Episode 96: S13 Episode 3: YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR
Episode 96: S13 Episode 3: YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR  
Podcast: Let Love
Published On: Mon Mar 04 2024
Description: You are important to Jesus. Every detail of your life is important to Him. You are worth fighting for. In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas are joined by Sr. Lumen Gloriae as they look at the Gospel of the Third Sunday in Lent, uncovering the mystery of Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple (Jn 2: 13-22). Jesus is passionate about anything that gets in the way of our access to the Father. He is always motivated by love, and He is fighting for us - will we let Him in? Proceeding every conversion is a readiness for change, and communion with God and one another is an incalculable treasure worth fighting for. Be not afraid! Join us on Mondays for Season 13: Let's Do Lent Together!
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