Wild Interest
Wild Interest

<p>Do you speak “kid?” We do! Wild Interest is the new podcast created and hosted completely by kids. Sibling creators Nichole and Evan and their crew of kid contributors invite listeners to learn about the beauty and mystery of the world from a child’s point of view. The series covers science, fun facts, natural mysteries and more — episodes are as eclectic and wondrous as your child's mind! In addition to on-the-ground reporting, kids host engaging one-on-one interviews with amazing guests from grammy award winning composers, to star NFL quarterbacks, to Nobel winning scientists. Segments like Grandparent Stories invite young listeners to share inspiring conversations that span generations. In My Favorite Sound, kids from all over the world share field recordings of sounds they love. Jokes, riddles, and other hijinks are woven into every episode. Rooted in the essential human tradition of storytelling, Wild Interest is a celebration of the wisdom, curiosity, and creativity of children. Listen on your next car ride and enjoy the magic that happens when kids are inspired by other kids. It’s wild!</p>

Whale Song and Elephant Communication with Katy Payne, Whale Language with Gašper Beguš and Project CETI, The Dance of the Honeybee, Feeding Ben Stuff, Cryptid Corner, Grandparent Stories, Jokes, Riddles and MoreDo animals talk? The answer might surprise you! Join us as we dive deep with zoologist and pioneering animal researcher Katy Payne and discover the complex ways whales and elephants communicate. She even does her best whale song impression for us! Project CETI works to understand what whales are saying. CETI linguistics lead and professor Gašper Beguš talks with Wild Interest about his work with sperm whales, and the whale language his research is discovering. It even has an alphabet! Dance with us as we buzz about the sweet ways honeybees talk to each other, and bundle up for frigid tales of the Ningen, an aquatic cryptid said to inhabit the Arctic Ocean north of Japan. We’re back with a second hilarious installment of Feeding Ben Stuff, and all the usual fun you’ve come to expect like Favorite Sound, Grandparent Stories, a real stumper of a riddle, jokes and more. Let’s get wild!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissions00:00 Episode 11 Intro01:48 Animal Talk03:45 Whale Language with Gašper Beguš and Project CETI10:52 Joke Time11:46 The Dance of the Honeybee14:56 Riddle Question15:20 Cryptid Corner: The Ningen18:08 Favorite Sound19:01 Call for Submissions19:28 Grandparent Story23:32 Feeding Ben Stuff29:25 Whale Song and Elephant Communication with Katy Payne38:31 Riddle Answer38:53 Preview of Episode 1239:25 Show Credits39:57 Blooperswildinterest.com
Join us as we get into the holiday spirit with a special Christmas-themed episode! Frankincense sounds intense... what the heck is myrrh? Learn about the three wise men, also known as the Magi, and the gifts they carried across the desert. Pucker up as we unravel the mysteries of mistletoe, and hear all about Three Kings Day, which comes 12 days after Christmas and is believed to be the day the Magi first saw the baby Jesus. Our special correspondent Rio tells us how he celebrates Christmas in Puerto Rico, and we get to enjoy a special holiday song from musician OK Ivy. All that plus Grandparent Stories, jokes, songs, and a real stumper of a riddle.To hear the original, longer version of Wild Interest producer Scott Gurian's story about parranda Christmas caroling in Puerto Rico, check out his podcast Far From Home.Music in this episode included Act II Hygro by Jo Wandrini courtesy of Epidemic Sound.Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissions0:00 - Episode 10 Intro1:28 - Three Kings Day6:29 - Joke Time7:04 - Call for Submissions7:31 - The Music of OK Ivy13:32 - Favorite Sounds15:03 - Riddle Question15:24 - Singing a Christmas Round16:27 - The Meaning of Mistletoe21:07 - Frankincense and Myrrh22:27 - Christmas Caroling in Puerto Rico26:25 - Grandparent Stories33:56 - Riddle Answer34:17 - Christmas Reflections34:58 - Twas the Night Before Christmas39:38 - Preview of Episode 11 / Call for Reviews40:18 - Show Credits40:58 - Blooperswildinterest.com
Join us as we give thanks for a wonderful first year of the Wild Interest podcast. Put on your aprons, grab your pots, and grease your pans as we learn all about cooking up fun family time in the kitchen! Get that warm fuzzy feeling with a touching “best of” Grandparent Stories featuring excerpts from our first nine episodes. Just try not to crack up during Joke Time with hilarious zingers submitter by you, the listeners! And this time we’re coming at ya’ with not one, not two, but three head scratching riddles, a chef’s favorite sound, a chance to sing along with us, and last but not least, an interview with a real live turkey!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissions0:00 - Episode 9 Intro3:15 - Grandparent Stories Part 1: Esme and Bibi4:45 - Grandparent Stories Part 2: Bedloe and Mama Lou6:09 - Fun Turkey Facts9:58 - Joke Time10:55 - Grandparent Stories Part 3: Evan and Eggy13:25 - Facts to Share at Thanksgiving15:31 - Grandparent Stories Part 4: Theo and Grandpa18:23 - Favorite Sound19:20 - Call for Submissions19:47 - Grandparent Stories Part 5: Jaylee and Grandma23:05 - Riddle Questions23:48 - Grandparent Stories Part 6: Zora and Grammy26:54 - Makin’ Gravy29:29 - Grandparent Stories Part 7: Rose and Poppa35:29 - Family Time: Singing a Round37:50 - Grandparent Stories Part 8: Nichole and Tita Salud42:23 - Interview With a Turkey44:09 - Riddle Answers44:58 - Show Ending45:23 - Preview of Episode 1045:43 - Show Credits46:05 - Blooperswildinterest.com
Our latest episode is all about the wild, wonderful world beneath our feet. Where does the word “dirt” come from? How do plants get nutrients from the soil? Could getting dirty be good for you? What about eating dirt? Nichole interviews Brandy Hall at Shades of Green Permaculture and learns about the importance of mindful landscape design, and how kids can get involved in healthy soil projects at home. We speak with biochar expert Peter Olivier about how charred organic matter can make soil healthier, and interview archeologist Casey Sharp about the amazing stories dirt can reveal about ancient people. We investigate garden grubs with a gaggle of kid correspondents, shine a light on the fascinating process of photosynthesis, feature a Bobby the Bigfoot guest-hosted Cryptid Corner, and as always present the usual jokes, riddles, Favorite Sound and Grandparent Stories.Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissions0:00 - Episode 8 intro1:19 - Etymology of Dirt4:02 - Riddle Question4:22 - Permaculture11:13 - Biochar13:53 - Favorite Sound14:53 - Grubs18:33 - Mabuhay Moment20:22 - Magic Dirt22:59 - Joke Time24:03 - Archeology28:39 - Grandparent Stories31:27 - Good Dirt34:26 - Cryptid Corner: The Loveland Frogman37:08 - Riddle Answer37:45 - Call for Reviews and Submissions38:32 - Credits39:03 - Blooperswildinterest.com
Our seventh episode is all about sound, performance and storytelling. Nichole interviews Taryn Janelle and LeRell Ross of Atlanta’s Synchronicity Theatre who adapted John Steptoe’s 1987 award-winning children’s book “Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters” into a musical theater piece for all ages. Our special correspondent Nicholas drops the needle on some choice selections from his personal vinyl record collection, then drops in on Michael Greig Thomas at Echo Base Records to see how vinyl records are actually made! We also investigate how insects called cicadas make “music” by vibrating their abdomens, explore the alien secrets of Area 51 in Cryptid Corner, and bring you our usual Grandparent Stories, hilarious jokes, and a brain-twisting riddle.Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissions0:00 - Episode 7 Intro1:18 - Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters13:10 - Riddle Question13:30 - The Music of Cicadas18:35 - Joke Time19:38 - Dropping the Needle on Vinyl Records29:13 - Favorite Sound30:30 - Cryptid Corner - Area 5134:20 - Grandparent Stories39:18 - Riddle Answer39:42 - Episode Ending39:58 - Preview of Episode 840:21 - Call for Submissions40:45 - Credits41:18 - Blooperswildinterest.com
Hot on the trail of adventure, we track down otters with Jessica Kraft, learn to read the forest with Mark Warren, and learn about how technology is tracking us and what to do about it with McKenzie Funk. Along the way, Bobby the Bigfoot tells us how Sasquatches induce ASMR, and Nichole tells us about the number nine’s magical properties. As if that weren’t enough, she also teaches us a song to remember the names of all 50 states. And Evan tells us about his latest cryptid — a cute little critter that appeared in Dover, Massachusetts in 1977. Or did it? Last but not least, Evan and Nichole do the Tinikling, Electric Slide, and Cupid Shuffle at a Philippine Independence Day celebration. Plus, we have our usual favorite sounds, jokes, riddles, and general hijinks. It’s wild!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissions0:00 - Episode 6 Intro01:35 - Mark Warren animal tracking12:59 - Riddle Question13:15 - States Song14:43 - Jessica Kraft - tracking otters20:03 - Joke Time20:56 - Mabuhay Moment25:33 - ASMR27:17 - McKenzie Funk - Protecting Your Privacy38:08 - Favorite Sound39:09 - Cryptid Corner43:34 - Wild Nines46:58 - Grandparent Stories54:17 - Riddle Answer54:34 - Preview of episode 755:02 - Call for Submissions55:27 - Credits55:57 - Blooperswildinterest.com
In this episode we talk to the heroes at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya who rescue orphaned baby elephants, raising them until they can return to the wild. They tell us all about a special baby elephant named Toto. We’re also joined by musician, historian, and creator of the Brooklyn Folk Festival, Eli Smith. He talks about his life in folk music, plays us the same song on two very different banjos, and explains the competition he invented that involves tossing banjos into Brooklyn’s murky Gowanus Canal (if you have an iPhone or Apple device, be sure to check out his banjo toss video game). Next we hit the slopes with Ariana and learn about the history, hard work, and thrill of ski racing in Vermont. We also get a report from our on-the-ground correspondent Nola, who walks us through the city of New Orleans with all its special flavors and sounds. Not to be outdone, Bobby the Bigfoot returns to chat with Evan and (try to) play a banjo. Plus, we have our usual favorite sounds, jokes, riddles, and general hijinks. It’s wild!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissionsTimestamps:(0:00) Episode 5 Intro(1:11) NOLA in New Orleans(5:09) Favorite Sound(5:56) Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage (13:30) Riddle Question(13:49) Taste Explained(17:57) Grandparent Story(22:49) Ski Racing on Stowe Mountain(25:41) Bobby the Bigfoot Calls In (27:32) Cryptid Corner(29:53) Eli Smith Banjo(38:26) Jokes(39:23) Bobby the Bigfoot On Banjo(40:20) Riddle Answer(40:42) Episode 6 Previewwildinterest.com
Welcome to our Spring Holiday special! Spring is the season for flowers, baby animals, and major holidays! In this very special episode, we travel the globe to celebrate Easter, Passover, Holi, and Ramadan. We learn about Easter traditions from the washing of the feet to an Easter Day procession in the northern Philippines. We hear the Passover story from musical phenom Alica Jo Rabins, and Simone in Northern California invites us to her family’s Seder dinner. Evan throws colors at a Holi celebration. And we learn about how Ramadan is celebrated from Jakarta to Turkmenistan.Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes, favorite sounds, or send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissionsTimestamps:[00:00] Intro[1:24] Holi: Festival Of Colors[4:12] Ramadan: Turkmenistan To Brooklyn[6:40] Ramadan: Rustam In Jakarta[8:53] Easter: Washing Of The Feet With Fr. Jeffery Ott[12:54] Easter: Lola Lita In Manila[16:16] Passover: Alicia Jo Rabins[22:17] Passover: Simone Invites Us To Her Sederwildinterest.com
