Collectors Gene Radio
Collectors Gene Radio

<p>Collectors Gene Radio is a deep dive into the nuances of collecting. Hear from collectors and experts from all over the world speak on their passions and hobbies, and ultimately find out whether or not they feel they were born with the "Collectors Gene".</p>

Today we’re hearing from plant designer and rare plant collector, Rob Moffitt. He founded his company Haus Plant just a few short years ago, on the rare occasion that he didn’t previously collect plants at all. Fast forward a few years and Rob’s a go-to in the plant design world, sourcing and collecting rare plants for some of the biggest interior design projects. These aren’t just your typical nursery plants, either. Rob’s sourcing from some of the most esteemed plant collectors, estates, and even plants that come from the jungles of Brazil and Southeast Asia. It’s not just about finding the right plant though. Rob is known for manipulating roots to be more architectural and displaying them in more organic materials and vessels. This is a first for the show, so without further adieu, this is Rob Moffitt, for Collectors Gene Radio.The Haus Plant - Plant Instagram - Moffitt's Instagram -
Jason Saft is my guest today, and as the proprietor behind the award winning firm, Staged To Sell Home, it’s not often I get to chat with a collector whose job is to well, collect. Jason’s company Staged To Sell home is responsible for helping sell some of New Yorks most prominent real estate. His firm has risen to fame for their beautifully staged interiors, good enough for New York's wealthiest buyers. His job is to take a stale home and turn it into something a potential buyer can see themselves living in. We chat about the amazing case studies on his website which showcase how homes sat on the market sometimes for two years before his team comes in, subsequently selling in less than a week by the time he’s done with it, and usually over asking. As for his collecting, there’s a new 23000 square foot warehouse that holds the ever growing collection of furniture and objet, all of which he gets to look at on a daily basis. So without further adieu, this is Jason Saft, for collectors gene radio.Staged To Sell - Studies - To Sell Instagram - Saft's Instagram -
Artist Michael McGregor joined me today, right on the heels of launching his new book, Room Service, a collection of still life drawings on hotel stationary. We spoke about soaking up inspiration from everyday objects, and why it’s ok to reinvent yourself in your 30’s. Michael’s a collector of many things but nothing sits on a pedestal. In fact, a lot of what he collects shows up in his art. We chat about his other book, The Greece Notebook and how he manages to tell a story through the things that most of the world disregards. Cool, calm, collected, and a knack for finding the moment in the mundane is McGregor’s m.o., and we’re here for it. So without further adieu, this is Michael McGregor, for Collectors Gene Radio.Michael's Website - Interview -'s Instagram - Service -
Roy Davidoff is no stranger to the watch community, so I figured it would be great to sit down, and understand more as to why that is. Roy’s love for watches is no accident, having discovered his passion for them early on, eventually making a career out of it. However, luxury things are in Roy’s blood, as his family were prominent wholesale gem dealers several decades ago to some of the biggest names in the game. After Roy’s father gifted him his Omega Speedmaster, his love for the brand took off, earning him and his brother, conveniently named, Davidoff Brother’s, a spot as a go to for the brand. They’ve sold as many as 150 Speedmasters in a year, and even wrote a book on them. They’ve since expanded their inventory across multiple brands and categories, and are still after the good stuff. At the end of the day, it’s all about passion and their roots. So please enjoy, this is Roy Davidoff, for Collectors Gene Radio.Roy's Instagram - Brothers - Brothers Instagram -
Today I’m sitting down with Douglas Friedman, to discuss the commonalities between a collector and one of the most sought after photographers in the residential architecture space. His name commonly shows up on Architectural Digest’s top articles and there’s a good reason for it. Friedman always used his gut instinct, whether it was studying anthropology or discovering Marfa, Texas as a place to call home. But I wanted to know how he thinks about creating a story from the photographs he chooses to use from a shoot, and how he preserves moments in time through his work, much like us collectors do respectively. At the end of the day, Douglas wasn’t sure whether he was a collector or not but I think we worked that out. So without further adieu, this is Douglas Friedman, for Collectors Gene Radio.Douglas's Website -'s Instagram -'s Latest Work -
Today’s guest is Scott Rogowsky. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because you’re probably one of the 35 million people to have downloaded HQ Trivia just a few years ago, trying to answer the rather difficult questions Scott threw at us. And while we all may be used to seeing Scott in a suit through the screen of our phones, he’s actually been amassing one of the largest vintage clothing collections since 2003. So much so that he had to open up a store just to start offloading some of it. While he’s in the process of moving the business online, the hunt continues, adding new niches to the ever growing collection including some items from the late Alex Trebek’s estate. Scott’s pretty much seen it all and if you’re hunting for a vintage tee or hat, don’t hesitate to reach out to him, as he probably has it somewhere in the collection. With that said, please enjoy, this is Scott Rogowsky, for Collectors Gene Radio.- Quiz Daddy's - Scott Rogowsky's Instagram -
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Ewan Morgan, Head of Whiskey Outreach and National Luxury Ambassador for Diageo who owns some of the largest liquor brands in the world, from Tanqueray & Casamigos, to Guiness and Non-Alcoholic brand Seedlip. But what most may not know, is that Diageo also owns a fair share of high end labels too, like Lagavulin and Mortlach. And after four decades of closure, the iconic Port Ellen distillery in the Island of Islay is reopening with Diageo in a historic moment for the Scotch industry. Ewan and I chat about the Scotch Whiskey collecting market, growing up in a family who lives and breathes the spirit, and he even takes me through a tasting of the new Port Ellen Gemini release, retailing for fifty thousand dollars. And to top it all off, we recorded at an amazing ten million dollar apartment on One Wall Street thanks to our friends at Optimist. Ewan is truly an expert which is why he’s worked his way up to have what most would consider one of the greatest jobs in the world. So without further adieu, this is Ewan Morgan, for Collectors Gene Radio.Diageo - Wall Street - - Morgan - Ellen -
Mark Haddawy is my guest today and it’s not very common you meet a collector with such refined taste in multiple categories. Everything from his cars & art, to architecture & watches, it should come as no shock that the founder of Resurrection Vintage & restorer of some of the most important homes in history, has his collecting down to a science. While a lot of things in life are about being in the right place at the right time, you simply couldn’t achieve what Mark has achieved if you didn’t have the fervor to do so. Growing up in a family of collectors, he was bound to catch the bug himself, but a Ferrari 250 Short Wheel Base parked outside the Lautner Harpel House still requires a “pinch me” moment when he takes the car out to breakfast on the weekend. He’s as curated as it gets and truly believes that incorporating his collections into his everyday life is of the utmost importance. So without further adieu, this is Mark Haddawy, for Collectors Gene Radio.Mark Haddawy - Vintage -
You may recognize today’s guest as the rare book specialist, dealer, and collector from the hit show Pawn Stars, Rebecca Romney. Rebecca got started in the world of rare books quite haphazardly when she applied for a managerial position at age 23 for a rare book retailer, and you can pretty much guess what happens next. Rebecca is one of the most respected dealers in the rare book space with her company Type Punch Matrix, and she is the co-founder of the Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize. She’s sold and handled some of the rarest books in the world, like Shakespeare Folios and first editions of Newton’s Principia Mathematica. We dispel the myths of how books should be handled and chat about the diligent and detailed process of buying and cataloging entire libraries. In such a subjective space, Rebecca has not only made a name for herself, but as a trusted source in the industry who is willing to always point clients in the right direction. So please enjoy, this is Rebecca Romney, for Collectors Gene Radio.Type Punch Matrix -'s Instagram - & Wax Prize -
Wesley Smith is my guest today and as the founder of Standard H, I knew we were bound to have some overlap in our interests. Wesley is a collector of many things, like every hotel room key he’s ever received, to golf scorecard pencils and bag tags, he even collected every GQ magazine at one point, amassing a collection of 700 issues. As you can tell, it’s all about nostalgia and memories for Wesley, which is a direct correlation between his collections and the brand he’s created at Standard H. He’s an enthusiast in many subjects and details are what matter most. What I love most about his collections is that it is a testament that you can collect the things that just make you happy, whether you shell out a dollar or not. Alright, please enjoy, this is Wesley Smith, for Collectors Gene Radio.Standard H - H Instagram -
Today’s guest is jewelry collector, JJ Owens. The founder of Daily Grail may be best known for her work in the watch industry, but her love for collecting jewelry predates all of that. In fact, for as long as she can remember, jewelry collecting has been a part of her childhood. I was eager to learn about the drastic differences between working with jewelry brands versus watch brands, and just how easy it is to get custom pieces made from designers. JJ is living proof that when it comes to collecting jewelry, there is no idea too big or too small, and some of the biggest names would be happy to execute it for you. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that you won’t feel even the slightest inkling to delve deeper into the world for jewelry collecting after listening to this episode. So without further adieu, my friend JJ Owens, for Collectors Gene Radio.Daily Grail Official - "JJ" Owens Instagram - Grail Official Instagram -
Sylvain Berneron is my guest today and I am not sure there is a watch or a brand that has received this much attention in a long time, and it’s well deserved. A designer at heart, Sylvian worked for brands like BMW & Porsche before starting his own firm, and eventually becoming the Chief Product Officer at Breitling. But as a creative, Sylvain was taught by his mother, an artist herself, to turn a constraint or restriction into an opportunity, and that’s exactly what he did with the Mirage watch. He has designed every single component of the watch and spared no expense, all the way down to the solid gold spring bars. Every supplier tried to talk him out of this endeavor, but he persevered into what is one of the most sought after and recognized independent watch brands existing today. His creativity and thoughtfulness has landed the brand with allocated orders all the way through 2028. We chat about the perfect timing of his avant garde design with the current market demands, what it’s like to be on the other side of the collecting market, and the future plans of Berneron to which we got some sneak peaks. To be honest, there's not a person in this hobby and trade that deserves it more. So without further adieu, this is Sylvain Berneron, for Collectors Gene Radio.Berneron's Website -'s Instagram - The Dash Interview -
Today’s guest is the most optimistic guy I know in watches, Mr. Justin Hast. He’s a journalist, consultant, and creative in many facets of the watch industry and he’s got the collection to prove it. His passion has led him down many paths, ultimately carving out a niche for himself as a trusted source, not only from collectors, but from some of the biggest brands in the industry. He cherishes not only the emotions and experiences that watches bring, but also the memories and relationships that have come to fruition as a result of it. If his work as a creative in the industry wasn’t enough, he even publishes a yearly book called The Watch Annual which is a compendium of each year's best watches. At the end of the day, there’s not many guys like Justin who mix work and passion like he does, and it shows. So without further adieu, my friend Justin Hast, for Collectors Gene Radio.Justin Hast's Website - Hast's Instagram - Bamford's Podcast Episode with Justin - Watch Annual - Watch Journey Podcast -
You might recognize today's guest from the ever popular show Antiques Roadshow. Nicholas Lowry isn’t just the vintage poster appraisal for the hit show, he’s also the President, Principal Auctioneer, and Director of Vintage Posters at Swann Auction Galleries and for all intents and purposes, he’s a collector. Nicho grew up around collectors, and his family still runs one of the oldest books shops in New York to this day. After a stint in Prague, he found himself falling in love with vintage Czech posters and the rest is history. Vintage posters is a new category to Collectors Gene Radio so I really had a lot of questions to understand the market better. Unlike most collectibles, there isn’t really a modern version of the category today, making these vintage posters even more rare as time goes on. Lowry is a collector of many things, but with a busy schedule, I was curious to find out how in the world he has time to collect anything. Full of life, stories, and knowledge, please enjoy, this is Nicholas Lowry, for Collectors Gene Radio.Swann Auction Galleries - Museum New York -'s Instagram - Roadshow - Tour - -'s Book -
Nadine Ghosn joined me on Collectors Gene Radio today and I am not sure there is someone who is making as much noise as she is in fine jewelry. After a stint at Hermes, Nadine found herself yearning for a creativity spark and man did she get it right. Her designs are all about creating a sense of nostalgia from the things we recognize most and using luxurious materials and stones to turn them into functional jewelry pieces. Like her stackable burger ring, or her rose gold pencil bracelet, or her custom designs for the likes of Drake & Lil Yachty. If that’s not enough, her pieces have been worn by Beyonce, the late Karl Lagerfeld, and she’s been making custom croissants out of gold for Cedric Grolet. The best part of it all? She’s a one woman show who is willing to do whatever it takes. With her favorite saying being “Don’t think outside the box, think like there is no box”, Nadine has proven the counterarguments most jewelers told her from day 1 and continues to push the boundaries. So without further adieu, this is Nadine Ghosn, for Collectors Gene Radio.Nadine Ghosn Fine Jewelry -
Yoni Ben-Yehuda is my guest today and we’re chatting about what it’s like to be the Head of Watches for Material Good, one of the most curated jewelry stores around. With a star-studded clientele and friend list, Yoni may just be everyone's confidant in watches. His energy and knowledge for this stuff is immense, and he’s got a pulse on it all. I wanted to find out what it’s like to have a direct partnership with Audemars Piguet, how everyone at Material Good either joins the team as a collector or unintentionally becomes one, and more importantly, how in the world he finds time to collect for himself. Part two is in the works, but for now, please enjoy, this is Yoni Ben-Yehuda, Head of Watches at Material Good, for Collectors Gene Radio.Material Good -'s Instagram -
Today’s guest is what you can consider a jack of all trades in the watch industry, Mr. Eric Ku. Eric can be best known as a dealer, collector extraordinaire, and entrepreneur, all within the world of watches. It’s not too often that a collector and dealer finds other ways to become successful in this industry, but leave it up to Eric to take care of that. His businesses stem far beyond just being a dealer, since having founded LA Watch Works, a well known restoration and servicing center, and LoupeThis, one of the watch world's most exciting ventures and auction houses to come about in the last couple years. We chat about the impetus to start all these ventures, and of course, his many piece-uniques from the fan favorite, Cartier. He’s a go to for many things, watches and always a delight to chat with. Alright, please enjoy, this is Eric Ku, for Collectors Gene Radio.Eric's Instagram - This - Watch Works -
Today I sat down with Cameron Barr, founder of Craft & Tailored to discuss watches, cars, and our newest obsession Native American link bracelets. Cam’s been in the watch game for a bit now, but he’s always done it his way. Although watches are what’s for sale, Craft & Tailored has their own image and brand that sets them apart because it’s not just about that. Cam’s love for watches is just an extension of his collections and it all creates a cohesive case study in sticking to what you love. So without further adieu, this is Cameon Barr, founder of Craft & Tailored, for Collectors Gene Radio.Craft & Tailored -'s Instagram -'s Instagram -'s TikTok -
