Let Love
Let Love

God is Love. “Let Love” is about giving God permission in your life, letting go, and receiving the Love that frees you to live in the truth of who you are. In the Let Love podcast, join the Sisters of Life (www.sistersoflife.org) for conversations looking at life through the lens of love. You are loved. You are made in God’s image, and your life matters. Let’s talk about it.

Welcome back to the Let Love Podcast with the Sisters of Life! Join Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Veritas, and Sr. Annie Macule as this Lenten season as they explore the theme: 'Leisure: The Secret Weapon of the Spiritual Life.' Discover how taking leisure seriously can unlock your heart and transform your spiritual journey this Lent. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
Experience the joy of Life Fest with the Sisters of Life on January 23rd and 24th at Eagle Bank Arena in Fairfax, VA! Join us for an uplifting evening of praise, a vibrant morning rally, and a special Mass before the March for Life. This is a celebration of life you truly won't want to miss! For more information and to get your tickets, visit lifefestrally.com (lifefestrally.com) This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
In this final episode of the Advent season, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas discuss how the birth of Christ reminds us of the gift of our existence and the sacredness of every human life. The Sisters explain how honoring our dignity transforms the way we see ourselves and treat others. As we prepare for the coming of Christ, let us embrace the truth that we are good because God has chosen us and rescued us. Snippet from the Show  "God has spoken, God has come, and Christmas says, you're worth it, I'm here, you're good, and you're good enough that I would even become one of you." This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
All of us experience moments of poverty in different ways. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Anne Immaculée, and Sr. Veritas delve into the theme of poverty and explore how poverty and powerlessness can bring us closer to God. They share their own experiences of letting go and reflecting on the blessings hidden in our weaknesses. The Sisters challenge us to embrace our own poverty with trust and gratitude, finding deeper intimacy with Christ as we learn to depend on God. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension.  "God never wants us to be discouraged by our poverty in any way." If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
There is nothing that is beyond the mercy of God. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas discuss the unending mercy of God for each one of us as we stumble and fall because of our broken condition. The Sisters remind us that no matter our past, God's mercy is abundant, unwavering, and healing. By clinging to God's divine mercy in our darkest moments we can experience true freedom. Snippet of the Show “Jesus never accepted the sin. He always accepted the sinner." This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
How is our Blessed Mother connected to the Eucharist? Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas reflect on the significance of the Eucharist, emphasizing Mary's role in unlocking the gates to Jesus so that we can receive him more profoundly. The Sisters remind us that God wants to give us the same radical, obedient, and trustful openness in our hearts to him that Mary had throughout her life. Snippet of the Show “The mass is the great act of contemplation. Mary herself is the great contemplative.”- Cardinal O’Connor This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas explore the profound connection between reverence and chastity. Through lighthearted stories, insightful reflections on Cardinal O'Connor's teachings, and inspiring examples from the lives of saints, they explore how recognizing ourselves and others as "pearls of great price" can transform the way we live and love. Highlighting reverence for all creation—especially the human person—as the foundation of chastity, the sisters share practical tips for cultivating self-worth, seeing others through the lens of divine love, and embracing the truth that God loves you simply for who you are. Snippet of the Show "God loves you not for what you have done. God loves you not for what you can give. God loves you not for any burnt offerings, any sacrifices. God loves you because you are you." This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
In the first episode of their new season, the Sisters of Life—Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas—dive into the charism and mission of their community. Together, they explore what it truly means to 'look at the wonder of you,' reflecting on the teachings of their founder, Cardinal O’Connor, and unpacking the beauty of contemplation. The sisters share personal stories of struggles and triumphs in prayer, offering real-life insights into bringing God into every moment of the day. Join us for this inspiring season opener and discover how to invite God into your daily life! This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
The Sisters of Life are back, and they have an announcement for you! Join Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas, as they share some exciting news. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
It can be very easy to go into auto-pilot during Mass. If you have been going to Mass long enough, you may not even need to think about the words you say or the actions you take. However, did you know that at Mass, God is reaching out to you in a personal way? Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas reflect on the enormous impact that Mass can have on your life. They encourage each of us to enter more deeply into the Mass so that ultimately, we can enter into deeper friendship with the Lord. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
Every person experiences a need for healing whether it is physical, mental, or spiritual. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas explore the need for healing and why the Eucharist is the greatest source of healing. Using personal stories and reflections on Scripture, the Sisters encourage each of us to seek healing from God so that we may enter into great union with him. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
In Adoration, we allow Jesus to love us and delight in us. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas discuss how spending time with Jesus in prayer orders our hearts and renews us. The Sisters share with us real stories and practical advice to help us experience a fruitful Holy Hour. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
In Holy Communion, God seeks our friendship by inviting us to receive his infinite love for us. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas explain why receptivity plays an essential role in activating our faith and deepening our relationship with God. Together, they meditate on the sacredness of Communion and share how we can prepare our hearts to encounter God with reverence, gratitude, and joy. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
Do you ever feel like you’re not getting enough out of Mass? Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas unpack the spiritual riches of the Mass and encourage us to have faith in its power even if we struggle to grasp how it’s transforming us. The Sisters conclude by offering us practical tips on how we can appreciate the graces of the Mass more fully. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
The Eucharist reminds us that God doesn’t just want to be with us; he wants to dwell within us. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas begin this new season on the Eucharist by reflecting on the great gift of the Eucharist and its power to give meaning and purpose to every aspect of our lives. The Sisters conclude the episode by inviting us to allow Jesus to shape our lives by seeking him in his loving Eucharistic presence. This season of Let Love is produced in collaboration with Ascension. If you’d like to receive our weekly show notes, as well as occasional updates from the Sisters of Life, text LETLOVE (one word) to 33777 to be added to our email list.
Jesus rose in the dark. This is the Easter difference: whatever the experience of my life, it’s not the end of my story. Dead places now have potential for life.  In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas look at the Gospel of the Easter Sunday (Jn 20:1-9), and at the first team-effort post-Resurrection: Mary Magdalene runs to Peter and John, who then run to the tomb. We need each other. I can't interpret reality on my own. Others' gifts and gaps are not a threat to me but make up a rich story. The intersection of needs leads to glory. And if God can heal the division of death, how much more He wants to do that in our own lives, and between us. Resurrection is for you. Stay tuned for our next season, coming soon!
Nothing is little in the sight of Jesus. Nothing is wasted in His sight. The Master says to you, your suffering, your situation: “I have need of you."  In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas, and Sr. Lumen Gloriae unpack the Passion Sunday Gospel for the Procession with Palms (Mark 11:1-10). Jesus invites us to be with Him in friendship this week. Your being is a gift and nothing defines you but the Father’s love. We need to double up on truth. Our efforts of love towards each other cast out darkness; it's important to affirm the being of the other. Every heart is worthy of this reverence and honor. We can put up barriers to receiving. But Jesus shows us about allowing ourselves to receive the love of another.
My weakness and need can bless others. "Every weakness in our life is a near occasion of communion." - Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB.  In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas, and Sr. Catherine Joy Marie look at the Gospel of the Fifth Sunday of Lent (Jn 12:20-33), and talk about how Jesus entered into vulnerability and loneliness and made possible a new, profound communion with God and others. When we step into vulnerability together, lifting our eyes to Him, it's unlike any other experience of communion – it becomes the place of deepest friendship. Our prayer widens when we listen to each other. I can be caught up in what I bring forward, but is there space in my life for others to bless me? And will I let both my weaknesses and gifts bless others? Join us on Mondays for Season 13: Let's Do Lent Together!
If you have any hint of despair, discouragement, or are feeling stuck, or things are not going as you thought they would be — the Father is saying today to you: "I love you; I see you." In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, Sr. Marie Veritas, and Sr. Catherine Joy Marie look at the Gospel of the Fourth Sunday in Lent, exploring how Jesus is the light and desires to meet us in places of darkness (Jn 3:14-21). We settle for a flashlight and God wants to give us the sun. Jesus comes to save us - that's what He wants.  He desires to come into your personal hell and lift you up. Every heart is created with a crave for God. He wants to satisfy our deepest longing, and He allowed Himself to be wounded so there is a way for us to come into His Heart.
You are important to Jesus. Every detail of your life is important to Him. You are worth fighting for. In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas are joined by Sr. Lumen Gloriae as they look at the Gospel of the Third Sunday in Lent, uncovering the mystery of Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple (Jn 2: 13-22). Jesus is passionate about anything that gets in the way of our access to the Father. He is always motivated by love, and He is fighting for us - will we let Him in? Proceeding every conversion is a readiness for change, and communion with God and one another is an incalculable treasure worth fighting for. Be not afraid! Join us on Mondays for Season 13: Let's Do Lent Together!
God wants to talk to you. He wants to be in conversation with you, in the real reality of your life. And He invites you to encounter Him not just solo, but with friends. In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas look at the Gospel of the Second Sunday of Lent (Mk 9: 2-10), and how communication is at the heart of life - how we're constantly being invited into the conversation of heaven. Being in communion with Jesus and each other is more natural and authentic to our humanity than anything else. And being listened to opens up new worlds in the heart. You can listen someone back to life.  Join us on Mondays for Season 13: Let's Do Lent Together!
The whole point of Lent is communion with God and each other. We're not meant to be alone. In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas look at the Gospel of the First Sunday of Lent (Mk 1:12-15), and how Jesus gravitates to our places of darkness and temptation and unifies Himself with us there. He's unashamed to be with us; He does battle for us, to bring us good news and to heal division. Renewal comes from a preoccupation with unity - allowing ourselves to be unified with Our Lord in the desert, and with our brothers and sisters, changes the game. Join us on Mondays for Season 13: Let's Do Lent Together!
The secret to peace is a Woman who is both little and sovereign. Your peace matters to her - she understands your sadnesses and aches, desires and longings... and so, through the power of her Son, she crushes the serpent's head. She never takes her gaze off of you.  In this episode, Sr. Marie Veritas, Sr. Mary Grace, and Sr. Ann Immaculée look at the First Reading of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: Numbers 6:22-27, and discuss the power of a mother's love, dispel misconceptions about Mary, and talk about how her purity makes her not distant, but actually closer to us. And, as special New Year's gift to you, this episode includes a new Sisters of Life original song, "Song to Mary: Blessed Union". We hope it blesses you! You are in our prayers this New Year's Day! Stay tuned for Season 13, our Lenten podcast!
Peace is a person, and He comes for you, personally, intentionally, today. He's not afraid of our mess. God comes into our ache. In this episode, Sr. Marie Veritas, Sr. Mary Grace, and Sr. Ann Immaculée look at the First Reading of Christmas Mass During the Night (Midnight Mass): Isaiah 9:1-6, and talk about how the Infant Jesus is fighting for our hearts, fighting for our peace. And, as special Christmas gift to you, this episode includes a new Sisters of Life original song, "Yeshua, Save Me". We hope it blesses you! Know that you and your intentions are in our prayers this Christmas Day! Join us on Mondays for Season 12: Prepare for Peace - Walk With Us This Advent and Christmas!
Jesus not only wants to heal us and set us free - He wants to exalt our souls! In this episode, Sr. Marie Veritas, Sr. Mary Grace, and Sr. Ann Immaculée look at the First Reading of the Third Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 61:1-2A, 10-11, and chat about how God wants to give us more than we can ever imagine. Join us on Mondays for Season 12: Prepare for Peace - Walk With Us This Advent and Christmas!
We don’t have to be afraid of our desires for big things. In this episode, Sr. Marie Veritas, Sr. Mary Grace, and Sr. Ann Immaculée unpack the First Reading of the Second Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11. They chat about how God helps us see in our hearts what’s obstructing our view of Him and how He makes a way in the deserts of our lives - making possible what is impossible. Join us on Mondays for Season 12: Prepare for Peace - Walk With Us This Advent and Christmas!
The Father is holding my story, even when it doesn’t feel like it. In this episode, Sr. Marie Veritas, Sr. Mary Grace, and Sr. Ann Immaculée unpack the First Reading of the First Sunday of Advent: Is 63: 16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7, and wrestle with the tension of God’s providential care and the human experience of sorrow and difficulty. God promises us that He is going to show up, He’s going to be Father, but it might be suprising. Nobody expected a baby in a manger. Often, He gives peace in a way we’re not expecting. Join us on Mondays for Season 12: Prepare for Peace - Walk With Us This Advent and Christmas!
Where you are peace-less, look up - that’s where He is coming. Where I can’t, He comes. In your need is the next encounter, so do not be afraid! "I can’t" isn't the end of the story - it’s the beginning of Advent. Believe that peace is possible. Join Sr. Marie Veritas, Sr. Mary Grace, and Sr. Ann Immaculée as we dive into the First Reading from the Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17. God’s peace wants to irrigate every place of our hearts. Join us on Mondays for Season 12: Prepare for Peace - Walk With Us This Advent and Christmas!
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Maris Stella SV, chats with Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly. *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei, SV, chats with the Cabrera Family, after receiving the Knights of Columbus International Family of the Year award! *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei, SV, chats with Shawn Williams, Senior Vice President of Field Management Agency Distribution for the Knights of Columbus. *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei, SV, chats with Mark McMullen, senior vice president for Membership & Marketing for the Knights of Columbus. *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei, SV, chats with Archbishop William Lori, Knights of Columbus Supreme Chaplain. *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei, SV, chats with Dennis Gerber (Senior Director of Charitable Giving and President of the Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund) *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Conversations from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, August 1-3rd, 2023. Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Maris Stella chat with Brian Caulfield (Postulator for the Cause of Bl. Michael McGivney) *Coming Soon - SEASON 12: "PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us this Advent" (Monday, November 27, 2023)
Listen in for an exciting update about LET LOVE podcast! In addition to this special announcement, we wanted to let you know that we're beginning the release of a special season tomorrow - "Created for Greatness: The Call of Every Man", featuring our conversations with the Knights of Columbus at their Supreme Convention, August 1-3, 2023. And stayed tuned for Season 12: PREPARE FOR PEACE: Walk with us in Advent, which will begin Monday, November 27, 2023!
In Lent, God revealed His desire to bring more life into our lives. In Holy Week, Jesus comes to us, right where we are and has said the final word. We can believe in the power of the Resurrection and welcome the joy of new life. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we claim the Easter difference together. Be not afraid. This is just the beginning.
In Holy Week, Christ is waiting to receive us. He is here wherever we find ourselves. There is no suffering Christ has not entered and not a moment He is not with us. This is good news. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we look at what this Holy Week entails. We're being invited to be with Him as the Father holds nothing back from us.
We're in the the last week of Lent and on the onramp to Holy Week. We all need to hold onto Someone and these days, it's a dare to trust. We need not fear because we are on a first name basis with God. In this week, we discover that there is life for me in the darkness. Do I believe Jesus can do it? Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we continue the journey together and find joy and strength in calling on His Name. He who claims to be the Life and the Resurrection is with us.
God is in our midst and in the day to day Jesus passes by. He finds us where we are and he is inviting us to see reality through His eyes. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we ponder the process of being made new in Jesus Christ and together let the Light break in. Lets look for God's wonders.
God is inscribed everywhere and Lent is a season of hope. He is asking for the heart of your heart and we have the chance to turn it over to Him. He is that place we are looking for. Christ thirsts for our misery and He starts where we are today. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we ask together 'Where is God seeking to meet me?' Because Jesus wants to go to the depths of who you are.
There is a gift given in the desert without conditions. Jesus wants to reveal Himself to us and let His glory into our life. Because our heart has been God claimed and we can stay where we are - loved, beloved, belonging. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we together lean into the certainty of Him who says to each of us today “Rise and look at Me.” We are made for glory and it awaits us in the desert.
We need the desert. Jesus was driven there by love and has claimed our deserts as His own. We have the gift of a new way and its about a Spirit-reliance. The Spirit wants to give us gifts and is waiting to flood our heart in the desert. Join us as we launch into the First Week of Lent together and seek the oasis of the Word.
Its the Monday before Lent. Ash Wednesday is coming up. And the desert is rich. There are profound gifts, personal gifts for you that Jesus is inviting you to claim. This place is loaded with gifts and God is giving us the blueprint of how to be human again. Good things happen when we let go. Join us for this new Season as we journey together in Lent and look at the One who is going with us in and throughout this journey: Jesus Christ.
Jesus is not virtual, He actually came. We have a Savior, He's here and He wants in. In Jesus we find all the grace we need. God is now accessible to all and in Him we have received everything. God has now opened Himself up totally to a relationship with us and in Him we find the way in our lives. This Advent Season has been all about opening the doors of our hearts that He may come. We have become aware of places we’re poor and now is the time to stay open and come close to Jesus, who can fit right in and bring new life. It's real, it's an awesome gift. Join us as we break open the mystery together.
This Episode is what life is all about. We're talking about the theme of Love. Its what we want the most and its the perfect prep for Christmas. Love is a person and He is coming. At the heart of this journey is a profound invitation; will we choose to welcome Love into our unique journey? Join us in this last week before Christmas, where there is anticipation, preparations and the unexpected happens!
We are beginning to taste the promised Joy of Christmas. There is an invitation to hold fast to these final weeks we look forward to Jesus coming anew into our lives. We’ve committed to this journey and here lies a new invitation. Ponder with us as we consider the deeper joys on this journey of freedom. It takes faith, trust and courage. Join us as we take this next step of faith together.
When it comes to living in peace, we all get tested. It's a battle everyday and it needs to be claimed. How do we bring life and love into situations that lack peace? How can we bring something new to these situations? How do we stay in peace? Its easy to get irked. That's why we're talking about this. Advent is a journey into that deeper interior peace that we all long for. Peace is a Person, and He is with us. This is at the centre of human heart - we long for deep, real, satisfying peace. Let's talk about it.
Life is a surprise. Advent teaches us that the journey of faith is not a straight line. It's not what we expect and far beyond we can measure, figure out and plans for. In creation, in the exchange of gifts at Christmas, in the presence being with each other - all the time, every day, we see the surprising ways of God and of grace. Join us as we talk about stories that show us what it means to let God surprise us and how it blesses us. Let's hit the reality that God wants to surprise us this Advent. He wants to surprises with deep profound gifts of his love and the ultimate gift of his son. Are our hearts ready?
We invite you to join us as we journey through Advent together! For the first time we will walk, week by week, as we discover what is held out to us in this special season of grace. It's a unique time to prepare for the coming of Jesus. Marked by desire, thirst and longing - we’re reminded that we need a Savior  and can rejoice that we have one. It's a time to wait, because I know there is someone who loves me, wants to save me. Theres a point to this journey and we're on our way. Join us.
We’ve been praying. But sometimes it seems like God doesn't answer us. I can't hear God and it doesn't seem to work. What now? A lot of life is living right here. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace for a candid conversation on going to Mary and leaning on her. It's the place of strength and she leads us to Jesus who is the Way.
We’re born thirsty for love. We need a Word to give direction, to satisfy the thirst in every heart for something more. The Father has answered in Jesus. His Word is Love and shows us how to get home, how to live & how to find answers. Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we talk about the Word we all need.
Life can be hard and there is pressure to lose hope. At the heart of every experience is the question: who is with me? Is God for real when He promises that He is? It's a bold question that takes a bold response. Join Sr. Agnus Dei & Sr. Mary Grace as we talk about the difference it makes when we center our life around His Life in the Eucharist. It's the love we want  - total, unsparing, self sacrificing, given, will not and cannot be taken back or taken away. This is Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.  It does exist.
We are always preparing for something. We all have routines. What about prayer?  Prayer involves all of us. We are preparing for the relationship, connection and communion that we thirst for most. How can I prepare my heart? What does that look like practically? What's God up to in this whole reality? Join Sr. Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we chat about "getting in the zone."
Trust has to do with everything. There's a lot of trust involved in life and in prayer. What we experience in life, we can carry with us into prayer and into our relationship with God. Trust makes us vulnerable, but God doesn't let us down. We are not alone. Join Sr. Marie Agnus Dei & Sr. Mary Grace as we talk about inviting Jesus in and letting Him show up.
There is no thirst that you bring to God that will not be satisfied. Join Sr. Marie Agnus Dei and Sr. Mary Grace as we dive into this new season talking about 'How to Pray.' Why Pray? Because we are thirsty. There is a Source and there is Someone who wants to satisfy us. Let's get connected.
SEASON 8: HOW TO PRAY...Episode 1 coming soon: Monday, September 19!
Being a saint is about becoming who you are. Holiness is about letting Love be unleashed in our lives. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about what holiness is, how we can live it, and some examples we see of real sanctity.
Every stage of life can sanctify us, if we let it. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how God is with us in each moment - in the vulnerabilities and uncertainties of childhood, adulthood, and old age - and how we can give our hearts and minds space to learn how to let Love unfold the beautiful within us.
There are a lot of ways to "do life." How do you live? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV unpack what intentional living looks like: we can either approach leadership, home, work, relationships, and God with a stance of control, fear, or indifference, or we can let Love unfold the beautiful in us by approaching it all with an attitude of receptivity, love, and craftsmanship.
Laughter lets Love in. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how true humor can open us up to God and help us see reality with fresh eyes.
You are unique and unrepeatable, and no one can replace you. God wants you to be you. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let Love be the source of our identity, the dangers of comparison and discouragement, and practical ways of how we can lean into being ourselves in the day-to-day.
The beauty of being human is the beauty of being called to closeness with God. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can draw closer to God, and how we can let Love cultivate the entirety of our persons and make us whole.
Love makes life beautiful. We’re made in the image of Love, of the One who died and rose, and we won’t find fulfillment in anything but this Love. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let the beauty of self-sacrificial love flourish us and make us freer and more truly ourselves.
Life is messy and beautiful. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the tension we experience between our weakness and our goodness, how God's mercy finds and claims the sparkle in every mess, how we can let God's merciful love both keep us beautiful and allow us to see the beauty of the other before us.
What is my relationship with time? How can I live in God's time, and not be bullied by pressures and fears? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how our culture views time, the Christian understanding of time, and how we can let Love meet us in each present moment.
God entrusts His beauty to us; and so, we are all artists, just by nature of being human. How is He calling me to radiate that beauty? How is His beauty going to be made incarnate in my life? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how we can let Love sing His song in and through us, the vulnerability and paschal power of the creative process, and how creativity helps us to become more truly ourselves in God.
Our need for God is beautiful. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the power and necessity of prayer, rest, and listening, and how these let Love have real space in our hearts and our lives. (*As a separate note: We unite our hearts and prayers to yours in praying for peace for our world.)
We've been made in the image and likeness of a God who is Beauty. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how deeply we desire beauty, how we can let Love unleash His beauty in us, and how we are called to make of our lives a masterpiece in Him.  [Season 7: The Beauty of the Human Person]
We all want to be in relationship, to love and be loved. If you boil down what it means to actually live The Gospel of Life, it is this: to enter every situation asking, "What does love look like here?" In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how to live fruitful, vulnerable relationship, how action follows being, and how we can confidently let the gaze of the Father's Love transform and redeem every circumstance.
God is not distant; He is close to us, and He tells us: "Do not be afraid." In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the conclusion of The Gospel of Life, looking at Mary's "yes", the reality of the spiritual battle against evil, and our own call to let Love live His mystery within us. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the conclusion of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions*! *There has been a significant delay in posing the reflection questions. Thank you for your patience!
How is God calling you to love? How is He calling you to bring life to this world? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV look at the second part of Chapter 4 of The Gospel of Life, and talk about how the love of each person is unique and unrepeatable, and about the different ways that we can let Love build a culture of life in and through us. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 4 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions*! *There has been a slight delay in posing the reflection questions. Thank you for your patience!
Your love can actually change the world. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV dive into Chapter 4 of The Gospel of Life, and talk about evangelization, and how we are called to let Love and Life radiate through us, so that every person we encounter might experience the goodness of their own life and the gift of God's divine Life. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 4 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions*! *There has been a slight delay in posing the reflection questions. Thank you for your patience!
We all want to know that someone is going to be there for us, no matter what. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV expand upon Chapter 3 of The Gospel of Life, and talk about how we can let Love into one of the most vulnerable times of life: the end of life. They break open the reality of treating the whole person, the Christian view of death and dying, the sacred gift of the person, the Christian meaning of human suffering, the freedom to love, and the power of vulnerability and compassionate presence. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 3 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions*! *There has been a slight delay in posing the reflection questions. Thank you for your patience! For more end-of-life resources, visit: https://sistersoflife.org/end-of-life/
We all want to do something great with our love. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV expand upon the first part of Chapter 3 of The Gospel of Life by sharing about the incredible privilege of walking with a woman who is pregnant, how to receive and accompany her heart, and how we can let Love turn a crisis into an invitation to newness.  We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 3 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions*! *There will be a slight delay in posing the reflection questions. Thank you for your patience!
Love is the answer to every cry of our hearts. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV dive into the final part of Chapter 2 of The Gospel of Life, and talk about how we can let Love into all the hard places in our lives, and how Jesus desires to transform us through His Cross and Resurrection. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 2 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions!
God made you intentionally. And He desires to be received by you. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV unpack more of Chapter 2 of The Gospel of Life, looking at we can let Love reveal to us the beauty of the whole trajectory of our lives, and how every person is part of God's plan. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 2 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions!
Jesus shows us that life is always a good, and that our life "is a gift carefully guarded in the hands of the Father". In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV break open the first part of Chapter 2 of John Paul II's The Gospel of Life, talking about how we can let Love explain the reason for our being, and how God longs to unite Himself to each of us forever. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 2 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions!
What is the vision I’m living for? How do I see my life? Jesus went to the broken bottom of your life and mine, and he brought Redemption. We have a choice to accept this life, and to bring our day-to-day into the eternal gaze of His love. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV take a look at the second part of Chapter 1 of The Gospel of Life, talking about how we can let Love give us a true vision of reality and about how we can only understand ourselves in light of God.  We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 1 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions!
We are created in the image of God's own eternity, yet we so often experience a shadow of meaninglessness cast over our lives. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV dive into the first part of Chapter 1 of The Gospel of Life, and talk about how we can let Love lean into the hard questions, with reverence for our own hearts and experiences. God illumines, not to condemn, but in order to heal, to bring hope, and to allow us to receive His gift of life more deeply. We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Chapter 1 of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions!
If you need a new optic on life, or if you're looking for hope, this is the season for you. God doesn't want us to live less than the flourishing He's made us for. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV begin to unpack the incredible beauty of St. John Paul II's letter, The Gospel of Life, and talk about how we can let Love open up for us the wonder of each human person, made in God's image and likeness. Because the time we're in today is the time of The Gospel of Life... and the light wants to shine in the darkness.  We invite you to bring others along with you in this journey of unpacking The Gospel of Life. Share it with your family, friends, parish group, or Bible study! If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to join us in reading the Introduction of The Gospel of Life, and to think and pray with the reflection questions!
Prayer is not a generic task to be accomplished, but a unique relationship of love with God. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV chat about how the ultimate goal of our lives is union with God, tips on starting/sustaining a prayer life, and how we can let Love be in constant conversation with our hearts, even if we can't feel His presence. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH] Join us again for Season 6, starting in Fall 2021! We look forward to being with you. Know of our prayers for you and your family at this time. God bless you. We also continue to be grateful for your feedback! https://sistersoflife.org/let-love-podcast/feedback/ www.sistersoflife.org
Jesus' Heart reveals to us our identity, and is the answer to every question of our hearts. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let Love open His Heart to us, and how we can bring all of our needs, desires, and struggles to Him. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
St. Joseph is powerful... because he let Love be his core strength. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let Love teach us, through St. Joseph, about prayer, silence, and trust. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
Our worth comes from who we are, not what we do. Work is meant to uphold our dignity and bring us closer to God, not degrade us or alienate us from ourselves. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the spirituality of work and rest, how we can let Love flourish and integrate us through our work. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
Mary is a real mom. And she cares about us. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas SV, talk how we can let Mary be our mother, and how we can let Love work through her in our lives.  [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
There are no dead ends with the Holy Spirit. Whatever mess we may find ourselves in, we can always look up and say, "Come, Holy Spirit!" In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV chat about how we can let the power of Holy Spirit - Love - be our core strength and make us new. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
Love invites us to let go of control... so He can answer the cry of our hearts. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV share about their lives and missions, and talk about the power of vulnerability: how we can let Love fill all our needs, and turn our weaknesses into places of blessing and encounter. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
Our souls stay healthy when we stay connected to God. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV chat about the awesomeness of our capacity as human persons to hear and follow God’s voice, and how we can let Love fill and guide our choices. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
We are made to be free. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let Love actually increase our freedom - how integration, virtue, and spiritual childhood strength us in freedom to love, freedom for excellence, and freedom for happiness.  [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
We all want to be happy. How do we find true happiness? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how giving God primacy in our lives - letting Love be Lord - is the secret to living the happiness we are made for. They offer three key questions to reflect on: Where is my attention? What am I reaching out for? To what am I giving primacy? [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
We're looking for a love that is certain. And we're all seeking, in our own way, to stand tall, to finish the race, to be strong. But we can wonder: Am I doing this right? Can I do this? Am I enough? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about what it means to let Love hold the full weight of our hearts, and how the Beatitudes are the ultimate recipe for deep, unshakeable security. [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
We all want to be whole. We want to be able to live from the core of who we are. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV take a look at Season 5: how we can exercise our interior - will, mind, heart - to be vulnerable to God's Love, what it means to live a life of beatitude, and how we can let Love fuel our decisions and our relationships.  [Season 5: LET LOVE BE YOUR CORE STRENGTH]
We've been made for love - nothing else is going to satisfy our hearts. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the universal call to holiness; living love through marriage, the priesthood, and the consecrated life; and about how we can let Love be fruitful in our lives, where ever we may find ourselves. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.] Join us again for Season 5, starting on Monday, April 12, 2021! We look forward to being with you. Know of our prayers for you and your family at this time. God bless you. We also continue to be grateful for your feedback! https://sistersoflife.org/let-love-podcast/feedback/
Don't despair of your goodness. You are a gift, and your love is meant to bless the world. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we find ourselves by making a gift of ourselves, and how we can let Love speak into those painful places where we been rejected in our gift or where we are tempted to feel like we don’t have anything to give. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
What does it mean to relate rightly to myself? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the incredible fact that we are, what healthy self-love looks like, and how we can let Love meet us in all our gifts and gaps.  [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
Words can bless and words can hurt. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about talking - what it means to communicate ourselves and to receive others, and how we can let Love fill and transform our dialogue, communication, and conversations (even hard conversations) [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
We need each other. But life is messy. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about what it means to live in right relationship with others, and how we can let Love free us to live true to who we are, to others, and to God. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
God has given you an incredible capacity to love. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about what it means to be mothers and fathers in the image of God's own love, how we can let Love flourish us in our call to bring spiritual life to others. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
We all want 'happily ever after'. We want to know that we are capable of and worthy of a life-long "yes". In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how the human heart is made for faithful, committed love, and how we can let God who is Love draw us into His own fidelity, whether we are waiting to commit ourselves, engaged, or "in it to win it."  [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
Am I my brother's keeper? In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we have been entrusted to one another as brothers and sisters, and how we can let Love open our eyes to see each other as a gift, not a threat. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
You belong. Because to be is to be son. To be is to be daughter. To be is to be loved. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how we can let Love reveal our fundamental identity as God's beloved sons and daughters. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
Ladies, being beautiful is being yourself. You are deeply cherished, chosen, and loved. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how women can let Love reveal their identity as daughters, sisters, brides, and mothers, and about how a woman's superpower lies in her incredible capacities of receptivity, sensitivity, and generosity.  [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
Gentlemen, we believe in you. The world is crying out for you to be who you are. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how men can let Love reveal their identity as sons, brothers, spouses, and fathers, and about the incredible power men have to unleash love and to safeguard the mystery of women. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.]
Welcome to Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE! In this season, we'll be exploring identity, mission, vocation, and relationships - ultimately, what it means to be men and women made in the image and likeness of God - a God who is Love. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about the fundamental questions of the human heart: Who am I? Is my life good?  Where am I going? and how we can let Love write the story of our lives.
There are times when we just feel lost in life. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how Love never stops seeking us, and how we can always let Him find us, no matter our situation. Join us again for Season 4, starting on December 21, 2020! We look forward to being with you. Know of our prayers for you and your family at this time. We also continue to be grateful for your feedback! https://sistersoflife.org/let-love-podcast/feedback/
You are good. Your life deserves reverence. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let Love speak the truth of our identity to us, and how we can reject the lies that steal our peace.
We can always lean our full weight on Jesus. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV unpack the radical power of Baptism, and speak about how we can let Love be the fortress and foundation of our lives and hearts.
God thinks you're necessary. And He not only loves you - He likes you. But we're living in a time where the spirits of self-contempt and despair are easy to fall into. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we can let Love keep us in reality - the reality that I’m created, chosen, and loved by God.
Love is powerful. It changes everything. Nothing is lacking where love is given. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak of how we can let Love be the power that fills us and radiates out from us to a thirsting world. "Christ gives [us] two basic certainties: the certainty of being infinitely loved, and the certainty of being capable of loving without limits." -Fraternal Life in Community #22
You have a future and a hope. Darkness does not and will not have the final word. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about how we have been given hope in the person of Jesus Christ, and how we can throw our anchor into the heart of God and let Love save us.
God takes our word seriously. We're all called to give our unique 'yes'. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak about how each of us is created as an unrepeatable gift of love, and how we, like Mary, can let ourselves be overshadowed by Love, to let this gift of who we are radiate to the whole world.
Jesus is not afraid to come close to us. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak of how we can receive the love God wants to give, and how we can let Him give us His power to love in any circumstance.
Our thoughts affect how we live. God doesn't want us to live plagued by darkness. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV speak of how we can let the light of God's love fill our minds and steward our thoughts, setting us free and helping us to see.