Sal’s fitness crisis. (30:11) Nothing will test you more as a parent than poor sleep. (33:07) The art of gentle parenting. (39:12) Building confidence in your kids. (46:42) The Caldera authenticity. (55:55) Shout out to the FREE 3-Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar. (1:00:51) #ListenerLive question #1 - Why do I look so small even if I train and eat the right way? (1:01:43) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do you develop custom trigger sessions? (1:09:56) #ListenerLive question #3 - What are some realistic expectations for a seasoned woman who is lifting for the first time in her life? (1:18:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering their CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) Premium for the Price of Self-Study ($899) usually $1,249. Get All Inclusive for the Price of Premium ($1179) $1899 $151/mo. Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** ‎The Wonder Weeks on the App Store Even toddlers care what others think 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Peter Attia (@peterattiamd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from  the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Good health = freedom. (1:24) The guy’s current personal health journey. (8:57) Taking Viagra to improve your health. (21:20) Two of the most annoying pains of all time. (24:35) The importance of companies like Get Dynasty. (26:59) Why you should avoid young day trader influencers. (30:32) Predicting the fallout from Flordia’s social media ban for children under 14. (36:13) The dangers of pornography. (41:45) Being able to express yourself without being afraid of judgment. (42:56) Organifi for kids! (49:24) Where your money is truly going. (50:51) Shout out to Destini Davis. (52:25) #Quah question #1 - Can you talk about how blood type affects nutrition? And does blood type affect training? (53:59) #Quah question #2 - If you don’t have access to heavier weights to have constant progression of overload to build muscle, would increasing the time under tension with a lighter weight still develop gains or is the overload realistically the most optimum or only way? (56:38) #Quah question #3 - You talk a lot about how to speak/approach family about fitness and health, but how do you approach the topic towards your children who are leading sedentary and unhealthy lifestyles? (59:27) #Quah question #4 - How to choose between ashwagandha and rhodiola for stress? And why? (1:04:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Huge Study Confirms Viagra Cuts Alzheimer's Risk by Over 50% Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts The Budget Deal Is Overflowing With $12 Billion of Earmarks Visit biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout for 10% off your order** Mind Pump #1282: The #1 Key To Consistently Building Muscle & Strength (Avoid Plateaus!) Ashwagandha benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Rhodiola Rosea benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jocko Willink (@jockowillink) Instagram Destini Davis | Certified Parent Coach (@destini.ann) Instagram
Try it, experience it, and feel the effects. (1:40) Nailing the first experience. (4:05) Profound personal experiences with the product. (5:16) The encapsulation of Brain.fm. (8:06) How you listen to different music based on what you are doing. (12:58) A more bioavailable thing than binaural beats. (15:18) Priming your brain. (18:10) How does Brain.fm affect an ADHD brain? (20:13) Focusing on what matters most. (23:41) Tales of intimacy. (27:13) Getting more restful sleep. (30:58) Tackling Alzheimer's and dementia. (35:25) What does the typical user look like? (38:12) The different ways of stimulating the brain. (40:54) The optimal way to use the product. (42:41) Human-made vs. AI. (47:26) Making music that people enjoy. (50:39) Your morning routine is making you less productive. (54:50) Future projects on the horizon. (59:53) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Promo code MINDPUMP to get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Our science - BrainFM Binaural Beats through the Auditory Pathway: From Brainstem to Connectivity Patterns Brain.fm's attention-boosting app gets $225K National Science grant Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Probiotics aren’t just for gut health. They help with your athletic performance and muscle gains! (2:35) Parasites aren’t as uncommon as you would think. (12:45) Nubby Justin. (14:47) Touching on the Kate Middleton conspiracy. (21:19) Missed opportunities with investments. (25:47) The origin story of Bank of America. (34:11) #DadLife updates with the guys. (35:42) Fun Facts with Justin: Sonoluminescence. (41:41) Be the example. (45:19) The immunomodulating effects of cannabinoids. (51:12) Would you rather? Poison oak or Tiger Balm. (52:24) Shout out to The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast Ep. 433 with @destiny. (56:45) #ListenerLive question #1 - I am having trouble connecting to one side of my body when working out due to CNS damage. Looking for advice. (58:41) #ListenerLive question #2 - Should I stay with core compound exercises if I still see progress, or switch for novelty? (1:11:30) #ListenerLive question #3 - Why did my bulk not give me the results I wanted when I felt like I did everything right? (1:20:45) #ListenerLive question #4 - How can I properly program other modalities of training without overtraining? (1:28:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** Probiotics supplementation or probiotic-fortified products on sarcopenic indices in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis from recent randomized controlled trials Impact of probiotics on muscle mass, muscle strength and lean mass: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - PubMed Effects of heat-killed Lactiplantibacillus plantarum TWK10 on exercise performance, fatigue, and muscle growth in healthy male adults - PubMed Kate Middleton Conspiracy Theories Rage On As TikTok Debates If Her Cancer Video Is A.I. Generated American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders - Netflix The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve The original name of the Bank of America was actually "Bank of Italy" founded by an Italian Immigrant in San Francisco. The bank's name was changed from Bank of Italy to Bank of America in 1930. hand2mind Numberblocks Friends One to Five Figures, Toy Figures Collectibles, Small Cartoon Figurines for Kids, Mini Action Figures, Character Figures, Play Figure Playsets, Imaginative Play Toys The mysteries of Sonoluminescence Flip the Script: Photographing Water Crystals — Masaru Emoto Streaming, Politics, & Philosophy | @destiny | EP 433 For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Symmetry Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How To Properly Switch It Up The Breakdown Recovery Trap, Why You Aren’t Progressing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Steven Kenneth Bonnell II (@destiny) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram
Long-lasting changes take TIME. (1:08) Laying out the blueprint on how to do this right and get in shape for summer over the next 90 days! Month one: Fix your why. (7:45) Start lifting. (12:11) Prioritize sleep. (15:27) Eat without distractions. (17:23) Avoid processed foods. (17:55) Hit water targets. (19:40) Don’t weigh yourself. (21:18) Month two: Aim for protein targets. (22:40) Track all your food. (24:45) Track your steps. (25:19) Track weight and body fat. (27:11) Month three: Cut or bulk depending on goals. (28:54) Add steps. (29:24) Increase training volume. (32:04) Ways to know you’re doing things right. (33:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2257: Why Hitting Fitness Goals Is A Bad Idea Mind Pump #2102: Maximizing Athletic & Cognitive Performance With Dr. Stephen Cabral The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How To Properly Switch It Up Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the BIGGEST wastes of money is thermogenic fat burners. (2:25) Restless sleep is the worst! (13:18) Recognize the warning signs when something may be off with your child. (15:53) Rock thief. (19:17) When you realize money isn’t an issue. (21:09) “They” want us to be fat, sick, and unhealthy. (27:21) Mark Wahlberg’s bold move. (33:38) What famous actor would play the guys in a movie? (34:38) When ‘going woke’ went bad. (36:01) The ULTIMATE trainer app, NASM One. (38:03) Get the FREE 3-Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar today! (44:34) Proud to be an American. (45:49) Adam updates the audience on the impacts of taking Tirzepatide so far. (49:46) Shout out to Jim Arrington. (59:12) #ListenerLive question #1 - Do fat burners affect your muscle-burning potential? (1:01:04) #ListenerLive question #2 - Is it too late for me to get the body I have only dreamed about now that I am older, without a background in fitness or athletics? (1:15:25) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice on where I should go from here? Should I stay at maintenance with 3x training a week and allow myself to heal, or go back in a deficit so that I can get some of my tone and definition back and feel better about the way I look? (1:29:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** Visit NASM for access to their premier all-in-one membership program, NASM One for Mind Pump listeners. March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Sleep loss limits fat loss, study finds - University of Chicago News Sunbathing for just ONE DAY may increase your risk of heart disease - and stop the body fighting infections, study suggests | Daily Mail Online The House passed a TikTok ban bill. But is the app really a national security threat? Tucker Carlson and Rand Paul Discuss TikTok Ban: Full Interview Plus Reaction and Analysis Breaking: Mark Wahlberg Bows Out of $65 Million Project with Tom Hanks, “What A Woke Creep” ‘Woke’ people more likely to be unhappy, anxious and depressed, new study suggests 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Student gets truck wrapped in American flag after going viral for being told to remove flag on his truck TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. The World's Oldest BodyBuilder Shares His Secret to Forever Strength Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Don't Waste Your Money on These 3 Supplements - Mind Pump Media Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy MAPS 40+ | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Don’t use shame to get results. (2:00) When your kids have bigger calves than you. (17:22) Organifi has products for kids! (18:31) Interesting times we live in. (23:32) Speculating on the fallout from Oprah’s weight-loss drug special. (29:27) Did the CDC release a redacted study on myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination? (33:30) Dan Bilzerian admits monogamy is the answer. (35:11) If people skip meals, typically there are unhealthy habits around that. (40:48) Adam has started taking Tirzepatide, updates to come! (45:27) Influencer farms vs. the power of word of mouth. (49:27) Brain.fm works like a charm. (56:31) Shout out to Matteo Mancuso. (58:20) #Quah question #1 - What can I do to get bigger, if I’m only noticing strength gains? (1:00:56) #Quah question #2 - Can you please provide some tips for a “skinny fat” body? I’m already lifting 4-5x a week, eat my bodyweight in protein daily (min), and get 10-15K steps a day. I don’t know why I cannot get more toned and muscular. (1:03:30) #Quah question #3 - Is it possible to lose muscle due to overtraining even if you always hit your protein targets? (1:06:09) #Quah question #4 - What are the best exercises to do to strengthen your wrists? (1:11:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Promo code MINDPUMP to get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships Planet Fitness stock plummets after woman’s membership canceled for taking picture of ‘man in women’s locker room shaving’ Oprah Winfrey thinks ‘obesity’ a disease, rather than a ‘choice’ Fact Check: CDC Supposedly Released Redacted Study on Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination. Here's What We Know Dan Bilzerian Says Monogamy is Better Than Sleeping with Thousands of Women Mind Pump #2205: Why Dating Sucks & How To Fix It With Adam Lane Smith 8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Tirzepatide: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Warnings - Drugs.com The Dystopian World of Chinese Influencer Farms - YouTube Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users will receive their choice of 2 lbs. of Ground Beef, 3 lbs. of Chicken Thighs, or 1 lb. of premium Steak Tips for a Year! + Use the code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box! ** Mind Pump #1057: How To Get Stronger For Fat Loss & Muscle Building Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining The ONLY Forearm Workout That Matters (TRY THIS!!) | MIND PUMP How to do a Wrist CAR (controlled articular rotation) MAPS Fitness Prime Pro Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) Instagram Matteo Mancuso (@matteomancuso.guitar) Instagram
How the fitness industry is RAPIDLY evolving. (2:22) How your business should be a DESIRE, not a necessity. (4:12) Why the scale model is broken. (6:42) Why is the quality of coaching going down? (11:55) Understanding your growth trajectory. (18:20) Acquisition vs. retention. (23:21) The difference between a rich vs. poor mindset. (25:25) Understanding a revolving pricing model. (26:27) Exclusive vs. inclusive marketing. (35:00) How the FTC is cracking down on online marketers and how to be compliant. (42:19) How to compete and win in 2024. (51:36) Respecting the journey. (58:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NCI Coaching Con for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** The event is April 3-6 in Orlando, FL. Secure your spot now – the future of fitness coaching is in your hands! Also, don’t miss our LIVE Q&A while we’re there! ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@nci_ceo_jason) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram Taylor Welch (@taylorawelch) Instagram Kevin Nations (@kevinnations) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the most impactful things you can do for your health, positively, is to BE WITH PEOPLE! (2:37) Gymnastics Dad stories with Justin. (17:27) The latest scary trend with high school dances. (23:55) AI-generated content is getting weirder and weirder. (29:27) Amazon hot air balloons and drones. (32:40) Glow-in-the-dark roads? (35:06) Why free weights are superior to machines. (36:30) Will universal basic income become necessary? (38:45) Zbiotics are SCARY effective. (44:15) Vuori is worldwide! (46:08) Acupuncture for stress relief? (47:52) Fun Facts with Justin: Ice football. (50:35) Mind Pump Recommends, Full Swing on Netflix. (55:28) Going down the Mike Tyson rabbit hole. (58:23) Conor McGregor continues to break records. (1:00:42) Shout out to Mind Pump Park City Rental. (1:03:09) #ListenerLive question #1 - What advice would you give to help me determine how to lay out the next couple of programs? (1:04:46) #ListenerLive question #2 - Any advice on what training style I should focus on to match my fitness goals and then complement my work demands as a massage therapist? (1:09:16) #ListenerLive question #3 - What would be the best training program for a competitive arm wrestler? (1:19:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 20% off your first order ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Adolescent Loneliness and Health in Early Adulthood - PMC Loneliness: A disease? Region-beta paradox - Wikipedia New Extreme Drinking Trend Involves Alcohol-Soaked Tampons Kids’ Cartoons Get a Free Pass From YouTube’s Deepfake Disclosure Rules Amazon reveals first photos of the new Prime Air delivery drone These glow-in-the-dark highway lines in Australia are making driving safer Adaptations in athletic performance and muscle architecture are not meaningfully conditioned by training free-weight versus machine-based exercises: Challenging a traditional assumption using the velocity-based method - PubMed Elon Musk Predicts A 'Universal High Income' As Jobs Are Phased Out And Employment Becomes Obsolete — It'll Be 'Somewhat Of An Equalizer' ProsourceFit Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set for Back/Neck Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation "Ice Football" Could Be America's Next Big Sport - wrif.com Watch Full Swing | Netflix Official Site How Much Conor McGregor Was Paid For Road House - MSN Road House 2024 Mind Pump Rentals – Utah Property Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete MAPS Symmetry   Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip MAPS Oldtime Strength Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Jon Call (@jujimufu) Instagram
Health does NOT encompass just looking good. (1:48) Seven Habits of Truly Healthy People. (5:08) #1 - Disconnect from all media. (8:34) #2 - Eat dinner with your family. (16:15) #3 - Seek coaching or therapy. (19:56) #4 - Spend lots of time outdoors. (23:29) #5 - Volunteer your time. (26:55) #6 - Live well below your means. (30:12) #7 - Follow a spiritual practice. (36:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Loneliness: A disease? Teens Spend Average of 4.8 Hours on Social Media Per Day The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The highest source of creatine you can find in the world is RED MEAT. (1:59) The inventor of the silencer. (12:34) The safety and protection of owning guns. (13:57) When you think it’s funny and cute until it's not. (22:32) Is the public finally waking up to the Government’s distrust? (25:16) Prime beverage brand is making BIG moves. (31:30) “Milk does a body good.” (35:24) Can high performers have a normal family life? (41:13) What’s your ‘joy’ level? (49:41) Shout out to the Modern Wisdom podcast with Alex Hormozi. (52:09) #ListenerLive question #1 - Can you help me figure out why I can't seem to build muscle? (54:03) #ListenerLive question #2 - Now with minimal steps and a lifestyle change, should I reduce my calories by 100-200 calories while still maintaining my protein intake? (1:10:14) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice on how to grow my arms? (1:23:05) #ListenerLive question #4 - I’ve gone through a couple of major transformations with my body and I’m currently feeling stuck with my diet and training. Any advice on where I should go from here? (1:29:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users will receive their choice of 2 lbs. of Ground Beef, 3 lbs. of Chicken Thighs, or 1 lb. of premium Steak Tips for a Year! + Use the code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box! ** Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Hiram Maxim | Machine Gun, Firearms Designer & Engineer Machine Gun Inventor's Son Created Silencer - YouTube The House passed a TikTok ban bill. But is the app really a national security threat? Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead: What to Know | TIME Chiefs' Patrick Mahomes signs with Prime beverage brand Sports and Energy Drink Historical Revenue Figures Gary Vaynerchuk’s VaynerWatt teams with Moonbug for animated series inspired by collectibles Modern Wisdom Podcast - 21 Brutally Honest Lessons About Life - Alex Hormozi (4K) Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty  Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts For Bulking & Cutting How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism Mind Pump #2165: How To Address Your Food Sensitivities With Dr. Stephen Cabral MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #2100: Big Arms Masterclass Occlusion Training Guide | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Elon Musk (@ElonMusk) Twitter Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Do NOT watch your progress in the mirror or the scale! When you get that full picture, you can then create a relationship with exercise that lasts the REST of your life. (1:47) Sal opens up on his spiritual journey. (22:05) A review of the peptide Tirzepitide. (24:49) Approaching healthy eating habits with kids. (29:58) What is the most durable car brand? (42:21) Are EVs worse for the environment than gas cars? (48:02) One of the most effective supplements for sleep EVER! (50:23) The wide range of benefits of Shilajit. (55:33) Would you have sex with a sex robot? (58:10) Shout out to The Gentlemen on Netflix. (1:03:11) #Quah question #1 - What is the best exercise to get rid of “Mom Pooch”? (1:04:28) #Quah question #2 - I’m experiencing pain under my left clavicle after tricep dips. What am I doing wrong? (1:08:56) #Quah question #3 - You mentioned in a previous episode that volume should be higher when bulking, so what rep range is best to train in during a bulk? Is one more beneficial than the other - increasing weight vs increasing reps? (1:12:47) #Quah question #4 - How important is it to correct things like posture, muscle imbalances, and core strength BEFORE adding strength training, or can they be done alongside each other?  (1:16:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump#1802: Seven Surprising Benefits Of Exercise Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1942: Lose Fat, Perform Better & Live Forever With Jason Phillips Tirzepatide: Semaglutide 2.0 For Fat Loss And Insulin ... - Jay Campbell TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2290: Becoming A Better Man With Jason Khalipa One of the biggest myths about EVs is busted in new study Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Shilajit: 10 benefits and use - Medical News Today Sex robots increase the potential for gender-based violence The Gentlemen Cast Guide: Meet the Nobles and Scoundrels - Netflix Shrink Your Waist with Stomach Vacuums | MIND PUMP MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts For Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Khalipa (@jasonkhalipa) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram
Tricking the client to change their behaviors outside of counting/burning calories in a way that doesn’t feel restrictive. (2:18) Six Weird Ways to Lose Weight. #1 - Eating without distractions. (5:10) #2 - Prioritize sleep. (9:37) #3 - Walk after meals. (13:44) #4 - Eat without drinking fluids. (18:54)  #5 - Food order (protein, fiber, carbs). (24:45) #6 – Journal. (28:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Eating attentively: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of food intake memory and awareness on eating Sleep deprivation and obesity in adults: a brief narrative review Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Mind Pump #1965: How To Break Bad Habits With James Clear How Many Times Should You Chew Your Food? - Healthline Calorie labels are often wildly inaccurate. Here’s how to prevent extra calories from derailing your diet. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Attention personal trainers: STOP training and START teaching. (2:44) Raising your kids your way. (13:40) Justin stepping out of his comfort zone. (20:44) Sal’s supplement blunder. (31:30) These phones are something else. (32:39) Hot takes on Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson. (39:09) John Cena’s “humiliation ritual.” (45:11) Mind Pump Recommends, American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders on Netflix. (46:08) Capitalizing on cultural phenomena. (48:12) The exercise gender gap. (50:30) Why Ned stands out above the rest. (54:15) How YouTube’s ad revenue works. (56:13) China is the greatest copycat. (58:31) It’s all in the details. (1:00:54) Shout out to The Way of the Peaceful Warrior book. (1:03:23) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on the best way to teach a group fitness class? (1:04:58) #ListenerLive question #2 - Is my pigeon breast condition severely limiting my ability to grow my chest muscles? Could this be affecting my performance in other lifts? If so, which ones are most likely to be impacted? (1:21:13) #ListenerLive question #3 - I feel like I’m doing everything right, but my body isn’t responding. Any advice or tips? (1:31:06) #ListenerLive question #4 - Have any of you struggled with your identity outside of fitness when that’s all you know, and have convinced other people that is who you are? (1:44:16) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2252: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Beverly Hills school district expels 8th graders involved in fake nude scandal Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson Will Happen Live on Netflix This Summer Oscars 2024 viewers claim John Cena’s appearance was “humiliation ritual” American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders – Netflix Anthony Weiner MELTDOWN | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287 - YouTube If You Invested In Apple Stock Instead Of Buying iPhones ... - Benzinga Researchers study strength-training gender gap, possible solutions Katt Williams Unleashed | CLUB SHAY SHAY - YouTube BYD Reveals the Yangwang U9, an All-Electric 1,300 HP Supercar Way of the Peaceful Warrior For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Real Recovery Talk Mind Pump #2286: How To Workout After A Poor Night Of Sleep, Using Exercise To Recover From Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Ways To Alleviate IT Band Pain & More (Listener Live Coaching) Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump AI | Dexa Mind Pump #1745: How To Pack On Muscle To Your Lagging/Stubborn Body Parts MP Holistic Health Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Tony Jeffries Boxing (@tony_jeffries) Instagram Brendan Schaub (@brendanschaub) Instagram
There is a time and place for machines. (2:00) The value of working out with machines only. (3:47) There is an order of operations. (10:22) A Machine-Only Workout Utilizing the Machines We Deem to be Most Effective. #1 - Hack squat (greater range than leg press). (11:33) #2 - Seated or lying Hamstring curl. (15:35) #3 - Cable row. (17:52) #4 - Plate loaded chest press. (21:35) #5 - Smith machine seated press. (23:52) #6 - Dip machine. (27:33) #7 - Preacher curl machine. (29:46) Sets and rep ranges. (32:23) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NASM for access to their premier all-in-one membership program, NASM One for Mind Pump listeners. March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1782: When Machines Are Better Than Free Weights Build Your Legs with the Barbell Hack Squat - YouTube How To Properly Do The Seated Cable Row (IT MATTERS!) The Viking Press: How to Perform and Include Them In Your Workouts How To Do Chest Dips For A BIG Chest! - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to fitness success, the WHY is more important than how or the what. (1:45) The best compliment a man can get? (15:29) Knowing what you like and don’t like. (16:42) Laughter is such a powerful thing. (21:57) One of the BEST exercises/machines to improve squat mobility. (27:40) The dangers of social media for kids. (30:42) Should the US be able to advertise pharmaceutical drugs? (33:57) There is a trust issue with A.I. (43:03) Why the guys love Jason Phillips and NCI. (49:26) Fun Facts with Justin: Leather Canary. (51:40) Shout out to the Mind Pump Park City Rental. (55:03) #ListenerLive question #1 – As I’m already kind of muscular and looking to lean out, should I just focus on figuring out what my maintenance is and then start my cut or should I focus on bulking even though that’s what I’ve done my entire life? (56:31) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I increase my protein intake on a vegetarian diet? (1:05:38) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any advice on how to transition from being a professional athlete to working a desk job? (1:15:58) #ListenerLive question #4 - I’m looking to lose body fat and improve my sleep habits, any advice or tips? (1:29:46) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit NCI Coaching Con for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** The event is April 3-6 in Orlando, FL. Secure your spot now - the future of fitness coaching is in your hands! Also, don’t miss our LIVE Q&A while we're there! ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2220: How To Stay Consistent With Your Workouts Mind Pump #1912: The Science Of Successful Marriages & Relationships With Drs. John And Julie Gottman Belt Squat: A Simple Squat Variation That Can Change EVERYTHING Florida lawmakers pass bill to ban social media for anyone under 16 Pharma DTC ad spend in the U.S. 2021 | Statista Dr. Phil Educates 'The View' Hosts on Covid - MSN Google CEO Pichai says Gemini's AI image results "offended our users" South Park: Joining the Panderverse (TV Movie 2023) - IMDb Details You Didn't Know About Steely Dan - Grunge Mind Pump Rentals – Utah Property Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Phil (@drphil) Instagram Jason Phillips (@nci_ceo_jason) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The three steps to scaling back when trying to reduce total load on the body. (1:57) Highlighting how nutrient-deficient we are as a society. (13:10) How Doug has naturally increased his testosterone. (17:12) The ultimate #dadhack for washing your car. (23:06) Healthy obsessions. (27:40) Super Sports Bros! (33:39) “He who does not desire power is fit to hold it.” (38:25) The internet is a toxic place. (39:04) The longest fight in history. (40:28) Most profit made in a single day by some of the world’s largest companies. (41:53) Seeing the writing on the wall with the EV push. (44:02) LMNT as a pre-workout. (52:42) Shout out to American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders on Netflix. (58:31) #Quah question #1 – What is the best exercise for posture? (1:00:02) #Quah question #2 - What are the benefits of a renegade row? (1:04:05) #Quah question #3 - What cues would you suggest for dumbbell rows? I feel them in my traps. (1:08:03) #Quah question #4 - What are your favorite Landmine exercises? (1:10:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2010: Seven Reasons Your Workout Isn’t Working Eggs may be secret to high IQ in babies • Earth.com TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2282: How To Get What You Want With Jen Cohen This image shows the aftermath of a boxing match between Dick Hyland and Ray Campbell in 1913 New Ford patent suggests self-driving cars repossess themselves Owners worry Cybertruck of the future rusts after rain - American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders - Netflix Mind Pump #1490: How To Improve Your Posture How To Hip Hinge Properly (Fix THIS!) Strengthen Your Core with the Renegade Row – YouTube THE BEST Way To Do A Dumbbell Row (KEY DETAILS) with Sal Di Stefano The #1 Setup Cue For The Barbell And Dumbbell Row Exercise Landmine Trunk Rotations - YouTube Landmine Shoulder Press Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Mike Mutzel, MS (@metabolic_mike) Instagram
The RADICAL change in the space. (1:07) Are more options better or worse for the consumer? (2:31) Six Red Flags Your Favorite Fitness Influencer is Full of Crap #1 - Jumping from thing to thing. (8:57) #2 - Zero nuance. (11:09) #3 - Their content is mostly about their body. (15:51) #4 - They lack experience. (21:24) #5 - Their content is mostly entertainment. (27:24)  #6 - They promote ultra-intense workouts. (29:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 20% off your first order ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #1500: Seven Lies Fitness Influencers Love To Tell Mind Pump #1985: The 6 Types Of Fitness Influencers You Should Unfollow Mind Pump #1995: Seven Reasons Your Favorite Fitness Influencer Is Unhealthy Mind Pump #2067: Seven Huge Business Mistakes Fitness Influencers Make Mind Pump #2025: How To Be A Successful Fitness Coach With Jason Phillips Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned David Goggins (@davidgoggins) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Eating heavily processed foods can make you depressed and anxious. (2:31) The Weight Watchers ‘safe bet’ debate. (12:26) Making the case for no HR. (26:06) Are we watching capitalism die? (32:27) Do women talk more than men? (39:18) Organifi now has a sleep product! (44:20) Cannabis vs. no cannabis for a better night’s sleep. (46:32) Derma rolling and skincare hacks. (51:44) Shout out to Joe Rogan Experience #2111 with Kat Williams. (55:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – Do you have a program or any recommendation to target my lower body without having to put maximal effort into squatting and deadlifting? (58:30) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I best maintain my strength when my training volume and intensity aren’t what they used to be? (1:15:16) #ListenerLive question #3 - Why can I eat this much while putting on body fat and still never feel satiated? I’m now eating 4400 calories per day, and my body fat has gone up about 7%. (1:29:12) #ListenerLive question #4 - What is the best way to eat and train with type 2 diabetes? (1:40:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off. Buy any product and get 15 free Green Juice travel packs! ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses Oprah Winfrey Exits Weight Watchers Board After Weight Loss Drug Use Oprah to Tackle Ozempic Craze in ABC Special: "A Very Personal Topic For Me" All-In Podcast - E168: Can Google save itself? Abolish HR, AI takes over Customer Support, Reddit IPO teardown Rework – Book by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried Eric Weinstein Explains His RADICAL Idea to Survive AI Do Women Really Talk More Than Men? | Psychology Today No Humans Built The Pyramids: The Emerald Tablets | Joe Rogan & Katt Williams Joe Rogan Experience #2111 - Katt Williams - YouTube Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip MAPS Symmetry   How Much Training is Necessary to Maintain Strength and Muscle? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chamath Palihapitiya (@chamath) X Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) Instagram Eric Weinstein (@ericrweinstein) X Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Katt Williams (@kattwilliams) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram
Anxiety is an alarm bell. (1:42) Finding balance amongst polar extremes. (4:02) Demystifying the stigma around disordered eating. (6:38) Creating autonomy with your kids around healthy eating. (16:54) How training hard is the THING in our control for when life gets difficult. (21:39) Learning how to talk more effectively to our children. (24:50) Taking extreme ownership. (25:59) Providing and protecting as a father. (28:27) Showing up as a dad for each of his kids. (32:13) Communication is the key. (35:27) Reflecting on the current state of the fitness industry. (37:48) Anorexia as a social contagion. (39:57) Encouraging people to work out and train. (43:05) The evolution of his ju-jitsu training. (49:09) “Will it matter in 5 seconds, 5 minutes, or 5 years?” (54:34) Unlocking your potential by doing hard things. (55:29) Train Hard with Jason Khalipa. (1:01:15) Support Ava’s Kitchen. (1:05:20) Having empathy. (1:07:17) Balancing social media with your kids. (1:09:28) Choosing your hard. (1:20:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** As Many Reps As Possible – Book by Jason Khalipa Ava's Kitchen Minnesota Starvation Experiment - Wikipedia Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders Refeeding Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment & Risk Factors Train Hard // Jason Khalipa Eating disorders may be contagious: study | Reuters Mind Pump #1822: Wim Hof On How To Control Your Immune System With Breathwork Jordan Peterson's Message to Young Men - YouTube Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men Apogee Strong Mind Pump #2132: Six Reasons Men Today Are Weak Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jason Khalipa (@jasonkhalipa) Instagram Wim Hof (@iceman_hof) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Tim Kennedy (@timkennedymma) Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The path of progress is NOT linear. DO NOT get stuck in the ‘shame’ spiral. (2:12) NASM is the leader for personal trainers. (13:38) Such a flirt. (20:05) Little boy problems. (23:25) Social media is a cesspool. (25:05) Do women need an alpha male? (27:32) The most brilliant or dumb guy ever? (40:16) Mind Pump Recommends, Dune: Part Two. (43:11) Rule of thumb. (47:36) Butcher Box now has potatoes! (50:16) Shout out to Max Lugavere’s documentary, Little Empty Boxes. (56:56) #ListenerLive question #1 - Since powerlifting is very prescriptive on percentages, should I stay within the calculated percentages for the entire program or is it advisable to push to higher percentages? (57:56) #ListenerLive question #2 - When going to failure on the weeks we do failure training, does that mean that I quite literally cannot do another rep? (1:06:28) #ListenerLive question #3 - How do you sustainably get into a calorie-counting mindset from eating intuitively? (1:11:00) #ListenerLive question #4 - Being a career firefighter with a 24/48 schedule, how do I optimize muscle growth after this cut phase without the safety of a spotter? (1:23:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NASM for access to their premier all-in-one membership program, NASM One for Mind Pump listeners. Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users will receive their choice of 2 lbs. of Ground Beef, 3 lbs. of Chicken Thighs, or 1 lb. of premium Steak Tips for a Year! + Use the code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box! ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Jen Cohen viral post Did Super Bowl streaker win $374,000 for disrupting Super Bowl LV? Plus details on viral incident at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas Dune: Part Two (2024) - IMDb Little Empty Boxes For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Powerlift | Mind Pump #2015: How To Apply Advanced Training Techniques To Build More Muscle Mind Pump #1487: The Best Way For First Responders To Stay In Shape Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from  the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: It is HEALTHIER to be fat and strong than to be skinny and weak. (1:40) Children and play. (17:21) Like father, like son. (19:53) Justin can move. (24:59) Rooting for the older guy. (26:53) The Brady conspiracy. (28:13) Do looks matter? (32:53) Caldera and eczema. (37:10) Food allergies in kids are out of control! (38:53) Get your kids outside! (40:34) Disney’s BIG bet. (42:16) The anti-inflammatory benefits of probiotics. (50:20) Can growing a mustache help you swim faster? (52:22) Smoke and mirrors. (53:07) Shout out to BallerBusters! (58:11) #Quah question #1 - What are some tips to keep joints functionally healthy and pain-free when you’re 40+? (59:35) #Quah question #2 - Do I need to drop my protein goals when I'm cutting? I’m 5’1’’ so my calorie budget is small. (1:07:16) #Quah question #3 - Can running strengthen the ankles if they are weak? (1:10:12) #Quah question #4 - What is the best way to fire your CNS before a workout? For example, would doing Dunphy squats or iso holds using a suspension trainer be ok to do? (1:14:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon 42-year-old youth coach throwing 101 mph - MLB.com Food Allergy Among U.S. Children: Trends in Prevalence and Hospitalizations Why Children Need Risk, Fear, and Excitement in Play Disney and Epic Games to Create Expansive and Open Games and Entertainment Universe Connected to Fortnite Wendy's surge pricing: Is this Uber-like practice the new normal? Seed’s PDS-08®PediatricDaily SynbioticFor Kids + Teens (3-17) SNEAK TACH-TICS I tricked Russian swimmers into growing moustaches with cheeky fib about making you go faster, says icon Mark Spitz TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete Two Ankle Mobility Exercises To Increase Your Squat Depth! Suspension Training Series - 3 Favorite Shoulder Exercises Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram @EclipseTrades Twitter Christopher M. Naghibi (@chrisnaghibi) Instagram BallerBusters (@ballerbusters) Instagram
The myths surrounding bulking and cutting. (1:06) Who does this episode apply to? (3:01) Defining bulking and cutting. (3:47) Bodybuilding 101: How to Bulk and Cut to Get to Your Current Goal (Avoid Mistakes). (5:17) #1 – Calorie surplus vs deficit (how to find maintenance). (7:12) #2 – Training strategies around bulking and cutting. (20:47) #3 - Mental hurdles with bulking and cutting. (26:29) #4 - When to stop the bulk or cut. (34:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** SPECIAL PROMOTION: MAPS Aesthetic or MAPS Split 50% off! ** Code BODY101 at checkout ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** How to Properly Bulk Without Gaining Fat - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1427: Don’t Make These 6 Bulking Mistakes Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts For Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump #1342: The Top 4 Mistakes Skinny Guys (Hardgainers) Make Working Out Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Protein bars and powders are PROCESSED FOODS. (2:31) When you let your ego take over. (11:19) The ability to regulate emotions. (17:15) What do you think we should do? (23:55) Understanding the true definition of a monopoly. (31:38) The difference between a living trust and a will. (37:13) The “everything” bubble. (39:14) The Brain Blend ALWAYS delivers! (45:39) Fun Facts with Justin: The Bosnian Pyramids. (47:23) White men can Trump. (50:41) Depression and fat loss. (54:35) Shout out to Muscle and Motion. (1:04:07) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any tips or tricks on how to get out of mind funk and brain fog? (1:05:16) #ListenerLive question #2 - Can you help me fix my running form? (1:15:47) #ListenerLive question #3 - How can I do strength training and not build my arms or shoulders? (1:26:43) #ListenerLive question #4 - How have you navigated with your clients to get them to buy into the less is more mindset? Have you had any experiences with working with people in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction? (1:36:09) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Create a Living Trust for free – in minutes! Dynasty Trusts | GetDynasty  Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** How Much Protein Should I Be Eating Daily? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1912: The Science Of Successful Marriages & Relationships With Drs. John And Julie Gottman Kids Magazines, Books and Activities | Highlights for Children Scholastic Book Clubs | Children's Books for Families & Teachers Kroger-Albertsons merger: What happens now that the feds have moved to block it? Quiver Quantitative The Bosnian Pyramids Trump Sneakers - SNL Daily stressors, past depression, and metabolic responses to high-fat meals: a novel path to obesity TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Activate Your Glutes with Tube Walking - YouTube How to Perform a 90/90 Hip Stretch (HIP FLEXOR STRETCH) Strengthen Lateral Movement with a Lateral Sled Pull - YouTube The SOLUTION to Knee Pain & Hip Pain (MIND PUMP) - YouTube Mind Pump #1647: Ten Female Fitness Lies Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain Real Recovery Talk Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Sentuberville (@sentuberville) Twitter Graham Hancock (@Graham__Hancock) / Twitter Shane Gillis (@shanemgillis) Instagram Muscle and Motion (@muscleandmotion) Instagram
Practicing the skill and building the foundation of proper strength training. (1:36) Why balancing volume for athletes is SO important. (6:11) Five Physical Attributes You Can Train to Get Better at Any Sport #1 - Improve mobility. (8:16) #2 - Become more stable. (16:31) #3 - Get stronger. (20:40) #4 - Get more powerful. (25:51) #5 - Get faster (gain agility). (30:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Special Launch: MAPS Performance Advanced ** Promo code PALAUNCH at checkout for $80 off (Bonuses: Grip Strength Reference Guide + Eat for Performance + 30 Day Money Back Guarantee) ** Ends March 3rd, 2024 March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Watch Untold: Hall of Shame | Netflix Official Site How to Perform a 90/90 Hip Stretch (HIP FLEXOR STRETCH) Improve Your Shoulder Press with Shoulder Dislocates - YouTube Prime Your Shoulders with Handcuffs with Rotatation on a Bench MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #1927: Performance Training Secrets From A Top NBA Trainer With Cory Schlesinger Mind Pump#2005: How To Incorporate Isometric Training Into Your Routine Mind Pump #2027: How To Improve Your Squat, Bench, And Deadlift Strength Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram Mike Boyle (@mbsc_online) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When it comes to recovery, NOT all tools and strength training modalities are created equal. (2:26) Sal’s bringing retro back. (12:47) Dinner and dueling pianos. (17:53) Sal brought his ‘A’ game. (20:26) Home alone. (26:05) How we are driven by impulse. (29:53) AR for contractors. (33:50) Red-light therapy and eyesight. (36:45) Another Sal viral tweet. (40:10) The controversial pull. (45:05) A deep dive on Teal Swan. (46:28) The Semax/Selank cognitive peptide combo. (55:42) We are straight cyborgs now! (56:54) Curcumin to help treat inflammation. (1:02:28) Fun Facts with Justin: Comb Jellyfish. (1:04:06) Shout out to a Mind Pump listener! (1:05:59) #ListenerLive question #1 - How can I resolve my past poor movement patterns? (1:08:33) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can you phase in and out of increased volume? (1:25:06) #ListenerLive question #3 - Can you build too much muscle for your frame? (1:43:35) #ListenerLive question #4 - How can I bust through my bench press plateau? (1:55:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off. Buy any product and get 15 free Green Juice travel packs! ** Special Launch: MAPS Performance Advanced ** Promo code PALAUNCH at checkout for $80 off (Bonuses: Grip Strength Reference Guide + Eat for Performance + 30 Day Money Back Guarantee) ** Ends March 3rd, 2024 March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** The Granada Theatre - Vibrant Restaurant in Downtown Morgan Hill Uber Eats is launching robot deliveries in Japan | CNN Business Does Red Light Therapy Help Your Eyes for Macular Degeneration? Sal’s tweet on body modification The Deep End (TV Mini Series 2022) - IMDb TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Elon Musk says first Neuralink patient can control a computer mouse through thinking Exploring the Fascinating World of Comb Jellyfish Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** MAPS Prime Pro Webinar ELDOA Exercises feat. Mind Pump Media   Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How To Properly Switch It Up Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men Add Windmills to Your Workout to Increase Your Deadlift Strength MAPS Prime Webinar Overhead Farmer Carries - YouTube Add Size to Your Traps with Farmer Walks - YouTube Mind Pump #2127: Bench Press Masterclass Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Teal Swan (@tealswanofficial) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift) Instagram Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: When developing power, fatigue is the ENEMY. (2:26) Sal’s goal is to improve his lateral stability. (23:00) How creatine is the HOT new supplement. (25:34) The health impacts of low vitamin D. (29:39) Shia LaBeouf was in on the joke. (33:09) What skill would you like to do if you had all the time in the world? (38:20) What do you want to be remembered for? (43:51) The truth about bullies. (52:00) Hairstyles and outfits. (54:33) Organifi’s Shilajit Gummies are back in STOCK! (58:03) Shout out to the Mind Pump x Pre-Script L1 Live Event! (59:26) #Quah question #1 - Is it ok to work out sore even after 24-48 hours of rest? (1:01:18) #Quah question #2 - I was rewatching some old episodes, and you guys were saying how the optimal amount of protein is .5-.7 grams per body weight. Now it's 1 gram. Could you explain how and why the number changed? (1:04:14) #Quah question #3 - Is it better to build muscle then lose weight or lose weight then build muscle? (1:07:25) #Quah question #4 - What are the pros and cons of a shoulder vs elbow rack on a front squat? (1:11:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off. Buy any product and get 15 free Green Juice travel packs! ** Special Launch: MAPS Performance Advanced ** Promo code PALAUNCH at checkout for $80 off (Bonuses: Grip Strength Reference Guide + Eat for Performance + 30 Day Money Back Guarantee) ** Ends March 3rd, 2024 February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2255: The Smart Way To Improve Speed, Power, & Performance With Brian Kula Mind Pump #2280: Why Everyone Should Train Like An Athlete Landmine University Landmine Exercise | WeckMethod Coiling Core Training New Study Finds Dietary Creatine Associated with Reduced Cancer Risk The Definitive Guide to Creatine Monohydrate (THE TRUTH!!) | MIND PUMP "Shia LaBeouf" Live - Rob Cantor MP x Pre-Script: Join us March 15-17 for an unprecedented collaborative education event hosted by Mind Pump Media and Pre-Script® Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users will receive their choice of 2 lbs. of Ground Beef, 3 lbs. of Chicken Thighs, or 1 lb. of premium Steak Tips for a Year! + Use the code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box! ** Sore muscles…what does it mean? - Mind Pump Media The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake - Mind Pump Media Front Squats- How to Place & Hold the Bar - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Christian McCaffrey (@christianmccaffrey) Instagram Jason Khalipa (@jasonkhalipa) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
The art of being able to negotiate and build relationships. (1:29) Where did the skill of being a chameleon come from? (5:45) The delicate science of balancing femineity and masculinity at the same time. (7:15) Why she is immune to rejection. (16:12) How people overvalue the importance of looks. (22:24) Celebrating the first anniversary of Bigger, Better, Bolder. (27:33) How she made the podcast happen with the Son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef. (29:25) The constitution her husband has. (43:47) Shifting the dynamics in the relationship. (44:48) What podcast guests surprised her? (51:00) Going off on internet marketers and masterminds. (55:29) Her 10% target method for success. (1:00:28) What makes her anxious? (1:05:01) Shining a light on good friends in the space. (1:09:20) Transactional vs. genuine relationships. (1:13:57) Why people are not having relationships anymore. (1:19:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch: MAPS Performance Advanced ** Promo code PALAUNCH at checkout for $80 off (Bonuses: Grip Strength Reference Guide + Eat for Performance + 30-Day Money Back Guarantee) ** Ends March 3rd, 2024 February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Legends of Learning | Math and Science Games Bigger, Better, Bolder: Live the Life You Want, Not the Life You Get Habits and Hustle Podcast - Son of Hamas Reveals Shocking Details About Hamas and the Israel-Palestine Conflict The Green Prince (2014) - IMDb Mind Pump #2267: Dave Asprey Uncensored Practical Optimism: The Art, Science, and Practice of Exceptional Well-Being Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen) Instagram Habits & Hustle Podcast @MosabHasanYOSEF Twitter Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey) Instagram Mark Cuban (@mcuban) Twitter Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Making things easier doesn’t always make them better. (2:33) Embracing being wrong. (11:28) Writing a note to your 20-year-old self. (15:45) How probiotics can help the CNS. (26:17) What’s on your heart? (27:40) Weird Science with Sal: Blind Sight. (29:23) Wild abilities and how our brains compensate. (33:48) Do the guys have ‘hardcore’ fans? (39:12) Protein propaganda wars. (43:01) The tides are changing when it comes to exercise and depression. (50:20) Shout out to Mind Pump x Pre-Script L1 Live Event! (54:57) #ListenerLive question #1 - Can a change in workouts contribute to poor sleep? (56:39) #ListenerLive question #2 - How should I adapt my workouts when in a cut? (1:07:12) #ListenerLive question #3 - Am I overdoing my workout? (1:20:19) #ListenerLive question #4 - Can lifting and high-intensity cardio complement each other? (1:32:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Special Launch: MAPS Performance Advanced ** Promo code PALAUNCH at checkout for $80 off (Bonuses: Grip Strength Reference Guide + Eat for Performance + 30 Day Money Back Guarantee) ** Ends March 3rd, 2024 February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu - Jordan Peterson Canceled: Warning On Good vs Evil, God, WW3, Andrew Tate, Porn & Men Feeling Lost! Mind Pump #2267: Dave Asprey Uncensored Blindsight: a strange neurological condition that could help explain consciousness stephen wiltshire draws manhattan skyline from memory You might be eating an artery-damaging amount of protein, new study warns Effect of exercise for depression: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Fit4Mom Stronger Kids | United States | KidStrong MP x Pre-Script: Join us March 15-17 for an unprecedented collaborative education event hosted by Mind Pump Media and Pre-Script® Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** MAPS Oldtime Strength Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Tom Bilyeu (@tombilyeu) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram
Introducing MAPS Performance Advanced! (1:21) Why looking good does NOT mean or guarantee you can move well. (2:45) The attributes of training like an athlete are unique to the average person going to the gym lifting to lose body fat. (4:03) #1 – Grip strength. (4:26) #2 – Multi-directional performance. (8:22) #3 – Move fast. (13:50) #4 – Ability to decelerate. (17:22) #5 – Ability to rotate/anti-rotate. (19:32) Breaking down the programming and phasing that is unique to this program. (23:27) Special launch price and bonuses! (38:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch: MAPS Performance Advanced ** Promo code PALAUNCH at checkout for $80 off (Bonuses: Grip Strength Reference Guide + Eat for Performance + 30 Day Money Back Guarantee) ** Ends March 3rd, 2024 Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip Mind Pump #1790: The Secret To An Attractive & Functional Body Mind Pump #900: NBA Superstar Sports Performance Coach Paul Fabritz Landmine University Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram James Smith (@smittydiesel) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When you do a strength training exercise or lift weights, there are TWO general approaches: PERFECT the movement and FEEL the muscle. (1:52) Aging like fine wine. (12:07) The stuff that men do to get attention from women that only attracts other men. (15:33) When you anticipate an altercation. (17:51) Proud dad moments. (21:44) Trump enters the shoe game. (23:10) The dangers of adopting a social ESG score. (26:02) When your mom’s on OnlyFans. (35:23) The negative effects of pornography. (40:00) Scrolling generation. (44:06) Caldera cares about what their products contain. (45:56) At what point are these dating shows exploitative? (49:37) Legion’s product update, Lunar with GABA. (54:59) Shout out to Faded Barbershop in Morgan Hill! (57:34) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is not eating before working out causing me to not gain the muscle I want? (58:55) #ListenerLive question #2 - What does soreness mean? (1:11:05) #ListenerLive question #3 - What MAPS program would you recommend for a traveling stay-at-home dad? (1:21:49) #ListenerLive question #4 - What program should I follow next to achieve my goal of hitting the 500 lbs. club? (1:31:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** MP x Pre-Script: Join us March 15-17 for an unprecedented collaborative education event hosted by Mind Pump Media and Pre-Script® Trump Sneakers ‘The public is being lied to’: Elon Musk says major money funds like BlackRock, Fidelity ‘inflicted’ ESG on American investors — as states like Texas move to ban these policies, is he right? Apple under fire over cancellation of Jon Stewart show amid China concerns Florida Mom's Car Banned From Christian School Over OnlyFans Decal Piper Fawn - OnlyFans Watch Money Shot: The Pornhub Story | Netflix Official Site Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence – Book by Dr. Anna Lembke The Regimen: Clinical Trial | Caldera + Lab Watch Down for Love | Netflix Official Site Legion swaps out two ingredients and moves its sleep supplement into chewable tablets For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2275: The 8 People Most Likely To Overtrain Sore muscles…what does it mean? - Mind Pump Blog MAPS 40+ MAPS Suspension Training Mind Pump#2122: Deadlift Masterclass MAPS Powerlift Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Faded.Barbershop.Morgan Hill™️ (@faded.barbershop.mh) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: You are only as strong as your weakest link. (1:51) Sleeping is the MOST anabolic thing you can do. (9:24) Kids say the darndest things. (21:45) Trivia with Adam: How many Starbucks and churches are in the U.S.? (23:37) How many crimes are prevented by civilians with guns? (27:33) Justice against car thieves. (31:03) We are that much closer to Minority Report. (32:34) How many days does it take to turn a behavior into a habit? (36:16) What skills are we going to lose because of technology? (41:06) The first luxury submarine. (49:58) No matter how old you are, your body will build muscle and strength. (52:19) The best stimulant-based pre-workout. (55:55) Shout out to the Mind Pump Private Forum! (56:43) #Quah question #1 - What are supersets, and how do you effectively program them? (58:01) #Quah question #2 - Why do I feel it in my hip flexors when I plank? How can I correct my form? (1:01:09) #Quah question #3 - Have you ever had to fire a client because they didn't want to listen to your advice or do what you were telling them to do? (1:04:54) #Quah question #4 - I am looking to get my 11-year-old son started on weightlifting. He is an active athlete involved in football, soccer, wrestling, and lacrosse. What are the basic moves I should get him started with? At what point should I introduce him to a MAPS program? (1:11:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! Code FEB50 at checkout Mind Pump Private Facebook forum  Fire up your Central Nervous System to maximize Muscular Adaptation – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2027: How To Improve Your Squat, Bench, And Deadlift Strength Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance - PMC Sleep loss limits fat loss, study finds - University of Chicago News Sleeping less than 6 hours may raise risk of cancer, even death Number of Starbucks locations in the USA in 2024   What to know about a shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows Brilliant Labs How Long Does It Actually Take to Form A New Habit? Inside the World's First $3 Billion Luxury Super Submarine Muscle Mass and Strength Gains Following Resistance Exercise Training in Older Adults 65-75 Years and Older Adults Above 85 Years Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** How To Use Supersets For Maximum Muscle Gain - Mind Pump Media The 20-Minute Full Body Superset Workout That Hits Everything (TRY THIS) How to do a PROPER Plank Hip Flexor Deactivators- Do these first to maximize your Ab development Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports For Kids Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Why there is more to sports than just contributing to physical health. (1:36) The importance of physical play for human beings. (4:59) The skill of knowing how to win and lose. (8:45) The value of learning when to lead and follow. (11:25) The nervous system needs stimulus! (15:38) The benefits of putting your child in multiple sports. (16:43) 5 Best Sports to Put Your Kids In. #1 - Swimming (before they can walk they can swim). (19:31) #2 - Gymnastics (for overall physical and motor development). (22:20) #3 - Wrestling (to build grit and toughness). (25:34) #4 - Track and field (we are made to run). (28:45) #5 - Soccer, basketball, or football (teamwork, eye-foot coordination). (31:49) Related Links/Products Mentioned Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering an extra $100 off select Certified Personal Trainer programs. ** Code MPM100 at checkout ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #952: Chad Wesley Smith Of Juggernaut Training Systems Infant Swimming: What Are the Benefits? - Healthline Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chad Wesley Smith (@chadwesleysmith) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Getting stronger often makes you MORE resilient to injury. There is a proper BALANCE that needs to be maintained. (2:36) How it goes to show how much blood pressure issues are due to physiological poor health. (14:50) Finding opportunities to peer into your child's world. (18:40) The propaganda wars against Semaglutide. (27:28) The value in cycling the Brain Blend from Ned. (33:45) How dumb cannabis laws are. (36:14) The best band from the ‘90s. (44:12) Mind Pump’s favorite zombie movies. (45:38) Mind Pump Recommends: Lover, Stalker, Killer on Netflix. (48:17) If you eat a lot of red meat the quality makes a difference! (50:05) When you see your traits in your kids. (52:41) Shout out to the Mind Pump x Pre-Script L1 Live Event! (58:03) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on starting TRT and using it as a life-long solution to improve my hormone levels? (1:00:15) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do I know if my muscles are adapting or just recovering? (1:10:53) #ListenerLive question #3 - I know you guys get frustrated when the “science crowd” knocks reverse dieting, so I’m curious what you’d advise people when it doesn’t seem to be working. Are there limits to reverse dieting? (1:20:55) #ListenerLive question #4 - How do I adjust my workouts and/or diet to burst through a plateau? How realistic is it to see a genetically lean/skinny guy see significant growth in strength? (1:37:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users will receive their choice of 2 lbs. of Ground Beef, 3 lbs. of Chicken Thighs, or 1 lb. of premium Steak Tips for a Year! + Use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box! ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1790: The Secret To An Attractive & Functional Body Slow Moving Tai Chi is 'More Effective Than Aerobic Exercise’ For Reducing High Blood Pressure Ask Me Anything Ice Bath Challenge | MIND PUMP - YouTube Mind Pump #1822: Wim Hof On How To Control Your Immune System With Breathwork Mind Pump #2110: Ozempic The Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Biden expands pardons for marijuana possession and grants clemency to 11 Pearl Jam - New Album "Dark Matter" Out April 19, 2024 Watch Lover, Stalker, Killer | Netflix Official Site How One Lonely Man’s Online Date Turned Into a Bloody Nightmare MP x Pre-Script: Join us March 15-17 for an unprecedented collaborative education event hosted by Mind Pump Media and Pre-Script® Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways To Break Through A Plateau Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Wim Hof (@iceman_hof) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
What is happening on a hormonal level that makes these avatars believe this is healthy? (4:15) Defining overtraining. (7:30) Clear signs you may be overtraining. (8:59) The 8 People Most Likely to Overtrain #1 - Competitors. (12:32)  #2 - Type-A people. (16:52) #3 - People who use exercise as a drug. (21:23)  #4 - Post-partum moms. (24:26) #5 - Just divorced. (27:52)  #6 - Ex-high level athletes. (29:47) #7 - New Year’s resolution people. (35:31) #8 - Fitness professionals. (37:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2010: Seven Reasons Your Workout Isn’t Working Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the most distinctive features of strength training is REST PERIODS. Without them, you are just doing cardio with weights. (1:33) Recapping Super Bowl weekend. (8:14) Sal supplement problem. (15:15) Having a moment when your life flashes before your eyes. (16:45) Mind Pump pranks. (19:58) Sal’s emotional last official Father/Daughter dance. (25:37) Sex by the numbers. (31:31) Influencer’s disrespect of pro fighters. (33:28) Sketchy mountain drive. (40:45) Kids and the cold. (44:09) Growth spurts and getting sick phase. (48:05) How the Apple Vision Pro will change society. (51:07) Shout out to the Arnold Classic! Come meet the guys at Pros Gym on March 1st! (1:01:51) #ListenerLive question #1 - I know there is a wide variety of markets and variations within those markets, but is there a "rule of thumb" when it comes to billing for training? (1:03:10) #ListenerLive question #2 - Can a gym truly make that big of a difference or is my mind playing tricks on me? (1:20:54) #ListenerLive question #3 - I want to know how to self-monitor doing a reverse diet. Is there an ideal rate of weight regain? (1:29:30) #ListenerLive question #4 - How do you get good quality sleep if you work a job where your shift could change, especially if you work an overnight shift? (1:42:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #945: The Best Rest Periods For Muscle Gain & Fat Loss UFC News: Sean Strickland Destroys Influencer in Brutal Beatdown Sean Strickland reveals why UFC won't let him fight Jake Paul - MSN Jake Paul talks about Adversity on THE GEORGE JANKO SHOW All-In Podcast - E165: Vision Pro: use or lose? Meta vs Snap, SaaS recovery, AI investing, rolling real estate crisis Hyundai brings Xiting AI and see-thru steel to CES 2024 - Electrek Arnold Sports Festival Pros Gym Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first-time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Ways To Get Quality Sleep When Working Night Shifts - YouTube Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Sean Strickland (@stricklandmma) Instagram Jake Paul (@jakepaul) Instagram Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram ᴳᴱᴼᴿᴳᴱ ᴶᴬᴺᴷᴼ (@georgejanko) Instagram Nina Wilder (@coachninawilder) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Want to get your gains moving forward? Change the tempo of your reps! (1:51) Is there an adaptation process that happens with your diet? (14:17) Justin’s love of peanut butter. (20:34) Mind Pump’s viral peanut butter moment. (23:34) Daily mobility hacks. (24:30) Busy saving lives. (27:43) New sponsor alert! A Mind Pump favorite, Brain.fm! (30:40) Come see Mind Pump at Pros Gym in Columbus, OH! (35:21) Human psychology and the endless potential of technology. (38:27) Joovv x San Francisco 49ers. (49:51) Shout out to the Mind Pump x Pre-Script L1 Live Event! (53:00) #Quah question #1 - Other than serious athletes, shouldn’t 95% of training be unilateral, so we can fix muscle imbalances and then avoid them in the future? (55:13) #Quah question #2 - Are two days of full body training enough to still see results if you feel burnt out? (58:33) #Quah question #3 - What do you recommend for rotator cuff pain? Mobility? Rest? Strengthening other areas to support? (1:00:34) #Quah question #4 - How do exercise and strength training improve brain function? I have a client recovering from meningitis and gets exhausted from focusing on movements and balance. I know it’s good for brain health, but I am not sure about the science behind it. (1:04:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2042: The Essential Habits You Need To Move Freely & Live Fully With Kelly & Juliet Starrett Mind Pump #745: How To Improve Focus, Sleep & Meditation With Brain.Fm CEO Dan Clark Pros Gym Arnold Sports Festival Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Gran Turismo (2023) - IMDb MP x Pre-Script: Join us March 15-17 for an unprecedented collaborative education event hosted by Mind Pump Media and Pre-Script® Visit Sleep Breakthrough by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Strength training can help protect the brain from degeneration Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dexter “The Blade” Jackson (@mrolympia08) Instagram Dominic D'Agostino (@dominic.dagostino.kt) Instagram Paul Saladino (@paulsaladinomd) Instagram Kelly Starrett (@thereadystate) Instagram Juliet Starrett (@julietstarrett) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
What does the Minerals & Metals test cover? (1:59) The correlation between high levels of certain heavy metals and autism. (4:03) The common offenders when it comes to heavy metals in your body. (6:59) How is this increasing? (10:17) How to avoid passing on heavy metals to your baby. (12:51) Why do you look at the hair for heavy metals? (17:16) What are the symptoms that someone would feel with higher levels of heavy metals? (22:45) Revealing the guy’s Minerals & Metals test results and comparing them to their test two years ago. (24:50) Adam. (27:01) Doug. (36:58) Justin. (45:58) Sal. (51:43) The two heavy hitters that can remove heavy metals. (54:28) What would a client feel by removing heavy metals? (55:26) How to get this test to take yourself! (58:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned For Mind Pump listeners only Equi.life is offering a FREE At-Home Minerals & Metals test Shipped Right to Your Door. (Customer pays shipping and handling and First-time test-buying customers only). For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! – Book by Stephen Cabral The Lancet Commission on the future of care and clinical research in autism Home - GAPS Diet Big 5 Labs - EquiLife Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction - Wikipedia Mind Pump #1780: Why Blood Tests Are Overrated With Dr. Stephen Cabral AirDoctor | HEPA Air Purifier for Home and Office Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results | Cabral Concept 2526 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Website
