E131: Money 101 for Sober People with Tori Dunlap from Her First 100k
Podcast:Sober Powered: The Neuroscience of Being Sober Rating: Explicit Published On: Fri Dec 23 2022 Description: You may be on the lookout for other external things to provide comfort and excitement when you stop drinking, and impulse buying and comfort spending can pop up in sobriety. In this episode, I talk to Tori Dunlap from Her First 100k about how we can improve our financial habits in sobriety. In last week's episode we spoke about transfer addiction and Tori and I continue that conversation today with money habits. Although Tori's expertise is in finance, she brought so much wisdom to this episode that applies directly to our experience with sobriety. You especially need to listen to the end where we discuss self-worth and shame. You can learn more about Tori in her new book, Financial Feminist, and on her podcast. In this episode you'll learn: why Tori's goal of saving up 100k by the time she was 25 was a priority the importance of giving your goal a "why" how to determine what you should spend your money on and what spending isn't necessary how to set financial goals that are meaningful for you why you need to stop using the word "should" what to do if you are spending too much money for comfort how to start improving your money habits the money myths that hold us back what to do if you don't have a lot of opportunities how to get back into the workforce if you have a lot of anxiety about being out of it for a while where confidence comes from and how to improve it Connect with Tori: Financial Feminist Book https://www.harpercollins.com/products/financial-feminist-tori-dunlap?variant=40308239466530 Financial Feminist Podcast https://herfirst100k.com/financialfeministpodcast Instagram https://www.instagram.com/herfirst100k/ Resources I offer: Community: Living a Sober Powered Life https://www.soberpowered.com/membership 30 Day Quit Drinking Course with daily audios to help you work on your mindset about letting drinking go https://quitdrinkingcourse.supercast.com/ Monthly office hours: ask me anything you’d like live. My audio will be recorded for anyone who can’t join live. I will not be recording the meeting participants. https://officehours.supercast.com/ Weekly emails on Thursdays where I explain the latest episode in more detail, share images to help you understand the concepts, share announcements, interviews, writing, discount codes and more. https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6107260617e156c4839768b5 A free 3 day quit drinking challenge https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62f2cb3de5ea6b3d8aea4ab2 You are not alone eBook with data from almost 700 sober people https://www.soberpowered.com/you-are-not-alone-ebook Thank you for supporting this show by supporting my sponsors. Learn more: https://www.soberpowered.com/sponsors If you enjoyed this episode please consider buying me a coffee to support my work https://www.buymeacoffee.com/soberpowered Sources are posted on my website Disclaimer: all of the information described in this podcast is my interpretation of the research combined with my opinion. This is not medical advice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices