Alex Stevens - To Be A Dealer, You Must Be A Collector. And To Be A Collector, You Must Be A Dealer.
Podcast:Collectors Gene Radio Published On: Wed Aug 16 2023 Description: Alex Steven’s is a watch dealer and collector who, while just recently started his business a few years ago, has a collecting history that predates this. Alex and I got to know each other over the last several years, aside from our love of watches, but more specifically by sharing similar tastes. As young as he is, there’s a lot to learn from Alex as the London watch market is a completely different beast than its counterparts. Geographically, it comes with its own trials and tribulations, but Alex has seemed to have found a way to circumvent that, which comes down to one simple principle: To be a collector, you must also be a dealer. And to be a dealer, you must also be a collector. He’s become a go-to for vintage Cartier & Piaget and has a bright trajectory ahead, so be sure to keep an eye out. As always, thanks for listening to today’s guest, Alex Stevens, for Collectors Gene Radio.Alex Stevens Vintage -