Today’s guest is none other than the racing legend Mario Andretti, widely regarded as the greatest race car driver in the history of the sport.Mario Andretti was born in Italy and didn't emigrate to the United States until age fifteen. At 19, he began racing stock cars in Pennsylvania and that was the start of an illustrious career that saw him compete and win in every discipline he entered. He won races in sports cars, sprint cars and stock cars – on ovals, road courses, drag strips, on dirt and on pavement. He won at virtually every level of racing since he arrived in America from his native Italy.His achievements became legendary: The world watched as he won the Daytona 500, the Indianapolis 500 and ultimately the Formula One World Championship, taking home an unprecedented trifecta. No other race car driver has ever won all three titles and Mario took the checkered flag 111 times during his career – a career that stretched five decades and across six continents.Today, in his retirement from racing, Mr. Andretti is still one of the most respected voices in motorsports and has received hundreds of awards and recognitions, like being named Driver of the Century, he was knighted by his native Italy, and the Library of Congress in Washington DC added him to its Living Legends list. And on the lighter side, but undoubtedly affirmation of his charisma and popularity, he was in the first Pixar Cars movie voicing himself and GQ Magazine named him one of "The 25 Coolest Athletes of All Time".So with great honor, this is Mario Andretti, the greatest race car driver of all time, for Collectors Gene Radio.Mario Andretti -
Sometimes you can look at a collector and just know that they have the gene. And that couldn’t be more true than with today’s guest, Justin Gruenberg. The last name rings through Beverly Hills as his family has been in the business for years and Justin is no exception as his two brands The Keystone and LoupeThis happen to be some of the most influential in the watch industry. As cofounder of both, Justin’s collecting philosophies render right through the ethos behind both platforms. Aside from rarity, he is a “what meets the eye” type of collector and it doesn’t stop at watches. Having grown up going to museums, it was inevitable that his interests wouldn’t align with art and design, of course in true collectors fashion. He’s a tastemaker with a pulse on what’s next for him, not everyone else. So without further adieu, this is Justin Gruenberg, for Collectors Gene Radio.The Keystone - -'s Instagram -
Today’s guest is Rory Tait, one of the earliest employees at the company Rally. Rally is revolutionizing the way people invest in collectible assets, offering a platform where investors can buy and sell equity shares in items ranging from classic cars, rare books, and even dinosaur skulls. While all of those items seem terribly expensive to collect, that’s where Rally takes the wheel. Everyday investors like you and I are able to go onto Rally’s platform and buy and sell shares of all of these collectible items that they acquire. For example, in August of 2020, Rally IPO’ed a 1985 sealed copy of Super Mario Bros for Nintendo for $150k at $50/share. Just a year later the asset was acquired for $2m dollars giving their investors a more than 1200% return on their investment. So even if you just bought one share at $50, your investment would have gone to just under $667. Now, that’s only one side to the collecting journey, but what I love that Rally is doing is that they are preserving the nostalgia of these items through stories and their in person museum in New York where you can visit these items to see them for yourself and I urge you all to do so. Alright, without further adieu, this is Rory Tait, for Collectors Gene Radio.Rory's Website - - Heures du Montauk -
Today’s guest is Susan Feldman, founder of One Kings Lane & In The Groove. She’s a born collector with retail blood and when it comes to collecting, she loves nothing more. After starting One Kings Lane in her early 50’s, she got exposed to working with some of the best designers around who opened her eyes to the beauty of traveling and vintage sourcing. A host and an entertainer, she’s collect a closet full of napkins, and dish sets, and boxes, and the list goes on. But these days, she’s doing more curating of her collections and focusing on the things that matter. After selling One Kings Lane, she’s started her next venture In The Groove targeted at inspiring women 50+ to own their age and style. As a collector, she’s curating content for this demographic and there's no one better for the job. So without further adieu, this is Susan Feldman, for Collectors Gene Radio.Susan Feldman's Instagram - The Groove -
Michael Chow may not sound familiar to you, but what may sound familiar is Mr. Chow, the name of his highly luxurious and booming restaurant chain. Mr. Chow is a collector of art, art deco furniture and objet, and just about anything that is part of his day to day, all the way down to his thoughts and expressions. Name the first shot of any movie and he can tell you everything. He’s as sharp as it gets. Everything he does he relates back to art and theater, it’s truly a piece of who he is. He is one of the most eccentric (in the best way) and fascinating people I have ever had the chance to speak with. He’s the type of collector who wills what he wants into his ecosystem. Everything he does is based on repetition and collecting. Sound like a true collector to you? Mr. Chow did not have the most conventional upbringing in China, with his father being at the top of stardom, of which is still celebrated in China today, and having left at a very early age. Mr. Chow eventually opened up his restaurants, and when he opened his first one in New York, it quickly became the hotspot of the likes of Warhol, Basquiat, and many others that will probably keep your jaw open for an uncomfortable period of time. In fact, Basquiat once created a piece for M and had it delivered right to his apartment. An artist himself, he has turned his passion for collecting into a personal hobby. He’s got stories beyond belief and you can see it all in his new HBO documentary AKA Mr. Chow. With honor, Mr. Chow for Collectors Gene Radio.aka Mr. Chow - Chow - Chow Art -
Today’s guest is serial entrepreneur and collector Jonathan Sposato. After starting companies like Geekwire, PicMonkey, Joysauce, and selling a few others as well, Jonathan is at a stage in his career where collecting has truly never been more important. Of course this ties into his multifaceted collections like old fighter pilot jackets, Saville Row Suits, cars, watches, back to apparel from brands like Ralph Lauren and even rare hand painted leather punk rock jackets. But when it comes to his companies like Joysauce, Jonathan is curating and collecting some of the very best content in the AAPI space and he approaches it the same way he does when it comes to his personal collections. The name of the game here is a common theme on the show, which is “buy what you love”. The collectors gene couldn’t be more present than in this episode and Jonathan has the passion and knowledge to back it. Alright, let’s dive in. This is Jonathan Sposato, for Collectors Gene Radio.GeekWire - -’s Instagram - To Wear Book by John Goldberger & Alessandro Squarzi -
It’s not often that a collector starts a company within the hobby they love the most. Although it seems commonplace, for many of us, collecting is what we love to do when we have some free time. But that hobby turned business couldn’t be more true than with my guest today, Chase Pion, co-founder of Bezel, the online watch marketplace that secured investment from the likes of John Legend, Kevin Hart, Steve Aoki, Michael Rubin, and many more. But as a lot of entrepreneurs do, Bezel started out of vexation. Chase and his co-founders were quite exhausted from the lack of transparency and authentication services in the watch industry, so they sought out to fix it. Needless to say, their personal collecting continues on, now with the helping hand of the platform they built. Alright, this is Chase Pion, co-founder of Bezel, for Collectors Gene Radio.Bezel -
Today’s guest is Lori Hirshleifer, and if the name sounds familiar, that’s because her and her family run Hirshleifers, which has been in business for over 100 years. Hirshleifers has been described as the “last great department store” and that’s because it is. There’s something different about Hirshleifers when you walk through the front doors, and maybe it’s the Kith Treats outpost, or the fact that they have the only non-Chanel owned boutique in the US, or maybe it’s the vintage watch drops mixed with their new Sporty & Rich partnership, coupled with a Youngs Farm cafe. Whatever is, the 4th generation team has it figured out. And as for Lori? Being that she heads up the buying and merchandising, you can just imagine that her taste is pretty impeccable. From handbags and shoes, to jewelry and watches, and even a Chrome Hearts ephemeral collection, she’s a maximalist and does it with the utmost class and elegance. Like all of us, she’s constantly on the hunt and I always look forward to seeing what sneaks its way into her collection. So without further adieu, this is Lori Hirshleifer, for Collectors Gene Radio.Hirshleifers -'s Instagram - @lorihirshleifer
Tristan Walker may be new to the collecting scene, but if the name sounds familiar, well, that’s because he sold company Walker & Company (makers of the grooming brand Bevel) to Procter & Gamble and sits on the board of companies like Shake Shack and Footlocker. Tristan’s approach to collecting is very similar to the way he runs his companies, and consistency is the name of the game. His passion for collecting is ever growing and he’s making the right relationships along the way. Our text chain is nothing short of a year's worth of watch purchases, books, and some good banter between the two of us. My favorite part about Tristan’s collection? If you put 10 collectors in a room, not a single one of us would ever guess what’s sitting in his watch box, and I have the pictures to prove it. It’s not just what’s sitting at home that makes him a great collector, it’s the fact that he has a great eye for design and you can see it in the products he’s created. At the end of the day, the guy just gets it. Alright, I am excited and honored to introduce to you, my friend, Tristan Walker, for Collectors Gene Radio.Tristan's Instagram - - & Company - I Built This w/ Tristan Walker -
Perched right on Christopher Street in the West Village, you’ll find J. Mueser, the namesake bespoke tailor that’s been featured in GQ, Vogue, and WM Brown Magazine, just to name a few. We chat a lot about the usual suspects, like his vinyl and watch collection, but we also talk about the nuance behind collecting and how it relates to bespoke tailoring, and J. Mueser specifically. Jake touches on how the design process and collecting share a lot of the same attributes, and in this case, all in good taste. If you’ve ever felt unsure about your decision to own multiple iterations of the same item, this ones for you. Alright, please enjoy, Jake Mueser, for Collectors Gene Radio.- J. Mueser -
Jeff Stein is my guest today and I think we all owe this guy a big thank you for his scholarship and efforts he’s put forth for the watch community. An attorney by day and collector at heart, Jeff is attributed with starting and running the vintage Heuer compendium known as Onthedash. After discovering a Heuer dash clock back in the day, Jeff went down the same rabbit hole a lot of us do and started collecting. But after getting a sense that the community needed a place to go and have resources for all things vintage Heuer, Jeff sought out to start the website as we know it today and has grown it ever since. We’ve gotten to know each other a little bit over the last few years and his knowledge and willingness to share never seizes to amaze me. We chat about the life cycles of collecting, how he middle manned a watch I sold to the Heuer archive, and the history of partnerships such as Abercrombie and Heuer. He’s a friend, a fantastic collector, and as knowledgeable about the things he loves as one could be. So without further adieu, this is Jeff Stein, for Collectors Gene Radio.On The Dash -
Today's guest is Charlie Dunne, someone we all got to know under the moniker Books On Time. Passionate about watches, Charlie's that type of collection who took his affection a step further by not only collecting books, but mainly collecting research on the brands and watches that he loves the most. Needless to say, the word got out pretty darn quick about Books On Time and Charlie began writing a lot more in depth content for other friends mediums, like Rescapement. Eventually, our good friend Eric Wind snatched him up to come join the team, and that's where we're at today. Charlie is writing some serious content over at Wind Vintage and doing a lot more work behind the scenes as well. Him and I recently got a chance to catch up in New York, and today we're continuing our conversation over the mics. So without further adieu, my friend Charlie Dunne, for Collectors Gene Radio.Strictly Vintage Watches - Vintage - Goldberger Books - Cadran/The Dial -
Today’s guest is none other than Ben Clymer, Chairman & Founder of Hodinkee. As someone whose background and company need no introduction, I figured we could dive right into all things collecting, both watches and cars. See, Ben’s been around the block a few times and it’s easy to not get jaded. So what’s keeping Ben interested these days is what I really wanted to know. We talk about the grail Talking Watches guests and why it’s not just about being a collector, but having the passion to do so. Of course we dive into his passion for car collecting and his elusive, one of only nine, Porsche Zagato 356’s. We also talk about the coachbuilder themselves and why they are so sought after and important. A recent father of two, Ben’s collecting looks a tad bit different these days. Still chasing the same things for himself, but two little ones as well, all in good taste. Alright, let’s get to it. This is Ben Clymer, for Collectors Gene Radio.Hodinkee - Game Golf -'s Porsche 356 Zagato -'s Instagram - Watches -
Today I’m chatting with the founder of Collectors Corner NY, Wes Wynne. Wes and I have been buddies for a few years now and while his business has grown significantly, his collecting and dealing philosophies have remained unchanged. What I love about CCNY is that you always get an eclectic offering, from LL Bean signed Hamilton’s to rare white gold Rolex day-dates. Wes’ background actually is in music and tech, but his analytical and technical prowess translates perfectly into his watch business. While focusing on a diverse offering, he takes pride in the condition of each and every piece and the detailed writeup each one gets. Be sure to take a look at his website and social channels when you get a minute, as there are a lot of exciting pieces coming available soon. Alright, this is my buddy Wes Wynne, for Collectors Gene Radio.Collectors Corner NY Instagram - Corner NY Website -
Alex Steven’s is a watch dealer and collector who, while just recently started his business a few years ago, has a collecting history that predates this. Alex and I got to know each other over the last several years, aside from our love of watches, but more specifically by sharing similar tastes. As young as he is, there’s a lot to learn from Alex as the London watch market is a completely different beast than its counterparts. Geographically, it comes with its own trials and tribulations, but Alex has seemed to have found a way to circumvent that, which comes down to one simple principle: To be a collector, you must also be a dealer. And to be a dealer, you must also be a collector. He’s become a go-to for vintage Cartier & Piaget and has a bright trajectory ahead, so be sure to keep an eye out. As always, thanks for listening to today’s guest, Alex Stevens, for Collectors Gene Radio.Alex Stevens Vintage -
Today’s guest is my friend Rob Staky, a watch collector most of you know by the moniker Bazamu. We took this one from my kitchen table as Rob was in town for business and decided to come by so we could record in person. A long time collector, Rob’s passion for watches is evident in the condition driven, heavy hitters he brought along with him. In the company of a true connoisseur, Rob’s collection is the definition of history intertwined with craftsmanship and elegance converging with innovation. A seeker of great condition, he’s got some of the best examples in his collection and truly some stuff that I may never get to see twice in person. With such a fondness for horology, you can only imagine that this isn’t merely about possession or even obsession, but more of an extension of who he is as a friend and a collector. A relentless pursuit to what we call, “buy right”, he’s traveled all over to build his collection. So without further adieu, this is Rob Staky, for Collectors Gene Radio.Rob's Instagram -
Eric Wind is joining me for his second episode of Collectors Gene Radio today and as you could imagine, we’re chatting all things watches and Wind Vintage. Since our last chat, Eric’s had a countless list of exciting things going on for him and his brand, such as his partnership with Kith, the several Rowing Blazers collaborations, a Volume 2 of his HSNY talk, his podcast Significant Watches, and a lot more. Most notably, the incredible selection of vintage watches you can shop on his website, It’s not often you get to chat with someone who is so honest and knowledgeable across so many different brands. Eric’s continuous efforts to be involved in as much as he can definitely attributes to where he and Wind Vintage are at today. It’s always great to catch up and pick his brain, as if I don’t bug him enough. Needless to say, I’m sure we’ll be doing much more of these. So without further adieu, my friend Eric Wind, for Collectors Gene Radio.
Today’s episode is one that came together a tad last minute. My guest had to reschedule and so my lovely wife, Madelaine, so badly wanted me to put an episode out this week that she decided to interview me. So, she locked herself in our bedroom and decided to write down some questions to blindside me with. We poured some wine, cozied up in our new home and she hit me with some tough ones. Needless to say, she’s a natural. Back to regular programming next week, but for now, this is Madelaine Steiner, interviewing me, Cameron Steiner, for Collectors Gene Radio.
Today’s episode is a recap of some of my favorite responses from the Collectors Gene Rundown. As you can imagine, it was more than difficult to choose my picks from each question so I figured I would give you all a heavy poured cocktail of a few gems. You’ll hear from writer and director Paul Feig on what he’s got his eye on next, Auro Montanari aka John Goldberger’s perfect one watch collection, celebrity and award winning interior designer Nate Berkus on starting over and collecting diamonds and vintage cars, Todd Snyder on looking up to Meta’s 8th employee Matt Jacobson in which we manifest on the episode Todd’s next shoot at his old home in Joshua Tree, Mary Randolph Carter on collecting more paintings from her grandson instead of museum works, and many others. As always, the MO here remains the same. Find something you have interest in, fall in love with it, and always stay curious. Thanks so much for listening and be sure to reach out if there’s a guest you want to see join me for an episode. Alright, without further adieu, a few of my favorite moments, from Collectors Gene Radio.
Today’s guest is the proprietor of J. Earl & Sons, a company that celebrates vintage barware, collecting, and the home bar. As for it’s founder, Jeff Parrott has been collecting vintage barware for quite some time. So when 2020 rolled around, Jeff decided to take a tangent where he’s Brand Cultivator at Blade and Bow and started J. Earl & Sons doing exactly the aforementioned. Jeff travels just about everywhere hunting for goods, both vintage and new, to add to his personal collection and the shop as well, but my favorite part about collecting vintage barware? Everything can be used, it doesn’t break the bank, and you can do it all at J. Earl & Sons.J. Earl & Sons - & Bow - Fashioned Recipe:- Two Parts Blade & Bow- One Part Elderflower Liqueur In A Double Old-Fashioned Glass (D.O.F.)- Top With Club Soda- Garnish With Orange Peel & Maraschino Cherry
Yolanda Edwards should come as no surprise to all of you as my guest today. She, like her husband Matt Hranek, is the epitome of a collector. She cut her cloth working for Martha Stewart and eventually became the creative director for Conde Nast Traveler, but it’s safe to say her magazine, Yolo Journal, is exactly where she’s supposed to be. Yolanda and Matt have become the go to for a lot of things, but traveling advice has always been paramount. Whether it’s her writing or the photographers telling you the story, Yolo Journal and her newsletter answers all those questions you have about the hidden gems worth traveling to and where to treasure hunt while you’re there. Although she travels the world to experience familiar and new places, one thing has remained the same, and that is that no trip is complete without hunting for goods to add to her many collections. THAT, is the epitome of a collector. Alright, let’s get into it. Yolanda Edwards, for Collectors Gene Radio.YOLO Journal -
Known as the last great rattan dealer, Harvey Schwartz is getting ready to relaunch his infamous rattan company, Tropical Sun. So why is Harvey the last great rattan dealer? Well, at 80 years old he’s still running the show and grabbing up all the great rattan known, even if it means going to a swap meet at 5am. To say he loves this stuff is an understatement. His collection spans over 2500pcs, and the best part? It’s all for sale. Harvey actually started as an aerospace engineer which has surprisingly helped him in his rattan business more than you would think. He’s not only dealing in vintage, but he’s bringing the old stuff back and bending the rattan himself. Be sure to check out his store in Los Angeles next time you’re around, or his website. But for now, please enjoy, Harvey Schwartz, for Collectors Gene Radio.Tropical Sun Rattan - Furniture Book -
Today I’m chatting with Malaika Crawford, style editor at Hodinkee. Our chat is a bit different than the usual you’re used to here, as I really wanted to get Malaika’s thoughts on styling, diversification, and what all of this means for us collectors. After moving to New York in 2014, Malaika started working for Mel Ottenberg, you know, Rhianna’s stylist. Getting an early exposure to all things luxury has propelled the trajectory of her career and here we are. But all of this had to start somewhere, and it actually began with the collector she looks up to the most. Malaika’s got a pulse on all the latest trends, and if anyone has an eye for what looks intriguing, it’s her. So here it is, Malaika Crawford, for Collectors Gene Radio.Malaika's Storie's -
Aaron Sigmond, or as a lot of you may know him, Sig, is one of the more well known authors in the luxury space. You know that $1200 book from Assouline, The Impossible Collection of Cigars, well that’s Sig. Or the Drive, Sea, and Air Time series, also Sig. Nonetheless, you’ve seen his books and if you know him, his love for cigars doesn’t stop at writing about them. But as an author and collector, you can imagine being a bibliophile takes precedence. We talk about his upbringing and how collecting always remained top of mind in the household. And after getting acquainted with and mentored by a well-known film director and fellow bibliophile while in college, Sig’s career went from being Editor In Chief at Smoke magazine, to being one of the most respected authors on life’s luxuries. He was taught to never be envious of anyone else’s possessions, which I think is what makes him a great collector. It’s the same old story, buy what you love and what speaks to you the most. Sig’s got some exciting projects on the horizon that he can’t quite spill on yet. So for now, please enjoy, Aaron Sigmond, for Collectors Gene Radio.Sig's Books -
Today’s guest is one I’ve been excited about for quite some time now. Mary Randolph Carter, or Carter as she prefers, is the author of many books on collecting what she likes to call, “junk” and finds some time to be the creative director at Ralph Lauren. But this isn’t a new hobby for Carter as she has been collecting for as long as she can remember and has mastered the art of clutter, or the perfectly imperfect. She’s got stuff in the empty space under the desk, the walls are filled with artwork, and it really doesn’t stop there. But there’s not necessarily a rhyme or reason to her collections, but it’s the idea of what catches her eye that makes her a great collector. For example, the garden tools she wrote a book on or the kitchen junk book, both of which doesn’t partake in. It’s not very often you get to hear the excitement in someone’s voice about the things that they love, or the things they grew up around, but Carter’s book “A Perfectly Kept House, Is The Sign Of A Misspent Life, is the perfect idea of whether you’re a minimalist or you love junk, you can still find a way to add character to your home. She’s collecting each and every week, in fact, she tells me how she’s looking forward to her next hunt this weekend. I’ve been a fan of Carter’s for quite some time now and I know you’ll be hooked on her books like I’ve been. So without further adieu, Carter, for Collectors Gene Radio.Mary Randolph Carter's Books - Interview -
Today we’re chatting with a friend of mine who's been a collector for as long as he can remember. James Lamdin, founder of Analog/Shift, is no stranger to the watch and car community. Fresh off a sale to Watches of Switzerland, we talk about how he got into collecting from an early age and how things have changed since running a successful business. Not only a collector of the aforementioned, but James is after rare movie posters, vinyls, coffee table books, and just about anything else he can get his hands on. But if there’s one thing James has, that’s patience, which makes him always collect with a purpose. I mean the guys just getting ready to pick up a multi-year project on a vintage 911 and drive it through the west coast. As James puts it, he’s never met a dollar he couldn’t spend. So without further adieu, James Lamdin, for Collectors Gene Radio.Analog Shift - of Switzerland -
As small as the watch world is, there’s a lot more collectors out there than you would think. But not all of them stand out or impress, subjective of your taste. And then there’s Jaclyn. Jaclyn is a collector who took the community for a loop when she popped up on the scene in 2020. Since then, she’s taken us along with her as she ebbs and flows through her collection. But as an Ivy League student, how does she find time to collect, co-host her watch podcast, The Waiting List, and make sure she’s doing it with purpose? Well, as a ceramics collector as well, she takes the same approach to watch collecting as the pottery making process. With Jaclyn, everything is done with intention, but for herself, nobody else, and that’s what makes her and her collection so unique. So without further adieu, my friend Jaclyn Li, for Collectors Gene Radio.Jaclyn's Instagram -
Joining me today is Editor in Chief of Robb Report, Paul Croughton. Paul reached out to me as a fan of the podcast, which was truly humbling as I’ve been a fan of Robb Report for quite some time. Without knowing him too well, I figured he had to be a collector. In fact, Paul’s been collecting his whole life. His father was a collector and he subsequently caught the bug early on. From action figures and magazines, to vinyls and record decks, Paul’s collecting has since evolved into vintage barware and watches. We chat about what it means to collect and curate for himself, but also as Editor in Chief of one of the largest luxury publications around. His vintage barware collection is as extensive as a jigger that plays music as you pour, which you’ll all get to hear mid show. Needless to say, Paul’s life revolves around luxury things and he’s found a way to hone that in on his own collecting. I’m grateful to present, Paul Croughton, for Collectors Gene Radio.Tyler, The Creator Robb Report Article - Letter -
Today we’re chatting with a collector that’s owned some of the rarest gems in the world and has created some of the most sought after jewelry. Glenn Spiro, based in London, is calling in today from the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, where he has an outpost that he opens for just two weeks out of the year. G has created some of the most magnificent pieces utilizing the highest of quality and rarest stones in the world, from diamonds to emeralds. He’s created pieces for some of the most exclusive, including Beyonce, and has his very own book made by Assouline. Not only is he selling jewelry with some of the most incredible gems in the world, but he’s also collecting them too. In fact, he puts stones away for his daughters every year and tells an incredible story which you’ll have to wait until the end to for. He’s a first generation for his family in this business and deserves all the credit. Without further adieu, Glenn Spiro, for Collectors Gene Radio.Glenn Spiro -'s Papillon Ring -
Today we’re chatting with the Men’s Fashion Director for Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus, Bruce Pask. Bruce has had an amazing trajectory in menswear over the last 30 years, especially for someone who grew up in Southern Arizona. Today’s conversation on collecting is a little different than something I have done in the past. As a Fashion Director of two of the biggest names in the industry, Bruce’s role is really curating collections for well, all of us. Curating for multiple brands has become a fairly easy task for him as he’s always got his eyes on the next thing, but what really goes into curating collections and how it relates to collecting as a whole is what I wanted to know. Collecting as a hobby can come in many different forms, and Bruce is the perfect example of that. And without realizing it, he also collects one very specific item of clothing which has become a staple in his everyday wardrobe. It’s safe to say that we could all learn something from Bruce. But for now, please enjoy Bruce Pask, for Collectors Gene Radio.B. Shop - Pask Esquire Spread -
Celebrity and award winning interior designer, Nate Berkus, is our guest today and I couldn’t be more excited about this one. Nate’s been on the block for quite some time, but it seems that with each year, he gets more and more relevant. He’s a master at mixing vintage and new, and when I need some home inspiration, he’s the first person I go to. Nate and his partner Jeremiah have just started their second season of their HGTV show, The Nate and Jeremiah Home Project, and Nate has also just launched his own line of home goods, Nate Home. Being that he’s a vintage guy, I knew he had to be a collector of sorts. Nate’s got an amazing collection of vintage furniture and home goods, some of which you can buy directly from him, but a lot that he’s keeping in his personal collection and homes as well. We talk about how his nights usually end with him scouring auctions on his phone and how he’s hunting while on vacation. There’s a lot of exciting projects he’s got going on, some of which are still under wraps, but one thing remains the same, and that’s that he’s still hunting and sourcing at all times. So without further adieu, Nate Berkus, for Collectors Gene Radio.Nate Berkus' Website - Home -'s Vintage Furniture For Sale - & Jeremiah On TV -
Every collector has their own style. And that couldn’t be more relevant with today’s guest, Roni Madhvani. When it comes to double signed watches from the holy trinity, or piece uniques from Cartier, Roni has found a way to differentiate himself amongst all the other collectors out there. He’s got a deliberate focus on odd case shapes and double signed dials, especially from defunct retailers. He’s been featured in numerous publications from Hodinkee, Revolution, Robb Report, and I’m thrilled to be a part of that list. Roni is the perfect example of the idea to collect for yourself, not everybody else and it was a pleasure to learn from him. Without further adieu, here it is, Roni Madhvani, for Collectors Gene Radio.Roni's Instragram -'s Talking Watches -'s Revolution Article -
Today’s guest is none other than Brynn Wallner, founder of Dimepiece, a platform dedicated to all things women and watches. Now, Brynn’s pretty new to the watch world, but she can be accredited for putting women and watches on the map. Dimepiece came about after a stint at Sotheby’s whenBrynn found herself sitting at home, falling more in love with watches, like we all do, and started documenting some photos on her new instagram account, like one of Rhianna wearing a Patek Philippe. And to say Dimepiece blew up overnight is quite literal. In fact, right after launching Dimepiece, Brynn got her very own article in Vogue documenting her buying her first Cartier. There’s a lot of things in the works at Dimepiece, so keep your eye out. But for now, please enjoy, Brynn Wallner, aka Dimepiece, for Collectors Gene Radio.Dimpiece - Time Podcast -
Summary Written By Rich Fordon @ Hodinkee: Auro Montanari, aka John Goldberger truly is the consummate collector you see on TV (see Hodinkee Talking Watches), yet he is so much more than a guy with a bunch of cool watches no one else has. A scholar first and, importantly, passionate about sharing that knowledge, his contribution to the world of watches in immeasurable.Talking Watches w/ John Goldberger Part 1 - Watches w/ John Goldberger Part 2 - Goldberger's Books -'s Instagram - Cintree Collection Video -
For someone who is the founder of one of the most well known rare, pre-owned, independent, and vintage watch platforms, you would think that all their energy goes towards watches. And while the majority does, founder Silas Walton has an affinity for arguably the most luxurious brand there is, Hermes. The brand history for Hermes dates back to 1837, when they made luxury saddles and harnesses for noblemen, but around the 1950’s they started to create home goods crafted out of silver. These objects were quite utilitarian and ranged from cigarette pots to wine coasters and tastevin’s. While these items are quite rare and extremely difficult to stumble upon, Silas and the team at ACM have made it pretty easy for you to collect as well as they recently started selling them on their website. Don’t worry though, we chat about watches too. It’s my absolute pleasure to present to you, Silas Walton, for Collectors Gene Radio.A Collected Man - @ A Collected Man - Article -
Today we’re chatting with Nick, the proprietor of AdPatina – a company that sources, sells, and frames vintage advertisements, ranging from watches, cars, to Eames chairs. I’ve been following Nick for a few years now, watching his business grow, and getting hooked on vintage advertisements myself. Nick’s a watch and ad collector as well, and while he can’t keep everything being that this is his business, he has immense passion for what he does and will tell you first hand that these pieces invoke a similar feeling of excitement when you look at them – especially if they are framed – and I can attest to that. There is a lot of exciting things in the works at AdPatina, but I urge you to check out his website and Instagram, just so you can get a sense for how great this stuff is. These make for a great collection for yourself or even a gift and won’t break the bank. Sorry in advance for giving you all something else to spend money on, but it’s too good to not share. So here you go, Nick @ AdPatina, for Collectors Gene Radio.Ad Patina - -
When it comes to American Menswear, a few names stick out, like Ralph Lauren & J. Crew. But those two brands can’t be mentioned without naming Todd Snyder, who is truly at the helm of American Menswear as we know it today. An Alumni of both brands previously mentioned, Todd decided to start an eponymous menswear company at the age 40 and has taken everything he has learned from his previous endeavors, and combined it with his personal taste to create a brand that everyone should be aware of today. GQ did after all once describe him as the guy who guys trust to do what they themselves can’t: make them look and feel like better versions of themselves. But Todd’s not one to shy away from letting the brands he loves do what they’re best at, and he’s found a way to do collaborations with quite a few of them, like Champion. Todd has an ongoing collaboration with them which has become some of his best sellers, but what most might not know about Todd is that his love for Champion came early on in his career. He’s got a collection of Champion that exceeds the number 2000 and is ever growing. From hunting basements in Japan to getting a separate warehouse to store them all, its safe to say he’s a collector at heart. He actually called our chat a “therapy session” so I think we hit some heartstrings. Visit one of his many stores and you’ll see he’s a collector of many things, from Champion, to furniture, watches, you name it. Until then, please enjoy, Todd Snyder, for Collectors Gene Radio.Todd Snyder - Pond Main -
Today we’re talking to a car collector whose built a business around his passions. George Bamford, founder of Bamford Watch Department has always loved mechanical things from an early age. When the time came to join his family’s business, he decided to not rest on his laurels and started his own. George has an amazing collection ranging from Ferraris to Land Rovers and drives them all up and down the country roads, just outside of London. He’s got a strict rule with all of his cars, and that’s that none of them are show ponies, so he makes sure to drive everything, especially his vintage Ferrari 275 GTB. We talk about design, his newly released watch collaboration with one of his favorite brands, Land Rover, and what it was like growing up around the cars that he’s collecting now. We will for sure have him back on to hear more stories, but for now, please enjoy, this is George Bamford, for Collectors Gene Radio.Bamford Watch Department -
Our guest today is someone you probably know from the movies and TV series Bridesmaids, The Office, Freaks & Geeks, The Heat, Spy, Heavyweights, Welcome To Flatch, The School For Good and Evil, A Simple Favor, the list goes on. But what you might not know about director and actor Paul Feig, is that he’s got an extensive suit and walking stick collection. In fact, he’s one of the few left in Hollywood that still dresses up for work everyday, no matter what the movie set looks like. On the heels of launching his new cocktail book, Cocktail Time and his gin, Artingstall’s, Paul has created a life around the things he loves, just check out his spread in The Rake magazine. We had a great chat and probably could have used another hour, but who knows, maybe we’ll do something a little different next time. Without further adieu, and great honor, this is Paul Feig, for Collectors Gene Radio.Artingstalls Gin - Time - Movies and Shows -
Once a comedy writer, Barry Friedman is one of the those collectors turned dealers stories that we love to hear about. What’s more fascinating, is that he’s really the only person dealing strictly in one category, which is antique Indian trade and camp blankets. This is one of those things where you have definitely seen them in passing, but you may not have known exactly what you were looking at. One of the original makers, Pendleton, has even recreated some of them to this day. Barry has found a healthy balance between collecting these for himself and making it his business. In fact, he's Ralph Lauren’s go-to when it comes to supplying these for his personal ranch in Colorado as well as his Double RL stores around the world. If you’ve ever had the chance to go into a Double RL store and seen these blankets, well, that’s Barry’s doing. Barry also was contacted recently to supply all the blankets for a huge Hollywood movie starring some of the biggest names in the industry. He’s truly an expert in this stuff, so much so that he’s a consultant for Pendleton, whose the only surviving manufacturer for these products. He knows more about this stuff than you would think is even possible. Here it is, this is Barry Friedman, for Collectors Gene Radio.Barry's Website -'s Books -
Alex Hassan is one of the collectors who can easily fly under the radar, but when you stumble upon his Instagram you find quite possibly the most extensive collection of Ghurka bags and accessories known to the market. So much so that he had to buy a separate townhouse just to store them… I've had the pleasure of getting to know Alex over the last few years, and while all those conversations have been virtual, he's ready to let all of us into his world of Ghurka collecting. He’s also recently started a new charity and website to give back to his roots and he’s got some amazing stories for you all. That being said, let’s get into it. Alex Hassan, for Collectors Gene Radio.Alex's Instagram - of Marley Website -
As an art curator, Todd Levin is in that unique position where his attention to detail and the research that goes into what he does for a living, plays into his role when it comes to collecting. A collector of many things, from art, to watches, to rare jazz records, and architecture, Todd hasn’t necessarily taken the typical approach to some of these. For example, Todd has always appreciated watches, but after reconnecting with watches once his Dad passed away, Todd went right for the big boys. No, not Patek, Rolex, or Audemars Piguet, but George Daniels and Philippe Dufour. That may not mean a lot to some of you, but for us watch nerds, that’s BIG TIME. How about his new (but old) Frank Lloyd Wright house that has no 90 degree angles? Todd does things with a purpose and doesn’t make any rash decisions, which we absolutely love. It’s a side of collecting you don’t see often. He isn’t hoarding, or necessarily amassing, but artfully collecting with finesse. Take some notes. Here you go, Todd Levin for Collectors Gene Radio.Talking Watches w/ Todd Levin -
It’s not very often that you can accredit somebody with keeping heritage alive. But today you’ll get to hear from John Edelman who we can attribute to doing just that. Formerly CEO of Design Within Reach, John and his business partner are reviving Heller Inc., a brand that since 1971 has worked with some of the most influential designers like Massimo Vignelli, Mario Bellini, and Frank Gehry, just to name a few. John’s a big believer in that “modern is forever”, which has truly helped pave the way for his success in the business world. But John didn’t just randomly fall into the world of design and furniture. It all started with his grandparents and parents, who had eyes for great design and courageous talent. They even hired a graphic designer back in the day who John describes as a man with white straight hair who didn’t talk much. If you know anything about art, you can probably guess who we’re talking about. All these experiences in John’s life have led him to be a collector of many things, of course starting out with furniture, moving into watches, cars, vintage TV’s and radios, you name it. Not only that, but he uses everything in his collection. But today we’re keeping it day one, talking about the collections that got him to where he is today. Without further adieu, John Edelman, for Collectors Gene Radio.Heller Inc - Edelman Talking Watches -
If you’re into watches, you 100% know the name Eric Wind. For those that don’t, well you’re welcome. Eric’s the founder of Wind Vintage which he launched in 2017, after a career at Christie’s auction house and has since become a merited authority in the watch world, which can be proven by just about every publication quoting him in their articles. He’s sourced watches for the movie Crazy Rich Asians, the talented gals Aly & AJ, amongst many other start-studded collectors. But don’t let that scare you away, Eric sources watches of all kinds at all price-points for anybody. Not only does he always keep a great stock on his website, but he’s also been sourcing vintage watches for Mr. Porter which is one of the most sophisticated collabs I’ve seen. Eric has a lot of projects in the works, like his help with the Rowing Blazers x Seiko watches (which you should be seeing another drop very soon), as well as his own podcast, Significant Watches which he shares with a great team. At the end of the day, Eric’s one of the few people in the watch industry that not a single person has a bad thing to say in his regard. He’s honest, friendly, knowledgeable, and someone I am grateful to have become friends with over the years. Please enjoy, this is Eric Wind for Collectors Gene Radio.- Aly & AJ Talking Watches - Rowing Blazers x Seiko Collab - Significant Watches Podcast -
Co-Founder of Basecamp and Hey, Jason Fried is pretty known in the watch community as a great collector. While fairly private, sometimes you just can’t help but talk about the stuff you love. That’s Jason Fried for ya. Jason has authored and co-authored several books, some if not most of which have been New York Times Best Sellers. But how would a Co-Founder of a tech company as big as Basecamp have the time to even collect anything? Well, Jason has actually been preaching a really relaxed work-life balance for a long time and that can be learned about in his books. But what’s most intriguing is his love for watches. And that’s not all Jason collects... Which gives us the feeling that he was definitely born with the Collectors Gene, but we will let him tell us. Alright, here you go, Jason Fried for Collectors Gene Radio.
A few years back, I was on a gondola ride in Venice and our gondolier pointed out the top floor of the Aman Venice – Papadopoli Palazzo. He looked at us and said, “Do you see the lights on the top floor? The owner of that building turned it into an Aman hotel and kept the top floors as his home. And he’s a Count.” Now, I get super intrigued by this stuff so of course I did extensive research and found out that while he currently lives at the top floor with this family, that he also grew up in that home. Giberto comes from an aristocratic upbringing which to me, meant that there had to be some sort of collections that have been kept in the family. Well, I sure was correct. Count Giberto has some amazing original oil paintings of his ancestors, an incredible book collection with family ties, antiques, you name it. Not only that, but he has an amazing collection of Murano glass, a lot of which he has designed himself. However, growing up around these items, I was curious to find out whether Giberto thought of himself as a collector. Please enjoy, Count Giberto for Collectors Gene Radio.
Each city has that local business hero, if you will. For Phoenix, that’s Sam Fox. Fresh off selling his company, Fox Restaurant Concepts, to Cheesecake Factory, Sam has created one of those brands that you just know when you are at one of his concepts. Don’t ask how, because the food is different at each one. Maybe it’s the quality, mixed with the service, tied in with the atmosphere, I have no freaking idea. But each spot he opens, kills it. He’s been around the valley here for quite some time, I even had a run in with him at one of my first jobs when I was in high school and subsequently later on in college when they awarded him the Entrepreneur of the Year award for our business school. He’s got his finger on a lot of stuff around here, and we’re lucky to have him. Ladies and gentlemen, Sam Fox for Collectors Gene Radio.
Aurel has an extensive career in watches and in the last few years, he and his wife Livia have partnered with Phillips Auction House to help run their watch department. Now, Aurel is of course a collector of watches himself, but instead of talking about his collection, we wanted to talk about the psychology of collecting. What makes someone go further than they had planned at an auction? What about the little nuances that makes a collector buy a piece that to the naked eye, may match the other 10 that they currently own? There are a lot of aspects of collecting that I feel a lot of us don’t think about. Aurel has auctioned off some of the most important pieces known in the market. From Paul Newman’s Paul Newman Daytona to many others, he has dealt with collectors and buyers of all kinds.- Phillips Watch Department: In Association with Bacs & Russo - Auction Video of Paul Newman's, Paul Newman Daytona - February 10th, 2021
A true renaissance man, Matt Hranek is just THAT guy. His books are on your coffee table, he’s the reason you may love a negroni while holding a tray of your uncooked steaks, he loves a lot of things, and is probably one of the best definitions of what this podcast is all about. From watches, to experiences, his sartorially inclined outfits and friend group, there’s nothing not to dig about this guy.- Matt's Website - Matt's Instagram -
Collectors Gene Radio is a deep dive into the nuances of collecting. Hear from collectors and experts from all over the world speak on their passions and hobbies, and ultimately find out whether or not they feel they were born with the "Collectors Gene".