Sober Powered: The Neuroscience of Being Sober
Sober Powered: The Neuroscience of Being Sober

Being sober isn't a punishment. Sober life is not a last resort for weak-willed losers who aren't strong enough to figure it out. You can be sober without feeling deprived or left out. Millions of people wake up with another hangover and Google, "how do I know if I'm an alcoholic?". We get stuck on the label and the stigma, when instead we should be asking ourselves, "is alcohol making me miserable?" and "would I be happier if I quit drinking?" In the Sober Powered Podcast, Gill, a former biochemist turned sober coach, walks you through the latest research on alcohol use disorder using her own sober story as a case study along the way. The science of how alcohol affects the brain can help you depersonalize your drinking experience so you can finally say goodbye to your hopes and dreams of moderating someday (because you clearly can't moderate!). Getting sober doesn't mean you are a weak-willed loser with no self-control, it simply means you are a person who can't drink. Your brain loves it too much and you are too hardcore. Each episode features in depth explanations of what is going on in the brain along with the tools and mindset shifts that Gill works on with her clients to help them accept being sober, let go of shame, and learn the coping skills required to manage stress and emotions sober -in the hopes of helping you do the same. Website:

You probably expect that the more sober time you have, the less you crave alcohol. That’s true for some people, but others experience an effect called incubation of craving. This is where cravings build up over time and peak around 60 days, then again around 6 months sober. In this episode, I’ll explain the research on incubation of craving, what you might experience, why this happens, and what you can do to stay sober. What to listen to next: E231: Everything You Need to Know About Alcohol Withdrawal E247: Sober Sleep is the Best Sleep, But Not Right Away E249: Alcohol and Cortisol: Increased Stress and Cravings E265: Rewiring Your Reward System After Getting Sober E266: What Happens After Dry January? Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Regular drinking and early sobriety often feel like living on autopilot, where we are repeating the same routines without conscious awareness. Alcohol changes the brain to increase mindless activity, which can lead to rumination, excessive self-focus, anxiety, and addiction-related thought loops. In this episode, you’ll learn about how alcohol affects the brain and puts us on autopilot, how this keeps us stuck, and when this recovers in sobriety. Many people mistake life stress as the main source of overwhelm, but a lot of it actually comes from how alcohol disrupts brain function.  What to listen to next: E220: The Hippocampus and Alcohol: Blackouts, Memory Deficits, and Learned Associations E191: Going Back and Forth Makes Your Cravings Stronger E238: Why Moderation Doesn't Work Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Making new friends as an adult is difficult enough, but when you're sober, it adds an extra layer of difficulty. In this episode, we're talking about how to find friends in sobriety with a focus on what's the block from putting yourself out there, what do we have control over, how much armor do we have up, a fear of rejection, and how we can start attracting the right people in our direction. My guest today is a 42 year old woman who lives in the wilds of Northern Michigan. She's a mother of four, an avid runner and outdoor lover who spent four years trying to control alcohol before finally walking away for the last time on October 5th, 2024. She is also a member of the Living a Sober Powered Life Community. Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Most people defend moderation. What about all those people in the blue zones? Europeans drink every day, what about the French Paradox? If you do a quick search, then you can find tons of articles telling you how moderation is healthier than not drinking. Drinking a little bit every day will help you live longer and have a healthier heart. This has generally been accepted for decades, but is it really true? In this episode, I’ll explain the alcohol industry’s involvement in research, a lot of different studies about moderation and health, the J shaped curve of moderation, and what you can do to be healthy long term. What to listen to next: E238: why moderation doesn’t work E204: can anyone get addicted to alcohol? E150: 15 moderation strategies I tried to control my drinking E254: Why You Can’t Make Good Decisions About Your Drinking (or Anything Else) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is the biggest mistake I see people make. There’s one pattern I’ve noticed with people where they want to be sober, but they approach it in a way that makes them less likely to actually achieve sobriety. In this episode I’m going to explain how you can set yourself up for success, how to build an effective support system, and how support can help you stay sober. We’ll discuss the self-improvement trap where people enter a stage of passively collecting information without putting it into practice, and how you can start utilizing everything you’ve learned to make progress. What to listen to next: E227: 200 lb deadlift story E257: Sober Socializing: Why Alcohol Doesn’t Help Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
So you’ve taken a break from alcohol and now you’re wondering do you stay sober or do you go back to drinking? In this episode I’ll discuss your options, when the best benefits from a break are, whether it’s possible for some people to moderate their drinking after a break, and how to know if you really have a problem and need to be sober or not. What to listen to next: E204: why some people get addicted and others don't E238: why we can't learn to moderate Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When will being sober feel rewarding? When does it get easier? When does the boredom go away? In this episode you’ll learn about the process of recalibrating your reward system after quitting drinking. I’ll explain how alcohol messes up the reward system, the process of recalibration that occurs during the first year, what happens if you relapse, and what you can do to make the process go a little bit smoother. What to listen to next: E220: The Hippocampus and Alcohol: Blackouts, Memory Deficits, and Learned Associations E224: Alcohol Makes Your Brain Stop Working E211: The Anticipation of a Drink E247: Sober Sleep is the Best Sleep, But Not Right Away Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Anger Management Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you cranky AF after getting sober? Is your mood volatile and unpredictable? Are the little things setting you off? This is a normal part of the sober experience, so congrats on getting started. In this episode, I’ll explain why we have mood swings after quitting drinking. You’ll learn what’s going on in the brain, when it should start to ease up, and things to look out for as you continue working on your sobriety. What to listen to next: E232: The 3am Wake Up of Shame: Alcohol and Anxiety E231: Everything You Need to Know About Alcohol Withdrawal E247: Sober Sleep is the Best Sleep, But Not Right Away E249: Alcohol and Cortisol: Extra Stress and Extra Cravings E240: Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) After Quitting Drinking: 8 Tips to Cope Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did you go from never wanting dessert to now never skipping it? Are you craving sugar constantly now that you’ve quit drinking? Sugar cravings in sobriety are very normal and in this episode I’ll explain a few reasons why we crave sugar after getting sober and how you can start managing your sugar cravings moving forward. What to listen to next: E188: Wellness Over Weight Loss E249: Alcohol and Cortisol: Extra Stress and Extra Cravings E165: My 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Surgeon General just recommended that cancer warning labels be included on alcohol bottles. However, the link between cancer and alcohol is old news. A recent study from the National Cancer Institute found that only 50% of Americans are aware that alcohol causes cancer, so in this episode you'll learn how alcohol causes cancer, alcohol and cancer statistics, and what this new information means for you. What to listen to next: E0: How Alcohol Affects the Body (pinned as a trailer) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you trying to quit drinking for Dry January? A sober month is a good opportunity to learn more about your drinking and get experience handling your life without alcohol. I know it’s scary in the beginning and you may not know what to do. In this episode I’ll share some research about Dry January and how to be successful this month, then we’ll cover 31 different tips to quit drinking. Go to to get all the tips so you can reference back to them What to listen to next: E190: Non-Alcoholic Drinks: The Pros and Cons E211: The Anticipation of the Drink E197: Making the DECISION to Quit Drinking E223: 6 Common Triggers for Drinking and How to Avoid Them E231: Everything You Need to Know About Alcohol Withdrawal E238: Why Moderation Doesn’t Work Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Courses: The non-negotiable mindset Sober milestones: what to expect when you quit drinking Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support all the research and effort that goes into this podcast. This is a one woman show! Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2025 can be your year. Most of us set goals to quit drinking or lose weight, and then we don’t achieve it. In this episode, I’m going to explain 3 things that make us less likely to meet our goals. Most people think lack of willpower or self-discipline is the reason why we don’t succeed, and I’ll explain why that’s not the case. You’ll also learn 4 ways to set goals to increase your likelihood of success and the goal that I’m working towards in 2025. What to listen to next: E238: Why Moderation Doesn’t Work E227: You Need a Goal (200 lb Deadlift Achieved!) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you love the holidays, then I’m happy for you, but many of us don’t. If the holidays make you feel tired, jealous, stressed, and resentful, then you came to the right place. In this episode I’ll discuss different mental health challenges that may be coming up for you and I’ll weave in survey data on stress and mental health during the holiday season. We’ll cover things like social media comparison, invisible labor, pressure to be perfect, feeling overlooked, and being around drinking more than usual. What to listen to next: E249: Alcohol and Cortisol: Extra Stress and Extra Cravings Holiday episodes: E255-261 Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Staying sober during the holidays is difficult, but there are some things that I’ve observed people do that make it even more difficult. In this episode, I’m covering 10 things you may be doing to sabotage your sobriety and how to stop doing them. What to listen to next: E211: The Anticipation of a Drink E255-258 holiday support episodes Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Humans are wired to conform—it’s a survival instinct rooted in safety and belonging. That’s why it can feel nearly impossible to resist the pull of doing what everyone else is doing, especially when it comes to drinking. In this episode, you’ll learn about the science behind peer pressure: how your brain processes the need to fit in, the role of automatic mimicry, and the power of mirror neurons. Plus, I’ll share 7 practical strategies to help you push back against the pressure and stay true to your commitment to sobriety. What to listen to next: E257: Sober Socializing: Why Alcohol Doesn’t Help E255: 6 Strategies For Staying Sober Through the Holidays (and Some Holidays Drinking Statistics) E224: Alcohol Makes Your Brain Stop Working Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Sober coaching Anger Management Coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I know it feels like alcohol is required to socialize, connect with others, and have fun. What if I told you that alcohol makes you feel more relaxed socially, but negatively impacts other people’s perception of you? In this episode you’ll learn why you think you need alcohol, the connection between social anxiety and alcohol use disorder, how our drinking influences how others perceive us, and how to actually connect and socialize after quitting drinking. What to listen to next: E255: 6 Strategies For Staying Sober Through the Holidays (and Some Holidays Drinking Statistics) E211: The Anticipation of the Drink Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Your family and how you grew up have a major influence on how difficult it is for you to get sober, do the work, and resist relapse. A dysfunctional family influences our mindset, how many coping skills and resources we have, and how in tune we are with our emotions. Lots of families have an unspoken rule of silence, which impacts how we behave as adults. In this episode I’ll cover the impact of a dysfunctional family, how this influences relapse tendency, and what you can do to move forward and make positive change for yourself. Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s that time of year again. Time for company happy hours, holiday parties, and seeing family. It’s also a time of year when most people drink a lot more than usual. I quit drinking in early November, so I was a little baby sober for my first holiday season. In this episode, I’ll walk you through the strategies that helped me the most during my first year. Plus, I’ll also share some interesting statistics about holiday drinking. What to listen to next: E190: Non-Alcoholic Drinks: The Pros and Cons E245: Want to Stay Sober? You Need to Be Consistent E248: You Can’t Be Comfortable AND Stay Sober E250: What Does it Mean to “Be Ready” to Get Sober Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The most difficult part of the process of quitting drinking is getting from the point where you realize your drinking is problematic and that you need to quit, to where you actually quit and accept that you are done. That is by far the worst stage and I can't tell you how long that lasts. However, what I would like to tell you in this special episode for my 5 year soberversary is the little micro realizations that I had right before I reached acceptance. I hope in hearing mine, you can start to pay attention to your own. What to listen to next: E164: how taking breaks helped me quit drinking for good E200: my greatest shame Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays learn how I keep myself sober and cope with emotions/discomfort  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever vowed to stop drinking, but then you drink again anyway? It’s a rhetorical question. I know the answer is yes. It’s frustrating when we keep doing this to ourselves and it destroys our belief in ourselves, which is an essential part of staying sober. In this episode I’m discussing instant gratification, the decision making process, and how alcohol alters the way the brain makes decisions to keep us stuck in a loop.  What to listen to next: E224: alcohol simplifies the brain E211: the anticipation of a drink Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you making being sober harder for yourself? I had no idea what I was doing when I first quit drinking and maybe you feel the same way. Over the years there are things that I’ve noticed people tend to do that makes their sobriety journey more difficult and in this episode I’m going to explain them. If you’ve been doing any of these things then I hope this episode helps ease the unnecessary burden you’re putting on yourself. What to listen to next: E195: When Does Sobriety Get Better? E202: WTF is “The Work” E240: Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) E196: How the Brain Recovers After Quitting Drinking E248: You Can’t Be Comfortable AND Stay Sober E245: Want to Stay Sober? You Need to Be Consistent E252: How Many Attempts Does it Take to Quit Drinking E213: Self-Care is NOT Temporarily Turning Off Your Brain Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Multiple quit attempts are common when you are trying to get sober, but how many tries does it take before it finally sticks? In this episode I’ll cover the statistics on relapse rates and share all the data I’ve found on the number of quit attempts it takes to stay sober for good. You’ll learn about what makes sobriety more challenging, and what you can do to make this quit attempt your final try. What to listen to next: E249: Alcohol and Cortisol: Extra Stress and Extra Cravings E248: You Can’t Be Comfortable AND Stay Sober E238: Why Moderation Doesn’t Work E197: Making the DECISION to Quit Drinking Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The intensity of our emotions determines how we deal with them. If the intensity gets too much and we become overwhelmed, we can use avoidance coping mechanisms, like drinking, but avoiding emotions just increases their intensity. In this episode, I’ll explain why some of us have more intense emotions than others, what the window of tolerance is and how this relates to your drinking, and how your brain interprets things to lead to these intense emotions. Our perception is in our control, so I’ll leave you with some mindset shifts on how to manage your emotions better and reduce overwhelm. What to listen to next: E248: You Can’t Be Comfortable AND Stay Sober E216: 4 Types of Impulsivity: Which One Are You? E213: Self-Care is NOT Temporarily Turning Off Your Brain (Getting "Me Time") E212: Why Some People Get Sober and Others Don’t (Resilience and Epigenetics) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When I was struggling to quit drinking people would constantly tell me that I wasn’t “ready” yet. I felt ready. I was suffering and wanted it to end. What more did I need to be ready? In this episode you’ll learn about the stages of change, what each one might look like with our drinking, and how to move into the next stage if you are stuck in one. I’ll also discuss 3 things that keep us from being “ready” to get sober and if a rock bottom moment is required. What to listen to next: Moderation episodes: 99, 238 Withdrawal/mushy brain episodes: 191, 205, 224 Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Stress is a main reason many of us drink and it’s a big trigger for relapse after getting sober. In this episode you’ll learn all about cortisol- how it’s released, how chronic stress and heavy drinking disrupt our stress response, and when your stress response system may recover in sobriety. I’ll explain what happens with cortisol in withdrawal, in early sobriety, and give you a timeline for when this should normalize.  What to listen to next: E204: can anyone get addicted to alcohol? E199: frustration tolerance Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Fridays  Work with me: Anger Management Coaching Sober coaching Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Getting sober is tough. We have to figure out how to live again and finally learn some coping skills and tools. It’s uncomfortable. In this episode, I’ll talk about stepping outside of our comfort zone to stay sober and how to recognize and take advantage of growth opportunities that show up during the journey. I’m going to share some uncomfortable truths in this episode, but I think if you can really hear me, then it may help you reframe your perspective and start doing some of “the work”. What to listen to next: E164: How Taking Breaks from Drinking Helped Me Quit For Good E202: WTF is "the work"? Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober coaching Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. If you think I made a mistake somewhere, please reach out. I will look into it and make a correction if needed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You’ve heard people say it, sober sleep is the best sleep, but when are you going to get some of this great sleep yourself? In this episode, I explain why we think alcohol helps with sleep, how alcohol affects sleep, and what to expect with your sleep when you quit drinking. You’ll learn more about insomnia in the first month, why we have drinking dreams, and how sleep recovers over time. I promise, if you stick with sobriety you will have that amazing sleep you hear everyone else talking about. This is an opportunity to practice being patient. What to listen to next: E240: post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober coaching Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. If you think I made a mistake somewhere, please reach out. I will look into it and make a correction if needed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Many of us worry that we’ve done permanent damage to our brains with our heavy drinking or that it’s been too long to make a change. In this episode you’ll learn more about dementia, how heavy drinking damages the brain and increases the risk of developing dementia, and what you can do to reduce your risk of dementia, besides quitting drinking of course. I will also discuss wet brain, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, which is another consequence of long term heavy drinking.  What to listen to next: E196: how the brain recovers after quitting drinking E224: alcohol makes your brain stop working E240: post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Coaching Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is being sober truly a priority or would it be a nice to have? If you want to make progress in getting sober, staying sober, and doing “the work”, then you need to be consistent. In this episode, I’ll discuss why consistency is important to the brain, 3 things that make us more likely to follow through with our commitments, and how you can start prioritizing your sobriety today. What to listen to next: E242: The Science of Making Good Habits in Long Term Sobriety E224: Alcohol Makes Your Brain Stop Working E202: WTF is "The Work" Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s very normal to feel bored when you quit drinking. We get used to constant excitement, dopamine and chaos while we’re drinking, so it can be difficult to adjust. Plus, many of us give up our hobbies that don’t involve alcohol, so when we get sober we don’t know what to do with all of our free time. In this episode I’m going to discuss why some of us are prone to boredom when we try to stop drinking. Throughout the episode I am going to build on our definition of boredom and why it develops. Then we’ll discuss strategies for managing boredom in sobriety. What to listen to next: E162: what to expect cognitively when you quit drinking E235: dopamine and loss of control E226: using alcohol to escape your life E228: why alcohol automatically captures and holds your attention Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Emotional eating is a very frustrating thing to deal with, and it’s not uncommon to eat extra or have sugar cravings when you get sober. In this episode I’ll explain why we emotionally eat, the factors that contribute to emotional eating the most, and how this relates to your sobriety. You’ll learn about a lot of different studies on emotional eating and I will share tips for dealing with it if you’re struggling. What to listen to next: E41: why sober people want so much sugar E165: I quit sugar for 30 days E188: wellness over weight loss E138: why we can’t moderate (D2 receptors) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Many of us eventually realize that we have unhealthy habits like eating a bunch of junk at night, drinking way too much caffeine, not exercising, and more. We want to change these, but changing habits is tough. We can easily get into the same cycle we did with our drinking where we say we’re going to do it and then we do nothing, or we get inspired briefly, and then go right back to normal. So how can we take advantage of the brain’s habit building system to get some healthy habits into our lives? In this episode you’ll learn how the brain forms habits and what makes the process quicker or slower. I’ll discuss a few ways that you can approach making new habits so it’s easier to follow through. What to listen to next: E238: why moderation doesn’t work E228: why alcohol captures and holds your attention E216: 4 types of impulsivity Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Understanding why you crave alcohol can be a powerful tool in your sober journey, helping you reduce the frequency and intensity of these cravings. There are many theories about why alcohol cravings occur, and in this episode, I’ll explore the six most scientifically supported reasons. By gaining insight into the different factors that contribute to alcohol cravings, you can strengthen your sober lifestyle and learn effective strategies to manage and reduce your own cravings. What to listen to next: E216: 4 types of impulsivity E203: why you want alcohol even when you hate it E204: can anyone get addicted to alcohol? E224: alcohol makes your brain stop working E201: your dysregulated stress response E235: dopamine and loss of control Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Tired in Early Sobriety Course Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You may have heard of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), a condition that can develop after you’ve quit drinking and includes lingering symptoms like mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, and fatigue. In this episode I will explain what PAWS is, why it develops, what factors influence the severity of PAWS, what you can expect, and I’ll give you 8 tips for coping with the symptoms. What to listen to next: E199: frustration tolerance E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard (anhedonia) E201: your dysregulated stress response E157: brain fog and fatigue E224: alcohol makes your brain stop working E213: self-care is not turning off your brain with alcohol Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Episode Notes Weekly emails on Fridays   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This episode is a deep dive into how alcohol affects the body, timestamps are below. This isn’t an episode meant to scare you, just to inform you about all the things you may be experiencing. Often we don’t know that alcohol is the cause. In the second half of the episode I’ll shift gears to the scary side of how alcohol impacts the body, specifically cancer and cirrhosis. I will give you a warning before I discuss the prognosis of cirrhosis so if that is information you don’t want to hear then you will be able to turn off the episode. I designed this episode to be the most comprehensive episode on how alcohol affects the body that has ever been released. Plus, it’s coming from a sober person who knows from personal experience. If this episode helps you, then I would really appreciate you sharing it to help me spread the word. What to listen to next: E231: everything you need to know about alcohol withdrawal E170: here's why the first year of sobriety is so hard E196: how the brain recovers after quitting drinking E211: the anticipation of a drink E224: alcohol makes your brain stop working E228: how alcohol automatically captures and holds your attention E240: post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) Timestamps (may be shifted slightly due to ads. Thank you for listening to my ads to support all the work that goes into this podcast): 0:00-1:51 Intro 1:52-3:32 why alcohol makes you sweaty and red, night sweats 3:33-5:17 how alcohol affects sleep 5:18-13:00 heart rate and blood pressure 13:01-14:19 leg cramps 14:20-17:41 skin and aging 17:43-19:59 neurotoxin, alcoholic neuropathy 20:00-22:39 muscle building and losing body fat 22:40-24:24 alcohol shrinks the brain 24:25-27:58 how alcohol initially energizes us before making us exhausted 27:59-32:54 gut and oral health, inflammation, acid reflux 32:57-40:02 brain inflammation, memory and cognitive impairments 40:06-44:49 where does alcohol go after you drink it, alcohol metabolism  44:50-48:48 how alcohol metabolism changes when you drink heavily 48:49-50:23 why women typically have more health related consequences than men 50:24-59:06 how alcohol causes cancer 59:07-1:07 how alcohol causes fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis 1:08-end the prognosis for someone with cirrhosis About me: Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode you’ll learn about what the brain is like in the first couple of weeks of sobriety, how the brain’s of people who relapse are different from those who stay sober, how healing progresses up to 7 years of sobriety, and some common roadblocks. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Moderation is impossible. If you can’t moderate, then you’ll never be able to. Some people can moderate with rules and intense focus, but that’s not real moderation. In this episode I’ll explain why we can never be cured, what’s going on in the brain, and hopefully help you accept that you drink the way you drink and that’s it. What to listen to next: E204: can anyone get addicted to alcohol? E150: 15 moderation strategies I tried to control my drinking This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever felt totally convinced that it was going to be different this time, only to drink and find out it’s still not any different? We can repeat this cycle too many times to count, and maintain the belief that we’ll be able to moderate our drinking someday if only we keep trying. In this episode you’ll learn why you repeat this process even though you have a ton of proof that it won’t be different. I’ll discuss the fading affect bias and how the bad memories fade and the good memories gain power. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