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want to improve your cognitive function, GET STRONGER! (2:23) How we confuse knowledge with brain power. (12:27) Conspiracy Corner with Mind Pump: Operation Popeye. (25:37) Speculating on what crazy things may happen leading up to the Presidential election. (28:45) Gorilla strong! (36:17) The benefits of GHK-cu. (40:09) Fun Forgotten Supplements with Sal: Methylene blue. (42:59) Ranking the guy’s healthiest and unhealthiest fitness friends in the space. (47:10) Get NCI’s Coaches Toolkit for FREE! (53:52) Shout out to Slow Horses on Apple+. (55:52) #ListenerLive question #1 - If I want to keep with my cold exposure, when would be the best time to implement it? (57:25) #ListenerLive question #2 - Any tips on strengthening the lower motion of my bench press? (1:10:55) #ListenerLive question #3 - Everyone keeps telling me I should do cardio and even the Dexa AI advised that I start cutting before I start bulking. Am I doing something wrong? Should I incorporate some cardio? Also, I gained 20 lbs on the scale, is this normal? (1:19:07) #ListenerLive question #4 - I’m a speech therapist wanting to expand my practice to include fitness. If I pursue this, would you recommend doing an adaptive personal training certification or something somewhere like NASM? (1:33:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NCI is giving the plug-and-play system every coach needs...completely for FREE!  February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Strength training can help protect the brain from degeneration Weight training may boost brain power - Harvard Health Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #2207: Upgrade Your Brain With Jim Kwik With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war How Strong is a Silverback Gorilla? (Estimates) - Wildlife Informer The Side Effects of Methylene Blue, How to Use it, & More. Watch Slow Horses - Show - Apple TV+ Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** The Science & Use of Cold Exposure for Health & Performance Mind Pump #2127: Bench Press Masterclass Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering an extra $100 off select Certified Personal Trainer programs. ** Code MPM100 at checkout ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Jim Kwik (@jimkwik) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Elon Musk (@ElonMusk) Twitter Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram
The evolution of resistance bands. (1:02) The thing to pay attention to with any resistance tool. (2:55) Bands do NOT damage your body. (5:41) The convenience factor. (7:49) The slow vs. fast tempo benefits. (8:49) Helping to achieve that mind-to-muscle connection. (12:42) The Nine Best Band Exercises for Maximum Muscle Gain #1 - Band reverse lunge. (13:54) #2 - Sissy squat. (16:20) #3 - Banded push-up. (17:39) #4 - Banded-pull up (add or take away). (18:49) #5 - One-arm band rotational press. (20:54) #6 - Pull-a-part. (22:31) #7 - Band curl. (24:47) #8 - Band overhead Tricep extension. (27:57) #9 - Band side chop (anti-rotation). (29:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: MAPS Bands 50% off! ** Code BANDS50 at checkout ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Stroops | Resistance Bands How To Do A Pull Up | Banded Pull Up Regression (TRY THIS) Band Pull Aparts Mobility Session - YouTube The ONLY WAY You Should Be Doing Banded Bicep Curls - YouTube The ONLY WAY You Should Be Doing Band Extensions For Your Triceps 6 Best Band Exercises (ULTIMATE FULL BODY WORKOUT) | Mind Pump Build An Amazing Midsection with the Side Wood Chop - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from  the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want to be PROUD of your age, START lifting weights. (2:18) How the atmosphere in the gym has changed so much. (14:04) The unplugged vs. plugged in. (17:57) Being prepared for California winter storms. (25:00) When boundaries don’t exist within different cultures. (30:14) Taking ownership as a parent. (42:40) Getting recognized in sponsor commercials. (48:11) The science behind Zbiotics. (50:12) There is a need in the market for somebody to teach trainers how to build and scale a business. (51:58) Shout out to the Arnold Sports Festival! (56:41) #ListenerLive question #1 - How can I fix a weak squat? (57:44) #ListenerLive question #2 - How should you eat after gastric sleeve surgery to build muscle? (1:12:02) #ListenerLive question #3 - What should I expect in terms of muscle-building potential? (1:22:41) #ListenerLive question #4 - What’s the best workout and diet to get that granite hard look? (1:35:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP24 for 15% off first time purchasers on either one-time purchases, (3, 6, 12-packs) or subscriptions (6, 12-pack) ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked - Book by Adam Alter Apple Vision Pro hand2mind Numberblocks Friends One to Five Figures, Toy Figures Collectibles, Small Cartoon Figurines for Kids, Mini Action Figures, Character Figures, Play Figure Playsets, Imaginative Play Toys ZBiotics Science Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Arnold Sports Festival Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** ELDOA Exercises feat. Mind Pump Media   HeyGen Labs Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** MAPS Powerlift   A.M. Hoops - YouTube Mind Pump #997: How To Sculpt The Perfect Body Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Vicki Reynolds (@vicki__reynolds) Instagram Craig Capurso (@craigcapurso) Instagram Bradley Martyn (@bradleymartyn) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram
Mind Pump Fit Tip: If your goal is to be fat, sick, and unhealthy follow the government’s nutrition guidelines. (2:21) Will extending life save humanity? (11:42) The philosophical problems with cloning. (22:33) The undiscussed damage that pornography is causing. (28:32) Sal’s vasectomy consult experience. (36:28) Government experiments gone wrong. (40:59) Fun Facts with Justin: Tsavo Lions. (48:03) The scariest thing to get eaten by. (51:01) What spawns some ideas by scientists? (54:50) Some of the guy's favorite Butcher Box items. (55:55) Shout out to Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships book. (1:01:22) #Quah question #1 - I would love to hear how each member of Mind Pump is currently training right now. What program does their training most closely resemble? (1:02:56) #Quah question #2 - Are full body or body part splits optimal for hypertrophy? Hoping sets and frequency equal. (1:09:37) #Quah question #3 - Are peptides and TRT still allowed to claim natural? (1:14:15) #Quah question #4 - I’m trying to train for a competition at my local gym where you have to rep your body weight on the bench and squat as many times as you can. Whoever has the most combined reps wins. I’m not sure what is the best way to approach this? (1:18:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Entera Health: Unlock Longevity event – February 24, 2024 in Austin, TX ** Promo Code MINDPUMP20 – Anyone who uses this promo code will get 20% off their ticket price. ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** You're probably eating way too much protein - Vox Mind Pump #1922: Fatphobia & Other Lies That Are Keeping You Fat, Unhealthy & Sick Mind Pump #2260: Look Younger & Live Longer With Dr. Adeel Khan We Can Clone Pet Dogs - But is that a Good Idea? Upload TV Series – Prime Video Mind Pump #2132: Six Reasons Men Today Are Weak The CIA's Appalling Human Experiments With Mind Control Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study | HISTORY Tsavo Man-Eaters - Wikipedia The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) - IMDb MEATER Plus: Long Range Wireless Smart Meat Thermometer with Bluetooth Booster | For BBQ, Oven, Grill, Kitchen, Smoker, Rotisserie | iOS & Android App Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump 'Natty or not' steroid discussions have become their own internet content genre Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey) Instagram Greg Doucette (@gregdoucetteifbbpro) Instagram
When did entrepreneurship start for him? (2:50) His big takeaways from growing a business. (10:15) The four kinds of people. (13:04) Always invest LESS than you want to invest. (18:05) Personal growth from hitting rock bottom. (21:14) His first experience with ayahuasca. (22:55) The inspiration and science behind Bulletproof Coffee. (30:45) You have control over your biology. (43:40) Why chemical birth control is bad. (49:34) Are you living in the world or are you living in a bubble? (53:56) How did he start to get the mold out of his body? (58:05) When did Danger Coffee start to take off? (1:02:39) Why you should ALWAYS use filtered water to make your coffee. (1:10:40) Amazon will destroy your business. (1:13:11) Forced vegan nonsense. (1:15:12) His journey with money. (1:18:38) Creating opportunities to do something better. (1:29:49) The hardest thing about fatherhood. (1:34:54) Being present with your children. (1:36:59) The BIG goals with his new companies. (1:39:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** The Human Upgrade formerly Bulletproof Radio with Dave Asprey Danger Coffee Entrepreneur magazine-Dave Asprey Photo 10th Annual Biohacking Conference WHAT IS EZ WATER AND WHY DO I HAVE TO GET NAKED IN THE SUN TO MAKE IT? Moldy Movie The Better Baby Book: How to Have a Healthier, Smarter, Happier Baby – Book by Dave Asprey Silicon Valley Health Institute  Ozone Therapy: What It Is, Uses and Side Effects Home - Upgrade Labs | Human Upgrade™ Center Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money – Book by Ken Honda Mind Pump Rentals – Utah Property Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey) Instagram Website Aubrey Marcus (@aubreymarcus) Instagram Dr Joe Dispenza (@drjoedispenza) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Jay Abraham | Marketing Expert (@realjayabraham) Instagram Ken Honda Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Consider this when programming exercises for muscle building: Middle, stretch, and squeeze. (2:49) When Mind Pump gets surprised by a guest. (13:46) Do supplements really make a difference? (20:43) Mind Pump is going to Arnold! (29:39) Scary News with Sal: Double brooding cicadas. (30:47) Mind Pump proposals. (32:07) Mind Pump Recommends, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships book. (41:10) Parent hacks with Adam. (42:46) How Ned has replaced cannabis use for Sal. (51:44) Organifi photoshoots on brand. (55:57) Shout out to The Leapfrog book series. (1:00:04) #ListenerLive question #1 - I stopped dieting, and now I can't lose any body fat. I need advice. (1:00:51) #ListenerLive question #2 - Can you share some tips and tricks so I can have a more balanced lifestyle around food? (1:22:58) #ListenerLive question #3 - Should I cut, build, or reverse? What should my next few steps for this year look like? I have ‘yo-yo’ dieted my whole life due to an eating disorder, body image issues, and an all-or-nothing mindset. (1:34:11) #ListenerLive question #4 - When meeting with female clients for the first time who have had children and discussing their goals, their response is usually “I’d just love to have the body back that I had before having kids.” How do you set realistic expectations? (1:49:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How To Properly Switch It Up TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. A trillion cicadas will descend on the US this spring in rare event that could leave unforgettable stench Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships LeapFrog LeapReader Learn to Read 10-Book Mega Pack hand2mind Numberblocks Friends One to Five Figures, Toy Figures Collectibles, Small Cartoon Figurines for Kids, Mini Action Figures, Character Figures, Play Figure Playsets, Imaginative Play Toys STEVE AND MAGGIE - YouTube Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2250: How Eating More Can Make You Leaner (& How Eating Less Can Make You Fatter) Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course MAPS Starter   Mind Pump #1375: How To Train Before, During & After Pregnancy Luna Physical Therapy Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey) Instagram Coyote Peterson (@coyotepeterson) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
The differences between competition and culture. (1:14) Six Reasons Why Powerlifting is Better than Bodybuilding. #1 - It’s performance-based vs aesthetics. (3:33) #2 - Workouts are more science-based. (11:34) #3 - Purely objective judging. (17:38) #4 - Discourages undereating. (22:10) #5 - Very encouraging community. (27:43) #6 - Much healthier for women. (33:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1152: Why You Should Powerlift Mind Pump #2180: Is Powerlifting Beneficial For Women? Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you can’t eat enough protein, amino acid supplements may help. (2:15) Recapping Justin’s birthday weekend: Muscle cars and rocking out with the boys. (13:22) Adam’s evolution around masterminds. (24:55) The benefits of red-light therapy and how the guys have used their Joovv devices. (42:55) Testosterone is making people more resistant to losing. (45:08) Delaying gratification debunked? (46:22) Earth-friendly diet? (51:04) Using a hand grenade to crack walnuts. (54:56) Costco’s weird return policy. (56:45) Shout out to Steven Rodriguez. (1:01:42) #ListenerLive question #1 - What advice and programs would you guys suggest I do for the next couple of years to be at my best physique? (1:02:44) #ListenerLive question #2 - Any advice for someone who has engaged with professional coaching and is now looking to transition out and work on their own? (1:15:11) #ListenerLive question #3 - How do I never cut again? (1:26:08) #ListenerLive question #4 - As a relatively new lifter, I want to follow MAPS programs and want to chase health and do it in a healthy way. So, in 4 years I will have a physique I’m proud to present on stage in a competition. I don’t have to win but want to build a physique I’m proud of. (1:38:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2260: Look Younger & Live Longer With Dr. Adeel Khan Not giving up: Testosterone promotes persistence against a stronger opponent High steaks society: who are the 12% of people consuming half of all beef in the US? | Beef | The Guardian Vegan Men Fart Seven Times More Than Non-Vegans, Study Finds Chinese Man Used a Hand Grenade to Crack Walnuts for 25 Years Seattle woman who returned Costco couch after 2.5 years goes viral, sparks ethics debate Steven Rodriguez | Spotify For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Powerlift Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Kyle P (@mindpumpkyle) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want to get leaner, BUMP your calories! (1:59) Team Peanut Butter or Jelly? (10:31) Using Joy Mode to boost energy not just in the bedroom. (15:55) Justin’s fashion muse. (20:34) A PSA for all parents attending their kid’s sporting events. (24:10) NASM has amazing offers on courses you may not expect. (33:26) We MUST face this obesity epidemic. (36:46) Weight Watchers and GLP-1. (38:41) Daddy’s little girl. (51:04) Sal shares his latest interest in Vagus nerve stimulation. (53:12) Shout out to the Mission City Monarchs. (55:20) #Quah question #1 - I’m on a reverse diet. I do not want to weigh myself because it messes with my mind. How do I know my metabolism is improving? (58:33) #Quah question #2 - Was listening to some old episodes and the protein recommended was .5-.7 grams per pound. When and why did that change to 1 gram per pound? (1:00:34) #Quah question #3 - Hearing people say they eat a lot of grams of protein and when I ask about portions, it seems low. Do you think a lot of people don’t realize that 100g chicken breast isn’t 100g protein? I’ve come to realize a lot of people have misconceptions. (1:02:56) #Quah question #4 - Is it a good idea to do a deloading week after each phase of a workout plan? (1:08:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Joy Mode for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order** Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering an extra $100 off select Certified Personal Trainer programs. ** Code MPM100 at checkout ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #2250: How Eating More Can Make You Leaner (& How Eating Less Can Make You Fatter) Strength training is more effective than aerobic exercise for improving glycaemic control and body composition in people with normal-weight type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial Peanut Butter or Jelly First – Mind Pump Media IG Panax Ginseng benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Wrestling coach gets lifetime ban in Idaho after punching Nyssa wrestler US obesity rates have tripled over the last 60 years WeightWatchers Launches New Behavior Change Program Designed to Support the Unique Needs of Individuals on GLP-1 Medications TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2060: Look Younger & Live Longer With Dr. Adeel Khan Potential Recruits - Mission City Monarchs, email: andrew@mindpumpmedia.com  Visit Sleep Breakthrough by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism MAPS Macro Calculator Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources Of Protein Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned John Dorsey (@goob_u2) Instagram   Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Mission City Monarchs (@missioncitymonarchs) Instagram
Why is there a high turnover rate? (1:22) Why hiring a good trainer or coach DRAMATICALLY improves the odds of long-term success. (3:43) Six Reasons Trainers Fail. #1 - They can’t sell. (7:07) #2 - They don’t speak the client’s language. (15:46) #3 - They don’t understand the macros of business. (20:43) #4- They don’t meet their clients where they are. (25:06) #5 - They do what their clients want (and not what they need). (30:54) #6 - They try to Razzle dazzle every workout. (35:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** The Most Important Skill For Personal Trainers – Mind Pump Blog 5 Characteristics of Successful Personal Trainers – Mind Pump Blog How to Determine if Personal Trainers Know What They are Doing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2252: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Hide the scale for a successful weight-loss journey. (2:46) When fashion trends come back into style. (11:56) Fun Facts with Justin: The most expensive material on Earth. (22:05) Do you MP? (24:09) One day left to get the special Mind Pump Coaching Course launch! (24:47) The more you know: The benefits of Shilajit. (25:43) The science behind pheromones. (28:11) Live sports ticket prices vs experience. (32:40) Do attractive people produce less sperm than unattractive? (39:08) Why we need to reevaluate our law system. (40:34) Is Disneyland eliminating lines? (46:56) An old dad move. (52:05) Shout out to Josh Trent. (53:27) #ListenerLive question #1 - Can you recommend steps or exercises to help restore my mobility? (54:36) #ListenerLive question #2 - When going through times when my sleep quality and quantity are severely affected, what should I be prioritizing? Should I be trying to train at all? How should I adjust my nutrition to aid my recovery? (1:03:48) #ListenerLive question #3 - Is it ok if I am getting half my protein through shakes rather than whole foods? (1:20:27) #ListenerLive question #4 - I know I can’t spot reduce fat, but is there anything you suggest to help me make my arms less fatty? (1:34:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off ** Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog I’m a boss who fires anyone without six-pack abs — I have high standards Antimatter: how the world’s most expensive — and explosive — substance is made DO YOU MP? TEE Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed Shilajit in oligospermia Shilajit: evalution of its effects on blood chemistry of normal human subjects Allegiant Stadium Has Club Section for Super Bowl With High Price Can a Short Term of Repeated Ejaculations Affect Seminal Parameters? The 1% of the population accountable for 63% of all violent crime convictions Is Disney World Eliminating All Lines from Its Rides? Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! MAPS Prime Pro Webinar How to Fix "Low Back" Pain (INSTANTLY!) | Mind Pump - YouTube Fix Your Shoulder Pain (SHORT & LONG TERM FIX!!) | MIND PUMP MAPS 15 Minutes Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Andy Elliott (@officialandyelliott) Instagram   Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Josh Trent (@joshtrentofficial) Instagram
Explaining how the stem cells the guys got are DIFFERENT than the ones you can get in the United States. (3:04) Why are the U.S. regulators so slow? (9:09) Why he is so confident about the treatments he provides. (12:52) 1st vs. 2nd generation stem cells. (15:53) Where does he get his stem cells? (19:08) How does the average consumer know how to wean out the charlatans? (20:12) What are the Asian countries using stem cells for? (21:53) What do people typically notice when they do stem cell treatment for anti-aging/longevity? (23:11) More is better. (25:09) His belief on what stem cell therapy will do to us as a species. (26:20) Breaking down the stem cell treatments the guys got and the profound effects they’ve witnessed since.  Adam. (28:21) Sal. (47:13) Justin. (56:12) What treatment has had the biggest impact on his patients? (59:39) In the future does he see these treatments to be affordable for the masses? (1:07:25) How does he balance his personal and professional life? (1:09:35) Wrestling with manufacturing adversity with his children. (1:16:56) Related Links/Products Mentioned Unlock Longevity event – February 24, 2024 in Austin, TX ** Promo Code MINDPUMP20 - Anyone who uses this promo code will get 20% off their ticket price. ** Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs): origin, immune regulation, and clinical applications How iPS cells changed the world | Nature Synthetic biology   Mind Pump #1762: Tony Robbins – Life Transforming Breakthroughs In Precision Medicine Exosomal therapy—a new frontier in regenerative medicine Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: An Update on Clinical Practice Caroline GANOBIS | PhD | PhD | University of Guelph, Guelph Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It – Book by John Abramson #263 - John Abramson: Big Pharma | Lex Fridman Podcast A review of vagus nerve stimulation as a therapeutic intervention The Roseto effect: a 50-year comparison of mortality rates. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins) Instagram Caroline Ganobis, PhD Matthew Wolff (@matthew_wolff5) Instagram John Abramson (@DrJohnAbramson) Twitter Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) Twitter Inky Johnson (@InkyJohnsonMotivate) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here are the three diets you should try and why. (2:25) A girl will put up with the worst that her father has shown her. (17:03) The importance and value of knowing your attachment style. (24:20) A full-circle moment for the guys. (29:45) The feeling of fulfillment seeing the audience taking action. (36:15) There is so little we know about past existence. (37:52) A lot of problems have happened because people went along. (45:35) Using the Joovv pre-workout to improve the pump. (57:50) Shout out to the Shawn Ryan Show. (1:00:38) #ListenerLive question #1- Is it okay to work out every day if you are careful to alternate muscle groups? (1:02:03) #ListenerLive question #2 - Is doing mobility in between sets ok? (1:15:49) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any advice on why I am struggling to put on muscle and lean body mass? (1:24:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NASM is offering an extra $100 off select Certified Personal Trainer programs. ** Code MPM100 at checkout ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** From now until the end of January, you can save on select Joovv devices: $75 off the Joovv Go, $100 off the Joovv Mini, and $150 off the Joovv Solo.  January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style: How It Develops and Impacts You Mind Pump #2092: How To Cultivate Amazing Relationships With Adam Lane Smith Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** SRS #93 Billy Carson - Forbidden Knowledge Mark Bell Cancelled For LIFE By YouTube… Who's Next? Mind Pump #1615: How To Work Out Every Day For Maximum Results (Workout Included) MAPS Symmetry Mind Pump #1952: How To Bulk The Right Way Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Shawn Ryan Show (@shawnryanshow) Instagram Billy Carson (@billycarsonofficial) Instagram Graham Hancock (@Graham__Hancock) Twitter Mark Bell (@marksmellybell) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The best strategy for long-term fitness & health. (2:40) If the belt fits. (8:04) Random embarrassing fun facts with Mind Pump. (14:54) A status symbol to wear Vuori. (22:49) The origin of the ‘Stanley’ cup phenomenon. (24:35) The county with the highest anti-depressant users. (30:14) Is Mind Pump sitting on a diet book? (32:39) Climbing before walking. (37:13) The silent epidemic of fertility. (40:28) Fun Facts with Justin: The creation of the hydrogen car and Space Force. (44:35) The benefits of the peptide GHK-CU. (47:27) Shout out to Dadbodfitness on YouTube. (51:04) #Quah question #1- Can you explain how hang cleans work for power development? (52:00) #Quah question #2 - What are your thoughts on cycle-synching workouts with one's periods as a woman?  Is there any real benefit to it? (59:07) #Quah question #3 - I’m trying to increase endurance; is there a specific rep range I should be training in? (1:05:17) #Quah question #4 - What are your thoughts on hybrid training? Is it possible to train for a marathon and build muscle at the same time with enough calories? (1:09:35) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 20% off your first order ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** After fire destroys woman's car, but not her Stanley tumbler Something startling is going on with antidepressant use around the world Stanley Meyer: An Infamous Invention and Death Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data DadBod Fitness - YouTube Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Tao of Jeet Kune Do: New Expanded Edition MAPS Fitness Performance   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram
The trap of arrival fallacy. (2:40) Four ways to set the RIGHT expectation instead of aiming to hit a goal. #1 - Focus on the process. (9:48) #2 - Be present (stop living in the future). (16:33) #3 - Focus on what makes people happy (purpose, connection, spiritual practice, wanting less, and health, not looks). (24:51) #4 - Practice gratitude. (28:17) Personal hacks that have been successful for the guys. (32:44) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Mind Pump #1050: Mark Manson- The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*Ck WHAT THE LONGEST STUDY ON HUMAN HAPPINESS FOUND IS THE KEY TO A GOOD LIFE Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mark Manson (@IAmMarkManson) Twitter Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The #1 thing that will cause the BIGGEST positive impact on your health, fat loss, and muscle gain is SLEEP! (2:51) How sports are the greatest example of evolution. (16:13) The crazy evolution of TVs. (20:02) The benefits of raw vs. traditional milk. (24:43) ‘Dark’ milk. (28:53) Fun Facts with Justin: The real-life Popeye. (36:21) Constructing your favorite childhood sandwich. (39:25) Singing risqué lyrics with your son. (42:35) Adam’s “dad-win” with his son. (46:18) An alternate male contraceptive to a vasectomy. (48:47) Hulk Hogan gets baptized. (55:53) Shout out to Father Steve Grunow. (57:07) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice or experience working with post-op hip replacement surgery clients, getting stronger in different ways while healing, and taking into consideration post-menopause? (58:32) #ListenerLive question #2 - Are all the benefits I am feeling a direct result of the testosterone or is there a chicken and the egg thing going on? (1:17:36) #ListenerLive question #3 - For a 113 lb. female who does not get satiated from protein and fiber and is trying to solve digestive issues, what the hell am I supposed to eat? (1:35:51) #ListenerLive question #4 – Am I able to reverse the damage to my metabolism from extreme intermittent fasting? (1:45:31) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Biggest Trends of CES 2024: AI, Transparent Screens and Off-Grid Tech to Power Your Home Raw Milk: Benefits vs. Dangers, Nutrition, Side Effects - Dr. Axe Eating aged cheese could help you live longer, study finds Was Frank 'Rocky' Fiegel the Inspiration for 'Popeye'?   Vasalgel Male Contraception - The Latest Gel Injected Birth Control Hulk Hogan Gets Baptized in Florida: 'Greatest Day of My Life' For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump The McGill Hip Airplane Follow Along Hip Mobility Flow Workout – Mind Pump TV MAPS Symmetry TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. MP Holistic Health Cabral Concept 928: TWT: The Parasite Protocol & Testing Procedures Mind Pump #1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned FrSteveGrunow (@FrSteveGrunow) Twitter Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
The difference between how he applies or approaches training his athletes vs. how other athletes try to improve speed, power, and performance. (2:39) It’s a family business! His background in the training space. (4:52) The components that contribute to speed and how you train for it. (6:47) Fatigue is the enemy. (8:19) “If there’s a PR done in practice, you’re done with that session immediately.” (11:08) Getting the client to adapt to the philosophy. (15:49) The power of the central nervous system. (18:26) How a warmup looks for one of his athletes. (21:21) How the assessment process changes with various levels of athlete. (26:00) Sleep is the #1 supplement. (28:10) The fine line between using technology and simply kicking ass. (32:00) Building upon the foundation built over years of experience and great mentors. (35:03) The influence of various sports methods on how he programs. (37:18) The three most important exercises for football players. (39:20) The concept of ‘slack and contract’. (46:52) The big rocks to aim for when it comes to diet and nutrition. (50:08) What makes Christian McCaffrey so special? (52:44) The level of difference between high school, college, and professional athletes. (55:02) The mental attributes of top athletes that separate them. (59:25) Does he get more joy from training younger or pro athletes? (1:01:20) The work that goes into training a pro athlete. (1:02:57) “If you choose to do something, there is inherent risk in all of them.” (1:05:54) Top supplements for his athletes. (1:09:59) His favorite recovery tools. (1:11:57) How does he currently train? (1:13:12) Scaling his business to a mainstream audience. (1:16:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0 Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** Sleep and Injury Risk Mind Pump #1180: Joe DeFranco On What Makes A Good Trainer, The Importance Of A Structured Warm-Up, The Role Of Genetics And MORE Hawkin Dynamics Husker Power - Strength and Conditioning - Training California moves closer to becoming first state to ban tackle football for kids under 12 Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Save $200 on the Pod Cover + FREE SHIPPING ** Speed Town Express Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Website Christian McCaffrey (@christianmccaffrey) Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) Instagram Taylor Nelson-Cook (@tnelsoncook19) Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram Robert Oberst (@robertoberst) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The very act of being healthy or pursuing health is REBELLION! Welcome to the war! (2:12) Politicians are ugly actors. (18:05) Potty-training experiences. (24:34) Wrestling with manufacturing adversity with your kids. (30:52) The Spiderpillar and living the vagabond lifestyle. (41:43) Insulin resistance and its connection to blood viscosity. (51:26) Bringing the guys back to their passion for training trainers. (54:01) ‘Red Juice’ to the rescue! (57:35) Shout out to How to Do the Work, a book by Dr. Nicole LePera. (1:01:35) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is there such a thing as too much protein that I intake during the day? (1:02:58) #ListenerLive question #2 - I have pain in my shoulder. Is this something that I can fix myself, or is this something I should see a chiropractor and/or physical therapist for? As I’m working on this, how do I find the right balance between fixing the underlying issue and continuing to strength train? (1:13:03) #ListenerLive question #3 - Do I need to “eat back” those burned calories to hit the 2700 goal on my lifting days? (1:29:27) #ListenerLive question #4 - Why does my body not recover as well as it should from minor injuries? (1:40:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off ** Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  TikTok Doctor Says "It's Okay To Be Fat" And Obesity Should Be "Normalized" Vivek Ramaswamy ends presidential campaign   How To Do The Work – Book by Dr. Nicole LePera Joe De Sena Will Turn Your Kids Into Warriors at His Kids Camp Spartan in Vermont TikTok users freak out as guy breeds 'spiderpillar' hybrid insect 'Grindavik remains at risk': Attempts to dam the lava from Iceland's erupting volcano could fail, volcanologist warns Whole-blood viscosity and the insulin-resistance syndrome Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen Of The Best Foods For An Amazing Physique Mind Pump TV - ELDOA - YouTube Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Nicole LePera (@the.holistic.psychologist) Instagram Joe De Sena (@realjoedesena) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Drew Canole (@drewcanole) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Use strength training to combat the negative effects of getting older. (2:37) A young boy’s energy holds NO bounds. (19:02) Losing sleep over releasing ChatGPT into the world. (32:59) Are streaming services being primed for disruption? (34:53) What’s Mind Pump watching? (40:50) Fun Facts with Justin: Night vision goggles. (48:48) Using peptides with Caldera for skin health. (50:20) The power that your diet has on your mental health. (55:56) Shout out to The Pursuit of Wellness Podcast: Ep. 64 – How to Lose Weight, Gain Muscle & Feel Your Best w/ Sal Di Stefano of Mind Pump. (59:27) #Quah question #1 - What is the difference between a trap bar for deadlifts and a straight bar? I was listening to Rogan, and he said they are safer. Should I be using a trap bar? (1:00:23) #Quah question #2 - What are the pros/cons of (barbell) spider curls vs. (barbell) preacher curls? I feel more from spider curls with a straight bar. (1:05:52) #Quah question #3 - Is it possible to over-prime before a workout? Should I consider sets of priming movements “working sets” for any particular body part? (1:08:53) #Quah question #4 - What are some early signs of overtraining or too much weekly intensity? (1:12:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off your first order of their best products ** Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Why Older Men Should Lift Weights - Rogue Health and Fitness Encopresis | Psychology Today OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Says He Is Losing Sleep Over ChatGPT Peacock Game Likely Cost NFL More Than 10 Million Viewers Confirmed: Red NVG "starlight scope" caused soldiers to see demons The Ketogenic Diet for Refractory Mental Illness: A Retrospective Analysis of 31 Inpatients The Pursuit of Wellness Podcast: Ep. 64 – How To Lose Weight, Gain Muscle & Feel Your Best w/ Sal Di Stefano of Mind Pump Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #1530: Why Warm-Ups Are A Waste Of Time Adam Schafer’s DEEP Squat Mobility Secrets | Behind The Scenes at Mind Pump Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Jonathan Pageau (@jonathan.pageau) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Mari Llewellyn (@marillewellyn) Instagram
Introducing the Mind Pump Fitness Coaching course! Introducing the Mind Pump Fitness Coaching course! Why did we do this and why did we wait so long? (3:53) Moving the needle to build successful personal trainers. (14:20) Why is this profession so unique? (17:09) Who this course ISN’T for. (23:15) Mind Pump’s BIG goal. (27:14) The Personal Trainer Tao. (28:28) Ten Modules of Information. #1 - Training people in different arenas. (29:37) #2 - Working with different client demographics. (38:21) #3 – Tackling imposter syndrome. (41:48) #4 - How to get educated. (45:28) #5 - Marketing & lead generation. (47:19) #6 - Sales, closing & retention. (54:22) #7 - How to do and use assessments to get clients and sell big packages. (57:46) #8 - Workout programming. (1:03:33) #9 - Diet, things that work & things that don’t. (1:03:48) #10 - Trainer hacks. (1:06:08) What bonuses are included in the launch? (1:06:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 ** For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2172: Five Commandments For Successful Personal Trainers Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Ladies, if you want to lose weight TRAIN and EAT like a BODYBUILDER! (2:51) How fitness is an amazing vehicle for growth! (12:16) Weird News with Sal: Jewish tunnels. (22:41) Kat Williams unleashed, and the future of influence. (28:04) Such a teenage boy thing to do. (35:48) The feud between the billionaires: Elon vs. Cuban. (42:00) Butcher Box’s BIGGEST giveaway! (46:00) You can only leverage up to so much. (49:11) A new drug that could extend dogs’ lives! (52:26) You FEEL Ned. (55:34) Dihexa GLP-1 puts all the other nootropics to shame! (57:43) Shout out to Brian Kula. (1:06:00) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is there a universe where I can continue intense fitness, while also healing my back and continuing to strength train? (1:08:28) #ListenerLive question #2 - What are your thoughts on Bi-Phasic sleep? How can I maximize it to still be able to build muscle, burn fat, and reach any goals I may have? (1:25:20) #ListenerLive question #3 - Can you help me better understand the ratios in MAPS Anabolic and MAPS Performance to build trust in the programs? (1:39:23) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy Mind Pump #1952: How To Bulk The Right Way Mind Pump #2220: How To Stay Consistent With Your Workouts Extremist Jewish teens secretly ‘hired migrants’ to dig secret Brooklyn synagogue tunnel ‘Shawshank’-style Katt Williams Unleashed | CLUB SHAY SHAY - YouTube Elon Musk is duking it out with Mark Cuban on DEI and racism 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Author Robert Kiyosaki on His $1.2 Billion Debt: 'If I Go Bust, the Bank Goes Bust' | Complex A New Drug That Could Extend Dogs' Lives Inches Closer to Approval Dihexa Peptide: Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects - Jay Campbell TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley Visit Stress Guardian by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! FIX LOWER BACK PAIN By Deactivating Your Hip Flexors! | Mind Pump Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Save $200 on the Pod Cover + FREE SHIPPING ** DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide): Benefits, Dosage & Risks Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram Brian Kula (@kulasportsperformance) Instagram Christian McCaffrey (@christianmccaffrey) Instagram Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram
The guy’s first experiences with the law of thermodynamics. (1:41) Defining the law of thermodynamics and how your metabolism is adaptive. (7:58) Highlighting how difficult this can be even with TRAINERS. (21:28) Signals to teach your body (and what not to) to get leaner and burn more calories.  #1 – Strength train and eat a high-protein diet. (25:01) #2 - Building muscle requires fuel and tells the body it’s safe to burn more. (27:50) #3 - Eating too little tells the body to slow down (pairs muscle down). (30:28) #4 - Eating too little reduces anabolic hormones and raises catabolic hormones. (31:15) Communicating this message to a client. (35:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Mind Pump #2037: How Eating Too Little Can Make You Fatter Energy expenditure and activity among Hadza hunter-gatherers Strength training can burn fat too, myth-busting study finds Mind Pump #1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2237: From Fat To Fit To Fortune With Mari Llewellyn Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mari Llewellyn (@marillewellyn) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Strength is a SKILL! (2:02) New product alert from Legion! Improving the pump/endurance without the jitters. (14:14) Mind Pump Recommends, The Creator on Apple+. (24:39) Mind Pump Recommends, Bitconned on Netflix. (29:00) Shout out to John Dorsey. (32:21) Weird news with Sal: Miami aliens. (36:30) Conspiracy Corner with Mind Pump: Epstein list. (48:50) Kat Williams goes off! (54:10) The shilajit gummies from Organifi are a HIT! (55:36) Sal is staying authentic with the audience. (57:47) Shout out to Mind Pump’s 3-Day Trainer Series! (1:03:40) #ListenerLive question #1 - Does a robust strength training practice eventually lead to a reduction in flexibility, absent any mobility training like stretching or yoga? (1:04:49) #ListenerLive question #2 - Any guidance on what I can do to improve my physique? (1:17:54) #ListenerLive question #3 - How can I start to modify MAPS Programs to compliment my job/lifestyle rather than wearing me out before work 3-4 times a week? (1:25:31) #ListenerLive question #4 - Would you recommend surgery if I have a full distal tear of my right rotator cuff? (1:33:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  The Effect of Resistance Training Proximity to Failure on Muscular Adaptations and Longitudinal Fatigue in Trained Men Mind Pump #892: Rich Gaspari Could venom from one of the world's most poisonous spiders be used for erectile dysfunction? Here's how scientists use deadly venom to treat common health problems The Creator - Apple TV Watch Bitconned | Netflix Official Site Miami Police Respond To Reports Of 'Alien' During Incident At Florida Mall $20 Trillion of U.S. Debt Visualized Using Stacks of $100 Bills Katt Williams Reflects On The Lengths He's Gone To Protect His Integrity — 'I've Had To Turn Down $50 Million Four Times' Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1787: Lifting Weights Is Best For Flexibility Mind Pump #2030: Mind Pump Trainer Highlight- Braydon Barrett MAPS Oldtime Strength Mind Pump #2010: Seven Reasons Your Workout Isn’t Working MAPS 15 Minutes Luna Physical Therapy TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram John Dorsey (@goob_u2) Instagram   Braydon Barrett (@looklikeyoulift) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Get the type of body you want for overall health in the new year. (1:50) The psychology of exhaustion. (25:25) A losing business strategy vs. brilliant publicity stunt. (28:32) Comedy gold. (31:52) Why does a company have to be everything? (35:13) How the MLM model is distasteful. (37:50) Beating Tetris. (49:29) Billionaire bunkers. (51:08) The importance and value of sodium for health-conscious individuals. (57:21) Shout out to Mind Pump’s 3-Day Trainer Series! (59:08) #Quah question #1 - In Episode 2239, you discussed the timing of Protein consumption. Do the same principles apply to water hydration? I typically hit my water intake goals by consuming half a gallon before noon. Is that adequate for hydration if I’m only drinking a few cups for the rest of the day? (59:48) #Quah question #2 - Is there much evidence for the benefits of the meat and fruit diet? Especially now considering the new research on max protein utilization. Have any of you guys ever tried it? (1:04:51) #Quah question #3 - For people just getting started like myself, what makes MAPS so effective? How do we understand when to change it up? I’d like to know the science of why it works. (1:09:11) #Quah question #4 - What's your guy's opinion on high-intensity training like how Mike Mentzer preached and then how Dorian Yates perfected it? (1:16:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Mind Pump #1835: Why Resistance Training Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Fat Loss And Overall Health Mind Pump #2197: Five Positive Changes In The Fitness Industry Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy The Complete Book of Running Mind Pump #2140: How To Choose The Best Gym For You Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Report Shows A Decade of Growth for Health Clubs, Gyms, & Studios Southwest Plus-Size Policy Offers up to a Full Row for Free Watch Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer | Netflix Official Site Lululemon Founder Sparks Backlash After Declaring Brand Is 'Not for Everybody,' Doesn't Want 'Certain Customers' Who WON? Infiltering An MLM SCAM: Coffeezilla VS Patrick Bet David (Valuetainment) PHP Insurance! 13-year-old boy becomes first person to beat original Tetris Mind Pump #1612: Everything You Need To Know About Sets, Reps & Rest Periods Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges To Build Muscle & Burn Fat Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Dave Chappelle (@davechappelle) Instagram Shane Gillis (@shanemgillis) Instagram Matt Rife (@mattrife) Instagram   Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
Bodybuilders are genetic anomalies. (1:15) The best examples of achievable ‘bodybuilder’ physiques. (2:49) The evolutionary theory behind the attractiveness of a ‘bodybuilding’ physique. (4:07) Can You Look Like a Bodybuilder Without Taking Steroids? (10:56) Five Things to Focus On: #1 – CONSISTENCY. (11:11) #2 - Progressive overload (when appropriate). (16:12) #3 – Strength. (22:22) #4 - The pump. (25:11) #5 - Balanced training. (28:55) The ultimate pathway to build the perfect physique. (31:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Special Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic or MAPS P.E.D. 50% off! ** Promo code BODYBUILDER at checkout ** Steve Reeves - Greatest Physiques Clarence Ross - Greatest Physiques How Larry Scott, the First Mr. Olympia, Changed Bodybuilding Forever Remembering The Bodybuilding Life of Sean Connery Mind Pump #1522: How To Stay Consistent With Your Diet & Workout Mind Pump #1282: The #1 Key To Consistently Building Muscle & Strength (Avoid Plateaus!) Mind Pump #1057: How To Get Stronger For Fat Loss & Muscle Building The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle-Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1790: The Secret To An Attractive & Functional Body Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The MOST effective thing you can do to get in shape is to hire a good trainer or coach. (2:21) Will A.I. solve everything in our lifetime? (22:06) Do cannabis users have higher heavy metals in their bodies? (29:45) Generational differences. (33:36) What makes a movie a sci-fi movie? (40:44) Repopulating your gut, the RIGHT way, with Seed. (44:44) Shout out to Mind Pump’s 3-Day Trainer Series! (46:47) #ListenerLive question #1 - Could you provide guidance on an appropriate diet for my goals of fat loss, muscle building, and strength for someone with a busy lifestyle? (47:34) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do I lose weight without losing strength? (58:20) #ListenerLive question #3 - Is it in my best interest to keep reverse dieting even though my weight might get kind of high and gain more fat? (1:08:39) #ListenerLive question #4 - What are some things I can do to raise my testosterone and keep improving my gains in the weight room? (1:20:51) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NCI is giving away one full-ride scholarship to all of NCI’s programs. Click this link to learn more and to apply. The winner gets chosen on January 15th. Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  The 2022 IHRSA Global Report | IHRSA Mind Pump #1492: Five Things To Look For In An Online Coach With Jason Phillips Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 French republican calendar Marijuana users have more heavy metals in their bodies | CNN New Study of Protein Powders from Clean Label Project Finds Elevated Levels of Heavy Metals and BPA in 53 Leading Brands How To Do The Work – Book by Dr. Nicole LePera The Creator - Apple TV Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS 15 Minutes How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism – Mind Pump TV Carb Cycling: A Good Way To Lose Fat? – Mind Pump Blog MAPS Powerlift Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP TV Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Dr. Stephen Cabral Nutrient Tests TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@nci_ceo_jason) Instagram Dr. Nicole LePera (@the.holistic.psychologist) Instagram Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
His background and how he got into what he is doing today. (2:01) The startling effects of Ambien on special operators. (19:17) Shifting the culture through his private practice. (26:33) “If you’re not sleeping well, you’re not repairing or preparing for tomorrow.” (33:22) The best treatments to decrease brain inflammation. (41:19) The demonization of psychedelics. (45:15) How did he get introduced to peptides? (1:01:28) We evolved to sleep. (1:03:09) Can you develop cortisol resistance? (1:07:50) What is causing the gradual decrease in men’s testosterone? (1:17:57) Peptides for better sleep. (1:20:29) His stress-free checklist for improved sleep. (1:25:17) The badest Seal he ever met and why. (1:37:12) The characteristics of a stellar Navy Seal. (1:40:04) Switching his resentment to a superpower. (1:43:38) His first experiences with psychedelics. (1:47:11) Not repeating the cycle of his parents with the raising of his children. (1:53:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Save $200 on the Pod Cover + FREE SHIPPING ** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Sleep to Win: How Navy SEALs and Other High Performers Stay on Top – Book by Dr. Kirk Parsley "Operator syndrome": A unique constellation of medical and behavioral health-care needs of military special operation forces TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. On Ambien-Popping SEALs: 'Falling Asleep During Transport Was Quite Common' Blast-related traumatic brain injury - The Lancet Neurology How To Increase Sensitivity And Density Of The Androgen Receptors? DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide): Benefits, Dosage & Risks TB-500 Peptide: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects - Jay Campbell Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds Take a Nap! Change Your Life. - Book by Dr. Sara Mednick Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 – Book by Marcus Luttrell Ketamine and Treatment-Resistant Depression Harmonie Stone, LMFT Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy Worksheet Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Peter Attia (@peterattiamd) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: DON’T think about zebras! If you want to change a behavior, you must replace it with something else first. (2:41) Sal gets personal with his struggles and distractions. (9:51) Why the guys do not like New Year’s resolutions. (22:09) A boy and his truck. (25:53) The next version of the vegan propaganda, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment. (30:20) What happens when people worship the wrong things. (36:04) What makes a piece of meat dry-aged? (39:59) How you slowly become a conspiracy theorist when you get chickens. (45:35) The best survival foods. (46:53) Sal’s joyful Christmas moment with his parents. (48:11) Caldera’s face serum can help reduce inflammation! (51:31) Shout out to Mind Pump’s 3-Day Trainer Series! (53:14) #ListenerLive question #1 - What is the most effective way to teach a group class? (54:48) #ListenerLive question #2 – Are the spin classes that I teach preventing me from reaching my goals? (1:15:06) #ListenerLive question #3 – How can I shift my mindset or goals to look forward to getting to the gym? (1:26:11) #ListenerLive question #4 - Why does my lower back get extremely tight and stiff after doing barbell back squats and RDLs? (1:38:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “ mindpump ” at checkout for the discount** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment - Netflix Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing: new study Visit Stress Guardian by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #2022: Lost Motivation To Workout? Do This… MAPS 15 Minutes Add Windmills to Your Workout to Increase Your Deadlift Strength – Mind Pump TV Kettlebell Kings Presents: Kettlebell Suitcase Carries – Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics MAPS Oldtime Strength For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Christopher M. Naghibi (@chrisnaghibi) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Squat University (@squat_university) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The two MOST important things to consider when picking a protein powder. (2:22) New product alert from Paleo Valley, Beef Tallow. (14:29) The guys journey with fast food. (16:45) Justin’s ‘incredible’ DMV experience. (29:31) Fun Facts with Justin: Dogs trained to drive. (31:28) Mind Pump’s holiday traditions. (33:36) Shout out to Mind Pump’s 3-Day Trainer Series! (53:58) #Quah question #1 - Do you think it would be detrimental for someone just to do Zercher squats and not to front squats? What are the unique benefits of each? (55:17) #Quah question #2 - Bulking is a chore. Is there any natural means of increasing appetite? (1:00:07) #Quah question #3 - You guys advocate for more “straight sets with proper rest” which I much prefer myself, but it seems difficult to achieve when it comes to training clients for only an hour. When you trained, did you stick to straight sets or more of a 1. ABC, 2. ABC circuit style? (1:05:18) #Quah question #4 - What are your thoughts on the best gut health supplements? (1:11:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  New Study of Protein Powders from Clean Label Project Finds Elevated Levels of Heavy Metals and BPA in 53 Leading Brands The World According to Monsanto (HQ) - YouTube The 22 Most Valuable Happy Meal Toys From McDonald's For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Build Your Legs with the Zercher Squat – Mind Pump TV BEST Front Squat Regression & Mobility Tips (START HERE) – Mind Pump TV Man v. Food: Kitchen Sink Challenge – (YouTube) Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** Mind Pump # 1952: How To Bulk The Right Way MAPS 15 Minutes Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
The difference between a holistic and traditional plastic surgeon. (1:55) How there are ‘turf wars’ in ALL of medicine. (5:47) Why did he almost leave medicine? (7:15) An example of when not to do surgery. (9:55) Why it is much harder to say NO to a patient than YES? (11:27) The importance of a health coach. (14:05) The supplements you want to avoid before surgery. (18:53) The do’s and don'ts for women post breast augmentation surgery. (20:18) The truth surrounding breast implant illness. (30:49) Why he is NOT a fan of butt implants. (39:42) How does he reconcile when surgery is NOT right for someone? (48:59) The most common surgeries men are getting. (52:42) When to get liposuction. (55:25) His take on peptides. (59:03) What can you do about thinning hair? (1:00:40) What procedures/treatments will he consider as he ages? (1:06:41) The evolution of his social media rise. (1:09:57) Medicine is NOT what it used to be. (1:15:11) His most rewarding patient. (1:22:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off** January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Younger for Life: Feel Great and Look Your Best with the New Science of Autojuvenation – Book by Dr. Anthony Youn Plastic Surgery Societies Issue Urgent Warning About the Risks Associated with Brazilian Butt Lifts Plastic Surgeons Use Abdominal Etching to Create Six Pack TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Telogen Effluvium: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Regrowth Hair Wellness from Within | Nutrafol Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Morpheus8 Benefits, Side Effects, Pain, How Long It Lasts | RealSelf The Swan (TV series) - Wikipedia Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Anthony Youn, MD, FACS (@tonyyounmd) Instagram Doctor Youn (@doctoryoun) Official TikTok Website Doctor Youn - YouTube
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The ULTIMATE form of exercise for longevity is STRENGTH TRAINING. (3:05) Make your ‘health retirement’ much brighter by lifting weights. (14:54) Lost opportunities and lessons learned along the way. (19:15) The problems with realtor influencers. (24:42) Chivalry is not dead. (38:08) Confronting the parents of the bully. (40:06) Red-light therapy can improve eyesight. (47:24) Why Ned’s products stand out above the rest. (53:00) Shout out to Boundless Kitchen by Ben Greenfield. (56:37) #ListenerLive question #1 - What can I do to maintain effective and varied programming within my time and energy constraints? (1:00:32) #ListenerLive question #2 - What program would you recommend running in the off-season of powerlifting? (1:14:01) #ListenerLive question #3 - When I hear you guys talking about bulking, cutting, and reverse dieting, it usually seems to be in the context of going from a high body fat percentage to a lower one. For a person (>30% body fat) how does this work? (1:22:46) #ListenerLive question #4 - Which MAPS program would be beneficial for someone who needs to maintain strength while doing a lot of endurance cardio as a full-time job? (1:33:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle  | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Marked irregular myofiber shape is a hallmark of human skeletal muscle ageing and is reversed by heavy resistance training Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act A school bully kept stealing my daughter’s lunch, so I laced her food with laxatives Light Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Lightbox, Floor & Desk Lamp), By Application, By Light Type (Blue Light, Red Light), By End-use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030 Boundless Kitchen: Biohack Your Body & Boost Your Brain with Healthy Recipes You Actually Want to Eat – Book by Ben Greenfield Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** Meepo Meals Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram James Smith (@jamessmithpt) Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Father Steve Grunow (@fatherstevegrunow) Instagram
Finding her person and having another baby. (1:37) How things will be different with her parenting this time around. (3:58) The evolution of her podcast. (6:14) I will not provoke an autoimmune disorder so that the public will feel better about the health of my baby.” (11:08) The state of her business. (16:58) Why did she step into the supplement world? (18:08) The importance of picking the right air filter. (20:18) Growing up in the Peterson household. (22:21) Her journey with taking and coming off medications. (25:00) Why she chooses to avoid the mainstream medical system. (33:33) Her experience with home births. (34:58) Does her daughter take after herself? (39:52) How she deals with having dual custody. (41:47) Bringing home boyfriends around her parents. (44:14) Being the gatekeeper of the Peterson brand. (46:42) Impacting the healthcare system. (50:00) All beef all the time. (51:30) Will ARC become an annual thing? (53:13) The importance and value of postpartum physical therapy. (56:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Listen To Mikhaila Peterson Podcasts | Mikhaila Peterson Mind Pump #725: Mikhaila Peterson’s Personal Account Of Treating Debilitating Disease Through Diet Fuller Health Home - Peterson Academy Love The Air You Breathe | Air Oasis® Watch The Business of Being Born | Prime Video Carnivore Chips - Carnivore Snax Welcome to ARC Luna Physical Therapy MAPS Starter   Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) Instagram Website Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: You can eat A LOT of protein at once or a little bit in small servings. It really DOESN’T make a difference, but there are things you want to consider. (1:59) New product alert from Organifi! Their FIRST EVER Kids product, Easy Greens!! (23:54) The challenges with getting kids to eat well. (26:05) New behaviors in the Mind Pump households. (30:26) The importance of hitting your protein targets. (33:20) When your kids hit your heartstrings. (39:34) Catching your parents in bed. (45:30) Sal showing off for the partners. (48:26) Is Adam warming up to the Cybertruck? (49:46) Favorite cars from childhood. (53:15) Shout out to Layne Norton! (1:03:14) #ListenerLive question #1 - Do you think there’s any benefit to working out under the influence of THC or any drugs that merely act on the mind? (1:04:36) #ListenerLive question #2 - I was thinking of sticking with Anabolic Advanced but occasionally swapping out some of the optional exercises to keep things fresh. What are your thoughts on this? (1:18:22) #ListenerLive question #3 - How much endurance cardio is going to be too much? How do I balance my love and OCR training and avoid injuries? (1:28:31) #ListenerLive question #4 – How would you implement MAPS Performance with young athletes (11-18)? (1:38:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** The anabolic response to protein ingestion during recovery from exercise has no upper limit in magnitude and duration in vivo in humans The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Twin research indicates that a vegan diet improves cardiovascular health Tesla Cybertruck spotted in matte black for first time - Electrek 1985 Toyota SR5 Pickup Signed By ‘Back To The Future’ Cast Comes With Its Own Hoverboard Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Save $150 on the Pod Cover. ** New take on runner’s high: Study explores how marijuana affects workouts MAPS 40+ MAPS Symmetry   MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS 15 Minutes   Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: DON’T avoid all the different types of reps because of some silly study! They ALL have value and can build muscle. (1:55) When the genetic anomaly meets the hardest worker in the room. (13:35) Would you rather be dumb or brilliant? (23:15) Tesla propaganda. (27:13) When company initiatives are about race rather than merit. (29:35) The education disruption is here! (38:27) Legacy media and social media are controlling you. (41:36) Meat dealing Butcher Box. (49:30) Will Sal get a vasectomy? (55:20) Shout out to BallerBusters! (59:02) #Quah question #1 - I’d like to be able to do a muscle up. What should I do to get to that point? (1:01:26) #Quah question #2 - The recommended daily allowance for protein is about .8 grams per KG of body weight per day (about 0.36 grams per pound of body weight) for optimum health. Tell us why they are wrong. (1:08:28) #Quah question #3 - What can be a daily routine for neck and back slouching? (1:14:51) #Quah question #4 - If you are regularly active, do you think sports massage is important? (1:18:46) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Why You Need to Mix Rep Ranges After Periods of Training - Mind Pump Watch Coach Prime - Season 2 | Prime Video    Futurism - Facebook Leaked IBM Training Shows Unhealthy Obsession with Demonizing White People: Report Elon Musk is funding a new school planning to open in Austin, Texas "Eat Less, Move More" Approach Doesn't Actually Work for Weight Loss, New Study Finds Mark Zuckerberg's $100M Hawaii compound has huge underground Visit Stress Guardian by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Why do we Need Protein? – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1490: How To Improve Your Posture Band Pull Aparts Mobility Session Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Chris Bumstead (@cbum) Instagram Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Elon Musk (@ElonMusk) Twitter Vivek Ramaswamy (@vivekgramaswamy) Twitter BallerBusters (@ballerbusters) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram
In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Mari Llewellyn, co-founder of Bloom Supplements. Mari’s origin story from being the problem to feeling good from the inside/out. (1:41) From going viral to kick-starting a successful business. (7:41) Her journey into weightlifting and healthy eating. (11:46) Her experience going ‘cold turkey’ off all her medications. (16:50) Reaching her full potential through exercise. (21:25) Meeting her partner and becoming the perfect team. (24:27) The idea behind the Pursuit of Wellness podcast. (29:05) In her baby-making era. (36:39) The process of scaling Bloom Nutrition Supplements. (38:56) The problems with the health & wellness space for women. (41:56) How Bloom made it into Target, its future exit strategy, and surviving COVID. (47:58) The mistakes made along the way. (57:34) The difference between feeling bloated and being well hydrated. (1:04:56) The evolution of social media, marketing for her business, and the podcast. (1:08:20) Her favorite, most memorable podcast guests. (1:14:39) Life-changing things done on her health journey. (1:23:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NCI is offering HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL for aspiring nutrition coaches. Click here for an unbelievable 78% OFF on their Exclusive Level 1 Certification Bundle! December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mari's newsletter Bloom Nutrition Creatine benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Mari Llewellyn (@marillewellyn) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram Paul Saladino (@paulsaladinomd) Twitter Thomas DeLauer (@thomasdelauer) Instagram Liver King (@liverking) Instagram  Jessie Inchauspé (@glucosegoddess) Instagram Dr. Mindy Pelz (@dr.mindypelz) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Motivation is bullshit, self-belief is EVERYTHING! (2:37) How Justin is using the Brain Blend from Ned for mental clarity and sharpness pre-podcast. (17:30) BPC-157 is the creatine of the peptide world. (19:40) Mind Pump gives back. (23:55) Fun Facts with Justin: Chlamydia in the Arctic. (33:11) Signs you need to add sodium. (34:25) Will we get to a place where we can engineer broccoli to taste like cake? (39:03) MAPS 40+ looks to be a sleeper hit. (43:13) Females kicking ass! (49:02) When mom’s away, dad holds down the fort. (50:55) Shout out to Josh Nickerson! (1:02:45) #ListenerLive question #1 - What direction do I need to go to keep pushing the dial toward being the athlete I can identify with again? (1:03:39) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do constant interruptions negatively impact sleep cycles? (1:23:30) #ListenerLive question #3 - What can I do to get my left side to match my ride side as far as mobility for the workout is concerned? (1:32:08) #ListenerLive question #4 - Do you think the full-body approach is still beneficial to an intermediate/advanced lifter? (1:42:09) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** UFC 296’s Tony Ferguson completes David Goggins’ ‘Hell Week’ training program, is ‘a changed man’ Eterna Health – Refer a Patient ** Mention MIND PUMP ** Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds New chlamydia species discovered deep under the Arctic Ocean Japan researchers develop electric chopsticks to enhance salty taste MAPS 40+ Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Mind Pump #2120: Signs Your Hormones Are Out Of Balance With Dr. Jolene Brighten Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! **Save $150 on the Pod Cover.** Add Windmills to Your Workout to Increase Your Deadlift Strength – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned David Goggins (@davidgoggins) Instagram Tony Ferguson (@tonyfergusonxt) Instagram Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram DR. SHAQUILLE O'NEAL Ed.D. (@shaq) Instagram Josh Nickerson (@mindpumpjosh) Instagram
Ten Tips for a Leaner Fitter Body After Age 40. (1:38) #1 - Use effective but less risky exercises (box squats, sled work, trap bar, unilateral work). (6:01) #2 - Go to bed and wake at the same time. (12:39) #3 - Cold rinse in the morning. (15:48) #4 – Eat high protein. (19:07) #5 – Drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of water. (22:07) #6 - No social media or news for the first 90 mins upon waking. (24:18) #7 - Gratitude before bed. (27:19) #8 - Box breathing before bed. (29:26) #9 – 5-minute movement every hour that you sit. (32:10) #10 - Eat easily digestible foods. (35:27) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Launch: MAPS 40+ ** Code 40LAUNCH at checkout ** Promotion ends December 24th, act now for $80 off + 2 FREE eBooks! Limited time offer exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners get a FREE at-home Vitamin D Test (just pay shipping & handling) + Health Coaching Call – Reserve yours today here December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** How to Box Squat to Improve Your Squat Form – Mind Pump TV How To Do The Sled Push The RIGHT Way! (AVOID MISTAKES!) – Mind Pump TV How to Trap Bar Deadlift – MP TV Mind Pump Unilateral Training Workout Mod The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1477: Is Social Media Killing Your Gains? MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Stan “Rhino” Efferding (@stanefferding) Instagram Kirk Parsley (@kirkparsley) Instagram Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: What you look at is what you see. (2:17) A toddler’s day can be ruined by ANYTHING. (15:00) The mystery Secret Santa list. (19:51) What ‘Quah’ stands for in the Urban Dictionary. (22:20) Kids say the darndest things. (23:22) Who has the higher body fat percentage, the average pig or American? (24:38) Southwest’s latest annoying policy move. (25:36) Why Seed stands above its competitors in the probiotic market. (34:10) Dolph Lungren, Sylvester Stallone/Richard Gere and petty pranks. (36:57) Do men lack vulnerability or stoicism more? (44:24) The market for men’s skincare is exploding thanks to Caldera. (57:58) Shout out to Bye Bye Barry on Prime Video and Mind Pump’s 3-Part Trainer Series. (1:03:45) #ListenerLive question #1 - Why am I “crashing” after a few weeks of cutting? (1:05:43) #ListenerLive question #2 - Am I too old to put on weight and gain size? (1:24:12) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any side effects with the peptide BPC-157? What should I expect to feel or notice? (1:38:30) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do you overcome the psychological aspects of reverse dieting? (1:51:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Special Launch: MAPS 40+ ** Code 40LAUNCH at checkout ** Promotion ends December 24th, act now for $80 off + 2 FREE eBooks! December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Parable of a Chinese farmer: How an ancient story resonates in today's hard times What a porker! Why pigs have got slimmer as humans get fatter Southwest Plus-Size Policy Offers up to a Full Row for Free Here's What Sparked The On-Set Fight Between Sylvester Stallone And Richard Gere Modern Wisdom Podcast: How Can Men Take Charge Of Their Lives? - Scott Galloway Watch Bye Bye Barry | Prime Video Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well – Book by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1342: The Top 4 Mistakes Skinny Guys (Hardgainers) Make Working Out For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds MAPS Fitness Performance   Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP For Mind Pump listeners only, Equi.Life is offering $120 off their Food Sensitivity Test. Click here for the special deal. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram