Animal Talk: Part One
Animal Talk: Part One  
Podcast: Wild Interest
Published On: Mon Jan 27 2025
Description: Whale Song and Elephant Communication with Katy Payne, Whale Language with Gašper Beguš and Project CETI, The Dance of the Honeybee, Feeding Ben Stuff, Cryptid Corner, Grandparent Stories, Jokes, Riddles and MoreDo animals talk? The answer might surprise you! Join us as we dive deep with zoologist and pioneering animal researcher Katy Payne and discover the complex ways whales and elephants communicate. She even does her best whale song impression for us! Project CETI works to understand what whales are saying. CETI linguistics lead and professor Gašper Beguš talks with Wild Interest about his work with sperm whales, and the whale language his research is discovering. It even has an alphabet! Dance with us as we buzz about the sweet ways honeybees talk to each other, and bundle up for frigid tales of the Ningen, an aquatic cryptid said to inhabit the Arctic Ocean north of Japan. We’re back with a second hilarious installment of Feeding Ben Stuff, and all the usual fun you’ve come to expect like Favorite Sound, Grandparent Stories, a real stumper of a riddle, jokes and more. Let’s get wild!Timestamps for this episode are available below. Parents: visit our website to help your kids contribute jokes or favorite sounds, or to send us a message: Episode 11 Intro01:48 Animal Talk03:45 Whale Language with Gašper Beguš and Project CETI10:52 Joke Time11:46 The Dance of the Honeybee14:56 Riddle Question15:20 Cryptid Corner: The Ningen18:08 Favorite Sound19:01 Call for Submissions19:28 Grandparent Story23:32 Feeding Ben Stuff29:25 Whale Song and Elephant Communication with Katy Payne38:31 Riddle Answer38:53 Preview of Episode 1239:25 Show Credits39:57