At the end of our drinking, we continue to drink even though it’s not enjoyable and causes a lot of suffering. As addiction progresses it goes from liking alcohol to wanting or needing alcohol. In this episode I’ll explain why alcohol feels pleasurable and enjoyable for us, and how eventually we get a payback and start feeling miserable. You’ll learn a bit about the pleasure pain balance too. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Everyone loves dopamine right now. We know it’s involved in addiction and pleasure, and that it gets depleted when we drink. In this episode, I’m going to explain dopamine’s role in motivation, cravings, and building associations with our drinking. One of the earliest signs of addiction is loss of control, so how dopamine contributes to us being unable to control how much alcohol we drink. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cancer and cirrhosis. The 2 scary parts of drinking. This is going to be a brutally honest episode about the scary side of how alcohol affects the body. I purposefully split this off from the previous episode in case you don’t want to hear it. In this episode you’ll learn how the body processes alcohol, why women typically have more health related consequences than men, how alcohol causes cancer, how alcohol causes fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and the prognosis for someone with cirrhosis. I will give you a warning before I discuss the prognosis of cirrhosis so if that is information you don’t want to hear then you will be able to turn off the episode. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There’s so much to say about how alcohol affects the body I could go on for hours, and none of it is good stuff. I’ll explain why alcohol makes you sweaty and red, how it affects sleep, how it impacts the heart and blood pressure, how alcohol impacts skin and aging, how it causes leg cramps, how it initially energizes us before making us horribly exhausted, how it impacts gut and oral health, how alcohol causes inflammation, and how it impacts memory and cognition. This isn’t an episode meant to scare you, just to inform you about all the things you may be experiencing. Often we don’t know that alcohol is the cause. In the next episode I will cover the scary side of how alcohol impacts the body, so if you don’t want to hear that you can skip it. If you enjoyed this episode, I would really appreciate if you'd help me spread the word. We need a comprehensive episode on how alcohol affects the body from the sober community. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Not remembering how we went to bed becomes a normal experience, but it is not normal. We get drunk, eventually end up in bed, only to jolt awake around 3am. After the panic passes, we realize we’ve done it again. We got way too drunk and can’t remember the end of the night. This realization is followed by shame and anxiety, which likely continues into the next day before we repeat the process. The 3am wake up of shame was something I did a few times a week. I would force myself to stay awake until 6 as punishment for drinking too much, so my day could become even worse. There are 3 factors that go into this- how alcohol affects our sleep, how alcohol affects the central nervous system, and how alcohol affects the heart. I will cover all 3. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Withdrawal is pretty obvious, the symptoms that we experience when we quit drinking. There is a lot more to it though. In this episode you’ll learn about why we have withdrawal symptoms and how alcohol impacts the central nervous system. Then I will focus on kindling and how withdrawal can become worse the more cycles we go through, and how returning to drinking during the withdrawal period puts stress on the brain and strengthens the associations we have with alcohol leading to more intense cravings the next time we try to quit. If you are stuck in the back and forth then this is an important episode to listen to. This episode is part of a 9 episode series for Dry July 2024. Make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss the rest of the series. Dry July Sober Powered Skills Special Dry July Course Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Getting started is the hardest part. What are you supposed to do with your time? How do you get through the first week? In this episode I’ll cover 11 tips to help you succeed in Dry July. E190: NA Drinks: the pros and cons Quit drinking course for Dry July on Sober Powered Skills Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Our thoughts create our reality. For most of my life I thought that I had bad luck and bad things kept happening to me, but in sobriety I realized I had very toxic thinking. When something happens to us, we assign meaning to it and that meaning can create issues. It’s important to learn how to adjust your perspective. In this episode I will cover 5 mindset shifts that can help you stay sober, and then I’ll discuss why being able to adjust our perspective is so critical. Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you’ve stopped drinking, have you noticed that when you walk into a room your eyes immediately go to where the alcohol is? Or how you keep track of how quickly everyone is drinking and what drink they’re on without any effort? Or how you never realized how much people in TV shows and movies drink until now? This is because alcohol can capture and hold our attention, leading to increased cravings that make it difficult to not drink. In this episode you’ll learn what’s going on in the brain to get our attention stuck on alcohol, how this makes it more difficult to quit drinking, what factors increase the ability for alcohol to grab and hold our attention, and how we can overcome this to be successful in sobriety. What to listen to next: E224: alcohol makes your brain stop working E211: the anticipation of a drink E197: making the decision to quit drinking Sober Powered Skills Bonus Episode: 3 Exercises to Increase Top-Down Control of Your Brain Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Fridays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Let's talk about goal setting and building self-confidence. You've probably heard me mention off and on that I've had this goal to deadlift 200 lbs. I just achieved it. If you can stay put for a short story about my deadlift, then I promise I have a point. I want to get into goal setting, how to determine what your goal should even be, and what this can do for your self-confidence. I'm not talking about a goal to lose weight or drink in moderation. What to listen to next: E188: Wellness Over Weight Loss E216: 4 Types of Impulsivity Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Many of us use alcohol to turn off our brain, escape our problems, or check out, but escapism is actually associated with more intense drinking and lower life satisfaction. In this episode you’ll learn about the different theories behind escapism, why we’re doing this, and how it makes our problems worse. I hope that this episode can help you make some connections so you realize drinking isn’t helping you. I’ll also share a personal story of when I drank to escape and how that went for me. What to listen to next E213: self care is not temporarily turning off your brain E214: self-medication E216: 4 types of impulsivity Sober Powered Skills Bonus Episode: One Cause of Escapism and How to Cope Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What causes a relapse? How can we recognize it and make changes before we actually relapse? In this episode I’ll discuss the path to relapse and what is going on. Whether you relapsed or want to be vigilant in case you relapse or get weird thoughts, then you’ll learn about denial, low insight, not being ready to quit, and 5 strategies to deal with a relapse.  What to listen to next: E210: Good News, Your Brain Heals A Lot Within 90 Days… Unless You Relapse E191: Going Back and Forth Makes Your Cravings Stronger E212: Why Some People Get Sober and Others Don’t (Resilience and Epigenetics) Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Your brain has to be connected well to be able to work. We beat ourselves up because we know we shouldn’t drink, but then we do, or because we keep convincing ourselves it’ll be different this time, even though it’s never different. It’s easy to think this is because you’re a weak-willed loser with no self-control, but it’s just not true. In this episode I’m explaining how alcohol changes the way our brains are connected to make us continue drinking in an automatic loop while preventing us from using higher-order thinking skills at the same time. We need to be able to use our brain to get out of the back and forth. What to listen to next: E191: Going Back and Forth Makes Your Cravings Stronger E128: Why Cravings are So Powerful (Attentional Bias) E182: Why You Drink Habitually Without Thinking E205: Kindling in Alcohol Withdrawal E220: The Hippocampus and Alcohol: Blackouts, Memory Deficits, and Learned Associations Sober Powered Skills Episode: Do This Daily to Turn Back On Your Brain Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are triggers to drink everywhere, but I’ve seen 6 common ones that mess up people’s attempts to get sober. In this episode I’ll explain what these are and how you can start dealing with them. I’m going to start our discussion with a personal lesson I learned about giving up when things get hard. We also need to learn how to push through discomfort, come out the other side, and build our confidence. What to listen to next E199: frustration tolerance E216: 4 types of impulsivity (giving up quickly) E157: brain fog and fatigue E206: HALT: hungry, angry, lonely, tired Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Glutamate, GABA, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and the whole HPA axis (stress response). These are some of the important systems in your brain that get messed up when you blast your brain with alcohol all the time. Then when we quit drinking, these get even more messed up. In this episode you’ll learn what these 6 do, how alcohol messes them up, how they get more messed up when we quit drinking, and how long it takes for them to recover in sobriety. (TW: link between addiction and suicide when I discuss serotonin) What to listen to next E38: Central Nervous System Depression E75: How Sleep Improves from Actively Drinking to Long Term Sobriety E170: Here’s Why The First Year of Sobriety is So Hard E201: Your Dysregulated Stress Response Sober Powered Skills Episode: Feel Calm, Boost Dopamine, Improve Your Mood, and Reduce Stress Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Alcohol is marketed as a key to relaxation and fun. Ads and movies show us that alcohol is essential for social bonding and carefree moments, signaling us that a drink in hand is your ticket to fun and connection. Then when we start to notice our drinking is problematic and think about how we may have to get sober, one of the first things we panic about is how this means the fun is over. In this episode, I’ll explain why alcohol isn’t fun and 5 ways you can redefine fun after quitting drinking. What to listen to next E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard E217: Warm Weather: 3 Reasons We Think Alcohol is Required E213: Self-Care is NOT Temporarily Turning Off Your Brain Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The hippocampus is an important part of the brain, which is unfortunately very vulnerable to alcohol. It is most well-known for its role in blackouts, but damage to the hippocampus from our drinking can cause problems with everyday memory too, like telling someone the same story over and over again. The hippocampus has a lesser known, but very important role in learned associations. Associations are cues in the environment that help us predict an alcohol reward, so they cause cravings to drink. In this episode, I’ll describe how alcohol damages the hippocampus to cause blackouts, impair our memory, and form associations with alcohol. You’ll learn how this damage persists in sobriety and how long it takes for the hippocampus to heal. Sober Powered Skills Bonus Episode: 3 Ways to Improve Hippocampus Function What to listen to next E211: the anticipation of a drink E218: in the moment craving vs constant craving E196: how the brain recovers in sobriety E210: the brain heals a lot in 90 days (unless you relapse) E191: going back and forth makes your cravings stronger Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Our lifestyle can make our sobriety easier or harder. When we quit drinking, things have to change. We can’t keep coming home to the same old routine but just not drink. In this episode I’ll explain 7 lifestyle changes that you can make overtime to support your sobriety and why these changes are helpful.  What to listen to next: E188: wellness over weight loss E213: self-care is NOT temporarily turning off your brain Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are 2 types of alcohol cravings that you may experience as you quit drinking: sudden, in the moment cravings or constant all day cravings. In this episode, you’ll learn about both types and 3 reasons we crave alcohol. I’ve experienced both types of cravings so I will share my experience and help you understand why you keep craving alcohol and where to get started in minimizing your cravings. What to listen to next: E191: going back and forth makes your cravings stronger E205: kindling in alcohol withdrawal E128: why cravings are so powerful (attentional bias) E216: 4 types of impulsivity E211: the anticipation of the drink E206: HALT: hungry, angry, lonely, tired E203: why you still want alcohol even when you hate it Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The weather is getting warmer and we start thinking about how everyone’s going to be on the porch or at restaurants drinking, how nice that looks, and how left out we feel for not participating. It’s normal to see other people drinking and wish you could do it too. In this episode we’ll talk about 3 reasons why we think alcohol is required when the weather is warm. It’s a mix of science, conditioning, awareness and being honest with ourselves.  What to listen to next: E179 we have to grieve alcohol (its ok to miss it) E211 the anticipation Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays 7 tips for your next 7 days sober   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We don’t drink because we’re losers with no self-control. A lot of times we drink because we can’t handle emotions, we get the F its, and we keep convincing ourselves it will be different this time. These are all different types of impulsivity. In this episode, you’ll learn 4 different impulsive traits and how these influence our drinking. I’ll explain which one I am, how this caused big urges to drink in sobriety, and at the end of the episode I’ll give you some criteria to understand which type of impulsivity you are so you have an idea of what to work on moving forward. What to listen to next: E55: how to power thru when you want to give up E202: wtf is the work E211: the anticipation of the drink E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard (reward system healing) Bonus: The ONE Skill to Start With to Become Less Impulsive Listen here: Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Do we “get” to be sober or do we have to be sober? What if you don’t want to glamorize sobriety or think about alcohol as a class one carcinogen? Do you have to call yourself an alcoholic to quit drinking for good? In this episode I’m explaining how we think we are different from everyone else and 5 different ways I’ve seen the sober community talk about sobriety. At the end of the episode I’ll share how to know if your thinking is helping you quit drinking or keeping you trapped in the cycle with excuses and unrealistic expectations. What to listen to next: E138: 5 ways problem drinkers think differently E204: can anyone get addicted to alcohol? Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We drink to cope because it seems to help us manage anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, etc., but self-medicating with alcohol only makes your problems worse. Drinking to cope increases our risk of developing a problem and in this episode I’ll explain why. You’ll learn how much more likely coping drinkers are to develop a problem, how this makes it harder to quit drinking, and how drinking to cope differs for men and women. What to listen to next: E111 Drinking alone E206 HALT E212 resilience Bonus Episode: 2 Ways to Reduce Chaos and Overwhelm in Your Life Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We think that turning off our brain with alcohol at the end of the day is “me time” and it’s the only way to get a break. This isn’t self-care, it’s called being depleted and trying to survive a life that drains you. Poor self-care is one of the most reliable predictors of relapse in people trying to get sober. It’s important and in this episode I’m explaining what self-care is, how we can navigate transition times, and 5 simple ways you can begin to prioritize self-care in your life. I’ve been slacking hard on my self-care for a while, so I’ll also explain how this has been impacting me and my plan to stop depleting myself moving forward. What to listen to next: E188: wellness over weight loss Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s frustrating if you keep trying to stop drinking, but aren’t succeeding. We’ve discussed the brain changes that make it more difficult in a few recent episodes, but there are other factors as well. In this episode we’ll discuss the difference in how people handle the same life circumstances and stressors, and what determines whether you will be resilient in the face of stress and hardship. You’ll learn about epigenetic changes that make it more difficult to be resilient and how your family, friends and support system plays a role. Sober Powered Skills bonus episode: 3 Skills to Practice to Improve Your Resilience What to listen to next E149: alcohol and the nervous system E210: good news, your brain heals A Lot within 90 days… unless you relapse E204: why some people get addicted and others don't Bullying story: Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Anticipation of the reward from alcohol is one of the main reasons we stay stuck in the back and forth cycle. We believe alcohol will help us relax, unwind, deal with negative emotions, have fun, or connect with others. This is what causes cravings for alcohol. In this episode I’ll explain how we learn to associate certain things with drinking, how we can break these associations after we quit drinking, and 2 ways that you can reduce cravings. What to listen to next: E62: dopamine deep dive E197: making the decision to quit drinking E143: how to stay accountable in your sobriety E128: why cravings are so powerful  Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Significant brain healing can happen within the first few months of being sober. Finally some good news for us, right? In this episode you’ll learn more about how alcohol damages the brain to make it harder to stay sober and how the brains of people who are able to stay sober differ from those who go on to relapse. It’s not just deciding that you’re done with drinking and that’s it. That’s what we observe other people do who aren’t addicted and then we feel like losers with no self-control when we do the same. The problem is, when you drink heavily long term it changes your brain and this makes it hard for the brain to function properly. What to listen to next: E196: how the brain heals in sobriety E191: going back and forth makes your cravings stronger E205: kindling in alcohol withdrawal E202: wtf is "the work" Sober Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Sober Powered Skills (bonus episodes with practical application and coping skills) Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what should you focus on to stay sober? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Behavioral addictions are stigmatized because they feel like more of a choice because there’s no substance changing your brain. However, process addictions or behavioral addictions like porn do actually change the brain in similar ways. In this episode I’ll explain why porn is so addicting, brain changes from porn, and how porn influences us to objectify women and see them as sex objects. Porn has another layer of addictiveness beyond brain changes, it causes novelty seeking. This destroys relationships and I will explain more about why porn promotes novelty seeking, being unable to enjoy regular sex, and warning signs to look out for that you or a loved one are addicted to porn. What to listen to next: E170: Why the First Year of Sobriety is so Hard (it's Dopamine!) E128: Why Cravings are So Powerful (Attentional Bias) E203: Why You Still Want Alcohol Even When You Hate It (It’s Dopamine!) E201: Your Dysregulated Stress Response E202: WTF is “The Work”? E204: Can Anyone Get Addicted to Alcohol? Get support for porn addiction: Porn Addicts Anonymous (12 Steps) The Addicted Mind Podcast The Addicted Mind Shame Webinar Therapy Brothers Podcast (Call in Show) Unhooked Podcast Breaking Porn Addiction Relay App Find a therapist that specializes in porn addiction (sort by zip code, insurance, and select sex addiction under "issue") Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what should you focus on to stay sober? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We do the same thing with our diet that we do with our drinking- our eating habits aren’t great, but they’re not bad either so it feels manageable. Our food quality impacts our mental health and stress levels though. I’ve been struggling with fatigue and depression, so it got me interested in the link. In this episode I’m explaining the importance of breakfast and a high quality diet. You’ll learn how what you eat impacts the way you feel, how stressed you are, and how this makes us more likely to reach for a drink or to emotionally eat at the end of the day.  What to listen to next: E201: your dysregulated stress response E188: wellness over weight loss Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are lots of great things that happen when you quit drinking, but we can get distracted by wanting everything to be easy and perfect. In this episode I’m sharing 15 things you can look forward to from day 2 to years of sobriety. Wherever you’re at in your journey, this episode will remind you of some of the best things about being sober. What to listen to next: E17: alcohol and the heart E169: alcohol and gut health E159, 161, 162: physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits from quitting drinking E188: wellness over weight loss E75: how sleep recovers in sobriety E157: brain fog and fatigue E175: 5 ways to boost your energy E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard (it's dopamine) Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You’ve probably heard of the acronym HALT, hungry, angry, lonely, tired. These are all triggers for relapse because they influence our ability to think things through and wait. These feelings make us impulsive, overwhelmed, and more likely to go for an instant gratification choice like drinking, even when we know we want to stay sober. In this episode I’m explaining why these 4 conditions are triggering.  What to listen to next: E192: E192: Do You Need a Drink or Are You Just Hungry? (Alcohol & Ghrelin) E186: Anger Management in Sobriety E199: Frustration Tolerance E157: Fatigue and Brain Fog in Early Sobriety E175: Tired After Quitting Drinking? Here’s How to Boost Your Energy Levels E159: What to Expect Physically When You Quit Drinking E161: What to Expect Emotionally When You Quit Drinking E162: What to Expect Cognitively When You Quit Drinking Tired in early sobriety course Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
For some of us, each time we go through withdrawal, the next withdrawal is worse. This is called kindling and in this episode I’m explaining what kindling is and how it happens. You’ll learn why we get withdrawal symptoms when we quit drinking, what delirium tremens is, and how kindling makes it harder to get sober. I’ll also discuss what counts as a cycle of withdrawal and what doesn’t. What to listen to next: E191: Going Back and Forth Makes Your Cravings Stronger E201: Your Dysregulated Stress Response E203: Why You Still Want Alcohol Even When You Hate It (It’s Dopamine!) E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety E180: Why Your Drinking Gets Worse Over Time, Not Better E196: How the Brain Recovers After Quitting Drinking E170: Here’s Why Early Sobriety is So Hard (it’s dopamine) E161: What to Expect Emotionally in Early Sobriety Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is everyone on the slow path towards addiction? Are all moderate drinkers a little bit addicted? We know alcohol is an addictive substance that gets us hooked and then changes our brains to keep us hooked, but why does this process even start? In this episode I’ll explain 15 risk factors that can lead us to become addicted to alcohol. You’ll learn about emotional factors, genetic factors, and life circumstances that influence the risk of developing a problem with alcohol. What to listen to next: E177: 4 years sober. Why did this happen to me? E199: frustration tolerance E203: why you want alcohol even when you hate it E71 and 72: trauma episodes E29: how alcohol affects the teen brain E201: your dysregulated stress response (cortisol) E202: wtf is "the work"? E88: sibling studies: why one gets addicted and the other doesn't Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Drinking stops being fun and enjoyable, but we continue to do it anyway. Why is this? We know it makes us miserable and we want to stop, but by 4pm or after a few days or weeks of sober time we talk ourselves back into it. In this episode you’ll learn about the adaptations that happen in the brain as we drink heavily and how this leads to compulsive drinking despite the consequences. I’ll explain how alcohol changes our dopamine system to increase cravings, prevent us from stopping once we’ve started, and keep us hooked on alcohol long after it’s stopped being fun. We’ll end by discussing why we continue to drink at this point and how this recovers in sobriety. What to listen to next: E22: why you think alcohol helps your anxiety E125: why you can't stop drinking once you start E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard E128: why cravings are so powerful E201: your dysregulated stress response E33: why does drinking make us feel energized? E157: brain fog and fatigue Get Support: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I talk about doing “the work” a lot on this podcast, so let’s talk about what that work is. In this episode I’ll explain what the work is, roadblocks to doing the work, how you can get started and detours to be aware of on the journey. You’ll learn about victim mentality, blaming others, and if we have to do “the work” forever. What to listen to next: E189: rumination E197: making the decision to quit drinking Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This episode is everything you need to know about cortisol, stress and alcohol. I’ll explain how our stress system adapts to both chronic stress and chronic heavy drinking, how multiple cycles of withdrawal impacts this adaptation, how this causes more cravings, and what this means for our ability to cope with life. We think alcohol helps take the edge off and reduce our stress levels, but it actually just makes us less resilient.  What to listen to next: E191: Going Back and Forth Makes Your Cravings Stronger E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The moment that should have been my rock bottom, but wasn’t. I never thought I’d share this story, but I realized recently that this story doesn’t have any power over me anymore. Shame was a big problem for me during my drinking and when I got sober. I thought I’d never get over it. I had bad memories play like movies in my head and I had no control over when it happened and I couldn’t make it stop once it started. In this episode I’m telling the full story of my greatest shame and how you can move forward from your shameful memories. What to listen to next: E87: Shame-proneness and loss of control Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Your ability to tolerate frustration can make your life easier or it can make it harder. For most of my life I made things harder for myself. In this episode I’m explaining what frustration tolerance is, some interesting studies on emotion regulation, how this increases our risk of relapse, and what we need to do to better tolerate discomfort, negative emotions, frustration, and anger. What to listen to next: E149: How Alcohol Affects the Nervous System E161: what to expect emotionally when you quit drinking E189: How the Brain Regulates Emotions & Impulses E180: Why Your Drinking Gets Worse Over Time, Not Better Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I struggled with anger for most of my life. Conveniently, when I began drinking a lot of my anger went away, but when I got sober it came back stronger than ever. I would get overcome with such intense rage that I struggled to function. Learning to understand my anger, see all the things that were connected to it, and developing skills to work with it has changed my life. In this episode I’m explaining 5 ways my life has improved since doing this work. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I cover a lot of research on this podcast, and it’s probably difficult to remember it all. In this episode, I’m sharing my favorite things I learned in February and how you can apply each of them to your life. Episodes covered: 191-196 Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A lot of us “quit” drinking and we go back and forth for a long time beating ourselves up for being too weak to stick with it. In this episode, I want to discuss how alcohol impacts our ability to make decisions based on our goals, what actually making the decision looks like, and how you can get closer to quitting for good. What to listen to next: E196: how the brain recovers after quitting drinking E164: how taking breaks helped me quit for good E125: why we lose our off switch Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Quiz: what is causing your alcohol cravings? Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sometimes, we’ll say we don’t want to drink anymore, but what we really mean is we want to drink without the consequences. Your intention matters and if you are carrying around hopes and dreams of drinking again someday, then you’ll drink again. In this episode I want to explain why even when sobriety, your life, your job, and your relationships are a priority for you you still might end up drinking and then later you’re left wondering why you always do this to yourself. This is a replay of one of my favorite episodes, E91, so please enjoy. If you haven't checked out my old episodes, then I encourage you to scroll my episode catalog. I've covered almost every topic you can think of! Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did we blast our brains beyond repair with all of our drinking? What if you drank heavily for decades? Are you doomed? In this episode I’m explaining a ton of different studies on brain recovery in sobriety. You’ll learn what to expect as you get more sober time, if our brains make a full recovery, how long it takes to see improvement, how drinking less impacts your brain, and more about how alcohol damages the brain. What to listen to next: E195: when does sobriety get better E12: why we blackout from drinking alcohol E191: going back and forth makes your cravings stronger E187: how multiple cycles of withdrawal impacts your brain Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sobriety is great, but it can also be frustrating. We did the work right? We quit drinking, so when is it going to get easier? When will we start to feel better? When does sobriety become a normal part of our lives and not something that we have to put so much effort into anymore? I’m answering all of these questions in todays episode What to listen to next: E164: how taking breaks helped me stop for good E162: cognitive benefits E170: why the first year is so hard E176: you have to grieve alcohol E55: how to power thru when you want to give up Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When you’re used to using alcohol to fix all your problems, it’s difficult to know what to do when that’s no longer an option. Drinking prevents us from having to learn coping skills because we use alcohol to control our emotions and feel whatever we want to feel, until the alcohol wears off of course. In this episode, I’m sharing 5 coping skills that you can start practicing to deal with situations and emotions that normally you’d run to alcohol for. What to listen to next: E128: why cravings are so powerful E69: alcohol shrinks the brain, but what does that mean E149: alcohol and the nervous system E162: what to expect cognitively in early sobriety Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did you know that about 30% of adults don’t get enough sleep? Sure, being tired sucks and many of us are busy and have reasons for not getting enough sleep. But did you know that sleep quality has a major impact on our emotions for the day? In this episode, you’ll learn more about sleep research, how sleep impacts your emotional experience during the day, how alcohol affects sleep, and why you have drinking dreams in sobriety. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I cover a lot of research on this podcast, and it’s probably difficult to remember it all. In this episode, I’m sharing my favorite things I learned in January and how you can apply each of them to your life. Episodes covered: E186-190 Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cravings make it difficult to stay sober. You may not be craving alcohol because you need it though, you may be craving alcohol because you’re not taking good care of yourself. When we’re drinking we live on autopilot mode and we move through life like a ghost always stuck in past shame and regret or fantasizing about being able to moderate in the future. When you get sober, you have to become aware of yourself. In this episode, I’m explaining the role that being hungry has in cravings for alcohol. You’ll learn why you crave alcohol when you’re hungry and 2 very simple strategies to cope with alcohol cravings so you stay sober. What to listen to next: E41: why you crave sugar E96: do sugar cravings increase the risk of relapse? E165: my 30 day no sugar challenge E62: dopamine deep dive E188: wellness over weight loss Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Many of us go back and forth while we’re trying to stop drinking. You might get 4 or 5 days in, then drink again and repeat this process many times. Obviously, less drinking days are better for your health, but drinking during the withdrawal stage actually intensifies your cravings making it harder to stop next time. In this episode you’ll learn how withdrawal impacts the associations your brain makes with alcohol and how this keeps us stuck in denial about our drinking. What to listen to next: E62: dopamine deep dive E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences? E187: multiple cycles of withdrawal Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Non-alcoholic drinks and mocktails are very popular, but are they good for your sobriety? In this episode I’ll explain both sides of the argument- how they can be helpful for your sobriety and how they can be triggering, cause cravings, or hold you back. You’ll learn if 0.5% non-alcoholic drinks are okay to drink and why you may get the feeling of a fake buzz when you consume alcohol-free drinks. What to listen to next: E62: dopamine Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If your mind gets stuck on cravings to drink and you can’t redirect, then you’re more likely to white knuckle it until the craving becomes so intense that you drink. If your mind gets stuck on negative thoughts, jealousy, or unfairness, then you’re going to ruminate until you become more depressed or you retaliate. In this episode, I’m explaining what is going on in the brain to cause our thoughts to become stuck on something, why other people are able to redirect and move on, and what you can do to start improving your inhibitory control. What to listen to next: E186: anger management E181: cognitive flexibility E69: alcohol shrinks the brain E122: how exercise can support your recovery Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A lot of us quit drinking and expect weight loss. We see influencers online sharing before and after pictures and telling us how much weight we can lose when we get sober. Not everyone will lose weight when they quit drinking, and some will even gain before they lose. It's all normal. In this episode, I'm discussing how the more we obsess and try to control our food, the more it backfires and prevents us from reaching our goals. You'll learn a little bit about my story with food and weight and how I've been able to let the obsession go. I’ll also cover 3 points to keep in mind with wellness and 3 reasons why you may not be losing weight when you quit drinking. What to listen to next: E34: why drinking makes it hard to lose weight E99: why we can never drink again E169: alcohol and gut health E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The biggest problem with gray area drinkers is that they don’t have a huge rock bottom. They usually have limited outward consequences or none at all, and this lack of consequences makes it very easy to keep drinking. Most of us think that quitting for good is only for hardcore alcoholics and if you’re not that bad, then you will be able to figure out how to moderate. If you struggle with telling yourself "it's not that bad", then I hope this episode gives you some perspective to move forward. What to listen to next: E77: are non-alcoholic drinks okay to drink? E164: how taking breaks helped me quit for good Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are a lot of people who will quit for about a few days or a week or 2 and then go back to drinking, and they repeat this process over and over again. Withdrawal is stressful for the brain and putting your brain through this stress only to blast it with alcohol again is a lot. In this episode you’ll learn how multiple cycles of detoxing and going back to drinking can impact the brain and impact your experience in recovery. What to listen to next: E162: what to expect cognitively when you quit drinking E99: why we can never drink again (neuroplasticity) E106: amygdala hijack E170: why the first year of sobriety is so hard (dopamine & anhedonia) Learn more about alcohol withdrawal Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Every time I say I’m an angry person or that I struggled with rage in my first year people always laugh and say that they can’t imagine that. Anger doesn’t have to be outward and explosive, it can also be a deep boiling rage that you stuff down inside and don’t let anyone see. I’ve been triggered to drink a few times in my four years of sobriety, and every time I have one of these big triggers I immediately feel intense anger. I wanted to understand more about anger and how to help people with it, so I got certified as an anger management specialist through the national anger management association. I learned a lot and I want to share some of my learning with you today and moving forward in this podcast. Anger Management: Domestic violence article: Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dr. Brooke Scheller is back on the show! We’re discussing her new book, How to Eat to Change How You Drink, and focusing on the role nutrition plays in anxiety, alcohol and sugar cravings, blood sugar, gut health, and more.  Takeaways: Nutrition plays a significant role in mental health, including anxiety and mood disorders. Blood sugar imbalances can contribute to cravings for alcohol and sugar. Testing nutrient levels can provide valuable insights into deficiencies that may be affecting mental health. Finding a balanced approach to nutrition is important, avoiding extremes and focusing on small, sustainable changes. Improving gut health can have a positive impact on cravings and overall well-being. Society's view of alcohol is shifting, and it is important to educate ourselves about its impact on our health.  Reflecting on achievements and setting future goals is an important part of personal and professional growth. Connect with Dr. Brooke Scheller: Website: Instagram: Book Website: Amazon: How to Eat to Change How You Drink – Episode 140 with Dr. Brooke Scheller: Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
For some, sobriety is the best thing ever and the benefits are really exciting. But for others, things may get worse before they get better. In this episode I’m sharing 7 unexpected things that happen in early sobriety like acne, drinking dreams, night sweats, and sugar cravings. Whether you have a pink cloud or not, you’ll experience some of these things. What to listen to next: E75: sleep in sobriety for up to 2 years sober E41: why we crave sugar E165: my 30 day break from sugar E157: brain fog and fatigue Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dry January is a great time to take a break from drinking after going hard over the holidays, but does it have an impact on your ability to drink less or stay sober? In this episode I’m discussing the research on Dry January participants, the benefits you may see this month, and if Dry January is associated with a reduction in drinking long term. I’ll also explain how you can increase your chances of success this month and my best tips for staying sober. What to listen to next: E164: how taking breaks helped me quit for good E99: why we can never drink again E41: why we crave sugar E165: I quit sugar for 30 days E58: how alcohol causes cancer E34: why drinking makes it hard to lose weight E17: alcohol and the heart E37: insulin and hormones E157 and 175: fatigue and brain fog Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Happy Dry January! In this episode I'm joined by Casey from the Hello Someday Podcast, Suzanne from The Sober Mom Life Podcast, and Erinn & Michaela from the 2 Sober Girls Podcast to discuss all things Dry Jan. We chatted about our experience with Dry January, what we think about the trend, the benefits we saw in our first month of sobriety, and advice we have for anyone just starting out. Connect with Casey: Connect with Suzanne: Connect with Erinn & Michaela: Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Christmas is one of those days that we future trip about. We think, how am I going to not have a drink on Christmas?! I was 6 weeks sober for my first sober Christmas, so in this episode, I'm sharing the story of my first sober Christmas, how I felt, and what helped me get through it sober. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Not drinking requires you to exert cognitive control over your impulsive system, but it’s difficult to develop the pause between the urge to drink and drinking. In this episode you’ll learn how your brain makes decisions, how working memory can impact how much you drink, and how this can help you stay sober. You may hear a few meows in this episode hehe. That's Rudy. He wanted to help me record this episode What to listen to next: E162: what to expect cognitively when you quit drinking E163: can we learn to moderate our drinking E154: keep coming back relapse is not the end Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is a belief that I see holds a lot of people back from quitting drinking. In this episode I'm discussing why we think everyone drinks like we do and why they actually don't. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A lot of us refer to our drinking as a bad habit. Something we have to break and then we’ll be okay. Something gets messed up with the way we build, maintain, and break habits and that’s what we’re discussing in this episode. You’ll learn about the different ways your brain determines what action to take, how this impacts cravings, and I’ll analyze a personal story about my experience with automatic drinking without any thought. What to listen to next: E164: how taking breaks helped me quit for good E128: Why Cravings are So Powerful Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show! Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I lost friends when I quit drinking. If this is something you worry about or something that you're experiencing, then in this episode I'm explaining my perspective on why our friendships end when one person gets sober and why you may not be invited to things anymore. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It takes us a long time to realize that we need to stop drinking. But why does it take us so much longer than the average person to realize we need to make a change? In this episode, I’m explaining how addiction changes the brain to keep us stuck in automatic, habitual behaviors, like drinking alcohol. You’ll learn how problem drinkers differ from healthy controls cognitively, and why we get stuck in bad habits and can’t change. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this shorty I'm discussing the question "why aren't you drinking?". I'll share my advice for how to answer this question and how not to answer it. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It's easy to fall into the trap that your drinking will get better over time. That you're just going through a phase or you're just leaning on alcohol, and if only things in your life would improve, then you wouldn't have to drink so much. That's what I thought too. In this episode, I'm explaining the progression from when I was sober curious to when I developed a full out problem, why your drinking gets worse over time and not better, and how multiple cycles of withdrawal/detox makes it more difficult to quit drinking. What to listen to next: E150: 15 moderation strategies I tried to control my drinking E170: here's why early sobriety is so hard E164: how taking breaks helped me quit for good Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Dry January Group Coaching Program (Coming Soon) Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It's the holiday season and that means parties and happy hours! In this episode I'm sharing what my first sober holiday party was like and my tips for you if you're nervous about attending parties and getting through them sober Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The holiday season is tough when you don't drink. Alcohol is everywhere and it's socially acceptable to drink as much as you want during this time of year. In this episode I was joined by some of my friends Casey Davidson from the Hello Someday Podcast, Paul Churchill from Recovery Elevator, and Veronica Valli from Soberful to discuss their holidays back when they were drinking, what their first sober holiday season was like, and tips for anyone who's not drinking this holiday season. Connect with Paul: Connect with Casey:  Connect with Veronica: Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are a lot of reasons motivation fades, but there may be some things that you are doing that are impacting your motivation to get out of the cycle. Plus, it's the nature of alcohol to trick us into thinking it’ll be different this time and convince us that life would be full of deprivation and sadness without it. If you’re struggling to get out of the cycle, then in this episode I’m explaining why it’s hard to get out of denial, barriers to recognizing you need to quit drinking, and what to do to get out of the cycle. What to listen to next: E170: why sobriety is so hard E92: why we don't realize we need to quit E117: why sobriety eventually just clicks Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I’m celebrating 4 years of sobriety, and one of the main questions that inspired me to do all this research on addiction was why me? I wanted to understand why this happened to me and not other people. In this episode I’m explaining 7 reasons why I think I developed a problem with alcohol. What to listen to next: E21: 1 year sober E73: 2 years sober E124: 3 years sober Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s normal to be sad that you can’t drink, feel like you’re missing out, or to start romanticizing alcohol. It’s okay to miss it, but that doesn’t mean you have to drink. In this episode I explain how we get stuck on this ideal version of our drinking that isn’t actually real, why we easily excuse the negatives from our drinking and always think it’s going to be different, and how you can work on grieving alcohol and being okay with letting it go. What to listen to next: E155: my career journey E103: why we want to enhance things with alcohol E134: coping with boredom Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One of the most common complaints I see from newly sober people is that they are exhausted, and the fatigue after quitting drinking can last for a long time. In this episode I’ll share why you are tired in early sobriety, and 5 strategies to boost your energy levels. What to listen to next: E157: brain fog and fatigue E112: drinking more coffee? Here's why E122: how exercise can support your recovery Tired in early sobriety course Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Routine is important because we are sensitive to stress and triggers. I feel like, no matter how much sober time you have, we are more sensitive than people who never struggled with addiction. I recently had my routine disrupted a few times and it really impacted me. In this episode I explain why routines are so important for us, what they’re doing in the brain, my routine, and some components of a routine that you should consider implementing for yourself and why it’s important. What to listen to next: E134: coping with boredom E106: what happens in the brain when we are overwhelmed E75: all about sleep in sobriety Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I’ve been getting this question a lot recently. People reach out to me who have drank and then they want to know if they have to reset their days. This is a really tough thing to address, and I don’t like to you what to do, but I’d like to offer some perspective in this episode. In this episode I’ll discuss what the day count represents, if you should reset your days or keep your streak going, what I would do with my streak, and what to do after a slip to get back on track. What to listen to next: E164: how taking breaks helped me quit for good E154: keep coming back. Relapse is not the end E151: why your attempts at quitting drinking aren't working Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you’re struggling to get past the first week or maybe this is your first attempt at quitting, then in this episode I’m explaining my experience with my first week and what I recommend for your mindset towards not drinking, what to do with your time, and how to prevent cravings as much as possible. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Getting started in sobriety is hard. Is the fun over forever? Do you have to label yourself now? Are people going to judge you? How will you fill up your time? In this special episode I am joined by Amanda White from the Recovered-ish Podcast, Casey Davidson from the Hello Someday Podcast, and Suzanne Warye from the Sober Mom Life Podcast where we discuss our experience with taking breaks or doing sober month-long challenges, how we got accountability in the beginning, what prevented us from realizing that we needed to quit for good, what helped us the most when we first quit drinking, and our advice for anyone getting started now. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Our brains get used to big dopamine bursts from alcohol and this makes natural rewards like walking, nice weather, or spending time with friends or loved ones not have as much of an impact. When you get sober and you can’t get that dopamine boost from alcohol anymore, life can feel flat, boring, and like why bother. In this episode I’m going to explain why we feel a lack of pleasure, or anhedonia, in early sobriety, what months are the toughest, what causes this to happen in the brain, and when you can expect to feel joy, pleasure and gratitude again. What to listen to next: E62: dopamine deep dive E99: why we can never drink again Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Acid reflux, chronic inflammation, and depression are all ways that alcohol can negatively impact our gut health. Most people aren’t aware while they’re drinking that their frequent heartburn could be from all the alcohol they’re consuming. The gut connects to the brain through the vagus nerve, and in this episode you’ll learn not only how alcohol worsens your gut health and causes inflammation, but how this impacts your mood too. What to listen to next: E159: what to expect physically when you quit drinking E57: how alcohol affects your looks E63: alcohol and serotonin E167: alcohol and anxiety Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Socializing, dating, and spending time with family are all things that we worry about when we quit drinking. We worry about connecting with other people, that we’ll always be missing out, and that we will never have fun ever again. If you’re worried that drinking is the only way to connect with people, then in this episode I’m answering 3 questions I’ve received about drinking and meeting people. We’ll talk about dating, family, and missing out. What to listen to next: E103: why do we want to enhance everything with alcohol E79: romanticizing alcohol E134: coping with boredom Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Anxiety is something I get asked about all the time and it’s a major reason people have trouble quitting drinking. Their anxiety is too bad in the beginning and they can’t cope, so they drink again and continue the cycle. In this episode I will explain why alcohol causes or worsens anxiety, what to expect when you quit drinking, and some details about post-acute withdrawal syndrome or PAWS and how that relates to anxiety. What to listen to next: E17: alcohol and the heart E67: stress response & cortisol E38: withdrawal E157: brain fog and fatigue Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cravings are a major challenge and in this special episode Angela Pugh, host of the Addiction Unlimited Podcast, and I teamed up to discuss cravings for alcohol. Angela and I have had very different experiences with cravings, so it was interesting for me to learn more about her perspective. In this episode we cover what our cravings were like, what helped us get through cravings without drinking, vacations before and after sobriety, how we handle being around drinkers and FOMO, non-alcoholic drinks, losing friends in sobriety, and so much more! What to listen to next: E77: are non-alcoholic drinks ok to drink? E128: why are cravings so powerful? Connect with Angela: Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I was eating way too much sugar, so in a desperate attempt to break the loop I decided to quit sugar for 30 days. In this episode you’ll learn why I did the challenge, what the struggles were, what benefits I saw, what it was like eating sugar again, and what my plan is moving forward. I will also explain why we crave sugar in sobriety, the negative health consequences of eating too much sugar, and how sugar can lead to low mood and depression. What to listen to next: E41: why do sober people want all the sugar E52: alcohol and cirrhosis E96: do sugar cravings increase the risk of relapse E26: how the brain recovers in sobriety E124: how long does it take to fully recover Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I see a lot of people take a break, drink again, and beat themselves up for being a loser. Breaks are really important for collecting data on your drinking. We need proof that it’s never going to be different and we need the experiences to fully understand what alcohol is doing to us. In this episode I’m going to walk you through the 2 different breaks I took from drinking, how they helped me get to acceptance, and what you can do to accelerate your timeline and quit drinking a little bit sooner. What to listen to next: E162: what to expect cognitively when you quit drinking E97: why we keep believing it'll be different E99: why we can never drink ever again Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I desperately wanted to learn how to become a take it or leave it drinker. I thought if I took a 90 day break, then I’d reset my tolerance and break the bad habit and I’d finally be able to drink like everyone else. I believed I’d be able to achieve this since my drinking wasn’t that bad and I didn’t have any major consequences like a DUI or losing my job. You have to have big consequences to need to quit forever right? Keeping the hope of moderating someday alive was what kept me stuck in the cycle. I was always focused on the end goal of moderating someday, so even when I took breaks I couldn’t really enjoy the benefits of sobriety. If you’re stuck believing it’ll be different this time, then I will cover 3 reasons why it won’t be different.  What to listen to next: E99: why we can never drink ever again E97: why we keep believing it'll be different this time E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences? E155: my career journey E54: using alcohol to escape or numb out Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cognitive health is the ability to think clearly, learn new things, and remember information, events, and what you’ve learned in the past. As problem drinkers, we aren’t that great at thinking things through, but it’s not because we’re losers, it’s because alcohol damages the brain and messes with our cognitive health. In episode 159 I talked about what you can expect physically when you stop drinking and I mentioned that the cognitive improvements are a bit slower to show up. The cognitive improvements deserve their own episode, so in this episode you will learn how alcohol damages our cognitive abilities, how this puts us at risk to relapse, how long it takes for our cognitive health to recover after you quit drinking, and what you can do to take care of your cognitive health. What to listen to next: E69: alcohol shrinks the brain, but what does that mean E90: new study finds just one drink shrinks the brain Attentional bias episodes 127 & 128 E75: how sleep recovers in sobriety E17: alcohol and the heart E122: how exercise can support your recovery E119: chronic stress and the brain Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When I quit drinking I thought I could quit and just move on with my life, but then all of these big emotions rushed in and it was shocking. I didn’t consider myself a person who drank to cope. I thought I was drinking to have fun and socialize, so it didn’t make sense that I had all of these big emotions. This is very common though and even if you didn’t consciously use it as a coping mechanism, it effectively served that purpose by numbing and suppressing your emotions. In this episode I will explain why our emotions become so intense when we quit drinking and common emotions that you may experience like anger, the pink cloud, lack of pleasure, and post-acute withdrawal syndrome or PAWS. What to listen to next: E159: what to expect physically in early sobriety E40: anger E124: how long does it take to fully recover E62: dopamine deep dive Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You may look at people in the sober community and think that we have a lot of sober time and that may feel unattainable or too far off. In this special collab episode, you will hear from Eric Zimmer with 16 years of sobriety, Laura Cathcart Robbins with 15 years of sobriety, Paul Churchill with 10 years of sobriety, and me with 3.5 years of sobriety. In this episode we discuss our first months of sobriety, what we did for support in the beginning, how we knew it was time to quit for good, socializing with alcohol in the beginning, what our cravings and triggers were like, and how we learned how to be comfortable with out sobriety. Connect with Laura Cathcart Robbins: Connect with Paul Churchill: Connect with Eric Zimmer: Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Good news: there are a lot of physical benefits that happen in the first month of quitting drinking. This can be very motivating to continue on with the journey. In this episode you’ll learn how alcohol negatively impacts the body and what to expect when you quit drinking. Towards the end I will also discuss things that take longer than a month to improve and things that may get worse before they get better. What to listen to next: E17: alcohol and the heart E149: how alcohol affects the nervous system E22: alcohol and anxiety E157: brain fog & fatigue E41: why sober people want so much sugar E75: how sleep recovers in sobriety E58: how alcohol causes cancer Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dry July is here and if you’re working on quitting drinking, then this episode is all about how to get started. You’ll learn what to expect in the beginning like sugar cravings and urges to drink. You’ll learn about things you can do to set yourself up for success this month and what to do if you don’t like sobriety or are feeling hopeless about the thought of never drinking again. What to listen to next: E41: why sober people want so much sugar E143: how to stay accountable E156: 55 tips to quit drinking E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences E99: why we can never drink again Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When I first quit drinking I was very nervous about how people would respond to me. I worried about what to say to them. In this episode I will give you my advice for answering this question, both what I recommend doing and what I recommend not doing. I will also share 5 examples of when people gave me a hard time about not drinking and how I navigated it. Thank you Jamie for submitting this question. If you have a question that you'd like to be answered on the show please use this form: YouTube video about drinking again after 90 days Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fatigue and brain fog are two of the more unexpected symptoms you may experience in early sobriety and they can drag on for a bit. In this episode you’ll learn why you may be exhausted when you quit drinking and why you have trouble focusing. Just like with extra anxiety in early sobriety, fatigue and brain fog can increase the risk of relapse too, so understanding why this is going on is the first step to fighting it and sticking with your commitment to quit drinking. I’ll also cover 3 strategies for coping with brain fog and exhaustion. What to listen to next: E122: how exercise can help your recovery E58: how alcohol causes cancer E75: sleep recovery in sobriety E128: why cravings are so powerful Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I’ve realized over time we forget parts of the struggle. In interacting with my community I get reminded of the things I went through in my first few weeks and months. I know a lot of people look for sober tips, so I asked the members of my Living a Sober Powered Life community to share their favorite tips with you. I’ve collected 55 tips all from regular people just like you in various stages of sobriety. Get connected with the community here What to listen to next: E143: felt accountability E18: how I handle my husband's drinking E77: are NA drinks ok to drink? Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One of the most common issues I see with people is that they lose their motivation to stay sober and keep going back and forth getting a few days or a couple weeks in and then drinking again. We search for inspirational quotes on Instagram and wonder why everyone else can figure it out and not us. Your lack of motivation to stay sober is not because you’re a loser, like with everything I say it’s based on how alcohol changes the brain. This month’s workshop in my Living a Sober Powered Life community was all about motivation. I explained where motivation comes from, how drinking alcohol changes our brain to make us less motivated and effort-averse over time, how the brain determines if something is worth the effort, and I shared 3 in the moment strategies to stay on track when your motivation fades and 3 ways to prevent your motivation from fading. Please enjoy this short preview and if you’d like to join us for future workshops, then you can get more information here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Work is a major trigger to drink and it has been one of my biggest struggles in my adult life (aka my stupid belief). In this episode I explain my career struggles from when I was a teacher to working in biotech, and why I decided to quit biotech. You'll learn where my stupid belief started, my journey with not getting a PhD, and how I achieved my biggest life time dream this year. I started working for myself to launch my podcast network, Sober Powered Media, on June 9, 2022 and I also cover how my mental health has improved in the past year and suggestions if work is a big trigger for you. Work trigger episodes: E55: how to power thru when you want to give up E106: the amygdala hijack E113: introducing Sober Powered Media Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The back and forth cycle is frustrating and depressing and it can feel like you’re never going to figure it out. It also really hurts our self-esteem, which makes it even harder to not drink. This topic came up in one of my meetings this week and I want to share why it’s important to keep trying. In this episode, I am covering 3 things that may be keeping you stuck in the back and forth struggle and 3 reasons why you can’t give up. What to listen to next: E144: self-sabotage and perfectionism E149: alcohol and the nervous system E42: is relapse a part of recovery E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences? E66: what increases our risk of relapse E86: why helping others helps you stay sober E110: 5 Reasons People Relapse and What to do About it  E99: Why We Can Never Drink Again (Neuroplasticity and Permanent Changes) E97: why we keep believing it’ll be different this time Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you’ve quit drinking for any amount of time then you may have experienced a drinking dream, which is a dream where you relapse and drink alcohol. They seem really real and can be upsetting. It’s normal to feel panicked when you wake up because it takes a moment to realize it was just a dream. I had a drinking dream recently, at 3 and a half years sober, so I thought this was a perfect time to do an episode on it. In this episode you’ll learn why drinking dreams happen and what it means if you've never had one. This is a new series I'm starting where I answer listener's questions. If you have a question you'd like me to answer on the show please use this form: What to listen to next: E75: how sleep recovers from actively drinking to up to 2 years sober E149: alcohol and the nervous system E148: dealing with intense emotional pain E12: why we black out from drinking alcohol Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If this is your first summer without alcohol, then you might be really nervous because warm weather makes you want to sit outside and drink, there are extra parties, and vacation time usually means drinking too. In this episode I’ll cover 5 different challenges that the summer brings to sobriety and how you can navigate them. What to listen to next: E143: how to stay accountable in your sobriety E116: drinking envy and wishing you were "normal" E134: coping with boredom in sobriety Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
People with anxiety or depression are much more likely to experience negative consequences from their drinking, even when they drink exactly the same amount as people without anxiety or depression. It’s not the quantity or frequency, it’s brain differences and self-medication. In this episode I discuss a new study that came out a few weeks ago on this topic, the concept of telescoping and how mental health struggles accelerate the process of developing alcohol use disorder, and the harm paradox.  What to listen to next: E22: why you think alcohol helps your anxiety E64: alcohol and anxiety E125: why you have no off-switch when drinking alcohol E43: drinking to cope Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are a lot of different ways to quit drinking and what works for 1 person won’t necessarily work for everyone. I think everyone has tried things that haven’t worked, so in this episode I’m going through some of my experiences. You’ll learn why these methods didn’t work for me and hopefully this will help you make some decisions about the ways you are trying to quit. If you've been trying to quit without success then this episode may give you a better idea of what's been going wrong. What to listen to next: E150: 15 moderation strategies I tried to gain control of my drinking E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences? E143: how to stay accountable in your sobriety Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One of the reasons emotions can be so overwhelming is because we don't have coping skills to deal with them, so we run right for alcohol every time we feel discomfort. Workshops are a new part of my Living a Sober Powered Life community, and here is a sneak peak at our workshop on coping skills. In this workshop I explained why stress accumulates and taught about 5 coping skills to try. My members have homework throughout the month. Workshops happen at the beginning of every month and are available to be listened to afterwards if you can't make it live. You can join us here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I used to spend so many mornings Googling, “how can I moderate my drinking?” I thought if I could just figure out the right strategy, then I’d be able to control my drinking. What I didn’t realize was that I spent nearly all of my time drinking or thinking about my drinking, which meant that my drinking was already controlling me. To celebrate this milestone episode of releasing 150 episodes of the podcast I want to go over 15 moderation strategies that I tried that didn’t work. I hope this makes you laugh if you tried any of these too or if drinking you would have thought these were a great idea, and if you’re stuck trying to moderate your drinking then I hope this can help you work towards letting moderation go. It’s not worth it. What to listen to next: E77: are non-alcoholic drinks ok to drink? E111: why drinking alone drastically increases your risk of developing a problem Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Alcohol can cause your nervous system to become dysregulated, which puts you in a state of constant stress. Then we feel compelled to drink to cope with the stress. In this episode you will learn all about the nervous system and how it’s impacted by your drinking. You’ll learn how alcohol throws off the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, the effects of binge drinking, and how you can heal your nervous system and find true relaxation and peace in sobriety. What to listen to next: E102: alcohol and your dysregulated nervous system with Beth Bowen E75: how sleep recovers in sobriety E128: why cravings are so powerful Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When I was drinking I was very dramatic and immature. I was a toxic person who blamed everyone else for my problems. One of the hardest realizations in sobriety was coming to the understanding that I contributed to my own problems, and maybe even caused some of them. I’ve learned a lot of skills over the past almost 3 and a half years and here are the top 5 that I believe have made the difference in my ability to finally quit for good after years of trying to hang on to my drinking. And not just quit drinking, but have a happy and stable life too. What to listen to next: E94: Your Ability to Handle Unexpected Stress Matters (episode on reframing) E130: transfer addiction swapping 1 problem for another Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We spend a lot of time avoiding our emotions to try to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort we feel, but you can’t numb the bad without numbing the good too. Trying to avoid pain closes us off to the amount of joy and love we can feel too. In this episode, I explain 3 ways you can start embracing your emotions and why it's important to stop numbing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever gone through something so hard that you didn’t know how you were going to make it out the other side? Often, we use alcohol to numb the pain and make it a little bit more tolerable. If you’re sober though, you don’t have that option anymore. I’m going through something very painful right now and it has given me an appreciation for anyone who’s had intense emotional pain and coped with alcohol. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
People tell me all the time, “I just can’t accept that I have a disease”. We hear that addiction is a disease of the brain, but not everyone wants to accept that they have a disease. In this episode you’ll learn about the disease model, the choice model, and some newer models of addiction. I’ll explain what these models say, where they came from, and at the end of the episode I’ll share my opinion on the subject. What to listen to next: E143: how to get accountability to stay sober E68: how alcohol impacts our ability to make decisions E97: Why We Always Think it’ll Be Different this Time E99: Why we can never drink ever again Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are a lot of people in the sober community getting adult ADHD diagnoses, so what’s going on here? There is a strong link between struggling with ADHD and developing a problem with alcohol because just like with anxiety, trauma, or depression, alcohol can be used to self-medicate the symptoms of ADHD. In this episode you’ll learn why alcohol and ADHD are linked, what is going on in the brain’s of people with ADHD, and how having ADHD makes it harder to stop drinking once you start. What to listen to next: E48: is addiction genetic? E62: dopamine deep dive E128: why cravings are so powerful E125: why you have no off-switch E77: are NA drinks ok to drink? Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Self-sabotage is a common experience for many people who struggle with alcohol. Despite our best efforts to quit drinking, we find ourselves continuing to drink anyway. Sometimes you may even drink without understanding why. It can be frustrating and disheartening, but understanding the root causes of self-sabotage can help us break free from this destructive cycle. In this episode we’ll cover self-sabotage, perfectionism, and procrastination, and what you can do if this is a problem for you. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I was recently talking to someone and they mentioned all the opportunities there are in my life for relapse- for example, the podcasting conferences I go to and how I work for myself alone in my house. The thing is, although I have a lot of opportunities to drink, I don’t, and I believe there are 2 main reasons why. I have accepted that I can never drink ever again and I have built up a lot of barriers to protect my sobriety. In this episode, you’ll learn how I protect my sobriety, how you can use accountability to help you power through triggering times, and some different options for having accountability. A lot of people approach accountability wrong though, and I will explain how you can get true accountability that will help you stay sober. What to listen to next: E94: Your Ability to Handle Unexpected Stress Matters E55: How to Power Thru When You Want to Give Up E106: What Happens in the Brain When We Are Overwhelmed (The Amygdala Hijack) Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hiding your addiction is a full time job. It requires a lot of mental energy to keep up appearances and seem like nothing is wrong. Laura Cathcart Robbins was in a high profile marriage. She wanted this amazing life, but once she got there she realized it wasn’t the life she wanted. The pressure continued to build once Laura became the first Black PA President for her children’s school since 1972. In this episode, Laura and I discuss the pressure of maintaining a perfect image, how she found relief with Ambien, whether she had resentments in sobriety from this pressure, and how she learned how to just be herself in recovery.  Laura Cathcart Robbins is the host of the popular podcast, The Only One In The Room, and author the new book, Stash. She has been active for many years as a speaker and school trustee and is credited f or creating The Buckley School’s nationally recognized committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice. Her recent articles in Huffpo and The Temper on the subjects of race, recovery, and divorce have garnered her worldwide acclaim  In this episode you’ll learn: How it felt writing a memoir and being so vulnerable The experiences that connect us in addiction: obsession and impulsivity How the recovery space needs more diversity How we don’t even realize how chaotic our situation is and how much we are compromising our values while we’re in it For the extended episode please check out my Living a Sober Powered Life community. Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You can’t shame yourself sober, and you can’t punish yourself into change, but similarly, we need to recognize our patterns and be willing to tell the truth. I am so excited to welcome Laura McKowen, author of the new book Push Off From Here, to the podcast. Laura and I get into this idea of a blame story and what personal responsibility really means. In this episode we discuss the chaos we live in on a daily basis, what personal responsibility means, how to identify your blame story, and how to cope with intense shame in sobriety. Laura McKowen is the founder of The Luckiest Club, an international sobriety support community and best-selling author of We Are The Luckiest. In her new book, Push Off From Here - The 9 Essential Truths To Get You Through Sobriety she shares how to get through sobriety in a modern exploration of addiction, sharing practical advice for achieving sobriety and living a fulfilling life in recovery.  