2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)  
Podcast: Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
Published On: Wed Feb 26 2025
Description: In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here is the ONE strength-building technique NONE of you are doing that is killing your progress. (2:27) The most important thing to consider when training your kids. (18:53) Turbocharge collagen production in your skin with red-light therapy. (27:40) Cluster vs. traditional sets. (29:17) Shout out to Ben Bruno! (33:32) Adam has a gift for numbers. (35:23) Look out for parasites! (38:10) The grossest thing you have dealt with as a parent. (41:14) The ultimate scam artist. (47:29) GHK-Cu benefits the skin. (50:55) #ListenerLive question #1 – Are my workouts too long? I am averaging 2 hours. (54:04) #ListenerLive question #2 – You guys always talk about ‘muscle memory’. Is there ‘fat’ memory? Would that explain weight gain and how easily people gain weight back? (1:06:51) #ListenerLive question #3 – How would you help someone lose over 100lbs and get absolutely jacked? (1:14:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Visit Luminose by Entera for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Cluster sets and traditional sets elicit similar muscular hypertrophy: a volume and effort-matched study in resistance-trained individuals Ben Bruno trainer post "Scamanda": All About the Viral Cancer Scammer Saga Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You are Overtraining Mind Pump #1297: 3 Ways to Know If Your Workout Is Not Right for You Mind Pump #1695: How to Lose 100 Pounds Mind Pump #2385: Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Trainer Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Brad Schoenfeld, PhD (@bradschoenfeldphd) Instagram Ben Bruno (@benbrunotraining) Instagram