New Feature - Enforcing Recommendation Sort Order

June 13th, 2024

Today's new feature was created thanks to feedback from several of our members. We wanted to extend a big thanks to them and remind everyone to send us your suggestions, we love to improve PodRocket based on your ideas!

Several of you noticed that when you added your recommendation feed to your favorite podcasting app, it did not show the episodes in the same order as they were on the PodRocket site. This is because most popular podcast apps sort episodes based on their published date as specified by the episode creator. The PodRocket recommendations show episodes in an order that is based on how closely the episode matches a user's preferences, so the most relevant episode shows first, regardless of the published date. Unfortunately, most podcast apps do not support changing this behavior.

New Feature

To address this issue, we created a setting that can be accessed via the "Settings" tab on the "Recommendations" page. When the "Enforce Recommendation Order" setting is enabled, PodRocket will generate a new publish date for each episode to ensure the recommendation order. The original published date will also be added to the episode description in your favorite podcasting app. When not enabled, the original published date will be used and you will see your recommendations sorted by their original published date.

We hope you enjoy this small improvement. Keep the suggestions coming!

The PodRocket Team

Podcast Discovery Challenges

May 16th, 2024

Site Launched!

In an era where audio storytelling is experiencing a renaissance, listeners have access to an unprecedented wealth of podcasts covering every imaginable topic. Yet, amidst this golden age of content, a paradox emerges: the more podcasts there are, the harder it becomes to discover the gems that resonate with our unique tastes and interests. The challenge of finding fresh and engaging content is more pronounced now than ever.

For newcomers to the world of podcasts, the initial hurdle is selecting which series to commit to and integrate into their regular listening routine. Although certain podcast apps permit listening to unsubscribed episodes, the shows you subscribe to will invariably shape your listening habits. Discovery often begins with personal endorsements — whether from friends, family, or colleagues — or serendipitous encounters in the media landscape. Venturing beyond these initial discoveries typically involves navigating the recommendation algorithms within podcast apps, which have significant limitations. They frequently rely on “Top X” charts, which can perpetuate a cycle of popularity, or simplistic and limited keyword searches that may not capture the essence of a podcast’s content. To further complicate matters, these suggestion mechanisms are “one size fits all”, never allowing for personalized preferences to be considered. Consequently, listeners may find themselves adrift in a sea of audio, missing valuable content simply because it hasn’t crossed their radar.

Once a listener has curated a selection of favored podcasts, a new challenge arises: the task of choosing which episodes to invest listening time in. Even the most avid podcast enthusiasts face the constraints of time, unable to consume the full breadth of episodes that populate their feeds. This abundance often leads to a random selection process, heavily swayed by the episodes that sit prominently at the top of their playlist. Such a method, while practical, inadvertently prioritizes content based on its queue position rather than its relevance or appeal to the listener’s interests.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of podcasting, innovation via artificial intelligence (AI) will dismantle the barriers to content discovery. Natural Language Processing (NLP), a sophisticated AI domain that deciphers the nuances of human language will be leveraged to create sophisticated discovery options. Through techniques like text and keyword extraction and sentiment analysis, NLP delves beyond mere titles and descriptions, offering a rich comprehension of a podcast’s essence. As these technologies mature, they promise to liberate listeners from the confines of their subscriptions, ushering in an era where the full spectrum of podcasts — once obscured — is made easily accessible. The future of podcasting, enhanced by AI, promises a new landscape of audio experiences that are more closely aligned with each listener’s individual interests and preferences.

Photo by Alberto Frías on Unsplash

Site Launched!

Site Launched!

May 1st, 2024

We are excited to announce that we have launched our site today. This is just the beginning, a glimpse of what the future holds. We have big plans for the future, but we need your help. Please explore our site and let us know what you think. In the coming days and weeks we will be adding more content and features, so please check back often.