In this episode you’ll learn: What it means to live with rollerskates on  How to let go of self-stigma How Laura started taking responsibility for her drinking How to identify the blame stories that you’re telling yourself Laura’s favorite part of her new book Her favorite part of being sober For the extended episode about Laura’s advice if you are going back and forth because you believe you aren’t “that bad”, please check out my Living a Sober Powered Life community. Connect with Laura: Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s very triggering if you’ve stopped drinking, but aren’t feeling better. You may observe others on their pink clouds and think you’re the only one feeling this way. It takes time for the body to heal and that’s why I invited on Dr. Brooke Scheller to talk to us about how our nutrition impacts our cravings for alcohol and the way we feel. In this episode you’ll learn what to do if you stopped drinking but don’t feel better, how to re-evaluate your nutrition, and a few simple steps you can take to improve your nutrition today. In this episode you’ll learn: How Brooke decided to focus her work in nutrition on alcohol use How she felt about being public about her sobriety The most impactful things Brooke has learned in her work How blood sugar influences cravings for alcohol How to re-evaluate your diet and what to do if you “already eat pretty healthy” How to know when you need to adjust your diet When to consider supplementation For the extended episode about alcohol’s impact on blood sugar and how hunger can be a trigger to drink, please check out my Living a Sober Powered Life community. Brooke Scheller, DCN, CNS is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, a nationally recognized health expert, and the founder of Functional Sobriety, a nutrition-based program for alcohol reduction. After finding freedom from alcohol in 2021, Dr. Brooke took her experience in sobriety and applied her expertise in nutrition and functional medicine to help others change their relationship with alcohol. After working with executives, celebrities, and other successful clients, she recognized a glaring gap in the wellness space: overconsumption of alcohol. Her approach results in improved brain health, mood, energy, focus, gut health and hormone balance. Her launch of Functional Sobriety led to the development of her online community, the Functional Sobriety Network and several online programs with members across the globe. Connect with Dr. Brooke: Learn more at or Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you’re going back and forth between drinking and not drinking, then you are not alone. It’s a journey from the time someone considers not drinking to the time they actually stop drinking for good. Even though this back and forth process is pretty typical, it’s really frustrating when you feel like you just want to be sober but you keep drinking. In this episode I’m describing 5 reasons why you may be having trouble staying sober. If you identify with any of these reasons, then it’s important to be honest with yourself so you can work through it. What to listen to next: E91: do you really want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One of the most empowering things I’ve learned in my research is that not everyone experiences alcohol in the same way. When I got sober, I started talking to my husband more about his experience and I started interacting with people in the sober community who shared my experience with alcohol. Over time, I realized how different my husband and I were. In this episode I want to talk about 5 ways we think differently than take it or leave it drinkers. I’m going to use the word normal occasionally in this episode and as a reminder I don’t think we’re abnormal or bad. I think it’s helpful to understand and appreciate how the take it or leave it drinker actually approaches alcohol because it allows us to see how different our experience is. What to listen to next: E79: why do we romanticize alcohol? E99: why we can never drink again E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences? E127: why you obsess about your drinking Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Boundaries are hard and uncomfortable. As drinkers, we don’t have a lot of experience setting boundaries and having self-respect. Even worse, we may be used to taking things personally and getting easily offended. That’s why I invited Nikki Eisenhauer back on the show to discuss boundaries, taking things personally and dealing with other people in general. You may remember Nikki from episode 78, and I am so happy to have her back today. Make sure to check out her podcast, Emotional Badass, for more.  In this episode you’ll learn: What boundaries are and why they are important What setting boundaries looks like Common mistakes, like over-explaining, with setting boundaries How to stop taking things personally Toxic vs inadequate parenting How to stop catastrophizing and let things go How to receive boundaries from other people without taking offense What to do if you’re worried about hurting people’s feelings with your boundaries For the extended episode about setting boundaries with drink pushers, please check out the Living a Sober Powered Life community. Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
So many people have reached out to me online and said “I wish I had your level of self-control” or “I wish I was disciplined like you are”. It’s not about self-control or discipline and by saying that you are making your drinking into a morality thing. In this episode we’re going to talk about why we are so quick to call ourselves losers and make it a self-control issue. If you’re stuck on this idea that you need more discipline, then I hope this episode gives you some perspective so you can stop beating yourself up for a lack of self-control. That’s very unproductive and believing you just need to control yourself is not an effective way to find freedom from alcohol. In this episode, we're talking about loss of control over drinking and self-stigmatization. What to listen to next: E69: alcohol shrinks the brain, but what does that mean? E15: stigma E111: drinking alone drastically increases the risk of becoming addicted E125: why you can't stop drinking once you start Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It's hard to quit drinking when you feel like your drinking isn't that bad and you haven't had any consequences from it. We justify so many things and tell ourselves that "we're not that bad" and we should just learn to control it or drink less. That's why I had my friend Casey, host of the Hello Someday Podcast, on today. We talk about consequences and how our baseline for what's normal and acceptable gets distorted while we're drinking. This is a serious one and a funny one, so I hope you have some laughs with us. Casey McGuire Davidson helps successful women drink less + live more. She’s a leader in the modern sober curious movement of women who are gray area drinkers going alcohol-free. An ex-red wine girl turned Life and Sobriety Coach, Casey is passionate about helping busy women change their relationship with alcohol. She specializes in working with busy women with full calendars and overflowing to-do lists, who are doing all the things and then coming home and drinking to forget about all the things. Casey hosts the Hello Someday Podcast, rated in the top 1% of global podcasts, which teaches women the tried and true secrets of breaking out of the drinking cycle and creating a life they truly love. She’s the creator of The Free 30-Day Guide To Quitting Drinking and The Sobriety Starter Kit. Casey’s helped thousands of women turn the decision to stop drinking from their worst-case scenario to the best decision of their lives. Website Free 30 Day Sober Guide The Sobriety Starter Kit Course Podcast Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I recently surveyed my audience to create a free eBook and one of the questions was what’s your biggest struggle in sobriety. I was shocked to see that almost every response said boredom. I know that’s a major trigger, but I expected more of a balance between boredom and negative emotions. In this episode you’ll learn about why some people are more likely to feel bored, how this relates to drinking, and what you can do to manage boredom in sobriety. You’ll learn about why some people are more likely to respond to boredom in positive ways while others turn to alcohol to cope. What to listen to next: E103: why we want to enhance everything with alcohol E115: why you aren't ready to quit drinking and how to get ready E114: why we believe alcohol helps and how to break these beliefs Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this special episode I’m joined by Eric Zimmer from The One You Feed Podcast, Dave Wilson aka Sober Dave from One for the Road Podcast, and Casey Davidson from the Hello Someday Podcast. We wanted to get together to show you 4 different approaches to quitting drinking, not just in how we ended up getting sober, but you will also learn what held each of us back from quitting, the challenges we had in the beginning, and the beliefs we had about getting support. Casey McGuire Davidson helps successful women drink less + live more. An ex-red wine girl turned Life and Sobriety Coach, Casey is passionate about helping busy women change their relationship with alcohol. She specializes in working with busy women with full calendars and overflowing to-do lists, who are doing all the things and then coming home and drinking to forget about all the things. Casey hosts the Hello Someday Podcast, rated in the top 1% of global podcasts, which teaches women the tried and true secrets of breaking out of the drinking cycle and creating a life they truly love. Casey’s helped thousands of women turn the decision to stop drinking from their worst-case scenario to the best decision of their lives. Connect with Casey: Free 30 Day Sober Guide The Sobriety Starter Kit Course Podcast Eric Zimmer is a behavior coach, author, and the host of The One You Feed Podcast. At the age of 24, Eric was homeless, addicted to heroin and facing long jail sentences. In the years since, he not only found a way to overcome these obstacles to create a life worth living, he now helps others to do the same. Eric works as a behavior coach and has done so for the past 20 years. He has coached hundreds of people from around the world on how to make significant life changes and create habits that serve them well in achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves. In addition to his work as a behavior coach, he currently hosts the award-winning podcast, The One You Feed, based on an old parable about two wolves at battle within us. With over 500 episodes and over 30 million downloads, the show features conversations with experts across many fields of study about how to create a life that has more meaning. Connect with Eric: David Wilson – aka @Soberdave – has been making it his mission to support the sober community since his own ‘rediscovery’ began in 2019. Never one to do things by halves, Dave launched his One for the Road podcast in 2020, in which a diverse selection of inspirational guests have shared their own dysfunctional relationship with alcohol leading to sobriety. Dave has a huge community on Instagram, motivating and supporting those affected by alcohol dependence. Dave is also an accredited sobriety coach and now brings his grounded expertise in alcohol recovery to book form. Connect with Dave: Website IG Book Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to a 31 day quit drinking course with daily audios, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I’ve stopped drinking 3 times, and each time I thought I could just stop and that was that. I thought stopping was the hard part and that drinking was my only problem. It wasn’t until I was months into my current sober streak that I realized I had to do a lot of work. We build our lives around alcohol, so if you just remove the alcohol, then you’re going to feel the void and be triggered all the time. In this episode I’m going to cover 10 tips to stop drinking and stay sober. These are for anyone, whether you had a drink last night or you have years of sobriety and want a refresher. What to listen to next: E77: are non-alcoholic drinks ok to drink? E124: how long does it take to fully recover? E125: why you can't stop drinking once you start E32: a conversation with my husband E114: why we believe alcohol helps and how to break those beliefs E110: 5 reasons people relapse and what to do about it Quick Start to Sobriety Guide Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You may be on the lookout for other external things to provide comfort and excitement when you stop drinking, and impulse buying and comfort spending can pop up in sobriety. In this episode, I talk to Tori Dunlap from Her First 100k about how we can improve our financial habits in sobriety. In last week's episode we spoke about transfer addiction and Tori and I continue that conversation today with money habits. Although Tori's expertise is in finance, she brought so much wisdom to this episode that applies directly to our experience with sobriety. You especially need to listen to the end where we discuss self-worth and shame. You can learn more about Tori in her new book, Financial Feminist, and on her podcast. In this episode you'll learn: why Tori's goal of saving up 100k by the time she was 25 was a priority the importance of giving your goal a "why" how to determine what you should spend your money on and what spending isn't necessary how to set financial goals that are meaningful for you why you need to stop using the word "should" what to do if you are spending too much money for comfort how to start improving your money habits the money myths that hold us back what to do if you don't have a lot of opportunities how to get back into the workforce if you have a lot of anxiety about being out of it for a while where confidence comes from and how to improve it Connect with Tori: Financial Feminist Book Financial Feminist Podcast Instagram Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What can you replace alcohol with when you stop drinking? Many of us search for an alternative, and in this episode I’m going to discuss common transfer addictions that might show up when you stop drinking, like food, sugar, or cannabis. You’ll learn why transfer addiction happens, how to identify if you’ve developed another problem or if it’s not a big deal, and what to do to prevent transfer addiction from happening. TW: discussions of weight and disordered eating What to listen to next: E112: Drinking More Coffee in Sobriety? Here’s Why Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Perspective can help you maintain your calm and not let other people have control over the way you feel. For people in recovery, being able to stay calm and manage our emotions is critical. In this episode I want to walk you through an example of a time where I was easily offended and flipped out over nothing, versus a time when something worse happened but I was able to have perspective and stay calm. You’ll learn how you can work on adjusting your perspective and become more resilient and adaptable so things don’t pile up and become overwhelming. What to listen to next: E94: Your Ability to Handle Unexpected Stress Matters E49: 5 Consequences of Not Having Boundaries Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cravings make it hard to stay sober. You may feel frustrated that you have so many cravings and be wishing you just had more self-control. In this episode we’re going to talk about why cravings can be so powerful and how you can learn to manage them. You’ll learn more about how alcohol dominates our thoughts, why we crave alcohol, and what you can do to reduce the amount of cravings you have and their severity. What to listen to next: E119: Why We Can’t Cope With Anything  E114: Why We Believe Alcohol Helps and How to Break These Beliefs  E111: Drinking Alone Drastically Increases Your Risk of Getting Addicted  E94: Drinking to Cope or Numb Out Doesn’t Help, Here’s How to Really Cope  E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers  E98: Emotion Intensity and How to Start Self-Regulating Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One of the main characteristics of someone who struggles with alcohol is the obsession. We think about our drinking all the time. We do mental gymnastics and try to figure out how to control our drinking. We bargain with ourselves and talk ourselves into why drinking is a good idea. The obsession is frustrating and it continues into early sobriety too. I’ve seen so many people feel defeated because they think about alcohol all the time even though they’re sober. In this episode I’m explaining the obsession and why alcohol dominates your thoughts. This is a good one, and I hope it answers a lot of questions for you. What to listen to next: E62: dopamine deep dive E115: why you aren't ready to quit drinking and how to get ready E122: how exercise can help your recovery Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you been wondering how you should be eating to aid your recovery? Or why you have so many sugar cravings? In this episode we’ll talk about how the type of food we eat impacts our cravings and the amount of food we eat overall. You’ll learn about an interesting study that came out recently about protein and obesity, and how you might want to consider adjusting the foods you eat based on your goals. We will also talk about what contributes to extreme hunger and food cravings. Before we get started I want to put out a trigger warning for anyone who is uncomfortable or upset by discussions on calories or weight. I’m not recommending any particular lifestyle here, but consider skipping this one if the topic is sensitive for you. The purpose of this episode is to help you understand why you might be experiencing extreme hunger or food cravings, so you can disconnect those experiences from your self-worth or how much self-control you think you have. What to listen to next: E41: why sober people want so much sugar Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why can’t I stop drinking once I start? Have you ever wondered this or beat yourself for not having enough self-control? There’s a pathway in the brain called the go, no-go pathway and I’ve been wanting to talk about it for a long time but haven’t found the right info until now. When you want to make a decision, like you want to moderate and stop drinking after 2 drinks, the go, no-go decision making pathway in your brain does it’s thing and you either continue on drinking, which is the go path, or you stop, the no-go path. In this episode you’ll learn more about your off-switch, where things can go wrong to weaken your off-switch, and what to do if you’re in this situation where you can’t stop drinking once you start. What to listen to next: E117: Why Sobriety Eventually Just Clicks E97: Why We Keep Believing it’ll be Different this Time E99: Why We Can Never Drink Again (Neuroplasticity and Permanent Changes) Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I celebrate 3 years of sobriety on November 9th and each year I record an episode about the past year of sobriety and how it went. What stood out to me the most this year is that I am getting tired of sharing my story and I feel weird about being personal. Lately, I have been asked to share my story a lot on other podcasts. I think sharing our stories is very important because it helps newbies or people who are struggling to accept they need to get sober might see themselves in your story and realize they are not alone. However, I’ve shared my story a bazillion times and bringing up old, painful memories feels exhausting for me. At first, I felt really guilty, probably because guilt is my natural state, but then I realized it’s okay to want to move on. I want to focus on what happens after sobriety, not before. So instead of getting super personal in this one, I want to discuss how long it actually takes us to heal and recover. You may find yourself obsessing about sobriety or feeling frustrated that it’s taking you so long to feel better, but it’s a long journey. You don’t just quit drinking and go back to normal right away. In this episode you’ll learn how long it takes for the brain to recover and what you can do to take care of yourself while you’re healing. What to listen to next: E75: How Sleep Improves from Actively Drinking to Long Term Sobriety E73: The Obsession Eventually Evens Out (I’m 2 Years Sober) E21: I'm 1 Year Sober! Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Can’t imagine your life without alcohol? Are you unsure if you truly have a problem and need to quit drinking? Maybe you look around and think, “everyone drinks like I do, I’m not that bad”. That’s why I asked Dr. Matt Glowiak, PhD, LCPC, CAADC, NCC, to join us and talk about the difference between a heavy or daily drinker and someone who has alcohol use disorder. In this episode you’ll learn how we normalize our drinking, why it’s hard for us to control our drinking, what to do if you can’t imagine your life without alcohol, and how to learn what to do with your time in sobriety.  In this episode you’ll learn: Why Dr. Glowiak decided to work with people struggling with addiction His journey to learning to empathize with people with addiction and let go of old biases What the difference is between someone who drinks heavily and/or frequently and someone with alcohol use disorder How we normalize our drinking and make it seem “not that bad” by downward comparing and justifying Why it’s so hard for us to moderate when we’re so dedicated to trying to control our drinking Why some people may need harm reduction instead of just quitting cold turkey What to do if you can’t imagine your life without alcohol How to set realistic expectations about how you should feel every day How to learn what to do with your time in sobriety and how to do self-care that works for you WebMD Article Connect with Dr. Glowiak Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Want an easy way to deal with cravings and negative emotions? Want to build back some of the brain volume you may have lost from drinking 1,000 drinks? Well, the answer is exercise! I hope you didn’t just roll your eyes at me. It’s true. We are usually looking for this complicated secret that’s going to help our sobriety, but usually, it’s the simple things that have the biggest impact. The trick is just finding a way to be okay with the simple things. In this episode we’re going to talk about how exercise can help your recovery. You’ll learn about a ton of different studies on how exercise helps the brain physically, how it helps us cognitively, and why it can be such an effective tool in sobriety. What to listen to next: E22: Why you think alcohol helps your anxiety E41: Why sober people want so much sugar E69: Alcohol Shrinks the Brain, but What Does That Mean? Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Many of us will go back and forth between drinking and not drinking for years, and what holds us back is this idea that our drinking isn’t “that bad”. So what are we supposed to do if our drinking makes us unhappy, but we haven’t experienced a rock bottom yet? You may beat yourself up for not being motivated enough to quit or wishing you had enough self-discipline or courage, but it has nothing to do with that. That’s why I asked Eric Zimmer, behavior coach and host of the top podcast The One You Feed, to join us today and talk about how to get past this and make sobriety stick. We discuss why a lack of external consequences keeps many of us stuck in this back and forth cycle, what to do if you get sober but still don’t feel great, and how you can start feeling hopeful about your recovery. In this episode you’ll learn: What spirituality is and why it’s not necessarily the same thing as religion Eric’s first journey with sobriety in AA, why he eventually relapsed, and how he approached sobriety the second time Why a lack of external consequences and the idea that it isn’t “that bad” makes it difficult to get sober The idea of needing a “rock bottom” to get sober How alcohol serves a purpose for you, even if it isn’t doing that job very well Why things might not get better right away when you get sober Why we need a community and why we can’t get sober by ourselves Why we go back and forth for so long even though we say we want to quit drinking How to feel hopeful about your recovery What to do if you feel like you don’t deserve sobriety   Eric Zimmer is a behavior coach, author, and the host of The One You Feed Podcast. He is endlessly inspired by the quest for a greater understanding of how our minds work and how to intentionally create the lives we want to live. At the age of 24, Eric was homeless, addicted to heroin and facing long jail sentences. In the years since, he not only found a way to overcome these obstacles to create a life worth living, he now helps others to do the same. Eric works as a behavior coach and has done so for the past 20 years. He has coached hundreds of people from around the world on how to make significant life changes and create habits that serve them well in achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves. In addition to his work as a behavior coach, he currently hosts the award-winning podcast, The One You Feed, based on an old parable about two wolves at battle within us. With over 500 episodes and over 30 million downloads, the show features conversations with experts across many fields of study about how to create a life that has more meaning. Connect with Eric: Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Everyone knows chronic stress is bad, but did you know that chronic stress can actually change your brain? And just like everything else we talk about, it can change the brain in ways that makes it easier to be stressed or to turn to something like alcohol to attempt to cope. In this episode you’ll learn what chronic stress does to the brain, results from the 2022 Stress in America Survey, and how you can turn some bad stress into good stress. What to listen to next: E119: Why We Can't Cope E67: How Alcohol Impacts Cortisol and Causes Cravings E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety E64: Anxiety and Alcohol (Part 2) Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Some people just can’t cope. It’s not because they’re weak-willed losers, but it can definitely make us feel like that is the reason. I had a stressful situation last week and I wanted to understand why I escalated it so much in my mind. In this episode I want to share with you why some of us just can’t cope. Both nature and nurture is involved, and at the end of the episode I will share how you can get started on becoming more resilient so you can handle stress in a way that you won’t regret later. What to listen to next: E61: How Alcohol Memories are Triggered in Sobriety E91: Do You Want to be Sober or Do You Want to Drink Without the Consequences? E115: Why You Aren’t Ready to Quit Drinking and How to Get Ready E104: Why Alcohol Doesn’t Help You Cope with Dr. Ashish Bhatt, MD, MRO E46: Neuroplasticity Helps us Recover Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sober sex can be very intimidating, especially if you believe alcohol helps you feel more confident, comfortable, and in the mood for sex. I’m joined by Dr. Nazanin Moali, host of the Sexology Podcast, to discuss why we think alcohol is essential for sex, why sober sex can be so scary, and tips for singles and couples who are trying to get comfortable with sober sex. Dr. Moali shares strategies for anyone to begin implementing in their sex life whether you are single or in a relationship, and we touch on situations where someone might have a history of trauma or a history of body image issues and disordered eating. In this episode you’ll learn: Dr. Moali’s experience with working in addiction and eating disorder recovery and why she moved into working in sex therapy too Shame and disconnection in addiction and with sex Transfer addiction and having previous struggles return in sobriety Why we think alcohol is essential for sex  Why sober sex feels so scary Trauma and using alcohol to have sex Tips for couples and singles who are trying to get comfortable with sober sex Body image struggles, confidence and sober sex A good first step to feeling more comfortable with sober sex Dr. Nazanin Moali is a sex and relationship expert and has helped many individuals and couples improve their sex lives and restore and achieve deep and passionate connections with their partners. In addition to hosting the top 20 rated Sexology podcast, Dr. Moali launched a similar, top-rated podcast in Farsi in 2016 and has extensive training in treatment of eating disorders and addiction from some of the nation’s leading experts. She is a published researcher who regularly gives talks at major universities and international conferences, and has given therapy advice and information on local television shows. Dr. Moali has her postdoctoral training in sexual wellness and trauma.   Connect with Dr. Moali: The Sexology Podcast Bedroom Fizzle to Sizzle Course Instagram Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When someone quits drinking for good they usually say something like, “it just feels different this time”. That’s how I felt too this time around. It just felt different. So why did it click for me after 7 years of drinking but maybe it took you 20 or maybe it hasn’t clicked for you at all yet? In this episode you’ll learn how alcohol impacts our decision making process to put us into auto-pilot, how this continues into early sobriety, and what you can do to get yourself out of auto-pilot. You’ll learn about the different ways the brain makes decisions, and how you can start recruiting the parts of the brain that are going to help sobriety finally click for you too. What to listen to next: E115: why you aren't ready to quit drinking and how to get ready E97: why we keep believing it'll be different this time E94: drinking to cope or numb out doesn't help, here's how to really cope E91: do you want to be sober or do you want to drink without the consequences Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever wished you could just be “normal”? I used to think that all the time and sometimes I still do. Feeling envious of people who can have 1 drink and move on is totally normal, but we have to be careful that this doesn’t lead into thinking trying to moderate is a good idea or lead us into victim mentality. In this episode you’ll learn about drinking envy, how it can hurt your sobriety, and what to do if this is something you really struggle with. What to listen to next: E103: Why We Use Alcohol to Enhance Our Experiences E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you’ve been in sober Facebook groups then you have probably seen some comments saying “you’re just not ready yet” or maybe they’ve even been said to you before. These comments used to infuriate me, but now that I’m sober I see how true it is. It’s a long process to get ready to quit drinking, and most of the time we say we want to stop drinking when really we just want to drink less. One important step you can take is acknowledging that maybe you don’t want to actually quit, maybe you just want to find a way to drink less. In this episode I share what it means to not “be ready yet” and steps you can take to accelerate the process so you can quit for good. What to listen to next: E106: What Happens in the Brain When We Are Overwhelmed (The Amygdala Hijack + Life Update) E98: Emotion Intensity and How to Start Self-Regulating E94: Drinking to Cope or Numb Out Doesn't Help, Here's How to Really Cope E91: Do You Want to be Sober or Do You Want to Drink Without the Consequences? E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When you think about quitting drinking you might feel sad and anxious at the thought of never drinking again. How is it even possible to have a good life without drinking alcohol? We have all of these beliefs that alcohol helps and it’s essential for happiness and connection, but it’s really not. It’s just a drink. We rationalize why it’s helpful because we’re obsessed with it, but when we get some distance we see that alcohol was causing more bad than good. These beliefs, or positive alcohol expectancies, are formed when we’re really young and then they are reinforced through the way alcohol affects our brain. In this episode you’ll learn how these beliefs are formed, how they are reinforced, and how you can start breaking them down. What to listen to next: E11: Why Alcohol Feels Good (Endorphins and Opioid Receptors) E62: Dopamine Deep Dive E101: Does Alcohol Really Unlock Creativity? E77: Are Non-Alcoholic Drinks Okay to Drink? E61: How Alcohol Memories are Triggered in Sobriety Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I told you recently about how I quit my full time job to work for myself, but I didn’t tell you what I was doing. In this episode I want to fill you in on my business, how that impacts you, and what I’ve been up to this summer while preparing for this launch. I’m going to tell you the story of my business from the very beginning and all the challenges I faced on the path to becoming a business owner. What to listen to next: E25: Strategies for Socializing Sober E106: The Amygdala Hijack + Life Update The Hello Someday Podcast Recommended episodes: E3: 7 Strategies To Get You Through Your First Week Without Alcohol E4: Why I Quit Drinking - My Story E97: Diary Of My First 30 Days Sober The Addicted Mind Podcast Recommended episodes: E183: Looking Out for Incarcerated People and Preventing Drug Overdose with Victoria Garrow E68: Talking Suicide with Ursula Whiteside Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you noticed that you’re drinking more coffee in sobriety? Recent surveys from the National Coffee Association have found that 70% of Americans drink coffee every week, and 62% drink it daily. Surveys on people in AA found that 90% drink coffee daily. That’s a big difference. Lots of people recently have been mentioning that they drink way more coffee in recovery, so Gill thought she'd try to find out why we do that. In this episode you’ll learn how caffeine affects the brain, how the brain adapts when we drink a lot of coffee regularly, and some really interesting information about caffeine and cravings for alcohol. She will also compare caffeine to alcohol for a few different factors like addictiveness, tolerance, and withdrawal. What to listen to next: E11: Why Alcohol Feels Good (Endorphins and Opioid Receptors) E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety E33: Why Do We Feel So Tired in Early Sobriety? E64: Anxiety and Alcohol (Part 2) E75: How Sleep Improves from Actively Drinking to Long Term Sobriety E108: Why You Feel Anxious, Depressed, and Empty After Drinking Alcohol Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Drinking alone let's us drink the way we really want to, but it greatly increases your risk of developing alcohol use disorder. In this episode, Gill will describe some recent studies from the past few years about solitary drinking, and one study even called it “serious drinking”. In this episode you’ll learn more about how drinking alone increases the risk of developing a problem and especially developing a severe problem. You’ll learn why drinking alone becomes so attractive to us and how getting into this cycle creates a major problem. What to listen to next: E43: Drinking to Cope E29: The Link Between Drinking as a Teen and Developing an Addiction E30: Gray Area Drinkers E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers E87: Why Shame Increases Loss of Control Over Alcohol and How to Manage Shame E91: Do You Want to be Sober or Do You Want to Drink Without the Consequences? Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Relapse can seem to come out of nowhere and just get you. Many people say they have no idea why they drank, they just did. This is really dangerous because if you don’t know what got you, then how can you protect yourself from it next time? In this episode you’ll learn 5 reasons why people relapse. This is not a comprehensive list, but it will give you some ideas on what to work on. What to listen to next: E9: From Chronic Day Ones to Forever Sobriety E59: What to Expect When You Stop Drinking E60: How Alcohol Affects Our Cognitive Abilities E20: Why is it So Hard to Moderate? E43: Drinking to Cope E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol E80: Benefits of a Dry Month E91: Do You Want to be Sober or Do You Want to Drink Without the Consequences? E94: Drinking to Cope or Numb Out Doesn't Help, Here's How to Really Cope E97: Why We Keep Believing it’ll be Different this Time E98: Emotion Intensity and How to Start Self-Regulating E99: Why We Can Never Drink Again (Neuroplasticity and Permanent Changes) Resources mentioned: Sober Friends Podcast Article from Blair Sharp My interview with American Addiction Centers My YouTube Channel Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A study published this week in The Lancet found that people under 40 shouldn’t drink alcohol at all. This was a big study that looked at a lot of data, so in this episode Gill explains where the data came from, what they focused their analysis on, and the outcomes. Since this study is calling for the guidelines to be revisited, she also explains how the guidelines are even determined in the first place. You’ll learn about the limits of this study, some criticisms about its conclusions, and how studies on alcohol and health are normally performed. What to listen to next: E85: Biased Alcohol Studies vs Reality E90: New Study Finds Just One Drink Shrinks Your Brain, or Does it? E95: Surprise, Moderate Drinking Isn’t Good for Your Heart (New Study) E63: Why Alcohol Causes Depression and Suicidal Thoughts E65: What Happens to the Body When You Binge Drink Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We drink expecting all of these good things to keep coming our way, but there’s a limit to the amount of alcohol that causes pleasure and good feelings. If you continue to drink after that point, you only get the bad stuff. In this episode you’ll learn why this drink limit exists and what’s going on in the brain to cause the discomfort, anxiety, depression and an emptiness that we experience after the alcohol wears off, and how opioid antagonists like Naloxone and Naltrexone work in the brain. Gill explains dynorphin, which is also known as the “feel bad” chemical, and how alcohol changes the dynorphin system in the brain to make us feel so miserable that we drink again to get relief. What to listen to next: E11: Why Alcohol Feels Good (Endorphins and Opioid Receptors) E62: Dopamine Deep Dive E67: How Alcohol Impacts Cortisol and Causes Cravings E106: What Happens in the Brain When We Are Overwhelmed (The Amygdala Hijack) E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety E64: Anxiety and Alcohol (Part 2) Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Most of us have no idea what to expect when we stop drinking because usually when we quit we are so ashamed we just try to get through the beginning. In this episode Gill explains 10 things that happen when you quit drinking that no one is talking about. We hear people online say how grateful they are for hangover free mornings and sober sleep, but what about dreaming that you drink alcohol? So this episode is about the positives, but mostly the unexpected neutrals or negatives that you encounter when you stop drinking. Make sure to listen to episode 80 too if you’re participating in dry July because I talked about the benefits of quitting drinking for 1 month and those are the positive physical and mental improvements you’ll experience. Episodes to listen to next: (1) Emotions: episodes 40, 98, 83, 106 (2) Sleep: episodes 3, 75 (3) Sugar: episodes 41, 96 (4) Obsession: episodes 73, 86 (5) Things getting worse: episodes 73, 33 (6) Mental health: episodes 19, 22, 63, 64 (9) Relapse/moderation: episodes 20, 27, 28, 30, 42, 56, 61, 79, 81, 91, 92, 97, 99, 103 (10) Doing the work: episodes 78, 82, 86, 102, 104 Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses overwhelm. Getting overwhelmed is one reason we turn to alcohol. Maybe you drank after some sober time and then afterwards you don’t even know why you did. Or maybe you find yourself feeling out of control and needing alcohol or food to bring you back down. In this episode, you’ll learn about something called the amygdala hijack which prevents our rational thinking brain from working correctly. She explains what is happening in the brain when we get overwhelmed, how this tactic is used in the courtroom, and 3 strategies you can use to prevent overwhelm and calm yourself down without reaching for alcohol. Gill also shares a quick life update, because her own experience with the amygdala hijack has prompted her to make some career changes. She will tell you about what happened and what she's doing now. What to listen to next: E98: Emotion Intensity and How to Start Self-Regulating E94: Drinking to Cope or Numb Out Doesn't Help, Here's How to Really Cope E45: Emotional Overwhelm E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E62: Dopamine Deep Dive My articles on WebMD Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses willpower. A lot of us believe that we just need more willpower and then we’ll be able to stay sober, and maybe you’ve even shamed yourself for not having enough willpower to control your drinking. In this episode she defines what willpower is, because the definition is important for us to understand what it means to have willpower or not. You’ll learn why willpower works for some people and doesn’t work for others, what is going on in the brain for a person who struggles with instant gratification, and 3 important factors that influence whether or not you can resist temptation. What to listen to next E91: Do You Want to be Sober or Do You Want to Drink Without the Consequences? E60: How Alcohol Affects Our Cognitive Abilities E35: Emotional Sobriety Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill welcomes Dr. Bhatt, MD, MRO to the podcast. We think that alcohol helps us cope with our problems, but in reality, alcohol prevents us from learning how to deal with life. Once we stop drinking, we have no idea how to handle anything. Dr. Bhatt helps us understand resilience- where it comes from, how addiction breaks it down, and what steps you can take to improve your resilience. Dr. Ashish Bhatt, MD, MRO, is recognized as a leading physician, addiction medicine specialist, and psychiatrist. He has extensive experience in a variety of substance abuse treatment programs, psychiatric and co-occurring diagnosis programs for both adults and adolescents, and has served as the Chief Medical Officer for regional and national behavioral health companies. Dr. Bhatt’s philosophy is that there is no compromising in medicine, that each patient should be treated as we would our own family.  In this episode you’ll learn: What resiliency is and what determines whether or not you are resilient How your belief and confidence in yourself impacts your resilience How addiction break down resilience How alcohol and drugs prevents us from learning to deal with life Why your emotional maturity stops when you start drinking or using How drugs and alcohol distort our perception of reality and leads to inaccurate conclusions about what’s going on  The challenges you might face in early sobriety that might make you want to drink again How to develop resilience in sobriety How to deal with intense negative emotions in early sobriety The idea that you “should” be able to do it on your own and not wanting to get help Why low self-esteem exists in addiction but not in other medical conditions Connect with Dr. Bhatt: Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses why we use alcohol to enhance our experiences. One of the main reasons people use alcohol is for enhancement. With the nice weather arriving, this is the perfect time to discuss enhancing our experience with alcohol. Nice weather is a trigger and many of us consider drinking again or that maybe we can moderate now. In this episode you’ll learn why we drink for enhancement, how this is linked to problematic drinking, and what you can do if you’re struggling with wanting to drink to enhance your life or if you’re romanticizing alcohol. What to listen to next: E84: Does Alcohol Really Taste Good and Feel Pleasurable? E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety E64: Anxiety and Alcohol (Part 2) E76: Learning the Truth About Your Drinking with Dr. Anna Lembke, Author of Dopamine Nation E100: [Special] Dr. Lembke Returns to Discuss Radical Honesty and Self-Awareness Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill welcomes Beth Bowen, LMSW to the show. This episode is your guide to understanding why we use alcohol to attempt to regulate our nervous system and calm us down. Alcohol is a quick fix that brings down intolerable emotions, but drinking to cope makes us even less tolerant of big emotions in the future. In this episode you’ll learn: Beth’s experience working with veterans and in the emergency room as a social worker The idea of “knowing better” better but not being able to change your drinking The risk to licensure for a medical or mental health professional struggling with substances Emotion intensity and drinking to regulate emotions How our nervous system works and how it can become dysregulated Why we are so drawn to drinking alcohol to regulate our nervous system What the window of tolerance is and how this can increase the risk of turning to alcohol to cope Why morality (good/bad, strong/weak) has nothing to do with it How do identify if you have a narrow window of tolerance and how to improve your ability to tolerate emotions How to learn healthy coping strategies Beth is a therapist and sober coach living in Austin, TX with her husband and two boys. She has been sober from alcohol for 4.5 years, and now helps other women change their relationship with alcohol through group and 1:1 coaching. Beth also founded Sober Stories, a multimedia platform dedicated to the power of storytelling in the sober space. Sober Stories publishes new podcast episodes every Friday, featuring interviews of folks all across the sober spectrum. Connect with Beth: Podcast: My interview on Sober Stories: Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses creativity and alcohol. Creativity is a balance between our logical side and our spontaneous side. Humanity’s ability to be creative is essential for our technological and cultural progression. A common belief is that alcohol unlocks creativity, so we’re going to explore that belief in this episode. You’ll learn what creativity is, what’s going on in the brain while we’re being creative, and what the research says about whether or not alcohol helps us be more creative. If you’ve found a burst of creativity in sobriety or are looking to become more creative then you will also learn 3 tips for cultivating creativity.  Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill welcomes Dr. Anna Lembke back to the podcast. You may remember Dr. Lembke from episode 76, which was one of the most popular episodes of all time. Dr. Lembke is a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine and chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic. Her book, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence, an instant New York Times bestseller, explores how to moderate compulsive overconsumption in a dopamine-overloaded world. In this episode you’ll learn: Why lying is common in addiction and how we get into the habit of lying Why it’s so hard for us to be honest with ourselves about our drinking or drug use How acceptance and self-compassion fits into this Why it’s critical for our mental health to accept responsibility for our role in the things that happen to us How to practice radical honesty in your own life How the way you tell your story impacts your mental health  How you can recognize destructive patterns in your life and take ownership over them What to do if you don’t like being sober How does social media and chasing numbers impact our recovery How long a dopamine fast takes to reset your reward system Get your copy of Dopamine Nation here What to listen to next: E76: Learning the Truth About Your Drinking with Dr. Anna Lembke, Author of Dopamine Nation Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses neuroplasticity. There’s an invisible line that we all cross, which marks the transition from social drinking into problematic drinking. The time it takes for you to cross the line depends on your genetics, how vulnerable your brain is to alcohol-induced changes, your life circumstances, how young you begin drinking, and more. Alcohol damages and changes our brains when we drink heavily for extended periods of time. Pathways are carved into the brain as we train our brains to rely on alcohol to socialize, relax, feel happy, or deal with hard times. In this episode she explains how alcohol changes the brain, why these changes are permanent, and how this influences relapse. She has some interesting studies to tell you about that looked at animal models of relapse after months of sobriety and how alcohol and other drugs encourage our reward system to have even more plasticity. What to listen to next: E46: Neuroplasticity Helps us Recover E97: Why We Keep Believing it’ll be Different this Time E62: Dopamine Deep Dive E91: Do You Want to be Sober or Do You Want to Drink Without the Consequences? E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses emotion intensity. Just like we all don’t experience alcohol the same, meaning some people will be more sensitive to the effects of pleasure and relaxation, we don’t all experience emotions the same way either. Some people have very intense emotional reactions to very simple, everyday things and that just makes life a lot more challenging. When we drink, we have extreme highs and lows, but some of us are naturally prone to extreme highs and lows. Research has found that people who have very intense emotions also have more complicated lives. In this episode we’re going to talk about how our emotions can vary, where emotions come from and why we have them, and 3 strategies you can use to start regulating your emotions. What to listen to next: E94: Drinking to Cope or Numb Out Doesn't Help, Here's How to Really Cope E76: Learning the Truth About Your Drinking with Dr. Anna Lembke, Author of Dopamine Nation E32: A Conversation With My Husband E35: Emotional Sobriety Emotional sobriety ebook Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to a 31 day quit drinking course, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses our ability to learn and adapt from our experiences. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, and that doesn’t feel too far off from what we do with our drinking. We always seem to believe it’s going to be different this time, even when it’s consistently been horrible every single time before. In this episode you’ll learn about cognitive flexibility, how being inflexible greatly increases the risk of developing a problem with alcohol, and one reason why addiction is progressive. She has a lot of interesting studies to go over about how alcohol affects our ability to adapt the way we think and learn new information, and at the end of the episode she explains 5 tips for becoming a more flexible person. What to listen to next: E30: Gray Area Drinkers E60: How Alcohol Affects Our Cognitive Abilities E61: How Alcohol Memories are Triggered in Sobriety E68: How Heavy Drinking Changes the Way We Make Decisions Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses sugar cravings. It’s very common to go from having no interest in desserts or sweets at all to all of a sudden be craving them all the time once you stop drinking. There’s split advice on this in the sober community. Some say to just eat the sugar and worry about it later once you’re more comfortable with not drinking, and there are other people who say to avoid sugar entirely. In episode 41 she explained in detail why we crave sugar in sobriety, and in this episode she covers what we can do about it and if we should avoid sugar or not. You’ll learn about some of the latest research on sugar cravings and alcohol use disorder, if sugar consumption really increases relapse risk, and what the science suggests we should do about eating sugar in sobriety. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses a new genetic study on moderate drinking and heart health. We have believed for so long that moderate drinkers are healthier than non drinkers because they drink alcohol moderately, but this study has given us clues on why moderate drinkers may actually be healthier. You’ll learn more about this study, what they found, some other interesting studies on moderate drinking, and how you can take care of your heart health. What to listen to next: E85: Biased Alcohol Studies vs Reality E90: New Study Finds Just One Drink Shrinks Your Brain, or Does it? E17: Alcohol and the Heart E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers E20: Why is it So Hard to Moderate? Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses avoidance behavior and how your tolerance for unexpected stress impacts your quality of life. She explains some interesting studies about intolerance of uncertainty leading to heavy drinking, and how your ability to tolerate stress determines your sensitivity to rewards like alcohol. You’ll learn how to use the method of cognitive reappraisal to reframe the way you think about stress and see situations in a healthier, more realistic perspective. What to listen to next: E60: How Alcohol Affects Our Cognitive Abilities E41: Why Sober People Want So Much Sugar E54: Neuroplasticity and Using Alcohol to Escape or Numb Out E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses a new study that found that alcohol-related deaths had increased by 25% in 2020. She explains the findings, how much alcohol-related deaths usually increase in a year, and how alcohol was involved in these deaths. You’ll learn about how the general population changed their drinking habits during quarantine, and what you can do if you’re struggling with drinking to cope with pandemic stress. What to listen to next: E63: Why Alcohol Causes Depression and Suicidal Thoughts E85: Biased Alcohol Studies vs Reality E90: New Study Finds Just One Drink Shrinks Your Brain, or Does it? E65: What Happens to the Body When You Binge Drink E58: How Does Alcohol Cause Cancer? E52: Everything You Need to Know About Cirrhosis and More E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps Your Anxiety E64: Anxiety and Alcohol (Part 2) E17: Alcohol and the Heart Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life . Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses 5 reasons we don’t realize our drinking is a problem. You’ll learn how prevalent lack of awareness is in problem drinkers, and what the steps are moving through complete unawareness to acceptance. She explains factors that contribute to denial like how alcohol impacts our memory, how society makes it more challenging to accept you need to get sober, and how we convince ourselves that we couldn’t possibly have a problem. What to listen to next: E56: High Functioning Alcoholics and Denial E60: How Alcohol Affects Our Cognitive Abilities E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses losing the motivation to stay sober. Sometimes, we’ll say we don’t want to drink anymore, but what we really mean is we want to drink without the consequences. Your intention matters and if you are carrying around hopes and dreams of drinking again someday, then you’ll drink again. In this episode she explains why even when sobriety, your life, your job, and your relationships are a priority for you you still might end up drinking and then later you’re left wondering why you always do this to yourself. What to listen to next: E28: Is it a Bad Habit or a Problem? E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the new study that was published a few days ago about how even just one drink a day can shrink your brain. She explains what this study found, how the study was performed, and what she thinks of the results. She relates this to studies about how alcohol is healthy and teaches you how to identify whether a study's results are fact or just an association. What to listen to next: E85: Biased Alcohol Studies vs Reality E69: Alcohol Shrinks the Brain... But What Does That Mean? E31: If Alcohol is Toxic, Why Can We Drink it? CNN Article Wine Spectator Article Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses cravings and how dopamine influences our level of self-control. Cravings to drink can show up when you least expect them and they can be really powerful. They don’t last forever, but if you’re trying to willpower your way through cravings all the time then you’re going to get exhausted. She explains an interesting study on levels of dopamine and how this influences our decision to go for instant gratification, and how the more willpower we try to throw at something, the worse our ability to exert self-control becomes. What to listen to next: E51: Why we crave alcohol and what to do about it E67: How alcohol impacts cortisol and causes cravings E62: Dopamine deep dive E61: How alcohol memories are triggered in sobriety E68: How heavy drinking changes the way we make decisions E80: Benefits of a dry month Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses brain networks that make us more vulnerable to developing an addiction. Childhood trauma, family history of addiction, and growing up with a parent who struggles with substances greatly increase your risk of developing your issues with addiction. We know this, but sometimes if you look at families there is one sibling who makes it out fine and the other comes out with a ton of hardship and mental health challenges. Why is that though? Is one sibling strong and the other is weak? In this episode she explores why some siblings do not develop addiction despite having the same home life and childhood trauma as the sibling who eventually develops a problem. She uses herself and her brother as a case study for this episode because her brother is just a regular guy. She has a few studies to share about the brains of siblings and non addicted healthy controls with no family history, and some more information on resilience. What to listen to next: E71: Trauma May Make Drugs and Alcohol Feel More Pleasurable E74: Resilience Impacts How Much You Drink E32: A Conversation with my Husband E46: Neuroplasticity Helps us Recover Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses shame. We talked about shame way back in episode 7 and learned that there is a clear link between experiencing shame and relapsing. In this episode you’ll learn about the difference between people who are guilt-prone and those who are shame-prone and how that impacts their drinking. She has so many interesting studies to share about the link between shame, loss of control over drinking and developing a problem, and some studies that may explain why some of us are prone to feeling shame instead of guilt. You will also hear the story of Gill's first drink and some insight on how to potentially manage shame in the future. What to listen to next: E7: Shame E54: Neuroplasticity and Using Alcohol to Escape or Numb Out E35: Emotional Sobriety E19: Alcohol Use Disorder and Other Mental Health Conditions E60: How Alcohol Affects Our Cognitive Abilities Emotional Sobriety ebook Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how helping others helps us. You’ll learn about some studies on helping others, what a helper’s high is, and what oxytocin is. She explains some studies that looked at people in recovery helping others and how that impacts their own sobriety, why we are drawn to personal stories of recovery, and give you some ideas on how you can start helping others if you don’t want to do it publicly. She also describes the difference between helping others purely because you feel the drive to, versus helping others with the intention of money, followers, or fame. What to listen to next: E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol E80: Benefits of a Dry Month E62: Dopamine and Addiction Meetings: Find a Therapist in the US: Treatment: Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Recently, wine spectator shared an article on Instagram about how moderate, daily wine drinking helped you not get covid. Most people see that post and think, “great, I knew I was doing something right!” and very few people actually go read the article. In this episode, Gill discusses science funded by the alcohol industry, how that ends up influencing the results, and how you can know the difference between biased, exaggerated claims and the truth. She walks you through a few different studies that support how alcohol is healthy, shows you the holes in these studies, and what the truth is. By the end of the episode you'll be able to spot biased science and you'll learn a bit more about how pervasive the alcohol industry is in scientific research today. Wine Spectator Study What to listen to next: E80: Benefits of a Dry Month E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol E76: Learning the Truth About Your Drinking with Dr. Anna Lembke, Author of Dopamine Nation Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses if alcohol actually tastes good and feels good for us. You’ll learn about why we perceive alcohol as pleasurable, a bit about taste genetics, and how the way alcohol tastes for you can influence how much you drink. She has an interesting study to share with you about how the pleasure you feel from alcohol affects how much you drink, and if we develop a tolerance to pleasure making us require more alcohol to get the same effect. What to listen to next: E76: Learning the Truth About Your Drinking with Dr. Anna Lembke, Author of Dopamine Nation E11: Why Alcohol Feels Good (Endorphins and Opioid Receptors) E62: Dopamine and Addiction E28: Is it a Bad Habit or a Problem? E77: Why are Non-Alcoholic Drinks Triggering? E48: Is Addiction Genetic or a Learned Behavior? What to watch next: Thoughts on deserving a drink What to do when you're romanticizing alcohol Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses heightened emotions in the first 90 days of sobriety, but really this can apply to whatever stage you’re at. Big emotions and mood swings are very common, so in this episode you’ll learn how your emotions change when you stop drinking, how to manage this without turning to another self-destructive coping mechanism, and what to expect emotionally during withdrawal, early sobriety, and up to 90 days of sobriety. What to listen to next: E9: From chronic day ones to forever sobriety E38: What causes withdrawal symptoms? E67: How alcohol impacts cortisol and causes cravings E40: Why are we so angry? What to watch next: 5 walks to help your sobriety (the rage walk) I quit drinking on my own, but what does that mean for you? Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill welcomes Amanda E. White to the podcast. Amanda is a licensed therapist and the author of the book “Not Drinking Tonight: A Guide to Creating A Sober Life You Love.” Not drinking is just the beginning of improving our lives. We also have to learn things like how to deal with emotions, how to set and maintain healthy boundaries, and how to take care of ourselves. This episode is your guide to moving forward without alcohol.  In this episode you’ll learn: Amanda’s path to becoming a therapist and struggling with her drinking during grad school Emotions: how alcohol stunts our emotional maturity and prevents us from learning basic life skills, how to begin recognizing your feelings if you have no idea where to start, and why you don’t have to feel happy all the time- it’s not our normal baseline Boundaries: what they are, what they are not, how to set boundaries as a people pleaser or if you’ve never set them before, how to navigate tough conversations, how to deal with having your boundaries being violated Self-care: why alcohol isn’t self care and what real self-care is How to start therapy and find a therapist you connect with Amanda is the founder and owner of the group therapy practice, Therapy for Women Center, based in Philadelphia serving clients across the country. In her clinical work, she specializes in working with individuals with substance use disorders and eating disorders. She has been featured in notable publications such as Forbes, Washington Post, Shape, Women’s Health Magazine, and more.  Connect with Amanda: Where to get her book Her practice's website Instagram   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses why we drink. Our motivation for drinking matters and a recent study found that why we drink coincides with the development of alcohol use disorder. She covers the main reasons why people drink: to cope with mental health and negative emotions, to unwind after work and deal with stress, to socialize, and to cope with stress from parenting. She found some interesting studies to share with you about why people drink, and one study at the end of the episode about why mom’s drink. What to listen to next: E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E63: Why Alcohol Causes Depression and Suicidal Thoughts E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol E54: Neuroplasticity and Using Alcohol to Escape or Numb Out E43: Drinking to Cope Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses Dry January and how a month-long challenge can help you. You’ll learn the physical and mental health benefits of giving up alcohol for 30 days, a bit of the history of Dry January and how popular it is, and how giving up alcohol for a month can greatly improve your self-efficacy or your belief in yourself. She never did a month-long challenge, but she shares a bit about her experience giving up alcohol for 90 days and what she learned from that break. What to listen to next: E23 What your blood can reveal about your liver health E9 From chronic day ones to forever sobriety E16 Signs I was a problem drinker E38 What causes withdrawal symptoms? E60 How alcohol affects our cognitive abilities E36 Your sober pal tell us what AA is like E59 What to expect when you stop drinking Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses romanticizing alcohol. You’ll learn why we selectively remember the positive memories of our drinking, why the negative memories fade away, and how this can lead us to drink again. She found a very cool study to tell you about too, that looked at how quickly negative memories fade for moderate drinkers versus heavy drinkers. And if you struggle with romanticizing alcohol, then she provides some tips at the end of this episode for dealing with these thoughts. What to listen to next: E25: Staying Sober During the Holidays E28: Is it a Bad Habit or a Problem? E32: A Conversation with my Husband E61: How Alcohol Memories are Triggered in Sobriety E62: Dopamine and Addiction Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill welcomes Nikki Eisenhauer to the podcast. Nikki is a licensed psychotherapist, life coach, and the host of the Emotional Badass Podcast. If you struggle with alcohol, then it's highly likely that you also struggle with handling emotions in a healthy way. Gill loves the way that Nikki discusses emotions in her podcast, and knew her expertise would be the perfect addition to Sober Powered. In this episode you’ll learn: How Nikki started her career working with people who struggle with addiction and trauma How to connect with your emotional self vs your thinking self How to just “be” and not deal with constant overwhelm How to break out of the mindset of needing to get to a certain point in life to be happy Why your emotions are okay and how to embrace feeling them How trauma can disconnect you from your body, what that looks like (hypervigilance), and how to reconnect    Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses non-alcoholic drinks. Some people love them, and some people think they ruin your sobriety. In this episode she explains why non-alcoholic drinks can be so triggering and how they activate the reward center. You’ll learn if it’s safe to consume drinks that have a tiny bit of alcohol in them, why you might get a fake buzz from non-alcoholic options, and how drinks that mimic the real thing can lead someone down the path to relapse or they could just be a great tool for someone else’s recovery. What to listen to next: E31: If Alcohol is Toxic, Why Can We Drink it? E61: How Alcohol Memories are Triggered in Sobriety Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill welcomes Dr. Anna Lembke to the podcast. Dr. Lembke is a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine and chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic. Her new book, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence (Dutton/Penguin Random House, August 2021), an instant New York Times bestseller, explores how to moderate compulsive overconsumption in a dopamine-overloaded world. In this episode, you'll learn: How whatever perceived positives alcohol is bringing to your life (like less anxiety) with repeated use, alcohol causes or worsens the very thing you are trying to improve Why alcohol isn't actually your best friend or the only thing that is helping you  Why a 7-14 day break isn't long enough to see the truth about your drinking How taking 30 days off can significantly improve your mental health for the majority of people Why doctors are hesitant to ask about alcohol and drug use Ways to evaluate the amount of alcohol you're consuming How long does it take to restore balance in the brain  How to set expectations in sobriety  Sobriety obsession: can we get addicted to sobriety? In 2016, she published Drug Dealer, MD – How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why It’s So Hard to Stop (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016), which was highlighted in the New York Times as one of the top five books to read to understand the opioid epidemic (Zuger, 2018). Dr. Lembke appeared on the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, an unvarnished look at the impact of social media on our lives. Get your copy of Dopamine Nation here What to listen to next: E62: Dopamine and Addiction Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how sleep changes from when we’re drinking to long term sobriety. She explains how alcohol impacts sleep, how sleep changes in withdrawal and early sobriety, and when you can expect your sleep to fully recover. You’ll learn how lack of sleep while we’re drinking exacerbates the damage alcohol causes to the brain, how insomnia impacts cravings, and 5 strategies for coping with insomnia in sobriety. What to listen to next: E3: Alcohol, sleep and drinking dreams E59: What to expect when you stop drinking E60: How alcohol impacts our cognitive abilities E22: Why you think alcohol helps your anxiety E64: Alcohol and anxiety (part 2) E69: Alcohol shrinks the brain, but what does that mean? Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses resilience. Being able to get through hardship without self-destructing is key for maintaining our sobriety. She explains what resilience is, some research on how this impacts sobriety, and other skills that contribute to resilience and staying sober. At the end of the episode she will go over 5 tips for developing resilience if this is something you struggle with. What to listen to next: E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E35: Emotional Sobriety Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill celebrated 2 years of sobriety on November 9th, 2021. In this episode, she will discuss how sobriety has changed for her from the first to the second year, obsessing about sobriety, intrusive thoughts about alcohol, an all or nothing mindset, and how to achieve balance in your sobriety. What to listen to next: E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E70: How the Brain Balances Reward and Consequences E21: I'm One Year Sober!   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill continues our conversation about trauma from last week's episode. She discusses a couple interesting studies about how trauma impacts our ability to regulate our emotions, and how not being able to regulate your emotions leads to relapse. You’ll learn how trauma impacts the way the brain responds to emotions, how this can lead to addiction, and what you can do to start working on improving your ability to handle negative emotions. Emotion Regulation Skills Questionnaire (ERSQ) What to listen to next: E46: Neuroplasticity Helps Us Recover   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how trauma increases the risk of developing an addiction. She reviews an interesting study from 2021 that looked at how trauma impacts the amount of pleasure a person will feel from drugs. You’ll learn how childhood trauma changes the way animals and humans experience pain, another reason why we can never become take it or leave it drinkers or drug users, and why science thinks trauma makes us more vulnerable to addiction. What to listen to next: E67: How Alcohol Impacts Cortisol and Causes Cravings E11: Why Alcohol Feels Good (Endorphins and Opioid Receptors)   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the balance between how we believe alcohol is benefitting us and the consequences it's bringing to our lives. This balance is what helps moderate drinkers know when to stop, but sometimes this balance can be disrupted and the negative consequences just don’t seem to be that bad. In this episode you’ll learn about how the brain balances reward and consequences, and some ways this balance can be disrupted to increase the risk of developing a problem with alcohol. What to listen to next: E54: Neuroplasticity and Using Alcohol to Escape or Numb Out E68: How Alcohol Abuse Changes the Way We Make Decisions E55: How to Power Through When You Want to Give Up E30: Gray Area Drinkers (and positive alcohol expectancies)   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how alcohol shrinks the brain and what that actually means. She explains how alcohol shrinks the brain, how this impacts our cognitive function, and how the brain recovers with sobriety. You’ll learn about some genetic factors that make us more vulnerable to abusing alcohol and what happens when alcohol causes permanent brain damage. What to listen to next: E26: Does the Brain Recover? E17: Alcohol and the Heart E11: Endorphins and Opioid Receptors   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses decision making. She explains how the damage alcohol abuse causes to the brain relates to damage caused by a type of traumatic brain injury. You’ll learn how the brain makes decisions, how alcohol abuse changes our decision making, and what you can do to make better decisions and protect your sobriety. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses stress, cortisol and cravings. She explain how our stress response system works, and how alcohol changes this response and our hormones. You’ll learn how alcohol impacts our cortisol levels, how this impacts our cravings for alcohol, and what this means for people trying to stay sober. At the end of this episode you'll see how this topic connects to a lot of other things we’ve discussed on this podcast. This is an episode you don't want to miss! Episodes to listen to next E40: Why Are We So Angry? E51: Why We Crave Alcohol and What to Do About It   Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses what increases our risk of relapsing. She explains how alcohol changes the brain to make it harder to not drink, so we’ll talk about changes to the reward center, how the brain communicates with itself, and how we are able to handle stress. You’ll learn how hope and the way you deal with things helps you stay sober too. What to listen to next: E26: Does the brain recover? E42: Is relapse a part of recovery? E46: Neuroplasticity helps us recover Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses what happens when you binge drink. She explains the effects binge drinking has on different parts of the body, and you’ll learn more about alcohol overdose poisoning. At the end of the episode she shares a story of a family friend who experienced alcohol overdose poisoning. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses anxiety and addiction. She explains how the brain keeps itself in balance, how alcohol affects this balance, and how this causes us to feel relaxed when we drink and then anxious when we don’t. You’ll learn why we get hangxiety when we try to stop drinking, how genetics plays a role, how long it generally takes for the brain to balance itself out after we quit, and more about a drug called Baclofen which is prescribed off label in some countries to treat alcohol addiction. What to listen to next: E22: Why You Think Alcohol Helps You Anxiety E43: Drinking to Cope Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses serotonin and dopamine. She explains what serotonin is, how serotonin and dopamine work together, and how they are affected by alcohol. You’ll learn why alcohol causes depression and suicidal thoughts, and a fun fact at the end of the episode about serotonin, dreams, and psychedelics. What to listen to next: E13: Alcohol, Serotonin and Depression E19: Alcohol Use Disorder and Psychiatric Comorbidities E62: Dopamine and Addiction Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses dopamine. We know dopamine is associated with addiction, but she explains what dopamine does and how it makes it tougher to quit drinking. You’ll learn how dopamine reinforces addiction, what animals who have damage to their dopamine systems are like, how dopamine affects our desire to search for alcohol, and how punishers and aversion affect addiction.   Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how alcohol memories are triggered in sobriety. She had an unexpected encounter with $28 all you can drink wine recently, and this triggered an urge and all those weird thoughts about drinking. She found some very interesting studies about where drinking memories might be stored, how they become activated and lead to relapse, and why these drinking memories get triggered during sobriety. It can be very frustrating after a lot of sober time to have urges pop up, so hopefully this episode helps you understand why this happens and reinforces that you can never change the way you drink and it will never be “long enough”. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses cognitive skills, which are skills that the brain uses to understand information, remember it, and apply it. She explains how alcohol impacts our cognitive skills, which ones suffer the most, and how long these skills take to recover in sobriety. You’ll learn about skills like attention, working memory, problem solving, updating our beliefs, memory, self-awareness, and emotional and social skills. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses what to expect when you stop drinking. She walks you through the physical and mental improvements you can expect from the first few days up to the first few years. You’ll learn how in some areas of our health, things may get worse before they get better, and what challenges to expect in early sobriety that might throw you off and trigger you to drink.  Episodes mentioned: E38: Withdrawal E22: Anxiety E35: Emotional Sobriety E33: Alcohol Energy E3: Sleep E41: Sugar Cravings E34: Weight Loss Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses cancer. She explains what a carcinogen is, how it causes cancer, and what component of alcohol causes cancer. There’s some misinformation circulating in the sober community on that topic, so she clears that up. You’ll learn how alcohol causes cancer, how our genetics contribute to our risk of developing cancer from heavy drinking, and how the way the body handles chronic heavy drinking puts us even more at risk for developing cancer. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how alcohol affects our looks. You’ll learn the impact that alcohol has on our hair, skin and nails, dental health, facial aging, body odor, and on our ability to build and maintain muscle mass. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses high functioning drinkers/alcoholics. She explains the common characteristics of someone who is high functioning, how denial fits into this, and how a high functioning drinker can have a much more difficult time accepting that they need to stop drinking. You’ll learn about functional tolerance, which is a type of tolerance that high functioning drinkers develop that allows them to appear like they aren’t even drunk. Of course, neuroplasticity fits into all of this as well! Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses what to do when horrible things happen in your life and all you want to do is give up. She experienced something pretty bad recently, and has had similar experiences twice when she was drinking. In this episode, she walks you through how she handled this situation in all 3 occasions, how she handled it differently now that she is sober, how she resisted the urge to give up and drink it away, and what you can do to stay strong and move through pain when life gets hard. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses using alcohol to escape. You’ll learn about instant gratification versus actually working for stress relief, tips to deal with stress without drinking, and a couple of interesting studies about how brain differences in social versus problem drinkers influence our desire to escape, and how alcohol relates to overall happiness.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It's the 1 year anniversary of the Sober Powered podcast! In this special anniversary episode I'm going over my top 5 things I've learned in the past year of researching addiction. If you enjoy the podcast and it's been helpful for you, then the best thing that you can do to support the show is to share your favorite episodes and get this information out there. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over the past year! Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Recently, a member of the Sober Powered Facebook group passed away due to complications from cirrhosis. The hope for this episode is that this helps someone to quit drinking a little bit sooner or to go to the doctor a little bit sooner if they are experiencing symptoms. This is a full, extensive guide on cirrhosis. You'll learn the stages of liver disease and how cirrhosis develops, what cirrhosis does to the body, complications of cirrhosis and why they occur, and the general prognosis for someone with cirrhosis. About 10 minutes into the episode Gill gives a signal to turn it off if you don't want to hear all of the details about complications and prognosis. This is because she doesn't want to scare anyone. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses cravings. She explains what cravings are, why we have them, and how our beliefs about alcohol influence our cravings. You’ll learn about how cravings contribute to relapse, and what you can do to identify and manage your triggers. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It's episode 50 of the podcast! This is a special episode featuring some friends from the sober community to tell you about what has had the biggest impact on their recovery. I hope that you take away a few different tips and perspectives that you can apply to your own journey, plus that you discover new resources and people who inspire you. In this episode, Odette Cressler, host of Recovery Elevator Jeff Simone, PharmD, Sober Coach Jen Hirst, Sober Coach Celeste Yvonne, Writer and Co-Founder of Sober Mom Squad Katie McNicol, Sobriety Advocate and YouTuber David Wilson (AKA Sober Dave), GAD Coach and Podcaster Jenna Dillulio, Sober Content Creator Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses boundaries. She explains what boundaries are, why some of us have trouble setting them, and 5 consequences of not having boundaries. You’ll learn the real motivation behind people pleasing and having no boundaries, and how boundaries connect to emotional sobriety. At the end of the episode, she gives you some tips for creating boundaries and some easy ones to start with.   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses what increases our risk for developing a problem. You’ll learn if there is a specific gene for alcoholism, how genetics influences your risk for developing a problem, and how your life experiences influence the risk. By the end of this episode you will have a good understanding of what factors could potentially align in someone’s life to create a problem, one reason why we can’t become take it or leave it drinkers, and why some people are much less likely to ever develop a problem.   Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses addiction treatments throughout history. If you’re wondering what snake pits, lobotomies, LSD and gold injections have in common, then you’ll enjoy this episode. This episode only covers treatments from ancient times up to the 1950's when pharmaceutical treatments were developed. Gill ends the episode by giving a brief explanation of how the 3 FDA approved drugs for alcohol abuse (Antabuse, Naltrexone, and Campral) work in the brain. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses neuroplasticity. She explains what neuroplasticity is, how this affects addiction and recovery, what the purpose of dopamine is, and parts of the brain that are key for coping with stress and staying sober. You’ll learn more about how neuroplasticity affects our ability to stay sober and to learn new methods of dealing with stress. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses overwhelm. She has experienced powerful overwhelm a few times in her life, and after doing some research, feels like she has a better understanding of why she felt that way. Since quitting drinking, she has been completely free of overwhelm so in this episode she explains how she was able to do that and what emotional overwhelm really is.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill talks to Kevin who is an alcohol-free accountant, husband, and father. You may know him from his personal Instagram account, @TheSoberGinger, or because he leads 1000 hours dry. Kevin quit drinking when his daughter was 11 years old, so she remembers what it was like before. In this episode they discuss his journey to quitting drinking, what his relationship with his daughter was like before he stopped drinking, what parenting was like for him before vs after he stopped drinking, how he told his family that he’s not drinking anymore and how they responded, what his relationship with his daughter is like today, how they discuss not drinking, and his advice for parents whose children remember what their drinking was like. Kevin shares some stories from his drinking days and explains how he deals with shameful memories.  You can find Kevin on Instagram @thesoberginger and @1000hoursdry where he hosts a weekly live on Saturdays. He also recommends following @1000hoursdryparents for extra support and information. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses drinking to cope. Many problem drinkers will drink to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, past trauma, or loneliness. When we try to stop drinking, we’re not used to handling our problems and feelings so each one becomes a major trigger. There is a big connection between drinking to cope and developing a drinking problem. In this episode, you'll learn about some studies on drinking to cope and a few reasons why women are more likely to do this than men are. She will tell you about her experience drinking to cope, and her advice for anyone who is struggling with this. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Gill discusses relapse. She explains how common it is for people to relapse, some different perspectives on sobriety, and some things that increase the chance of relapsing. You’ll learn about her experiences with going back to drinking, and a few things you can work on if returning to drinking or relapsing is an issue for you. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses sugar. When she stopped drinking, all of a sudden she had a desire for sweet stuff. There are some misconceptions around why this happens and some interesting research on problem drinkers and sugar. In this episode we'll break down 3 myths about sober people and sugar. You’ll learn why sober people tend to want to eat all the sugar, how your genetics and childhood influence sweet preference, and what you can do to limit the amount of sugar you’re consuming.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses anger. There is a strong connection between anger, substance abuse, and relapse. You'll learn what happens in the body when we feel anger and what it really means when you're angry. Gill explains her experience with anger in sobriety and gives you some tips for how you can start working on your own anger. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses body image. She struggled with disordered eating and body dysmorphia before she started drinking, which is why she started drinking so late in life. When she began recovering from these issues, she started drinking, and just swapped one problem for another. Gill explains how common it is to struggle with both eating disorders and alcohol abuse, how common it is to trade one problem for another, and more about body dysmorphia. You’ll learn about her journey from feeling fat at 9 years old, to finally liking her body for the first time in her life at 30 years old. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the central nervous system and alcohol withdrawal. She explains how alcohol affects the central nervous system, what bodily functions this impacts, and how the central nervous system rebounds after we stop drinking. You'll learn what's going on in the brain to cause withdrawal symptoms like night sweating and the more serious symptoms of delirium tremens. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses hormones. She explains how alcohol affects insulin and how it affects our reproductive hormones. She discusses how hormones send messages, how insulin works to maintain blood sugar levels, and how humans go through puberty. You’ll learn how alcohol affects fertility for both men and women, and how drinking during infertility treatments impacts the success of the treatment. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill talks to Laura from Your Sober Pal about AA. Laura will explain why she went to her first AA meeting, what to expect when you first start going or when you return after a relapse, her experience having a sponsor and sponsoring others, and how to handle shame. They discuss the common barriers people have about attending AA- calling yourself an alcoholic and the higher power aspect. This episode is important because many of us refuse to even try AA, but it could be the thing that helps you finally get sober. Laura is an award-winning writer and marketer with a passion for animals and helping people get sober. She is the face behind Your Sober Pal, a sobriety humor Tik Tok account and Instagram account aimed at helping people find comfort and laughter in their struggle with alcohol. When she isn't making Tik Toks, Laura can be found at her local animal shelter where she works as a communications manager. She is also passionate about backpacking, bodybuilding, and plants.  Connect with Laura on Instagram and TikTok. Click here to visit her website where she has a very large list of resources and links to find meetings. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses emotional sobriety. She explains the idea of emotionally staying the same age you were when you started drinking, and how to work on becoming more emotionally mature. You’ll learn about distress tolerance, how it impacts our sobriety, but especially how it impacts the first few weeks of sobriety. Emotional sobriety ebook Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses weight loss. Many of us have a goal to lose weight, and it can even be something we pursue for our entire lives without success. There are 3 main reasons that alcohol prevents the body from burning fat as energy, which you’ll learn about in this episode. It's more than a simple calorie/sugar thing. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses wine energy. Is it a real phenomenon or something that we just think is real because we’re buzzed? You'll learn what happens to alcohol as it's broken down and how these breakdown products affect the brain. She will explain some very interesting information about how one product from the breakdown of alcohol affects our genes. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill's husband Drew visits the podcast as her first guest! This is an episode you really don't want to miss! They discuss how her last night of drinking was from his experience, if he thought her drinking was problematic before she quit, and if he has ever worried about his own drinking. Drew tells us a bit about his childhood and how that shaped his views on how much and how often it is acceptable to drink.  Drew also explains how alcohol affected their relationship, how he feels socializing now with a sober wife, how drinking (even moderately) has impacted his health, and what he thinks of the podcast and all of this information being so public and assessible. Drew ends the episode by providing some insight and advice for partners of problem drinkers. Please make sure to share this episode, it is helpful to anyone who drinks, whether they drink problematically or not. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses why humans are even able to drink ethanol in the first place. Ethanol is toxic, and we aren’t able to drink diluted versions of other alcohols without severe consequences, so she's been curious why we even evolved to process ethanol. She explains why scientists think we evolved enzymes to process alcohol, and what happens if you drink the other alcohols, which have very similar structures to ethanol. She ends the episode with a couple of stories about people consuming alcohol thinking it was just ethanol, but it was actually tainted with methanol. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses gray area drinkers. She explains the idea of the popular saying, “rock bottom is where you stop digging”, what misery threshold is, and how positive alcohol expectancies play a large role in how we drink. Gray area drinkers have a unique challenge of not having their drinking be bad enough to quit, but having it be bad enough to make them miserable all the time. She discusses this idea and why it is so hard for them to stay sober in this episode. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses alcohol and the teen brain. She explains how bullying contributes to teen drinking and why teens tend to binge drink (hint: it has to do with their brains!). This topic connects back to episode 22 on anxiety, so you’ll learn more about brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) with an explanation on DNA and RNA. She will also discuss how teen drinking puts kids at risk to develop addictions later in life and some statistics on this topic. This episode is very interesting, so even if you didn't drink as a teen or have a teenager, you will still enjoy learning this information. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses bad habits versus problems. It’s hard to accept that our drinking is a problem, so many of us will claim it’s a bad habit and just needs to be replaced with something else. She explains what habits are, how they’re formed, and the brain structures involved. She contrasts this with what we’ve learned about addiction to show you the difference between a bad habit and a problem, and explain why we can’t replace alcohol with anything else. You'll learn a bit about her bad habits too! Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the desire to just drink on special occasions. Sometimes, we will get sober, but our goal is to eventually just drink on special occasions. She explains why this is basically impossible for problem drinkers because of the extensive damage alcohol does to our prefrontal cortex. You'll learn more about how alcohol abuse damages our ability to have self-control and accurately access situations. She also discusses some interesting survey results from a US national survey that looked at work and family holiday parties. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how the brain recovers after we stop drinking. There have been mixed conclusions on this topic over the years, so she presents the latest information from 2019-2020 all the way up to a couple of weeks ago. You'll learn what white and grey matter are in the brain, how alcohol damages the brain, and how our cognitive function improves in sobriety. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses staying sober while you socialize. This episode was originally created for the holidays, but these strategies apply any time. She's 13 months sober, so last year was her first holiday season not drinking. On Christmas day, she was about 6 weeks sober. She walks you through her first sober holiday season, explaining what helped her get through, what the most difficult moments were, and her advice for those of you experiencing this for the first time. Beyond some general tips and tricks, she has a some strategies to share with you: the bartender is your champion, become a sociologist, treat it like a live grenade, and shut that nosey person down. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how addiction develops. She explains the different stages from trying your first sip of alcohol to being unable to stop drinking even though you want to. She talks about her own progression through the stages, and a very important memory that’s been on her mind recently.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses routine blood work. She explains what your yearly blood work can tell you about your liver health, what normal levels are, and what to do if your levels are elevated. You’ll learn what each test is and what it’s measuring. She ends the podcast with a discussion on cholesterol, what good and bad cholesterol is, how it relates to alcohol and fatty liver, and what you can do to improve your numbers.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill explains why alcohol causes anxiety and what exactly is going on in the brain. You’ll learn how our brains adjust to alcohol in ways that lead to even more anxiety, and how this impacts people who are trying to get sober. She explains a few interesting studies that connect this topic with genetics and epigenetics, and why anxiety increases when we first stop drinking.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday, November 9th Gill celebrated her one year soberversary. In this episode she goes into further detail about the end of her drinking, what led to her downfall, and all the things that aligned to cause her last night of drinking. She discusses how the past year has been, the challenges she faced, and her experience with the pink cloud. At the end of this episode, Gill offers advice to those of you who are struggling in the early days of sobriety.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses why some of us just can’t moderate. During her drinking, she was always plagued by the question of "why can’t I just be normal?" You will learn the answer to this question in this episode. She will explain why some of us just don’t have that voice in our head that tells us to stop drinking, and you’ll learn what parts of the brain are responsible for this voice. She will also discuss some epigenetic and environmental factors that can contribute to someone's inability to moderate.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill talks about alcohol use disorder and the comorbidity of other mental illnesses. Specifically, OCD, eating disorders, PTSD, depression, and anxiety and how it’s more likely that someone who abuses alcohol will struggle with one or more of these conditions than people who don’t abuse alcohol. She will also explain how PTSD affects the hippocampus and her own experience with psychiatric comorbidities. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill is married to a take it or leave it drinker, and in this episode she discusses how she handles her husband’s drinking. She will tell you the ways she asked for his help when she quit drinking, how he has responded to her sobriety, what she would do if she was married to a problem drinker, and how she would approach sober dating. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how alcohol affects the heart. She explains how the heart works, what the different parts of the heart do, what blood pressure is, how alcohol affects our heart rate and rhythm, and why alcohol causes damage to the heart. You’ll learn why your heart races in the middle of the night after heavy drinking, and the connection between alcohol and high blood pressure. She will tell you how her blood pressure and heart rate were affected by alcohol, and what both have been like in sobriety. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill talks about the warning signs she ignored that clearly showed she shouldn’t be drinking. This episode was inspired by a very interesting conversation with her husband, which she will tell you about first. She describes what a successful night of moderation looked like, how she couldn’t keep extra alcohol around, how after a few years she was unable to take a day off drinking, and the irrational fears she carried around about dying in a freak, drunk accident.  Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the stigma that exists for mental illness and alcoholism. She explains the history of treatment of the mentally ill from ancient times to present day. You’ll learn how alcoholics are viewed by the general public based on information from several national surveys from around the world. She ends this episode by talking about how the stigma of having a drinking problem impacts people’s decision to get help. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses nature versus nurture. We will explore if addiction depends on genetics, how we're raised, or both? She explains the impact both genetics and our environment have on us. Like usual, there are a lot of interesting studies to tell you about! You’ll learn what epigenetics is, how our experiences influence our genes, and how stress plays a role. She will also explain what an ACE score is and how our childhood impacts our mental and physical health as adults. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the impact alcohol has on serotonin and our mental health. She explains what serotonin is, how it impacts the body, and what antidepressants might be doing in the brain. You'll also learn about some interesting studies on alcohol induced aggression and how having a certain variant of a serotonin transporter puts us at a higher risk for developing a problem with alcohol. Since we are discussing depression, Gill explains some statistics on alcohol and suicide and the link between the two. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses blackouts. She explains how memories are formed, what puts you more at risk for blacking out, and some interesting studies on en bloc blackouts. You’ll learn what actually occurs in the brain to cause a blackout. Gill was extremely prone to blacking out, so she ends this episode by telling you how she blacked out during her wedding and the psychological impact of blackouts. Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill talks about endorphins and opioid receptors. She explains the history of opioids as medication, how we discovered endorphins, and how endorphins and opioid receptors relate to addiction. You’ll learn about how alcohol alters the opioid system in the brain reinforcing more drinking. Gill ends the podcast by talking about what she thinks is the coolest research on endorphins and alcohol addiction, so make sure you listen to the end! Resources I offer: Membership: Living a Sober Powered Life where you gain access to weekly episodes about navigating life without alcohol, weekly meetings, and a private community to get support. Use the code PODCAST to get 20% off your first month. Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. A free 3 day quit drinking challenge   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more:   If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the different defense mechanisms a problem drinker or alcoholic will use to continue drinking. She will explain denial, rationalization, minimization, and projection, and how being in denial actually changes the connectivity between parts of a drinker's brain reducing their self-awareness. You’ll learn about how each defense mechanism shows up in a drinkers life and what it means to be a dry drunk. Gill will explain how she moved through these various defense mechanisms and what you can do to overcome them for yourself.  Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill talks about Sober Power, how you earn it, and what it can do for you. She describes how it took her 5 years of worrying about her drinking to finally quit and embrace a sober life. In this episode you'll learn about Gill's two previous experiments with sobriety, and why this time is different. You will see how her mindset changed from the first time she attempted a sober week to now. If you are a chronically starting day one, then you won't want to miss this episode.  Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discuss withdrawal. She explains the physical and psychological symptoms you can expect when you quit drinking, and why some people develop delirium tremens, which is a dangerous form of withdrawal. You'll learn about the medical detox experience and post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or PAWS. Gill also describes her withdrawal experience when she first quit. If you are concerned about withdrawal please discuss this with your doctor. It is okay to ask for help! I'll tell you 100x throughout the episode just in case you forget!! Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses shame. She explains how it keeps us stuck in a drink, hate yourself, drink loop and how it makes us more vulnerable for relapse. She discusses several studies on shame in relation to alcohol abuse. You'll learn more about why it is so hard for people to quit drinking for real and why shame makes us more vulnerable to becoming problem drinkers. Gill will explain some tips she has for improving shame, and a very important tip she learned from a 2020 study on shame.  Mentioned in this episode: Craig Beck's Youtube channel. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses how we metabolize alcohol and how it causes damage to the body. She explains the enzymes and organs involved, how alcohol contributes to cancer and organ damage, and how it interferes with fat loss. You will learn what happens to alcohol after we take that first sip and the damage it causes on it's way to being eliminated. This episode is not meant to be a scare tactic to make you quit drinking, it is purely educational and informative. I will be discussing statistics and facts (including cancer), so if that upsets you, you may want to skip this episode.  Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life The Sober Mindset Course (Free Private Podcast) 5 Blocks Holding You Back From Quitting Drinking Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. Ask a question, it could appear on the show!   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses sugar addiction and why sober people want to eat all the sugar. She explains several studies done in rats, mice and humans that illustrate how sugar is addictive in the same way drugs and alcohol are. In fact, mice actually prefer sugar to cocaine when given access to both! You will learn how our brain communicates via dopamine to reinforce and reward behavior, and what happens to the dopamine receptors of people who develop sugar addiction.  Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses sleep cycles, how alcohol affects our quality and quantity of sleep, and why we have drinking dreams. She explains how alcohol suppresses REM sleep, and what that means for us when we get sober.  Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gill discusses the areas in the brain that light up when we crave alcohol. She talks about how we condition our brains to want alcohol, and how this shows up as intense cravings when we try to quit. She explains three scientific studies that show how the brain is affected by cravings, how intense cravings put us at risk for relapse, and the improvements seen with treatment and sobriety. Gill ends the episode by talking about her own experiences with alcohol cravings and the work she has done to reduce them.  Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Welcome to the first episode of the Sober Powered Podcast! Gill discusses why she began this project and why you don't need to hit society's version of rock bottom to quit drinking. Like many, Gill lived in denial about her drinking, telling herself she's not that bad because she doesn't fit the general idea of what an alcoholic looks like. She explains how her anxiety was a major contributor to embracing a sober life and a bit about the brain chemistry changes that occur when we abuse alcohol. For more information about alcohol and anxiety, check out episode 22: why you think alcohol helps your anxiety. Resources I offer: Community & Meetings: Living a Sober Powered Life Sober Group Coaching Anger Management Program Weekly emails on Thursdays with the sober tip of the week, announcements, interviews, and more. Free resources   Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit