Episode 21: S4 Episode 12: MADE FOR LOVE
Episode 21: S4 Episode 12: MADE FOR LOVE  
Podcast: Let Love
Published On: Mon Mar 08 2021
Description: We've been made for love - nothing else is going to satisfy our hearts. In this episode, Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV talk about the universal call to holiness; living love through marriage, the priesthood, and the consecrated life; and about how we can let Love be fruitful in our lives, where ever we may find ourselves. [Season 4: LET LOVE TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.] Join us again for Season 5, starting on Monday, April 12, 2021! We look forward to being with you. Know of our prayers for you and your family at this time. God bless you. We also continue to be grateful for your feedback! https://sistersoflife.org/let-love-podcast/feedback/