Ever wondered what it’s like to be the voice of a bossy guinea pig on a hit TV show? Look no further. We are joined by Sofie Zamchick, the voice of Linny on The Wonder Pets. She tells us about playing Linny (she can still do the voice) and her career as a songwriter, actor, and master marimba player. Nichole introduces a new segment called “Feeding Ben Stuff” where her picky-eater friend Ben tries new foods blindfolded. Evan gets to the bottom of the shiny monoliths popping up from Utah to Wales and then expands our palindrome horizons beyond "racecar." Theo in Alameda, California interviews his grandpa, who grew up 30 miles out to sea. He tells us about how he and his friend "Moose Breath" used to count the number of times the town bell rang for fun. Plus, we have our usual favorite sounds, jokes, riddles, and general hijinks!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes, favorite sounds, or send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissionsTimestamps:[1:12] Sofie Zamchick of The Wonder Pets[15:27] Riddle Question[15:40] Cryptid Corner: Monoliths[20:21] Prank[21:19] Joke Time[22:03] Palindromes[22:45] Grandparent Stories: Theo talks with his grandpa [27:21] Sing A Round: Row Your Boat[28:50] Favorite Sound[29:47] Feeding Ben Stuff[34:36] Preview of Episode 5[35:24] Outtakeswildinterest.com
April Fools' and an eclipse in the same month? Wild Interest has got you covered. We get ready for the eclipse with astronomer Mark Lancaster. And we've got the perfect prank for you to play -- all you need is a banana and a paperclip. Nichole talks with Grammy Award-winning artist Tim Maxey about his band Not The Twos and his production and songwriting (for Kendrick Lamar, Summer Walker, Baby Rose, and others). He even shows us how he wrote his song Paradise, which opens Kendrick Lamar's United In Grief, the first song on Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers. We visit the Erben Organ, the last untouched, original pipe organ in New York City to hear it played just before it gets taken apart for the first time since Abraham Lincoln was president. Nichole goes to the principal's office with Paul Bianchi, legendary leader of Atlanta's Paideia School. Evan dissects the Congressional hearings on UAPs, and Jayleigh in Decatur, Georgia interviews her Grandma. Plus our usual assortment of favorite sounds, jokes, riddles, and general hijinks!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissionsTimestamps:[1:19] Solar eclipses: how do they work? What's the best way to enjoy one? [7:10] Riddle question[7:32] Erben Organ -- hear Martin Scorsese's favorite organ played by Jared Lamenzo before it gets taken apart for the first time in 150 years! [16:03] Emory's Favorite Sound[16:51] Paul Bianchi takes Nichole to the principal's office.[22:44] Grandparent Stories: Jayleigh talks with her Grandma.[29:57] Cryptid Corner: UAPs are the new UFOs[39:45] Jokes[40:34] How to send us a message or contribution. And a message from Bobby, a bigfoot who is miffed about Mothman.[42:40] April Fools' banana prank[43:52] Tim Maxey, father of Not The Twos and producer to Kendrick Lamar, Summer Walker, and Baby Rose[51:39] Riddle Answer[52:13] Preview of our next episode[52:32] Blooperswildinterest.com
Wild Interest is a kid-created and hosted audio magazine. In this episode, legendary NFL quarterback Jake "The Snake" Plummer talks with guest reporter Justus about making big plays, being nice to people, and life after football. Nichole talks with Dr. Andrew Newberg about what's great about yawning and why some Olympic athletes do it right before they compete. Evan tells us about Mothman, the winged creature with a penchant for O'Hare International Airport. Nichole teaches us how to turn your favorite ice cream into a delicious cake. We visit nine Filipino soldiers marooned (on purpose) on a partially sunken ship. And we learn how to sing Row Your Boat as a round! Plus our usual grandparent stories, favorite sounds, jokes, riddles, and general hijinks!wildinterest.com
Wild Interest is a kid-created and hosted audio magazine. In this episode, Nichole tells us everything we need to know about leap years and then geeks out on bees and their wax with beeswax candlemaker Jon Kornbluh. Evan goes deep on his favorite cryptid Bigfoot and speaks to Dr. Jeff Meldrum, professor at Idaho State University and keeper of the largest collection of Sasquatch footprint casts in the world. And guest reporters Nola and Maxine visit Brooklyn's Greenwood Cemetery to meet its flock of wild green monk parrots. In Grandparent Stories, Esme in Los Angeles speaks with her grandma, Bibi. And Chanel in Kabete, Kenya shares a recording of her favorite sound.  Perfect for car rides or quiet time alone, Wild Interest is Brain Broccoli's answer to brain candy.Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message:  www.wildinterest.com/submissionswildinterest.com