Mark Levin Podcast
Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day. Heard weeknights on nearly 400 radio stations, Levin is loved in every corner of America. He cuts through the noise with his passion and intellect, often saying things others won’t. Or as Mark himself would declare: “That’s right. I said it!”

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, there was a second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump over the weekend thanks to off-the-charts negative media propaganda towards him, and now the media is blaming Trump for these assassination attempts. There is a Marxist Islamist revolution taking place in this country that has found a home in the Democrat party, and the media is doing the heavy lifting for them by covering for Kamala Harris and comparing Trump to Hitler. They have now tried to kill Trump twice in 60 days because violent revolutions go hand in hand with Marxism. Later, Mark speaks with Martin County Sherriff William Snyder about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the immediate response from the Martin County police to catch the shooter and put him into custody. Finally, Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark later in the show to give his thoughts on the 2nd Trump assassination attempt and the media propaganda blaming the victim. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris spent a week preparing for the debate with Donald Trump because she needs to be scripted in order to hide her Marxist Islamist chameleon true self. The media are ecstatic over Tuesday night’s debate and feel like Kamala Harris delivered a knockout punch to Donald Trump because to Harris this was a debate to her real constituency: the media. Harris was trained for this debate to appeal to the media that she has been avoiding and came ready with her cheap shots and 25 lies about Trump. We have no idea what Harris’s plans are for crime, immigration, or tackling inflation and reducing the prices of things like food, gasoline, vehicles, and housing – all things that affect the American people. The new debate in the media is whether there should be a second debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. All Trump talks about in his rallies and the debates are the issues, but all Kamala does is avoid talking about the issues whether it's to the media or the American voters who still do not know what she stands for. Ronald Reagan was hated by the same people who hate Trump today, including the Bushes, Cheneys, RINO Republicans, and the media. It is time for us to be selfish and vote for the person who will return our country and the world to normalcy, and that person is Donald Trump. Also, Israel is in a very difficult position in the Middle East surrounded by terrorist groups and countries that want to destroy them, and they are all aided by the Biden/Harris administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Election season is well underway, and anything can happen between now and November. In 2016 the election looked all but won for Hillary Clinton after the media leaked the Access Hollywood tape of Donald Trump. As much as the media will try to put their candidate in the best light possible, they know that Kamala Harris is no layup and will take a lot of propaganda to make her look good. The debate was a sham, but it did more of a disservice to Harris who was unable to explain any of her policies and left voters with more questions than answers. The rigged debate was meant to help Harris and hurt Trump, but Trump is now polling better in swing states like Michigan. You can lie to people about policy and those who are inclined to believe you will believe you, but you can’t lie to people about what’s in their wallet and if they have a roof over their head. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the new debate in the media is whether there should be a second debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. All Trump talks about in his rallies and the debates are the issues, but all Kamala does is avoid talking about the issues whether it's to the media or the American voters who still do not know what she stands for. Ronald Reagan was hated by the same people who hate Trump today, including the Bushes, Cheneys, RINO Republicans, and the media. It is time for us to be selfish and vote for the person who will return our country and the world to normalcy, and that person is Donald Trump. Also, Israel is in a very difficult position in the Middle East surrounded by terrorist groups and countries that want to destroy them, and they are all aided by the Biden/Harris administration. Harris is the biggest hater of Israel to ever run for president because she is an Islamist. Later, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Trump has a new economic plan that is an addition to his plans to not tax tips or social security, and that is to not tax overtime. Harris wants you to be poorer so you need to rely on the government for everything to survive. Trump is the biggest threat to the Democrat party because under his presidency we had the lowest unemployment for a number of groups who are usually overwhelming supporters of the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the media are ecstatic over Wednesday night’s debate and feel like Kamala Harris delivered a knockout punch to Donald Trump because to Harris this was a debate to her real constituency: the media. Harris was trained for this debate to appeal to the media that she has been avoiding and came ready with her cheap shots and 25 lies about Trump. We have no idea what Harris’s plans are for crime, immigration, or tackling inflation and reducing the prices of things like food, gasoline, vehicles, and housing – all things that affect the American people. There is no reason for Trump to have a second debate against Harris and the moderators, and the real losers are undecided American voters. Also, today is the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America is less safe today thanks to a wide-open border and failing infrastructure under the Biden/Harris administration, and we need Trump now more than ever to protect and secure our country. Later, Rich Valdes, host of America at Night, fills in for Mark. Trump has every right to decline a second debate with Kamala Harris after the debacle last night, but it would be nice to see Trump expose Kamala again to the voters. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris spent a week preparing for the debate with Donald Trump because she needs to be scripted in order to hide her Marxist Islamist chameleon true self. There are 3 levels of spin to this debate: the pre-debate spin, the actual debate, and the post-debate spin where the Democrat media talking heads already know what they are going to say about her and Trump. Kamala stood by President Biden every step of the way, lying to us about his condition and his policies, and now she lies about her involvement to distance herself from this disastrous administration. Also, a CNN report exposed Harris for supporting taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries in a 2019 poll. Harris is a radical ideologue and these are her true beliefs, but the media and her press team are hiding it all to get her elected. Later, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. No matter how weird Harris, Tim Walz, and the entire 20204 election cycle are, it is go-time for Trump starting with tonight’s debate. Trump is undefeated in this political season, 3-0 with 8 weeks to go, and he has been through every political obstacle imaginable from the Russian collusion hoax to the Biden lawfare campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Among the radical agenda items from Kamala Harris is a blank check written by the taxpayers for gender transition surgeries for detained migrants, which we all know is not free but taken out of our paychecks. Gender transition surgery has been normalized by the radical left so doctors and therapists can make hundreds of thousands of dollars by creating a lifetime patient. Also, Haitian immigrants that have been shipped into America by the Biden-Harris administration are eating pets, which is exactly what happens when you import people from every corner of the world with different values. Later, tomorrow night is the first debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and it will be on a network that has given Kamala 100% positive coverage while always attacking Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Former VP Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris and says Donald Trump is a threat that can never be trusted with power again. Cheney is still mad about Liz Cheney losing her spot in Congress and her relevancy because of Trump and has joined the never-Trumpers and fake Republicans like Adam Kinzinger. If you care about our country, you don’t put a Marxist in office. Also, when Trump won in 2016 the political elites and the establishment hated him because he disrupted their world. There was a line or a pecking order in politics and they waited their turn. Trump disrupted the establishment and the Republican party by using his fame and notoriety to jump the line and become president. The Obamas, the Clintons, the Cheneys, etc were furious. Later, the open border under the Biden-Harris administration, combined with anti-police policies and mentality, has led to gangs taking over entire cities in America like Aurora, CO. The communist Marxist Democrats have put us all in danger and now American citizens are hostage to cartels. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Rich Valdes, host of America at Night, fills in for Mark. We are 60 days from the 2024 presidential election and have a choice between two Americas. Do we want an America under Donald Trump that will allow the American dream to continue, or an America under Kamala Harris and Tim Walz that will destroy it? Do we want a safe American or an American with a wide-open border? Also, we had a horrific school shooting and Democrats immediately used it to promote Harris and blame guns, when the real problem is deeper and caused by the Biden administration. Trump is correct when he says the United States under Biden and Harris have turned into a banana republic, and their unrelenting and extreme use of force against political opponents is what you see in places like Venezuela. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. AG Merrick Garland outlined actions that will be taken against people who threaten our election, yet his Department of Justice and the Biden Administration have opened our elections to illegal aliens. The DOJ’s announcement of foreign interference focused on Russia again but missed the real story, which is non-citizens voting in our own elections. Every state should have a mandatory process in place to ensure that only legal citizens can vote, but that also requires state administrators to enforce the laws which radical Democrats will not do. Donald Trump is the true unifying candidate because his policies are unifying, unlike Kamala Harris who needs to lie about her true intentions. We are officially in election season, and the first ballots will be available in North Carolina this week and Pennsylvania next week. Trump has changed his campaign strategy from 2020 and is now telling supporters to vote early in a “swamp the vote” campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Did you know grocery prices have come down under the Biden-Harris administration? Let’s fact-check that – under the Biden-Harris administration groceries are up 22%, gas is up 51%, rent is up 22% and car insurance is up 54% since President Trump left office. If grocery prices are down why does Kamala Harris want her Communist-style price controls? Also, there’s no doubt the Democrats had a strategy meeting on how to attack Trump. They decided to make up a controversy that Trump broke protocol at Arlington National Cemetery and then they had the media sell it to Americans. Democrats were looking for a way to undermine Trump so they told people he is an angry man who would walk over graves to win an election, which is a lie. Trump was invited by the Gold Star families to remember and honor those who were killed in the Biden-Harris exit from Afghanistan. Afterward, Democrats are defending Harris’s flip flops on the border, going even as far as to blame Trump for the Biden-Harris open border. Everything she has done has shown she wants to get rid of a secure border. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to explain that Hamas is responsible for the murder of the hostages, not Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin this Labor Day. The media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator - a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history. She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school. Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party? Later, Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is facing the media, answering tough questions, and campaigning all across the country to groups of voters that don’t always vote Republican because he has a successful record to campaign on. We don’t need to be talked down to by people like Bernie Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, who have made a fortune from Capitalism but call it evil, or lied to by the Democrat media covering for Kamala. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. President Donald Trump gave a fantastic speech today calling out Kamala Harris and her disastrous record on the border and the economy, but the Democrat media could not care less. Instead, they focus on the CNN softball interview with Harris, working as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Special Labor Day Edition of the Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence has to be shredded for Democrats to achieve what they want, which is where Kamala Harris comes in. She will destroy this country, traditional notion of liberty, and free market capitalism while centralizing more and more power with the federal government. Later, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. Also, Israel has had enough of being attacked by Iran through Hamas and Hezbollah and is firing back at their missile sites instead of just sitting around. Israel has the capacity to do enormous damage to these countries and does not have to restrict itself to urban warfare like it is with Hamas. Later, the reintroduction of January 6th charges by Jack Smith against Donald Trump at this stage of the election is just another disgusting, disgraceful effort to smear Trump. The Biden Department of Justice will not stop their lawfare against Trump and are still using Smith to do their bidding. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump gave a fantastic speech today calling out Kamala Harris and her disastrous record on the border and the economy, but the Democrat media could not care less. Instead, they focus on the CNN softball interview with Harris, working as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. Harris is surrounded by American haters and Islamists and will not be challenged by the media like Trump or J.D. Vance are. The Democrat Party's Marxist Islamist base is led by people like Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, who know Kamala has to say what she’s saying about Israel to get elected, but afterward, she’ll revert to her true form. Later, Mark speaks with actor Dennis Quaid about his new movie, Reagan, in which he plays the role of Ronald Reagan, and his visit to the Reagan Library to research the role. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. January 6 charges have been re-submitted to the court because nothing is stopping Jack Smith from going after Donald Trump, who is acting on the behalf of Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. What Smith filed today will not go anywhere until after the election, so there is no reason for this to be filed now except to interfere in the election. Trump has not been charged with insurrection because January 6 was not an insurrection and he would not be found guilty of insurrection. Also, Mark Zuckerberg is speaking out about the pressure put on him by the Biden Administration to censor information on Facebook and Twitter. The 2020 election was forever changed when the Hunter Biden laptop information was blocked and deemed Russian disinformation by the FBI, who knew it was real and sat on the evidence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence has to be shredded for Democrats to achieve what they want, which is where Kamala Harris comes in. She will destroy this country, traditional notion of liberty, and free market capitalism while centralizing more and more power with the federal government. Also, Kamala Harris is a radical Islamist as much as she is a radical Marxist and does not care about the safety and security of Israel at all. Kamala wants Israel to surrender Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians, who as a group voted for Hamas and support the October 7 terror attacks. The Democrat party does not support the state of Israel, and both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have blood on their hands from what is happening in the Middle East. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are pretending to be regular Americans instead of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas Democrats they are. Harris met in secret with the radical Hamas-supporting mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in which she tried to justify the mass murders of Israelis by Hamas. Other Marxists like Bernie Sanders love what Harris-Walz has done and will do to America, which is why he is paraded around by the Democrat media. Since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself. Kamala Harris did not receive a single vote but that has not stopped the Democrat party from installing her as the nominee for president because they are the most fascistic party in the history of our country. Kamala Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Robert F Kennedy Jr. has ended his run for president and has endorsed Donald Trump because he knows that we cannot lose this election and this country to Kamala Harris. For the Democrat Marxists it is about party first and party over everything, which is how we get people like Jake Tapper and Joe Scarborough who push propaganda for Harris. The last Democrat President to cut taxes on the middle class was John F Kennedy, and the Marxist Islamist Democrats of today are nothing like JFK. Trump has united Reaganites and now Kennedys and is bringing the country together while Kamala is dividing Americans, destroying American values, and turning our country into a Marxist utopia. Later, Trump speaks live in Arizona with RFK Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is facing the media, answering tough questions, and campaigning all across the country to groups of voters that don’t always vote Republican because he has a successful record to campaign on. We don’t need to be talked down to by people like Bernie Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, who have made a fortune from Capitalism but call it evil, or lied to by the Democrat media covering for Kamala. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris did not receive a single vote but that has not stopped the Democrat party from installing her as the nominee for president because they are the most fascistic party in the history of our country. The entire Democrat National Convention is a farce out of a dystopian movie, showcasing a party that does not support Israel, women’s rights, or a secure border; ultimately it is an anti-Trump convention to conceal their anti-Semitism, Marxism, and bigotry. Harris has proposed the most Marxist socialist Democrat platform that is praised by people like Bernie Sanders and AOC, and it will destroy the America that we know. Also, Harris has proposed a 25% wealth tax. Under this plan, you would be forced to pay 25% of your unsold home’s worth. This would be part of the Harris economy. Later, Mark speaks with Lunden Roberts about her exclusion and exile from Joe and Jill Biden, and also to discuss her new book Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself. The real story not being told is the constant hatred toward Israel and Jews by the Democrat party. The level of anti-Semitism swirling around the Democrat party and the DNC is astonishing, from Joe Biden justifying the Hamas terror attacks on Israel to Kamala Harris’ support of pro-Hamas extremists in Dearborn, MI. We are losing America not because of Donald Trump or January 6, but because the Democrat Marxist party is in control. The Democrat Party convention in 1924 was known as the Klan Bake, given the presence of thousands of its members and pressure on the convention delegates. 100 years later, the Democrat Party convention of 2024 will be known as the Hamas convention, given the presence of thousands of pro-Hamas protesters and the number of Democrat officials who agree with them or sympathize with them -- including Biden, Harris, Sanders, and scores of others. Later, Mark is joined by Ohio Senator and Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance to discuss the disgrace that has been the Democrat National Convention, the rise of anti-Semitism and Hamas support in the Democrat party, and Kamala Harris’ disastrous record and history as a San Francisco prosecutor. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are pretending to be regular Americans instead of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas Democrats they are. Harris met in secret with the radical Hamas-supporting mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in which she tried to justify the mass murders of Israelis by Hamas. Other Marxists like Bernie Sanders love what Harris-Walz has done and will do to America, which is why he is paraded around by the Democrat media. We now have racial Marxism in America because the Democrat party has become the American Marxist Islamist party. Later, Mark is joined by Breitbart reporter and author Joel Pollak to discuss the rise of the pro-Hamas wing in the Democrat party and his new book The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. We know who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for; a Marxist Democrat who will say and do anything to get elected, which is a trait she shares with the American Pravda media outlets who believe the ends justify the means like the Stalinists they are. The Harris-Walz ticket is the most radical, anti-Semitic ticket in American history, and they have sold out to the pro-Hamas base in the Democrat party. President Trump gave an outstanding speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris-Biden, he spelled out what they've done to our country, and he set forth a pro-growth agenda, and made clear that government is not the answer. Harris and the radical Marxist Washington politicians have no experience and only wreck the economy because they are driven by an ideology. The system was working perfectly until Democrats took over and installed Bidenomics, and the solution is not Kamalanomics and price control. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is applying ideology to economics with price controls, lying to get votes, and concealing what she’s done. Harris and Biden are career politicians who have worked in government their entire lives and have no experience managing a payroll or running a real business. Countries that use price controls are typically totalitarian regimes where the government needs to make decisions instead of people using their free will; it is the complete destruction of the engine of capitalism. Harris has been hiding because her economic solution to Biden’s inflation is to increase government spending by over $1 trillion. We cannot accept Harris’ American Pravda media campaign and this plan is why we must demand answers. Later, Donald Trump gave a speech that’s been underreported because it was a strong defense of Israel and a strong attack on antisemitism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump was in front of the press for an hour and a half today to discuss various issues with substance and knowledge and without using notes. Trump is not hiding out like Kamala Harris because he is an extraordinarily unique candidate that cannot be destroyed. Trump is a blue-collar Billionaire with real-world experience, while Harris and the radical Marxist Washington politicians have no experience and only wreck the economy because they are driven by an ideology. The system was working perfectly until Democrats took over and installed Bidenomics, and the solution is not Kamalanomics and price control. Harris is an economic Marxist who relies on class warfare in order to expand government control of the economy, and they do not care if they destroy the country in the process. This is all Marxist class warfare populism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump gave an outstanding speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris-Biden, he spelled out what they've done to our country, and he set forth a pro-growth agenda, and made clear that government is not the answer. Trump made clear, and this is important, that Harris has been vice president and is still vice president, so why does she say what she will do if elected rather than just do it now? And "she cannot solve the problem because she is the problem." Trump also underscored that Americans were better off when he was president than now when Harris is vice president. Also, Democrats keep using the word joy. They are saying that Kamala Harris is running a joyous campaign. Do people seem happy as they struggle through the Biden-Harris economy? They are trying to project something that doesn’t exist. This is not morning in America with Ronald Reagan. The economy has heart disease – it’s very ill and the answer for Democrats is to shove more sugar into it. This is the Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Harris economy. Later, the Biden/Harris administration allegedly gave Tehran a list of Israeli Mossad agents/spies involved in the Haniyeh assassination. This is beyond a betrayal. This administration is serving up Israel to the enemy. They’re giving aid and comfort to terrorists. Israel is fighting a multifront war, including with the Biden/Harris administration. We’ll see if this story is true. Finally, Harris is running a dictator’s election. She and her team are creating impressions – she’s the angel and Trump is the devil. Her original positions are not well known but she’s changing them through statements and press releases. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we know who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for; a Marxist Democrat who will say and do anything to get elected, which is a trait she shares with the American Pravda media outlets who believe the ends justify the means like the Stalinists they are. The Harris-Walz ticket is the most radical, anti-Semitic ticket in American history, and they have sold out to the pro-Hamas base in the Democrat party. As governor Walz has allowed Minnesota to become a hotbed of anti-Semitism, and both Walz and Kamala have extensive ties to CAIR. This is the ideology being imported into America by the Democrat party through an open border, and these are dangerous times in America if we do not wake up our fellow Americans. Also, we are witnessing a revolution through immigration by the Democrat party and Joe Biden’s open border. Millions of illegal immigrants are being fast-tracked for citizenship in the waning days of the Biden administration because they want to reshape the electorate and control America. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News contributor and author Joe Concha about the corrupt leftist media trying to carry Kamala Harris across the finish line while burying Donald Trump in propaganda, and about his new book Progressively Worse: Why Today's Democrats Ain't Your Daddy's Donkeys. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator - a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history. She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school. Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, what have President Biden and Kamala Harris done right? What have they done to help the country? We are seeing the effects that Marxist policies don’t work. What are Kamala Harris’ proposals for the economy? For creating jobs? For getting inflation under control and growing the economy? They don’t exist. The Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Gov Josh Shapiro was not chosen to be the VP because he is Jewish and it would offend their pro-Hamas voters. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. Putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Tim Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. What have President Biden and Kamala Harris done right? What have they done to help the country? We are seeing the effects that Marxist policies don’t work. What are Kamala Harris’ proposals for the economy? For creating jobs? For getting inflation under control and growing the economy? They don’t exist. She has the pillow proposal - take it and smother it. It takes a while for Marxist policies to work its way through the economy and it's kicking in now. Inflation will get worse and jobless claims will go up. If the stock market continues to crash, that means larger businesses must fire people, and those businesses contract, which means the economy will contract and inflation will continue to go up. Imagine all that brain power out of the workforce. To grow the economy and slow down inflation, you have to embrace capitalism – which the Democrats hate. Also, the Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. Putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration. Roe v Wade had limits with the third trimester, but Walz has no limits in his state which allows borderline infanticide. The propagandists in the Democrat party and the leftist media want to convince you Walz is a moderate when in reality he is just as extreme as Kamala. This election will be about whether we will allow the people who exploit us, undermine us, and control us to get that final ounce of power to the point where we cannot get our freedom back. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. We have the largest contrast between two major party candidates for president in our country’s history with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Harris and Tim Walz are radical Democrats and Walz was selected because he is in favor of things like tampons in boy’s bathrooms. Democrats are projecting weakness again by hiding Harris from the press and running another basement campaign, which makes America and the world less safe. Also, the world is less secure every day President Biden and Harris are in the White House because they project weakness and embolden terrorist groups and countries like Iran and Russia. Donald Trump exerted strength from the Oval Office and destroyed ISIS, but under Biden and Harris the Middle East is on fire and ISIS is on the rise. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Tim Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration. Roe v Wade had limits with the third trimester, but Walz has no limits in his state which allows borderline infanticide. The propagandists in the Democrat party and the leftist media want to convince you Walz is a moderate when in reality he is just as extreme as Kamala. Also, unlike Donald Trump, Tim Walz lied about his military service and rank with the National Guard while running for Congress and continued to lie about it afterward. Walz retired after getting a warning he would be deployed to Iraq, abandoning his unit when they needed leadership the most. This is the most undemocratic, propagandistic election in American history, where the Democrat candidate for president was selected rather than elected by the voters, and has now selected her radical Vice President. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Gov Josh Shapiro was not chosen to be the VP because he is Jewish and it would offend their pro-Hamas voters. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. This election will be about whether we will allow the people who exploit us, undermine us, and control us to get that final ounce of power to the point where we cannot get our freedom back. Later, Mark speaks with Michele Bachmann, former MN Congresswoman and Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, about her experience working with Tim Walz in Congress and his horrible record as governor. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what have President Biden and Kamala Harris done right? What have they done to help the country? We are seeing the effects that Marxist policies don’t work. What are Kamala Harris’ proposals for the economy? For creating jobs? For getting inflation under control and growing the economy? They don’t exist. She has the pillow proposal - take it and smother it. It takes a while for Marxist policies to work its way through the economy and it's kicking in now. Inflation will get worse and jobless claims will go up. If the stock market continues to crash, that means larger businesses must fire people, and those businesses contract, which means the economy will contract and inflation will continue to go up. Imagine all that brain power out of the workforce. To grow the economy and slow down inflation, you have to embrace capitalism – which the Democrats hate. Also, American military personnel have been wounded in an attack against a base in Iraq. Americans were attacked in Iraq by Iran. The Iran regime must be destroyed! What message is Biden and Harris sending to Iran when they hold back weapons from Israel? Harris will be responsible if a major war does break out in the Middle East. Afterward, Rep Jamie Raskin is saying that Trump is an illegitimate presidential candidate under the 14th Amendment and Congress will stop him from taking office even if he wins in November. He doesn’t care what voters or the Supreme Court has to say, he’s going to do what he wants. These are the Democrats who claim to defend democracy. Raskin is the insurrectionist. Finally, Rep Byron Donalds calls in to discuss his battle with George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos only wanted to talk about Harris’ identity and January 6th, he didn’t have one question about the real issues challenging Americans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, was Kamala Harris lying about her positions while she was campaigning in 2020 and while she was Vice President, or is she lying about what her positions will be if elected? The most powerful individuals and organizations in this country are the corporate media, who truly run our country. They are protected by the 1st amendment, responsible for creating the news, and tell us what to think and believe morning noon, and night. The media lied about Kamala Harris while she was Vice President, and they are lying about her now while anointing her as the Democratic nominee. President Biden called Harris a DEI Vice President during a speech in May, but if you point it out you’re called a racist because the left wants to tell us what to see and hear. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we are in stagflation. The economy is contracting, unemployment is rising, and inflation is getting worse. Kamalanomics is destroying the economy and Harris blames Trump, who has been out of office for nearly 4-years, for the disastrous economic situation, which will only get worse. So, that's her answer - blame Trump. Also, Harris got enough delegates virtually to secure the Democrat Presidential nomination – all without a single vote. What took place with the virtual counting of delegates was the hijacking of the democratic electoral system. Harris brings literally nothing substantive to the presidential race. She throws around cliches, exploits identity politics and victimization, takes no responsibility for the failed policies of her administration, and takes credit whenever she can for anything that seems to be working but provides not a single substantive reason to vote for her. She is running from her former statements and policies without explanation. She hides from real journalists who would question her about it all, relying instead on the corrupt media, millions in ads, and dishonest surrogates. And this is all fine by the same people, parties, and groups, including the media, that lied for years about President Biden. Later, virtually all Senate Republicans signed a letter today demanding that the Biden regime immediately stop withholding weapons from Israel. Meanwhile, Biden has the nerve to ream out Benjamin Netanyahu for taking out terrorists. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to explain that Harris is using the Biden basement strategy. She does no hard interviews, no real speeches, she just reads from teleprompters. She is counting on a media PR campaign. Ted provides breaking news that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revoked the plea deal for the 9/11 terrorists. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the most powerful individuals and organizations in this country are the corporate media, who truly run our country. They are protected by the 1st amendment, responsible for creating the news, and tell us what to think and believe morning noon, and night. The media lied about Kamala Harris while she was Vice President, and they are lying about her now while anointing her as the Democratic nominee. President Biden called Harris a DEI Vice President during a speech in May, but if you point it out you’re called a racist because the left wants to tell us what to see and hear. The media are doing everything they can to humanize Kamala, while at the same time dehumanizing Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Also, it is immoral and unconscionable for 9/11 terrorists to be given a plea deal, which is exactly what the Biden Administration did. This has signaled to terrorists and countries like Iran and China that there are no consequences for attacking America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, was Kamala Harris lying about her positions while she was campaigning in 2020 and while she was Vice President, or is she lying about what her positions will be if elected? The answer is she is lying now because she is a pathological liar and a lightweight radical candidate being propped up by a propaganda Democrat media just like President Biden. Also, Harris’ reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech and her comments about him later stoked the attacks on Israel, and she is responsible for the Middle East blowing up as much as anyone else in the Biden Administration. She has given a voice to the pro-Hamas rallies and protests on our streets and college campuses because she is a radical Marxist like Bernie Sanders. Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, along with Russia, China, and North Korea, are all rooting for Kamala to win because she is weak. If Josh Shapiro is asked to be Kamala’s VP and he accepts, he will be selling out his Jewish heritage for the Democrat Marxist antisemites. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. It is no coincidence that Israel was attacked within a week of Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to Congress without President Biden or Kamala Harris in attendance. Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision over the last four decades and Harris will be no better. Every day Biden is president of the U.S. the world is less safe, and it isn’t getting any safer if Harris takes over. Meanwhile, every day while Trump was the president the world was safer because he knew that the only way to stop terrorists was to destroy them. Also, the motive of Thomas Matthew Crooks was to assassinate Donald Trump, that much is clear, but we still do not know the extent of the security failure. We have gained the greatest insight into the failures of Trump’s protection from texts and interviews with local Butler, PA law enforcement. Finally, Harris’ voting record lines up with radical Bernie Sanders. She has the voting record of a Socialist. There has never been a greater division than between Trump and Harris in this election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and Kamala Harris try to camouflage their Marxism with words like democracy. Their war on the Supreme Court, war on federalism and the states, and their war on the filibuster is underway. Biden and Harris have demonstrated their authoritarianism today - change the Supreme Court to institute their agenda, as they reject the states when it comes to abortion and demand the elimination of the filibuster to prevent any challenge to their legislative demands, Every institution and process in place to prevent their likes from concentrating power and building a police state they seek to destroy. It’s sickening to watch Biden lecture us about civil rights when it was his party that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This would be Biden who threw in with at least 6 of the worst racist-segregationists in the Senate, all of whom were involved in filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act, in his effort to prevent public school desegregation via busing. Moreover, Johnson was one of the worst racist segregationists of his time. Also, Israel is at war on all fronts and Biden is either withholding or slow-walking weapons. While they are doing this to Israel – the Biden administration has put no new sanctions on Iran. The Iranian regime is interfering in our election to help Harris. Iran is seeking to undermine Trump’s campaign through online influence operations. Later, a short list of Harris’ radical positions. She wants to eliminate fracking, so you can all freeze to death. She wants an open border and to decriminalize illegal immigration. She wants free health care for illegal immigrants which will destroy our healthcare system. She opposes Title IX. She would destroy women's equality in sports. Finally, Tammy Bruce calls in to discuss her new book, Fear Itself: Exposing the Left's Mind-Killing Agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the transformation has begun in the Democrat party to make it as if Joe Biden never existed and to reinvent Kamala Harris, because we have a president with dementia who should be removed under the 25th amendment along with a Vice president covering it up. The corrupt Democrat party and the corrupt media already stole the 2020 election from the voters and now they are on Phase 2 to steal 2024 and install Kamala Harris as president. Harris is a radical Democrat with no actual record of being a prosecutor except where she withheld exculpatory evidence among other corrupt activities. Democrats are campaigning on Kamala propaganda because they have no reality of facts to support the new persona they are creating. Kamala Harris is an outspoken Marxist who believes in equity over equality and that everyone should have the same outcome no matter how hard they work. Democrats are celebrating Stalinism in their party and the media is giddy to promote it. Harris let the southern border turn into a disaster and does not believe illegal immigration is a crime, which is why Democrats deflect the border czar title as Republican propaganda. Harris has exposed herself as a radical extreme Marxist, so the left will lie about her just like they lied about Biden and so many other things.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is an outspoken Marxist who believes in equity over equality and that everyone should have the same outcome no matter how hard they work. Democrats are celebrating Stalinism in their party and the media is giddy to promote it. Harris let the southern border turn into a disaster and does not believe illegal immigration is a crime, which is why Democrats deflect the border czar title as Republican propaganda. Harris has exposed herself as a radical extreme Marxist, so the left will lie about her just like they lied about Biden and so many other things. Also, Kamala Harris despises Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu and the proof is in her actions, not what we’re told to believe or who she is married to. Harris cannot and will not condemn Hamas and has ties to CAIR, an Islamic terrorist front group. Later, Mark is joined by Dave McCormick, candidate for Senate from Pennsylvania, to talk about his experience at the Trump rally and being so close to the assassination attempt, the disappointing failures of the FBI and Secret Service, and also his race for Senate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Kamala Harris has a huge problem since she was Joe Biden’s “border czar” but has done nothing to protect Americans from illegal immigration, inflation, and danger pouring across the border. Kamala is a radical extremist who thinks ICE agents are the bad guys and should be abolished, but she is being completely rewritten by the Democrat media. Kamala is political enemy #1 and the media will do anything to convince us that she is the best thing since sliced bread. The 2024 election has already been rigged by Democrats because not one single person voted for Kamala Harris to be the Presidential nominee. The Democrat party hand-picked their nominee because they are run by Marxist dictators who tell their voters who they are allowed to vote for. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an address to Congress today with more passion, love, and knowledge of the United States than most American politicians. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were not in attendance, along with other pro-Hamas Democrats who hate Israel. The ability of Democrats to lie is remarkable, and they are helped out by the media repeating their lies that help them steal elections. Also, the FBI and Secret Service still have no answers for how we had the closest assassination attempt on Donald Trump since JFK. Things are so bad they brought out Christopher Wray, who has zero credibility, to testify on behalf of the FBI. Later, President Biden addresses the nation live from the Oval Office about his decision to not run for re-election and to unite Democrats behind Kamala. Biden still has not given the American public his reasoning for dropping out now at this point in the race, and he sounded awful and slurring words. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan, backed by Joe Biden and George Soros, gave Democrats exactly what they wanted for the 2024 election by convicting Donald Trump. The stage is now set for the leftist media to push prosecutor Kamala Harris versus criminal Trump. Harris is a radical Democrat with no actual record of being a prosecutor except where she withheld exculpatory evidence among other corrupt activities. Democrats are campaigning on Kamala propaganda because they have no reality of facts to support the new persona they are creating. Later, Mark is joined by former Trump advisor and author Peter Navarro about his experience as a literal political prisoner of the Democrat party, and also about his new book The New Maga Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump's 2024 Policy Platform. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the transformation has begun in the Democrat party to make it as if Joe Biden never existed and to reinvent Kamala Harris, because we have a president with dementia who should be removed under the 25th amendment along with a Vice president covering it up. The corrupt Democrat party and the corrupt media already stole the 2020 election from the voters and now they are on Phase 2 to steal 2024 and install Kamala Harris as president. Also, it has been over a week since the assassination attempt on President Trump and we still have no answers about what went wrong with the security and protection from Secret Service. Director Kimberly Cheatle is refusing to step down and provided no updates in a Congressional hearing that lacked accountability and answers. Finally, Mark speaks with Todd Blanche, the defense attorney and lawyer fighting for Donald Trump in Manhattan and about the January 6 charges and immunity issues to come before the court. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the purposeful, relentless, coordinated effort to de-humanize President Trump had a predictable outcome, as we’ve feared. Will media executives take steps to deal with their on-air hosts and guests who use their platforms to invoke the worst kind of images and fears to incite hate? How does a 20-year-old evade the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, get to the rooftop and almost assassinate a former and hopefully future president? Butler, Pennsylvania is a tiny town with a small police force. The idea that the Secret Service, with all its resources, would be relying on the local police to protect the perimeter is so outrageous. Also, Biden is waging war on the Supreme Court, he is set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes. Biden is proposing the destruction of the separation of powers. He wants to use the power of Congress, which doesn’t have the power, to change the terms of Supreme Court Justices. There’s a lot more information coming out about the Trump assassination attempt and it’s quite frightening. The Secret Service ID’ed Thomas Matthew Crooks as ‘suspicious’ over an hour before the shooting and still sent President Trump on stage. As days go by things are not adding up with this attempted assassination of President Trump. Who was in charge of protecting Trump on that day? The government needs to release all the information now! It’s amazing that the Biden administration was in a rush to prosecute Trump, but not to get to the bottom of what happened.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, you are watching a Communist battle taking place within a Marxist party. The Democrat party and the media have brought us to this point. 14 million Democrats cast their votes for Biden, millions of dollars were contributed to get Biden the nomination and now they are calling for a mini primary. A mini-primary in which there is no primary, in which the real primary voters are disenfranchised, and the man who was saving democracy and abortion-on-demand is kicked to the curb. Like other Marxist political parties, the civil war within the Democrat Party, between the modern-day Stalinists and Trotskyites, is getting uglier by the hour. The back-and-forth is getting increasingly vicious. For the good of the nation and the Democrat Party, we should speak up for the 14 million disenfranchised Democrat primary voters who were deceived. We can start a group called, Donald Trump supporters for the nomination of Joe Biden. Also, Iran is getting a nuke in weeks under the Biden regime and Antony Blinken is blaming Donald Trump as predicted. The Biden regime not only appeased Iran but funded Iran. Later, Arab countries are quietly buying up millions worth of real estate in Washington’s most elite neighborhood. They have set up phony organizations to operate without being identified. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, as days go by things are not adding up with this attempted assassination of President Trump. Who was in charge of protecting Trump on that day? The government needs to release all the information now! It’s amazing that the Biden administration was in a rush to prosecute Trump, but not to get to the bottom of what happened. Later, capitalism is not corporatism. Capitalism is the only economic system that creates widespread growth, prosperity, and wealth for more people than any other system on Earth. If you support working men and women, the middle class, strong industries, cutting-edge technology and new medicines then you support market capitalism. To yell about Wall St vs Main Street means nothing. It’s important to appeal to the vast population but we should tamp down the Marxist, Socialist rhetoric. Also, the Democrat Party and their media can nominate whomever they wish. Trump will be the next president of the United States. The fact is the economy is a disaster, crime and the open border are horrendous. Finally, Joy Reid needs to be fired. Are there no standards at MSNBC? Her hate for Trump is indescribable, it knows no bounds. She is a reckless hateful person. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a lot more information coming out about the Trump assassination attempt and it’s quite frightening. The Secret Service ID’ed Thomas Matthew Crooks as ‘suspicious’ over an hour before the shooting and still sent President Trump on stage. Why would the Secret Service allow this to happen? Something is very wrong here; this is a massive scandal. Also, there’s always a common thread with totalitarian regimes – they dehumanize their opponents. When someone creates a normal narrative that someone is Hitler or will kill you, that affects the psyche of individuals. It creates an environment where this becomes acceptable language and that can have a devasting impact on society. Biden dehumanizes individuals to win elections or a political argument. This is what Biden does. He dehumanizes Republicans, dehumanizes President Trump and Trump's supporters. Later, right now Democrats are laying the groundwork to claim that if Trump is elected in November, he is an illegitimate president because he was convicted in a Manhattan court. They already want to impeach him before he’s even elected. Afterward, Chuck Schumer has told Biden he should end his campaign. The pile-on begins - Biden lost the support of Hakeem Jeffries and likely Nancy Pelosi. Democrats will begin rallying around this push and no doubt the media will join in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Butler, Pennsylvania is a tiny town with a small police force. The idea that the Secret Service, with all its resources, would be relying on the local police to protect the perimeter is so outrageous. The Secret Service should have been on top of every building and drones should have been in the air. It’s now known that the Secret Service ramped up more security after learning about an Iranian plot to assassinate President Trump. Iran is the enemy and President Biden is funding them to the tune of billions of dollars and undermining Israel. What do we know about the Secret Service director? She got her job after a push from Jill Biden. Jill Biden is acting as president. Also, Biden is waging war on the Supreme Court, he is set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes. Biden is proposing the destruction of the separation of powers. He wants to use the power of Congress, which doesn’t have the power, to change the terms of Supreme Court Justices. Later, the effort to get rid of Biden is back. The DNC is trying to nominate Biden virtually, well before the convention, so Democrats can’t pick another nominee and get rid of Biden. Finally, Kathie Lee Gifford calls in to discuss her new book, Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the Risen Savior. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the purposeful, relentless, coordinated effort to de-humanize President Trump had a predictable outcome, as we’ve feared. Will media executives take steps to deal with their on-air hosts and guests who use their platforms to invoke the worst kind of images and fears to incite hate? And what of the hideous political strategy and propaganda against Trump and his supporters? President Biden’s speech from the Oval Office about unity was pathetic. Political through and through. He didn’t take any responsibility for his central role in hatemongering and fear-mongering, the core of his campaign, rhetoric, and entire career. Where were all the good guys during the Trump rally? How does a 20-year-old evade the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, get to the rooftop and almost assassinate a former and hopefully future president? One of the people responsible starts at the top – the head of the Secret Service. Nobody ever gets fired in the bureaucracy. Afterward, MRC’s Brent Bozell calls in to explain the out-of-control media’s role in the attempted assassination of Trump. Also, the media is already trashing Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. Does the media forget when Kamala Harris all but called Biden a racist at the 1st Democrat debate in 2020 and later was the first Democrat to drop out? Nonetheless, Biden chose her as his vice president. All this talk that J.D. Vance was critical of Trump in the past (although he has been a big Trump supporter since and was endorsed by Trump for the Senate) doesn't matter. Later, Mark is joined by Landmark Legal Foundation’s VP of Legal Affairs Mike O’Neill to discuss Judge Cannon’s decision concluding that Jack Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution and Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation violates the Appropriations Clause. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is about party first. When we listen to the debate about President Biden staying in the race or not, the issue is never what’s best for the country. Kamala Harris must not be the Democrat nominee should Biden drop out. There was a time when Democrats thought the physical and mental health of a president was of national security importance. There hasn’t been a single discussion with any cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment for President Biden. Kamala Harris and the cabinet have no intention of following the Constitution. Where is the NY Times piece asking why Harris won’t trigger the 25th Amendment? Americans were on the edge of their seats today - will Biden give a decent speech in front of NATO? Is this what it has come to, if he can give a decent speech? We’ve had a complete cover-up of Biden’s mental decline and it’s still going on. It wasn’t that long ago when both parties agreed that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Then Bill Clinton had an idea with motor voter - to register as many people as you could. It was the first time Democrats started chipping away at voter security and it has never stopped. When you destroy the sanctity of the vote you are destroying the right to vote. Democrats don’t believe in voting - they believe in control, and power. The House passed a bill to ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections and every House Democrat voted against it except for 5 of them. Furthermore, the media is responsible for the predicament the Democrat party is in today. To watch the media feign anger that they were lied to about President Biden is quite an act. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark offers advice to President Biden's campaign to fend off the Obama and Clinton operatives trying to oust him. They need to talk about democracy, but not in response to Trump. Biden needs to explain that he will defend the voters who voted for him in the primaries. He’ll need to point out that over 14 million people voted in the Democrat primary in every state and that 99% of the delegates are committed to him, not any other Democrat. Biden needs to use the tactics he uses against Trump, against his own party, and the media. After 50 years of Biden’s character assassinating good people, after 50 years of deceit - he knows how to do this. He just needs to aim it at the Democrats who are trying to topple him. Later, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the media are all behind Kamala Harris for president should they succeed with their coup against Biden. The question for Democrat voters is, do you support a president in the 5th stage of dementia, or do you support an imbecile VP? Also, Biden, who has gaslighted the most horrendous Jew-hatred the U.S. has ever seen, was at NATO attacking Israel. Biden treats Israel like he treats Trump and MAGA. If Israel were to adopt Biden’s policies it would cease to exist. Biden is holding 7 defense systems from Israel. Why? Because he doesn’t want them to use it on Iran’s nuclear site. Finally, Heritage President Kevin Roberts calls in to explain and discuss the lies about Project 2025. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the media is responsible for the predicament the Democrat party is in today. To watch the media feign anger that they were lied to about President Biden is quite an act. The New York Times editorial board issued a long screed about President Trump and how he is unfit to lead; this follows two earlier editorials demanding that Biden give up his campaign for president. This horrible corporation spread Stalin's lies throughout the world. All but covered up the Holocaust and played a key role in installing Castro in Cuba. Now, they tell the Democrats how to proceed with Biden and the country that Trump is unfit to lead. Also, Kamala Harris is unfit to be president. She is the tip of the spear of the Biden coverup. She knows Biden is not fit to be president, yet she defended him. Later, Donald Trump outwitted the Democrat party, the media, and Hollywood in one brilliant move. Trump demanded debates with Biden, Biden's ego got the better of him and relented, but he set all kinds of conditions he did not think Trump would accept. Trump accepted the conditions in a nano-second, and the stage was then set for the humiliation of Biden. And who can forget all the unsolicited advice Trump received on how to conduct himself during the debate. He needed none of it. He was ready, cool as can be, substantive, and knew exactly what to do in the debate, from the beginning to the end. He knew Biden better than all his advisers and media sycophants combined. Trump outwitted all of them and the Democrat Party, media, and Hollywood are still in chaos. Finally, Sen J.D. Vance calls in and explains the big problem the Democrats have. He asks, if Biden’s not fit to run for President, how can he be fit to serve another four years? Trump is up for it, Biden is not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it wasn’t that long ago when both parties agreed that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Then Bill Clinton had an idea with motor voter - to register as many people as you could. It was the first time Democrats started chipping away at voter security and it has never stopped. When you destroy the sanctity of the vote you are destroying the right to vote. Democrats don’t believe in voting - they believe in control, and power. The House passed a bill to ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections and every House Democrat voted against it except for 5 of them. We have a growing police state that demands facial recognition but when it comes to voter ID Democrats say that’s racist. Also, the debate about President Biden has changed, it’s no longer about his dementia, it’s about whether Democrats can win or not with him. Sen Chuck Schumer is open to removing Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee and Nancy Pelosi won’t even say if she supports Biden. Not once do Democrats say what will benefit America, it’s about what will help the Democrat party. Finally, Captain Sam Brown calls in to discuss his race for the Senate in Nevada against a Biden supporting leftist. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, there was a time when Democrats thought the physical and mental health of a president was of national security importance. There hasn’t been a single discussion with any cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment for President Biden. Kamala Harris and the cabinet have no intention of following the Constitution. Where is the NY Times piece asking why Harris won’t trigger the 25th Amendment? Americans were on the edge of their seats today - will Biden give a decent speech in front of NATO? Is this what it has come to, if he can give a decent speech? We’ve had a complete cover-up of Biden’s mental decline and it’s still going on. The media are going through the drama trying to persuade you that they were lied to about Biden, but they were part of the propaganda operation. Rep Ronny Jackson calls in to explain the coverup of Biden’s dementia. The best case for Trump is to keep Biden in the race but can America afford to keep Biden in office till January? Later, in the last 9 months or so we’ve seen Islamists in the streets, we’ve seen violent attacks on Jews, and we’ve seen synagogues ransacked. Despite all that Kamala Harris praises these Hamas protesters. Finally, Jonathan Turley calls in to discuss his new book - The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is about party first. When we listen to the debate about President Biden staying in the race or not, the issue is never what’s best for the country. Kamala Harris must not be the Democrat nominee should Biden drop out. She has spent 4-years covering up Biden's dementia. She has been a loyal propagandist, repeatedly lying to the American people about Biden's fitness, sharpness, wisdom, decision-making, etc. The indisputable fact is that our Constitution cannot properly work when the vice president is nothing more than a self-serving, dishonest, reliable propagandist for an incapacitated president. The 25th amendment was drafted, adopted, and ratified to specifically address, among other things, a situation just like this – that is, where the president is not able to competently undertake his immensely important duties, which are uniquely vested in the office of the presidency. The vice president has known his condition. But she has put her own political ambitions and those of her party ahead of her Constitutional duties to the nation, for which she swore an oath. America faces a two-fold constitutional crisis: a president who is not competent to hold office and a vice president who refused to uphold the Constitution. Later, unless Sen Marco Rubio moves out of Florida and/or legally assumes residence in a state other than Florida he can’t be selected as President Trump’s vice-presidential running mate. Trump is also a resident of Florida. It also assumes Rubio would resign from the Senate as Florida’s senior senator as he’d no longer be a resident of Florida and could no longer represent the citizens there. I doubt this constitutional sleight of hand would go down well with lots of people even if he pulled it off. Afterward, Israel is under siege. Iran is now arming peaceful Palestinians in the ‘West Bank’ and Iran is arming Hezbollah in Lebanon. Now we find out there are tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt that could not have been built without the Egyptian military knowing about it and helping them build it. One serious problem Israel has is that its generals want to be prime minister. There’s effectively no separation of civilian from military. Yoav Gallant thinks he should run the government. Benny Gantz thinks he should run the government. They undermine Netanyahu privately and publicly and go around his back to Biden and Blinken. Leak to the press. Even in the midst of the war they plot, scheme, and backstab. Finally, Zuhdi Jasser calls in to discuss his race for Congress in Arizona’s 4th district. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Constitution won Monday. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. The new media lie is that the 6 Supreme Court justices in the immunity case are all sucking up to President Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision, is no fan of Trump. Indeed, he publicly criticized Trump some years ago for Trump's criticism of Democrat-appointed jurists. The idea that Roberts bent over backward to deliver Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of a political opponent is so disgustingly insane on every level, its demagogues must be openly condemned -- from Sonia Sotomayor to President Biden, from MSNBC to CNN, and the rest of the mouthpieces for American Marxism. It appears the Democrat party can’t even nominate a president competently. The Democrat Party and their media are split on whether to support a mentally impaired President Biden or disenfranchise millions of primary voters and pick a replacement by a relative handful of political elites and activists. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. All eyes were on President Biden during the Presidential debate, and he was embarrassing, exposing his mental frailty on national television and sending Democrats into a panic. The Democrat party and their media are diabolical and never give up whether they stick with Biden or not and will plot to win the election and dig even harder on Donald Trump. We have lawless lawyers in black robes twisting laws like the Enron Act in order to convict Trump because Biden has weaponized his Department of Justice. Later, the new media lie is that the 6 Supreme Court justices in the immunity case are all sucking up to President Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision, is no fan of Trump. Indeed, he publicly criticized Trump some years ago for Trump's criticism of Democrat-appointed jurists. The idea that Roberts bent over backward to deliver Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of a political opponent is so disgustingly insane on every level, its demagogues must be openly condemned -- from Sonia Sotomayor to President Biden, from MSNBC to CNN, and the rest of the mouthpieces for American Marxism. Also, If Biden drops out (doubt it, but who knows) go for it, Kamala Harris. Kamala is reportedly upset that she's being overlooked in all the gossip because she is a black woman. You tell them, Kamala! Is the Democrat Party racist and misogynist? Is it truly committed to DEI or will it now resort to a different standard? We shall see! After all, she is so accomplished, such a leader. Just ask Willie Brown. Afterward, the Democrats and their media claim they are the Constitution originalists! For years the Democrats and their media have told us that the Constitution is old, it is a document drafted and adopted by white slaveholders, it is an obstacle to civil rights and progress, etc. The Framers have been condemned, their names removed from buildings, their monuments destroyed, etc. Yet, today, right now, the same Democrats and media are claiming that our precious Constitution is being destroyed by Supreme Court justices who believe in and practice constitutional originalism! That's right! Those who hate the Constitution and its authors insist that they are the true believers and adherents to the original principles, values, and words on which our country -- which they said was hopelessly racist and unequal (CRT, DEI. ESG, 1619, etc.) -- established. Finally, after 23 years Mark and Westwood One have extended their contract for multiple years. Mark said “I understand my obligation is to serve the millions of patriotic Americans in the audience. I am blessed to do what I do, and I am committed every day to providing detailed analyses of current events along with historic context, commentary, and my in-depth perspectives to deliver the very best broadcasting I am able to share with our many listeners.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on Independence Day! The Constitution won. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. He would have to wonder whether a quick decision or a difficult decision or a decision that seemed right at the time would be subjected to criminal scrutiny after the fact, and after he had left office. The presidency would be gravely damaged. This would have fundamentally altered the separation of powers, greatly weakening the office of the presidency, and effectively amend the Constitution by criminal prosecution. No longer would there be the balance and division among the branches that the Framers worked so hard to enshrine. The January 6 case was built on 3-statutes having nothing to do with the events of January 6 and nothing to do with insurrection or sedition. The statutes have never been applied in the way that Jack Smith applied them. AG Merrick Garland and Jack Smith are disfiguring the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, as well as Judge Cannon, are doing their best to set things straight and place things back in the Constitutional box. It is Smith, a historically rogue and vile prosecutor, who deserves our contempt, along with his boss, Garland. The January 6 case is a farce. The documents case was utterly unnecessary. He and the Democrats may be in a rush to destroy a Constitution they have never admired, and whose authors they hate, in pursuit of their American-Marxist police-state, but the rest of us are not. Also, President Biden gave a primetime address and sent Smith, Judge Chutkan, and Garland their marching orders: keep pushing this farcical January 6 case and try and drag it across the finish line before the election. Keep up the lawfare like never before. Biden had 4 executive orders stopped by the Supreme Court. If Biden believed a president shouldn’t be a dictator why did he defy the court? His rhetoric and actions don’t match. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it appears the Democrat party can’t even nominate a president competently. The Democrat Party and their media are split on whether to support a mentally impaired President Biden or disenfranchise millions of primary voters and pick a replacement by a relative handful of political elites and activists. If Biden chooses to stay in the race, Democrats feel like that’s a loser. If he decides to leave, less than 4,000 Chicago activists get to nominate the president, which will exclude millions who voted for Biden in the primary. The Democrat party got caught trying to impose a man with dementia on America. From the border to the economy to the debt and to wars – the Democrat party can’t do anything right. Now, Kamala Harris demands if Biden steps aside, she should be his replacement. She has been a major figure in covering up Biden’s dementia and lying to the American people. Should she be rewarded for her diabolical conduct? Did she raise the 25th Amendment? Whoever takes over for Biden, if he steps down, the media will crown that person as the second coming, and a fresh start for the Democrat party. Afterward, Mike Howell, the executive director for the Heritage Foundation's oversight project, calls in to discuss “laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch-up in the Democratic roster sparks a legal war.” Later, the DOJ plans to pursue Trump cases past election day even if he wins. Can you imagine if they succeed? Trump gets elected, then a sentencing happens before he’s sworn in? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the new media lie is that the 6 Supreme Court justices in the immunity case are all sucking up to President Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision, is no fan of Trump. Indeed, he publicly criticized Trump some years ago for Trump's criticism of Democrat-appointed jurists. The idea that Roberts bent over backward to deliver Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of a political opponent is so disgustingly insane on every level, its demagogues must be openly condemned -- from Sonia Sotomayor to President Biden, from MSNBC to CNN, and the rest of the mouthpieces for American Marxism. Also, If Biden drops out (doubt it, but who knows) go for it, Kamala Harris. Kamala is reportedly upset that she's being overlooked in all the gossip because she is a black woman. You tell them, Kamala! Is the Democrat Party racist and misogynist? Is it truly committed to DEI or will it now resort to a different standard? We shall see! After all, she is so accomplished, such a leader. Just ask Willie Brown. Afterward, the Democrats and their media claim they are the Constitution originalists! For years the Democrats and their media have told us that the Constitution is old, it is a document drafted and adopted by white slaveholders, it is an obstacle to civil rights and progress, etc. The Framers have been condemned, their names removed from buildings, their monuments destroyed, etc. Yet, today, right now, the same Democrats and media are claiming that our precious Constitution is being destroyed by Supreme Court justices who believe in and practice constitutional originalism! That's right! Those who hate the Constitution and its authors insist that they are the true believers and adherents to the original principles, values, and words on which our country -- which they said was hopelessly racist and unequal (CRT, DEI. ESG, 1619, etc.) -- established. Later, Rep. Lloyd Doggett is the first Democrat to publicly call for President Biden to step down as the party’s nominee. This guy is a hardcore leftist and senior party man. He would not have written this letter without the consent if not urging of House leadership. Finally, after 23 years Mark and Westwood One have extended their contract for multiple years. Mark said “I understand my obligation is to serve the millions of patriotic Americans in the audience. I am blessed to do what I do, and I am committed every day to providing detailed analyses of current events along with historic context, commentary, and my in-depth perspectives to deliver the very best broadcasting I am able to share with our many listeners.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Constitution won today. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. He would have to wonder whether a quick decision or a difficult decision or a decision that seemed right at the time would be subjected to criminal scrutiny after the fact, and after he had left office. The presidency would be gravely damaged. This would have fundamentally altered the separation of powers, greatly weakening the office of the presidency, and effectively amend the Constitution by criminal prosecution. No longer would there be the balance and division among the branches that the Framers worked so hard to enshrine. The January 6 case was built on 3-statutes having nothing to do with the events of January 6 and nothing to do with insurrection or sedition. The statutes have never been applied in the way that Jack Smith applied them. AG Merrick Garland and Jack Smith are disfiguring the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, as well as Judge Cannon, are doing their best to set things straight and place things back in the Constitutional box. It is Smith, a historically rogue and vile prosecutor, who deserves our contempt, along with his boss, Garland. The January 6 case is a farce. The documents case was utterly unnecessary. He and the Democrats may be in a rush to destroy a Constitution they have never admired, and whose authors they hate, in pursuit of their American-Marxist police-state, but the rest of us are not. Also, President Biden gave a primetime address and sent Smith, Judge Chutkan, and Garland their marching orders: keep pushing this farcical January 6 case and try and drag it across the finish line before the election. Keep up the lawfare like never before. Biden had 4 executive orders stopped by the Supreme Court. If Biden believed a president shouldn’t be a dictator why did he defy the court? His rhetoric and actions don’t match. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration's open border is allowing illegal immigrant killers into our country, endangering us and our children. Our border is wide open, and Biden is not closing it, and if he gets four more years, he will never close it. The only thing Biden has proven by spending a week in Camp David preparing for the debate is that the country does not need Biden running it. It will not be a fair debate with two radical Democrat Trump-hating moderators who will cut off Trump’s mic and silence him. The Supreme Court just ducked a critical free speech and government control of communications issue thanks to Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and John Roberts. Barrett decided she’s a politician, not a Justice. President Biden will point fingers and blame Donald Trump and the Republicans for not passing his bipartisan immigration reform. Democrats have a new answer when confronted on illegal immigrant crime – Americans are worse than illegals. 36 years ago, Biden lied, and he still lies today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, all eyes were on President Biden during the Presidential debate, and he was embarrassing, exposing his mental frailty on national television and sending Democrats into a panic. The Democrat party and their media are diabolical and never give up whether they stick with Biden or not and will plot to win the election and dig even harder on Donald Trump. We have lawless lawyers in black robes twisting laws like the Enron Act in order to convict Trump because Biden has weaponized his Department of Justice. Later, Mark is joined by Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) to talk about the disastrous debate performance from Biden and the radical policies of the Biden administration that are destroying our country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump heads into the lion’s den in front of 2 of the worst media lapdogs ever and an anti-Trump network. He’ll be up against a President who had to take a week off from the presidency to remember his lies. This is how Biden has always debated - lies. When the debate is over the media will unleash the most aggressive propaganda operation in history. They will tell you Trump lied about this or that and any lies from Biden will be called a misstatement. This is a media that spreads every lie as if it’s fact, the same media that participated in the Russia collusion hoax. Also, you’ve experienced the Biden Presidency. People have died and were sold into slavery for no reason at the border under Biden’s presidency. The media will lie and say that Biden deported more people than Trump. They’ll lie about unemployment and the nation’s debt because Biden is a thug, a plagiarist, and a pathological liar. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court just ducked a critical free speech and government control of communications issue thanks to Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and John Roberts. Barrett decided she’s a politician, not a Justice. Kavanaugh will go one way or the other and Roberts is destroying the Court. They just handed the Biden administration a massive iron fist by allowing them to continue to moderate ‘misinformation’ on social sites. It seems the Supreme Court has a new tactic - to let stand what’s being appealed to the Court by simply claiming there is no standing. The idea there wasn’t standing in this case is preposterous. The other big Supreme Court case we’re waiting on, that no one is talking about is Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council. This was the mother of all attacks on capitalism, it gave so much power to the bureaucracy. This decision will impact your lives for decades to come. Also, the crime from this illegal immigrant invasion didn’t start occurring to this extent until Biden became president. President Biden will point fingers and blame Donald Trump and the Republicans for not passing his bipartisan immigration reform. Democrats have a new answer when confronted on illegal immigrant crime – Americans are worse than illegals. Later, a Biden law that claimed to boost renewable energy is helping a solar company reap billions of dollars. This is the greatest economic scam in American history, and they wrap themselves in self-righteousness. Afterward, the DNC is now officially linked to lawfare against Trump. Dana Bash and her ilk constantly ask where's the evidence tying Biden and the Democrat Party to lawfare against Trump. Here's the evidence, “DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind ‘Unprecedented Lawfare’ Campaign Against Trump.” Biden is the head of the DNC. Nothing of this kind is done without at least Biden being informed about it. Biden uses government resources to register Democrats in violation of the Hatch Act. He uses tax dollars to buy votes in violation of the Constitution, like the student loan program. He issues executive orders and his administration issues regulations in furtherance of his radical base's demands. He lies about everything, including the Hunter laptop, his business activities with Hunter, his use of classified information to secure a massive $8 million book advance, and on and on. Biden is a diabolical, cynical, unethical person and politician. Finally, candidate Tim Sheehy calls in to discuss his election run against Montana Senator Jon Tester. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the upcoming CNN Presidential debate will not change President Biden or President Trump, but it will possibly change voters’ perceptions about them which is exactly what the media wants to control. The only thing Biden has proven by spending a week in Camp David preparing for the debate is that the country does not need Biden running it. It will not be a fair debate with two radical Democrat Trump-hating moderators who will cut off Trump’s mic and silence him. Also, the Biden Administration’s border is wide open for criminals from all over the world to come into America, even after Biden’s so-called border bill. The Democrat party has a high tolerance for evil, inhumanity, and suffering if the end result is them getting more power because they are the modern Marxist party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration's open border is allowing illegal immigrant killers into our country, endangering us and our children. Our border is wide open, and Biden is not closing it, and if he gets four more years, he will never close it. Donald Trump secured our border like never before and even went to court to secure funding for the border wall, and Biden has done nothing but tear it all down. It is time to secure our border, fix our criminal justice system, and put illegal immigrant murderers in prison. Also, Snopes has finally issued a correction about Donald Trump’s remarks about Neo-Nazis at the deadly Charlottesville rally, 7 years later. Biden will go on the debate stage and lie about Trump’s record and Charlottesville, and at the same time claim to be the savior of Democracy while defying the Supreme Court. Later, Mark speaks with Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey about the most recent court ruling to reject President Biden’s federal student loan forgiveness and Missouri filing suit against the state of New York for interfering in the 2024 election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden is desperate to hold on to power and will do anything to keep it. Biden's use of immigration for votes is contemptible. There's a reason he is doing this now. He and his regime are looking at any and every way to use the law, budget, policy, executive orders, and the rest to buy votes. President Biden is an expert at repeating the lies of the Democrat Marxists, just like Barack Obama and other students of Saul Alinsky who destroy, smear, and character assassinate political opponents. Biden is destroying the electoral system in order to ensure he cannot lose, all while acting as though he is the candidate who will save our democracy. The Democrat party has been conquered once and for all by people who have rejected the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Biden and Democrats accuse Donald Trump of doing everything that they are guilty of, which is typical behavior for a Marxist. President Biden is violating the law left and right with immigration and mass amnesty, and yet Conservatives have not done enough to show that Biden is the fascistic dictator who hates Democracy and is creating the disaster we’re living in every day. The Biden Administration has been exposed for withholding and delaying shipments of weapons to Israel, and after being called out publicly by Benjamin Netanyahu they have doubled down on their lie. President Biden, Antony Blinken, the State Department, and the Democrat media are all lying to us about Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrat Marxists are all the same whether it's AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders, and now Alvin Bragg, because they hate us and our country with a passion. These are the Marxists killing our country through an American form of Marxism and have now taken over our legal system from prosecutors to judges. We have people rotting in jail because of January 6th, but violent Hamas protesters who took over Columbia University walk free; the takeover of our justice system is the real insurrection in our country. Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed and has been acting on behalf of Biden to interfere in the presidential election and destroy the rule of law. Judge Aileen Cannon is rightfully listening to arguments challenging Smith’s appointment, and the response from the Democrat media is to drag Cannon through the mud. Later, Mark is joined by Seth Barrett Tillman, Professor from the Maynooth University School of Law & Criminology, about the arguments against Jack Smith’s appointment and the latest updates from Aileen Cannon’s courtroom. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration has been exposed for withholding and delaying shipments of weapons to Israel, and after being called out publicly by Benjamin Netanyahu they have doubled down on their lie. President Biden, Antony Blinken, the State Department, and the Democrat media are all lying to us about Israel, and soon Iran will have a nuclear weapon and they will be unable to stop them. Marxist Democrats do not care about the lives of Americans, Israelis, or even Palestinians, because everything they do is about power and control. Biden wants to throw Donald Trump in jail, overthrow Netanyahu, and is funding the Axis of evil that is trying to destroy America and Israel. Also, Judge Aileen Cannon is constantly under attack by the Democrat media because she is standing up to Jack Smith and the corrupt Biden Department of Justice. Cannon, Thomas, Alito, and any conservative judge are subject to character assassination because that is how Democrats work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is violating the law left and right with immigration and mass amnesty, and yet Conservatives have not done enough to show that Biden is the fascistic dictator who hates Democracy and is creating the disaster we’re living in every day. It does not make sense why it is so hard for Republicans to speak the truth in a compelling way, especially when the facts are on our side. Biden has defied the separation of powers and the Supreme Court and uses the Department of Justice to target his political enemies like Stalin. Also, Mark speaks with Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, to discuss the Biden Administration withholding key munitions from Israel and their over-the-top denial of Benjamin Netanyahu’s video calling them out. Later, Mark is joined by Tennessee Star CEO and Editor-in-chief Michael Patrick Leahy, about his investigation of the coverup of the transgender Nashville Covenant mass shooter, and also about being accused of violating a non-existent court order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is an expert at repeating the lies of the Democrat Marxists, just like Barack Obama and other students of Saul Alinsky who destroy, smear, and character assassinate political opponents. Biden is destroying the electoral system in order to ensure he cannot lose, all while acting as though he is the candidate who will save our democracy. The Democrat party has been conquered once and for all by people who have rejected the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Biden and Democrats accuse Donald Trump of doing everything that they are guilty of, which is typical behavior for a Marxist. Also, Biden, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan have been slow-walking ammunition to Israel and preventing Israel from buying certain types of ammunition, all in an attempt to make Benjamin Netanyahu look incompetent. Netanyahu released a video to tell the Biden administration that enough is enough and they need to support Israel and stop funding Iran and their terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Finally, Mark is joined by Turning Point USA founder and author Charlie Kirk to talk about Democrat wokeism and the counter-revolution to this Marxist movement taking over America, and also to discuss his new book, Right Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is desperate to hold on to power and will do anything to keep it. Biden's use of immigration for votes is contemptible. There's a reason he is doing this now. He and his regime are looking at any and every way to use the law, budget, policy, executive orders, and the rest to buy votes. If people coming across the border illegally were Republicans, Democrats would have built a wall 50 feet wide, with a moat. Biden will also announce a deportation protection program and work permits for spouses of U.S. citizens. Notice the timing of this - 5 months before an election. This is why, more than ever, we need to turn out en masse and vote! America will never be the same because you can’t have a massive influx without assimilation into our culture. Immigration without assimilation is suicide. Afterward, the Biden Administration puts out a fact sheet to address “conflict-related sexual violence.” They mention Iraq, Haiti, and Sudan, but they don’t mention the brutal sexual violence against the Israeli women on October 7th. What occurred on October 7th was so horrific that no cable channel will show it. Finally, Biden has been attacking President Trump for criticizing the corrupt prosecutor and judge in the Manhattan case, calling him a threat to democracy. Yet, Biden is constantly trashing the Supreme Court and, its justices on the Court. The media-Democrat attacks on Alito and Thomas, are all intended to discredit any decision that does not go the way of the radical Democrats. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden and his surrogates in the media just keep lying about what is happening on our border and the fanfare about his executive order which changes nothing. This is our country, and it does not belong to a political party or a politician, and Biden is singlehandedly making decisions that are destroying America. Hunter Biden was found guilty of Federal gun charges in three hours despite having a trial in a friendly city with a friendly prosecutor and jury, the complete opposite of the Stalinist trial Donald Trump faced in Manhattan. No matter what President Biden says he will pardon Hunter after the 2024 election. Something is happening right now that hasn’t happened in America for more than half a century – Russian warships are sitting 200 miles off the coast of Florida in Cuba. They don’t fear President Biden. What happened to the Monroe Doctrine? Russia and China are now in our hemisphere. We are sick and tired of President Biden, Marxist Democrats, and their media mouthpieces claiming Biden is saving Democracy and Donald Trump will destroy it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the attack on America from within continues with Democrats attacking the Supreme Court and Conservative Justices like Thomas and Alito while ignoring corrupt conduct from liberal justices like Sotomayor and Ginsberg. Radical leftists are trying to destroy this court because of the Dobbs decision and are using the media to spread their hate. Also, Iran is on the doorstep of having a nuclear weapon thanks to the Biden Administration. Iran more than likely is already capable of nukes, but they are waiting until after the election in November to announce it to help Biden. Later, Mark speaks with Washington Free Beacon journalist Adam Kredo to discuss Iran's Ties to the 'Palestine Chronicle' and the Biden Administration’s lack of reaction to this news. Finally, Mark is joined by 2024 presidential candidate and Governor Doug Burgum to talk about the Marxist green energy policies under the Biden Administration which will result in brownouts and blackouts, as well as his background in business and time as Governor of North Dakota. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we are sick and tired of President Biden, Marxist Democrats, and their media mouthpieces claiming Biden is saving Democracy and Donald Trump will destroy it. They are trying to put Trump and his lawyers in prison in a rigged Manhattan courtroom while at the same time, they are upset over Hunter Biden’s conviction in complete opposite court conditions. Hunter’s trial isn’t as much about Hunter as it is about Joe Biden, and more importantly what he knew about Hunter’s actions and how much he lied to conceal it. When you have two types of justice, you have no justice, which is exactly what Marxist Democrats want and did in 2020 by covering up the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation. Joe Biden has told so many lies throughout his decades in politics that it’s impossible to keep track, and he continues to be a pathological liar to this day. Later, Mark is joined by WABC radio host Sid Rosenberg to talk about his role in the Brooklyn-based mob drama series “Gravesend” and about the current mobsters like the Biden Crime family. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, something is happening right now that hasn’t happened in America for more than half a century – Russian warships are sitting 200 miles off the coast of Florida in Cuba. They don’t fear President Biden. What happened to the Monroe Doctrine? Russia and China are now in our hemisphere. Biden’s not worried because his entire focus is on Israel. Biden and Antony Blinken treat Hamas like they are a legitimate organization and have become their special pleader. Later AG Merrick Garland was held in contempt of Congress for not handing over the Robert Hur/Biden audio. That audio must be so damning for Biden. This is a coverup and the Democrats are bending over backwards to protect Biden. Afterward, 8 ISIS terrorists entered through Biden’s open border. Thankfully they were caught but it's not possible to find all of them. Out of the millions of illegal immigrants coming in, do you really think there are only 8 terrorists? Biden is opening Americans to terrorist attacks with his open border. The immigration system is not broken, it’s the Biden administration who won’t enforce the immigration laws. Also, the Democrats and their Marxist base hate America. They trash the founders, and the framers, and pull down monuments. They never talk about liberty and never root for America. Finally, founder of Our Community Salutes, Ken Hartman calls in to discuss his mission to honor and support America’s newest and youngest service members. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden was found guilty of Federal gun charges in three hours despite having a trial in a friendly city with a friendly prosecutor and jury, the complete opposite of the Stalinist trial Donald Trump faced in Manhattan. No matter what President Biden says he will pardon Hunter after the 2024 election. If we had an honest media that sought to be impartial it would be fantastic, but the media in our country is so thoroughly corrupt and filled with Democrat media hacks who create a fake reality. We are the targets of this manipulation, and this is how totalitarianism works. Also, it has been about 9 months since the October 7 terror attack in Israel, and what has not stopped since is the anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas rallies in our streets and our universities. We are losing our country and our culture because the Islamists are already here thanks to the policies of the Obama and Biden administrations. Later, Mark is joined by National Review columnist and lawyer Andy McCarthy to talk about the Hunter Biden trial and conviction, and the importance of the integrity of our justice system and the consequences of destroying it. Finally, Mark also speaks with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) to discuss the lies coming from the American media about Israel and the IDF, and the potential vice-presidential choices for Donald Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and his surrogates in the media just keep lying about what is happening on our border and the fanfare about his executive order which changes nothing. This is our country, and it does not belong to a political party or a politician, and Biden is singlehandedly making decisions that are destroying America. We do not have the resources for this endless unvetted immigration and we will not recognize our country by the time Biden is finished. Also, the IDF are fighting to get their people back from Hamas, but the American Al Jazeera media portrays them as if they were the ones kidnapping and raping people. Every major liberal news network has been reporting the Hamas death statistics, which is fueling anti-Semitism in America and around the world. Meanwhile, Biden continues to send Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan to Israel to plot against their government and Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has been treated like a pariah by the Obama and Biden regimes, smeared by self-serving Republican operatives seeking to make a fortune off Arab governments, and a media filled with antisemites and Democrat Party lapdogs hostile to Israel. Finally, Mark is joined by Congressman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) to discuss Nancy Pelosi’s role in the lack of National Guard presence on January 6th and the recreation of information that was destroyed by the Jan 6 select committee. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Democratic Party and their surrogates are cheering what is happening to Donald Trump because The Democratic party is the new Confederacy. The idea that Congress needed to pass a bipartisan border law to revive the existing law is a lie, and President Biden is a detestable low life and a dangerous man who uses the open border for power and profit. We were told over and over by Biden and people like Alejandro Mayorkas and Karine Jean-Pierre that our southern border was secure, which have all been lies. Biden is the arsonist who burned down our secure border created under Donald Trump, and now he is acting as the savior for finally enforcing our border laws. There is an argument that will be heard by Judge Aileen Cannon on whether the appointment of Jack Smith as special council was Constitutional. Smith is the most powerful prosecutor in the United States because AG Merrick Garland gave him that power without having the authority to do so. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Bush v. Gore was a case that took place after the campaign was over and counting the votes that were cast. However, the problem with Trump v New York is that we are still in the middle of an ongoing election and they have violated federal election law. A state court cannot regulate Congress or federal campaign law because it does not have the power, and a state court cannot usurp Constitutionally established laws or rights. Bush v Gore demonstrates that the Supreme Court will step in if it believes the federal election process is being damaged, usurped, or tainted by a rogue authority. This is a power grab like we’ve never seen before by an acting state judge and a Soros prosecutor, and it is an ongoing Constitutional crisis. Also, the full-throated antisemitism is on display by Democrats like Nancy Pelosi calling the idea of Benjamin Netanyahu speaking before Congress horrendous. The Democrat Marxists target and character assassinate just like Stalin, which is exactly what they did to Trump and Netanyahu and it is sickening. Finally, Mark talks with Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) about the media suppressing free speech and acting as an arm for the Democrat elite, and the American people rallying behind Donald Trump to fight against their tyranny. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which turned the war around in Europe. If we failed, the Allies might have lost WW2. During Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump’s D-Day speeches, they talked about Israel and the Holocaust during WW2. Today, Biden mentioned Ukraine today but not Israel. Biden mentioned his opposition to isolationism but appeases Iran and their terrorist surrogates. He has learned nothing from history, and he never will. There wasn’t any politics or partisanship during Reagan and Trump's speeches, it was about America. For Biden, his speech was all about politics. Has Biden given any speeches that have been inspiring or patriotic? Also, we hear the drums of war today, America is directly being threatened by China, Russia, and Iran. Biden has tied the hands of Ukraine and Israel. At the same time, Biden is destroying the American military by changing the culture and starving the military with funding. It’s troubling that Biden’s actions never match his words. Later, Hunter Biden doesn’t have a strong case and he doesn’t have a strong case for appeal either. Hunter is a perfect example of the problem that we have with guns. Law-abiding citizens are not the problem, but people who lie on these gun forms are.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there is an argument that will be heard by Judge Aileen Cannon on whether the appointment of Jack Smith as special council was Constitutional. Smith is the most powerful prosecutor in the United States because AG Merrick Garland gave him that power without having the authority to do so. Cannon will hear arguments from both sides about whether there was a breach of the appointments clause with Smith. While we have judges like Chutkan and Merchan using their power to destroy the rule of law, we have judges like Cannon standing up to the corrupt Biden regime, mob attorney general, and rogue prosecutor. Later, Mark is joined by Josh Blackman, a lawyer who will be making one of the oral arguments about Jack Smith being unconstitutionally appointed, to discuss the basic points of the brief and the overstepping of Merrick Garland in appointing Smith. Also, the crisis on our southern border did not exist under the Trump administration but was created by President Biden through his open border policies and non-enforcement of our immigration laws. Everything Biden is doing now is to get re-elected, which is why he is acting like he is the savior and closing the border. Finally, Mark speaks with Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) to talk about the Biden campaign and the Democrat media hit pieces twisting his words and lying to smear him. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the idea that Congress needed to pass a bipartisan border law to revive the existing law is a lie, and President Biden is a detestable low life and a dangerous man who uses the open border for power and profit. We were told over and over by Biden and people like Alejandro Mayorkas and Karine Jean-Pierre that our southern border was secure, which have all been lies. Biden is the arsonist who burned down our secure border created under Donald Trump, and now he is acting as the savior for finally enforcing our border laws. This election is about our Republic, our Constitution, our values, and our culture under attack by Biden and the Democrat party. Also, the Democrat media continues to report the Hamas statistics and blame Israel for the deaths of Palestinians, and the Biden administration is encouraging it. Biden is an anti-Semite and does not like that Israel is standing up and fighting for its survival, and while he says he supports Israel he is working against them. The liberal media have taken the First Amendment to empower them to push their Marxist ideology and Jew hatred. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Pete Hegseth about his experience being targeted politically and having military orders revoked, as well as his new book The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democratic Party and their surrogates are cheering what is happening to Donald Trump because The Democratic party is the new Confederacy. This is part and parcel of their war on the Constitution, almost from day one, from a party that supported nullification, slavery, separate but equal, and Jim Crow. We have a judge and a prosecutor in New York nullifying now and will have a ripple effect on other states, which is why this is a federal issue, and the impact is nationwide. What was done to Trump in that courtroom is an attempt to nullify the Federal Constitution, due process, and equal protection. Also, the war on Israel by Biden and the Democrat party is like nothing we have ever seen before. America has never treated an ally as poorly as the Biden administration is treating Israel. Later, Anthony Fauci seemed to have memory loss at a COVID hearing today. Why are Democrats defending him? Fauci didn’t know why there was a 6-foot social distancing mandate. It wasn’t based on science. Finally, Mark is joined by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) about his experience with the Bush v Gore case and the Trump case being the most egregious case of election interference in our country’s history, as well as the introduction of in vitro fertilization legislation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Judge Juan Merchan is a crooked judge and was specifically appointed to handle this Trump NY case. Merchan has shredded the law and the rules of evidence, stomped all over due process, silenced Trump in most aspects of the case, and assumed jurisdiction over federal election law. The weight of precedent and the outrageous behavior of the prosecutors and Judge Merchan favor President Donald Trump. In Bush v. Gore, the United States Supreme Court interceded in the Florida Supreme Court’s deliberations because that court was changing the Florida voting system on the fly, thereby violating the Equal Protection rights of Florida voters. The state court was establishing new standards for resolving a presidential election. The Trump NDA matter is a case that should have been dismissed, and corrupted by a crooked Judge Juan Merchan, a crooked prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and an overwhelmingly Democrat jury. This underscores the point that we must turn out in large numbers to win the election and put people who love our country in positions of power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Trump case can be appealed and possibly overturned, but not in time for the election in November, which is exactly what the Democrats and Biden wanted. Every rule of the courtroom was destroyed intentionally in order to get a conviction of Trump since the appeal would not matter since the election will have already have happened. Merchan is so corrupt that he has scheduled Trump’s sentencing right before the Republican Convention in order to influence the press and the minds of the voters. We need a serious and substantive pathway to get this case before the Supreme Court, with Bush v Gore as precedent as the consequences are similar. Also, if Trump wins the election, Joe Biden and Antony Blinken should be indicted and charged for illegally interfering and impacting the 2020 presidential election by covering up the Hunter Biden laptop under the same argument used against Trump and his NDA. Biden and Blinken coordinated to conceal negative information about Biden and his family and even got 51 intel officials to corroborate their lie. Later, Mark is joined by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to discuss the Trump conviction, defense strategy next steps and appeal to the Supreme Court, and the overall impact on our country and the upcoming election. Mark also speaks with Richard Goldberg about Joe Biden discussing an Israeli ceasefire to let Hamas service in Gaza while he is condemning Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking out of both sides of his mouth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Trump NDA matter is a case that should have been dismissed, and corrupted by a crooked Judge Juan Merchan, a crooked prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and an overwhelmingly Democrat jury. This underscores the point that we must turn out in large numbers to win the election and put people who love our country in positions of power. This result will have enormous consequences because it will embolden other Democrat judges and prosecutors to attack President Trump and other Republicans through this political lawfare. The Supreme Court may or may not take up this case, but it cannot take up the case without a petitioner, and with every day that goes by the actions of the NY lower court bleeds into the federal presidential election system. Later, Mark is joined by Brent Bozell, founder of MRC, to talk about the overwhelming media coverage attacking Donald Trump during these trials, and Alvin Bragg’s Democrat affiliation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump calls in with his first comments after the first day of jury deliberation in NY. He explains that there has never been a judge who has been so conflicted. The prosecution has no case, there is no crime. He weighs in on Israel, Iran, and Biden’s failed economy. Later, the weight of precedent and the outrageous behavior of the prosecutors and Judge Merchan favor President Donald Trump. In Bush v. Gore, the United States Supreme Court interceded in the Florida Supreme Court’s deliberations because that court was changing the Florida voting system on the fly, thereby violating the Equal Protection rights of Florida voters. The state court was establishing new standards for resolving a presidential election. The Manhattan trial court has done worse in the farcical “hush-money” case. This state court could easily have avoided influencing and interfering with the federal presidential election merely by setting a later time for the case if the court actually believed it somehow had merit. After all, the state waited years to bring its case. If Trump is found guilty of any of the 34 charges, he should encourage his attorneys to seek an emergency appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court based, at least in significant part, on Bush v. Gore. Also, Biden is desperate to win Pennsylvania. He goes to Philly only when he needs the Black or Union votes. What has Biden done for Black people in his 50 years in D.C.? Nothing. He’s done nothing for any community. Finally, Dave McCormick calls in to discuss his race against Sen Bob Casey, who is out of touch with Pennsylvania. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Judge Juan Merchan is a crooked judge and was specifically appointed to handle this Trump NY case. Merchan has shredded the law and the rules of evidence, stomped all over due process, silenced Trump in most aspects of the case, and assumed jurisdiction over federal election law. There has been no evidence that Trump violated federal election law, let alone did so with intent and for which there is no reasonable doubt. We can only hope that there's at least one juror with the smarts, guts, and conscience to say no to Merchan, Alvin Bragg, the Biden regime, and this horrendous tyranny. Also, President Biden cannot and will not fix what he has broken, whether it is our border or our relationship with Israel, which is why he needs to go. Biden and Antony Blinken are pressuring England and other European allies not to rebuke Iran for making advances in their nuclear program, all to protect Biden’s election chances in November. Later, Mark is joined by Ric Grenell, former Acting Director of National Intelligence, to talk about a New York Times hit piece and also about the lack of global leadership from the United States under Joe Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of on Memorial Day. The New York Times is betraying America and Jews today just as it did in the 1930s during the rise of Nazi Germany and also during the dictatorships of Stalin and Castro. The misreporting or underreporting of events in Berlin and Moscow betrayed millions and allowed for two human rights atrocities to occur. The New York Times hates America and has a long continuing history of supporting genocide and fascism. Also, Alvin Bragg is a lawless government official who should be disbarred and face charges of perjury. Bragg violated the Brady Act by withholding exculpatory evidence and using Michael Cohen as a witness, and Bragg and his staff have been supporting perjury. Later, the Biden Administration flew hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into America and fast-tracked them for citizenship all at the expense of the taxpayer. At the same time, our government is funding Iran and Hamas and supporting the enemies of America and Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark’s interview with former FEC commissioner is part of the reason why the Alvin Bragg judge, Juan Merchan, will not allow Professor Bradley Smith to testify – because he will completely torpedo anything left of this Stalinist show trial. Smith made it clear that this Stormy Daniels NDA did not violate federal election law. The Biden propaganda networks have been pushing the Trump/Hitler comparisons through the word “Reich” and falsely accusing Trump of posting pro-Nazi advertisements. During previous times of economic hardship, many Americans have turned to fast food and processed food, but that is no longer an option with Bidenomics. President Biden is destroying the economy from the top down and killing the working class while using the power of government to advance his Democrat Marxist ideologies like student loan forgiveness. There was no need for an FBI SWAT team or criminal warrant to search Mar-A-Lago for documents, and the situation could have been handled civilly but AG Merrick Garland chose a different path. This was the most dangerous irresponsible SWAT act in American history and 100% unnecessary. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday's Mark Levin’s show, President Trump’s appearance in the Bronx was fabulous, we know this because of all the media headlines. They pulled out all the usual lies and advance them all at once - this is how it will be up until election day. One headline says “Trump again praises authoritarian leaders at Bronx rally.” The media doesn’t say anything about President Biden embracing Iran, Hamas, and the Houthis. This is not a media, they are propagandists for the state and the Democrat party and they insist that we go along with what they demand. Also, we’re not fooled by the NY Times. They write a story to attack Justice Samuel Alito, the Supreme Court Justice who wrote Dobbs decision. Then Democrats use these stories to attack the court and use it as an effort to destroy respect for the court. Later, the media wants to know if Republicans will accept the outcome of the 2024 election. Why doesn’t the media talk about what's happening before the 2024 election? The border is open to get more congressional districts. And we still have drop boxes because it helps the Democrats. Afterward, Peter Schweizer calls in to explain that new emails confirm something that Joe Biden has long denied - the notion that he has never discussed any of Hunter Biden’s business partners. He also discusses Antony Blinken’s defense of China. Finally, Mario Fratto calls in to discuss his race against Mark Levin endorsed Rep Claudia Tenney. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there was no need for an FBI SWAT team or criminal warrant to search Mar-A-Lago for documents, and the situation could have been handled civilly but AG Merrick Garland chose a different path. This was the most dangerous irresponsible SWAT act in American history and 100% unnecessary. Also, whistleblowers have exposed the Obama/Biden State Department for effectively committing treason by actively stopping the FBI from executing arrest warrants for people illegally supporting Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. Since Biden’s election America has lifted sanctions and poured billions of dollars into Iran and the terror groups they fund, which is why it is so important that Donald Trump wins this next election and why the media has worked so hard to stop him. Trump is not only fighting against Biden and the Democrat media but also the Biden Department of Justice and people like Alvin Bragg and Jack Smith. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, during previous times of economic hardship, many Americans have turned to fast food and processed food, but that is no longer an option with Bidenomics. President Biden is destroying the economy from the top down and killing the working class while using the power of government to advance his Democrat Marxist ideologies like student loan forgiveness. Also, the vast majority of American voters overwhelmingly support Israel in their fight against Hamas even after months of nonstop pro-Hamas propaganda from our media, universities, and the Biden Administration. This is an issue of right versus wrong and not supporting the abduction of innocent people and children, and the red-blooded Americans are on the right side while Biden and Democrats are on the wrong side. Later, the media are filthy and loathsome and do not believe in a free press. Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito is being attacked again for a flag outside of one of his homes because the Democrat media is still upset with his decision in the Dobbs case. Later, Mark is joined by Rep Claudia Tenney (R-NY) to talk about her race for re-election against an anti-Semitic opponent and representing her district in northeast New York. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden propaganda networks have been pushing the Trump/Hitler comparisons through the word “Reich” and falsely accusing Trump of posting pro-Nazi advertisements. This is how President Biden, an actual fascist, hopes to get elected – by destroying his political opponent by any means necessary like a dictator. Also, it is amazing that there is no media deep dive into Biden’s declining mental health and dementia because we know he is not mentally capable of being President despite people like Joe Scarborough saying otherwise. The 25th Amendment is supposed to address this, but Biden’s cabinet is not stepping up. The Democrat Party is going to nominate a person who is in late-stage dementia, and this is horrendous to do to anybody, and the American people have the right to know and make an informed decision. Later, Mark is joined by Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer to talk about the dangerous and false equivalency between Israel and Hamas being pushed by the Biden Administration, the democrat media, and the International Criminal Court, which is fueling anti-Semitism across America and the world. Finally, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly about the FBI’s authorization of the use of deadly force during the Mar-A-Lago raid, who were fully prepared for an armed conflict with Trump and his secret service. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark’s interview with former FEC commissioner is part of the reason why the Alvin Bragg judge, Juan Merchan, will not allow Professor Bradley Smith to testify – because he will completely torpedo anything left of this Stalinist show trial. Smith made it clear that this Stormy Daniels NDA did not violate federal election law. Also, Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida is very concerned with Jack Smith’s case in Florida. She realizes that Smith is trying to play the court. Later, the International Criminal Court, ICC, turned on Israel – they issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, and he fights back. Out of all the cases in the world that they can bring like Xi in China or Kim Jong Un in North Korea, and they want to arrest Netanyahu? This warrant will spread further antisemitism throughout the world. Why didn’t President Biden and Antony Blinken speak out earlier against this? Afterward, Biden spoke at Morehouse College but if he wasn’t going to apologize for his racist past, why invite him? Shouldn’t Biden have been wearing a white gown? But for politicians and professors like Biden, this country would be far more united in every respect. Finally, MRC President Brent Bozell calls in to discuss the political prosecution of his son. He has been sentenced to 45 months in prison for entering the Capitol building on January 6 after breaking two windows. The DOJ in action is truly frightening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg is relying on a porn actress and serial convicted liar to prove an undefined federal campaign violation that was never pursued by the feds, where Bragg has no jurisdiction, which supposedly resuscitates an expired state bookkeeping misdemeanor statute, and turns it into a felony? This is absolute insanity. The Manhattan case against Donald Trump is a gross miscarriage of justice being executed by a judge and a government through their prosecutors, and if they do not figure out how to put this back in the box it will destroy the judicial system and our electoral system. The Supreme Court needs to decide if Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis can change the nature of our Republic and the separation of powers in our country.  President Biden has unconstitutionally invoked executive privilege over Special Counsel Robert Hur audio recordings in order to protect his image and deny the House of Representatives access. The full force of the Department of Justice is being used to prevent the House from accessing this information which could potentially lead to an impeachment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the New York Times is betraying America and Jews today just as it did in the 1930s during the rise of Nazi Germany and also during the dictatorships of Stalin and Castro. The misreporting or underreporting of events in Berlin and Moscow betrayed millions and allowed for two human rights atrocities to occur. The New York Times hates America and has a long continuing history of supporting genocide and fascism. Also, Alvin Bragg is a lawless government official who should be disbarred and face charges of perjury. Bragg violated the Brady Act by withholding exculpatory evidence and using Michael Cohen as a witness, and Bragg and his staff have been supporting perjury. Later, the Biden Administration flew hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into America and fast-tracked them for citizenship all at the expense of the taxpayer. At the same time, our government is funding Iran and Hamas and supporting the enemies of America and Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has unconstitutionally invoked executive privilege over Special Counsel Robert Hur audio recordings in order to protect his image and deny the House of Representatives access. The full force of the Department of Justice is being used to prevent the House from accessing this information which could potentially lead to an impeachment. When it comes to the core functions of government the Framers of our Constitution would not recognize this government today because we barely live in a Constitutional Republic. We have a lawless government and a lawless media that supports it, which is why Republicans must win this election and stop this Democrat Marxist totalitarianism. Also, Biden removed Cuba from the list of terrorist states despite their ties to Hamas and the terrorist regime in Iran. The Biden Administration has shown they are anti-American and anti-Israel while siding with our enemies like Iran. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden campaign thinks they are clever – agree to and give conditions for a Presidential debate to try and change the subject from inflation, high gas prices, housing costs, interest rates, and pro-Hamas college students. Biden wants to control the debate setting and control how the questions are answered. There should be some conditions placed on Biden like the debate must be before his bedtime at 6 pm and he needs to leave his false teeth at home. CNN announced Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators for the debate. Tapper is not a journalist and Bash is just as bad. Out of all the moderators they pick these two? Later, Robert Costello, Michael Cohen’s former lawyer, testified to Congress about Cohen’s lies to the grand jury. Cohen is a master manipulator; he creates the crisis and then tries to fix it. Also, we see what Benjamin Netanyahu is up against. Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran they can defeat. They can’t defeat a backstabbing president who’s doing everything he can to destroy Israel. Finally, Biden plans an executive order to shut down the border once crossings reach 4,000 per day, despite saying he needs Congress to act. Biden has had years to close this border, it’s too late now, millions of illegals are here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Manhattan case against Donald Trump is a gross miscarriage of justice being executed by a judge and a government through their prosecutors, and if they do not figure out how to put this back in the box it will destroy the judicial system and our electoral system. The Supreme Court needs to decide if Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis can change the nature of our Republic and the separation of powers in our country. Also, President Biden threatened to veto a bill that would require the U.S. to supply Israel with weapons that they have already paid for before finally caving. Biden and Antony Blinken are funding the Iranians and protecting Hamas, and finally, Republicans in Congress have had enough. The rise in anti-Semitism by the Marxists and Islamists is intentional because the Bible is their kryptonite. Later, Mark speaks with NY Post journalist Miranda Devine to talk about the corruption of Antony Blinken and Robert Malley, as well as the agenda of George Soros and his family. Mark is also joined by Hung Cao about challenging Tim Kaine for his Senate seat in Virginia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg is relying on a porn actress and serial convicted liar to prove an undefined federal campaign violation that was never pursued by the feds, where Bragg has no jurisdiction, which supposedly resuscitates an expired state bookkeeping misdemeanor statute, and turns it into a felony? This is absolute insanity. This is all intended to convict and imprison President Trump and forcibly install Biden in the White House for another America-killing 4 years. This is tyranny, pure and simple. Bragg is trying to prove today, and every day, that Trump committed the perfectly legal act of executing an NDA. But they cannot even prove he did that or did that with full knowledge, let alone with the intent of committing a nonexistent federal campaign violation. And Cohen’s testimony, scripted as it is by Bragg, not only reveals what a lying sleazeball Cohen is, but underscores that Cohen was the driving force behind it. If every single thing Cohen says is true (it’s all false), why didn’t the SDNY bring a federal campaign violation of some kind based on his allegations? Because there is no federal offense. Because the NDA is not criminal. There’s no crime, state or federal, with which to link Trump or anyone else. This is a case looking for a legal basis. There is none. Also, the U.N. confirms that Hamas is lying about the casualty deaths, but Bernie Sanders still uses the phony number of 35,000 killed. Why? Because he supports Hamas. There has been a fusion of Marxism and Islamism taking over. The Democrat party had moved more radicalized to the left, embracing Marxism and they found partnerships with Islamists. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, wars are going on all over the world, but President Biden, Antony Blinken, and the American media are focused on Israel. There aren’t nightly talks in the media or daily press events about what Russia is doing and how Ukraine is responding or how Xi is plotting to move on Taiwan. Hezbollah has been firing missiles into Israel and you don’t hear about it. The legal and judicial war on President Trump in service to President Biden and the Democrat party is destroying our justice and electoral systems, and America will never be the same. Trump has been indicted for crimes that do not exist and have not been committed, subjected to SWAT raids, and denied protections given to former presidents. 11 Republicans voted to move forward with the failed motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson. Those who believe this is a good idea do not understand Conservatism because this is anarchy. Republicans need to be fighting the radical Marxist Democrats who are destroying our country, not fighting each other. President Biden confessed that he made a unilateral decision to cut off arms to Israel if they invade Rafah. This is an impeachable offense. In January 2020, the GAO said that President Trump violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) by withholding funds from Ukraine. Biden can’t decide to withhold arms because he doesn’t like what Israel is doing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, who the hell does Joe Biden think he is? Who the hell does he think he is to tell the Israelis that they cannot defeat Hamas, who has said again and again that they want to wipe out the Jewish population in Israel? Who the hell does he think he is to be funding Iran, Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah, arming them with our money, with money from oil sales? Who the hell does he think he is to tell the Jewish people in Israel whether they get to live or whether they get to die? Biden says he provided weapons to Israel; he hasn’t provided a damn thing to Israel. Congress provides weapons to Israel. Biden is the one violating the Impoundment Act and the Constitution by withholding it. When Donald Trump says if you're Jewish and you vote for Biden there’s something wrong with you – he’s exactly right. That is suicide. Biden and Antony Blinken funded October 7th. Donald Trump was destroying Iran, he bankrupted Iran. Biden and Blinken came into office and armed Iran. Also, you can’t be a settler or occupier in your own land. “The Jewish people’s 3,800-year history in and tied to their ancestral homeland is memorialized in the Hebrew Bible and other writings. Archaeological findings throughout this tiny land confirm the centuries of history of the Jewish people in their land.” Later, the most important aspect of a free society is a predictable rule of law that’s applied equally. This is being destroyed by what’s taken place in the Manhattan courtroom with Donald Trump. The gag rule exists for the government, not the defendant. Trump needs to be able to speak to the press. Everything that's taken place in that courtroom is diabolical. Finally, Rep Byron Donalds calls in to explain that Biden is making kneejerk decisions based on votes in Michigan. For political reasons Biden is withholding aid to Israel that Israel already paid for and that Congress approved. Biden is doing grave damage to the office of the presidency. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden confessed that he made a unilateral decision to cut off arms to Israel if they invade Rafah. This is an impeachable offense. In January 2020, the GAO said that President Trump violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) by withholding funds from Ukraine. Biden can’t decide to withhold arms because he doesn’t like what Israel is doing. Under no circumstances is there a deferral for a policy reason. What Biden has done is told every enemy of the U.S. and every terrorist organization that when you take on our allies you can defeat them and Biden will reward the Palestinians with their own country. Biden just signed the death warrant of the Israeli and American hostages. If you are Jewish and you vote Democrat, you are suicidal. You are voting for the survival of Hamas, and the funding of Iran. Will Democrats vote for the Biden/Hamas ticket? Also, Biden lies about inflation and then attacks and blames businesses for raising prices. Inflation is skyrocketing on the products we need to sustain ourselves and job creation and your pay is flat. When the economy goes South your liberty goes South. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, 11 Republicans voted to move forward with the failed motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson. Those who believe this is a good idea do not understand Conservatism because this is anarchy. Republicans need to be fighting the radical Marxist Democrats who are destroying our country, not fighting each other. Also, The Biden Administration on the one hand claims to support Israel while on the other hand funding and aiding their enemies while withholding munitions to Israel. The propaganda and lies being used by Biden and Democrat media are painting Israel as the aggressor and genocidal oppressor. Biden and Antony Blinken are leading a diabolical and evil campaign against the government of Israel and trying to force a coup to take out Benjamin Netanyahu. Later, Mark is joined by Eric Trump to talk about the disgusting trial that Donald Trump is being put through, which is all part of the Democrat gameplan to smear Trump but it is backfiring and making him stronger than ever, and also about the Democrat weaponization of the DOJ and the entire government. Mark is also joined by journalist Julie Kelly to discuss Judge Aileen Cannon putting Jack Smith and the Department of Justice on trial because Cannon recognized that the documents taken from Mar-A-Lago were illegally mishandled. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the legal and judicial war on President Trump in service to President Biden and the Democrat party is destroying our justice and electoral systems, and America will never be the same. Trump has been indicted for crimes that do not exist and have not been committed, subjected to SWAT raids, and denied protections given to former presidents. The most important way to fix this is on election day, and a Trump win will demonstrate that these totalitarian tactics will not stop the American people from doing what’s right. We not only look like a Third World banana republic, we've become one - and should Biden, his party, and surrogates succeed, we will remain one. Also, Biden claims to have ironclad support for Israel, but he is only saying that for votes in November. Biden is doing what he feels he needs to do to sure up his Jewish support in America, people who are completely detached from Israel, and the suffering of Israelis because of the Biden Administration withholding weapons and attempting to overthrow Benjamin Netanyahu. Later, Mark is joined by Cliff Sims, former Special Assistant to President Trump and Deputy Director of National Intelligence, to discuss his experience working under President Trump and his new book The Darkness Has Not Overcome: Lessons on Faith and Politics from Inside the Halls of Power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, wars are going on all over the world, but President Biden, Antony Blinken, and the American media are focused on Israel. There aren’t nightly talks in the media or daily press events about what Russia is doing and how Ukraine is responding or how Xi is plotting to move on Taiwan. Hezbollah has been firing missiles into Israel and you don’t hear about it. Hamas has murdered aid workers and you don’t hear about it. This administration and the media are the most inhumane propagandist radical government/media we’ve ever had in America. Biden is destroying two countries at the same time – America and Israel. Later, Biden embraces King Abdullah but does Biden care about Jordan’s human rights record? King Abdullah is a killer and a dictator, and his wife goes on Face The Nation, and not once did they ask her about their record. Instead, they ask about Israel’s human rights. It’s funny how Israel is always under the microscope but not countries like Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, or Iran. Also, Biden wants to expand Obamacare to illegal aliens. DACA recipients are not supposed to be allowed to vote but many have of them kids and grandkids now. How do you think they will vote while Biden is handing out Obamacare and student loan forgiveness? Afterward, ex-top Biden DOJ official, Matthew Colangelo, who is prosecuting Trump was paid by the DNC for 'political consulting.' One would have to think that Biden, the FBI, and the DOJ knew this which means CNN and MSNBC knew it, but they concealed it. We’ve reached a point where what’s being done to Trump is so outrageous that it’s difficult anymore to draw people’s attention to it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Senator Bernie Sanders pretends he’s a Democratic Socialist, but he’s actually a Marxist Stalinist who's always on the wrong side of liberty vs tyranny. Bernie puts ideology and his party ahead of everything else. He’s learned what Saul Alinsky taught - target, personalize, and destroy and that’s exactly what he’s trying to do with Benjamin Netanyahu. Bernie has backed the Palestinian terrorists. The Biden Administration is considering bringing Palestinian refugees into the United States according to documents obtained by CBS News. President Biden and Antony Blinken are plotting to bring an unknown number of people from Gaza into America and fast-track them as citizens without any statutory authority from Congress because we are living in a Biden dictatorship. Red-blooded Americans are waking up and have had enough of the Democrat Marxists destroying our country from within, who are now trying to import people from Gaza while we have protests tearing down the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden trying to appeal to the Islamist Hitler youth will backfire. Americans love their country, and they are disgusted by what they see at these colleges and universities. They understand Israelis share our common bond - Islamists do not. Americans are sick and tired of paying for the brainwashing of our kids and grandkids. Americans are sick and tired of a wide-open border, and high grocery and gas prices. Americans are sick and tired of Biden! We’ll have more of what you see on the streets and campuses when Biden tries to import Palestinians from Gaza into America. That would be suicide because there’s no serious vetting about their cultural upbringing. Also, so-called Conservatives are getting everything wrong about the antisemitism awareness act. “This bill has nothing to do with criminal law, does not “ban” anything, and thus does not criminalize speech.” Finally, Sid Rosenberg calls in to explain that Biden is not pro-Israel. He tries to stab Benjamin Netanyahu in the back at every opportunity. He also gives his prediction for the winner of the NBA and NHL playoffs. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is a man with enormous power and can order the DOJ, FBI, and numerous departments to stop the funding of radical anti-Semitism in our colleges and universities, but he does not believe in free speech - only violence and riots. Biden is a moral chameleon with no principles other than his desire for power and wealth through his connections in office. Also, Biden unleashed hell in the Middle East by funding the October 7th attacks in Israel and continuing to fund Iran. The Democrat party and the media support the Marxist destruction of America and the rising anti-Semitism by reporting the statistics of Hamas and giving Stalinist and anti-Semites like Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib a platform. Later, Mark is joined by Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) about suing the Biden administration over their secret program of flying illegal aliens into America by the thousands and dropping them into states across the country and that there is no way we should allow any Palestinian refugees from Gaza into America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, red-blooded Americans are waking up and have had enough of the Democrat Marxists destroying our country from within, who are now trying to import people from Gaza while we have protests tearing down the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag. President Biden has not spoken out or made a definitive statement against the attacks of Jews on our college campuses and the pro-Hamas protests because this is exactly what he wants to happen. We had four years of peace and prosperity under President Trump despite Democrats and the media’s attempt to destroy him, and now they are doing anything they can to bankrupt him and stop him from becoming president again. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to talk about the threats and attacks on Jewish students at colleges and universities amid pro-Hamas protests like the one at Columbia University. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, The Biden Administration is considering bringing Palestinian refugees into the United States according to documents obtained by CBS News. President Biden and Antony Blinken are plotting to bring an unknown number of people from Gaza into America and fast-track them as citizens without any statutory authority from Congress because we are living in a Biden dictatorship. We have in America a president who rules by fiat, in violation of the Supreme Court and federal law, destroying our economy, and changing our demographic through an open border. At the same time, we’re facing the most horrendous example of media propaganda in American history, who report Hamas statistics and are completely silent to Biden’s destruction of our country. The Democrat party and the leftist media are completely fine with the rising anti-Semitism and violent Biden protests in our streets and college campuses, which are much more of an insurrection than January 6. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY) to discuss a new bill to create anti-Semitism monitors on college and university campuses, and the shameful Democrat party and Biden White House who have turned their backs on Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Bernie Sanders pretends he’s a Democratic Socialist, but he’s actually a Marxist Stalinist who's always on the wrong side of liberty vs tyranny. Bernie puts ideology and his party ahead of everything else. He’s learned what Saul Alinsky taught - target, personalize, and destroy and that’s exactly what he’s trying to do with Benjamin Netanyahu. Bernie has backed the Palestinian terrorists. Remember when Bernie Sanders worked on a Stalinist kibbutz in 1963? This is why he hates Netanyahu. Also, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is threatening to issue criminal arrest warrants against Netanyahu and his senior staff. Rather than tell the ICC that America won’t tolerate this – President Biden has been silent. Speaker Mike Johnson is far more presidential than Biden because he slammed the ICC for these warrants. Later, Biden and Antony Blinken have blood on their hands for the October 7th attack on Israel. They take no responsibility for funding Iran. Why do we keep seeing a looped video of the Gaza Strip but no video of what happened on October 7th on TV? By not showing it they are giving aid and comfort to the terrorists. October 7th should never be forgotten. Afterward, a Fund manager indicated that Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden was in business with Qatari officials. But Joe doesn’t know anything right? The idea that there’s not a special counsel investing the entire Biden family is so shameful. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to explain that the same paid pro-Hamas protestors who are outside his house harassing his neighborhood are the same ones on the college campuses. He explains that antisemitism is a real problem in the Democrat Party, and that this is the most anti-Israel administration in history. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, what we are seeing take place at our colleges and universities, in our media, and our streets is not something spontaneous but something that is heavily funded and organized. It is coordinated by terrorist regimes and dark money groups who support the Democrat party; a web of organizations designed to confuse and conceal, where hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money is used to fund the pro-Hamas protests in our streets and fund terrorism around the world. President Biden has yet to say a word about the antisemitic protests on college campuses, which is no surprise since he is funding the terrorists killing Jews and preventing Israel from defeating them. We have radicals dressed up as professors who have tenure, which allows them to promote antisemitism and terrorism while we pay for the entire thing. Since the beginning of this Republic, no charge has ever been brought against an ex-president let alone a sitting president. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s time to expose the Islamists and hate groups behind these radical violent protests on College campuses by the Hitler youth. Do you know who Professor Hatem Bazian is? He’s the founder of the vile anti-Israel organization Students for Justice in Palestine which has spread antisemitism and has compared Israel to Nazi Germany. He is also, in part, responsible for what you are seeing on colleges and university campuses. How can this man be a professor at any university? His organizations don’t want a two-state solution - they want the final solution. Two more of the leading Hitler youth groups behind the campus violence in America are Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Within Our Lifetime. There is also, George Soros groups who are paying student radicals to spread their hate at Universities through these protests. What do we do about this? First, we need to get rid of President Biden and clean out the Department of State. Then, we need to BDS these Colleges and Universities that provide a platform for these Hitler youth by cutting off government funding. Later, the International Criminal Court, ICC, is corrupt. It’s not a coincidence that they put Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu at the top of their war crimes list - not China or Iran. If they were to issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu terrorists around the world would be emboldened. Biden and Antony Blinken are behind this because they haven’t said a word to stop it. Finally, Breitbart’s Joel Pollak calls in to explain his visit to the “Palestine Solidarity Encampment” at UCLA. He was violently assaulted by these Hitler youth right in front of other media.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, since the beginning of this Republic, no charge has ever been brought against an ex-president let alone a sitting president. The Constitution mentions nothing about immunity, and up until Joe Biden became president and unleashed Merrick Garland and Jack Smith the idea of indicting a former president was preposterous. The Biden Administration has decided to burn down all notions of comity and tradition and have criminalized the election process, turning what used to be acceptable practices into crimes. What is being done to Donald Trump is a travesty of the rule of law, and the New York courts are a willing accomplice. Trump is being forcefully kept off of the campaign trail and held in a courtroom while being denied basic rights. Trump did not lead an insurrection which is why he has never been charged for it, and Democrats are grasping at straws to try and put him in prison. Later, Mark is joined by Kash Patel to discuss the funding of America and Israel’s enemies by the Biden administration and the unconstitutional cases against Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has yet to say a word about the antisemitic protests on college campuses, which is no surprise since he is funding the terrorists killing Jews and preventing Israel from defeating them. We have radicals dressed up as professors who have tenure, which allows them to promote antisemitism and terrorism while we pay for the entire thing. Protest groups like Students for Justice in Palestine are supported and backed by Hamas directly, along with George Soros and other Democrat organizations. This is a war on the United States from within, a coordinated fusion of Marxist and Islamist movements devouring the country. The Democrat party's control of the courts and justice system in America is just like Putin’s control over the Russian courts – it’s all fake to go through the motions and get the outcome they want. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, what we are seeing take place at our colleges and universities, in our media, and our streets is not something spontaneous but something that is heavily funded and organized. It is coordinated by terrorist regimes and dark money groups who support the Democrat party; a web of organizations designed to confuse and conceal, where hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money is used to fund the pro-Hamas protests in our streets and fund terrorism around the world. The media in America have let us down as a country and have reported Hamas statistics while covering for the pro-Hamas demonstrations and anti-Semitism in the Democrat party. President Biden cannot criticize what is being done to Israel without also coming to the defense of the perpetrators because he is on the side of Hamas and Iran and not an ally of Israel. Also, what is being done to Donald Trump in Manhattan is an abhorrent Stalinist show trial with a slimeball judge issuing one gag order after another. Local district attorneys are not supposed to get involved in Federal matters, but in Trump’s case, D.A Alvin Bragg is splitting hairs over standard nondisclosure agreements. There was no effort or intent to commit a Federal felony by Trump, but we have a politically corrupt justice system under the Biden Administration. Later, Mark is joined by MRC founder Brent Bozell to talk about the serial election interference being done by big tech companies like Facebook and Google censoring speech and news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Anti-Semitism is on the rise, especially on college campuses, and what is happening in America today is no different than in Germany prior to World War 2. We have pro-Hamas protests going on in our colleges and universities like Columbia University chanting for the destruction of Israel and death to the Jews. If you want to fundamentally change the nation you need to control the minds of one generation, which is exactly what Democrats have done by controlling our colleges and universities. They are turning America into a Marxist Socialist country through indoctrination and by importing millions of foreigners, which is all it takes to destroy a nation. Also, President Biden used student loan forgiveness to buy votes in the 2020 election, and he is doing it again in the 2024 election. Democrats use student loans like a cartel by brainwashing people in college and then controlling them financially after they graduate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark returns from Israel and explains the lunacy of President Biden’s Iran policy. Biden’s position in refusing to support Israel from taking offensive military action against Iran means that Biden will not support any military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities and that Iran will have a functioning nuclear arsenal with which to threaten the United States, Israel, the Arab world, and the rest of the world without fear of military attack. Also, high crimes and misdemeanors have nothing to do with the criminal code, it refers to political crimes against the state. Democrats declaring that the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment was unconstitutional was another nail in the coffin of the Constitution. The impeachment clause says the House impeaches and the Senate tries the case. There is no authority for the Senate not to hold a trial. Sen Chuck Schumer himself decided that Article 1 and Article 2 were unconstitutional based and no grounds, based on no debate. Schumer just destroyed the impeachment clause. The Senate made mockery of the entire process and it was cheered by media. Now the definition of a warmonger is providing our allies with weapons? No. The vast majority of Americans don’t support Putin. They do not support China against Taiwan. They do not support Iran against Israel. Russia, China, and Iran are doing what they are doing because they want to destroy us and here in America, we dither over the Speakership. Later, who is behind these protests on college campuses and in the streets? They don’t just happen. George Soros groups are bankrolling them. It’s all funded by dark-money Democrat billionaires. These dark money billionaires are the same people funding the Democrat party. Judge Merchan and D.A. Alvin Bragg are extreme leftists doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, trampling on Donald Trump’s due process rights and issuing gag orders while openly attacking him. The cases against Trump have been a conga line of corrupt judges and media mouthpieces doing anything and everything they can to sway the 2024 election for Joe Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Judge Merchan and D.A. Alvin Bragg are extreme leftists doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, trampling on Donald Trump’s due process rights and issuing gag orders while openly attacking him. The cases against Trump have been a conga line of corrupt judges and media mouthpieces doing anything and everything they can to sway the 2024 election for Joe Biden. Our border, public schools, the nuclear family, and basic morality have been destroyed by this radical Democrat party. Trump is facing a Soviet-style prosecution in 4 jurisdictions at the same time because he stood up to the Democrat Marxist machine. Also, Israel was surrounded by the Philistines until David killed Goliath, and now today Israel is facing a new Goliath in the form of Iran. PM Benjamin Netanyahu understands what he is up against with Iran and the Biden administration which is why he is attacked by Democrats just like Trump. Later, Mark is joined by Five for Fighting singer-songwriter John Ondrasik to talk about his experience in Israel for a concert and the evil of Hamas and Iran that surrounds the Israeli citizens while they continue with their daily lives under constant threat. Finally, Mark also speaks with actor and producer Kevin Sorbo about his new documentary, Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, now the definition of a warmonger is providing our allies with weapons? No. The vast majority of Americans don’t support Putin. They do not support China against Taiwan. They do not support Iran against Israel. Russia, China, and Iran are doing what they are doing because they want to destroy us and here in America, we dither over the Speakership. Winston Churchill was ignored and called a warmonger by the establishment and fellow conservatives. Churchill explained that they didn’t understand the mindset of the Germans. Just as today, Biden doesn’t understand the mindset set of Hamas and Iranian terrorists. Biden never wanted Israel to have a missile defense system and now he wants them to stand down. Later, who is behind these protests on college campuses and in the streets? They don’t just happen. George Soros groups are bankrolling them. It’s all funded by dark-money Democrat billionaires. These dark money billionaires are the same people funding the Democrat party. What they hope to do is to create and support Islamists just as they created and supported Marxists. We are seeing the fusion of Marxists and Islamists. Finally, Speaker Mike Johnson calls in to dismiss some misinformation about a foreign aid package that includes money for Israel and Ukraine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark returns from Israel and explains the lunacy of President Biden’s Iran policy. Biden’s position in refusing to support Israel from taking offensive military action against Iran means that Biden will not support any military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities and that Iran will have a functioning nuclear arsenal with which to threaten the United States, Israel, the Arab world, and the rest of the world without fear of military attack. The best time for Israel to hit Iran’s nuclear sites, with critical U.S. support, would’ve been over the weekend. Biden’s appeasement of Iran and intentional funding of Iran ensures that Islamist-fundamentalist Iran will become a nuclear power. The war that’s taking place is Israel v. Iran. Iran’s direct attack on Israel with over 300 missiles makes this crystal clear. Israel is David. Iran is Goliath. Having helped Iran (Goliath) against Israel (David) in unbelievable acts of duplicity and betrayal, the Biden regime is now threatening to abandon Israel if it retaliates against Iran to deter further offensive military attacks against its cities and towns. Israel will retaliate despite the Biden regime’s collusion with Iran for it has no choice and when it does it’ll be both righteous and prudential. Also, high crimes and misdemeanors have nothing to do with the criminal code, it refers to political crimes against the state. Democrats declaring that the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment was unconstitutional was another nail in the coffin of the Constitution. The impeachment clause says the House impeaches and the Senate tries the case. There is no authority for the Senate not to hold a trial. Sen Chuck Schumer himself decided that Article 1 and Article 2 were unconstitutional based and no grounds, based on no debate. Schumer just destroyed the impeachment clause. The Senate made mockery of the entire process and it was cheered by media. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT’s Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. The Democrats continue to use law enforcement and the courts to punish President Biden’s opponent, Donald Trump. Is it not in the best interest of democracy for a candidate for president of the United States to explain why he’s being prosecuted? Of course it is, but Democrats don’t care about democracy. Trump has every right, in fact, he has an obligation to be on the campaign trail. Biden was in Scranton, Pennsylvania, screaming about Trump, while Trump was forced to sit in court. Biden can’t run on the economy, the border, on peace in the Middle East, so he runs on the idea that Trump will destroy democracy. Also, the Supreme Court takes on the question if the government can use a financial crimes law to go after people who protested on January 6th. Justice Gorsuch wants to know where does government draw the line? “Would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify for 20 years in federal prison?” Democrats don’t want the standard they created to apply to the left. Later, Sen John Fetterman blasted his own party for not standing with Israel. The fact that he has to do this shows you that the Democrat party is lost. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden empowered Iran to attack Israel over the weekend. This is Biden’s proxy war against Israel, whether he knows it or not. Iranian attack would have never had happened if Donald Trump were president. This attack is because of Biden, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan. Mark Levin took to social media to post this from Israel, “It is Biden and Blinken who are impulsive, ignorant, reckless, incompetent, and dangerous. It is they who’ve abandoned a rational and prudent foreign policy in pursuit of incoherent and ideologically driven utopian ambitions. And it is they who’ve escalated military conflict on multiple continents. For them, there is no good or evil, right or wrong. Hence, they fund Iran and threaten Israel. They seek Netanyahu’s ouster and the ayatollah’s approval.” Also, today we saw the beginning which could be the end of our basic system of justice. All the Democrats and their media wanted was this headline – Donald Trump, the first president ever to face criminal charges. The only appropriate response to the use of our court system as a political weapon is to use these weapons against them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, there’s an enemy from within - the Jew-hating Islamists. Dearborn, Michigan is a hotbed of Islamist hate, and President Biden panders to them and sells out America and Israel. These Islamists in Dearborn are chanting ‘death to America’, and this is what Biden, his party, and his media are bowing to. Nebraska Gov Jim Pillen needs to call the Nebraska legislature into a special session to fix the electoral college vote so the winner of the popular vote in Nebraska receives all the electoral votes. There needs to be an electoral college winner-take-all model in Nebraska. The Democrat party refuses to condemn the Islamist mindset spreading throughout our country from one no-go zone to another. People are pouring into this country with no assimilation and come here to hate America and Israel and promote the destruction of Israel. An 18-year-old with connections to ISIS was arrested in Idaho with plans to attack churches, which is part of the new norm thanks to Biden’s open border and George Soros prosecutors that release violent criminals. The liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, and the credibility of the mass media has never been lower because the American public is on to them. There was a shooting in Philadelphia during a Ramadan event and the media was ready to use it to push their agenda until it turned out to be unrelated and did not fit their narrative.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. President Biden makes the world less safe every day he is president, which is the irony of Trump being portrayed as the crazy man with nukes when the world was safer when he was president. Israel is preparing for a direct attack from Iran within the next 48 hours, and the United States has pledged to defend Israel if that happens although Biden is funding Iran. Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy decision and national security decision in the last 40 years and it has made America and the world less safe every step of the way. Also, not only is our border wide open under the Biden Administration, but they are flying hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into states like Florida. This is a border that is so open illegal aliens don’t even have to arrive at it, they can fl Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. We have lost our way with our justice system in this country, and now we have things like bail reform and prison reform. These ideas have been indoctrinated into colleges and universities to push the social idea that the system is fundamentally racist and that black men are unfairly targeted. Democrats use this as a form of reparations and groups like BLM use this as fuel for protest and riot. When you have a lawless society this is what you get – lawlessness everywhere from our border to our inner cities because we have no moral compass or values. Also, CBS laid off their best reporter and true journalist Catherine Herridge, and she has now testified that CBS locked her out of the building and seized her files. She was exposing the truth about the Biden crime family and their corrupt business dealings, and CBS stole all of her files which is exactly what socialists and Marxists do when you are spying on them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, and the credibility of the mass media has never been lower because the American public is on to them. There was a shooting in Philadelphia during a Ramadan event and the media was ready to use it to push their agenda until it turned out to be unrelated and did not fit their narrative. Also, President Trump’s campaign is picking up steam and so are the attacks from the Democrat media mouthpieces. What has been done to Trump by the media, the law, and the justice system has never been done to anyone before. Meanwhile, President Biden is supported by the corporatists and billionaires who make money from government regulations and will do or say anything to get a vote. Our enemies like China, Iran, and Russia are rooting for Biden to win because he is destroying America from within. Later, Cesar Chavez was very anti-immigration and would be strongly opposed to Biden’s open border, which is why it is ironic that Biden has a bust of Chavez in the Oval Office. Today labor unions lobby for amnesty and advocate for illegal immigrants because they have sold out the American citizens. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party refuses to condemn the Islamist mindset spreading throughout our country from one no-go zone to another. People are pouring into this country with no assimilation and come here to hate America and Israel and promote the destruction of Israel. An 18-year-old with connections to ISIS was arrested in Idaho with plans to attack churches, which is part of the new norm thanks to Biden’s open border and George Soros prosecutors that release violent criminals. Also, an appellate judge ruled that the case brought by Alvin Bragg, a case that never should have been brought and was turned down three times before Bragg, should continue to move forward and Donald Trump will have to appear before another judge and jury. Biden and the Democrat media are interfering in the election and tilting the scales by weaponizing the justice system. Next, the Democrat party and the Biden Administration stand for infanticide and no restrictions on abortion because they are a cult of death and do not care about the lives of Americans. There is no dispute in the real science that a fetus is a person and not a choice, but we have lost moral clarity in this country. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to talk about the renewal of FISA and the spying on American citizens without a warrant by the FBI. Mark also speaks with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-NY) about the failure of the Biden administration to stand with Israel and to stand up to anti-Semitism in America and the Middle East. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s an enemy from within - the Jew-hating Islamists. Dearborn, Michigan is a hotbed of Islamist hate, and President Biden panders to them and sells out America and Israel. These Islamists in Dearborn are chanting ‘death to America’, and this is what Biden, his party, and his media are bowing to. Also, President Trump's statement on abortion represents the constitutional and legal status before the Supreme Court nationalized the issue in Roe v. Wade. It is what conservatives have been demanding for half a century -- that is, the reversal of Roe. The constitutionalists on the Supreme Court are to be credited for what they did, and they came under enormous pressure and threats to change their ultimate decision. If we are to now insist on a federal law to prevent all abortions, it is strange indeed to expect that the radicals won't use federal law to impose Roe and beyond on the entire country. After all, they control the federal Leviathan, we don't. They can and will reverse anything a Republican Congress and presidency might do. Later, Nebraska Gov Jim Pillen needs to call the Nebraska legislature into a special session to fix the electoral college vote so the winner of the popular vote in Nebraska receives all the electoral votes. There needs to be an electoral college winner-take-all model in Nebraska. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to discuss the partisan DOJ, Biden’s student loan lawlessness, Chuck Schumer’s terrible border bill, and his extremely important Senate race. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, LGBTQ events clog calendar as White House faces backlash over Easter announcement, White House pushed Trans Day messaging on English accounts, but not to Spanish speakers. The Biden administration’s hate for Israel is a reflection of their hatred for America. There was an accidental bombing that took place in Gaza. Israel apologized, yet the Biden administration took this opportunity to viciously attack Israel. This administration conveniently forgets that less than 2 years ago a Biden drone strike killed 10 civilians in Afghanistan.  The national debt in the United States is on an unsustainable course under the Biden Administration, which will lead to inflation, stagnation, and a depression. Our debt is currently at $33 trillion and rising because the establishment politicians in Washington spend like drunken Marxists. Finally, the vast majority of the American people support Israel and their efforts to fight Hamas, but the Biden Administration supports Hamas and will not allow Israel to destroy them. 76 years ago, Harry Truman recognized the state of Israel and presidents have recognized our alliance with them until Biden destroyed that bond. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. Joe Biden finally visited the site of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse 11 days after the tragedy occurred, and used his speech to write the state of Maryland a blank check from the federal government to build a new bridge. Biden’s response is a lot different than what he said about East Palestine, OH, where he demanded Norfolk Southern pay for the entire cleanup and repair. Also, the Biden Administration is betraying the nation of Israel and their leader Benjamin Netanyahu, and it goes against the majority of Americans who support Israel. If it was Israel’s goal to wipe Palestine off the map they would have by now, yet Democrats and their media mouthpieces push Hamas propaganda against them. The reason we are seeing Biden shift his support toward the pro-Hamas crowd is for their votes in November. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the vast majority of the American people support Israel and their efforts to fight Hamas, but the Biden Administration supports Hamas and will not allow Israel to destroy them. 76 years ago, Harry Truman recognized the state of Israel and presidents have recognized our alliance with them until Biden destroyed that bond. The pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat party is demanding a surrender in Gaza that would be worse than our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and by embracing it the Biden Administration is giving aid and comfort to terrorist groups around the world. Also, Mark speaks with Ric Grenell to discuss the shift in U.S. policy to turn on Israel and an administration implying that if Israel does not surrender they are no better than the terrorists that attacked them. Next, Mark is joined by Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) to talk about America’s lack of loyalty to our allies under the Biden Administration and the willingness of Democrat Marxists to sell out Israel and call for the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu for the sake of power. Also, following the release of additional Iran sanctions waivers, Scott is demanding transparency from the Biden administration. Mark is later joined by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) to discuss what Senate Republicans can do to check the endless power of the Biden administration foreign policy acting unilaterally and bypassing Congressional checks and balances. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the national debt in the United States is on an unsustainable course under the Biden Administration, which will lead to inflation, stagnation, and a depression. Our debt is currently at $33 trillion and rising because the establishment politicians in Washington spend like drunken Marxists. We had a taste of economic collapse during the pandemic, and when we have a full-blown depression, we will lose our civil society. Also, the Democrat party will sell its soul for votes, and they are supporting the pro-Hamas protesters, urging them to vote for President Biden because they are an anti-Semitic party. Meanwhile, they have a corrupt DOJ and special counsel that is destroying Donald Trump’s due process rights and interfering in the presidential election. The legal system is no longer a justice system and is instead being used to destroy justice, equal protection, and due process. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration’s hate for Israel is a reflection of their hatred for America. There was an accidental bombing that took place in Gaza. Israel apologized, yet the Biden administration took this opportunity to viciously attack Israel. This administration conveniently forgets that less than 2 years ago a Biden drone strike killed 10 civilians in Afghanistan. They know mistakes happen in war. It is as if Hamas has written the script based on how this war has been reported by the Democrat media and the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration is funding the war in Israel by funneling billions of dollars into Iran for them to fund and arm Hamas. President Biden is dealing with Iran and selling out our country, letting them get a nuclear weapon that will be paid for by us. Also, the Democrat party has decided that you cannot use the term bloodbath or it makes you Hitler, and they are once again attacking Donald Trump for describing our southern border as a bloodbath. They criticize Trump for the use of words while Biden is funding terrorism in the Middle East and his policies have resulted in slavery, rape, and drugs pouring into our country. Biden is at war with Israel and he is at war with the American people, and he does not care about the violence at our southern border and flying migrants all across our country. Later, Mark is joined by Caroline Glick, Senior Contributing Editor at JNS and host of the Caroline Glick Show, to discuss the Biden Administration’s support for Hamas and a shift from decades of America standing behind Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the leftist media Sunday shows are a conga line of Democrat party hacks and never-Trumpers and are nothing but hours of propaganda. Democrats are criticizing Israel for defending themselves against Palestinian terrorists and saying Israel is escalating the war despite taking missile fire from Hamas and surrounding areas like Jordan. These are the same people who report Hamas propaganda like the Israeli attack on a hospital that was actually a Hamas base of operations. People who are voting for President Biden in November will also be voting for the anti-Semitism that has taken over his administration and the Democrat party. Later, Mark speaks with radio host Ben Shapiro about his new docu-series, The Divided States of Biden, which covers the destruction of America under the Biden Administration and the dangers of our open southern border and the fentanyl crisis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Israel has encircled what is left of the Hamas terrorists and wants to blow out the remaining battalions and the leaders, and the biggest roadblock they are facing to deliver the final blow is President Biden and the U.N. Security Council. Israel is not only being told to surrender but to do so without any commitment by Hamas to release hostages. Biden never criticizes Iran, gives them tens of billions of dollars, and does nothing to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon, all while putting the pressure entirely on Israel. The Baltimore harbor is the busiest harbor on the East Coast, and it is now blocked after a horrific collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Democrats are destroying our cities while President Biden and his administration are destroying our entire country with Marxist policies and an open border. Joe Lieberman has died at 82 after suffering complications from a fall in NYC. He was one of the last true Democrat moderates. The likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders were too much for him and he took a stance against them. He was one of the few who spoke out against fellow Democrats. Very few Democrats had the guts to speak out against Sen Chuck Schumer’s horrific speech against Israel – but Lieberman did. Lieberman loved his party, but he loved America more. The cold-blooded murder of an NYPD officer is a perfect example of what the Democrat party is doing to the rest of the nation. Donald Trump loves law enforcement and loves America unlike President Biden and Barack Obama, who prefer an open border and lawlessness. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, nobody cared when Sen Chuck Schumer and other Democrats attacked Supreme Court justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch and harassed them at their homes, but now Donald Trump is attacked for speaking out against a corrupt judge. By going on CNN to talk about Trump, D.C. District Court Judge Reggie Walton has violated basic ethics laws and destroyed the integrity of the court. If Walton is allowed to get away with this, he will set a very dangerous precedent of a sitting judge with an active caseload going on national television to discuss a political ruling. Also, President Biden is selling out America to Iran and China among other countries around the world, which is why our border is wide open. Biden will sell out anyone and anything for control, and he has been a racist and anti-Semite his entire life because all he cares about is money and power. Meanwhile, Joe Rogan made a very dangerous statement on his podcast, comparing what Israel is doing to Hamas to the German killing of Jews during the Holocaust. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the cold-blooded murder of an NYPD officer is a perfect example of what the Democrat party is doing to the rest of the nation. Donald Trump loves law enforcement and loves America unlike President Biden and Barack Obama, who prefer an open border and lawlessness. Also, by giving billions of dollars to Iran, the Biden administration is giving aid and comfort to terrorists in the Middle East and around the world. Biden is selling out the United States and Israel by refusing to stand up to Iran while helping them obtain a nuclear weapon and is encouraging the pro-Hamas protests in our streets. The Democrat party is filled with out-of-the-closet Marxists who have turned on Israel despite the majority of Americans standing behind Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Joe Lieberman has died at 82 after suffering complications from a fall in NYC. He was one of the last true Democrat moderates. The likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders were too much for him and he took a stance against them. He was one of the few who spoke out against fellow Democrats. Very few Democrats had the guts to speak out against Sen Chuck Schumer’s horrific speech against Israel – but Lieberman did. Lieberman loved his party, but he loved America more. Also, In the last 7-days, Biden and his propagandists have claimed that Donald Trump wants to eliminate health care, Social Security, Medicare, and abortion. Has there ever been a bigger serial liar running for president than Biden? Nobody is eliminating health care; Trump has defended Social Security and Medicare his entire life and Biden demanded they be slashed as well as VA benefits multiple times as a senator; Trump, and no president, can eliminate abortion even if he/they wanted to as it is now a state matter (Trump has never supported eliminating the practice in all cases while Biden supports it including partial birth abortion). Biden must be defeated and resoundingly. Afterward, Jon Stewart is caught red-handed being a hypocrite and makes a dumb argument on X. Of course, the law should be applied equally. So, Letitia James should investigate him, his taxes, and his sale and apply the same law she dusted off against Trump. Later, Batya Ungar-Sargon calls in to discuss her new book, Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America's Working Men and Women. Finally, John Eastman calls in to discuss the recommendation of disbarment from a California judge – all for giving Trump advice in 2020. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Baltimore harbor is the busiest harbor on the East Coast, and it is now blocked after a horrific collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Democrats are destroying our cities while President Biden and his administration are destroying our entire country with Marxist policies and an open border. Also, support for Hamas and other terrorist groups is running wild in our colleges and universities just like support for Nazis in the 1930s. The rising anti-Semitism in our schools and on our streets is a direct result of the Democrat party supporting the radical Hamas supporters because the Marxists and the Islamists have become one. Hamas has no reason to release a single hostage because Biden and Blinken are giving them aid and comfort every step of the way. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Israel has encircled what is left of the Hamas terrorists and wants to blow out the remaining battalions and the leaders, and the biggest roadblock they are facing to deliver the final blow is President Biden and the U.N. Security Council. Israel is not only being told to surrender but to do so without any commitment by Hamas to release hostages. Biden never criticizes Iran, gives them tens of billions of dollars, and does nothing to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon, all while putting the pressure entirely on Israel. Also, the reason why Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan case against Donald Trump is preposterous is because a District Attorney has no authority or jurisdiction to enforce federal campaign law. What Bragg has done is taken standard nondisclosure agreements, which occur in every large business in America including the federal government, and elevated them into bogus felony charges. All of the cases against Trump are novel cases that have never been brought before, and they are all outrageous. Later, Mark is joined by Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) to discuss who will replace Mitch McConnell as the Republican leader in the Senate and the pressure Israel is facing from the Biden Administration and Iran. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, leftist media outlets continue to twist Donald Trump’s words and lie about his words and intent. Just like Charlottesville, Democrats are taking the use of the term “bloodbath” in reference to Chinese electric vehicles destroying the auto industry and spinning it to be about the 2024 election. The U.S. Department of State is supposed to keep track of all Americans traveling abroad, which is why it is embarrassing that we do not know how many Americans were left behind in Afghanistan because they don’t know how many were there, to begin with. The level of incompetence and ideological policies from the Biden Administration is disgusting and has cost American lives. The Democrat party has always used stereotypes and racism to divide Americans while pretending to be uniting the country and saving Democracy.  Also, the Supreme Court ruled that the EPA could regulate carbon emissions, and since then EPA has used that power as a weapon for degrowth Marxists under the climate change label. There are no limits to the power of the EPA regulation, which now extends into your own home and controls what appliances you can own and vehicles you drive. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Republicans will only have a one-vote majority in the House of Representatives now that Rep Mike Gallagher is stepping down. This is happening at a time when Republicans already do not have the votes to do anything because a third of Republicans are unreliable, not because of who is Speaker of the House. Also, 40 people were killed and over 100 were injured in an attack at a concert hall by ISIS in Moscow, Russia. Our borders are wide open to this horrific type of attack, which is funded by President Biden sending billions to Iran. We are facing a second Muslim crusade around the world and Democrats like Biden, Blinken, Schumer, Sanders, and Tlaib are cheering it on. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News contributor Mark Penn about Chuck Schumer’s anti-Netanyahu speech on the Senate floor and the anti-Israel policies of the Biden Administration and the Democrat party. Finally, Mark is joined by Fox News host and author Jesse Watters to discuss his new book Get It Together: Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe and his firsthand experience with radical liberal Democrats. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday Mark Levin Show, AG Letitia James violated ethics rules by campaigning on how she would target and prosecute Donald Trump, but the entire system is corrupt in New York because it is controlled by the Democrat party. Now Trump is being forced to consider selling his properties in order to give $464 million to New York over some phony statute pushed by a radical prosecutor. If Trump is forced to close his business and sell his properties, it will destroy New York City and the state of New York. Also, the Supreme Court ruled that the EPA could regulate carbon emissions, and since then EPA has used that power as a weapon for degrowth Marxists under the climate change label. There are no limits to the power of the EPA regulation, which now extends into your own home and controls what appliances you can own and vehicles you drive. We will destroy our own electrical grid without any help from Communist China if we continue to add more electric vehicles. Later, President Biden refused to condemn anti-Semitism in his State of the Union speech, which is the perfect example of the state of the Democrat party that tolerates pro-Hamas protesters. The media have been largely purified to only promote the Democrat propaganda, which is why they also ignore the anti-Semitism in our streets and universities. Chuck Schumer is giving aid and comfort to Iran and Hamas and is a puppet of the Biden Administration. Finally, Mark is joined by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to discuss the arrogance of Chuck Schumer to treat Israel like a banana republic in the middle of a war and the anti-Semitic anti-Israel movement in the mainstream Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party has never embraced the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution and has rejected American values and morals. Believing in the Declaration of Independence and that inalienable rights come from God and not Government runs counter to the American Marxist ideology that has existed in the Democrat party for over 100 years. President Biden projects his own immorality, racism, and anti-Semitism onto Donald Trump because Biden turns people against each other while pretending to do the opposite. The Democrat party has always used stereotypes and racism to divide Americans while pretending to be uniting the country and saving Democracy. Later, Mark is joined by Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) to talk about her support of the Laken Riley Act, which would allow ICE to detain and deport illegal immigrants who are arrested by police, and her support for Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the U.S. Department of State is supposed to keep track of all Americans traveling abroad, which is why it is embarrassing that we do not know how many Americans were left behind in Afghanistan because they don’t know how many were there, to begin with. The level of incompetence and ideological policies from the Biden Administration is disgusting and has cost American lives. Also, Donald Trump has done more for Israel and Jews than any other President and is the polar opposite of President Biden, who is threatening to cut off sending arms to Israel in order to protect Hamas. Scores of Democrats vote against any resolution that would help Israel and condemn Palestinian terrorists because they support Hamas. Voting for the Democrat party means voting with the pro-Hamas protesters in our streets who want to see Israel wiped off the map. The anti-Semitic Democrats are finally being called out and they don’t like their anti-American and anti-Israel actions exposed, which is why they attack Trump and accuse him of what they are doing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, leftist media outlets continue to twist Donald Trump’s words and lie about his words and intent. Just like Charlottesville, Democrats are taking the use of the term “bloodbath” in reference to Chinese electric vehicles destroying the auto industry and spinning it to be about the 2024 election. This is a sick Democrat party with an even sicker one-party media, trying to remove Trump from the ballot by any means necessary. Also, the totalitarian Biden regime has their judges, attorneys, and Department of Justice doing the dirty work, and are leaning on the Supreme Court to finish the job. Will the Supreme Court have the guts to uphold the Constitution even if it means throwing out a Jack Smith case? Despite what the democrat media reports this is not a conservative Supreme Court, with three liberals that are in lockstep and are led by Hollywood John Roberts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, Hamas is a monstrous terrorist group funded by Iran and Qatar, among others, and is murdering hostages. They lie about everything, including casualties in Gaza. Yet, Biden, his regime and media surrogates, and jew-haters everywhere continue to use their lies about casualties as a weapon against Israel. Special counsel Robert Hur’s report concludes that President Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as a senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges were brought because he's an imbecile. The difficulty for the Biden cultists in the media is that the fact of Biden's imbecility prevented his indictment, but that imbecility should disqualify him from serving as president. Sen. Chuck Schumer is another liberal Marxist self-hating Jew like Sen Bernie Sanders and cares about nothing but power because that is all fascists and Marxists care about. Schumer hates Israel and exposed himself on the Senate floor by calling for a new Israeli election and the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu. People like Schumer and President Biden dictate to the Israeli people what to do and how to do it while favoring Hamas over Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media are creating a narrative to promote Chuck Schumer and President Biden’s view of Israel and their demands for a ceasefire while ignoring Biden’s transfer of billions to Iran to fund Hamas. Israel is now in danger of possibly losing their war with Hamas because of the actions of Biden, Antony Blinken, and Schumer. The Democrat party is now out of the closet with their hatred for Israel and their destruction of America and is now leading a coup against Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government. Also, the idea that the Democrat party is not totalitarian is preposterous because they are trying to imprison Donald Trump to prevent him from becoming President and getting in their way. Biden hid stolen classified documents in 7 different unsecured locations in order to sell information and is guilty of everything that Trump is being accused of. AG Merrick Garland and the Biden Department of Justice are ignoring 200 years of precedent and destroying our justice system while directly interfering in the presidential election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Chuck Schumer is another liberal Marxist self-hating Jew like Sen Bernie Sanders and cares about nothing but power because that is all fascists and Marxists care about. Schumer hates Israel and exposed himself on the Senate floor by calling for a new Israeli election and the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu. People like Schumer and President Biden dictate to the Israeli people what to do and how to do it while favoring Hamas over Israel. Also, the Democrat party seeks to imprison Donald Trump through 91 felony indictments in 4 jurisdictions at both the state and federal levels. Biden does not want an opponent in the general election, and the justice system is doing the dirty work for him so Biden wins by default. This is more than election interference but is an attempt to destroy our entire electoral process because the Democrat party is a totalitarian party that wants to put its political opponents in prison and destroy them. Later, Biden should be impeached for several reasons, including failing to uphold our country's immigration laws and the crime and damage that has been unleashed upon America from it. Biden has failed to uphold his oath of office and follow the Constitution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Communist China has a massive propaganda operation that reaches into our homes and our culture. The issue with TikTok has nothing to do with the First Amendment, libertarianism, or Facebook, and it is upsetting to see conservatives and pseudo-conservatives argue like liberal Marxists to allow TikTok to remain in the hands of China. Also, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times is an enemy of the state of Israel and has spent two decades trying to destroy the current state of Israel and replace it with a fairytale. Friedman is a mouthpiece for the self-hating Jews in America and does not want Israel to win against Hamas, just like the Biden Administration and the pro-Hamas Democrat party. 8 Democrat senators led by Bernie Sanders are demanding that if Netanyahu and Israel do not bow to their demands, they will cut off military aid and support to Israel, but they do not demand that Joe Biden stop funding Iran and their terrorist surrogates. Later, Mark is joined by Bernie Moreno to discuss the Republican primary race for the Senate seat in Ohio, his fight against an establishment RINO, and his endorsement by Donald Trump and conservative Republicans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, special counsel Robert Hur’s report concludes that President Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as a senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges were brought because he's an imbecile. The difficulty for the Biden cultists in the media is that the fact of Biden's imbecility prevented his indictment, but that imbecility should disqualify him from serving as president. This is why people talk about a double standard of justice between Biden and Donald Trump and his documents case. A Washington D.C. judge and jury would never convict Biden, but the same court cannot wait to throw Trump in jail because there is no equal justice under the Biden Administration. Also, there are endless efforts to smear and character-assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a modern-day Winston Churchill. What the Biden Administration has been trying to do is destroy the Netanyahu coalition in the Israeli government and remove him from power. Democrats are lying about Hamas statistics and trying to disrupt the Israeli government and prevent them from destroying Hamas. Later, Mark speaks with Abraham Wyner, Professor of Statistics and Data Science at Wharton, about the Hamas statistics being reported by the Democrat American media and Biden White House. Later, Mark is joined by Congresswoman Kat Cammack (R-FL) to discuss the potential breakup of TikTok, which has bought a lot of influence in Washington D.C. to push China’s interests. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Hamas is a monstrous terrorist group funded by Iran and Qatar, among others, and is murdering hostages. They lie about everything, including casualties in Gaza. Yet, Biden, his regime and media surrogates, and jew-haters everywhere continue to use their lies about casualties as a weapon against Israel. Biden used them at the State of the Union, he used them when standing next to the genocidal dictator of Jordan, and the media followed along, but it’s a lie. A statistician called out these fake numbers in his article, ‘How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers.’ The White House is literally trying to rally America against Israel with lies about casualties. Also, Liz Cheney and the January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that Trump did push for the National Guard. We have a right to know if Liz Cheney and others are involved in a cover-up. They all need to be investigated. Rep Barry Loudermilk calls in to explain that Trump “did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down.” Later, TikTok is claiming their free speech is being threatened as Congress could bring up legislation to remove TikTok from China’s control. It’s not free speech when an enemy state which has all but declared war on the U.S., is brainwashing our kids and grabbing their data. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, the Supreme Court decided in a 9-0 vote that Donald Trump cannot be withheld from Colorado ballots under the Insurrection Act, saying that Congress determines whether the 14th Amendment applies. As long as Nikki Haley stays in the race she is helping President Biden, and Democrats like Jennifer Palmieri know it and admit it. There is no reason for Haley to be in the race but to sabotage President Donald Trump, not because of some righteous reason or to give voters an alternative to Trump, but because she is an egomaniac. A leftist reporter at the Washington Post declared that the party of Reagan is dead – it’s the party of Trump. This is the kind of low-IQ, uninformed propaganda we get. There have been many important speeches in the past like Lincoln's second inaugural address. Biden will drone on at the State of the Union speech, but it only took Lincoln less than 7 minutes to give one of the greatest speeches ever. Lincoln could have yelled about threats to democracy, but he wanted none of that. He wanted to unite the nation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden gave the dumbest, most pathetic, lie-filled State of the Union speeches ever because he is the biggest ignoramus to occupy the Oval Office. Biden and the liberal Marxists behind him think law-abiding, taxpaying American citizens are the problem. It is the trick of the American Marxist to steal our liberty and our money and shift blame when inflation goes up and the people suffer. Also, Biden does not support Israel and only provides them with enough support to keep up appearances. Before he would say things publicly and stab Israel in the back, but now Biden is stabbing them in the front by supporting the river-to-the-sea crowd. He has provided more money to Iran than he has to Ukraine, and Iran is funding the terror attacks in Israel and the Middle East. The media today are like the media of the 1930s and 1940s during the rise of Hitler, and none of the cable networks or newspapers mention the heightened anti-Semitism in America today. Later, Mark is joined by Kari Lake to discuss her race for the U.S. Senate seat in Arizona and the fight for the survival of Arizona and America against radicals and progressives destroying our country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there have been many important speeches in the past like Lincoln's second inaugural address. Biden will drone on at the State of the Union speech, but it only took Lincoln less than 7 minutes to give one of the greatest speeches ever. Lincoln could have yelled about threats to democracy, but he wanted none of that. He wanted to unite the nation. Biden, in every respect, is a failure. He never takes responsibility; he always blames others. The real Biden is the one who befriended racists in Congress and said that busing policies for desegregation would turn public schools into a racial jungle. Then, pro-Hamas protestors were blocking streets in D.C. in order to prevent Biden from speaking at the State of the Union. These are insurrectionists. Will they get the January 6 treatment? Also, Biden has turned 100% against the state of Israel; they are not allowed to win. Biden is ready to limit munitions to Israel if they invade Rafah, which is where the majority of the terrorists are. UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron says that Britain may recognize a Palestine state. Cameron isn’t doing this on his own. He’s doing this at the urging of Biden and Blinken. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, typically State of the Union speeches are forgettable. President Biden will lie about what he’s done on Thursday night. He will exploit the war that Israel is fighting. He will lie about the border and blame Donald Trump, and he will lie about abortion. What is the Democrat Party’s position on abortion? Do they want more abortions? Since the Dobbs decision, the number of abortions are higher in 2023 than in 2020. First Lady Jill Biden’s guest at the State of the Union is someone who had to travel out of state to get an abortion. People leave states all the time to get medical care. Should an entire state accommodate the individual? Later, Sen Bernie Sanders joined the late night show to complain about capitalism. He says massive inequality makes him angry, but what is inequality based on? Could be based on many things. The great danger with Marxism is that the propaganda is always about the people, always about justice. When government has the power over the economy and decides who gets what - that means you have no power over yourself. Finally, a leftist reporter at the Washington Post declared that the party of Reagan is dead – it’s the party of Trump. This is the kind of low-IQ, uninformed propaganda we get. While Reagan and Trump aren’t identical, they have a great deal in common. Historian Craig Shirley calls in to explain that it can be both Reagan’s and Trump’s party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, as long as Nikki Haley stays in the race she is helping President Biden, and Democrats like Jennifer Palmieri know it and admit it. There is no reason for Haley to be in the race but to sabotage President Donald Trump, not because of some righteous reason or to give voters an alternative to Trump, but because she is an egomaniac. At this point in the race, a vote for Nikki Haley is a vote for Joe Biden and fuel for the media, because Trump is going to be the Republican nominee after Super Tuesday no matter what the outcome. Mark is joined by President Trump to discuss the Super Tuesday vote, the upcoming presidential election, and what the Trump Administration will do for America and for the world when elected in November. Also, on top of all of the other immigration from the southern and northern border, the Biden Administration has been flying a quarter of a million illegal aliens into our country. They are giving them a 2-year stay and right to asylum, and will no doubt fast-track them to citizenship. Later, the Biden Administration has become the worst ally or partner that Israel has ever had. Iran is going for nuclear weapons and is close to getting them, and the only country in the region that will stand up to them is Israel. The timing of the October 7 attack was intentional and funded by Iran, who are funded by the Biden Administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court decided in a 9-0 vote that Donald Trump cannot be withheld from Colorado ballots under the Insurrection Act, saying that Congress determines whether the 14th Amendment applies. However, we have 3 radical leftist justices who do not care about the Constitution and know that Marxists will object to the counting of the ballots for Trump claiming he is an insurrectionist. The Biden campaign strategy for the 2024 election is to get Trump in front of a leftist Washington D.C. judge and jury where he will not get a fair trial. Also, Kamala Harris is now demanding a ceasefire in Gaza because she is a sleazeball just like President Biden, Antony Blinken, and the rest of the radical Democrats. The Palestinian terrorists did this to themselves, as did the Palestinians who gave them aid and support, and Israel should be allowed to deliver the final blow. Later, Nikki Haley has become a mouthpiece of the Democrat party, repeating their talking points and attacking Trump at every turn. Haley is breaking her pledge of supporting the Republican nominee if it is Trump saying she has serious concerns about him and is unsure if he would follow the Constitution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, if Donald Trump loses the 2024 election, it won't be because the Republican Party is divided, but because the leftist media and Democrat party joined with the Wall Street Journal and others in sabotaging his campaign. Later, there are no more excuses for President Biden or the Democrat party and their open border, who have blood on their hands by allowing crime to pour into our country and human slavery on our southern border. The Supreme Court set an April date to hear arguments on whether Donald Trump has immunity for official acts after he left office. The media sets it up differently – “Supreme Court sets April arguments over whether Trump can be prosecuted for election interference.” The AP headline already convicts Trump, they decided he’s guilty of election interference. There hasn’t been such a stark difference between people in America since the Civil War. We have a Democrat party that wants to change the citizenry, turn our Capitalist economic system into a Marxist socialism, and eviscerate law and order and the military. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Jack Smith is forcing all of the courts to abide by his demand or else the judges will be pressured, all in an effort to have the Donald Trump cases resolved before the election. Smith is exposing himself of intentionally interfering in the 2024 election and doing the work of President Biden by continuing to demand the Trump case be resolved before the vote. Biden is keeping the public pressure on Trump by calling him a dictator and an existential threat, and we have radical leftists in the media and Congress trashing the Supreme Court justices for doing their job. Nikki Haley is the worst of the worst chameleons and wants the cases heard before November, and is now a mouthpiece for Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and the Biden DOJ. Also, Biden has decided to be on the side of evil vs good, terrorist’s vs democracy, by choosing to airlift supplies into Gaza for terrorists. The October 7th attack in Israel were funded by Biden, who has supported terrorist groups in the Middle East through Iran. Next, there is an interesting ruling out of a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel regarding people involved in the January 6 attack. People were given enhanced sentences just for being present at the Capitol, especially for people just walking around and breaking no laws. Later, Mark is joined by Blaze Media reporter Steve Baker about being handcuffed and shackled after voluntarily turning himself in to the FBI for his presence in the Capitol on January 6 to report the event. Finally, Mark speaks with Utah Senate candidate Trent Staggs about running for Mitt Romney’s Senate seat and his upcoming campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there hasn’t been such a stark difference between people in America since the Civil War. We have a Democrat party that wants to change the citizenry, turn our Capitalist economic system into a Marxist socialism, and eviscerate law and order and the military. Just as President Biden relies on Islamists and Marxists who want to see Israel destroyed, he relies on people like Nikki Haley and Chris Sununu who stab Donald Trump in the back in favor of the GOP establishment. This is a country that is being destroyed from within by the Democrat Party and Joe Biden, and the worst culprit of all is the media pushing the Democrat propaganda party lines. Also, the Biden administration is reporting the Hamas propaganda numbers because the Democrat party is firmly in the camp of Islamic terrorists and special pleaders for Iran and the terror groups they fund. Iran caused October 7th and Biden paid for it and is still paying for terrorists either directly or indirectly. Later, Mark is joined by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to talk about the phony border bill being rammed through Congress and his time as Speaker of the House. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court set an April date to hear arguments on whether Donald Trump has immunity for official acts after he left office. The media sets it up differently – “Supreme Court sets April arguments over whether Trump can be prosecuted for election interference.” The AP headline already convicts Trump, they decided he’s guilty of election interference. Also, the so-called "uncommitted" Democrats are largely Arab-Muslim Democrats who are demanding that the Biden regime not only abandon Israel, but turn on Israel, which is exactly what Biden is doing in hopes of not losing battleground states like Michigan. This is a pressure campaign that is working, but for these so-called "uncommitted" Democrats, they will never be satisfied. The fact is that they and their pressure campaign are not receiving the kind of media focus and exposure that they deserve. It is part of the effort in our colleges and universities, and the street "protests," that are filled with Jewish hatred and antisemitism. And that's what this "uncommitted" vote is all about. Later, Sen Mitch McConnell is stepping down from Senate Republican leader and it’s long overdue. It’s funny watching the Democrat media mourn over McConnell. The say he’s the greatest leaders of all time. That’s a lie; he ran the Senate like a political mobster. Afterward, will America be fooled by this dangerous man in the Oval Office? The Democrat party is not your typical party – it needs to be viewed through the lens of an autocratic party. Free speech is shrinking while the police state grows. A government that has power to tell you what light blue you can use is a government that has unlimited power. The Democrat Party is the home of the American Marxist movement. Finally, Dave McCormick calls in to discuss his crucial Senate run against Sen Bob Casey, who’s voted with Biden 98% of the time.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the purpose of citizenship is to create shared values and a dominant culture, otherwise, a nation cannot function and ultimately fails because no country can survive mass migration from every corner of the earth. Marxist Democrats know this and are intentionally trying to destroy the American culture with a wide-open border and unlimited immigration. President Biden has burned down the border and is trying to take credit for fixing it by ramming a bill through Congress, and if passed he will take every loophole to keep the border wide open. Also, the U.N. is now warning about a nuclear Iran, which is not only on the brink of having nuclear weapons but multiple nuclear weapons. The Biden administration has most likely cut some sort of deal with Iran, which is why America is not attacking them. Later, Mark speaks with author Peter Schweizer about the dangers of Communist China and TikTok, and about his new book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. Finally, Mark is joined by television host and author Dr. Phil about the psyche of America and his new book, We've Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America's Soul and Sanity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrat media outlets like NBC News continue to lie about CPAC, equating it to a Nazi gathering or a white supremacy rally despite CPAC being a safe place for Jews. Also, if Donald Trump loses the 2024 election, it won't be because the Republican Party is divided, but because the leftist media and Democrat party joined with the Wall Street Journal and others in sabotaging his campaign. Nikki Haley has 3 delegates and has outspent Trump in every state so far, so how is it possible for Haley to be the only candidate who can win if she cannot even get through the Republican Party? Haley would have not been a U.N. ambassador if not for Trump, and she has lobbied for the corporatist and the worst of the worst in the Republican Party. Later, there are no more excuses for President Biden or the Democrat party and their open border, who have blood on their hands by allowing crime to pour into our country and human slavery on our southern border. Biden’s incompetence and stupidity have led to the disasters in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel, and are killing Americans too with a wide-open border. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Russia is on the offensive again in Ukraine because Ukraine is running out of ammunition. Russia knows America under President Biden is weak and does not have the resolve to stand up to Putin. What will the pacifist isolationists who do not want to support Ukraine say when Russia moves into the next country? The idea that there isn’t a special council specifically investigating Joe Biden, the Biden crime family, and their financial dealings is appalling. The corruption goes well beyond Joe and Hunter, as Jim Biden also benefitted using Joe Biden’s influence in a company called Americore. The blatant appearance of a conflict of interest is more than good enough to invoke a criminal investigation, but there is none. The civil fraud case against Donald Trump in New York is a travesty of the rule of law and an unjust political act by the Democrat party. President Biden and his regime have said to Congress and the American public through the Democrat media that the border has been secure for over 3 years. Then they say without a bipartisan border bill they wouldn’t be unable to secure the border. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. President Biden is a complete scam artist, who is unique from other politicians because he is a flat-out fraud. It is miraculous that Biden is somehow able to remain President of the United States despite his corrupt foreign business interests and Biden Crime Family business dealings. The southern border crisis and U.S. policies with Russia are two areas where Biden and his administration have been frauds most recently. Even after all of the sanctions against them, Russia is richer now than they ever have been in their country’s history. Meanwhile our southern border is wide open and accepting illegal immigrants from all over the world. You cannot legitimately claim asylum in America unless you are from Mexico, which is not the case with vast majority of the illegals. The U.N. is making the crisis worse by funding illegal immigration into our country, and even going as far as funding transportation and giving out debit cards to illegals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and his regime have said to Congress and the American public through the Democrat media that the border has been secure for over 3 years. Then they say without a bipartisan border bill they wouldn’t be unable to secure the border. Now, the Biden administartion is looking to executive orders to secure the border. We cannot tolerate our government continuously lying to us about things like immigration or the economy, especially while our borders are wide open and inflation is out of control. Also, David Weiss is doing the bidding of Biden to protect him from impeachment as a result of his involvement with Hunter Biden’s business dealings, especially with Burisma. The Biden DOJ and Weiss are in sync with the other stooges in the Democrat party to destroy the impeachment inquiry. Finally, Mark is joined by Congressman Andy Ogles (R-TN) to discuss the danger of Hamas sympathizers in America and the need to wipe out the terrorist group in the Middle East. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, NY Judge Engoron and AG Letitia James are violating Donald Trump’s 8th amendment - “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” Hundreds of years ago this is what the English monocry did. When you purchase a home or property, that represents your freedom and humanity. When a radical Judge and AG say they are taking it from you under the cover of a never-before-used statute - that’s an attack on your liberty and humanity. What should be done next? File a motion to stay accompanied by the motion with a request for expedited discovery in aid of the motion and 8th Amendment defense. Trump can bring about civil rights action, if the facts bear it out in depositions, against NY AG Letitia James and the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg that they were colluding for the purpose of denying Trump his constitutional rights. Also, brave Republicans in the House voted to impeach Mayorkas, correctly. Now the problem is some Senate Republicans. Thirteen Republican Senators are urging Sen. Mitch McConnell to force a formal impeachment trial, who might be trying to avoid a trial. Later, Iran is funding the wider conflict in the Middle East. Iran is training and arming the terrorists who are involved in this wider conflict and yet the Biden administration comes to the defense of Iran over and over again. This administration is pro-Iran, anti-American, and anti-Israel. Finally, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in to discuss Article V and the need for term limits and a balanced budget amendment. Gov DeSantis also explains why Nikki Haley is still in the Presidential race when Trump is dominating.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the idea that there isn’t a special council specifically investigating Joe Biden, the Biden crime family, and their financial dealings is appalling. The corruption goes well beyond Joe and Hunter, as Jim Biden also benefitted using Joe Biden’s influence in a company called Americore. The blatant appearance of a conflict of interest is more than good enough to invoke a criminal investigation, but there is none. The civil fraud case against Donald Trump in New York is a travesty of the rule of law and an unjust political act by the Democrat party. If the New York State appellate courts do not reverse this judgment, the U.S. Supreme Court must grant cert on this case and reverse the decision. Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engpron have essentially turned a vaguely worded New York State law into a modern-day Bill of Attainder targeted at Trump both for political gain and because they despise his political views. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is using this case against Donald Trump to attack him because Haley is the sieve through which Democrats and establishment Republicans are pouring their money. Later, two-thirds of the members of the United Nations are genocidal dictators, Marxists, or fascists, and the U.N. is the most concentrated group of America and Israel haters. Joe Biden and Antony Blinken have created a situation where the other U.N. nations are piling on against Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Russia is on the offensive again in Ukraine because Ukraine is running out of ammunition. Russia knows America under President Biden is weak and does not have the resolve to stand up to Putin. What will the pacifist isolationists who do not want to support Ukraine say when Russia moves into the next country? Russia is a military fascist state, where Putin pours money into military technology because he knows the only way Russia can compete with America is to have the next best thing. Also, Alvin Bragg has made the nondisclosure agreement case of Donald Trump intentionally difficult and has worked the system to install 2 Biden judges and have the case heard in a liberal venue. Bragg has twisted the law to turn a simple nondisclosure case into 34 felony charges against Trump. Later, President Biden has put forth a resolution to the U.N. that will force Israel into a ceasefire and surrender. Biden and Antony Blinken are working with the fake king of Qatar to protect Hamas and stop Israel just as they are on the precipice of eliminating Hamas. Finally, Mark is joined by WABC radio host Sid Rosenberg to discuss a recent trip to Israel and how the Biden regime is turning on Jews in the Middle East and in America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the media isn’t interested in listening to the context of what Trump said. Obviously, Trump wouldn’t let Russia attack NATO under his presidency. Trump’s not going to launch us into WW3, there was more peace under Trump than President Biden. We have a growing coalition of Islamists, Marxists, and isolationists who all attack America over its involvement in Ukraine and Israel, and we need our allies today just as we needed our allies during World War II. Vladimir Putin has nuclear weapons pointed at the United States, and the vast majority of Americans do not trust Putin because they know he is the enemy. Also, it looks like Putin is building technology to put nuclear weapons in space. It’s a game changer if they do and this is why we can’t have useful idiots saying that Putin is OK, and we are provoking him. There was a horrific shooting near the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory parade at Union Station. Kansas City Police said that one person is dead, and 22 others were injured by gunfire. Not a single of the 91 charges against Trump should have ever been brought, from the ballot denial case to the immunity ruling from the D.C. circuit panel. President Biden has been directly involved in several of the Trump cases, all to use Democrat judges, prosecutors, and jury pools to convict Trump and elect Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, a Democrat judge and jury have found Donald Trump guilty in a NY civil fraud case and has been ordered to pay $355 million in damages. This is a bogus case where no crime was ever committed and was only brought because the Marxist Democrats control the outcome, giving the appearance of a judicial system but there is no justice. The Democrat party is in the process of interfering in our election process under the guise of the rule of law, which is a tactic of totalitarian regimes. Trump is the target of the Democrat party and Democrat media, who are burning our Republic to the ground. Also, Vladimir Putin’s top political opponent and opposition leader died suddenly, marking another Putin assassination in order to keep him in power in Russia. Putin is not afraid of President Biden or of America under the Biden regime, just like Iran and China who are walking all over us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis testified in court and made it clear that she is a nutjob without the temperament or intelligence to uphold justice. This has turned into an IRS, FBI-level potential criminal case involving the use and abuse of taxpayer funds and failure to report various uses of piles of cash. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was in court in Manhattan involving standard nondisclosure agreements, but it is smeared as “hush money” by the Democrat media. Not a single of the 91 charges against Trump should have ever been brought, from the ballot denial case to the immunity ruling from the D.C. circuit panel. President Biden has been directly involved in several of the Trump cases, all to use Democrat judges, prosecutors, and jury pools to convict Trump and elect Biden. Also, Israel is now fighting a two-front war for its survival – one against Hamas and Iran-backed terror groups, and the other against the Biden Administration. Biden and his surrogates like Antony Blinken are betraying Israel and using the U.S. government to undermine their existence. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Michael Waltz (R-FL) about the national security threats of the Biden administration and threats posed by Iran and Russia. Finally, Mark is joined by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) to talk about the necessity of getting rid of Mitch McConnell, because he is an awful leader who has Republicans in a position where if they do not pass the outrageous border bill it will look bad. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, you are being lied to about the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment. Democrats are saying that impeaching him is wreckless and opening a pandora’s box – that’s not true. The greatest authority on impeachment was Raoul Berger who wrote the most detailed analysis of impeachment ever. Impeachment was placed in the Constitution for exactly this purpose. This is an open and shut case of high crimes. Also, it looks like Putin is building technology to put nuclear weapons in space. It’s a game changer if they do and this is why we can’t have useful idiots saying that Putin is OK, and we are provoking him. On top of Putin, Iran is an eye blink away from getting a nuclear weapon. When Trump was president Iran was close to destruction, but now under President Biden Iran is all muscled up. With all these threats Biden wants an 18% cut in the number of F-35 jets. Instead of focusing on Iran or Turkey, Biden is investigating Israel for potential war crimes. We now have all of the government looking for anything to pin on Israel completely undermining them. Later, there’s more information coming out that the CIA had foreign allies spy on Donald Trump and his team. Mark called this out on March 2, 2017. "If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference." Finally, there was a horrific shooting near the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory parade at Union Station. Kansas City Police said that one person is dead, and 22 others were injured by gunfire. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we have a growing coalition of Islamists, Marxists, and isolationists who all attack America over its involvement in Ukraine and Israel, and we need our allies today just as we needed our allies during World War II. Vladimir Putin has nuclear weapons pointed at the United States, and the vast majority of Americans do not trust Putin because they know he is the enemy. Ronald Reagan built up the military not to go to war but to prevent it because when our enemies see us as weak, we are most likely to be pulled into a war. We have people in the Republican Party who give aid and comfort to Hamas and tell Israel how to lose their war. Also, the House of Representatives voted to proceed with the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas for the crisis created on our southern border by him and President Biden. Mayorkas is the first cabinet member ever to be impeached and rightfully so for breaking his oath of office and failure to enforce immigration law. Later, Mark is joined by author Craig Shirley to discuss his new book, The Search for Reagan: The Appealing Intellectual Conservatism of Ronald Reagan. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the issue with President Biden is not his age – it’s his dementia. Biden will do anything for power, this he understands even in his mental state. Nothing shows this more than the frustration Biden has for AG Merrick Garland. Garland has bent over backward for Biden, but now he’s not good enough because he didn’t clean up Robert Hur’s special counsel’s report. Afterward, at face value, Donald Trump’s comments on NATO sounds like he’ll abandon NATO, but he won’t. Trump said it because he wants to scare NATO countries into paying their fair share. The media isn’t interested in listening to the context of what Trump said. Obviously, Trump wouldn’t let Russia attack NATO under his presidency. Trump’s not going to launch us into WW3, there was more peace under Trump than President Biden. Later, Biden was at a press conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan to team up and bash Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel. Jordan is a creation, it’s a fake country. The monarchy was installed by the British. Mark reminds us of black September, Jordan’s slaughter of Palestinian civilians. Also, the Super Bowl was a great game but there were two turn-offs. Enough of the Travis Kelce Taylor Swift public romance at the games, between the games, and everywhere else. The average fan doesn’t care. And Kelce lost all respect when he nearly knocked down Coach Andy Reid while screaming at him on the sideline. That is unacceptable. Finally, Mazi Pilip calls in to discuss her special election for Rep George Santos’ seat in NY on Tuesday, February 13. This race comes down to open borders vs secure nation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, the talking points of the Democrat party and the media claimed for years that the southern border was secure, but now they are telling us if the massive new border bill is not passed it will not be secure. Also, the land of Israel has always been important for Christians over the centuries, from Jerusalem to Nazareth to Bethlehem, and it continues to be important today. America is $300 trillion in debt, and providing $14 billion for munitions for Israel changes none of that. Terrorists and terrorist nations that surround Israel are executing a new crusade, and they seek to wipe out Judaism, Christianity, Muslims with whom they disagree, the West, and anyone or anything that stands in their way. Israel is on the frontlines of this war, shedding blood to protect our faiths and history, while the Biden regime is providing tens of billions to Iran and virtually every terrorist group surrounding Israel. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is not just a Marxist Obama ideologue, but is a traitor to the United States and may be the Alger Hiss of the modern era. The Democrats and the media are furious with a report from the special counsel about President Biden’s classified documents because it exposes Biden as a feeble old man with dementia who should be removed under the 25th Amendment. Biden was unable to remember key details and basic facts and had entirely forgotten that he was even Vice President for 8 years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden committed serial felonies under the Espionage Act during his long and lousy career in Washington D.C. despite what the special counsel concluded. Biden was not the President at the time of these violations and has no executive privilege, unlike Donald Trump who had the power to declassify documents as the executive branch. This is a cover-up, not of the facts, but because of the lack of prosecution of Biden for knowingly stealing classified information for decades. If it is true that immunity does not follow a president when he leaves office and returns to the private sector as Democrats are claiming with Trump, the same should be done to go after Biden by the next Republican administration. Also, there are several organizations and individuals who are now calling for Nikki Haley to suspend her campaign and drop out of the 2024 presidential primary in order to unite the Republican party behind Donald Trump.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrats and the media are furious with a report from the special counsel about President Biden’s classified documents because it exposes Biden as a feeble old man with dementia who should be removed under the 25th Amendment. Biden was unable to remember key details and basic facts and had entirely forgotten that he was even Vice President for 8 years. At the same time, the Democrat party and the Biden regime are behind the push to apply the 14th Amendment to Donald Trump to disqualify him from the election. All Democrats care about is power, which is why they have hidden Biden as much as possible. The President is the Executive branch and has the power to declassify information, which is why the case against Trump is bogus. Trump could not have violated the Espionage Act, unlike Biden and Hillary Clinton who were not President and stole classified documents. The willful removal and disclosure of classified information falls directly into the Espionage Act, which is exactly what Biden did for 40 years, and stashed them in his garage. The fact is they threw the book at Trump who had the power to declassify, but they let Biden go free despite being guilty and caught red-handed because he’s old and feeble. Later, Mark speaks with Jim Trusty, former lawyer for Donald Trump, to discuss the special counsel report about Joe Biden’s mental capacity and their refusal to prosecute Biden despite being guilty with mountains of evidence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is not just a Marxist Obama ideologue, but is a traitor to the United States and may be the Alger Hiss of the modern era. Blinken is a special pleader for terrorists in the Middle East and the Islamonazi regime in Iran, who are on the precipice of having nuclear weapons and are putting Americans at risk. He is effectively arming up our enemies with tens of billions of dollars while working with surrounding Arab nations to destroy Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is a modern-day Winston Churchill standing up to Hamas and terror groups funded by Iran, and unfortunately also having to stand up to President Biden and Blinken, who are trying to sabotage Israel and prevent them from total victory. The American media is so corrupt that if they were around in WWII we would have lost to Germany and the Axis powers. Also, a high-level Iranian spy ring was busted in Washington D.C., which ran through the offices of Robert Malley – a boyhood friend of Antony Blinken. Iranian spies were able to infiltrate the Biden State Department under Antony Blinken and shape U.S. policy to favor Iran. This would explain why we haven’t properly retaliated to Iran killing American soldiers and why we are giving Iran billions of dollars. Finally, Mark speaks with Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) about the 2024 election and the disastrous border bill being pushed through Congress that would enshrine Marxist Democrat open-border policies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, America is $300 trillion in debt, and providing $14 billion for munitions for Israel changes none of that. Terrorists and terrorist nations that surround Israel are executing a new crusade, and they seek to wipe out Judaism, Christianity, Muslims with whom they disagree, the West, and anyone or anything that stands in their way. Israel is on the frontlines of this war, shedding blood to protect our faiths and history, while the Biden regime is providing tens of billions to Iran and virtually every terrorist group surrounding Israel. Also, Alejandro Mayorkas lied to Congress over and over about the security of our border and has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution just like President Biden, and both deserve to be impeached. Biden has the power today to secure the border, and it is power that has been used by presidents of both parties for decades. Later, The D.C. Circuit Court is now the most recklessly leftwing in the nation, which was the intention of Obama and Harry Reid when they expanded it and then populated it with Democrat Party operatives. The Biden regime and his hand-picked special counsel have charged Donald Trump with 4 phony crimes, but they have a radical judge, jury, and prosecutor itching to get at it. They have combed the criminal code looking for bogus statutes, especially while Trump is running for the presidency, and all intentional to sabotage his re-election. Finally, Mark is joined by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to talk about Joe Biden’s destruction of the southern border while blaming Donald Trump for the crisis that was created by the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the talking points of the Democrat party and the media claimed for years that the southern border was secure, but now they are telling us if the massive new border bill is not passed it will not be secure. Democrats want to effectively legalize all of the illegal immigrants that are coming in when the reality is nobody who comes illegally should be allowed to stay. This is exactly how the Washington D.C. elites operate because their policies are not felt inside the Beltway and destroy the rest of the country. The radical Marxist Democrats have destroyed citizenship, the security of our border, and American sovereignty, all of which have caused death and destruction in America. The Biden Administration only needs to enforce existing immigration laws to end this crisis, but we will never get that or a border wall while Democrats are in control. Also, the land of Israel has always been important for Christians over the centuries, from Jerusalem to Nazareth to Bethlehem, and it continues to be important today. Christianity was born in modern-day Israel and before that so was Judaism, and despite it always being under attack from outsiders the Christians and Jews survived. Later, Mark is joined by Stephen Miller, founder of America First Legal and former Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump, to talk about the humanitarian crisis the Democrats have created on our southern border and the destructive border bill being pushed through Congress by Democrats. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Today was a great day for Donald Trump on the legal front because the January 6 case against him was punted indefinitely. Jack Smith’s January 6 case against Trump was always the case that Democrats wanted to get to a conclusion to as quickly as possible and before Election Day because it would sink his chances at re-election. It is almost impossible for the Trump team to get an unbiased jury in Washington D.C. and this case is the crown jewel in the Trump cases. Also, there have been efforts by the radical left to undermine our national border security since before Trump was president. What we have learned this week confirms the Biden administration’s effort to flood our country with illegal aliens. Biden is bringing more illegal immigrants into America every day at our expense, costing over $100 billion in services for illegal immigrants – about $1,156 per taxpayer. Later, the Biden administration finally responded to the killing of US soldiers in the Middle East by unleashing over 85 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. The White House is halting the permitting process for liquid natural gas over their potential impact on climate change. The Biden Administration did this not for the environment, but to sanction a state they are unhappy with, which in this case is Texas for protecting their border. This is the first time in our country’s history where the federal government sanctions Americans like we sanction countries like Iran and Russia because Biden is doing exactly what dictators do to citizens that disobey. Also, Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib were the only people in Congress to vote against a bill that would ban anyone who participated in the October 7 terror attacks against Israel from coming to America. The Democrat party is dead and does not exist for Americans, and the party of Bill Clinton and Tipp O’Neil is long gone. This is a Marxist party masquerading as Democrats who support terrorists and changing a country through open borders. Later, Republicans are demanding a draft of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s speech about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor involved in the Burisma case and the withholding of funds until he was fired. Biden had the prosecutor fired to protect Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. Despite the endless Democrat campaign to bring down Donald Trump, he is still ahead of President Biden in the polls of the 7 states that matter most. None of the nonsense with DA Fani Willis in Georgia will affect Trump at all, and he will still win these states by a good percentage. Every single day the left and the federal government wage their campaign against Trump and Jack Smith’s endless attacks remind Americans they could be next. Democrats are making Trump endearing and relatable to the majority who feel they have a target on their back. Also, Texas is not defying the Federal government for defending its own property from illegal immigrants. If Governor Greg Abbott wants to put up razor wire to protect his land he has every right to do so no matter what Democrats say. Later, the government never fixes any problems but only makes them worse, which is why we should be worried about Republicans working with big tech CEOs at a hearing on cyberbullying. We are living in an age right now where the government monitors everything we do and say, and we have a Democrat party that wants to use that for their advantage. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. If our southern border was secure, just like we have been told by President Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas, then why is a new law needed to secure the border? For three years they have lied to us about our border being broken, but since it is an election year Biden is going to do something about it after letting chaos reign loose on purpose. This is all spin so the Democrats can claim to care about border security and blame the crisis on Donald Trump. Also, it has been three days since three U.S. soldiers were killed in a missile attack in the Middle East, and two Navy SEALs were also killed recently, because of Biden’s disastrous foreign policy and inability to run our military. Iran was put in a box and under control during the Trump Administration and the world was safe until Biden let them out, yet it is Biden claiming Trump will get us into wars if he is elected. Democrats want you to believe that the world is safer with Biden and that Donald Trump will start a war. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, WW3 is upon us - with China and Iran. The Biden administration's appeasement policies have only encouraged attacks by the Iranian regime - most recently the young servicemen and women killed in an attack - all funded by the Biden administration. You don't give your enemy money, you cut off money. The enemy has to fear America - you don’t keep telling them what a coward you are. Some Republicans say you have to declare war in every instance, that’s insane and will get a lot of people killed. A President can’t declare war to Congress every time a terrorist state through its surrogates attacks us - or else Congress will be all tied up. Meanwhile, Democrats have ruined once great, beautiful cities. Gone are the days of San Francisco being safe and breathtaking. California, the most beautiful state in the country - a bastion of liberalism is ruined! Gov Gavin Newsom is trying to convience you that Biden is the greatest President. What he’s really doing ios alerting Democrats that if Biden drops out of the race, he’s ready. Newsom is what’s wrong with America. Also, the Democrats position for the last 3 years under Biden has been that the border is secure. What changed? Why does Biden need new powers for the border? Biden’s staff could write one executive order to reverse Trump’s executive orders at the border and solve the problem. Later, Matt Taibbi calls in to discuss the Democrat electoral fix. “The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America's first lawfare election.” Finally, Mark is joined by Peter Navarro to talk about the jail time he faces - four months in prison – for committing the crime of being a patriot. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, our country is dying not because of our constitution or governmental system, but because it is being purposefully destroyed by the elite ruling class establishment in Washington D.C. The American people need a leader and a statesman who is going to bring this country back, and it is not Nikki Haley, who is relying on the left and their billionaires for votes. President Biden’s foreign policy ideology is defeatism and surrender, which is worse than appeasement because he is literally arming our enemies. If Trump were president and our soldiers were attacked by the Houthis or anyone else, he would respond with overwhelming power because America First means America First, especially soldiers. Five Justices of the Supreme Court, specifically Chief Justice John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett, voted against securing the border and enforcing immigration, allowing President Biden to continue to obliterate our immigration system and our border. We have the highest amount of slavery since the Civil War occurring in America right now thanks to an open border allowing cartels to operate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the border patrol officially reported the highest number of recorded encounters in December and the most arrests of people on the FBI terror watch list. The RINOs, Democrats and their media are in full cover-up mode over the security of the border and the crisis created by the Biden Administration. President Biden has destroyed the border and now that America has turned against him, Biden is acting as the savior and calling for the power to shut down the border. Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas have said over and over that the border is secure and there is no crisis, only for Biden to say today he needs executive control to secure the border. Donald Trump is the first person to make immigration the number one issue in our country and demand we secure our border for moral, economic, security, and citizenship reasons. Trump was called a racist despite everything he said would happen coming true, with our country being invaded by countries that hate us. This is why people support Trump because the American people have had enough of the lectures from Washington elites and liberal media editorial pages. Also, Biden pressured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale down the war against Hamas in Gaza because Biden is afraid of losing young voters in the election. Biden doesn’t care how many Israelis or IDF soldiers die or if they lose the war, because it is all about his election and staying in power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, five Justices of the Supreme Court, specifically Chief Justice John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett, voted against securing the border and enforcing immigration, allowing President Biden to continue to obliterate our immigration system and our border. We have the highest amount of slavery since the Civil War occurring in America right now thanks to an open border allowing cartels to operate. Biden does not have the power to defy federal law, which is why his disregard for our country’s immigration law should be his first article of impeachment. The Roberts Supreme Court will be looked upon as the court that upheld slavery on our southern border by giving a seal of approval to the federal government to prevent Texas from protecting its own border. Also, Mark speaks with reporter Julie Kelly about the Donald Trump case in Georgia and the soap opera of Georgia DA Fani Willis and her alleged lover. There have been multiple written communications between Willis, her lover, and the White House, which debunks the idea that the Biden White House has not been directly involved in the Trump prosecution. Later, Mark is joined by Miranda Devine about a report created by former and serving FBI agents that highlights the DEI disaster pushed by Christopher Wray that has been a disaster for the FBI. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump’s victory in New Hampshire is much bigger than people realize, with 70% of Republicans voting for Trump making it a landslide in a true primary. Trump has received over 50% of the vote in both Iowa and New Hampshire now which is also a remarkable feat. The media, Democrats, and establishment Republicans are saying the same things about Trump as they used to about Ronald Reagan, who was a major success and had a landslide victory. The criticism of Trump is not new because the Republican establishment has always been against candidates like him and Reagan, although it is strange since Trump has already won an election. Also, President Biden’s foreign policy ideology is defeatism and surrender, which is worse than appeasement because he is literally arming our enemies. If Trump were president and our soldiers were attacked by the Houthis or anyone else, he would respond with overwhelming power because America First means America First, especially soldiers. Later, Qatar has a ton of oil underground and is second only to communist China in how much money they pour into our colleges and universities to turn out anti-Semitic protesters. Qatar funds Hamas and supports other terrorist organizations just like Iran does, meanwhile, Joe Biden extended a U.S. military base in Qatar for 10 years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Nikki Haley is sounding more and more like a Democrat after coming in 3rd in Iowa and banking her entire campaign on New Hampshire, where she came in 2nd. Haley has every RINO governor campaigning for her like Asa Hutchinson and John Sununu, and is using Democrat knee-jerk talking points like race and gender. She is relying on non-Republicans to win the Republican primary, but she is no Margaret Thatcher and no match for Joe Biden and the Marxist Democrats. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, and even if Haley may win some New England states she has no chance in deep red states. Also, Mark speaks with David Friedman, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, about the attacks in Israel and losses of IDF soldiers, and the Biden administration’s response and pressure for surrendering land to Hamas, which is giving aid and comfort to our enemies in the Middle East. Later, Mark is joined by Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) to discuss his investigation into the January 6 committee to undo the false narrative they have created and get the real truth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, our country is dying not because of our constitution or governmental system, but because it is being purposefully destroyed by the elite ruling class establishment in Washington D.C. The American people need a leader and a statesman who is going to bring this country back, and it is not Nikki Haley, who is relying on the left and their billionaires for votes. There were two good Conservatives in the race until Ron DeSantis suspended his campaign, leaving only Donald Trump. Haley has nothing to offer America, and if Conservatives cannot nominate and elect a strong leader, we will lose this country. Also, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision without explanation that the federal government can cut the state of Texas’ border protection and cut their razor wire. John Roberts is a chameleon and Amy Coney Barrett has become a disappointment who can't think for herself. The issue isn’t about federal authority or policies about enforcing existing immigration law but about the federal authority violating the U.S. Constitution. Later, over 100 encrypted files related to the January 6 investigation were mysteriously deleted shortly before Republicans took over the investigation. Bennie Johnson, Liz Cheney, and the Democrats destroyed evidence that they never wanted to see the light of day because Liberals cherrypicked and removed things that contradicted their narrative. Finally, Mark speaks with Mazi Pilip, the Republican candidate to fill the seat of George Santos in a special election for New York’s 13th district. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, the Islamonazi terrorists see weakness in the Biden Administration, and these are murderers who want to blow us off the face of the earth. Biden’s responses to the Houthi attacks and the oil tanker attack have been miserable, and now Iran has committed a major act of war with drone attacks. The Democrat Party's racist segregationists are back, just in a different way than the Democrat Party did 100 years ago, and almost all of them are college graduates and in the media. Democrats are trying to control Israel by taking down PM Benjamin Netanyahu through leaks to the media and working behind the scenes with individuals in Israel to betray Netanyahu. Democrat Marxist indoctrination of things like LatCrit in our schools and universities is exactly how we get things like open borders. What Democrats want is not immigration, but the destruction of American society through a wide open border, because Biden and the left will tolerate fentanyl and sex trafficking if it will give them power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media’s plan to sway voters to vote for President Biden is to paint Donald Trump as a threat to democracy. Trump never defied a Supreme Court or judicial ruling while president, while Biden has already defied 2 with student loans and using agencies to freeze rent levels. Biden rules by executive order while his bureaucracy like the EPA rules through regulations, and he and Democrats will claim to be the saviors of Democracy. Also, Nikki Haley is going nowhere fast, which is good because she has become the focus of the GOP establishment and the corporatist media because they have become her base. Haley is a terrible candidate who doesn’t even understand our country’s history and cannot even answer questions about slavery and the Constitution. Later, there has never been an honest debate about abortion in America because the vast majority of American people have never seen the procedure, especially in the later term when it is a human being. The media and the left will never allow the debate for that reason alone because it is grotesque. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there are a high amount of slaves in America today at the southern border thanks to human trafficking, but President Biden and the American media have no problem with modern-day slavery and are doing nothing about it. We have been exposed to the highest level of anti-Semitism ever from the Democrat Marxists, and they are doing exactly the same thing to Hispanics with things like Latino Critical Legal Theory (LatCrit). Democrat Marxist indoctrination of things like LatCrit in our schools and universities is exactly how we get things like open borders. What Democrats want is not immigration, but the destruction of American society through a wide open border, because Biden and the left will tolerate fentanyl and sex trafficking if it will give them power. Civil rights Marxism is the opposite of freedom and leads to crime in the streets like we see in Democrat cities like New York and Philadelphia. Also, we have a government sending cabinet members to Israel in an effort to disrupt Benjamin Netanyahu’s government by breaking up his coalition. The effort by the Biden administration to try and exploit the unrest in Israel and push for the creation of a larger Palestinian state is despicable. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are trying to control Israel by taking down PM Benjamin Netanyahu through leaks to the media and working behind the scenes with individuals in Israel to betray Netanyahu. The left is doing the bidding of Hamas and Senators like Bernie Sanders while Iran works towards acquiring a nuclear weapon. The Islamists in our country populate our schools, our media, and the Democrat party, and we have never seen as much pressure put on Israel as we have now. We have an administration that is hell-bent on destroying the state of Israel while giving our enemies billions of dollars to attack us and Israel. None of this was happening under President Trump, and there is chaos and war in the Middle East now under Biden, Blinken, and Obama. Also, The Biden Department of Justice is suing Texas for defending its border from illegal immigrants, and they are blaming them for the death of three migrants. The Biden Administration is blaming the Republican party and Trump just for enforcing the existing immigration law. Biden’s disregard and lack of enforcement of our country’s immigration law is an impeachable offense and should be the first item in the articles of impeachment against Biden. The Democrat party is destroying free speech, academic freedom, the judiciary, and the entire process of having trials and investigations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus in a historic landslide, but what we are not hearing is that Nikki Haley completely failed. Haley is the great establishment ruling class hope in both the Republican and Democrat parties, who threw massive amounts of money to get behind her. The media today are doing things that the media 50 or 100 years ago would have never dreamed of, which is totalitarian journalism and a media class that has a great deal in common with state-run media in Iran, China, Russia, and all of the other genocidal regimes. They are there to promote and defend the centralized government and the political party that supports Marxist movements. The Democrat Party's racist segregationists are back, just in a different way than the Democrat Party did 100 years ago, and almost all of them are college graduates and in the media. Also, the former prime minister of Pakistan is in prison over bogus charges, which is exactly what the Democrat party wants to do to Trump to keep him out of the presidential election. The Democrat party does not care about the country or the people, but the power of the party and the ruling class elites. Later, Disney is quadrupling down on DEI, hiring Biden’s chief diversity officer to destroy the Disney theme parks. They have destroyed Disneyland, Disneyworld, Disney movies, and Disney TV shows with this crackpot propaganda. Now is the time for strong conservatives like Trump and Ron DeSantis who will stand up for our values and fight back against the woke agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Nikki Haley is the Washington D.C. candidate backed by the GOP establishment and people like Charles Koch, and she has used enormous sums of money to sway independents to vote in the Iowa caucuses and then switch their party affiliation back after the vote. Haley has completely sold out to the special interest groups and the D.C. swamp, and she is not a Conservative. Democrats want to put Donald Trump in prison and make Nikki Haley the Republican nominee for president. Also, the Islamonazi terrorists see weakness in the Biden Administration, and these are murderers who want to blow us off the face of the earth. Biden’s responses to the Houthi attacks and the oil tanker attack have been miserable, and now Iran has committed a major act of war with drone attacks. Biden has created a domestic Hamas in the United States through his policies and open borders and created a Marxist movement that is in every aspect of our culture. Later, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell have never been closer in pushing the Biden border agenda because they are teaming up against Conservatives and Americans. The immigration bill being proposed is a disaster and a massive amnesty, which would allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come and remain in America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, the Democrat party and the media have a long history of labeling people they do not like as Hitler, from Ronald Reagan to Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump. Also, there is only one way to bring the Hamas hostage issue to an end in Gaza, and that is for Israel to take hostages too for them to make a swap. Hamas only takes hostages in order to get money from the Biden administration and to get their own terrorists back. Chris Christie finally suspended his Presidential campaign. Christie is an angry, ruling-class establishment Republican from the Bush administration, and is doing what establishment Republicans always do – sabotage their opponents. The same was done in 1980 with Ronald Reagan, who won a landslide victory even with a third-party candidate. We cannot let people like Christie and John Sununu destroy real conservatives like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis while pushing the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley. President Biden is re-arming our terrorist enemies in the Middle East through his appeasement, and as a result, the war in the Middle East has expanded because of our unwillingness to take out military sites in Iran. Iran has come out from behind Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and has now seized an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman with U.S. interest. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump joins Mark to discuss the disinformation from the Democrat party and press, who paint Trump as a dictator while President Biden defies the Supreme Court and has our borders wide open. Iran was broke after the Trump administration which meant they had no money to fund terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, but now Iran has billions from Biden removing sanctions. The Democrat Marxist ideology seeks to change the American people into dispirited, tentative, and compliant citizens who are subservient to the government. In truth, the Democrat party and their surrogates seek a despotic government. Nobody with any objectivity would hire Joe Biden for anything, but Biden is being pushed by a corrupt Democrat media and billionaire donors trying to destroy our constitutional republic. Also, Iran is on the brink of having a nuclear weapon and we have quislings like Biden and Antony Blinken who seem to think that we ought not to defend ourselves and the bad guys will just go away, except appeasing these terrorists only emboldens them. This is why the world is on the brink of war – not because of the strength of the American military, but the decision to stand idly by while the world is burning. The only reason we have these forever wars is because we do not seek victory. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is re-arming our terrorist enemies in the Middle East through his appeasement, and as a result, the war in the Middle East has expanded because of our unwillingness to take out military sites in Iran. Iran has come out from behind Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and has now seized an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman with U.S. interest. Biden has learned what Neville Chamberlain learned before World War 2; you cannot re-arm your enemies and survive. In three years, Biden has destroyed our border, our currency, our economy, and peace in the Middle East. American Marxists are on the loose and have the run of academia, the media, and the executive branch, and they are burning down as many institutions and customs in record time. Also, Hunter Biden is being portrayed as the victim by the leftist media because of his drug addiction, and yet not a word is said about Hunter’s victims and the young women who were abused and trafficked. Hunter shook down China and Ukraine to pocket millions of dollars by using his father’s name and laundered it through shell corporations, and Joe is even worse because he is hiding behind his son. If Hunter wasn’t doing anything wrong, why wouldn’t he involve Joe and talk about his business dealings? Finally, Fani Willis’ lover went to the White House twice before Willis brought charges against Trump, and also secretly colluded with the January 6 committee. Joe Biden and his henchmen at the DOJ are behind every single case against Donald Trump, and yet the Democrat media will never talk about the corruption. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie finally suspended his Presidential campaign. Christie is an angry, ruling-class establishment Republican from the Bush administration, and is doing what establishment Republicans always do – sabotage their opponents. The same was done in 1980 with Ronald Reagan, who won a landslide victory even with a third-party candidate. We cannot let people like Christie and John Sununu destroy real conservatives like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis while pushing the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley. Also, Congress voted to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of court, but unlike Trump allies like Paul Manafort and Peter Navarro, Hunter has not been charged with anything yet. If the DOJ does not charge Hunter Biden, then there will need to be an equal protection case, because he is getting special treatment as Joe Biden’s son and knows that if anything happens, Joe will pardon Hunter. Joe Biden is the John Gotti president and has been corrupt his entire life, but AG Merrick Garland will never investigate the Biden Crime Family. The Democrat party is the insurrectionist party and has destroyed our sovereignty and our Constitution, and we are the ones trying to fix it. Later, if Israel had not stopped Hamas immediately after October 7, Hamas would have destroyed the entire country. Palestinian hospitals have been turned into terrorist rats’ nests, and innocent women and children are raped by Hamas every day. Finally, Mark speaks with Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, about the threat of Iran getting a nuclear weapon and the Democrat media allowing the Biden administration to get away with re-arming Iran and terrorists in the Middle East. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the new precedent being set by Democrats is if you cannot indict a sitting president, you can wait in the shadows and indict them once they are out of office, which would be a disastrous consequence. The President is the head of the Executive branch and can theoretically tell anybody in any department what to do because they are unelected appointees. A hypothetical example brought up in court today to target Donald Trump was about what if the president used Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival, and it shows how extreme these courts and prosecutors have become. We have a DOJ, FBI, and Democrat media that allows this and acts like nothing is going on while Biden suggests Trump is Hitler and his supporters are brownshirts. Also, there is only one way to bring the Hamas hostage issue to an end in Gaza, and that is for Israel to take hostages too for them to make a swap. Hamas only takes hostages in order to get money from the Biden administration and to get their own terrorists back. If Israel wants to lose a war, lose more of its people, and suffer another attack like October 7, then they should listen to Biden and Blinken because that is what their resolution would lead to. Later, the people of Iowa should not be fooled by Nikki Haley and her nonstop campaign ads trashing Ron DeSantis. The plan of the ruling class Republicans and Mitch McConnell types is for her to come in second so she can try and beat Trump in New Hampshire. The GOP Establishment wants to get rid of the Reaganites which is why Haley is backed by organizations that we have been fighting for years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party and the media have a long history of labeling people they do not like as Hitler, from Ronald Reagan to Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump. The Republican establishment and the Democrat media tried to destroy Goldwater from within just as they are doing to Trump today with people like Chris Christie and John Sununu. It is a huge problem for the American people to have a corrupt media like we have today. Also, Fulton County DA Fani Willis had a relationship with and financially benefitted from the special prosecutor in the Trump case in Georgia. Over the weekend there was a big leak out of the special prosecutor’s office in D.C. that helps the government and harms Trump. Trump is being gagged while at the same time, the Department of Justice is poisoning jury pools by selectively leaking information. Meanwhile, the DOJ is now looking to prosecute anyone who was simply outside of the Capitol on January 6, but Democrat “peaceful” protestors like Antifa and BLM get a slap on the wrist. Later, Mark is joined by Dave McCormick, Senate candidate for PA, about Biden’s pressure on Israel to surrender to Hamas and how Israel is the tip of the spear in the fight against a terrorist ideology that threatens us all. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, just because it’s a new year does not mean we can expect anything different from the Biden Administration regarding the border, the economy, or the Middle East. We are under an insurrection right now, not January 6, and the Democrat media is accountable for the great divide in this country by not reporting the truth. Harvard's millionaire serial plagiarist and moral reprobate Claudine Gay has become a media, civil rights, and Democrat Party hero overnight, not because she's a victim but because she got to be president of Harvard by means of the American Marxist agenda. Also, the meaning of the 14th Amendment is clear, it was written to identify Confederate officers as insurrectionists, but Democrats are rewriting history to make that include the President so it can be applied to Trump. This won’t stop people like Chris Christie from going on The View and sounding like an unhinged blithering idiot to call Trump an insurrectionist. President Biden’s angry January 6th speech wasn’t just a speech about January 6, he was sending a message to the DOJ and Jack Smith – Trump is Hitler and you must stop him because the voters may not. This speech was directed at Jack Smith, the Supreme Court, the judges, the prosecutors, and the jury pool to stop Trump before election day. Biden’s speech insinuated that you’re Nazis because you won’t vote for him. Biden wants you to think about January 6 not about Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about his utter policy failures. He doesn’t want you to think about his wide-open border. He wants you to think he’s George Washington and Donald Trump is Hitler. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden’s angry January 6th speech wasn’t just a speech about January 6, he was sending a message to the DOJ and Jack Smith – Trump is Hitler and you must stop him because the voters may not. This speech was directed at Jack Smith, the Supreme Court, the judges, the prosecutors, and the jury pool to stop Trump before election day. Biden’s speech insinuated that you’re Nazis because you won’t vote for him. Biden wants you to think about January 6 not about Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about his utter policy failures. He doesn’t want you to think about his wide-open border. He wants you to think he’s George Washington and Donald Trump is Hitler. Biden doesn’t talk about the leaders of Hamas the way he talks about Trump. Biden is an autocrat and demagogue who is destroying democracy. In Biden’s America today, our founding history is under assault, and families and faith are being degraded. Capitalism is being devoured by climate change fanaticism. Free speech is shrinking, and the police state is growing. Crime is out of control while police budgets are being slashed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is playing from the same playbook that the Democrats put out against Donald Trump in 2020, claiming to save our democracy while burning down our Constitutional republic. Biden has a decades-long history of bigotry and white supremacy, and he is a diabolical simpleton that only cares about power and enriching his family. Biden is a Marxist wannabe implementing the Obama-Sanders Marxist plan, and the pathetic media will let Biden run as the savior of democracy. Also, the meaning of the 14th Amendment is clear, it was written to identify Confederate officers as insurrectionists, but Democrats are rewriting history to make that include the President so it can be applied to Trump. This won’t stop people like Chris Christie from going on The View and sounding like an unhinged blithering idiot to call Trump an insurrectionist. We are being led into another Civil War with all of the election interference and efforts to remove Trump from the ballot. Later, Mark speaks with Trent Staggs, candidate for Senate in Utah, about the upcoming election and an anti-Semitic situation with Kyrie Irving at a Utah Jazz game. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Harvard's millionaire serial plagiarist and moral reprobate Claudine Gay has become a media, civil rights, and Democrat Party hero overnight, not because she's a victim but because she got to be president of Harvard by means of the American Marxist agenda. The same people defending Gay are among the most vicious, hateful, and vile figures smearing Clarence Thomas or any conservative minority. The American Marxists own our colleges and universities, and they want no oversight, no transparency, and no real academic freedom and free speech on these campuses because they are the Marxist indoctrination mills of the Democrat Party. Gay is the quintessential result of the ideological advancement of the left. Also, Democrats want the 2024 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden to be Adolf Hitler versus George Washington. Biden will do or say anything for power and it is repulsive, and will run a campaign of lies against Trump. Biden hates America and Democracy, which is why he promotes Marxism and equity at every turn and racializes every event. Later, the 1,000-page Jeffrey Epstein list was released, and it is not good news for people like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. Despite the effort by the left to smear people like Trump and Alan Dershowitz, there is no evidence connecting them with Epstein’s criminal activity. Finally, Mark speaks with Kansas State Representative Michael Murphy about the Convention of States movement and the last great hope we have to address the reengineering of our constitutional republic by the radical left. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, just because it’s a new year does not mean we can expect anything different from the Biden Administration regarding the border, the economy, or the Middle East. We are under an insurrection right now, not January 6, and the Democrat media is accountable for the great divide in this country by not reporting the truth. The leftist media, open borders, and Marxist classrooms are the iron triangle of the Democrat party. Borders are crucial for a nation to maintain its sovereignty, and because we have an open border, we now have people in our country supporting terrorism and the annihilation of Jews and hate America. Everything the Democrats do is a war against the middle class and the private sector, and Americans have had enough experience with big government to know that it is a problem. Also, not a single person has been charged with an insurrection related to January 6, yet the Democrat media continues to use this to smear Donald Trump as an insurrectionist. The Marxist left is cheering on the destruction of our democracy and constitutional republicanism, especially the effort underway to remove Trump from the ballot. If a single democrat official in a state can decide that a candidate from the other party cannot run just because of how they feel, the precedent set would be disastrous. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best of Mark Levin on News Years Day! There are impeachable offenses that have been committed by President Biden that every American can understand and are affected by, like the obliteration of our immigration laws and giving aid and financial support to a regime in Iran that is attacking American soldiers. The mayhem and humanity taking place on the southern border will not be covered by the Democrat media, which is leaving tens of thousands of people dead. If we cannot control our sovereignty we cannot control our country, and this is being done intentionally to drive an ideological agenda. The Biden Crime family selling the office is definitely a reason to impeach as well, but other important impeachable offenses are not being discussed by the media or the Republicans. Meanwhile, Jack Smith is constantly pushing the envelope and looking for ways to twist laws and apply them in a way that was never meant to be applied, like with the Klansman Act. Judge Chutkan is setting a dangerous precedent by charging Trump, and we cannot allow a prosecutor or a judge that does something that violates the Framers’ intention of separation of government. Also, Biden is demanding that Israel conclude its ground war with Hamas within the next three weeks and telling the Israeli people that they must give up their ancestral homes to the Palestinians. Biden is undermining the state of Israel by blocking armaments and also calling for Netanyahu to be removed as Prime Minister while sabotaging him. Later, University presidents like those of Harvard, MIT, and the now former president of UPenn, do not understand the history of the 1st amendment and allow their institutions to criminally promote anti-Semitism. These anti-Semitic threats and mobs on college campuses are not protected speech, and what they are arguing for is not protected either. The Supreme Court has said so as well, but under President Biden and Merrick Garland not a single U.S. Attorney has brought charges against anybody. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO’s Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. 2024 might be a year of optimism and action that generational political change is here since President Biden and the Democrats are ruining this country. We’re at a turning point that our country hasn’t been at in decades. The trends are our friends and something big is happening here. There was a political shift and Florida was the epicenter of it. We are facing another opportunity for a Reagan Revolution this year. Republicans need to encourage the principles of good traditional Republican and Conservative practices. Joe Biden has created a shift in the Democrat party regarding the trust voters have for him hitting new lows with a whopping 26% approval rating. Also, how many illegal immigrants are in college and how much are we paying for it? The Biden administration is making things better for the illegal immigrants. Biden is using illegal immigrants for eventual votes since he likes to pretend that there is nothing he can do regarding the border. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. Nikki Haley is getting backlash for leaving out slavery as a cause for the Civil War while at a campaign event in New Hampshire. Instead of destroying her like they would to Trump or DeSantis, the Democrat media is protecting Haley because the left is propping her up just like the GOP Establishment and the Kochs. The Bush Establishment has decided that they cannot defeat Trump and are now going to do whatever they can do to push Haley as the Trump alternative. Also, the Secretary of State of Maine has now decided to remove Donald Trump from the ballot just like Colorado, citing insurrection as the reason as well. This is exactly why we need the Supreme Court to take on this case and make a ruling in order to stop this judicial whack-a-mole because this is now a crisis. Meanwhile, Jack Smith is using his unlimited power to make Trump a political prisoner and interfere in the 2024 election. The endgame for Democrats is to keep Trump off the ballot one way or another and clear the path for Joe Biden or whoever the Democrat nominee will be. Not a single person arrested from January 6 has been charged with insurrection, but according to Democrat logic, Trump is guilty of leading an insurrection without ever being charged with insurrection either. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Hunter Biden contradicted himself in his speech about his father Joe Biden and his shady business with countries like China and Ukraine, and is trying to justify Joe’s involvement with him in any way. Hunter is still claiming that Joe was never involved business-wise, but rather was there for him throughout his addiction recovery, and impeaching him for that is not right – the only problem is that is complete B.S. Also, Democrats are obsessed with taking away our right to decide who we get to elect for president and are now doing everything they can to try and remove Donald Trump’s name from the ballot. More Democrat states like California and Michigan are following Colorado in the wake of their state Supreme Court disqualifying Trump. Democrats will use this Trump issue to pack the court because that’s what they’ve been trying to do all along. Later, James Comer and Jim Jordan are investigating Joe Biden through an impeachment inquiry after years of Republicans doing nothing about the Biden Crime Family. Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s scheme to avoid subpoenas should be investigated because this interference is also an impeachable offense. Comer and Jordan should be nominated for Men of the Year for how they are going about the Biden impeachment and catching Joe and Hunter in their lies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. PM Benjamin Netanyahu laid out his 3 prerequisites for peace and ending the war, saying that Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized, and Palestinians must be de-radicalized. Hamas started this war and has stated in its charter that Israel should not exist and will never have peace with Jews. Netanyahu is absolutely correct that the destruction of Hamas is a must in order for Jews to have peace. The Quran has always called for acts of terror for nonbelievers and is the ultimate “with us or against us” which leads to jihad. Also, President Biden is financially and economically illiterate and is blaming the reporting on the economy and American consumers for struggling because Bidenomics is perfect. The absurdity of Biden’s statement is beyond tone-deaf and speaks to a larger issue with him and Democrats when it comes to the economy. Later, there is no question the Democrats are using the Donald Trump trials to interfere with the 2024 election. They want to prevent you from using your voice to elect Trump, and ironically every indictment has led to more support for Trump. Even if Trump is convicted of every charge he could still be elected and become president in 2024 if the voters want it, which is why Democrats are doing everything they can to keep him off the ballot. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best of Mark Levin on Christmas Day! Sen Mitt Romney and Rep Jamie Raskin see no reason or actions that suggest President Biden has committed impeachable offenses and do not support an impeachment inquiry. Biden has not faithfully executed the laws of the United States, specifically immigration laws, and has our southern border wide open, which is a high crime and grounds for impeachment. Joe Biden’s conduct and the conduct of his subordinates have violated a score of immigration laws, undermined the ability of border patrol and administrative law judges, and prevented local law enforcement from protecting their community and the entire country. Democrats have bent over backward to impeach Donald Trump but Biden’s high crimes of defying immigration law are ignored. Also, Biden and Antony Blinken have leaked to the media that the world is losing support for Israel, all while funding Iran, Hamas, the PLO, and terrorism all over the Middle East. Biden is trying to control what Israel does next and trying to oust a duly elected Prime Minister of Israel in Benjamin Netanyahu, and at the same time calls Trump a dictator. The Union did not win the Civil War by feeding the Confederate cities but starved them to victory, which is why Biden’s proposal to feed and aid Hamas while trying to defeat them is ridiculous. Like Israel, Biden and Blinken have kneecapped Ukraine too and are restricting them from fighting back against a much larger Russian army. Later, the case of Hunter Biden is straightforward tax evasion because Hunter did not pay any federal income taxes for 4 years, from 2017-2020. When he did file tax returns, Hunter knowingly filed false tax returns, and it is calculated that he owes $1.4 million in taxes. The Democrat media has a problem defending Hunter now because on one hand they say he cannot function properly because of addiction, but on the other hand you have over $30 million coming in from places like Burisma and China. President Biden will pardon his son whether he is re-elected or not because these are federal charges and he can do it even if he is not convicted yet. This should be another charge in the case of impeachment of Joe Biden, with the main reason being the violation of our immigration laws and violating his oath of office. Hunter Biden is the gold standard of people who you file under FARA for having influence from other countries and being a threat to national security. It is ridiculous to claim that Joe Biden did not know about Hunter’s business activities, especially with his claim on video to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best Of Mark Levin! the Democrat media will go to any length to smear Benjamin Netanyahu and act as mouthpieces for Hamas, like the New York Post and Joe Scarborough attacking him for things that happened when Netanyahu was not even Prime Minister. Like Donald Trump, they want to put Netanyahu put in prison because they never wanted him elected or to put together a coalition government in Israel. The Democrat party and their media surrogates are sabotaging Netanyahu-led Israel while cheering for Hamas and protesting for Hamas in our streets. Our government under President Biden and Antony Blinken has blown up the Middle East while re-arming Iran and its surrogate terrorist organizations with our tax dollars. Also, Liz Cheney is saying that a re-election of Donald Trump would put our democracy in danger, but she did not talk about the Biden administration this way while they were going after parents at school board meetings or using swat teams to attack pro-life protesters. Later, the Democrat Party is not your typical political party - it’s a wrecking ball. They are an ailen force in a free country that seeks to destroy our history, our constitution, the economic system and the educational system. In order to advance their cause they have to lie, all autocrats have to lie and they have to change the language. The American media today is in full proaganda mode trying to protect President Biden and the Democart party. They are mouthpieces for a centralized Marxist state. The purpose of the media today is not to convey information to you in an objective way, their purpose is to ram a narrative down your throat. They have a long history of trashing Republicans - Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and now their fasination is Donald Trump. The media are using all the tools they can to try and destroy Trump, so far they have failed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. The Colorado ballot case with Donald Trump has ripped the lid off of the bigger issue with the Marxist left and what the Democrat party has become. The Democrat party is actually anti-Democratic with their efforts to silence Trump supporters and voters by removing him from the ballot. Trump has not been charged with insurrection and has been acquitted of it, so we cannot have a state Supreme Court say he is guilty of it and use it as grounds to disqualify him from being on the ballot. The takeaway from the Colorado ruling is that this is bigger than the 2024 election because it puts our Republic at stake and shows how the anti-Democrat party will take it away from us. Also, on top of the feckless Biden administration’s handling of the southern border and the Israel-Hamas war, we will now have more inflation coming from supply chain woes caused by Houthi attacks on commercial shipping routes. The Middle East is exploding with terror activity and Biden is funding it. The Palestinian people are overwhelmingly supportive of Hamas and roughly three out of four support the attacks on Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. More Democrat states like California are now looking into removing Donald Trump from the ballot in the 2024 presidential election and primary election in the wake of the Colorado State Supreme Court disqualifying Trump. Colorado just made Trump the Republican nominee for president and has solidified his election, because all of the coverage is backlash, and this plays right into his hands. Trump has had no civil liberties or due process throughout this entire ordeal, and the U.S. Supreme Court will strike this down on the grounds that Trump has not been convicted of any insurrection. The hypocrisy and double standards of Democrats are astounding, and they are never going to stop trying to prevent Trump from getting back into the White House by any means necessary. Also, we have radical crazy Democrats that are anti-Israel, and even Democrats who come out in support of Israel like Sen John Fetterman are attacked by the Democrat party. We know we have a problem when Fetterman is the sane voice in the room for being in favor of border security and pro-Israel in a party of progressives that are pro-Hamas and open borders. The anti-Semitism on college campuses is not sane or rational, and part of the insane policies of the modern Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. The Colorado State Supreme Court has disqualified Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential election ballot in a 4-3 ruling, citing the 14th Amendment. The court is saying Trump is not an eligible candidate under the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment. However, Trump has never been charged let alone convicted of an insurrection, and the insurrection clause purposefully leaves out the presidency from the list of people it applies to because it was never meant to be used against a former president. Democrats are trying to take away your right to vote for the candidate you want because they know Trump will win against President Biden in 2024. Also, what is happening in the Red Sea is an abomination, and the U.S. needs to be able to defend those commercial shipping lanes. If we are going to avoid World War 3, we need to make sure commerce isn’t disrupted and attacked and cause supply chain problems. This is happening because the U.S. is still not engaging Iran in supporting the Houthis, just like how they are supporting Hamas and other terrorist groups, and we look like a joke under the Biden Administration. Meanwhile, our southern border is being overwhelmed, and instead of protecting the border, the Biden Administration is going after Texas Governor Greg Abbott for wanting to prosecute illegal aliens. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson from WREC fills in for Mark. Pope Francis and other faith leaders have approved blessings for same-sex couples but continue its ban on gay marriage. We now have a panderer as the Pope. There is too much pandering going on with all faiths. Faith is dying out because we’ve changed what faith is. The left thinks it’s dying out because we’ve become too right and wrong or not inclusive enough. But the reason is because Church has now become a numbers game. We don’t have a moral compass anymore and because of that the AOCs show up. Later, the Democratic party is dead, but what’s worse is the media that puts out its propaganda. This was an actual headline from NBC News – “Conservative news outlets alleged that the aide to Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., appeared in a leaked video showing men having sex in a Senate hearing room.” This was not a conservative conspiracy theory, there’s an actual video of it happening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, University presidents like those of Harvard, MIT, and the now former president of UPenn, do not understand the history of the 1st amendment and allow their institutions to criminally promote anti-Semitism. These anti-Semitic threats and mobs on college campuses are not protected speech, and what they are arguing for is not protected either. Sen. Mitt Romney and Rep Jamie Raskin see no reason or actions that suggest President Biden has committed impeachable offenses and do not support an impeachment inquiry. Biden has not faithfully executed the laws of the United States, specifically immigration laws, and has our southern border wide open, which is a high crime and grounds for impeachment. House Republicans have voted for an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden, which gives the House of Representatives more muscle to get subpoenas and depositions. It is amazing to watch the same Democrats who insisted Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses and rushed the entire process now speaking out against a simple inquiry for Joe Biden. There are impeachable offenses that have been committed by President Biden that every American can understand and are affected by, like the obliteration of our immigration laws and giving aid and financial support to a regime in Iran that is attacking American soldiers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration is starting to withhold weapons and munitions from Israel and micromanaging the war with Hamas while demanding that they stop fighting in a few weeks. There can never be a two-state solution because the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas and want the Israelis exterminated, but President Biden and the leftist media refuse to acknowledge it. Biden is funding terrorism by flowing billions into Iran and waiving sanctions put on Iran by the Trump Administration, all while Iran funds Hamas among other terrorist organizations. Biden and Antony Blinken are the third term of the Obama administration policies in the Middle East. Also, there is no reason Republicans have to tolerate this radical Democrat-Obama-Biden cabal of judges in Washington D.C. who decide the biggest decision. Why are all cases involving politicians heard in Washington D.C., giving all of this power to one city? The judiciary needs to be addressed or else this will continue, and the Constitution gives us the power to fix this. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there are impeachable offenses that have been committed by President Biden that every American can understand and are affected by, like the obliteration of our immigration laws and giving aid and financial support to a regime in Iran that is attacking American soldiers. The mayhem and humanity taking place on the southern border will not be covered by the Democrat media, which is leaving tens of thousands of people dead. If we cannot control our sovereignty we cannot control our country, and this is being done intentionally to drive an ideological agenda. The Biden Crime family selling the office is definitely a reason to impeach as well, but other important impeachable offenses are not being discussed by the media or the Republicans. Meanwhile, Jack Smith is constantly pushing the envelope and looking for ways to twist laws and apply them in a way that was never meant to be applied, like with the Klansman Act. Judge Chutkan is setting a dangerous precedent by charging Trump, and we cannot allow a prosecutor or a judge that does something that violates the Framers’ intention of separation of government. Also, Biden is demanding that Israel conclude its ground war with Hamas within the next three weeks and telling the Israeli people that they must give up their ancestral homes to the Palestinians. Biden is undermining the state of Israel by blocking armaments and also calling for Netanyahu to be removed as Prime Minister while sabotaging him. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) to discuss the impeachable immigration offenses committed by Joe Biden, his violation of the separation of powers and his funding of Iran. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, House Republicans have voted for an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden, which gives the House of Representatives more muscle to get subpoenas and depositions. It is amazing to watch the same Democrats who insisted Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses and rushed the entire process now speaking out against a simple inquiry for Joe Biden. The standard for impeaching a president was completely destroyed when Democrats went above and beyond to try and use impeachment to remove Donald Trump over nothing. An extremely radical Democrat party wants to destroy the Executive branch in order to stop Donald Trump from becoming president, and if the Supreme Court gets involved it could be a disaster. Jack Smith and Tanya Chutkan, backed by the Biden Department of Justice, insist that once you leave the presidency your protection is gone and have used that to bring 4 bogus charges against Trump. Jack Smith only cares about getting a conviction for Trump as quickly as he can so he can interfere in the 2024 election. Also, Democrats in the media kiss up to Hamas and report their propaganda, and now are blaming Benjamin Netanyahu for the Hamas terror attack in October and are calling for him to be removed as prime minister. What they don’t want to report is that nearly 75% of Palestinians support the October 7 terror attacks against Israel. Democrats talk about Trump and MAGA worse than they do about the leadership of Hamas and Palestine, who support the attacks on Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this special Mark Levin podcast, the arrogance of America’s college and university administrations highlight the need for change in education. Mark explores the impact of funding and influence on higher education, discussing the lack of oversight in universities and colleges, the influence of financial contributions from sources such as the Hamas network and George Soros, and the consequences of an open border. Also, the complexities of the Palestinian-Jewish conflict in the biblical land are examined, including the ongoing dispute over historic claims, control of biblical towns, and the controversial movement to eliminate the Jewish people from the region. Additionally, the impact of immigration on American culture and education, the challenges of assimilation, effects on American education, and the cultural clash between Indigenous peoples and immigrants. The importance of voices of humanity, highlighting the significance of having platforms that promote humanity, liberty, tolerance, and true faith, such as TV, radio, and congressional hearings. Mark also discusses the importance of the Temple Mount and the Jewish connection to their ancestral homeland. This special exclusive podcast is brought to you by Hillsdale College. You can learn from Hillsdale for free through Imprimis, and free online courses on American history, the Constitution, and other subjects. See for yourself! Learn more about Hillsdale College by going to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Mitt Romney and Rep Jamie Raskin see no reason or actions that suggest President Biden has committed impeachable offenses and do not support an impeachment inquiry. Biden has not faithfully executed the laws of the United States, specifically immigration laws, and has our southern border wide open, which is a high crime and grounds for impeachment. Joe Biden’s conduct and the conduct of his subordinates have violated a score of immigration laws, undermined the ability of border patrol and administrative law judges, and prevented local law enforcement from protecting their community and the entire country. Democrats have bent over backward to impeach Donald Trump but Biden’s high crimes of defying immigration law are ignored. Also, Biden and Antony Blinken have leaked to the media that the world is losing support for Israel, all while funding Iran, Hamas, the PLO, and terrorism all over the Middle East. Biden is trying to control what Israel does next and trying to oust a duly elected Prime Minister of Israel in Benjamin Netanyahu, and at the same time calls Trump a dictator. The Union did not win the Civil War by feeding the Confederate cities but starved them to victory, which is why Biden’s proposal to feed and aid Hamas while trying to defeat them is ridiculous. Like Israel, Biden and Blinken have kneecapped Ukraine too and are restricting them from fighting back against a much larger Russian army. Later, Mark is joined by lawyer and author Alan Dershowitz about his book, War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism, and how the Hamas attack unveiled the radical anti-Semitism of the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, University presidents like those of Harvard, MIT, and the now former president of UPenn, do not understand the history of the 1st amendment and allow their institutions to criminally promote anti-Semitism. These anti-Semitic threats and mobs on college campuses are not protected speech, and what they are arguing for is not protected either. The Supreme Court has said so as well, but under President Biden and Merrick Garland not a single U.S. Attorney has brought charges against anybody. Also, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly about another effort by Jack Smith and an extraordinary effort by the Department of Justice to go after Donald Trump. We don’t know what the Supreme Court will do next, but if they get involved, they may rule the wrong way because John Roberts has been weak among others. This would do severe damage to the presidency and the country as we continue our descent into a banana republic. Jack Smith and Tanya Chutkan are doing the bidding of Merrick Garland and Biden by rushing Trump’s case along in order to affect the 2024 election. This country and this court will never be the same if they involve themselves where the court has never before, and it will open the door for other future presidents to charge them with crimes.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, for the pro-Hamas American media, not all civilians are alike. The Sunday show hosts expressed their displeasure with Israel defending itself, insisting that Israel is not doing enough and must do more to protect civilians. We are plagued with a poisonous Israel-hating, in many respects Jew-hating, Hamas-loving media. Governor Newsom CANCELS Christmas tree lighting ceremony after threats of disruption by pro-Palestinian activists. The Democrat Party is not your typical political party - it’s a wrecking ball. They are an alien force in a free country that seeks to destroy our history, our constitution, the economic system, and the educational system. In order to advance their cause they have to lie, all autocrats have to lie and they have to change the language. Ron DeSantis won the last Republican Presidential debate, with Chris Christie and Nikki Haley in last place. Haley is a liberal, not even a RINO. Chris Christie is a hot head who gets very angry very fast, and he’s lecturing and yelling at the debate. Christie’s not going to be the nominee of the party - he won’t even come close. Also, Nihad Awad helped set up CAIR, which is a front group for Hamas. CAIR is part of the Democrat party and Awad celebrated what happened on October 7th and is applauded by American Muslims for Palestine. He’s celebrating the rape and murder of girls. When he’s with people who share his ideology, his true colors come out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the case of Hunter Biden is straightforward tax evasion because Hunter did not pay any federal income taxes for 4 years, from 2017-2020. When he did file tax returns, Hunter knowingly filed false tax returns, and it is calculated that he owes $1.4 million in taxes. The Democrat media has a problem defending Hunter now because on one hand they say he cannot function properly because of addiction, but on the other hand you have over $30 million coming in from places like Burisma and China. President Biden will pardon his son whether he is re-elected or not because these are federal charges and he can do it even if he is not convicted yet. This should be another charge in the case of impeachment of Joe Biden, with the main reason being the violation of our immigration laws and violating his oath of office. Hunter Biden is the gold standard of people who you file under FARA for having influence from other countries and being a threat to national security. It is ridiculous to claim that Joe Biden did not know about Hunter’s business activities, especially with his claim on video to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor. Also, Iran does not use the money they are getting from the Biden Administration to feed its people but instead uses it to fund terrorists like Hezbollah and Hamas. Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken have blood on their hands for setting the Middle East on fire causing suffering and death, and now are demanding Israel to have a ceasefire with Hamas by the end of the year. Biden and Blinken are doing the bidding of Iran by holding back Israel and also ignoring Iranian attacks on the American military in the area. Later, Mark is joined by Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations to talk about the corrupt group CAIR and how they have been the U.S. front group for Hamas, which is known to the U.S. Government but they continue to take no action. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Ron DeSantis won the last Republican Presidential debate, with Chris Christie and Nikki Haley in last place. Haley is a liberal, not even a RINO. Chris Christie is a hot head who gets very angry very fast, and he’s lecturing and yelling at the debate. Christie’s not going to be the nominee of the party - he won’t even come close. He’s running for president of New Hampshire. Donald Trump’s decision not to go to the debate was brilliant, why lower yourself to Christie? Also, Nihad Awad helped set up CAIR, which is a front group for Hamas. CAIR is part of the Democrat party and Awad celebrated what happened on October 7th and is applauded by American Muslims for Palestine. He’s celebrating the rape and murder of girls. When he’s with people who share his ideology, his true colors come out. This is what’s happened to America, people like Awad exploit our freedom. Later, UPenn President Liz Magill walks back her comments during a House hearing on antisemitism on college campuses. UPenn is a disgraceful institution. It’s not free speech to intimidate people based on their religion – that’s not free speech. It’s not free speech for a mob carrying signs or flags with swastikas on them and surrounding a Jewish student. This is what’s going on, on college campuses. Sen Bernie Sanders hates both America and the state of Israel. He has spent his life undermining and attacking American civil society, culture, history, the Constitution, and market capitalism, all of which must be destroyed if his ideology is to prevail. He trashes any Israeli government that does not capitulate to the demands of the Palestinian terrorists, the U.S. State Department, and the likes of New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. And like them, he insists that Israel carve itself up into indefensible pieces and gift their ancestral homeland to groups and people who want to slaughter them.  He has been a voice for some of the most dangerous and radical reprobates in the Middle East and around the world. In other words, Sanders is the Rashida Tlaib of the Senate, and he is a favorite among the most left-wing, antisemitic organizations in our country.  Afterward, Sean Hannity calls in with breaking news about Huner Biden and his new movie, Jingle Smells. Finally, Rep Claudia Tenney calls in to introduce the R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is not your typical political party - it’s a wrecking ball. They are an alien force in a free country that seeks to destroy our history, our constitution, the economic system, and the educational system. In order to advance their cause they have to lie, all autocrats have to lie and they have to change the language. The American media today is in full propaganda mode trying to protect President Biden and the Democrat party. They are mouthpieces for a centralized Marxist state. The purpose of the media today is not to convey information to you in an objective way, their purpose is to ram a narrative down your throat. They have a long history of trashing Republicans - Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and now their fascination is Donald Trump. The media are using all the tools they can to try and destroy Trump, but so far they have failed. Also, Enes Freedom calls in to explain that Hamas' horror on October 7th had nothing to do with true Islam. The Prophet Muhammad said when you go to war, do not kill a child, a woman, the elderly, etc. Finally, David Mamet joins Mark to discuss his new book, Everywhere an Oink Oink: An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood.    Order the book: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the House of Representatives education committee had a crucially important hearing and press briefing about the physical threats against Jewish students on college campuses. The Democrat-controlled Senate didn’t bother having any hearings on this. These students talked about traveling from their dorm room to class in great fear. Fox News was the only cable channel to cover what these students were saying live. We are plagued with a poisonous Israel-hating, in many respects Jew-hating, Hamas-loving media. Throughout the 1930’s, many professors at colleges like Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania supported Hitler. In the middle of the Holocaust many colleges were promoting antisemitism and many colleges got money from German authorities. Also, CNN’s Jake Tapper tried to bully an Israeli spokesman. Tapper’s self-righteous moral outrage does not extend to all the countries around the world, particularly in the Middle East, where civilians are being intentionally targeted for slaughter — from Syria and Iran to Yemen and beyond. Tapper claimed that Israel is “raining bombs” down on Gaza. No, it is not. If Israel wanted to ‘rain bombs’ down on Gaza it would not be sending tens of thousands of its young men and women into Gaza, the IDF infantry, to fight street by street, house by house, room by room, thereby increasing Israeli casualties as it seeks to limit civilian casualties. Name another country on the face of the earth that would show such restraint after its girls were gang raped and executed, after its babies were decapitated after over 100 of its citizens were taken hostage. Tapper is pushing a narrative and projecting his own bigotry. Later, tens of thousands of Ukrainians died at the hands of Russia. Ukraine needed heavy equipment early in the war, not Biden’s restrictions. Ukraine may fall to Russia and Russia won’t stop there. Putin has said he will hit Poland and Romania. Finally, Seamus Bruner calls in to discuss his new book: Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life. Order the book: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, for the pro-Hamas American media, not all civilians are alike. The Sunday show hosts expressed their displeasure with Israel defending itself, insisting that Israel is not doing enough and must do more to protect civilians. There's something horribly immoral about the American media and how they report with self-righteous indignation their supposed concern for civilian deaths, but only the collateral death of civilians in Gaza that Israel is trying like no other military on the planet to avoid. The American media are using civilian deaths as a weapon against Israel, just as Hamas intended, while they ignore all the purposeful, targeted, and mass slaughter of civilians taking place throughout the globe. Only Israel faces relentless media attention and condemnation because the media (and the Democrat Party) are as antisemitic as our colleges, universities, and the Islamist front groups funded and networked in our own country. And they do not want Israel to defeat Hamas. The media keep telling us a fiction, that there’s a big difference between Hamas Palestine terrorists and the Palestine population. It’s a lie. A new poll shows that there’s no daylight between them in the Middle East.  Also, Rep Pramila Jayapal, another Democrat-Marxist, excuses the horrendous rape of Israeli girls by the Hamas Nazi Palestinians. There’s no other way to conclude that a Jewish girl’s life is not as important as the life of those who voted Hamas into power. Later, the Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, hate Donald Trump types will get Biden re-elected. Conservatives in the Republican party are abused. Finally, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in and discusses his conservative record as Governor, something Nikki Haley doesn’t have. Also, just like DeSantis defeated Gov Gavin Newsom in the Fox News debate, he explains that we need to win against the left! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden, Antony Blinken, the Democrat party and their media are betraying Israel, and they have more negative hostile things to say about the State of Israel defending themselves than they do about the Islamonazi regime in Iran. President Biden has blown up the Middle East and has blood on his hands, from the Iranians protesting against their tyrannical Islamonazi regime to the Jews in Israel under attack by Hamas. The citizens of Israel can never live in peace while Biden is president because he does not want Israel to win. President Biden and Antony Blinken keep pouring billions and billions of dollars into Iran, who are using that money to produce weapons and oil for Russia and China while also funding terrorist organizations like Hamas. 90 Democrats joined Republicans in passing a bill that will prohibit U.S. funding to Iranian terrorism, and now it is in the hands of Mitch McConnell and Republicans in the Senate to force the bill.  Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is spending more than ever to buy her way into the presidency and is now being endorsed by the Koch Network. Charles Koch hates a strong border, a strong military, and most of all hates Donald Trump.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media will go to any length to smear Benjamin Netanyahu and act as mouthpieces for Hamas, like the New York Post and Joe Scarborough attacking him for things that happened when Netanyahu was not even Prime Minister. Like Donald Trump, they want to put Netanyahu put in prison because they never wanted him elected or to put together a coalition government in Israel. The Democrat party and their media surrogates are sabotaging Netanyahu-led Israel while cheering for Hamas and protesting for Hamas in our streets. Our government under President Biden and Antony Blinken has blown up the Middle East while re-arming Iran and its surrogate terrorist organizations with our tax dollars. Also, Liz Cheney is saying that a re-election of Donald Trump would put our democracy in danger, but she did not talk about the Biden administration this way while they were going after parents at school board meetings or using swat teams to attack pro-life protesters. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and Antony Blinken keep pouring billions and billions of dollars into Iran, who are using that money to produce weapons and oil for Russia and China while also funding terrorist organizations like Hamas. 90 Democrats joined Republicans in passing a bill that will prohibit U.S. funding to Iranian terrorism, and now it is in the hands of Mitch McConnell and Republicans in the Senate to force the bill. We will not see people like Bernie Sanders taking the lead on this legislation which would protect Israel because they are Democrat Marxists and hate Israel. Sadly, we need a vote in Congress to stop the Biden Administration from funding and arming our enemy. The greatest enemy that Israel faces today is the Biden Administration, which is preventing them from defeating and destroying Hamas. Biden and Blinken are demanding Israel not to engage in air attacks and making ridiculous demands to prevent civilian deaths, while at the same time ignoring the civilians killed by Hamas and others used as human shields. Later, Mark speaks with Dr. Yechiel Leiter, father of Moshe, a Major in the Israel Defense Force (Airforce special ops) and father of six, who was killed on November 10 while leading a commando unit of reservists against Hamas-ISIS terror installations in Gaza. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. The judge at the center of the case against Donald Trump is completely and utterly biased against Trump, and there is nobody on the left who is a civil libertarian in the face of America becoming more and more authoritarian under Democrat rule. When you are charged with a crime the Bill of Rights exists to protect you from the government, and the Framers of the Constitution were very adamant in protecting people from charges against the government. An impartial judge and jury are central to that protection because the government has all the time and money in the world, but Judge Tanya Chutkan hates Trump and is doing everything she can to prevent him from becoming president in 2024. Also, the average American today needs almost $12,000 more today to keep the same standard of living they had when Joe Biden became president. The economy under the Biden Administration stinks while Biden slips further and further into cognitive decline, and at the same time more ties between the Biden Crime Family and China are being exposed. Later, Israel was attacked in the most vile attack against Jews since the Holocaust, and the Biden Administration is telling Israel how to fight a war for their existence. Hamas is a terror group that needs to be wiped out because they are never going to stop attacking Israel. Finally, there is a new pandemic of pneumonia in China which is bringing back social distancing and masks, and it would be no surprise if we are dealing with a similar pandemic or possibly even another lockdown in 2024 during the presidential election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has blown up the Middle East and has blood on his hands, from the Iranians protesting against their tyrannical Islamonazi regime to the Jews in Israel under attack by Hamas. The citizens of Israel can never live in peace while Biden is president because he does not want Israel to win. If Palestine is rewarded for slaughtering and kidnapping people and given more land, Israel will die. Like Barack Obama, Joe Biden is an anti-Semite surrounded by like-minded people in his administration, which is the most anti-Semitic presidential administration since the creation of Israel. The Biden regime does not have the back of Israel because it doesn’t even protect Americans, leaving our borders wide open so we have no idea if terrorists are coming in. Also, the Democrat party is now using tactics never done before in American history in order to win the Presidential Election in 2024. They want to nationalize our elections and turn our entire country into California and have removed virtually all checks and balances in the election process. When you have a Democrat party and a media that hates the country and will do anything for power, it is a big problem. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is spending more than ever to buy her way into the presidency and is now being endorsed by the Koch Network. Charles Koch hates a strong border, a strong military, and most of all hates Donald Trump. Later, what the judges and special counsel in the case against Donald Trump are doing is assuring that he will be convicted of at least one count, so when Trump runs for president in the 2024 election, he will be called a convicted felon by Democrats and the media. What the Biden Department of Justice is doing to Trump is worse than Stalin or Mussolini. Finally, Mark is joined by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to talk about her values and background before Congress, and to discuss her new book, MTG. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden, Antony Blinken, the Democrat party and their media are betraying Israel, and they have more negative hostile things to say about the State of Israel defending themselves than they do about the Islamonazi regime in Iran. Biden and Blinken do not want Israel to win, pressuring them into a two-state solution while crippling them from destroying Hamas. Iran is behind the scenes running the hostage swap with Iran because they know how to make the Biden administration give them what they want. Biden is betraying Israel just like he is betraying America by leaving our borders wide open and leaving our troops in harm’s way while re-arming our enemies. There was peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords before the Biden Administration came along like wrecking balls and blew it all up. Democrats cannot continue to threaten Israel’s survival and carve up the country so it cannot be defended while giving aid and comfort to Israel’s enemy terrorist organizations. Also, Donald Trump may be in grave danger because of comments made by radical Democrats like Claire McCaskill and media mouthpieces like Joe Scarborough. To use the word Hitler in a context like this for purely political purposes, when millions of Jews and Christians are dead because of Hitler and World War 2, is unbelievable. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News anchor and author Bret Baier to discuss his new graphic novel, Duel Across Time; The History Club. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. There is now a ceasefire in Gaza and the first Israeli hostages have been returned, and in exchange Palestinian convicts have been released back to Hamas while over 200 hostages remain in Gaza. If there is truly a wish for a permanent ceasefire and for this war to end, we will now watch Hamas to see what they do next. Israel has a right to protect and defend itself just like we were after 9/11 or as any country should be able to after a barbaric terror attack. We have a wide open southern border allowing terrorists to exploit it and come into America, almost like we have learned nothing from 9/11. The Democrat party is dead and has been taken over by communists and socialists, who are filled with pure anti-American rhetoric and ideas. Communist China is behind it by brainwashing our kids to hate us and America through TikTok. Now young people sympathize with Palestine and believe America and Israel are the bad guys; this is how we can get to a point in the world where terrorists succeed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on Thanksgiving Day. The media in America is destructive, inhumane, utterly immoral, and has no conscience as a group whatsoever, and they are tearing this country apart through their lies and projection. Donald Trump has been the greatest friend Israel and the Jewish people have ever had in the Oval Office, and the only president to have a Jewish family, but to people who don’t like him, he is Hitler. Democrat media outlets like Media Matters and people like Joe Scarborough make a mockery of the Holocaust by calling their political opponents Hitler as they do to Donald Trump, while they repeat Hamas propaganda to attack Israel. This is what the media from totalitarian regimes do; they turn people like Trump into the devil so that no matter what they do or say, we are supposed to believe they are the enemy. Afterward, it is radical Democrat judges and prosecutors who are destroying the judicial system, because the Democrat strategy since Woodrow Wilson has been to force your will on the public through the judiciary. This is exactly what is happening in Washington D.C. and Manhattan with the cases against Donald Trump, which should have been thrown out. We have a case in Manhattan with an intellectually inept judge and a Marxist prosecutor along with a radical clerk whispering in the ear of the judge. This has been a case of Letitia James cherry-picking information to accuse Trump of fraud or misconduct, all with the help of a radical Democrat judge allowing it. This is a grotesque undermining of the campaign and interfering in the 2024 election, evisceration of constitutional norms, and hack Democrat judges like the ones in Washington D.C. and New York. Later, the Biden administration is literally getting away with murder in Israel, Ukraine, and the American southern border. What is happening on our southern border is a disgrace to both American citizens and migrants, but most of the media is blind to the situation and refuses to report it. It is an impeachable offense and a high crime to not abide by our nation’s immigration policy, because the president does not have the authority to ignore it and allow our borders to be wide open whether the media likes it or not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Hamas has agreed to release 50 hostages, which includes 3 Americans, in exchange for 150 people detained by Israel, which makes you wonder how Joe Biden could broker such a horrible deal. The Hamas terrorists get a 3:1 exchange rate on top of a ceasefire after Israel has made significant progress in knocking them down. If the decision were just up to Benjamin Netanyahu, there is no chance that he would broker a deal like this. Instead, Barack Obama is having a large influence on the Biden-Blinken foreign policy decisions that are strangling Israel. Also, NY Governor Kathy Hochul is saying there is no evidence of terrorist activity in a terrorist attack in Buffalo, NY that left two dead. If you have a car speeding out of control toward Border Patrol agents, and then a massive explosion to the point where you can’t even identify the people in the car, you have a terrorist attack. This is interconnected to what is going on overseas and in the Middle East because, with Joe Biden in charge, we are not safe from terrorists while our borders are wide open. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. It’s very obvious that President Biden does not want Israel to win the conflict with Hamas because the Biden administration is the same as the Obama administration. Just like Obama, Biden is giving Iran pallets of cash and helping them open up their nuclear program while they are funneling money into Hamas and attacking Israel. At the same time, they are telling Israel not to fight back against Hamas. The Biden-Blinken plan to cut up and divide Israel is the same as the Obama-Blinken plan to destroy them. The Left loves victimhood and virtue signaling which is why they are siding with Palestine and calling the civilians oppressed victims, and this lie is spread throughout our colleges and universities. There is a vile anti-Semitism running through the Democrat party and they believe the Palestinians are the victims, which results in pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests. Also, the Biden Pentagon is planning on spending more money on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and now Accessibility programs because the left is insane when it comes to diversity programs. China is now surpassing the U.S. in naval sub technology and the age of our military supremacy at sea is coming to an end while Biden sells out to China. Instead of being worried about that and the warnings of history, we are worrying if we are spending enough on DEI. Later, Media Matters manipulated the advertisement algorithm of X to make it look like certain posts were appearing next to neo-Nazi ads in an effort to destroy the website by chasing away ad revenue. This is manipulative and sick but fits in with the leftist corporations buying into DEI and can be scared by rigged screenshots. Censorship is everything to the left because you cannot have free speech in a tyranny. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we live in a world where the Democrat Marxists control the media and the culture, and like every Marxist regime before there is only one religion that they will tolerate and that is the religion of government. You cannot be pro-Israel if you are a Marxist because most Marxists are also anti-Semites and self-hating Jews like Bernie Sanders or Antony Blinken. When this kind of Marxism is taught in colleges and universities, we get the kind of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism that we see today in our streets and our government. We cannot allow people like Blinken and the Biden administration to slice up Israel and give parts to Hamas as part of a fantasy two-state solution, because they will not be satisfied until Israel is eradicated. Hamas was voted into power in Palestine and the majority of Palestinians support the surprise attacks on Israel. The Palestinians do not want peace, not just Hamas or the PLO, and the reality is they support what is being done to Israel. Later, Elon Musk and X are suing George Soros front group Media Matters after losing multiple investors because of posts appearing next to neo-Nazi and pro-Hamas advertisements. CNN and other Democrat media outlets use sites like Media Matters and Mediaite as a source to spread their lies and have destroyed reputable journalism. Also, the Republican establishment in Washington D.C., RINO governors, and uniparty billionaires are all now getting behind the idea of supporting Nikki Haley as the Republican nominee in 2024. Nikki Haley does not run on her record because she has a very bland record as governor of South Carolina and does not stand with the little guy. Now Haley is eyeball deep with the GOP establishment and media organizations are giving her a lot more exposure to prop her up as a candidate. Finally, Mark speaks with 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy about the Washington D.C uniparty and companies like Blackrock with liberal environmental and social agendas that are now supporting Nikki Haley. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, the Nazis benefited from propaganda in America back then and now the Hamas Nazis benefit. Also, for Biden, the Democrats, and the media Israel is not allowed to win. On and after October 7th Biden showed great sympathy for the Jewish people. But when the Jews got their standing and started wiping out the enemy then the Jews were portrayed as the victimizers, not the victims. Donald Trump has been the greatest friend Israel and the Jewish people have ever had in the Oval Office, and the only president to have a Jewish family, but to people who don’t like him, he is Hitler. It is radical Democrat judges and prosecutors who are destroying the judicial system, because the Democrat strategy since Woodrow Wilson has been to force your will on the public through the judiciary. The Democrat party owns the college professors, the school systems, and the union that runs the schools, and they embrace this bigoted anti-Semitism we are seeing in our streets today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is trying to topple the Netanyahu-led Israeli government behind the scenes because President Biden learned from Obama who is an anti-Semite. Secretary of State Antony Blinken thinks he is the Prime Minister of Israel and king of the world but is a very sick and destructive man acting with the consent of Biden. The Israeli press, like in America is the mouthpiece of the most radical left-wing elements and is being funded by dark money organizations like George Soros and Hamas front groups as well as Biden and Blinken. The goal is to take out Netanyahu and get someone running the government who will capitulate to every demand made by this incompetent Biden administration and anti-Semitic State Department. Also, the Biden administration is literally getting away with murder in Israel, Ukraine, and the American southern border. What is happening on our southern border is a disgrace to both American citizens and migrants, but most of the media is blind to the situation and refuses to report it. It is an impeachable offense and a high crime to not abide by our nation’s immigration policy, because the president does not have the authority to ignore it and allow our borders to be wide open whether the media likes it or not. Later, Dan Abrams, founder of Mediaite and host and producer of numerous court and law and order shows on cable, has failed to reveal on numerous of his platforms that his brother-in-law, Greg Andres, was assistant special counsel on Robert Mueller’s team investigating the Russian collusion hoax and President Trump. This explains Mediaites's unhinged obsession with smearing Trump, and now the secret is out that Dan Abrams has tainted all of it. Should we hold Abrams accountable for what his brother-in-law did? Enjoy Mark's most recent Election Special: Apple Podcasts  Spotify Amazon Music Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Hamas and other terrorist organizations are terrorists because they do not care about the Geneva Convention and use their own civilians as human shields. If Palestine is a prison state like the Democrats claim, then Hamas is the warden. This is not about a two-state solution or statehood, it is about caliphates because Hamas does not intend to be limited to the Gaza Strip. None of these terrorist organizations are satisfied with a sovereign country because they want to control the entire world. The Biden administration is spreading money all over the Middle East in search of a fiction, re-arming and funding our enemies while setting the stage for World War 3. At the same time, we have anti-Semitism at an all-time high in America, with pro-Israel protesters being attacked in the streets by Hamas supporters. Also, the Democrat party has been the breeding ground of anti-American hate for a long time. It thrives off of and strategizes around turning one group of Americans against another, stereotyping Americans based on wealth or age or race, because the more that we’re at each other’s throats, the more the Democrat party seeks to destroy us and the American way of life. The Democrat party owns the college professors, the school systems, and the union that runs the schools, and they embrace this bigoted anti-Semitism we are seeing in our streets today. No longer can the institute of the Democrat party control what it has created. Later, Mark speaks with Alina Habba, lawyer for Donald Trump, about the politically motivated fraudulent case against Trump and the gag order being overturned. Enjoy Mark's most recent Election Special: Apple Podcasts  Spotify Amazon Music Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it is radical Democrat judges and prosecutors who are destroying the judicial system, because the Democrat strategy since Woodrow Wilson has been to force your will on the public through the judiciary. This is exactly what is happening in Washington D.C. and Manhattan with the cases against Donald Trump, which should have been thrown out. We have a case in Manhattan with an intellectually inept judge and a Marxist prosecutor along with a radical clerk whispering in the ear of the judge. This has been a case of Letitia James cherry-picking information to accuse Trump of fraud or misconduct, all with the help of a radical Democrat judge allowing it. This is a grotesque undermining of the campaign and interfering in the 2024 election, evisceration of constitutional norms, and hack Democrat judges like the ones in Washington D.C. and New York. Also, when it comes to China and Iran, is President Biden on our side or not? Biden continues to re-arm Iran while they are attacking our ally Israel and could care less about the safety of Americans by leaving the southern border wide open. The Biden regime leaks to its favorite media outlets to undermine Israel and demand they start talking about surrendering all control over the Gaza strip and demanding a two-state solution. Like the Obama administration, the Biden administration is one of the most grotesque anti-Semitic administrations in American history while pretending to support the Jewish state of Israel. We have leaders who do not want to accept the reality that we are dealing with terrorist states like Hamas that want a caliphate, not a two-state solution. Now the U.N. Security Council is calling for humanitarian pauses in Gaza while the United States abstained from voting despite having veto power in the Security Council. Enjoy Mark's most recent Election Special: Apple Podcasts  Spotify Amazon Music Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, over 290,000 people were at the National Mall in Washington D.C. today to protest against anti-Semitism, support Israel, and raise support for hostages taken by Hamas, and it was 100% peaceful. Mark speaks with a victim of Hamas, Yarden, who has multiple family members being held hostage and has also had family killed by Hamas. Also, the media in America is destructive, inhumane, utterly immoral, and has no conscience as a group whatsoever, and they are tearing this country apart through their lies and projection. Donald Trump has been the greatest friend Israel and the Jewish people have ever had in the Oval Office, and the only president to have a Jewish family, but to people who don’t like him, he is Hitler. Democrat media outlets like Media Matters and people like Joe Scarborough make a mockery of the Holocaust by calling their political opponents Hitler as they do to Donald Trump, while they repeat Hamas propaganda to attack Israel. This is what the media from totalitarian regimes do; they turn people like Trump into the devil so that no matter what they do or say, we are supposed to believe they are the enemy. Meanwhile, 32 Americans have been killed by Iran and the Biden State Department is acting like it never happened. Instead, Biden and Antony Blinken have waived sanctions on Iran again and are giving them more money to re-arm themselves and its surrogate terrorists, while at the same time telling Israel to slow down their attack on Hamas. The Democrat party today is the Democrat party of FDR, who turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, although at least FDR didn’t directly fund Germany while they attacked Europe like how Biden is funding Iran while they attack Israel and American troops. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News host and author Gregg Jarrett to discuss his new book, The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden picked up where Barack Obama’s antisemitism left off. The Democrat Party is not only tolerating antisemitism they are promoting it, not so with the Republican Party. Antisemitism fits neatly into the Democrat Pary ideological narrative. For many on the left, their goal is to redefine antisemitism in a way that labels the demonization of Israel and the Jews as legitimate discourse rather than hate speech. Biden has a history of treating Israel as a second-class country and ally. When you compare the colleges and universities in the 1930s and 1940s to today, you can see it’s the same universities and colleges pushing antisemitism all over again. The Nazis benefited from propaganda in America back then and now the Hamas Nazis benefit. Also, for Biden, the Democrats, and the media Israel is not allowed to win. On and after October 7th Biden showed great sympathy for the Jewish people. But when the Jews got their standing and started wiping out the enemy then the Jews were portrayed as the victimizers, not the victims. Finally, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in and explains that Nikki Haley is running away from her record as Governor because her main task was to recruit investment from China into her state. She doesn’t stand up when it matters and caters to the liberal donor class. DeSantis also talks about expanding sanctions to choke off any money going from Florida to Iran. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin show, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going behind the back of Congress, and the Israelis to try and negotiate a two-state solution. But Hamas isn’t interested in that, they want an Islamic caliphate. Also, Joe Biden’s family members are representing foreign entities under FARA, yet none of them have signed up as agents, which was used against Donald Trump allies like Paul Manafort. Joe Biden is benefitting from these interests and getting his cut from people like Hunter Biden, which makes Joe Biden a conspirator to violate FARA. There is more than enough information and predicate to appoint a special counsel, yet Merrick Garland refuses to do so. Republican billionaires are not as patriotic and conservative as they used to be, while Democrats have billionaires like George Soros who will pour in endless money to flood the air with ads for their candidates. There should be a House oversight committee looking into George Soros and his deep investment in the Democrat party, corrupt liberal media groups like Media Matters, and groups that are anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. America is dying and cannot afford to have another Bush, Christie, Sununu, or McConnell Republican in the White House because they will not be able to reverse the damage done by the Obama and Biden administrations. Nikki Haley has been lying about Ron DeSantis’ decision on energy and lies about her own position with Communist China and doing virtually anything to have China invest in South Carolina. Enjoy Mark's most recent Election Special: Apple Podcasts  Spotify Amazon Music Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, We have tens of millions of people in America who do not want this country to survive but want to either destroy or undermine it. We have a ruling class that has no limits to its power and is beating out the patriotic Americans who want our children to have a bright and prosperous future. We cannot be a country that has no borders and immigration is out of control to the point where we don’t know who’s coming in. There is no better way to rip the heart out of a country than to destroy its economy, which is exactly where Democrats and Bidenomics have done. It only takes one generation or one presidency to destroy our Republic, and if people don’t want to be free with a civil society and secure border then we aren’t going to get it. Also, for Hamas, this war with Israel is about a caliphate, not about statehood. Terrorism is boundless and that is exactly what Iran wants. Israel is used to project American power in the Middle East and provides intelligence to the U.S. about the actions of our enemies. People like Cori Bush or Emmanuel Macron do not care and condemn Israel for trying to defend itself from terror attacks. The Israeli people and their military are the front line for protecting the Western world from terrorists, and they carry the weight of the free world on their shoulders. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, America is dying and cannot afford to have another Bush, Christie, Sununu, or McConnell Republican in the White House because they will not be able to reverse the damage done by the Obama and Biden administrations. Nikki Haley has been lying about Ron DeSantis’ decision on energy and lies about her own position with Communist China and doing virtually anything to have China invest in South Carolina. Haley has never been a big pro-life governor or support and is lying about her position on abortion too. The reason Donald Trump was so popular was because he was a Washington outsider and didn’t govern like the establishment candidates and fought the liberal culture wars and the woke agenda. Also, we have pathetic buffoonish men in the Oval Office, the Secretary of State, and the National Security Advisor, which is why Iran has no reason to stop attacking Israel and is not afraid of the Biden Administration. Jews are being attacked and killed in the United States in the wake of the October 7 terror attacks in Israel, and Democrats are looking the other way while repeating the Hamas lines to the media. The DOJ and FBI were on high alert for parents at schoolboard meetings or pro-life protesters, but they are paying no attention to the anti-Semitism taking over our cities and universities leading to more and more hate crimes against Jews. The Democrat party is all in through their silence and inaction, as well as through the mouthpieces of their media and hate groups and actions they’ve taken against Jews. Later, Mark talks with Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) about the anti-Israel hatred and evil spreading in the Middle East and in our own country, and about her new book, God Calls Us to Do Hard Things: Lessons from the Alabama Wiregrass. Enjoy Mark's most recent Election Special: Apple Podcasts  Spotify Amazon Music Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Mitch McConnell is a throwback to the Gerald Ford era, and Chris Christie and Chris Sununu are throwbacks to the George Bush era and are not examples to emulate, unlike Ronald Reagan. The Democrat party is extremely vulnerable on the issue of abortion, especially when they want more extreme abortion legislation than Roe v Wade ever was. Republican billionaires are not as patriotic and conservative as they used to be, while Democrats have billionaires like George Soros who will pour in endless money to flood the air with ads for their candidates. There should be a House oversight committee looking into George Soros and his deep investment in the Democrat party, corrupt liberal media groups like Media Matters, and groups that are anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. We need to fire up the Republican base and build up momentum and excitement for candidates, but the RINOs do not want to unite behind these types of candidates. Republicans blowing off Ronald Reagan as an example is like Democrats blowing off FDR, because Reagan is by far the most successful president, and his elections should be studied and replicated. Also, Mark speaks with Donald Trump Jr. about bypassing companies that want to censor Conservative voices so we don’t have to support woke corporations and fund the Marxist indoctrination of our children. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News host and author Brian Kilmeade to talk about his new book, Teddy and Booker T.: How Two American Icons Blazed a Path for Racial Equality. Enjoy Mark's most recent Election Special: Apple Podcasts  Spotify Amazon Music Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, when you are attacked by an enemy that wants to destroy you, your number one priority must be to defend yourself no matter what President Biden says about a humanitarian pause. The Biden administration is pushing for the ouster of PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel through their usual outlets in the Democrat media. Biden is intentionally leaving our southern border wide open allowing for hundreds of thousands of Americans to be killed by fentanyl. Biden has no intention of keeping us secure and doing this to your own country is a high crime and worthy of impeachment. The Democrat party is a party without a soul, principle, or morality, and are now calling for Netanyahu to resign for being weak when it is Biden who is weak and should be impeached. Biden is the worst president in American history, causing wars around the world, causing harm and death in our own country, and left citizens behind in Afghanistan. Also, Joe Biden’s family members are representing foreign entities under FARA, yet none of them have signed up as agents, which was used against Donald Trump allies like Paul Manafort. Joe Biden is benefitting from these interests and getting his cut from people like Hunter Biden, which makes Joe Biden a conspirator to violate FARA. There is more than enough information and predicate to appoint a special counsel, yet Merrick Garland refuses to do so. Meanwhile, Stalinist prosecutor Jack Smith is running loose on Donald Trump demanding gag orders all over the place and ignoring executive privilege. Later, Mark speaks with Sen. Ted Cruz about his new book Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America, and about the Biden administration’s response to Israel and calls for a humanitarian pause to aid Hamas. To order Ted's new book: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going behind the back of Congress, and the Israelis to try and negotiate a two-state solution. But Hamas isn’t interested in that, they want an Islamic caliphate. And what would this other State look like? How would it be different from the Gaza Strip which was the two-state solution? This two-state solution is a disaster but President Biden pushes it anyway. A two-state solution would lead to the annihilation of the Jewish people and so-called moderate Arab states – this must be opposed. Later, Biden keeps trying to pressure PM Benjamin Netanyahu for a humanitarian pause. Netanyahu should turn the tables and pressure Biden. He should say when you shut off the oil money going to Iran and enforce the Trump sanctions we can start talking about a humanitarian pause. When you pledge that you are prepared to prevent Iran from getting nukes then we can start talking about a humanitarian pause. Rep Chip Roy calls in and explains that it’s in America’s national security interest to have a strong Israel holding the line against terrorists. One idea to help Israel could be to cut the $12 billion a year going to the U.N. and give it to Israel. Also, this Judge in Donald Trump’s civil case in NY should have been disbarred a long time ago. Before Trump even walked into the courtroom the Judge found him guilty of violating a statue that has never been used against anyone in the state of NY. Finally, there is an off-year election in Virginia this Tuesday. There tends to be low voter turnout, so your vote is especially effective. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the impeachment clause of the Constitution is unique. If you have a president who conducts himself in a way that endangers the country, that's an impeachable offense. If you have a president who will do nothing to prevent the enemy from developing a nuclear weapon and has given them proceeds to help them make nuclear weapons, that's an impeachable offense. Israel is not going to do less than we in the United States would do and have done for their own survival, and to demand what the Israeli military do what our military and no other military would do is simply unconscionable. The White House is putting together a group to counter Islamophobia - is that what you’re seeing in the streets or at colleges? There is islamophobia and it’s horrific but it’s not in America, it’s in the Gaza Strip, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and most Middle East Arab countries. The Democrat media in America lies about Israel and are quick to embrace the talking points of Hamas, whether it is about casualties or an attack on a hospital or anything else. CNN is the worst offender, using Media Matters as a source for news, which is a group funded by George Soros – a notorious hater of Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Washington Post is the latest to regurgitate the fake George Soros Media Matters story attacking Mark and even reached out to the Biden Administration to comment on it. We cannot allow the Democrat media and their numerous propagandists to get away with their hate and lies and can never be free to push a hateful narrative without pushback from conservatives. The New York Times and Washington Post covered up the Holocaust while it was occurring, and their coverage of the October 7 slaughter of Israeli Jews and their subsequent use of Hamas lies, along with the regurgitation of Biden administration talking points and relentless insinuations about Israel has been horrendous. Anti-Semitism has reached historic highs in our country, and President Biden refuses to call out specific colleges, groups, media personalities, and Democrats for spewing their poison. The enemies of America hear the Biden administration speaking through the executive branch and the media pressuring Israel to back off, and they see it as a weakness and an opportunity. The Biden regime has turned aggressively against Israel, does not want Israel to win the war, and is leaking incessantly against Israel to their favorite media outlets. Also, Biden's open border policy has led to the death of tens of thousands of American citizens and others and has led to a flood of fentanyl and crime in our cities. Fentanyl is coming across the border in such large amounts that FBI director Christopher Wray said they've seized enough to kill 270 million people. The Biden administration is endangering American citizens with an open-border immigration policy as badly as it is endangering Israel with a pro-Hamas foreign policy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media in America lies about Israel and are quick to embrace the talking points of Hamas, whether it is about casualties or an attack on a hospital or anything else. CNN is the worst offender, using Media Matters as a source for news, which is a group funded by George Soros – a notorious hater of Israel. The Biden administration does not want Israel to win because they are still funding Iran, Hamas, and other terrorists groups in the Middle East. Biden is lying to Israel by telling them one thing and saying another publicly, and all of our enemies in Iran and Russia and China are watching to see if Biden will buckle. The longer it takes for Israel to defeat Hamas, the more Russia and China will get involved and expand their influence in the Middle East, and the moderate Muslim regimes in the region will lose trust in America because we are a declining power. None of this would be happening without Iran and but for the fact that the Biden regime re-armed Iran. Also, Mark speaks with Senator Tim Scott to discuss the pressure Joe Biden is putting on Israel not to defend themselves against terror attacks by Hamas and Biden’s calls for a ceasefire in the middle of a war. Israel is facing a threat that targets civilians and will go to any lengths to eliminate Jews, and the most humane thing to do would be to allow Israel to achieve their goal of removing Hamas as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this Mark Levin election special, Mark reveals the biggest threat to America, Joe Biden and the Democrat party. Americans are struggling with the basics, like food, gas, utilities. America's liberties are being eroded by the Marxist movements and the left. Senator Tim Scott, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy join Mark to discuss their policies and their candidacies for President in 2024. This special election report is sponsored by Christian Care Ministry and Medi-Share. Medi-Share is the nation’s first accredited healthcare sharing ministry serving ministries around the globe.  To learn more and to for a reliable health care alternative, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the White House is putting together a group to counter Islamophobia - is that what you’re seeing in the streets or at colleges? There is islamophobia and it’s horrific but it’s not in America, it’s in the Gaza Strip, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and most Middle East Arab countries. Where are all these acts of Islamophobia in America? If it were all over the place - we'd see all the left-wing media running with it as their lead headlines. How about a group to counter anti-Semitism? The level of anti-Semitism has never existed like this in American history. I blame a lot of that on the immigration system in this country. President Biden is leading the most anti-Semitic administration in history. They will send weapons to Israel, but they don’t want them to win. They can’t fight in the way Armies fight to win a war. They are the only country that's blackmailed by Democrat administrations and radical left-wing governments in Europe. Later, this group CREW is trying to keep Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado by using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment argument. And this judge, who donated to this anti-Trump group and refused to recuse herself, allows a case to continue even though there's absolutely no constitutional basis for it and Trump has never been charged with an insurrection let alone found guilty of it. We need Republican Attorney Generals to accuse Biden of treason, for his open border, and go into states to try and take Biden off the ballot. If they’re going to accuse Trump of insurrection then Biden should be accused of treason for his open border. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Israel is not going to do less than we in the United States would do and have done for their own survival, and to demand what the Israeli military do what our military and no other military would do is simply unconscionable. The constant pressure by the West, led by Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, is clearly anti-Semitic, because no other nation fighting for their survival is being asked for a humanitarian ceasefire so that the enemy can re-arm and regroup. Israel is not only fighting their enemies, but our enemies too; Hezbollah, Hamas and other Islamonazis have killed thousands of American soldiers in the name of jihad. If saving our union and ending slavery were noble purposes as a result of the Civil War, then why do we expect less of the Israelis trying to save their country and their people against an enemy who doesn’t seek to enslave them but obliterate them? Also, the lack of seriousness that Biden and his flunkies give to anti-Semitism is incredible, and would rather call Americans islamophobic than address the growing anti-Semitism in our colleges and in protests in our major cities. We are allowing people from Arab and Muslim countries to come into this country unvetted, which means Hamas and others are sending people into our country to infiltrate our culture. It is sad that Christian Republicans are doing more to support Israel and combat anti-Semitism than Jewish Democrats like Chuck Schumer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the impeachment clause of the Constitution is unique. If you have a president who conducts himself in a way that endangers the country, that's an impeachable offense. If you have a president who will do nothing to prevent the enemy from developing a nuclear weapon and has given them proceeds to help them make nuclear weapons, that's an impeachable offense. If you have a president who refuses to secure the nation and close the border, that's an impeachable offense. These are not policy disagreements, these are impeachable offenses. He's refused to enforce laws that he's required to enforce.  The time to draw up articles of impeachment against President Biden is right now.  Also, it's time for Congress to investigate the George Soros network. He's putting in billions of dollars to destroy the country. The groups behind most of the pro-Hamas protests got $15 million from Soros. Later, the Biden administration doesn't want Israel to obliterate Hamas, wound them yes, but not eliminate them. They want Israel to keep fighting and fighting - just don't win because if they win, they will change the balance of power Biden is trying to create in the Middle East. Finally, there's no ubiquitous islamophobia going on in America yet the Biden administration keeps mentioning it when they mention anti-semitism. The most Islamophobic places on Earth are in Muslim, and Arab countries as well as Iran. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden believes he’s the commander-in-chief of 2 countries, America, and Israel. Look at the job Biden did for America, now he wants to do that for Israel. The free world doesn’t want to be free anymore, and democracies don’t want to be democracies anymore because we have become weak and are being destroyed from within by Marxism and terrorism. Later, there was no basis for the judge in Manhattan to fine Donald Trump $5,000 because he did not like what Trump posted. This was an effort by a Democrat judge to put a scarlet letter on Trump because the defendant has the right to speak out and defend themselves. The Biden administration is in a full-court lie about everything that is taking place in the Middle East, and the American media is giving cover for it. 500 Hamas soldiers were trained in Iran, and the Biden administration continues to deny any direct link between Iran and Hamas which is very problematic. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is the Heinrich Himmler of the Islamonazi regime in Tehran and should not be allowed into the United Nations, and he is now directly threatening America on American soil. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. President Biden’s answer to the next step in the Israel-Hamas war is that we cannot go back to the status quo of Hamas using Israelis as human shields, but also says when the crisis is over there has to be a two-state solution, which is a fallacy. In 1948 Israel was officially recognized by the U.N. as a state, and the Palestinian territories were disputed until 1993 when Israel recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization, enacting a two-state solution, but that wasn’t enough for PLO leader Yassar Arafat who continued to kill Jews. The Palestinian people literally voted for and overwhelmingly support Hamas which is a fact, and most American Muslims are supportive of Hamas. If Donald Trump were still the president, we would not have had a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, we would not have a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and we would not have this Hamas-Israel war. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is the Heinrich Himmler of the Islamonazi regime in Tehran and should not be allowed into the United Nations, and he is now directly threatening America on American soil. This regime and their surrogates have slaughtered Americans and taken more hostage, and there has been no response from the Biden administration. Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Robert Malley decided that every previous president had foreign policy all wrong and that America was too strong and imperialistic, which has led to the disastrous foreign policy we have under President Biden. We cannot build up terrorist regimes that have killed their own people, killed Americans, and killed anyone who disagrees with them, and put them on the same level as civilized societies. If Israel goes into Gaza and blows Hamas off the face of the Earth, Biden would be against it because it would disrupt the powers in the Middle East. This is the kind of foreign policy that will lead to World War 3. Mark speaks with Sen. Tim Scott about anti-Semitism and anti-American behavior on our college campuses, thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East that have entered America through our open Southern border, and the 2024 Presidential election. Also, there is a massive manhunt underway for the Lewiston, Maine mass shooter who killed at least 18 people and injured 13 more in cold blood. Democrats immediately called for more gun control laws, which would do nothing to stop this kind of violence. Our borders are wide open with drugs and guns pouring into our country and our cities and Democrats do not blink an eye, yet they think stricter gun laws will solve the problem. Later, the gag order issued on Donald Trump by Judge Tanya Chutkan is blatant prior restraint and achieves the goal of Jack Smith and the DOJ to prevent him from defending himself. The ACLU despises Trump, but even this was too much for them, saying that Trump retains the 1st Amendment right to defend himself and we have the right to hear him. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is in a full-court lie about everything that is taking place in the Middle East, and the American media is giving cover for it. 500 Hamas soldiers were trained in Iran, and the Biden administration continues to deny any direct link between Iran and Hamas which is very problematic. President Biden is sabotaging Israel and America by intentionally creating this situation in the Middle East, and the American public is being lied to and misled by our own government. Biden is a disastrous commander-in-chief not just in our country but in Israel as well and is working with our European allies to pressure Israel not to fight the kind of war they must fight to prevent future terrorist attacks from Hamas. We've gone from unimaginable peace under President Trump and his foreign policy of peace through strength, to horrific terrorism and war under Biden's policy of appeasement and worse; financial support for our enemies. The Biden regime is populated with America-hating, Israel-hating Obama holdovers and ideologues, and the Republican Party has been crippled by a handful of political narcissists. Also, Republicans lost 3 weeks of conducting oversight hearings and all of the things that the majority does in the House because of a fight over who should be the speaker, and if they lose the majority in the House that is 3 weeks Democrats will be happy to take. Rep Mike Johnson has been voted to be the new Speaker of the House without losing a single Republican vote after weeks of infighting. Later, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, more than 40 confidential sources had criminal information on Joe, James, and Hunter Biden, and it was shut down and suppressed by an FBI task force by calling it foreign disinformation. This is why Merrick Garland has not and will never initiate a special council into the Biden Crime Family, because this has been ongoing for so long and kept under wraps.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the free world doesn’t want to be free anymore, and democracies don’t want to be democracies anymore because we have become weak and are being destroyed from within by Marxism and terrorism. Our schools are all in on the destruction of America because the vast majority of public institutions have been devoured by Marxism. Hamas is killing their own people just like aggressive autocracies before them like Mao or Stalin because they seek to re-engineer society and human beings, and if you do not conform to the ideology you become expendable. The overlay between Marxism and Islamic Nazism is more similar than dissimilar. Also, the left in Israel is as bad as the left in America, and they want to fundamentally change the country and control the elections. Benjamin Netanyahu offered modest changes to the Israeli Supreme Court to return more control to the Knesset, which were rejected and he was told he doesn’t have the authority. The Israeli left backed by the American Democrat left and the Biden Administration wants to destroy Netanyahu. Later, there was no basis for the judge in Manhattan to fine Donald Trump $5,000 because he did not like what Trump posted. This was an effort by a Democrat judge to put a scarlet letter on Trump because the defendant has the right to speak out and defend themselves. Meanwhile, the Judge in D.C. stayed her own censorship order, and if the prosecution is making their case publicly then so can the defendant. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden believes he’s the commander-in-chief of 2 countries, America, and Israel. Look at the job Biden did for America, now he wants to do that for Israel. Hamas is playing Biden and Antony Blinken. Behind the scenes, they are telling Israel to feed and medicate the Palestinian citizens in Gaza, but Hamas isn’t going to let that aid go to citizens. Also, the counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media, and entertainment. This is the core of the modern-day democrat party. Everyone of those protestors in the streets and on college campuses are Democrats. They’ll never vote Republican. The Democrats are showing you who they are. Later, for all the attacks on President Trump over the last few weeks about Israel, the fact is that he has never, ever flinched from supporting Israel and slapping down Iran and their surrogates. He is the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the presidency. His public comments about this war, which are unequivocally pro-Israel, are all but ignored by the same corrupt media that give full-throated support to the Hamas Nazi propaganda machine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, if someone wanted to destroy America, they would elect Joe Biden as president. They would fund and re-arm Iran and the Palestinians. They would throw the southern border wide open. To destroy America they would do exactly what they are doing now. Also, we have a fifth column in America and the media are a big part of it. We have allowed these colleges and universities to take our money and we're told we can't touch them. CNN has breaking news, “Hundreds likely dead in Gaza hospital blast, as Israeli blockade cripples medical response.” 99% of that CNN article is a lie. Now we know what moves the media. Later, not only did Israel not shoot a missile at a hospital in Gaza, but a hospital was never hit at all, and 500 casualties never happened, so in every respect the Hamas propaganda was reported and regurgitated by the Democrat media. The Hamas propaganda has been reported nonstop by the Democrat media, who have all disgraced themselves and exposed themselves as Stalinists, and they have blood on their hands. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. President Biden is trying to tie federal aid for Israel to aid for Ukraine and Gaza in a $100 billion aid package. Support for Israel is separate from support for Ukraine, and Biden is trying to equate these two situations in order to get more money from Congress. The world is on fire right now because of the weak leadership of the Biden Administration, and our enemies are not afraid to cross us anymore like they were under President Trump. This is what happens when you have someone with no clue in the Oval Office and does not understand peace through strength. We have a corrupt president who is incapable of leading the world, which is why we keep seeing rockets being fired off in the Middle East by Iran’s proxies. Also, Rep Jim Jordan is officially out of the race to be Speaker of the House which is a shame. Jordan could not be the next Speaker because so many of these cowardly moderate Republicans want to hide behind massive omnibus spending bills, and Jordan wanted up or down separate votes instead. Jordan is a threat to the deep state, which is why he is under attack from the establishment D.C. swamp just like Trump. Later, Trump is being persecuted by a weaponized Department of Justice and is now being gagged and fined for making jokes about his court case. This is a government that is going after people’s political speech and will shut you down if they do not like what you are saying, but if you are a Democrat saying pro-Hamas things you’re allowed to with no consequences. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party has conquered our culture, our schools, and our media, and as a result, things are not going well. All of the people protesting in our streets who are talking about exterminating the Jews and trashing America are not Republicans. The Hamas propaganda has been reported nonstop by the Democrat media, who have all disgraced themselves and exposed themselves as Stalinists, and they have blood on their hands. President Biden needs to be held accountable for re-arming Iran and Palestinian terrorists among others in the Middle East and should be impeached. It has taken hundreds of years to build America into a global superpower, and it only took 2.5 years for Joe Biden to destroy it along with the Abraham Accords which brought peace to the Middle East. Also, Biden gave an address to the nation which was disjointed and not uplifting. Biden didn't say anything about what he is going to do about Iran, including enforcing the oil sanctions, the life blood of the Iranian terrorist regime. Nothing about Iran's nuclear program; nothing about building up our own military commensurate with all the challenges our military faces. And not a word about securing our border as a national security risk. Nothing. Later, Mark speaks with Senator Marsha Blackburn about what Joe Biden’s response to Hamas should be and how we should stop funding Iran if they are going to continue to support terrorist groups. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, not only did Israel not shoot a missile at a hospital in Gaza, but a hospital was never hit at all, and 500 casualties never happened, so in every respect the Hamas propaganda was reported and regurgitated by the Democrat media. The American media is responsible for what we are seeing around the world today because these terrorist networks seize on these opportunities in addition to the brainwashing that has been going on in our colleges and universities for decades. It is possible that President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israel not to invade Gaza in the wake of the attacks by Hamas? Biden said on the airplane back from Israel that they discussed many alternatives to invasion. Biden and Blinken are appeasers who continue to allow Iran to re-arm itself and continue to send money to the Palestinian terrorists warning Israel about the extent they should defend themselves. Later, Mark is joined by Mort Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America, to discuss the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and Joe Biden’s disastrous involvement in Israel by appeasing Iran and helping promote terrorism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, CNN has breaking news, “Hundreds likely dead in Gaza hospital blast, as Israeli blockade cripples medical response.” 99% of that CNN article is a lie. Now we know what moves the media. An allegation from Hamas that Israel blew up a hospital in Gaza, even though Israel does not target hospitals and is well aware of the outcry if it did target a hospital. The media must be disappointed. They now say the pressure is on Israel to do something. Now, Israel is responsible for an Islamic Jihad missile that hit a hospital in Gaza! But the fact that the media regurgitate the lies of terrorists and are poised to condemn Israel at virtually every turn is unconscionable. But we do know who committed atrocities against Jews, including babies in their cribs, burned people alive, decapitated people, and all the rest. Hamas Nazis videotaped it all, and the forensic medical examiners have revealed even worse. If the Hamas Nazis had committed their atrocities against babies and others in a hospital would the media be more astonished? Who to believe? Hamas Nazi terrorists or Israel? For much of the media, the Hamas Nazi terrorists. Also, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in to discuss his successful launch of cargo planes to get Americans out of Israel because Biden wasn’t doing anything. Biden and his administration put the American people last. The far left in America has turned rabidly anti-Israel. We can have differences on politics but when the blood wasn’t even dry people were cheering on Hamas -that’s a sickness in society. Finally, Sen Rick Scott calls in to talk about the chaos happening in Israel - murder, rape, 30 Americans killed and where is the outrage from the Biden administration to what Iran and Hamas have done? Biden needs to wake the hell up and stand up for Israel. They must be held accountable. Iran wants to destroy us. Just like the Democrats. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, if someone wanted to destroy America, they would elect Joe Biden as president. They would fund and re-arm Iran and the Palestinians. They would throw the southern border wide open. To destroy America they would do exactly what they are doing now. Also, we have a fifth column in America and the media are a big part of it. We have allowed these colleges and universities to take our money and we're told we can't touch them. Yes, we can defund them. We have no obligation to fund a fifth column that supports Hamas and Marxism. Later, former Israeli PM Ehud Barak spent the last year behind the Israeli left's civil war efforts against the current Israeli government, including organizing opposition to the government with the IDF and even Mossad. You have to wonder the extent to which he and the movement he led caused Israel's enemies to decide this was the right time to attack, as he was distracting so many in Israel due to the upheaval. His contribution to the Israeli war effort now is appearing all over U.S. media trashing the Israeli government, which is a unity emergency government, while his country is at war and young IDP soldiers are preparing to invade Gaza, where there will be high casualties. Barak is hardly a sober voice to discuss the war or any aspect of it.  Afterward, Antony Blinken is now on 2nd trip to Israel and has been meeting with PM Netanyahu for 7 hours so far, most likely trying to tie his hands and get him to bend to Biden’s demands. The media keep asking how Hamas can keep firing missiles into Israel with all the Israeli bombing. The answer is that Israel is being told by Biden via Antony Blinken not to hit schools, mosques, or hospitals in Gaza even though Hamas is firing missiles from those sites. And apparently Biden is trying to dictate all kinds of terms with Israel as a condition of receiving certain kinds of military weapons and other needs. Now we also know why the invasion of Gaza has been delayed. Finally, Caroline Glick calls in to discuss the state of the Israeli war and Biden's policies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden re-armed Iran, Hamas Nazi terrorist groups, and the Palestinian terrorists in every way possible. We’ve gone from peace in the Middle East under President Trump, back to President Obama’s policy which was to weaken Israel and empower Iran. President Biden created this situation in Israel by letting Iran and Hamas out of the cage that the Trump Administration put them in. Egypt leaked to the media that they warned Israel about a possible attack from Hamas three days before it happened, but Benjamin Netanyahu has denied these reports and claims there was no contact with the Egyptian government. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul is repeating Egypt’s report despite no investigation or confirmation from U.S. intelligence agencies because he is being played for a fool. We have groups like BLM and college student groups along with the usual neo-Nazis carrying signs in our city streets saying to exterminate the Jews, that Hitler was right, and carrying swastikas while defending groups like Hamas. We have voices in the Democrat Party and media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post repeating their history of abandoning Jews just like they did during the Holocaust. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we have a President, Secretary of State, and National Security Advisor who have never experienced war, and the three of them have killed more people and destroyed more allies with their policies and helped to empower Communist China. The disastrous handling of leaving Afghanistan emboldened Russia to invade Ukraine, and Joe Biden is literally re-arming the Islamonazi regime in Iran that has its sights on Israel and America. Hamas is not a political party; it is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and an Islamist movement. In addition to arming the enemy and helping light the fuse in the Middle East, the Biden Administration’s former special envoy to Iran mishandled classified material and aided Hamas and Hezbollah in terror attacks against Israel. The Biden Administration is covering up its role in funding terrorists in the Middle East while trying to tie the hands of Israel so they cannot defend themselves, all while the Democrat media defends Hamas and condemns Israel for fighting back. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Brian Mast about wearing his IDF uniform on Capitol Hill in a display of unity with Israel after the Hamas terror attacks.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it is unimaginable that we are witnessing the slaughter and atrocities of Jews with the history of the Holocaust not that far away. We have groups like BLM and college student groups along with the usual neo-Nazis carrying signs in our city streets saying to exterminate the Jews, that Hitler was right, and carrying swastikas while defending groups like Hamas. We have voices in the Democrat Party and media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post repeating their history of abandoning Jews just like they did during the Holocaust. We have an American president in Joe Biden who is re-arming and funding an Iranian Nazi regime that threatens our country with nuclear annihilation. This is worse than appeasement; this is giving aid and comfort to the enemy and it is suicidal to our own nation and for Israel. Not a single Arab country has offered to accept any Palestinians in Gaza, including Egypt who is spreading propaganda against Israel while keeping the gate out of the Gaza strip shut. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News Business host and author Charles Payne to discuss his new book, Unbreakable Investor, and the state of the economy under the Biden administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Egypt leaked to the media that they warned Israel about a possible attack from Hamas three days before it happened, but Benjamin Netanyahu has denied these reports and claims there was no contact with the Egyptian government. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul is repeating Egypt’s report despite no investigation or confirmation from U.S. intelligence agencies because he is being played for a fool. The people who want to slaughter Israelis are the same people who want to slaughter us, and President Biden is doing everything he can to give them a nuclear weapon. Also, Mark speaks with Senator Tom Cotton about the Biden Administration funding terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah through Iran just like Barack Obama, which is a complete reversal from the Trump administration Abraham Accords, and has led to violence and devastation in the Middle East. Later, Mark is joined by author Lawrence Jones to discuss his new book, American Man: Speaking the Truth about the War on Masculinity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden created this situation in Israel by letting Iran and Hamas out of the cage that the Trump Administration put them in. President Trump showed American strength by taking out Qasem Soleimani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and drew a real red line that was respected, and that all went away with the Biden Administration. Biden rebuilt Iran’s military and put tens of millions of dollars in their bank accounts, and now Iran is using Hamas to attack Israel. A U.S. District Judge has ruled that the U.S. government knew that the Biden Administration funneled American tax dollars into the hands of Palestinian terror groups. Israel has every right to throw everything it has at the barbarians that attacked them, and it is not their responsibility to accommodate the media or the people who voted for Hamas. Also, Mark speaks with Dan Diker, President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, to expose the terror affiliation of the Students for Justice in Palestine. Students for Justice is not a grassroots student organization; it is a terror-affiliated anti-Semitic network that currently operates with autonomy and impunity at colleges and universities across the United States. Later, Mark talks with Congressman Michael Waltz about the terrorist activities in Israel and the Biden Administration’s involvement in helping groups like Hamas. Finally, Mark is joined by Fox News host Bret Baier to discuss Israel’s fight and his new book To Rescue the Constitution: George Washington and the Fragile American Experiment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden re-armed Iran, Hamas Nazi terrorist groups, and the Palestinian terrorists in every way possible. We’ve gone from peace in the Middle East under President Trump, back to President Obama’s policy which was to weaken Israel and empower Iran. When you are fighting evil over and over again at some point you must destroy it before it destroys you. Weeks ago Israel and Saudi Arabia were close to a peace deal that would have changed the Middle East forever. But Biden and 20 senators said no - not unless Israel gave land to Palestine. Biden was already in the midst of sabotaging what would have been an incredible deal. If someone wanted to destroy Israel, they would fund Iran and undermine the Israeli government. They would do exactly what the Biden administration is doing. Also, Gen Keith Kellogg calls in and explains how the Biden administration is selling Israel down the river. Biden needs to put fear in the leaders of Hamas, and Hezbollah and say we are coming for you, but they won’t do it. Later, Rep Kevin McCarthy joins Mark to break down his 5-point plan for Israel – rescue American hostages, stand with Israel, confront Iran, focus on security and our own border, and combat anti-Semitism within the U.S. This attack is a combination between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor and the lack of response is infuriating. Finally, Secretary Mike Pompeo calls in and explains that Iran has threatened to kill him and other Americans yet the Biden administration gives them $6 billion. Iran just killed nine Americans through Hamas. Iran has funded and fueled Hamas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, how many of you would sit down and cut a deal with progressive Marxist Democrats in the House? They are economic socialists who reject everything we believe in and Rep Matt Gaetz voted with them. There is no civil war within the Republican Party; there are 8 anarchists who wanted to bring down McCarthy no matter what the cost, and in the end, Rep Matt Gaetz got what he wanted while the country lost. One of the greatest disasters in ancient history was the destruction of the Second Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It didn’t have to end that way. “It was the factionalism among Jews that ultimately brought about the destruction of the Second Temple.” All of a sudden President Biden says he has to build parts of the southern border wall because Congress told him he had to and he has to obey the law. Why the change of heart? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Hillary Clinton believes that Donald Trump supporters should be de-programmed, which is the definition of fascism and autocracy. The Democrat party has a long history of propaganda and hatred, especially towards African Americans and Jews, yet claims that it is Republicans who have lost their way. The only Presidents to round up Americans or impose censorship on Americans have been Democrats, and the American public endures constant brainwashing and propaganda in order to force acceptance of their regime. The only party attacking free speech, religion, and truly peaceful protests is the Democrat party. Also, we don’t see a lot of trials involving classified documents because the defendant has the absolute right to defend themselves, but in the case in Florida, they have denied Trump and his attorney access to information they need to defend themselves in court because they are afraid the jury will see the information too. They do not want a jury of peers to see this information to make an informed decision, but Jack Smith keeps pushing ahead with the case. Later, Mark is joined by WABC host and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa to discuss the illegal alien invasion taking place in America and how it is affecting cities like New York City. Finally, Mark speaks with Breitbart editor-in-chief and author Alex Marlow about his new book Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration. Order Alex’s new book now: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, all of a sudden President Biden says he has to build parts of the southern border wall because Congress told him he had to and he has to obey the law. Why the change of heart? Last week Mark laid out what the first article of President Biden's impeachment should be - his failure to uphold Article 2 section 3 of the Constitution. Biden is compelled to comply with statutes and laws he may disagree with and he’s violated the law by blowing off the wall at the southern border. They moved quickly now because they are nervous. There really is no change in the Biden administration policy. What they are not telling you is that they will spend that money on the wall because not doing so is an impeachable offense. Later, Donald Trump would make a great Speaker of the House, but it’s difficult to make the case that he doesn’t have time to prepare for trials - yet he would run for Speaker. He needs to run for president and beat back these cases. Rep Jim Jordan should be the next Speaker of the House. By Rep Matt Gaetz’s logic, we should thank Rep Hakeem Jeffries. Every Democrat voted to vacate Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz colluded with the Marxist party trying to overthrow the country. Rep Jim Jordan calls in to discuss his race for Speaker of the House. He is ready to bring Republicans together. If they don’t come together, we could end up with a coalition government working with the left, which is dangerous. Also, the FBI is secretly targeting Trump supporters ahead of the 2024 election. Not BLM, or ANTIFA, it's MAGA supporters. This is how autocratic regimes work. Finally, Will Scharf calls in to discuss an important filing by Donald Trump's lawyers to dismiss his Washington D.C. case. The motion cites presidential immunity as a ground to dismiss the case in its entirety.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, one of the greatest disasters in ancient history was the destruction of the Second Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It didn’t have to end that way. “It was the factionalism among Jews that ultimately brought about the destruction of the Second Temple.” They had a common enemy, but they were too busy fighting each other; when they finally united it was too late. Those 8 Republicans, who helped oust Kevin McCarthy, teamed up with the Democrat Party and destroyed it. We are facing the Roman Empire - you don’t make deals with the Roman Empire to take out your own people. People who can easily embrace and make deals with Marxists are not conservatives. Rep Matt Gaetz insisted that the House failed to bring up 12 separate appropriations bills. The fact is they could not get them out of committee because Democrats wanted to spend a great deal more. It had nothing to do with a refusal by Kevin McCarthy to oppose regular order. This was an unprincipled, personal, political attack led by a demagogue who repeatedly lies to conservatives and the public generally, and who is the favorite Republican of the Democrat Party and their media. Also, our founding and history is under assault. Individualism is substituted with groupism. The Democrat party is responsible for this and much more. You must look at the Democrat party through the lens of power - it hates our country. Later, it’s amazing that in all but one case Donald Trump is facing Democrat judges and Democrat prosecutors in Democrat cities. They are trying to steal his liberty, steal his property, destroy his business, and put him in prison, and he is supposed to be quiet?! Finally, Sen Tim Scott calls in to talk about how energized he is to take a stand against liberalism as he seeks to serve the country in the White House in 2024. Coming from a single-parent household riddled with poverty - he is the American dream. After watching Biden, Scott says that the Democrat party and Biden don’t just hate America, they don’t like black families. They use race and class to divide the country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, 8 RINOs have done great damage to the Republican Party and this country by removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, because now Democrats feel like they have the wind at their back. House Freedom Caucus is made up of the most conservative members in the House of Representatives, and because six of them, along with 2 RINOs, voted to remove Kevin McCarthy he is no longer the Speaker. We could very easily lose the House now because many of these Republicans, especially those in swing districts, are in jeopardy of losing re-election because the strongest border bill in modern American history was killed on the House floor. Rep Hakeem Jeffries, the Marxists in the Democrat party, and the media have won because Kevin McCarthy will not run again to be Speaker of the House. There is no civil war within the Republican Party; there are 8 anarchists who wanted to bring down McCarthy no matter what the cost, and in the end, Rep Matt Gaetz got what he wanted while the country lost. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) to discuss the ousting of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House while Democrats are destroying the country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, how many of you would sit down and cut a deal with progressive Marxist Democrats in the House? They are economic socialists who reject everything we believe in and Rep Matt Gaetz voted with them. On Friday, Rep Byron Donalds put up a bill to cut 30% of all Federal agencies and it would have secured the border with mandates. There was a strategy developed between Conservatives in the House and the Senate. The plan was to get it passed in the House, then the Senate could use it to have leverage over Sen Mitch McConnell. But the bill was killed by Gaetz, who voted with Democrats and the progressive caucus. Now the government is open for 45 days and nothing is cut and the spending continues. President Biden, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Hakeem Jeffries got their way because they ran circles around Gaetz. Later, Rep Nicole Malliotakis calls in to discuss a resolution she introduced to expel or censure Rep Jamaal Bowman from the House over pulling a fire alarm at the Capitol building and obstructing an official proceeding of Congress. Then his office puts out talking points calling Republicans Nazis. This is not the first time ‘The Squad’ has used this term against Republicans. Finally, Donald Trump is in court trying to protect his business now. Why would a state go after Donald Trump if the banks didn’t file a single complaint? How do you defraud someone who says they weren't defrauded? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden received a $250,000 wire originating in Beijing, with the beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden’s Delaware home. The money came from Hunter’s Chinese business partners in 2019, which is more evidence against the Biden Crime Family despite Democrats saying there is no proof. There have been zero search warrants and zero subpoenas issued against Hunter or Joe, which is a completely different treatment than Bob Menendez or Donald Trump. Also, the demands of UAW President Shawn Fain for a 40% salary increase and a 32-hour work week have nothing to do with job security or electric vehicles. Fain does not represent the people, but instead, he is screwing the people and a propagandist. People like Fain and Chuck Schumer are trying to process illegal immigrants to replace union workers as fast as possible because they do not stand with the patriotic American union workers. No union boss should have this kind of power. It’s shocking how many lawyers in the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee do not understand the basics or the history of impeaching Presidents. The immigration laws have been intentionally eviscerated by Joe Biden and has not faithfully executed them under his oath of office, which is a violation of the Constitution and meets the threshold for impeachment. A President cannot and must not unilaterally decide he will not adhere to immigration laws and subsequently change the culture of our country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Barnes and Noble is censoring the sale of The Democrat Party Hates America, in most stores, by refusing to put it on their shelves, instead leaving them in boxes in the back room. It is absolutely disgusting that a company that is supposed to make money selling books is going to pretend the #1 book in America doesn’t exist. The Democrat Party Hates America is not on the shelves in Barnes and Noble because they have decided that they have more customers who are Democrats than customers who are Conservatives. Also, the GAO, CBO, and OMB continue to issue warnings to the public and government officials with alarming predictions of a fiscal and national security disaster due to unsustainable levels of debt, yet this receives no attention from the Democrat media. Large swaths of the federal government are unaffected by a shutdown, but you can be sure that the ruling class and their DC bureaucrats will do everything possible to make it as painful as possible. Democrats are thrilled because they only need a couple of Republicans, and the Biden-Schumer-McConnell-Jeffries reckless and monumental spending will become law while the border remains wide open. Real Conservatives don’t believe in anarchy or shutting the government down for nothing because it hurts the cause and does nothing for liberty. Later, Charles Littlejohn is being charged for stealing Donald Trump’s tax returns and handing them to the New York Times while working for the IRS. Littlejohn may face years in prison though a plea deal is in the works, and is getting much better treatment than the January 6 detainees. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s shocking how many lawyers in the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee do not understand the basics or the history of impeaching Presidents. The immigration laws have been intentionally eviscerated by Joe Biden and has not faithfully executed them under his oath of office, which is a violation of the Constitution and meets the threshold for impeachment. A President cannot and must not unilaterally decide he will not adhere to immigration laws and subsequently change the culture of our country. As a consequence of Biden’s lawlessness and purposefully sabotaging of our ability to enforce immigration laws, he has committed an impeachable offense and it is not even a close call. The Supreme Court also ruled that Biden does not have the power to give away billions of dollars in student loan forgiveness because it violates the separation of powers, yet Biden has ignored the law until the court can catch up to him – another impeachable offense. As a purely Constitutional matter, there is no question that when a President refuses to faithfully execute the law, or even worse sabotage the law, the threshold for impeachment has been reached. The Democrat argument is there is no evidence proving that Joe Biden did not take a nickel from Hunter’s foreign business dealings, but that is not the basis for impeachment, especially when the Biden Crime Family raked in millions of dollars. Also, Mark speaks with Dave McCormick about his campaign to be the next Senator from Pennsylvania and the violence and looting in Philadelphia as a result of Soros-backed DAs. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is a typical autocrat party that seeks to destroy the nuclear family, our border and sovereignty, and our capitalist economic system, and their media demonstrates day in and day out that they are all in. When you do not have an honest Democrat party or media, this is what you get. The January 6 committee destroyed most of the information they gathered and is forcing their version of what happened to be the truth in order to destroy Donald Trump. They are changing our language and changing our reality, which is exactly what autocrats do. Also, the demands of UAW President Shawn Fain for a 40% salary increase and a 32-hour work week have nothing to do with job security or electric vehicles. Fain does not represent the people, but instead, he is screwing the people and a propagandist. People like Fain and Chuck Schumer are trying to process illegal immigrants to replace union workers as fast as possible because they do not stand with the patriotic American union workers. No union boss should have this kind of power. Later, Mark is joined by Donald Trump Jr. to talk about the gross undervaluation of the Mar-a-Lago estate and the miscarriage of justice and judicial abuse of Donald Trump. Finally, Mark speaks with author Jason Rantz about his new book What’s Killing America: Inside the Radical Left’s Tragic Destruction of Our Cities. Order the book: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden received a $250,000 wire originating in Beijing, with the beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden’s Delaware home. The money came from Hunter’s Chinese business partners in 2019, which is more evidence against the Biden Crime Family despite Democrats saying there is no proof. There have been zero search warrants and zero subpoenas issued against Hunter or Joe, which is a completely different treatment than Bob Menendez or Donald Trump. Also, it is repulsive to watch both Democrats and Republicans fall all over each other to promote an indefensible demand by the UAW. A 40% pay increase and a 32-hour work week is a total rip-off of the American consumer and has nothing to do with job security. The UAW Democrat bosses are shaking down the American consumer, but if you call them out for it you will be called anti-worker. We cannot bow to this kind of blackmail, whether it is from a public or private union, but instead stand up to them like Ronald Reagan. Then, we are likely to get a spending bill we don’t want at all now, which is what happens when you spend more time banging your head against a wall and having a personal feud with Kevin McCarthy instead of using your brains. We cannot afford another disastrous spending bill, which is exactly what we will get if Republicans do not come together in the House of Representatives. Later, there are radical Democrat judges who are doing more damage to this country than Antifa or Black Lives Matter could ever do because they have control of the courtroom and the justice system. We have individuals in the highest positions of government who are selling out this country, some for money and some for ideology. Finally, Mark is joined by political commentator and author Bill O’Reilly to discuss the witch hunts of today and his new book Killing The Witches, The Horror Of Salem, Massachusetts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday's Mark Levin Show, WREC host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark on Yom Kippur. The Bob Menendez that the Democrats are throwing under the bus has done nothing compared to what Joe Biden and the Biden crime family have done. If you're a Democrat telling Menendez to step down, then how are you not demanding Biden step down or demand a special counsel? Those in the Democrat circles knew Menendez was shady and corrupt, just like they know the same thing about Joe Biden. Also, the reason why you see Donald Trump leading in election polls all comes down to the border. The border is changing people's minds and the White House defending the indefensible isn't working. NY Governor Hochul in the past said she welcomes all migrants, now she's saying don't come to NY. Later, new poll numbers are alarming Democrats. Biden's approval rating among Black voters is down by 17 points. 59% want a challenger to Biden and Republican voters are more enthusiastic than Democrats by big numbers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, we currently have a president and an attorney general who are clearly going after their political opponents, whether it is pro-life protesters or parents at school board hearings, and we have had the greatest widespread institution of censorship under the Biden Administration. Next, what’s going on in our cities are not natural disasters, but instead Democrat party manmade disasters. Two teenagers in Las Vegas stole a car and deliberately killed a retired California police chief riding a bicycle. We can thank the radical prosecutors who do not prosecute and judges who coddle criminals for this. If there is a government shutdown for the right reasons, we should be all for it, but we have 5 Republicans in Congress who want to do it for the wrong reasons rather than advance the ball of liberty. The role of the federal government is to protect us from foreign threats, and the greatest threat we face today is Communist China, but these 5 in Congress are endangering our country and pretending to be principled conservatives when they are not. Former Capitol police chief Steven Sund was blamed by Nancy Pelosi for not securing the Capitol building on January 6. But the National Guard can’t deploy without Pelosi’s go-ahead. President Trump offered her 10K National Guardsmen and she said no, so did the D.C. mayor. Later, we have a rouge DOJ with a rouge Attorney General. AG Merrick Garland at a hearing today refused to answer any questions. The GOP needs to have a Constitutional battle. Our southern border is wide open under the Biden administration, and now they are demanding that illegal aliens get photo I.D. cards once they enter America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his wife are being indicted for bribery, and they are being treated very differently than Hunter Biden or Donald Trump. Where is all the money that Hunter Biden received from Communist China, and why haven’t there been any search warrants issued to look into it? The resources and attention being paid to the Biden Crime Family is virtually none, despite the Biden situation making the Menendez situation look like small potatoes. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was subject to an FBI raid over a general warrant in a documents case, even though there were much more civil options available. Hunter Biden is the main witness against Joe Biden for his corruption, which is why Hunter matters and why Joe would want to pardon him if convicted. Also, the 5 Republican saboteurs in the House of Representatives are going to force a government shutdown for no good reason, while at the same time, the Republican minority in the Senate is working with the majority in the Senate to push through an outrageous spending bill. If they can get Reps Byron Donalds and Chip Roy to fail, the Senate spending bill will be pushed forward. Later, MRC exposes a media literacy firm rigged to favor left-wing media and harm conservatives. Those who they consider unreliable are – Mark Levin, Hannity, Jesse Watters, Daily Signal, TPUSA, OAN, and more. Order Mark's new book now, The Democrat Party Hates America: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, our southern border is wide open under the Biden administration, and now they are demanding that illegal aliens get photo I.D. cards once they enter America. President Biden wants to have federally issued I.D.s from the Department of Homeland Security given out, which will no doubt be used to allow noncitizens to able to vote. Our elected representatives are supposed to represent the citizenry, not anyone who can cross a porous southern border. This is the biggest impeachable offense there is, the purposeful destruction of our country and the disenfranchisement of American citizens. This is a high crime against the civil society, intentionally done by a rogue President and a rogue regime. Also, Biden has no interest in being transparent about what he is doing diplomatically, especially with Iran after giving them $6 billion, which is leaving all of us in the dark about what is going on. It seems like the Biden Administration is working with the Israeli government and the Saudi Arabian prince to have a normalization deal, in which the Saudis would recognize Israel diplomatically. Had there been a second Trump administration, this would have already happened under the Abraham Accords. Saudi Arabia has said that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, they will have no choice but to develop nuclear weapons too. Biden has done the exact opposite of what he should be doing every single time and is never held to account by the Democrat media. Later, Mark speaks with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis about criticism from his political opponents in the 2024 Presidential primary race, fighting the woke Disney agenda, and his energy plan for America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, former Capitol police chief Steven Sund was blamed by Nancy Pelosi for not securing the Capitol building on January 6. But the National Guard can’t deploy without Pelosi’s go-ahead. President Trump offered her 10K National Guardsmen and she said no, so did the D.C. mayor. Why is it that Pelosi and Mitch McConnell get a pass on not securing the Capitol? The January 6 committee protected Pelosi and pretended she had no role. Later, we have a rouge DOJ with a rouge Attorney General. AG Merrick Garland at a hearing today refused to answer any questions. The GOP needs to have a Constitutional battle. They need to subpoena the schedules and communications of Garland, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, and the head of the criminal division. They need to subpoena their notes from the various meetings that they've had with each other. They need to subpoena the emails and text messages they've had among each other. Then they can duke it out in the courts and get the information because they won’t get anything from these hearings. Afterward, as a government shutdown approaches, there are still 5 Republican holdouts. All these guys have personal ambitions and that’s what they are putting in front of everything else. What will happen is that the Democrats will get some RINOs to join them, then we will have a budget blowout. Also, what is it about the Constitution that the Democrat Party hates? It’s all in ‘The Democrat Party Hates America.’ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, if there is a government shutdown for the right reasons, we should be all for it, but we have 5 Republicans in Congress who want to do it for the wrong reasons rather than advance the ball of liberty. The role of the federal government is to protect us from foreign threats, and the greatest threat we face today is Communist China, but these 5 in Congress are endangering our country and pretending to be principled conservatives when they are not. China is plotting to go to war against us and it’s as clear as day, and we are not prepared psychologically or militarily. Also, oil companies have always been in the business of creating oil and natural gas, which we should be celebrating because without energy we wouldn’t have the mobility or technologies we have today. Instead, the Democrat Marxists want us to hate them because oil is central to our economy like Gavin Newsom suing the 5 largest oil companies in America. They want to destroy the combustion engine, the production of fossil fuels, stop drilling on lands, and prevent the building of pipelines to efficiently move natural gas; this is a full-on war against capitalism and on all of us. Later, today is the day ’The Democrat Party Hates America’ is available in all bookstores. It’s about time to push back on this party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we currently have a president and an attorney general who are clearly going after their political opponents, whether it is pro-life protesters or parents at school board hearings, and we have had the greatest widespread institution of censorship under the Biden Administration. Despite this, the Democrat media continues to attack Donald Trump over January 6th and assume he will appoint an attorney general to attack political opponents, which is exactly what Joe Biden has already done. Also, United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain is leading one of the greatest shakedowns in American history, pushing for a 4-day work week on top of a 40% pay increase, and is using Marxist tactics and language to do it. None of this will benefit the workers or more importantly Americans, but only benefit the union. Next, what’s going on in our cities are not natural disasters, but instead Democrat party manmade disasters. Two teenagers in Las Vegas stole a car and deliberately killed a retired California police chief riding a bicycle. We can thank the radical prosecutors who do not prosecute and judges who coddle criminals for this. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Byron Donalds about the budget battle in Congress and challenges from both Democrats and fellow Republicans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration worked out a deal with Iran for the release of five Iranian citizens, plus the release of 6 Billion dollars in exchange for 5 Americans detained in Iran. This Biden administration also applauded a Saudi Arabia deal on global infrastructure deal on the anniversary of 9/11. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham doesn’t have the power to suspend any part of the Constitution. She can’t suspend open and concealed carry across Albuquerque under an emergency health order. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he is initiating an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Joe Biden knew, as a matter of fact, that Hunter Biden was representing officially or even unofficially numerous foreign businesses, which is more than enough to be required to register under FARA. Joe Biden assisted his son in violating FARA, which does not require a payment of any kind and is not a specific intent crime -- a co-conspirator. The list of Biden impeachment issues is far more compelling than any information that was brought against Donald Trump. The left-wing media, Democrats, along with some Republicans, keep saying there’s no evidence to conduct a Joe Biden impeachment inquiry. Three presidents have been impeached. None were convicted by the Senate. Hunter Biden has been indicted by a Grand Jury in Delaware on three Federal gun-related charges. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli of WPHT fills in for Mark. Special Counsel Jack Smith is a classic example of an overzealous prosecutor, and if we had real civil liberties groups in this country they would be furious about a possible gag order on Donald Trump. The government under the Biden Justice Department is persecuting Trump, and he has every right to speak out against this injustice despite every effort to silence him. Democrats want to deprive Trump of his ability to make his case to the voters, and their effort to disqualify Trump under the 14th Amendment will get thrown out by the Supreme Court if it goes that far. Trump has not asked anyone to do anything illegal or attack anyone but only has defended himself online against a corrupt government, yet to Democrats that is attacking people and justifiable for a gag order. The left loves to weaponize speech and censor speech they disagree with, which we all saw during the COVID pandemic and the 2020 election with the Hunter Biden laptop. We cannot allow speech to be censored because we don’t like it or we think it will hurt someone somewhere, which is exactly what Democrats do. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden has been indicted by a Grand Jury in Delaware on three Federal gun-related charges. Joe Biden can pardon Hunter if he wants to and it wouldn’t affect his re-election chances if he is the Democrat nominee because he can wait until after the election. Strangely, some Republicans do not want Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024 because he has a disastrous record and can barely speak coherently. Also, Nancy Pelosi in 2019 singlehandedly brought impeachment charges against President Trump without holding a vote, setting the precedent for Kevin McCarthy to do the same to Joe Biden. Now Pelosi is calling it hogwash because hard-left Democrats lie on all things small or big since it doesn’t matter to them. RINOs and Never Trumpers like Adam Kinzinger don’t just criticize Conservatives but go so far as to praise Democrats and Joe Biden for destroying our country. The Republican establishment has never supported Conservatives, from Reagan to Goldwater to Trump, so to hear people like Chris Christie and John Sununu talk about how great Reagan was while trashing Trump is absurd. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the left-wing media, Democrats, along with some Republicans, keep saying there’s no evidence to conduct a Joe Biden impeachment inquiry. Three presidents have been impeached. None were convicted by the Senate. And none were impeached for “evidence” of receiving money. President Biden has committed numerous High Crimes and Misdemeanors as understood by the framers. Joe helped Hunter Biden, unwittingly or willingly, to take money from foreign governments that benefited the Biden family and that may have influenced Biden administration policy. If you’re a Democrat or Republican and you say the impeachment inquiry is a distraction, then you're part of the problem. An impeachment inquiry should not only address financial dealings but much more, including violating immigration law. Tens of thousands of Americans are dying from fentanyl, schools are overrun, law enforcement is being overrun and it’s being done intentionally – that’s an impeachable offense. Later, Rep. Chip Roy calls in to discuss using the power of the purse to force change in the Biden administration. The founders gave it to the House of Representatives to be able to check the executive branch. Finally, Dan Bongino calls in to discuss his new book, The Gift of Failure. Bongino identifies failures in his life and how those failures led to bigger and better things. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he is initiating an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Joe Biden knew, as a matter of fact, that Hunter Biden was representing officially or even unofficially numerous foreign businesses, which is more than enough to be required to register under FARA. Joe Biden assisted his son in violating FARA, which does not require a payment of any kind and is not a specific intent crime -- a co-conspirator. The list of Biden impeachment issues is far more compelling than any information that was brought against Donald Trump. Speaker McCarthy calls in to discuss the Biden impeachment inquiry, Joe’s direct involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings, and the overall corruption, obstruction, and abuse of power committed by Joe Biden. Later, according to a whistleblower the CIA bribed its own COVID origin team to reject the lab-leak theory. Every one of our institutions in Washington D.C. has been corrupted, they all need to be broken up. D.D. is a politically, and economically corrupt place. There’s no reason why D.C. should be ruling over every corner of this country. None of these agencies think they are answerable to Congress. Afterward, Biden is giving $6 billion to Iran, but don’t worry, they tell us, there are strings attached. How do you have strings attached to a regime like this? They can only use it for humanitarian use but they define humanitarian as killing us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we honor those who died on September 11, 2001 – the greatest attack on American soil. Where was President Biden today? Alaska. His polit bureau put him in there because he humiliates this country every time he opens his mouth. What else does the Biden administration do on this solemn day? They worked out a deal with Iran for the release of five Iranian citizens, plus the release of 6 Billion dollars in exchange for 5 Americans detained in Iran. This Biden administration also applauded a Saudi Arabia deal on global infrastructure deal on the anniversary of 9/11. Later, a Governor like Michelle Lujan Grisham doesn’t have the power to suspend any part of the Constitution. She can’t suspend open and concealed carry across Albuquerque under an emergency health order. She does have the power to put criminals behind bars but she won’t do that. Also, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm decided to drive across states in an electric vehicle. Her staff parked a gas-powered car in a charging spot and because EV charging spots are limited a family called the cops. There’s nowhere for people to charge their cars yet the Biden administration wants these cars to be the standard. Finally, Judge Tanya Chutkan should be nowhere near a courthouse, much less a Donald Trump case. Today, Trump's lawyers called for Chutkan to recuse herself in this case. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the spending, borrowing, and taxing from Democrats is so overwhelming to our national debt that we may never climb out of it. During a government shutdown, the Federal government never shuts down despite the Democrat propaganda, and the parts that do shut down impose the most panic, fear, and pressure on the American people so that Washington D.C. bureaucrats can get all the money they want. It won’t lead to Joe Biden if the Special Counsel indicts Hunter Biden on a gun charge. If Hunter’s not indicted for FARA violations or, tax violations - then Joe won't be drawn into this. This is the most harmless indictment that can be brought. President Biden and the Democrat Party are destroying immigration and the economy. Democrats are telling us this is one of the greatest economies ever. The idea that you have to pay more for fuel, utilities, and food is your imagination because Democrats tell you they created a fantastic economy, and if you don’t believe it’s your fault. Don’t worry about your IRA's and mutual funds. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the war on America by the Democrat party, who hate this country, is not just focused on Donald Trump. They want to destroy Trump and make an example out of him, but they also want to make an example out of anyone who opposes the Democrat party, especially anyone involved in the 2020 election. This is what you get when you criminalize politics; Democrat cities indicting people for simply challenging an election and turning it into RICO charges. The right to a speedy trial exists in the Bill of Rights to the benefit of the citizen, not the government, and Judge Chutkan rushing Trump’s trial date and jumping in front of the Florida case is a blatant misuse of her power. This is a war on the Republic being waged by the ruling class elite in Washington D.C. Also, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump were breakthrough, game-changing Presidents who pierced the Washington bubble and shook up the establishment. We keep hearing from Republicans and the media how great Ronald Reagan was, yet they never believed it while he was running for President or even while President; especially from the “Stop Reagan” movement from the Bush’s. We can’t be fooled by people like Joe Scarborough or Chris Christie, who want to use Reagan to trash Trump. Later, Mark is joined by Peter Navarro, former Assistant to President Trump, to discuss his conviction of contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents to the corrupt January 6 committee. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and the Democrat Party are destroying immigration and the economy. Democrats are telling us this is one of the greatest economies ever. The idea that you have to pay more for fuel, utilities, and food is your imagination because Democrats tell you they created a fantastic economy, and if you don’t believe it’s your fault. Don’t worry about your IRA's and mutual funds. The Democrat position on the border is that it’s secure and now all of a sudden sanctuary cities are upset. This is Biden’s fault, he is destroying America - citizenship doesn’t mean a thing anymore. What happening on the border the destruction of communities, the growing crime, and impoverishment is a Democrat Party-created disaster. Later, school choice is more important now than ever, we can’t have any more pretenders. Nikki Haley can’t run on a big school choice plan because she didn’t have one. Chris Christie didn't lift a finger for school choice in NJ as Governor. Also, Vivek Ramaswamy was the media and polling favorite last week, now this week it’s Nikki Haley. The polls are meaningless, you have to vote for the candidate you believe is best to lead the country - not who can win or who’s leading in the polls. Don’t be misled by talking heads on TV. Afterward, Sen Tom Cotton calls in on the latest effort to undermine Donald Trump and prevent him from returning to the White House and his take on the January 6 sentences. Finally, thanks to Mark’s listeners WLS AM will air the radio show live! And thanks to Fox News and Mark’s viewers Life, Liberty and Levin is expanding to 2 days a week, Saturday and Sunday. The first show of Life, Liberty and Levin got a review from Media Matters and as usual, they got it all wrong. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it won’t lead to Joe Biden if the Special Counsel indicts Hunter Biden on a gun charge. If Hunter’s not indicted for FARA violations or, tax violations - then Joe won't be drawn into this. This is the most harmless indictment that can be brought. Also, if you want to know why Donald Trump can’t get a fair break in front of these Democrat judges just look at NYC. A NY Judge denied Trump’s request to delay his trial. The judge could have put this off but he’s a Democrat hack. Then, in NY again a judge, on his own, said that Trump is guilty in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case. Now they will have a trial on how much he owes. Later, the Republican party in the Senate has failed us over and over. They have no strength on the judiciary. They have contributed to out-of-control spending and have done nothing about the border crisis. They need to stop voting with them and make the argument that the Democrat Party budget will destroy working Americans. It will destroy people on fixed incomes and will drive up food and gas prices. The Democrat Party is the party that stands for bureaucrats. Afterward, the ADL doesn’t represent the Jewish people, they represent the left, and they support the Democrat Party. Finally, former Ambassador David Friedman calls in to discuss his new movie Route 60 – The Biblical Highway. Route 60 is a historic, sacred link to the roots of Judaism and Christianity. David Friedman and Mike Pompeo venture down this sacred road, treading the very ground Abraham, Jacob, King David, and Jesus once walked. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the spending, borrowing, and taxing from Democrats is so overwhelming to our national debt that we may never climb out of it. During a government shutdown, the Federal government never shuts down despite the Democrat propaganda, and the parts that do shut down impose the most panic, fear, and pressure on the American people so that Washington D.C. bureaucrats can get all the money they want. Democrats did not mind destroying small businesses and the private sector when everything was shut down for months due to COVID. The deficit is growing so fast that it will double by next year, risking a federal debt crisis thanks to inflation and other Democrat Marxist programs like Bidenomics and the Inflation Reduction Act. The D.C. media wants massive spending because the ruling class in Washington wants more and more, massively increasing the size and power of the wealthy elite while regular Americans get poorer and poorer. That is textbook Marxism, redistribution of wealth, and class warfare which is only getting worse until Conservatives put their foot down. Later, the Democrat Party's fetish for the 14th Amendment is a vile attack on our elections directed at one man: Donald Trump. If the Democrat Party, their media, and their academicians cannot rewrite the Constitution by interpretation, then they argue for abolishing it altogether and replacing it with a document that ensures their monopoly power and destroys our founding principles. The same kind of fraudulent approach is now before us with respect to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which Democrats are desperately and cravenly insisting prevents former President Donald Trump from effectively running for a second presidential term. This is the party and these are the people who are organizing around a twisted fiction for banning Trump from the ballot and disenfranchising his would-be voters in advance of an election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin this Labor Day! A judge is supposed to be a referee and ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected, which includes setting a date for trial. Tanya Chutkan, the District Judge in Donald Trump’s election interference case in Washington D.C., has set a date for March 4, 2024, which falls right in the middle of the 2024 Presidential campaign and does not give much time for Trump lawyers to review the evidence and form a defense. Chutkan has been commiserating with the Obama judges in D.C. on how to make this the first case to take down Trump. She purposely set a March trial date to interfere with the Florida documents case in May. Judge Chutkan does not want a fair trial, or a trial based on evidence, and there will not be due process in her courtroom which would make Stalin proud. Judge Cannon needs to file an anti-suit injunction to cease litigation being brought in D.C. so the defendants, particularly Trump, can do one trial at a time and have an actual shot of staying out of prison and having his due process rights recognized. Also, any Republican who votes against an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden should be removed from office, because the country comes first – not their political futures. The Constitution provides a remedy for corruption in the Executive branch, and there is a mountain of evidence against Biden for his removal from office. Later, it’s time to break up the cabal of radical Democrat lawyers who make up the D.C. judiciary. These lifetime Democrat judges are destroying our judiciary, justice system, and republic. They disrespect you, they disrespect the rule of law, and they are interfering in a presidential election. They are simply too powerful and too political. They've demonstrated that they've abused their lifetime appointments and have become abusive and even tyrannical. It's also worth considering term limiting all federal district judges and circuit judges in D.C. to 10 years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, it is the job of a Grand Jury to indict on the basis of probable cause, not the Federal government. The use of these grand juries, where there is obvious evidence of chicanery by these prosecutors, must be scrutinized at the front end of these various cases. The Democrat party wants a one-party state like all autocracies, particularly Marxist regimes. Tanya Chutkan, the District Judge in Donald Trump’s election interference case in Washington D.C., has been commiserating with the Obama judges in D.C. on how to make this the first case to take down Trump. She purposely set a March trial date to interfere with the Florida documents case in May. Judge Chutkan does not want a fair trial or a trial based on evidence, and there will not be due process in her courtroom which would make Stalin proud. The Democrat party doesn’t care about people, they care about power. We have inexpensive drugs that save lives, particularly seniors, that are going to go into a tremendous shortage because of the Biden Administration’s price negotiations authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s time to break up the cabal of radical Democrat lawyers who make up the D.C. judiciary. These lifetime Democrat judges are destroying our judiciary, justice system, and republic. They disrespect you, they disrespect the rule of law, and they are interfering in a presidential election. They are simply too powerful and too political. They've demonstrated that they've abused their lifetime appointments and have become abusive and even tyrannical. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden was gender-identifying before it was cool. Who knew Robin Ware was Vice President? Then VP Biden used a pseudonym to discuss a future White House hire with Hunter Biden, according to 2014 emails from Hunter’s laptop. Biden is citing executive privilege not to release emails in their entirety. If he doesn’t have anything to hide, why would he use executive privilege? Rep James Comer and the House Oversight hold the key to all of this. Also, an overwhelming number of Americans say yes to term limits in Congress. Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and Diane Feinstein don’t exactly seem fit to be representing themselves let alone us. But then if you introduce John Fetterman into the conversation, who of that group appears to be the most capable of the bunch? This is clearly not our country’s finest hour. Later, imagine just how broken and miserable Keith Olbermann would have to be inside to have become a professional social media troll. Social media trolls suck. Hence Keith Olbermann sucks at life.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the term “Climate Change” is ambiguous, and Democrats have been using climate change to take control of every aspect of our lives. We have a Democrat party that is exploiting climate change to destroy the civil society and take as much power as possible. The term “Climate Denier” is used by the Democrat party and the media to manipulate minds, and language, and promote their propaganda so there can be no questions about the validity of climate change. Reasoning with Marxists doesn’t work because they are ideologues and this is their religion, which is why people like Bernie Sanders or AOC cannot be reasoned with. Also, Conservatives and Republicans must get together in a very serious way and figure out what to do about the judiciary in Washington D.C. The cabal of Obama-Clinton-Biden judges is destroying our judicial, electoral, legal, and constitutional systems. If this is not addressed soon, this small group of radical leftwing lawyers will continue to rule like a Stalinist Politburo over significant aspects of our society, and there's literally no effort underway among Republicans on Capitol Hill to address this. We cannot have this kind of evil tyranny in our courts, which abuse the power of the judiciary and criminal procedures. Later, President Biden is pushing the most massive amnesty movement in the history of America without any vote from Congress, all in order to get illegal immigrants the ability to vote. The is not a single country that survived without borders, especially one that allows foreigners to decide if they can come, because without that we do not have the ability to retain our sovereignty. Finally, Mark is joined by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to discuss the emergency response and recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s time to break up the cabal of radical Democrat lawyers who make up the D.C. judiciary. These lifetime Democrat judges are destroying our judiciary, justice system, and republic. They disrespect you, they disrespect the rule of law, and they are interfering in a presidential election. They are simply too powerful and too political. They've demonstrated that they've abused their lifetime appointments and have become abusive and even tyrannical. It's also worth considering term limiting all federal district judges and circuit judges in D.C. to 10 years. Julie Kelly calls in and breaks down Judge Tanya Chutkan’s outlandish remarks in court, including scolding Donald Trump’s attorneys for not preparing for his case a year before the indictment was handed down and downplaying 12 million or so pages of discovery produced by the DOJ. Also, Elon Musk’s Tesla is essentially under criminal investigation by Biden’s DOJ over a secret glass house project. They are doing this because he took Twitter away from the Biden regime and exposed them. Biden administration is also going after Musk’s SpaceX for not hiring illegal aliens. Musk is one of the few billionaires standing up for liberty. Later, a D.C. jury under a Democrat judge found five pro-life activists of violating the FACE Act for blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic in 2020. These five, who didn’t commit any acts of violence, are subject to prison and bankruptcy. This should be condemned.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, a judge is supposed to be a referee and ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected, which includes setting a date for trial. Tanya Chutkan, the District Judge in Donald Trump’s election interference case in Washington D.C., has set a date for March 4, 2024, which falls right in the middle of the 2024 Presidential campaign and does not give much time for Trump lawyers to review the evidence and form a defense. Chutkan has been commiserating with the Obama judges in D.C. on how to make this the first case to take down Trump. She purposely set a March trial date to interfere with the Florida documents case in May. Judge Chutkan does not want a fair trial or a trial based on evidence, and there will not be due process in her courtroom which would make Stalin proud. Judge Cannon needs to file an anti-suit injunction to cease litigation being brought in D.C. so the defendants, particularly Trump, can do one trial at a time and have an actual shot of staying out of prison and having his due process rights recognized. Also, any Republican who votes against an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden should be removed from office, because the country comes first – not their political futures. The Constitution provides a remedy for corruption in the Executive branch, and there is a mountain of evidence against Biden for his removal from office. Later, the Democrat party doesn’t care about people, they care about power. We have inexpensive drugs that save lives, particularly seniors, that are going to go into a tremendous shortage because of the Biden Administration’s price negotiations authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, three people were hunted down and killed by a gunman in a racially motivated shooting at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida. The Neo-Nazi movement and anti-black racism grew out of the Democrat party, not the Republican party, and the idea from the democrat media that Ron DeSantis has encouraged either is just appalling. Also, the House Judiciary committee is launching an investigation into the phony Georgia DA Fani Willis and the circumstances around her politically motivated actions against Donald Trump. Meanwhile, we have a fraud dressed up as a judge in Washington D.C. who is a radical Obama hack, and despite there being scores of witnesses and documents they are setting a March 2024 trial date for Donald Trump, giving Jack Smith everything he wants. The Trump defense cannot appeal substantively and get proper legal representation in such a short timeframe. It is the job of a Grand Jury to indict on the basis of probable cause, not the Federal government. The use of these grand juries, where there is obvious evidence of chicanery by these prosecutors, must be scrutinized at the front end of these various cases. The Democrat party wants a one-party state like all autocracies, particularly Marxist regimes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden is the ringmaster and the crook, not Hunter Biden, and has spent his entire life as a liar. Biden has his Politburo running the government and pushing our country over the edge, while the “Never Trumpers” are helping him along while claiming to be Constitutionalists. The Democrat party must be effectively dismantled and neutered, or else their anti-American agenda will be implemented to the point of being permanent. Also, a private jet carrying Wagner group bosses was shot out of the sky with a missile, killing all passengers on board. This is exactly how Vladimir Putin takes out his opponents, and this was to be expected after they had marched on Moscow with 10,000 troops. Putin is a former KGB assassin, and this is right out of their playbook. After the first GOP Presidential debate, Vivek Ramaswamy is the toughest to unravel because he is essentially a blank slate with little to no record to back what he claims he will do. We can’t have someone who says they will lead a revolution if they have never stepped on the playing field, because talk can only get you so far. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, what is going on in this country today isn’t strictly legal or political, and we don’t need commentators in the media twisting the truth to fit their conclusions. We have mugshots being taken of lawyers and politicians, including President Trump, who did not break any laws and acted the way they did because they were not breaking any laws. Democrat groups like BLM or Antifa can assault the White House and force the President into the nuclear bunker and face no charges, but anyone involved in January 6th or Conservative groups get the book thrown at them. We are living in a soft police state, and what is really on trial in all of these RICO cases is the 1st Amendment because Democrats did not like the speech that was used, not any actions taken. What’s happening now is bigger than Donald Trump, a mugshot, or any one person or one event; this nation is being put on a path that will drive us over the cliff. The Democrat party is consolidating power to give them monopoly control over our elections and law enforcement, because fascists and autocrats only care about empowering themselves. The similarities between the fall of the Roman empire and what is taking place today are scary. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, after the first GOP Presidential debate, Vivek Ramaswamy is the toughest to unravel because he is essentially a blank slate with little to no record to back what he claims he will do. We can’t have someone who says they will lead a revolution if they have never stepped on the playing field, because talk can only get you so far. Ron DeSantis made a strong case for what he would do on the Federal level because of what he has done as Governor of Florida, especially with the Covid pandemic and firing Soros prosecutors. DeSantis won the debate last night because he has the evidence to show that when he says he will do something, he does it. Donald Trump is nothing like Vivek Ramaswamy because Trump got involved in Conservative causes and spoke to groups like the Tea Party before running for President, and turned that into action once he became President, which is why a lot of people liked him and still like him as the GOP nominee. Also, Democrats have made a disgraceful spectacle out of Donald Trump’s indictments, especially with Trump’s booking at the Fulton County jail in Georgia. Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis is using the law to break the law, forcing Trump to go through all of this just to get a mugshot. The problem is not any of the charges or investigations, which are absurd on their face, but what all of this has done to our country. Democrats are destroying this Republic, colluding and conspiring to drop indictments all over the place; how are Republicans ever supposed to win if they get away with this. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, tonight is the first GOP debate for the 2024 election, and it’s being hyped as the most anticipated debate ever, even though most of the 8 people on stage are running to be #2 to Donald Trump. Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy have been the favorites in the media because they are believed to be the ones who will do the most damage to Trump. We want a candidate with evidence and a record that we can trust, not someone who cleans their Wikipedia page and hides their history. Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, and Nikki Haley are the only ones who will be on stage with a record of conservatism, some more than others, and far more than Christie. Donald Trump became active in conservative movements years before running for president, speaking with groups like the Tea Party, which is far from anything Ramaswamy has done. True courage is standing up to a corrupt DOJ, federal prosecutors, and district judges who are destroying our Constitution, not standing on a debate stage. Also, a private jet carrying Wagner group bosses was shot out of the sky with a missile, killing all passengers on board. This is exactly how Vladimir Putin takes out his opponents, and this was to be expected after they had marched on Moscow with 10,000 troops. Putin is a former KGB assassin, and this is right out of their playbook. Later, Mark speaks with General Keith Kellogg, Co-Chairman of the American First Policy Institute, to discuss his time in the Trump Administration and the events in Russia today with the Wagner group. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party has interfered in the Republican nomination process, with 4 jurisdictions and 3 Democrat prosecutors and 3 Democrat cities and horrendous judges in the DC courts. Rather than the subject of debate on the Republican side being about Biden’s disastrous record in every respect, it will be about Donald Trump and the indictments against him. The Democrat party has destroyed our electoral and judicial systems, not Donald Trump, and now they are going to do everything they can while they have their guy Biden in office. We are living in a post-Constitutional America with a federal government that knows no bounds, controlling both inconsequential and consequential things that affect all American citizens. The Democrat party must be effectively dismantled and neutered, or else their anti-American agenda will be implemented to the point of being permanent. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrat party Marxists and Republicans, either wittingly or unwittingly helping them, are destroying the Constitution and law and order while pretending to be defending it. They are taking a Civil War amendment intended for Confederate officers, specifically Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, and applying it to Donald Trump in order to prevent him from holding office. If Trump can get through this phalanx of 100 indictments in 3 jurisdictions led by Democrat prosecutors and become the GOP nominee or President, anyone who continues to discredit him will be disenfranchising tens of millions of voters and that is unacceptable. President Biden is the ringmaster and the crook, not Hunter Biden, and has spent his entire life as a liar. Biden has his Politburo running the government and pushing our country over the edge, while the “Never Trumpers” are helping him along while claiming to be Constitutionalists. Also, the exploitation by leftists of the horrific fires in Hawaii is sickening, calling it a climate change disaster when it was an electrical fire caused by an accident. It had absolutely nothing to do with climate change. Later, Mark speaks with author and columnist Sebastian Gorka about the importance of supporting Israel as an ally and keeping dangerous nations in the Middle East under control. Finally, Mark is joined by journalist Julie Kelly to discuss the example of the weaponization of the DOJ by overcharging anyone involved in January 6th to destroy them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, MSNBC shows suggested that Judge Cannon’s ‘bizarre’ grand jury ruling was based on Mark Levin and Jim Trusty. The manual for prosecutors specifically says, “A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offense lies in that district.” A U.S. attorney is expected to comply with this, and they didn’t in the Trump documents case. The media is so afraid of this issue that they are trashing the Judge who is asking rational questions. The Durham report lays out that Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, their lawyers, and the Obama administration interfered with the election of 2016 to try and stop Donald Trump from being elected and nobody was charged. Also, there is a national popular vote compact movement being pushed by left-wing groups. They want to change the electoral college system without amending the Constitution. This could be the biggest power grab in Democrat party history. They are not about voting, they are about winning. The U.S. Constitution is silent on whether you can indict a sitting president or whether a president can pardon himself, even for federal offenses. If Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024 and still has all of these indictments against him, or if he has been convicted in a jurisdiction by Democrats, the Constitution says nothing about it because the Constitution was written for virtuous people and not people like Joe Biden and Jack Smith. The greatest threat to America is the Democrat Marxist movement and the Biden Administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, if Democrat groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or Weather Underground try to overthrow the government, even violently, they are called peaceful protesters and the DOJ comes to their defense. If you’re part of the Proud Boys or any pro-Trump group, you get the book thrown at you by Democrat prosecutors and face decades in prison. It is amazing how violent Marxists are treated by the media and federal prosecutors, especially when they attack Federal buildings with Molotov cocktails and attack the White House. Democrat Marxists are ruining the country with their ideology, turning beautiful cities into third world disasters and destroying our culture. Also, Vivek Ramaswamy is probably the best public speaker running for President in 2024, but with the thinnest credentials. Israel does stand on its own two feet, and not surviving on American aid which he claims. Israel is a very important ally in a very dangerous part of the world, and a counterweight to dangerous nations like Iran. We cannot embrace a Bernie Sanders-type foreign policy and expect to survive, because our enemies will choke us economically and force us into more wars. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the greatest threat to America is the Democrat Marxist movement and the Biden Administration. Americans are struggling under the Biden economy with out-of-control inflation and mortgage rates at a 20-year high, crime running rampant in major Democrat cities across America, and schools turned into indoctrination mills. The worst censorship in American history happened under Joe Biden when the U.S. Government and various departments pressured Twitter to interfere in our elections, censor scientific information, and punish political opponents. Biden has defied every immigration law on the books and our borders are wide open, and every major city in America has cartel operations smuggling in drugs and trafficking humans. Despite all of this, Bill Barr still does not know who he would vote for between Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Barr will be a footnote in history as a Benedict Arnold saboteur while we fight to save this country, which is dying and being destroyed from within by the Democrat party. Also, Biden used pseudonyms like Robert Peters and Robin Ware in letters while Vice President because he was trying to cover up something. Rep James Comer is investigating Biden’s use of aliases and their ties to Hunter Biden’s business activity. Access to Joe Biden was wide open for his crime family to profit from, and Biden tried to conceal it by using aliases. Later, Mark is joined by Senator Ted Cruz to discuss the Democrat plot led by Chuck Schumer to unseat Cruz from the Senate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the U.S. Constitution is silent on whether you can indict a sitting president or whether a president can pardon himself, even for federal offenses. If Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024 and still has all of these indictments against him, or if he has been convicted in a jurisdiction by Democrats, the Constitution says nothing about it because the Constitution was written for virtuous people and not people like Joe Biden and Jack Smith. Given the conclusion of the DOJ that you cannot indict a sitting president, the logic would also be that a sitting president can pardon himself, including from state charges like what Trump is facing in Georgia and Manhattan. What Trump did in Georgia is common to any politician and completely normal behavior, yet Fani Willis is charging him with RICO and criminalizing challenging an election outcome for the first time in American history. The law is being stretched to extreme lengths to ensnare Trump for challenging the results of an election that he believed he won, and if it was legal in 2000 it should be legal now. These are backdoor insurrection efforts by Democrats to stop Trump from getting on the ballot and clear the way for Joe Biden in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Durham report lays out that Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, their lawyers, and the Obama administration interfered with the election of 2016 to try and stop Donald Trump from being elected and nobody was charged. Democrats challenged Republican election after election, in courts and on the floor of the House, and nobody was charged. Every Republican president is illegitimate according to Democrats. Congress decides on fake electors, not any court - you don’t criminalize these things. Presidents are free to contact state legislatures asking to see what they can do to reverse an election – it’s not a crime. None of this is about justice or law and order - it’s a revolution with the purpose of destroying the Republican party. Also, there is a national popular vote compact movement being pushed by left-wing groups. They want to change the electoral college system without amending the Constitution. This could be the biggest power grab in Democrat party history. They are not about voting, they are about winning. Finally, Rep Steve Scalise calls in to react to the Trump indictment in Georgia. Americans are disgusted with this, they hate seeing law enforcement being abused to go after their political opponents. Democrats are scared as hell to lose power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Facebook and Instagram blocked ‘The Democrat party hates America’ from being advertised on their sites because of the title. Just another example of their censorship. Why is this title so controversial? The Democrat party is an evil party that seeks to destroy this country. Also, it’s amazing how President Biden escapes all media scrutiny over his “response” to the horrible disaster in Hawaii. Trump would’ve been eviscerated by now. Biden just took a 10-day vacation, he took a long weekend off this past weekend, and he's going on another vacation, and he has no plans to visit the disaster in Hawaii. People need help, Biden won’t go, and the DC media and politicians talk about a climate emergency - which would do what? Later, MSNBC shows suggested that Judge Cannon’s ‘bizarre’ grand jury ruling was based on Mark Levin and Jim Trusty. The manual for prosecutors specifically says, “A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offense lies in that district.” A U.S. attorney is expected to comply with this, and they didn’t in the Trump documents case. The media is so afraid of this issue that they are trashing the Judge who is asking rational questions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Democrats want a secret trial for Donald Trump and control the narrative and what information is made available to the American public in the middle of a presidential election. The Biden crime family has laundered anywhere from $30-50 million through shell corporations from foreign countries, which is more than enough to trigger an impeachment inquiry. Joe Biden stole classified documents as a Senator and hid them in a garage, but is facing nothing like what Donald Trump is. The Democrat party cannot succeed through fair elections and their economic system and environmental policies cannot succeed at all. The Democrats are playing dirty and Republicans like Mitch McConnell refuse to stand to them, which if it continues, Americans won’t care if Republicans win elections and the party will never recover. Mark is joined by David Trulio, the new Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute president and CEO, about Mark’s upcoming book signing event at the Reagan Library. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. AG Merrick Garland has now appointed a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, but in reality, he is doing this to cover up the crimes of the Biden crime family rather than find justice. This is a fiasco designed to obscure the truth and protect not just Hunter Biden, but Joe Biden, the DOJ and prevent the American people and Congress from discovering the truth. Ultimately this is bad news for Joe Biden because of the justice system outlined in our Constitution and the mountains of evidence that he enriched his family through foreign actors. There need to be special counsels to investigate Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and David Weiss - the man who was named special counsel today. This is not going to keep Republicans at bay, especially House committees investigating Hunter, but will instead embolden them to get to the bottom of the Biden crime family once and for all. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, FBI Director Christopher Wray is a liar and coverup artist for President Biden and his corrupt family. We have the Biden crime family facing issues of bribery, extortion, obstruction, fraud, money laundering, wire fraud, FARA, and RICO violations, and yet there isn’t even a criminal investigation taking place. This is why we are disgusted and have no trust in the FBI or DOJ because this is the same Justice Department trying to destroy Donald Trump. The January 6th committee committed a crime and destroyed raw evidence and footage, and now many of the deposition testimony videos are gone despite being directed to keep everything. Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails subpoenaed by Congress and nothing happened to her. Democrats destroy and cover things up that are subpoenaed by a branch of government, and nothing happens, yet Donald Trump didn’t destroy a single thing and he stands to be in prison for the rest of his life. Also, despite all the attacks on Ron DeSantis, he has been a fantastic governor in the state of Florida. He has an outstanding record running and has a much better record than Chris Christie, who conducts himself like a Democrat now just like he did as Governor of New Jersey. Later, Mark is joined by David Trulio, the new Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute president and CEO, about Mark’s upcoming book signing event at the Reagan Library. Finally, Mark speaks with Congressman Greg Steube about filing a resolution in Congress for the impeachment of Joe Biden which will focus on bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice, fraud, financial involvement in drugs and prostitution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, if Donald Trump is convicted of one of the felonies brought against him in the classified documents case and sentenced to the full extent of the law, he will die in prison. Much of what has been done to Trump, including using documents against him and removing his attorney client privilege, has happened in complete secrecy. The Biden regime, Biden prosecutors, and Obama judges have undermined Trump’s constitutional right to a public trial, all while the special counsel investigating Trump is leaking information to the Democrat media. Vladimir Putin recently put his #1 political opponent in prison for 30 years, while in the United States the same thing is happening in many ways. Also, the Biden family bank records have been revealed by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, which clearly show that Joe Biden knew about Hunter’s business dealings and sold his influence to oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine. The evidence continues to pile up against the Biden crime family but is ignored by the Democrat media, who are so fixated on Trump that they ignore Biden’s impeachable offenses. Finally, Mark speaks with commentator and author Clay Travis about how the Democrat party is destroying gender and our American way of life, and also discuss his new book “American Playbook: A Guide to Winning Back the Country from the Democrats.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden crime family has laundered anywhere from $30-50 million through shell corporations from foreign countries, which is more than enough to trigger an impeachment inquiry. Joe Biden stole classified documents as a Senator and hid them in a garage, but is facing nothing like what Donald Trump is. If Trump is found guilty of the corrupt charges in the case over documents, he would die in prison which is exactly what Democrats want. Merrick Garland will not appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden because they know he will be exposed and face far more jail time. This will be the time in history when it will be said that America unraveled, and the Democrat party is doing this whereas Republicans refuse to even investigate Biden while Donald Trump faces 78 charges based on documents, a Klansman act, and clown DAs in Manhattan and Atlanta. Jack Smith and Merrick Garland are being cheered on by the media because the similarity between Russian Putin state media and the Democrat media is remarkable. There is no question the Biden Administration and the DOJ are interfering in the 2024 election, but they are trying to make Trump the first political prisoner in American history. Also, for the Democrat party, science and words mean what they want them to mean, and these are the people that are fundamentally changing our way of life and our country. We are destroying energy diversity in our country and locking out millions of acres of land to shut down drilling. The Democrat party cannot succeed through fair elections and their economic system and environmental policies cannot succeed at all. Later, the bag of cocaine found in the white house last month belongs to someone in the ‘Biden family orbit’, and Joe Biden knows whose it is. Joe will play stupid to any kind of questioning if asked by the press. This is just another grotesque cover-up of the Biden crime family and they are shoving it in our face at this point. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats want a secret trial for Donald Trump and control the narrative and what information is made available to the American public in the middle of a presidential election. Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston, an unelected bureaucrat, is telling Judge Tanya Chutkan, an unelected Obama judge, to hide everything they are doing from the public eye. Jack Smith tried pulling the same move in Florida but was rebuked by Judge Aileen Cannon for trying to pull a fast one. The judiciary should withdraw from interfering in this election and preserve the sanctity of the courtroom, but these federal judges and prosecutors are corrupt and are now part of the election. The system is utterly and completely corrupt, from the judiciary and unelected bureaucrats to the Democrat media covering for Biden and attacking anyone defending Trump. This is a Democrat Marxist revolution taking place right before our eyes, and there are no rules or ethics that won’t be sidestepped in order for Jack Smith to do what he’s doing. Also, Joe Biden is on the precipice of locking up land in the Colorado and prevent natural gas extraction with an executive order by calling it a memorial. Power companies are now begging Biden and the EPA to end his war on fossil fuels and fuel plants to avoid a significant energy shortage. The government is going to shut down coal-fire plants, and gas prices are surging again with an average price of almost $4; this is how the Biden Administration is destroying our economy and our way of life. Later, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly about the Department of Justice’s abuse of Donald Trump and the banana republic trials he is facing in order to cripple his campaign for president in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, what is the likely crime Joe Biden committed? He’s a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s FARA violation. Any other situation would have triggered a Joe Biden investigation and an impeachment inquiry. What will it take for Republicans to call for both? Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system by bringing more phony indictments, and now anyone who dares to challenge or question the outcome of an election can be indicted. Donald Trump has been indicted again this time with 4 charges related to January 6th from special counsel Jack Smith, and there is not a syllable of criminality that can be explained in this indictment. This is an attack on free speech, the electoral system, and on anyone who dares to question the legitimacy of an election. There are no charges of treason or insurrection in this indictment because it didn’t happen no matter how badly Democrats want to believe it. The Constitution leaves it to Congress to sort out electoral college votes. It doesn’t leave it to the DOJ, a special counsel, or a grand jury. Not once was a prosecutor involved. The Biden administration has created a legal morass never seen or experienced in American history, as applies to a presidential election.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, one man, AG Merrick Garland, is using the judiciary and the court system to affect the outcome and course of the 2024 election and the liberty of Donald Trump. This is as clear as day intentional obstruction through the use of the judicial system against a citizen candidate for president. The DOJ under Garland knows they are making it impossible for Trump to defend himself while running for president because they don’t want him to run for president. They know what they’re doing dropping 2 Grand Juries on Trump in the middle of a presidential campaign, bleeding his resources, and taking an enormous amount of time away from campaigning. The fact is that Trump cannot effectively defend himself and run for president at the same time, and ought not be forced to decide between one or the other. Individual district court judges ought not to decide for the nation how we shall now proceed, given what the Biden DOJ has foisted in the nation. The only constitutional body that might take action against this is the Supreme Court, but even by that time the damage will be done to Trump and the legal process will drag out. Weak Republicans like Mike Pence and Chris Christie have given aid and comfort to Democrats in destroying our country and endlessly attacking Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration has created a legal morass never seen or experienced in American history, as applies to a presidential election. AG Merrick Garland is authorizing indictment after indictment of Biden’s possible, if not likely political opponent, in the middle of a presidential election cycle, doing so through his appointment of a special counsel and whose charges must be approved by the attorney general. At the same time, Garland refuses to appoint a special counsel to investigate his client, Joe Biden, even though the DOJ regulation was originally instituted for these exact circumstances. We have former Attorney General Bill Barr who will do anything to get back at Donald Trump, while at the same time, we have current Attorney General Merrick Garland who will do anything to protect his boss, Joe Biden. This kind of legal warfare is not only unprecedented in the history of our republic; it will destroy our electoral system for all time. This unprecedented legal warfare requires an unprecedented response by the only constitutional body left that can do something about it -- the Supreme Court. Also, what Biden has learned, what FDR knew, and what the Democrat party seeks is to monopolize power and control government. That is why Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College so giant Democrat cities can control the entire election and bypass the majority of the country. Even if Democrats lose elections, they have the permanent administrative state to do their bidding. This is a party that needs to be exposed and destroyed if we want to remain free people. Later, Joe Biden is and was a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s multiple violations of FARA. A letter has been released that shows that Joe knew of Hunter’s business associates, among others who have testified the same. There is no reason to wait for an impeachment inquiry, and Congress has more than enough evidence to start. Finally, Mark is joined by presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss his Conservative values and the 2024 election. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Constitution leaves it to Congress to sort out electoral college votes. It doesn’t leave it to the DOJ, a special counsel, or a grand jury. Not once was a prosecutor involved. Congress has the final determination. Yes, we’ve had contentious presidential elections in the past and nobody was accused of obstructing an election. In the past Democrats challenged elections by trying to overturn slates of electors and were never accused of obstructing an election. The Democrat Party has never accepted the election of a Republican president, not since Richard Nixon. They spent time trying to destroy every single one of them. Jack Smith has taken federal law and twisted and expanded it. Smith, at the behest of Merrick Garland, is seizing the electoral power from the American people and Congress for themselves. They are seizing the power to decide what will and will not fly in elections. Now Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and Will Hurd stand with Jack Smith? They all agree that a 150-year-old statute to abolish the Klan was a good use of a criminal charge against Donald Trump? Every count against Trump is bogus! Also, Trump just happened to get the most radical, activist DC judge to oversee his case. Judge Tanya Chutkan worked in the same law firm as Hunter Biden when he was a lobbyist. She needs to recuse herself. Later, Fitch is downgrading America’s long-term debt. This will have tremendous negative consequences. This is from the Democrat party's war on the family and the economy. They are pushing us into a 3rd world status. Finally, Caroline Glick calls in to discuss the fate of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system by bringing more phony indictments, and now anyone who dares to challenge or question the outcome of an election can be indicted. Donald Trump has been indicted again this time with 4 charges related to January 6th from special counsel Jack Smith, and there is not a syllable of criminality that can be explained in this indictment. This is an attack on free speech, the electoral system, and on anyone who dares to question the legitimacy of an election. There are no charges of treason or insurrection in this indictment because it didn’t happen no matter how badly Democrats want to believe it. Dropping meaningless bombshells like this ahead of a presidential election is the definition of election fraud, but Jack Smith and Merrick Garland will stop at nothing to take down Trump and dictate the 2024 election. Also, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and USA Today did not have a single word on their front page about the Devon Archer testimony. The Democrat media is covering up for the Biden’s and leaking everything from Smith in order to hurt Trump. Republicans today will not support in a unanimous way an impeachment inquiry of President Biden, but Democrats will do anything and everything to destroy America and give them complete control. The whole system is corrupt, and the Democrat party has dragged us here, helped along by weak Republicans like Chris Christie and Mitch McConnell. Later, Mark is joined by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik to discuss the sham indictment of Trump one day after another Hunter Biden bombshell and the outrageous attack on our electoral system. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what is the likely crime Joe Biden committed? He’s a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s FARA violation. Any other situation would have triggered a Joe Biden investigation and an impeachment inquiry. What will it take for Republicans to call for both? There’s enough of a developed case. There won’t be a criminal investigation unless there's a special counsel. The basics won't even be done for Biden, but when it comes to Donald Trump - they throw everything at him. We now have a good idea why Trump was impeached the first time over Ukraine. There was no quid pro quo, he wad getting too close to the truth. Llittle did Trump know how close he was getting to revealing the Biden crime family. Also, special counsel Jack Smith built his own mini Justice Department and brought in the most aggressive prosecutors he could to go against Trump. An Attorney General is supposed to pick a special counsel outside of the system, not re-create the Eric Holder DOJ. Afterward, Miranda Devine calls in to discuss Hunter Biden’s international influence peddling scheme. Hunter calls Joe to demonstrate to his business associates that he can get him on the phone quickly. That’s what Hunter was selling – Joe. Later, Biden and Kamala Harris are in charge of the National Park Service and this is what they have on their government website. “Students analyze objects to determine what skills a house slave needed to complete assigned tasks. Students explore the potential marketability of these skills.” Does this mean Harris is a racist? Will she apologize to Gov Ron DeSantis? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is creating another phony issue to upset Black Americans to try and create a permanent smear of Ron DeSantis. A committee of scholars in Florida put together a thorough course on slavery – and the left is trying to say DeSantis wants the school children to learn that slavery was a good thing. Does that make any sense? Also, we have a bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food, what kinds of homes we can have, and what kind of car we can drive. This comes from bureaucrats who we didn’t vote for. We’re going down a slippery slope at a high speed. The judge in the Hunter Biden federal court case put her foot down and refused to sign off on the corrupt plea deal, forcing Hunter to plead not guilty instead. The Hunter Biden deal was a way to cover up, censor, and kill any attempt to investigate Joe Biden, and Merrick Garland and the DOJ were all in on it. Jack Smith violated DOJ regulations when he had a grand jury in the wrong venue in Washington D.C. when all of Donald Trump’s activity occurred in Florida at Mar-A-Lago. The entire purpose of the Hunter Biden plea deal was to cover up and protect the Biden Crime Family, and now it is collapsing to the point of labeling Hunter Biden as a foreign agent.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie has done nothing for the United States or to fight cancel culture or protect children from the Marxist Democrat ideology invading elementary schools. He has no legacy in New Jersey except sky-high taxes, crime, and Bridgegate, and now he wants to clear the way for President Biden to win in 2024. The Democrat party hates America today like it has hated America before, and those of us who love this country and don’t want to see it turned into a third-world centralized state won’t be distracted by Kamala Harris or phony issues. America is unraveling and our founding and history are under assault; individualism is being substituted for group-ism and capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism. We cannot allow Democrats to do this to us and allow people like Christie to play grafter politics while our country is dying before our eyes. Also, the Hunter Biden laptop alone is enough to warrant an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, which is why the FBI and social media covered it up at the request of the Biden’s. The brave IRS whistleblowers uncovering the corruption of the Biden Administration and special treatment toward Hunter Biden should be commended for doing what weak Republicans in Congress can’t. There is no noise in the Republican senate about an impeachment inquiry because they are afraid of uncovering evidence and leading to an impeachment of Biden, which they don’t want to bring because they don’t have the votes. The Republican party is not out to destroy or transform America, but it is filled with quislings that wittingly or unwittingly tolerate and contribute to the Marxist Democrat agenda. Next, The College Board’s AP curriculum for African American history claims that slaves learned valuable skills while they were enslaved, which is what Florida’s curriculum says as well, but Kamala Harris and others are attacking Florida and Ron DeSantis. The Biden Administration is re-segregating the country through executive order, and to them, it is OK because they call it progressive and liberal. Later, Democrats will keep pushing climate change as a way to gain more control for the government and less liberty for citizens, even though they cannot point to any scientific data to back their apocalyptic claims. Now we get more hyperbole calling this the era of global boiling because they want an era of government tyranny. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the entire purpose of the Hunter Biden plea deal was to cover up and protect the Biden Crime Family, and now it is collapsing to the point of labeling Hunter Biden as a foreign agent. Federal judges outside of Washington D.C. are far more skeptical about the DOJ, FBI, and the special counsel going after Donald Trump, and won’t act as a rubber stamp for Merrick Garland or any of the corrupt officials in the Biden Administration. Joe Biden is a co-conspirator of the violation of FARA by his son Hunter on multiple occasions and helped to facilitate Hunter’s activities. Congress already has all this information because these committees have done the investigation, and we know that Hunter has received millions through the aid of Joe Biden while he was Vice President. The case against Joe Biden as a co-conspirator is overwhelming but he will not be charged by the DOJ, but it should be the first in a list of articles of impeachment against Biden. Also, Democrats are still using climate change as a way to control what cars we drive and what appliances we have. There is nothing we can do to control the sun or the weather, but the liberal Marxists don’t want to hear from any scientists that disagree with their climate religion. Later, Mark speaks with Tim Ballard about the movie Sound of Freedom and his work to rescue children from global sex traffickers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the judge in the Hunter Biden federal court case put her foot down and refused to sign off on the corrupt plea deal, forcing Hunter to plead not guilty instead. The Hunter Biden deal was a way to cover up, censor, and kill any attempt to investigate Joe Biden, and Merrick Garland and the DOJ were all in on it. The deal would have excused Hunter from tax evasion and immune to any future crimes, which is what led to IRS whistleblowers sounding the alarm. Garland and the other Obama Marxists in the DOJ need to be uncovered and exposed for the mob boss lawyers they are. The level of corruption at the DOJ is beyond anything we’ve ever seen, and there is no doubt the Biden White House is involved. We are up against a Democrat party that wants to destroy the country and have a media that continues to trash Donald Trump and not Joe Biden. Also, Jack Smith violated DOJ regulations when he had a grand jury in the wrong venue in Washington D.C. when all of Donald Trump’s activity occurred in Florida at Mar-A-Lago. There should be a jury in Florida and not Washington D.C., but Smith will fight to get a Democrat jury in D.C. and get an easy conviction. You cannot pick grand juries in one city and then a trial jury in another city, and this demonstrates how this case has been politicized in the worst way. The web of radical Democrats and DOJ officials involved in the taking down of Trump and interfering in the 2024 election is horrendous, and giving Jack Smith unlimited resources as special counsel only makes it worse. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Greg Gutfeld about his new book, The King of Late Night. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. The walls are slowly closing in on Hunter Biden and his corrupt foreign connections thanks to his dad Joe a.k.a. “the big guy.” We now have 3 sources involved in the selling of Hunter Biden’s high priced art, and that a buyer of the art is a presidential appointee. Devon Archer, Hunter’s former best friend and business associate, has dodged the house oversight committee 3 times, but Congress is doing real investigations unlike the FBI and have now gotten Archer to agree to testify. The FBI has covered up for Hunter Biden every step of the way, and Democrats are perfectly fine taking the position that Hunter is a legitimate artist and energy specialist. While we know that the whole China and Ukraine energy thing didn’t happen until later in the Obama presidency, we’re finding out that they had laid the groundwork for it all along once Joe became Vice President. We have corruption that is so pervasive in the FBI, from the Steele dossier and Trump Russia collusion narrative to where we are today with the Biden coverup and targeting of Catholics. Between now and this November is the real key window for this investigative process, and we’ll see if the Democrat media keeps stonewalling for the Bidens or turn on them in order to get a new candidate in for 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is creating another phony issue to upset Black Americans to try and create a permanent smear of Ron DeSantis. A committee of scholars in Florida put together a thorough course on slavery – and the left is trying to say DeSantis wants the school children to learn that slavery was a good thing. Does that make any sense? Democrats can never run against their opponent - they have to lie and try to destroy them. The Democrat party can’t survive without racism - anti-Black racism before, anti-White racism today. It was the Republican Party that led the Civil War to free slaves. It was the Democrat Paty that supported lynching and included it in their platforms. Also, we have a bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food, what kinds of homes we can have, and what kind of car we can drive. This comes from bureaucrats who we didn’t vote for. We’re going down a slippery slope at a high speed. One day it will be too late because the Democrat Party will control all the instrumentals of government, culture, and social media. Later, killing our fossil fuel industry helps China. Underfunding our military benefits China. China treats Biden with disrespect because they own him. Finally, Robert Malley is the man Biden chose to negotiate with Iran. Under President Obama and VP Biden, Malley completely changed how we approached Iran. Before Malley, the position was to prevent Iran from getting nukes. After Malley, it was about how can we manage Iran and its nukes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, we do not want common group with a Democrat party that is trying to destroy the Supreme Court, Electoral College, and hates the Constitution. Groups like No Labels is what we get from weak republicans like Larry Hogan, Asa Hutchinson, Joe Manchin, and Chris Christie - people who do not want to engage in the culture war that we’re in now, even though our liberties and children are at stake. We know what took place on January 6th, but Democrats have been trying to tie it to Donald Trump and take him down despite Trump being the only person in Washington D.C. to request more security. What Jack Smith and the Biden Administration are doing is unheard of and interfering with the 2024 election. Trump is allowed to challenge the election results and have Congress sort it out, but Democrats lie and claim he tried to obstruct the electors and the election. The Democrats have a plan to block Trump and try to disqualify him from the ballot in key states under the 14th Amendment. They are taking the civil rights portion of the 14th amendment to block Trump from running, and only need one guilty verdict from a Democrat court to convict him as an insurrectionist. There have been a dozen or so whistleblowers who have come forward so far and the Democrats have trashed every single one of them. These two IRS whistleblowers are tremendous patriots. During Joe Ziegler’s testimony, his best calculation was that the Biden’s took in about $17 million, with no business, no service – nothing. This is as corrupt as it gets. The FBI, DOJ, and Jack Smith believe in a two-tiered justice system, unloading indictments and charges left and right at Donald Trump right before the 2024 election while ignoring crimes of the Biden’s. Jack Smith is a rogue prosecutor who is violating all norms to take down Donald Trump and rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor and has been leaking information to liberal media outlets like the Rolling Stone to hurt Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon blew it by setting the Trump documents trial months before the 2024 election. If Trump is convicted, Democrats will use every effort to prevent him from running, and the entire goal of this is to interfere in the election and re-elect President Biden. This is going to tear the country apart like nothing before except the Civil War because nothing like this has ever been done before. There is no reason to hold this trial during the course of the election, and the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland is clearing the way for Biden. Every decision Judge Cannon makes from this point will interfere with the election now that the case has been delayed until May, after the Republican primaries. There are 37 charges against Trump in the first case, and we have no idea how many additional charges will be added in other cases being brought by Democrats, and all they need is a guilty verdict on one charge. The Democrat Party is dragging this country to hell, whether they target Trump or Robert Kennedy Jr. or a minimum wage factory worker because they are the state party and want total control. Later, Mark is joined by former Congressman Rick Renzi to discuss how he was attacked and wiretapped by Jack Smith while he was a Congressman, the abuses of the judicial system Smith has committed, and his connections to James Comey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI, DOJ, and Jack Smith believe in a two-tiered justice system, unloading indictments and charges left and right at Donald Trump right before the 2024 election while ignoring crimes of the Biden’s. Jack Smith is a rogue prosecutor who is violating all norms to take down Donald Trump and rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor and has been leaking information to liberal media outlets like the Rolling Stone to hurt Trump. Meanwhile, AG Merrick Garland is ignoring dozens of predicates for initiating a special counsel to investigate the crimes of Joe Biden and his family. Mitch McConnell and Senate leadership have every right to be demanding a special counsel to investigate Biden unless they’re corrupt as well. This massive Democrat party-wide use of the justice system and censorship is going to make it difficult for Republicans to accept a Democrat victory in 2024. Top Democrats have already indicated that they will not accept a Donald Trump victory in 2024, and some liberal groups are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot entirely. These people are playing with fire, but they don’t care, because they figured out in 2020 that with their Antifa and BLM militia, they can get away with anything. We’re in the middle of the Democrat Marxist revolution, who are trying to control our elections like they control our speech. Also, Democrats like Rep Hakeem Jeffries are fighting to censure Robert Kennedy Jr. by calling him racist and anti-Semitic. Jeffries is an actual anti-Semite among Jew-hating bigots in his caucus like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and the Squad. We have never experienced this level of censorship in this country, where one party can completely control speech of political opponents. Later, FL Governor Ron DeSantis joins Mark to discuss the woke military under the Biden Administration. And the growing threat of China. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there have been a dozen or so whistleblowers who have come forward so far and the Democrats have trashed every single one of them. These two IRS whistleblowers are tremendous patriots. During Joe Ziegler’s testimony, his best calculation was that the Biden’s took in about $17 million, with no business, no service – nothing. This is as corrupt as it gets. Also, Hunter Biden was buying sex across state lines, he bought flights for young prostitutes, which is considered a Mann Act violation. Not one Democrat at the whistleblower hearing was concerned about this. They weren’t concerned about Hunter’s tax violations or the obstruction in the investigation. Later, AG Merrick Garland will never touch a special counsel against President Biden because he knows that will destroy Biden and his presidency. He’s not only protecting Biden, but he’s protecting himself too. The fact is that Garland did not and would not appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Instead, his mouthpieces keep talking about the US attorney appointed by Trump. But that US attorney, David Weiss, reports to Garland, who reports to Biden. Even now, Garland refuses to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Biden’s. And we all know why - a two-tiered system of justice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we know what took place on January 6th, but Democrats have been trying to tie it to Donald Trump and take him down despite Trump being the only person in Washington D.C. to request more security. What Jack Smith and the Biden Administration are doing is unheard of and interfering with the 2024 election. What we are watching today is an insurrection, a war on the voting system, and on Trump, and if Democrats get away with it our elections will never be the same. Trump is allowed to challenge the election results and have Congress sort it out, but Democrats lie and claim he tried to obstruct the electors and the election. The Democrats have a plan to block Trump and try to disqualify him from the ballot in key states under the 14th Amendment. They are taking the civil rights portion of the 14th amendment to block Trump from running, and only need one guilty verdict from a Democrat court to convict him as an insurrectionist. Also, Rep. Matt Gaetz joins Mark to discuss the flat-out tyranny of the Democrat party, the election interference of Joe Biden and Jack Smith, and what Congress can do to fight back. Later, Mark speaks with Rep. Wesley Hunt about the consequences of the 2024 election, the war on conservative voices by the media and Anti-Semitism in the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we do not want common group with a Democrat party that is trying to destroy the Supreme Court, Electoral College, and hates the Constitution. Groups like No Labels is what we get from weak republicans like Larry Hogan, Asa Hutchinson, Joe Manchin, and Chris Christie - people who do not want to engage in the culture war that we’re in now, even though our liberties and children are at stake. We need patriots and statesmen to fight for our country, not quislings who want to be called bipartisan even if it means the destruction of America. We stand for constitutional republicanism and they don’t, which is why talk of bipartisanship with a Marxist Democrat party is a ruse and we lose every time. We must obliterate the Democrat party, not appease it, because they the enemy and there is no common ground with anyone trying to destroy America and trash its history. Also, what the Democrat party has sought to do is not just codify Roe, but pass a bill with no restrictions or obstacles whatsoever for a woman to get an abortion, even though Roe gives the government a right to regulate in the third trimester. Kamala Harris was not picked to be vice president because she was the smartest or most capable for the job, but to be the first black female VP. Listening to Harris speak about Roe today only proves it more, as she is so clueless she can’t remember Thurgood Marshall’s last name. Finally, the Secret Service never interviewed Hunter Biden about the cocaine found in the White House, even though he was in the White House. The Secret Service has been poisoned just like how the FBI and DOJ have been, which are all now just tools of the Democrat party.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is about to hand over nuclear weapons to Iran. President Trump had the Islamonazi regime hanging by a thread by enforcing sanctions and blocking them through NATO and EU countries and it was working. Government spending is like a heroin addict, being led by President Biden and the Federal Reserve. Americans have to cut back on toothpaste and toilet paper because Biden’s economy is collapsing, and consumers are being blamed instead of Biden for creating this disaster. Middle-class Americans are suffering, but Biden and the Democrat party don’t care as long as they get their spending and their programs funded by the taxpayers. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was chosen because of her race and her gender, not because she was the smartest appellate judge or the best qualified, and the media wants to celebrate Sotomayor as the first female Latina on the court because she was chosen for symbolic reasons. Sotomayor had court staff members pressure institutions to buy her books in exchange for appearances and speeches, which is as extremely corrupt and as close to selling the office as anyone in the history of the court. Even worse, Sotomayor has refused to recuse herself in cases involving the publishers of her books despite a clear conflict of interest. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified today and he made it seem like everything is going great at the FBI. Joe Biden in Finland is pushing climate change, calling Finland a leader on the matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden federal government was guilty of suppressing the speech of American citizens and conservative ideas, silencing topics like COVID, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the 2020 presidential election. A circuit court reversed a decision today despite the U.S. government acting like an Orwellian ministry of truth, and the reversal gives the Biden administration the green light to continue censoring political opponents. This censorship case is one of the most important in our lifetime because this is a monumental overstep of executive power and beyond the Constitution. What the Biden Administration has been doing across the federal bureaucracy and imposing on social media sites is exactly what a totalitarian regime in China or Cuba have done and would do. Also, Kevin McCarthy is getting a lot done as Speaker of the House, but we have another problem because Democrats in New York are looking to redistrict and remove Republican seats and return majority control of the House to Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats. Meanwhile, the Marxist Democrats seize on topics like transgenderism to push their woke ideology and call anyone who opposes an extreme MAGA Republican. Later, Ukraine is the first part of a much bigger war for Russia and China, and they need to be stopped now before it’s too late. The George McGovern Republicans in Congress are ignoring the proof of what is going on and we need to prepare for it now before our kids and grandkids are killed. At the same time, Democrats want Iran to have nuclear weapons and are continuing what they started under Obama. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the U.S. Constitution is the most remarkable governing document and was designed to protect the people from two forms of tyranny, mobocracy, and monarchy. If your purpose is to fundamentally transform America, it must also be to destroy Constitutional Republicanism and the Constitution, which is exactly what the Democrat party and their masterminds have in mind. The Left wants to make the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution about slavery, with people like Elie Mystal lying about not allowing black people to vote on the ratification. The Constitution and Marxism are like oil and water and cannot work together, which is why Marxists try to go around the Constitution as much as possible and call it racist. Democrats are taking statutes and rewriting them in the executive branch and using them to legislate, claiming they are authorized by Congress, and are using them to fundamentally change our lives. This is the suicide of America, and the worst part is nobody voted for it because the system has been taken over slowly over time. Also, former Vice President Mike Pence speaks with Mark about what President Biden is doing to undermine Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu and empower Iran with nuclear weapons, and also discuss the 2024 presidential election. Later, Nicolle Wallace is the worst of the worst, a former Republican that ran to the Democrat media to trash her old party and destroy it. The Democrat party is the party of big police state government and rejects the constitution because it is a totalitarian party and growing stronger. Finally, Mark speaks with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney about the growing threat of Iran and giving tax dollars to China for climate deals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified today and he made it seem like everything is going great at the FBI. It’s amazing how Democrats defend what’s going on at the FBI. They defend it because they have succeeded in devouring the FBI and DOJ - they own it now. The FBI needs to be dismantled and put back together. Wray’s biggest defender is Chris Christie; he will defend Wray at all costs and trash Donald Trump. It is clear the media seek to take out Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, and some conservatives are falling for it. Chris Christie isn't in this race to become president – he’s in it to get a RINO nominated or support Biden. Also, a new Twitter files dropped and it explains why a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from colluding with Big Tech. All of this collusion that took place at Twitter and Facebook was all on Wray’s watch from 2017 and on. Afterward, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in and explains that there needs to be a major overhaul at the FBI, starting with Director Wray! Also, DeSantis says the attacks on him and his family by the media are a badge of honor. Later, the Biden administration has a plan to get around the Supreme Court decision and force you to subsidize these massive student loan payments. They are stealing your tax money to buy votes. Finally, New York Times Israel-hater, Thomas Friedman, is the go-to hack columnist for the Biden regime when they attack Israel and Netanyahu, just as he was the sleazy attack dog for the Obama regime when they attacked Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, government spending is like a heroin addict, being led by President Biden and the Federal Reserve. Americans have to cut back on toothpaste and toilet paper because Biden’s economy is collapsing, and consumers are being blamed instead of Biden for creating this disaster. Middle-class Americans are suffering, but Biden and the Democrat party don’t care as long as they get their spending and their programs funded by the taxpayers. Biden wants to be the new FDR and applies the same ideological socialism to a capitalist system, completely opposite to how Ronald Reagan grew the economy after inheriting a disaster. We have interest rates through the roof and going higher, and Biden’s answer is to spend more, empower the government, drain the private sector, and kill energy independence. Also, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was chosen because of her race and her gender, not because she was the smartest appellate judge or the best qualified, and the media wants to celebrate Sotomayor as the first female Latina on the court because she was chosen for symbolic reasons. Sotomayor had court staff members pressure institutions to buy her books in exchange for appearances and speeches, which is as extremely corrupt and as close to selling the office as anyone in the history of the court. Even worse, Sotomayor has refused to recuse herself in cases involving the publishers of her books despite a clear conflict of interest. Later, the Biden administration is known for being in full cover-up mode, and they are again with who brought cocaine into the White House to protect a family member or friend until they can find a fall guy or a diversion. Finally, why is the Trump trial being conducted during the presidential election? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is about to hand over nuclear weapons to Iran. President Trump had theIslamonazi regime hanging by a thread by enforcing sanctions and blocking them through NATO and EU countries and it was working. President Biden and his administration have shown nothing but weakness to Iran, and now they are pressing ahead with their nuclear agenda despite being on the run while Trump was president. Biden is publically attacking Benjamin Netanyahu. We should be working closely with the one Democratic country that will do all the heavy lifting, that will have its men and women on the front lines in the fight against Iran. If Israel complies w Biden’s demands they will commit suicide. Also, Democrat media mouthpieces like David Jolly are attacking Casey DeSantis to smear Governor Ron DeSantis, calling her ‘America’s Karen’. There will not be a single women’s group who will defend Casey Desantis, because Politico and the New York Times have already attacked her too. This is why most governors do not step into these culture wars, because to do so subjects you to relentless character assassinations from the media. Later, a war with China is inevitable because they are a regime itching to go to war. They are an enormous threat to America and it is only a matter of time until Communist China makes a serious move, and in the meantime, they are building a massive Army and Navy. China is on the move geographically and in our hemisphere and we are not equipped to take on their threat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark announced the news that box store Target has decided to boycott his new book due out this September. Why? They're scared of offending Democrats. If Target can silence consumers' right to consume - what is next? Does the Biden administration tell the truth about anything? There’s nobody better at lying than President Biden, he is a born pathological liar. Decades ago the Wall Street Journal took the position that “there shall be open borders.” How has that worked so far? Awful! Wall Street Journals claims that Gov Ron DeSantis’ illegal alien crackdown will “exacerbate the state’s labor shortage while doing nothing to fix Biden’s border failures.” Americans won’t work at low-paying or low-skilled jobs is a flat-out lie. It’s a negative stereotype of Americans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, decades ago the Wall Street Journal took the position that “there shall be open borders.” How has that worked so far? Awful! Wall Street Journals claims that Gov Ron DeSantis’ illegal alien crackdown will “exacerbate the state’s labor shortage while doing nothing to fix Biden’s border failures.” Americans won’t work at low-paying or low-skilled jobs is a flat-out lie. It’s a negative stereotype of Americans. The idea we will starve to death and restaurants will close because we don’t have open borders is blasphemous. Also, a disciplinary panel called for Rudy Giuliani’s disbarment. Of all the crap and sleazeball lawyers, they want to disbar Giuliani? When these lawyers challenged Trump’s election – there was no problem with that. Later, Donald Trump is the most persecuted man in American history. But Trump didn’t turn the IRS against his political opponents like Obama did, like Lyndon Johnson did, like FDR did. Trump didn’t use the powers of the executive branch against any of his political opponents like Barack Obama did and Biden is. Afterward, it’s said that cluster bombs are only used by war criminals. If they are used against the enemy that’s not a war crime. Only Russia would use them against civilians, not Ukraine. Finally, the “missing” witness from the Biden corruption investigation, Gal Luft, speaks out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, cocaine found inside the White House is a massive security breach. Now it’s said that the cocaine was found in a secure area of the White House, which means it was from someone on the inside. Does the Biden administration tell the truth about anything? There’s nobody better at lying than President Biden, he is a born pathological liar. The Democrat Party uses language to lie, deceive and discredit and Biden is lying again, today in South Carolina. He said he cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion - even CNN has said this is a lie. The reason the deficit went way down is because the COVID-19 funding ended. In fact, but for this, Biden's deficit spending would have gone up, and by a ton! Also, Target reversed its decision not to carry The Democrat Party Hates America in its stores – that’s thanks to you! We’re sick of this censorship with conservatives, enough is enough! Later, the EPA has been in existence for 53 years and have spent trillions on regulations, and has become a massive burden on the economy, farmers, and ranchers. Nearly half of U.S. tap water is contaminated with 'forever chemicals,' a new government study finds. What will be the Democrat's and the EPA's answer? More regulation? More government? More spending? Afterward, Steve Moore, Distinguished Fellow in Economics at the Heritage Foundation, calls in to talk about the Biden economy and the President taking 'credit' for successes in red states - where people are fleeing to, from blue states. Finally, Former Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake dropped in to talk to Mark about her new book "Unafraid: Just Getting Started." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Mark announced the news that box store Target has decided to boycott his new book due out this September. Why? They're scared of offending Democrats. If Target can silence consumers' right to consume - what is next? Later, more shootings took place over the holiday weekend in many metropolitan areas. It happens somewhere in America every single weekend, kids get murdered. The Democrat's answer? Ban assault weapons and universal background checks. The usual Democrat talking points. In this case, talking points not just of any incredibly stupid human, but a devious diabolical human being. The plan - sue gun companies to force them to go out of business. Meanwhile, Senator Tom Cotton pressed hard questions to the Secret Service regarding cocaine that mysteriously was discovered at the White House. Does a slip like this mean that the White House complex is not secure? Why does this happen in the Biden White House and not during any other administration? Afterward, a Federal Judge named Terry Doughty from Louisiana, issued a sweeping preliminary injunction barring a myriad of federal agencies including the DOJ and the FBI, among others in the Biden administration, must be kept from having any contact with social media firms for the purpose of discouraging or removing First Amendment protected speech. Judge Doughty inferred that the government has overstretched its control over social media in recent years. The U.S. no longer has media, we have state media. Finally, Joey Jones calls in to discuss, Unbroken Bonds of Battle: A Modern Warriors Book of Heroism, Patriotism, and Friendship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on the fourth of July. The Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action is out in colleges and universities around the country. Justice Roberts wrote the decision on the High Court's ruling, which strikes down affirmative action practices in college admissions. President Biden giving his two cents today in the White House press briefing - sharing his displeasure of the High Court's ruling. The Democrat party is the segregationist party. They seek to punish people based on their race and skin color. The Democratic party is destroying America, because they hate America. The Democrat Party today claims that colorblindness is racist. How anyone could be a part of such a party, is a question for the ages. The decision today was a very important one. Also, this country is dying, not because of us, but because of the Democrat party. The Democrat party is at war America. This party wants to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life and take him off the political battlefield. Biden will be remembered for trying to lock up his political opponent. What’s being done to Trump is violent - and he won’t be the last. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the more Democrats have control over classrooms, the more our children’s test scores keep falling. So much of what goes on in the classroom is Democrat party propaganda. The government has obliterated the education system and destroyed an entire generation of children. President Biden sent his kids to private schools, but he opposes school choice. The Democrat party today is the greatest enemy we face in America. Biden and the Democrats speak more fondly of illegal immigrants than they do of American citizens. Biden and the Democrats are more in love with the Paris climate accords than our Constitution. The Democrat party is massively expanding government and spending money they don’t have. Capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism and free speech and academic freedom is shrinking in America. Also, this latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN is further intended to poison a Donald Trump jury pool and deny the former president due process. The corrupt Biden DOJ, Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs have publicly identified, characterized, and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. In this, they’ve committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump and his supporters. Trump hasn’t leaked anything to the public. The whistleblowers have testified about obstruction, political interference, multiple underlying crimes, etc. They’ve been ignored by the corrupt media, personally attacked by the power-hungry Democrat Party, and punished by the Biden regime. Later, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court's leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court's Republican members are susceptible to the praise. Notice how the three leftist Democrats on the Court never break when it comes to major decisions important to the Democrats, regardless of the Constitution's text and the framers' intent. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, what did we learn from what took place in Russia over the weekend? When you have an autocracy - you have the inability to have comity, inability to have bipartisanship, and inability to corporate. There are all different kinds of tyrannies in the world, some elected, some of the mob, and some of the iron fist. We have a tranny right here in America, an entity that embraces tyranny - that is today's Democrat party. The Democrat party is not merely a political party, it is the federal government party, and they want monopolistic control. Also, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court's leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court's Republican members are susceptible to the praise. IRS whistleblowers allegedly confirm that constraints were placed on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. Thankfully, the Republicans won in 2016 - could you imagine what position we would be in right now if Hillary Clinton had appointed 3 Supreme Court Justices and not Donald Trump? Today was a win for Article 1 of the Constitution and a win for the 1st Amendment. The Supreme Court said the government can’t compel you into speech. Freedom of speech isn’t just that government can’t censor you - it’s that it can’t compel you to say things you disagree with. The 2nd Supreme Court case today said that Article 1 of the Constitution and the legislative branch matter. The student loan debt decision was a big win in restoring a balance between the executive and legislative branches. Already President Biden is trying to get around this just like he said Thursday when the Supreme Court said everyone will be treated equally in college applications. When the left doesn’t like a Supreme Court opinion they won’t respect it - they will find ways to get around it. Later, Michigan wants to make it a crime if you use someone’s wrong gender pronouns. On the same day the Supreme Court said the government can’t compel you into speech, Michigan Democrats passed a bill saying we will send you to jail if you say something we don’t agree with. Also, Hunter Biden got a cover-up deal, not a sweetheart deal, to protect Joe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action is out in colleges and universities around the country. Justice Roberts wrote the decision on the High Court's ruling, which strikes down affirmative action practices in college admissions. President Biden giving his two cents today in the White House press briefing - sharing his displeasure of the High Court's ruling. The Democrat party is the segregationist party. They seek to punish people based on their race and skin color. The Democratic party is destroying America, because they hate America. The Democrat Party today claims that colorblindness is racist. How anyone could be a part of such a party, is a question for the ages. The decision today was a very important one. Later, our friend Whoopi on The View, said "I want to also sort of read something that Clarence Thomas apparently said. He doesn’t know what diversity is. That’s what he said. And so he doesn’t get it." The Democrats hate him because he's Black. He grew up poor. He grew up a Marxist... until he began to think for himself! She went on later on in the show to say "You know, is this leading to no women in colleges soon? Who knows?" Who wrote and passed the 14th Amendment? Equal protection. Republicans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, there needs to be a special counsel to investigate President Biden, insist that AG Merrick Garland recuse himself, and also appoint a special counsel to investigate Garland. This is a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels of our government, and it must be rooted out, exposed, and the perps punished. Biden is destroying the American energy infrastructure. The left says they want electric vehicles, but most material for the EVs comes from China. Solar panels and EV batteries are mostly made in China as well. Biden is doing a lot of things that benefit China. Why? Later, Hunter Biden is a fraudster and a tax cheat - you couldn't get away with anything that he did. IRS whistleblowers allegedly confirm that constraints were placed on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden. Also, have you noticed the change in language by the left? Language control is thought control. It's used by totalitarian regimes all the time and it's being successfully used by Democrats and the media. The Democrat party represents these movements like climate change or transgenderism and seizes on them to destroy existing society with the language. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, this latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN is further intended to poison a Donald Trump jury pool and deny the former president due process. The corrupt Biden DOJ, Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs have publicly identified, characterized, and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. In this, they’ve committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump and his supporters. Trump hasn’t leaked anything to the public. The whistleblowers have testified about obstruction, political interference, multiple underlying crimes, etc. They’ve been ignored by the corrupt media, personally attacked by the power-hungry Democrat Party, and punished by the Biden regime. Also, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court's leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court's Republican members are susceptible to the praise. Notice how the three leftist Democrats on the Court never break when it comes to major decisions important to the Democrats, regardless of the Constitution's text and the framers' intent. Afterward, what do Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, and Biden have in common? They are all descendants of a slave owner. Donald Trump is the only living U.S. president whose ancestors didn't own slaves. Later in the show we were joined by Trent Staggs, who is challenging Senator Mitt Romney in Utah for his seat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what did we learn from what took place in Russia over the weekend? When you have an autocracy - you have the inability to have comity, inability to have bipartisanship, and inability to corporate. There are all different kinds of tyrannies in the world, some elected, some of the mob, and some of the iron fist. We have a tranny right here in America, an entity that embraces tyranny - that is today's Democrat party. The Democrat party is not merely a political party, it is the federal government party, and they want monopolistic control. Also, Special Counsel Jack Smith has 2 Republican ‘fake electors’ who have agreed to testify against Donald Trump. There’s no such thing as fake electors. You are allowed as a party to send in your own list of electors in case Congress determines they are going to reject electors of one party or the other. It’s not illegal or obstruction, it's called politics. They are threatening these people with indictment and imprisonment if they don’t get what they want. Trump is the greatest threat the administrative state has ever faced and will do anything to stop him. They are afraid for their own survival and power. Afterward, more leaking this time to CNN about Trump’s conversation in 2021 about classified documents. Is anyone in Congress asking the DOJ if they are conducting a criminal leak investigation? Somebody needs to be prosecuted for these leaks. Trump's lawyers need to file an immediate motion, with the long list of leaks as an exhibit, asking that the entire case be dismissed because of prosecutorial misconduct and the government's effort to influence the jury pool.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, a Judge ruled that Donald Trump can’t discuss or post on his social sites about the core of the appalling case that Jack Smith brought against him. Trump gets to defend himself - we don’t have secret courts in America. The government will have to let every one of these documents see the light of day. The Democrat party is the most dangerous and disastrous political entity in America. There is no debate that the Democrat party hates America. This party is like the Communist party in China, they want one-party rule and seek to destroy all competition. It’s time to take off the gloves and to brutally and comprehensively confront them. That’s the point of the new book, The Democrat Party Hates America. The more Democrats have control over classrooms, the more our children’s test scores keep falling. So much of what goes on in the classroom is Democrat party propaganda. The government has obliterated the education system and destroyed an entire generation of children. The Biden family is worse than any mob family in America. They’ve used the power of government and their position to enrich themselves. And there’s a massive cover-up from the Democrats and the media. New testimony from IRS employees has revealed that the Biden IRS and DOJ Interfered in a tax Investigation of Hunter Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, why won’t US Attorney David Weiss make himself available for questions and why won’t AG Merrick Garland give him authority to speak on the Hunter Biden investigation? Hunter’s text implicates Joe in a massive shakedown of a Communist Chinese official and the major networks ignore it. We are witnessing another cover-up. They have been covering up for Biden since the moment he stepped into office. What’s missing when we talk about the DOJ and all their scandals? When we talk about what’s going on in our country? What’s at the center of it all? The Democrat party! They are a political entity that’s different than anything we’ve ever seen. Afterward, the head of the Wagner group says Russia's military leaders targeted his troops after he made critical remarks. Later, unions used to fight against unbearable working conditions - now Starbucks wants to unionize to have the right to show LGBTQI+ colors in Starbucks. Now you know why private companies don’t want to be involved with unions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden family is worse than any mob family in America. They’ve used the power of government and their position to enrich themselves. And there’s a massive cover-up from the Democrats and the media. New testimony from IRS employees has revealed that the Biden IRS and DOJ Interfered in a tax Investigation of Hunter Biden. Investigators wanted Hunter locked up but somebody at the DOJ stepped in and said no - that would have to be the Attorney General and/or the Deputy Attorney General. This testimony also revealed that Hunter threatened a Chinese business partner for payment while Joe Biden sat next to him. Later, this country is dying, not because of us, but because of the Democrats. The Democrat party is at war with America. This party wants to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life and take him off the political battlefield. Biden will be remembered for trying to lock up his political opponent. What’s being done to Trump is violent - and he won’t be the last. Finally, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in to discuss his lawsuit against the Biden administration to ensure freedom in higher education. He also breaks down Gov Gavin Newsom’s California, which is a result of leftist ideology being imposed on society. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the more Democrats have control over classrooms, the more our children’s test scores keep falling. So much of what goes on in the classroom is Democrat party propaganda. The government has obliterated the education system and destroyed an entire generation of children. President Biden sent his kids to private schools but he opposes school choice. The Democrat party today is the greatest enemy we face in America. Biden and the Democrats speak more fondly of illegal immigrants than they do of American citizens. Biden and the Democrats are more in love with the Paris climate accords than our Constitution. The Democrat party is massively expanding government and spending money they don’t have. Capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism and free speech and academic freedom is shrinking in America. Afterward, Rep Adam Schiff was censured and Mark couldn’t be more proud of the House Republicans. Schiff used his position to lie every day about Donald Trump and he was joined by the media. Later, Democrats don’t want to hear what John Durham has to say because he exposed them. Finally, Colin Kaepernick calls for an end to capitalism. Many phony scholars are pushing the line that white supremacy and capitalism intersect. So capitalism is the cause of racism and slavery? It’s the cause of slavery in North Korea? No. Capitalism and freedom go hand in hand. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is the most dangerous and disastrous political entity in America. There is no debate that the Democrat party hates America. This party is like the Communist party in China, they want one-party rule and seek to destroy all competition. It’s time to take off the gloves and to brutally and comprehensively confront them. That’s the point of the new book, The Democrat Party Hates America. Also, at the very time AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ were preparing to sign off on Donald Trump’s indictment, they were trying to figure out how to go soft on Hunter Biden. How did Hunter escape prison time? The DOJ never stepped outside the box to look at President Biden or even the laptop. And of course, the media are circling the wagons around Hunter because they are propagandists. Hunter will never do a day in prison and the DOJ will close the case but say it’s a continuing investigation, which makes congressional oversight nearly impossible. Later, less than 80 years after the Holocaust Israel is coming to the aid of the German government. Top Israeli officials are working to discuss the sale of the Arrow 3 missile system to Germany. Finally, Justice Samuel Alito responds to radical left-wing ProPublica. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a Judge ruled that Donald Trump can’t discuss or post on his social sites about the core of the appalling case that Jack Smith brought against him. Trump gets to defend himself - we don’t have secret courts in America. The government will have to let every one of these documents see the light of day. Also, Trump’s lawyers are being targeted by a dark money group. if you can’t get a lawyer, you can’t get due process. This group is destroying our Bill of Rights. Former assistant U.S. attorney Will Scharf calls in to discuss the major issues that need to be addressed by special counsel Smith in the Trump documents case. This isn’t a rock-solid case, it’s on a very shaky foundation. Later, Bill Barr has been all over TV and his attacks on Trump are becoming increasingly emotional and unhinged. He has smeared Trump more than he has ever criticized the Biden crime family and the millions of dollars they received from our enemies, including communist China. But something bigger happened today, President Biden sold us out to the Communist Chinese and sold out our ally Taiwan. Secretary of State says, ‘we do not support Taiwan independence.’ Under today’s circumstances, under endless threats from China to Taiwan - you don’t speak out this way about Taiwan unless you are selling them out. It was clear Blinken was groveling to Xi at the direction of Biden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Senator Chuck Grassley on the Senate floor announced that the 1023 form confirmed there are 17 secret recordings of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and a Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden. The recordings were kept as an insurance policy by the Burisma executive, whose name was redacted on an unclassified document. This shows why President Trump was indicted on bogus charges; they knew the knowledge of these tapes would come out and covered up for the Biden crime family yet again. Also, Congress passed the presidential records act because they decided presidential records should not belong to a president on their way out the door and have only existed since 1981 and were enacted under President Reagan. Before then, a president could take anything they wanted with them, including classified information. The Espionage Act could have been applied to Lyndon B Johnson and Jimmy Carter, and now Joe Biden for stealing documents while Vice President, but never was and won’t be for Biden under this Department of Justice. We know all about Hillary Clinton’s classified documents, destruction of records, and perjury, but was never charged despite doing it over and over again. Not a single President or Vice President has been charged with violating the Espionage Act until now with Donald Trump. When President Biden says he had no role in the Donald Trump documents case – he’s a liar. The White House and the DOJ have been involved since day one. Obama’s personal investment deals mirror tax strategies he once criticized. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin show, with everyone talking about how much prison time Donald Trump might get as a result of his federal indictment, why is it not discussed how much President Biden would get if he were held to account for his crimes? If Republicans retake the presidency, it must be a top priority to hold the Biden crime family accountable for their corruption. It is time to clear out U.S. attorneys' offices and FBI offices across the country by imposing term limits, and we need a full investigation of top officials at the Department of Justice. The Democrat Party is a corrupt, totalitarian enterprise that will do anything for power, and today they own the legal system and most of the lower courts. This cabal has sought to destroy the governmental and justice systems in this country, and these people need to be held to account with swift justice. Trump has been treated so abusively and endlessly as if he were part of the mafia, when in reality that would be the Biden’s. Also, Barack Obama hates America and is still doing whatever he can to drive racial division in this country. Obama is not proud of America despite being elected as a Senator and President. Racism has always been a tool of the Democrat party since Woodrow Wilson, and now it is used as a weapon against whites. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Bill Barr was Attorney General before and after Hillary Clinton’s private server with classified information and her cover-up by destroying documents and smashing cell phones yet chose to do nothing about it. Now his purpose in life is to be a Donald Trump attack dog, and he is welcomed with open arms by the media to cheer on Trump’s federal indictment over obstruction charges even though his reasoning goes around in circles. Hillary Clinton, Lyndon B Johnson, and Joe Biden did far worse than Trump but were never investigated under the Espionage Act. There is not any time in the history of the statute, since 1917, that it would ensnare a President, Vice President, or cabinet secretary. Also, President Biden is selling out the United States of America to Iran, whereas Donald Trump was as close as could be to toppling their Islamonazi regime. The Biden Administration is working on another deal with Iran, which is backed by China, Russia, and North Korea; an oral agreement where billions of dollars would be given to Iranians in exchange for a promise for them to stop doing what they’re doing. We did the same thing with North Korea, and now they have ICBMs with nuclear warheads. If Iran takes the final step, it will own the Middle East. A deal like this is supposed to be a treaty, which involves the Senate in order to approve, because if we are going to have a treaty with another country the body politic must be involved because it affects all of us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, when President Biden says he had no role in the Donald Trump documents case – he’s a liar. The White House and the DOJ have been involved since day one. This entire criminalization of this process was launched by the Biden White House at the suggestion of the National Archives. Then the DOJ had to decide how it was going to pursue this. Later, Presidential candidate Sen Tim Scott calls in. He explains that in America we need a justice system where the lady of justice wears a blindfold. This DOJ has been hunting Republicans while protecting Democrats. Scott hopes to restore hope, create opportunity and protect America if elected. Afterward, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to discuss this obvious double standard against Trump. They hate Trump and are willing to use the DOJ to try and destroy him. Finally, Mark drops big hints about the most important, brutely honest, book he’s ever written. This book is about the enemy, the Democrat Party, who have never accepted Americanism.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, the Espionage Act could have been applied to Lyndon B Johnson and Jimmy Carter, and now Joe Biden for stealing documents while Vice President, but never was and won’t be for Biden under this Department of Justice. We know all about Hillary Clinton’s classified documents, destruction of records, and perjury, but was never charged despite doing it over and over again. Not a single President or Vice President has been charged with violating the Espionage Act until now with Donald Trump. The National Archives has an extensive list of officials who have refused to give them documents, meaning an enormous amount of people could be charged with the Espionage Act but aren’t. So many of these clowns dressed up as Republicans like Bill Barr, Chris Christie, and Mitch McConnell have no loyalty and would rather see Trump in jail. Trump has suffered through two preposterous impeachments, fake criminal investigations, lawsuits, and now this; Trump has been an endless target for Democrats, the FBI, and the Department of Justice. Also, Mark is joined by Senator Rick Scott about the arraignment of Donald Trump and the coverup of the Biden Crime family under this corrupt justice system. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin show, Senator Chuck Grassley on the Senate floor announced that the 1023 form confirmed there are 17 secret recordings of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and a Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden. The recordings were kept as an insurance policy by the Burisma executive, whose name was redacted on an unclassified document. This shows why President Trump was indicted on bogus charges; they knew the knowledge of these tapes would come out and covered up for the Biden crime family yet again. Also, Congress passed the presidential records act because they decided presidential records should not belong to a president on their way out the door and have only existed since 1981 and were enacted under President Reagan. Before then, a president could take anything they wanted with them, including classified information. Why is it that no other former President has been prosecuted under the espionage act despite the fact there have been other Presidents that have done what Trump has? It was never imagined that an anti-spy statute would apply to a President, but the DOJ under Biden and the Pravda Democrat media are changing that. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, we have a huge problem in this country with Democrats and pseudo-conservatives who have lost their minds, and who blame America first and apologize for Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Communist China is threatening Asian countries and claiming territory while building military bases in the Pacific Ocean and our hemisphere in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. China is prepared for war and muscling up further just like Germany, Italy, and Japan did before WWII. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is forcing woke ideologies on his employees through the use of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores. Unfortunately, executives like Fink are using their importance to slip in vague, progressive categories like “carbon footprint,” “social vulnerability,” “disadvantaged or priority populations,” and “board of Directors’ diversity,” just to name a few. Canadian wildfire smoke is spreading across America and the left and the media are blaming climate change. It’s not climate change, it’s the incompetent ruling-class ideologues who don’t know how to manage forests. FBI documents allege that a ‘businessperson from Ukraine’ sent a substantial bribe to Vice President Biden. All of this news is stunning and it’s shocking how quiet the media are. There’s a full-fledged cover-up taking place being led by AG Garland. Meanwhile, the Democrats are at it again - this time with redistricting in Alabama. Redistricting is supposed to be race-neutral but the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, abandoned that notion. We have the segregating of communities by a majority of the court in order to make an additional black majority district for more Democrat votes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin show, the Federal indictment of Donald Trump shows just how political the Department of Justice is. The Espionage Act was never intended to apply to a president or ex-president, because the president is the executive branch and determines what is or is not classified and not bound by regulations of any department. Despite Hillary Clinton and her lawyers deleting emails subpoenaed by Congress and destroyed cell phones with a hammer, she was never indicted by the DOJ for actually breaking the law. The Presidential Records Act paves the way for how presidents handle documents, and some presidents used to take all of their documents, but only Trump is being targeted for keeping what belongs to him. The charges against Trump are so outrageous that they carry sentences so long that he would die in prison, which is exactly what Democrats want. Biden wants Donald Trump removed from the 2024 election, which is why the DOJ and media are doing everything they can to make it happen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday's Mark Levin show, Donald Trump confirms he has been federally indicted over the classified documents case. All thanks to a corrupt FBI, and a rogue Soros-backed prosecutor, the timing of this is not lost on anyone and it’s intended to impact the outcome of the Republican primary. If this is because of illegal retention of classified documents then they must indict President Biden. Meanwhile, the Democrats are at it again - this time with redistricting in Alabama. Redistricting is supposed to be race-neutral but the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, abandoned that notion. We have the segregating of communities by a majority of the court in order to make an additional black majority district for more Democrat votes. Also, 15 years ago the Democrat party opposed same-sex marriage. Today, Biden and the Democrat party says if you object to the mutilation of children you’re a bigot. Later, China is establishing a 'commanding lead' with key military techniques and Iran has hypersonic missiles - courtesy of Chinese technology. Just wait til they put a nuclear warhead on top. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Canadian wildfire smoke is spreading across America and the left and the media are blaming climate change. It’s not climate change, it’s the incompetent ruling-class ideologues who don’t know how to manage forests. Also, more leaks are coming out of the DOJ. The story that Mark Meadows was trying to make a deal against Trump is a lie. More leaks say that federal prosecutors informed Donald Trump that he is likely to be indicted in the documents case. This is all being done to re-elect Biden! We’re dealing w a corrupt, politically driven DOJ - how much more evidence do we need? Later, FBI documents allege that a ‘businessperson from Ukraine’ sent a substantial bribe to Vice President Biden. All of this news is stunning and it’s shocking how quiet the media are. There’s a full-fledged cover-up taking place being led by AG Garland. They are going after Trump, not for some documents case - but because they work in service for the Biden crime family. Finally, Chris Licht is out as CNN CEO. There’s no reason for CNN to exist. Once it gave up on straight news - they went hard left under Jeff Zucker and destroyed the brand. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, Hillary Clinton and her staffers deleted emails and destroyed physical evidence in her private email server scandal but was cleared of all charges by James Comey in 2016. Now, the same FBI wants to tear down Donald Trump and his lawyers with obstruction charges and plotting against the National Archives and the Grand Jury, turning a disgusting political narrative into the trial of the century. Also, Mark speaks with Congressman Jim Jordan about the scope memo and details about the special counsel appointed to Donald Trump, and Democrat interference in the 2024 election. Later, today is the anniversary of D-Day, and Chris Christie disrespected D-Day by choosing today to announce his candidacy for president, all while the media completely ignored the anniversary. People have become rich trashing American history and culture with things like the 1619 project, paying zero respect to the brave soldiers that preserve our freedom. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin show, we have a huge problem in this country with Democrats and pseudo-conservatives who have lost their minds, and who blame America first and apologize for Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Communist China is threatening Asian countries and claiming territory while building military bases in the Pacific Ocean and our hemisphere in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. China is prepared for war and muscling up further just like Germany, Italy, and Japan did before WWII. At the same time, our military is being hollowed out and enlistment is at an all-time low thanks to CRT and weak leadership under President Biden. If China feared the United States and Biden, they wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing today. Also, any act against Donald Trump over documents is an attempt by the Biden administration to interfere in the 2024 election and take out a political opponent. This is a frontal attack on our system, and the use of the criminal system by Democrats up and down the chain is what’s taking place under AG Merrick Garland. Unleashing Democrat prosecutors and special counsels against one man in another election cycle is appalling. Then, Rep James Comer announced today that contempt of Congress charges are being filed against Christopher Wray for the FBI cover-up of Biden’s corruption, which has been under investigation since his time as Vice President. This is a massive scandal that is being swept under the rug by the media, which is more focused on attacking Comer despite the FBI being in full cover-up mode to save a crooked President. Later, Mark speaks with former Speaker of the House and author Newt Gingrich about the latest spending bill negotiated by Kevin McCarthy, and his new book March to the Majority: The Real Story of the Republican Revolution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Republicans in Congress should fight and get the best budget we can, but in the end, it will take a Convention of States. Even Ronald Reagan, the most popular president in American history, could not significantly cut the Federal budget because that is how the Washington machine is built – how can we expect Kevin McCarthy to be able to do what Reagan couldn’t? The trajectory of the GOP is very dire. Notwithstanding the debt ceiling deal, what will the conservatives in the Senate do? Slow it down? Offer amendments? We will watch and see. Also, more black people were killed in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend, and it isn’t even being talked about in the media because the police aren’t involved. Democrats still refuse to do anything about crime in the cities they run but instead cut back on police when they need them more than ever. Stephen A. Smith has the guts to take this issue on. Later, companies like Macy’s and Costco are issuing warnings about our economy, seeing changes in consumer habits that can be disastrous for the economy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI is corrupt through and through, and it’s never been clearer than right now with Christopher Wray withholding a document that would implicate the Biden’s. The National Archives is also withholding Biden's emails that would reveal more information about Biden’s pay-for-access scheme. The American people have the right to know about these issues and have them addressed by Joe Biden and these business dealings with foreign countries like China. We have a huge shadow government and don’t have the foggiest idea what they are really doing, working under the cover of secrecy while Congress has no idea. The Democrat party praises Marxism and the Marxists, and Joe Biden praises them too through his policies. Totalitarianism is becoming more obvious as the corruption of the Marxists like Biden comes to light. Also, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Jeanine Pirro about the liberal nonsense in the mainstream media, and her new book Crimes Against America: The Left's Takedown of Our Republic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, where is the conservative wing of the Republican Party in the Senate? There’s no pressure being placed on Mitch McConnell or Senate Republicans to do anything about the debt limit bill, slow it down, or inform the American people. Also, more black people were killed in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend, and it isn’t even being talked about in the media because the police aren’t involved. Democrats still refuse to do anything about crime in the cities they run but instead cut back on police when they need them more than ever. Stephen A. Smith has the guts to take this issue on. Later, companies like Macy’s and Costco are issuing warnings about our economy, seeing changes in consumer habits that can be disastrous for the economy. This is a trend commonly seen in previous recessions, with people spending less and choosing cheaper options. Finally, Mark is joined by Josh Hammer, senior editor at large of Newsweek, to discuss principles in the Conservative movement. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the trajectory of the GOP is very dire. Notwithstanding the debt ceiling deal which is expected to see a vote tonight in the House and is likely to pass. What will the conservatives in the Senate do? Slow it down? Offer amendments? We will watch and see. Could the House GOP have gotten a better deal? They could have if they’d held out another month or two longer to take some time to peel the onion on some of these scandals that seem continually make headlines and keep emerging. Rep. Andy Biggs this morning talked about the displeasure members of the House GOP are feeling with Speaker McCarthy, and the debt ceiling vote, saying he doesn’t know what the future would be for the Speaker. But former Speaker Newt Gingrich says that the debt negotiations are like a game of chess, not checkers - telling Sean Hannity last night. According to the former Speaker – McCarthy was able to shift power away from the Senate and the White House – which is comparable to what happened under Gingrich’s leadership in 1995. Later on, Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States called in to talk to Mark about just that, the idea of a convention of states, an idea that Meckler says would never fly with Washington, DC. Meanwhile, Christianity and Judaism are under attack with the LA Dodgers making headlines this week, not open to discussing the re-invitation of an anti-Catholic drag queen group that it’s partnered with, blowing off a meeting with leaders from the Catholic community; and woke is killing our country as Christian based Chik Fil A adding the position of VP of diversity, equity and inclusion to their employee roster. Finally, Julie Kelly, Senior Writer at American Greatness called in to talk to Mark about her access to the January 6th tapes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, Republicans in Congress should fight and get the best budget we can, but in the end it will take a Convention of States. Even Ronald Reagan, the most popular president in American history, could not significantly cut the Federal budget because that is how the Washington machine is built – how can we expect Kevin McCarthy to be able to do what Reagan couldn’t? Mitch McConnell is escaping all criticism for this budget disaster while the House breaks their backs trying to fix the mess he allowed to happen. Nothing will stop Democrats from spending us into oblivion unless they are fundamentally stopped by the Constitution; even then they may not adhere to it, but at that point it’s all over anyway. Also, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Gregg Jarrett about his new book, The Trial of the Century. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show we bring you the Best of Mark Levin on Memorial Day. Democrat judges and prosecutors are going to lengths to derail Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election, throwing phony charges and special prosecutors at Trump in order to interrupt his campaign. Trump has more reasons than anyone to run for president. These attacks against Trump are unprecedented, facing one federal prosecutor and state prosecutor after another. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is a failed president, and the media and Democrats know it, but they don’t care because he has pushed the country hard to the left. Also, there’s a strange group of pseudo-intellectual ‘conservatives’ who trash Ronald Reagan and his policies. Is this the Conservative movement? Mark breaks down exactly what a Conservative believes. The problem isn’t our principles, the problem is the people we put in office who reject our principles. The problem is the evisceration of our culture. We don’t need to reinvent liberty or commerce. We need the right people to be in the right place, who will take on the enemy of culture and of government. Later, former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman revealed shocking information about Biden’s first U.S. attorney who was forced out. He was removed because he wouldn’t go along with the Biden administration who wanted to throw a very wide net and track down people from January 6 with no serious crimes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, there’s a full-scale effort by President Biden and his surrogates to suggest that Biden has the power to use the 14th Amendment to lift the debt ceiling. This is as dictatorial and totalitarian as it gets. If Biden thought he had this power, why didn’t he use it months ago? The left wraps themselves in the Constitution while they violate the Constitution. Democrat judges and prosecutors are going to lengths to derail Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election, throwing phony charges and special prosecutors at Trump in order to interrupt his campaign. Democrats are using propagandists in the media to keep lying about the Constitution giving the power to destroy the economy, and at the same time blaming Republicans for a default on our debt. The 14th Amendment is a post-civil War amendment for Confederate soldiers, not to grant the president the power of the purse and allow him to propose and pass a budget and raise debt like Biden wants. IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley has a lot of guts and has put his career on the line to expose the preferential treatment of Hunter Biden. Senior leadership at the Department of Justice slow walked the investigation into Hunter’s tax crimes because Democrats control the levers of prosecutorial power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Target is targeting our chidren and the latest corporation to indoctrinate them by releasing an LGBTQ kids clothing line. Companies like Target and Bud light going woke and suffering financially as a result of backlash from customers who won’t put up with it. This is all about a war on traditional values, and the sick evil people behind it are making billions in the process. Also, Democrats are hoping that Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis will tear each other down and clear the way for Joe Biden. Instead of the argument being about issue or substance, the media will make it personal and try to create a civil war within the GOP. If we allow this to get too nasty between Candidate A and Candidate B, the only person that wins is the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we cannot afford to cave into Joe Biden and the radical Marxists with their out of control spending and budget. We know the radical spending ordeals are all to increase the size of the Federal Bureaucracy that will then help the Democrat party and punish Republicans. The Democrat mob is threatening violence if they do not get their budget paid for, but Republicans in Congress have been good so far at standing firm and we need them now more than ever to hold the line. The left isn’t upset about funding Social Security or Medicare – they’re upset they aren’t getting the funding for their radical $7 trillion budget. Also, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley has a lot of guts and has put his career on the line to expose the preferential treatment of Hunter Biden. Senior leadership at the Department of Justice slow walked the investigation into Hunter’s tax crimes because Democrats control the levers of prosecutorial power. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice is throwing the book at anyone involved in January 6th but giving reduced sentences for Democrat protesters using Molotov cocktails. Later, Mark speaks with ZOA President Mort Klein about the Biden administration’s harmful strategy to counter anti-Semitism and hated of the state of Israel. Finally, Mark is joined by Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center about the Department of Homeland Security using federal funds to attack Christian organizations and comparing conservatives to Nazis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Governor Ron DeSantis has officially announced his candidacy for president and joins Mark to speak about his campaign and the state of the country under President Biden. DeSantis’ task at hand is to return the government to the people. 2024 is a generational opportunity to solidify and expand a constitutionalist direction in our judiciary. Also, Democrats are using propagandists in the media to keep lying about the Constitution giving the power to destroy the economy, and at the same time blaming Republicans for a default on our debt. The 14th Amendment is a post-civil War amendment for Confederate soldiers, not to grant the president the power of the purse and allow him to propose and pass a budget and raise debt like Biden wants. Rep Jamie Raskin and the other Democrat Marxists are given a platform by the leftist media to lie about the Constitution; they will turn the Constitution into a pretzel to advance their radical ideology. Later, Mark speaks with Rep Byron Donalds about the national debt, debt ceiling, and Democrat pushback on proposed budget cuts. Finally, legendary singer Tina Turner passed away at age 83 after a long illness and kidney disease. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrat judges and prosecutors are going to lengths to derail Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election, throwing phony charges and special prosecutors at Trump in order to interrupt his campaign. Trump has more reasons than anyone to run for president. These attacks against Trump are unprecedented, facing one federal prosecutor and state prosecutor after another. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is a failed president and the media and Democrats know it, but they don’t care because he has pushed the country hard to the left. Also, Mark speaks with Judge Jeanine Pirro about the direction of our country under Democrat control, and her new book Crimes Against America: The Left's Takedown of Our Republic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a full-scale effort by President Biden and his surrogates to suggest that Biden has the power to use the 14th Amendment to lift the debt ceiling. This is as dictatorial and totalitarian as it gets. If Biden thought he had this power, why didn’t he use it months ago? The left wraps themselves in the Constitution while they violate the Constitution. Rep Chip Roy calls in with an update on the debt ceiling talks. Also, Sen Tim Scott announces his run for President and is quickly attacked by the ladies of The View. Later, former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman revealed shocking information about Biden’s first U.S. attorney who was forced out. He was removed because he wouldn’t go along with the Biden administration who wanted to throw a very wide net and track down people from January 6 with no serious crimes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the FBI and Department of Justice interfered in Donald Trump’s 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns and is now interfering in the 2024 campaign. The Durham report confirmed that the Trump-Russia collusion was a hoax and was used as a predicate to go after Trump while Hillary Clinton got a complete pass. The press is using the first amendment to advance a radical left agenda through only one party, and has become a propaganda operation for Democrats. The media have taken the final step and become activists for the ideologues in the Democrat party, which is why they blew off the Durham Report almost entirely. If we do not have a truly free press it is difficult for political opposition to survive. Also, President Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have repealed an executive order allowing China to bypass tariffs and sell solar panels, allowing communist China to undercut American workers. Democrats are using the national budget like a credit card and Congress passed a debt limit to put a stop to it, and now the response from the White House is calling America a deadbeat nation if we default. A new EPA regulation is attacking the trucking industry in an effort to phase out diesel rigs and replace them with electric vehicles. Our electrical grid cannot keep up with the Democrat push for electric vehicles, because they’re doing as much as they can as fast as possible while nobody can stop them. Democrats are trying to intimidate rank-and-file FBI agents to not come forward about corruption within the agency, and they are going after any whistleblower that comes out against the Biden administration. The iron fist of the Democrat party to silence whistleblowers while the media sit by silently and watch is a sign of the unraveling of our republic. Three FBI agents testified to Congress about what they have seen and are being attacked and silenced by Democrats. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a strange group of pseudo-intellectual ‘conservatives’ who trash Ronald Reagan and his policies. Is this the Conservative movement? Mark breaks down exactly what a Conservative believes. The problem isn’t our principles, the problem is the people we put in office who reject our principles. The problem is the evisceration of our culture. We don’t need to reinvent liberty or commerce. We need the right people to be in the right place, who will take on the enemy of culture and government. Also, the FBI is completely out of control. A FISA Court filing revealed that the FBI improperly used warrantless search powers more than 278,000 times in 2021 on Americans. We need accountability for this. If criminal law doesn’t exist that puts these people in prison, then one must be written and adopted. Later, Speaker Kevin McCarthy calls in to discuss the debt ceiling. Washington D.C. has a spending problem, and it needs to be reined in. The House Republicans raised the debt ceiling and found a way to claw back spending and Biden ignored McCarthy for 97 days.  Finally, Politico put out a disgusting hit job on Casey DeSantis. Just like the media goes after Trump, they will now go after DeSantis. They would never put out a piece like this on Michelle Obama or Jill Biden. The media hate smart, strong, professional Republican women who are also loving mothers and wives, and who support their husbands. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are trying to intimidate rank-and-file FBI agents to not come forward about corruption within the agency, and they are going after any whistleblower that comes out against the Biden administration. The iron fist of the Democrat party to silence whistleblowers while the media sit by silently and watch is a sign of the unraveling of our republic. Three FBI agents testified to Congress about what they have seen and are being attacked and silenced by Democrats. Next, Democrats have turned to corporations to push their woke agenda on gender, ESG, and Marxism, and Disney is a prime example. Disney under CEO Bob Iger is turning the company into a woke disaster, getting involved in the classroom, and fighting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for putting a stop to it. We cannot allow these corporatists to run our country, who are woke political hacks using money from companies they didn’t build. Later, the Biden administration is blaming the pandemic, inflation, and El Nino for affecting the maintenance of our infrastructure and power grid. They systematically go through our energy system and destroy it, and then act surprised when our electrical grid cannot handle the overload. We had diverse sources of energy under President Trump, but President Biden has done everything to kill gas and coal among others. Meanwhile, we have people like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg going on about Transportation and Environmental equity, which is just cover for Democrats to take power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has proposed a $7 trillion budget and refuses to make any spending cuts despite Congress passing a debt ceiling, and is now saying the U.S. is in danger of not paying its bills. We are spending and borrowing the most ever in American history, and Biden is saying we’re making the biggest cuts in American history by using COVID money and calling it a budget cut. Democrats are using the national budget like a credit card and Congress passed a debt limit to put a stop to it, and now the response from the White House is calling America a deadbeat nation if we default. Also, a new EPA regulation is attacking the trucking industry in an effort to phase out diesel rigs and replace them with electric vehicles. Our electrical grid cannot keep up with the Democrat push for electric vehicles, because they’re doing as much as they can as fast as possible while nobody can stop them. The brownouts and blackouts in California show how we cannot handle it, but Democrats do not care if we have to suffer as long as they get their way. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump calls is to address the findings of the Durham Report. The press is using the first amendment to advance a radical left agenda through only one party, and has become a propaganda operation for Democrats. The media have taken the final step and become activists for the ideologues in the Democrat party, which is why they blew off the Durham Report almost entirely. If we do not have a truly free press it is difficult for political opposition to survive. The Democrat party created the vast centralized bureaucracy we have now, which now has an FBI that has become corrupted and an arm of the Democrat party and the Department of Justice. Also, President Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have repealed an executive order allowing China to bypass tariffs and sell solar panels, allowing communist China to undercut American workers. This is even more evidence of Biden’s connection to China, vetoing a bill that would have required the Chinese to dump less of their product into the U.S. and enable American companies to develop solar panels. Later, Mark speaks with Senator Josh Hawley about his new book, Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs.    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI and Department of Justice interfered in Donald Trump’s 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns and is now interfering in the 2024 campaign. The Durham report confirmed that the Trump-Russia collusion was a hoax and was used as a predicate to go after Trump while Hillary Clinton got a complete pass. The response from Christopher Wray is disgusting because the FBI is doing the same to Trump now as they did back then, now with special counsels and prosecutors. The FBI hasn’t fixed any problems identified in the Durham report, but instead has doubled down on working for Democrats to spy and destroy political opponents. Also, April 2023 was cooler in the United States than it was in April 1895 despite 1000 times more carbon emissions now, but this information will be hidden to advance the climate change industry. Democrats lie and obscure the truth to advance their agenda at any cost. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman and House Oversight Chairman James Comer about revelations about Joe Biden’s corruption and payments from foreign countries. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, reparations are a scam, a massive redistribution of wealth. This, in part, is a Democrat party play with their base - another piece of the puzzle of American Marxism. If reparations are to be paid, they are to be paid from the Democrat party. This is why inflation is going through the roof, and Biden is lying and deceiving the American people about spending cuts because he hasn’t made any. Biden is overwhelming the American citizens through inflation and immigration because he has thrown in with the Marxists like the political chameleon he is. The FBI, DOJ, and the Biden White House are in full cover-up mode. Congress has discovered a complex web to cover up the receipt of millions of dollars, especially from foreign countries like Communist China to Joe Biden and his family. The FBI has refused to give Congress an informant report connecting President Biden to crooked payment, because their loyalty is to Biden and his crime family. The Biden Administration is destroying America through energy policies that restrict new oil drilling while pushing batteries owned by communist China, and at the same time pushing Marxist indoctrination in our schools to corrupt the youth. They are using the FBI and DOJ to attack political opponents while populating the media with Democrat ideologues to push an ideology rather than inform the American people. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we have another instance of using phony science to push an agenda and drag down the country. Climate change is the biggest rouse America has ever confronted. It gives the Federal government the authority to do virtually whatever it wants. They are regulating basic appliances in your home. At some point, they will limit the number of vehicles you can have. This is the only generation in the U.S. that is seeking ways to abandon progress, economically and technologically. If you vote Democrat, this is what you're voting for! I don’t think this nation can survive 4 more years of Biden and the Democrats. There is no specific statute authority for any of this. The left has seized on antiquated laws from the 1970s to destroy our country and empower themselves. It's all about control. Meanwhile, the border is a mess with the conclusion of Title 42, and the White House and the Biden administration is spinning and lying about how they're handling things, wanting to let all the immigrants flood through our southern border without court dates - but a federal judge said no, and now the Biden administration is saying that the Department of Justice is going to fight this ruling. Secretary Mayorkas should be arrested for violating laws or at least be impeached! Finally, the FBI, DOJ, and the New York Times is in full cover-up mode for the Biden crime family. Shouldn’t the NY Times ask why the Biden’s had so many shell companies? Later, the border is wide open and millions of illegal immigrants are coming in and it’s Republican's fault?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration is destroying America through energy policies that restrict new oil drilling while pushing batteries owned by communist China, and at the same time pushing Marxist indoctrination in our schools to corrupt the youth. They are using the FBI and DOJ to attack political opponents while populating the media with Democrat ideologues to push an ideology rather than inform the American people. The borders have been opened wide and Democrats have made it impossible to track who is coming into our country, allowing crime and drugs to pour into our communities and neighborhoods. America is being destroyed from within, and once Title 42 expires there will be no more Trump-era border restrictions remaining. The media is so thoroughly corrupt that they have zero interest in reporting or investigating Biden and his criminal activity, which is why they are hated, and their platforms are dying. Also, Mark speaks with Sen. Tom Cotton about Hunter Biden avoiding payments for his daughter in Arkansas. Later, Mark is joined by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to discuss liberal Republicans taking the side of Disney over the people of Florida and the lifting of Title 42. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI, DOJ, and the Biden White House are in full cover-up mode. Congress has discovered a complex web to cover up the receipt of millions of dollars, especially from foreign countries like Communist China to Joe Biden and his family. The FBI has refused to give Congress an informant report connecting President Biden to crooked payment, because their loyalty is to Biden and his crime family. The media has barely reported this story because they are the true mouthpiece of the Democrat party and the American Pravda. There is more evidence of illegal payments to the Biden family than there is evidence of sexual battery against Donald Trump, and they have turned special counsels and prosecutors against Trump because they know Biden is in trouble. The New York Post has done more to dig into the corruption of the Biden crime family than the FBI and DOJ. Also, Democrats want the border open to replace American workers, and ultimately turn Texas into a blue state so Republicans have no path to the presidency. The point of immigration is to improve society for the citizenry, not the Democrats, and our representatives are supposed to support American citizens. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, unfortunately Donald Trump will probably be charged in Atlanta and Washington D.C. at the behest of Biden’s Department of Justice and be convicted. Democrat DA’s in Manhattan and Atlanta brought bogus charges against Trump, and now he has been found liable of sexual battery in a civil trial against E. Jean Carroll. This is occurring in Democrat cities with judges allowing bogus trials, and more are coming because Trump is being overwhelmed with criminal and civil investigations. Everything is playing out perfectly if you are a Democrat, especially President Biden running against Trump in 2024. Mark speaks with trial attorney Brian Claypool about the evidence used in the Trump civil case and the integrity of the verdict. Also, we have the highest percentage of debt in terms of GDP in American history, not even during WWII or the Great Depression. This is why inflation is going through the roof, and Biden is lying and deceiving the American people about spending cuts because he hasn’t made any. Biden is overwhelming the American citizens through inflation and immigration because he has thrown in with the Marxists like the political chameleon he is. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Chip Roy to discuss Title 42 and Biden’s disastrous border policies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden wants to know what the Republican border plan is, it’s simple - put all of President Trump’s border policies back in place. With Title 42 ending at the end of the week, the border crisis will only get worse. About 10,000 a day, 70,000 a week, and over a quarter of a million a month are going to come into the United States. The impact on society will be enormous. Also, jury selection begins Tuesday in a lawsuit brought against President Donald Trump by E. Jean Carroll, who says Trump raped her sometime in the mid ’90s. Carroll was never interested in suing Trump until she spoke with George Conway at a Never Trumper event, who convinced her. Later, reparations are a scam, a massive redistribution of wealth. This, in part, is a Democrat party play with their base - another piece of the puzzle of American Marxism. If reparations are to be paid, they are to be paid from the Democrat party. Afterward, the President doesn’t have power under the 14th Amendment to rewrite the Constitution and eliminate the House of Representative’s core function, to borrow, spend, and tax. Rep Jamie Raskin voted, and the Democrats have supported all this spending and borrowing - it is they who created this debt ceiling situation. Finally, Peter Flaherty, Chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center calls in to discuss his arrest during a Berkshire shareholder proposal presentation. Peter had his microphone cut, was arrested, and forcibly removed from the arena. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, a political party is an organized attempt to gain control of the government, and the Democrat party seeks to gain control and keep it through a one-party state. That is when you know you are dealing with a totalitarian party. The Supreme Court is now under assault by Democrats and the media, who are trying to destroy the court because they disagree with it. The Supreme Court is created by the Constitution itself, and Democrats in Congress are destroying separation of powers and demanding that certain justices like Clarence Thomas testify about ethics. The illegal prosecution of Donald Trump in Manhattan and Georgia and the investigation by Jack Smith is being done to immunize President Biden if he were ever to be investigated. We have a massive coverup of Biden and his family going on while prosecutors use Trump as a shiny object to distract. Biden is pushing the debt limit so much that he is now questioning the constitutionality of having a debt limit at all. The pressure is building from the Democrat media and the radical left to destroy the Constitution and force Republicans to capitulate to President Biden’s budget. Now the push is for Biden to fund the debt on his own and he will force this upon the court to decide while getting away with it in the meantime. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. Title 42 is officially lifting on May 11th and it has been the last remaining thing preventing a flood of immigration, and the Biden administration is lying about what we’re about to see. This has been the most unprecedented invasion over our southern border in American history, and people like Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas see it as a challenge instead of a crisis. We don’t need any new laws or immigration reform to fix the crisis – we just need the Biden administration to enforce existing immigration laws. Also, the Department of Energy only exists to ruin energy in this country and make it impossible to drill for oil or mine for coal. Their only purpose is to take away all old sources of energy in the name of climate change and replace them with windmills. A $50 trillion bill to become carbon neutral by 2050 is their new goal because climate change is their religion. Later, Dr. Rochelle Walensky is stepping down as director of the CDC, and she was the poster child of the Biden administration in shutting down schools and punishing opponents to the vaccine. Walensky did the job she was told to do in spreading the Biden disinformation on vaccines and natural immunity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the pressure is building from the Democrat media and the radical left to destroy the Constitution and force Republicans to capitulate to President Biden’s budget. Now the push is for Biden to fund the debt on his own and he will force this upon the court to decide while getting away with it in the meantime. Another bank is going under after losing 50% of its stock, and another has lost 1/3 of its value. This bank crisis is happening now and expanding because spending is completely out of control, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, many of these smaller regional banks cannot handle it. They are destroying our country by printing so much money and have us with one foot into stagflation, and these radical Democrats are going to push us into a Depression. Also, unlike Clarence Thomas or Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor actually has a case of corruption that can be made against her now thanks to new revelations of her receiving $3.6 million from a book publisher while not recusing herself from a case involving them. This is another example of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing exactly what they are so they can get away with it. Later, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly of American Greatness about the Proud Boys guilty verdict of seditious conspiracy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the illegal prosecution of Donald Trump in Manhattan and Georgia and the investigation by Jack Smith is being done to immunize President Biden if he were ever to be investigated. We have a massive coverup of Biden and his family going on while prosecutors use Trump as a shiny object to distract. Also, Democrats are trying to terrorize the Supreme Court Justices they disagree with and are creating a dangerous situation for them and even targets of assassination threats. The left sees their opportunity to take control of society with Biden in the White House, allowing the radicals in the Democrat party to run loose and become the party of American Marxism just as is it was the party of Jim Crow, segregation, and the Confederacy. Later, Biden is pushing the debt limit so much that he is now questioning the constitutionality of having a debt limit at all. Biden is causing as much pain as he can to force Republicans to go along with his massive budget, all while Mitch McConnell does nothing but help Biden get his way when we need a real leader in the Senate. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with this and was related to the Civil War. The fact Biden is considering doing this with the budget is exactly how a totalitarian regime would act. Finally, the Atlanta shooter has been apprehended by Atlanta police after shooting up a hospital, killing one and injuring four more. Meanwhile, the Nashville police department is delaying the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto, citing pending litigation as the reason. Withholding this from the American people is horrible, and we have a right to know what the motivation of the shooter even if it goes against the Democrat narrative. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court is now under assault by Democrats and the media, who are trying to destroy the court because they disagree with it. The Supreme Court is created by the Constitution itself, and Democrats in Congress are destroying separation of powers and demanding that certain justices like Clarence Thomas testify about ethics. In the past both parties understood to leave the court alone, but not anymore because the Democrat party burns down anything that gets in their way. The same people who want to pack and destroy the court should not give lectures on ethics, especially Democrats who refuse to investigate President Biden while spending years trying to destroy Donald Trump with a phony dossier. Also, Democrats are taking more control over our lives through federal agencies like the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency in the name of climate change. They use regulations, not even laws passed by Congress, to outlaw things like affordable air conditioning units. Later, Mark speaks with Kayleigh McEnany about her new book, Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos by Leaning on Christ. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a political party is an organized attempt to gain control of the government, and the Democrat party seeks to gain control and keep it through a one-party state. That is when you know you are dealing with a totalitarian party. The Democrat socialists like AOC and Bernie Sanders have fundamentally taken over the base of the Democrat party, who Nancy Pelosi and President Biden had to bow to and are now doing their bidding. The administrative state exists for the Democrat party and has since FDR, and it leaks and undermines Republican administrations so even if they win elections they still lose. Also, Kevin McCarthy gave a speech in Israel while Biden still has not invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States, and secularist Democrats just do not care. McCarthy is speaking out about the Iran regime’s aggression and its threat to Israel, and at the same time the Biden administration is ignoring Israel while helping Iran. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration always seems a day late and a dollar short, this time on Sudan. A civil war breaks out in Sudan and the U.S. sends special forces in at night to get people out of the embassy. But there’s still 16,000 Americans who are still in Sudan. President Biden, at age 80, announced his re-election while he’s destroying America. He talks about freedom but won’t let you buy a new gas stove or a combustion engine car. Nobody but the most unhinged Democrats talk about President Trump’s age. Trump doesn’t sound at all like he’s 78 but Biden looks and sounds like he’s 110. New emails show that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his wife emailed frequently with Hunter Biden, which raises more questions into the laptop cover-up. Joe Biden has nothing to fear with Merrick Garland in charge of the DOJ, and knows he will pardon Hunter or himself if anything happens. A dangerous precedent is being set for a U.S attorney or Attorney General to impanel a grand jury and subpoena documents and witnesses to the satisfaction of the counsel, and the way the media is framing it is nothing but propaganda. Jack Smith had Mike Pence testify against Donald Trump in front of a federal grand jury because a case is trying to be made that Trump spearheaded an effort to overturn the 2020 election and obstruct the transition from one administration to another. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, who do the Democrat party represent and stand for in America? They put the party first and the country and citizens second, because the party is how they get and retain power. Regulations and attacks on energy independence is succeeding in destroying our country, while the DOJ and FBI impact the country in other ways. We almost have one-party rule today in the United States with some Republican quislings aiding the Democrat Marxists. Individualism is now replaced with groupism being taught in Critical Race Theory, which refuses to view people as individual human beings but rather as groups of people and condemn them for things they have not done in the name of equity. That is the totalitarian Federal government and the Democrat party today, who do not believe in individualism but instead, view people in classes like Karl Marx. Thankfully we have someone like Governor Ron DeSantis in a powerful position to take on the woke Democrat agenda and protect schools and children from being indoctrinated. Disney is suing DeSantis while other conservatives like Nikki Haley are selling out to the woke mob. Also, Mark speaks with KY Attorney General Daniel Cameron about running for governor of Kentucky and hits back against a racist cartoonist in a local newspaper. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, a dangerous precedent is being set for a U.S attorney or Attorney General to impanel a grand jury and subpoena documents and witnesses to the satisfaction of the counsel, and the way the media is framing it is nothing but propaganda. Jack Smith had Mike Pence testify against Donald Trump in front of a federal grand jury because a case is trying to be made that Trump spearheaded an effort to overturn the 2020 election and obstruct the transition from one administration to another. This is a horrendous criminalization of the political process and would never have been done to Obama, Clinton, Carter, or other Democrat presidents. There is no place for the criminalization of this matter, and only became one because of one man – AG Merrick Garland. Meanwhile, Sen Dick Durbin is demanding that Chief Justice John Roberts testify about the ethics of the Supreme Court, raising issues with Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. Congress is not free to intimidate Supreme Court justices, but Democrats are desperate to do it by trashing the Constitution. We are witnessing a police state, people who wrap themselves in the Constitution but are unleashing this assault on our Constitutional system. Also, once you have the ability to claim control over the climate, you have begun to create a police state that can dictate what appliances and how much energy people can use, and that is exactly what Democrats are doing. Automobile manufacturers are losing billions shifting to electric vehicles that nobody wants because of regulations from the EPA. We are living through a quiet insurrection through government regulations controlling every aspect of our lives. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, The House of Representatives voted to raise the debt limit today despite every single Democrat voting against it. Joe Biden is playing chicken with the national debt because he isn’t getting everything he wants, and hasn’t spoken to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy since February. Biden wants a $7 trillion budget and Republicans have countered with a budget that reduces his spending by $4.8 trillion and extending the debt ceiling. The immorality of what Democrats are doing to this generation and future generations is appalling. We have more taxes flowing into the federal government now than any time in our history, the next closest time being World War II, and taxes are now 19.6% of the economy. Also, new emails show that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his wife emailed frequently with Hunter Biden, which raises more questions into the laptop cover-up. Joe Biden has nothing to fear with Merrick Garland in charge of the DOJ, and knows he will pardon Hunter or himself if anything happens. Later, Nikki Haley showed that she is willing to sell out to the culture war by inviting Disney to move to South Carolina. Haley will not fight against this Marxist movement and protect our kids and has shown she is not presidential material. Parents are fighting to defend their children against what’s going on in the classrooms and the teachers unions and Haley will not fight for them.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden, at age 80, announced his re-election while he’s destroying America. He talks about freedom but won’t let you buy a new gas stove or a combustion engine car. Nobody but the most unhinged Democrats talk about President Trump’s age. Trump doesn’t sound at all like he’s 78 but Biden looks and sounds like he’s 110. Also, the endless reporting and hateful attacks on Tucker Carlson are exactly what they think of us. The left-wing media want to squelch Fox News and conservative talk radio. Later, President Donald Trump calls in to discuss President Biden’s re-election announcement. Biden took the safest border in history, and he unraveled it. Trump talks about his new book, Letters to Trump. and his relationships with JFK Jr, former PM of Japan Shinzo Abe, and Jack Nicklaus. Afterward, ex-NBA coach Phil Jackson speaks out against social justice warriors in sports. People need a break from politics, that’s why they watch sports. We can talk politics – off the field. Finally, retired FBI special agent Thomas Baker calls in to discuss his new book, The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy. He explains the problem of today’s FBI is a problem of culture. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark’s role in interviews isn’t to attack the guest - that’s what journalism has become and that’s why you hate it. Sen Chuck Grassley puts out a tweet and the media get excited over it. Grassley asks, why didn’t Levin ask Donald Trump about what he’ll do in the future? Trump puts out a video almost every day where he speaks on subject after subject and what he plans to do if elected president. Grassley should do his research before tweeting. Later, the Biden administration always seems a day late and a dollar short, this time on Sudan. A civil war breaks out in Sudan and the U.S. sends special forces in at night to get people out of the embassy. But there’s still 16,000 Americans who are still in Sudan. Afterward, Democrats are proposing legislation to codify murder, not to codify Roe V Wade. These Democrats are radicals and if you don’t embrace their views, they say you’re against women. Also, the Biden administration is at war with you. They want to sabotage and cripple the energy industry. Fossil fuel is the liquid that makes the engine of this society function. If someone was trying to destroy the middle class – they would drive up the cost of oil and natural gas. Finally, Biden and his administration have no comprehension of how a pencil is made or anything else, for that matter. I Pencil will remind you how truly complex it is to make. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, these Radical Marxist Democrats don’t want this crime to be stopped no matter how many people are hurt because it is part of their ideology. Instead, Democrats are only around to destroy the communities and cities they run, which is almost exclusively where this violent crime is happening. Robert Mueller and James Comey are the two FBI directors in recent history to have done the most damage to the FBI, which is pointed out by Thomas Baker in his new book. Mueller took the FBI in a bad direction after 9/11, and Comey’s hatred for Trump turned the bureau into a political weapon for Democrats. The FBI is now a dangerous organization to anyone who is an opponent of the state, while allowing the Biden crime family to go without investigation despite more and more evidence of their shady and illegal business deals. There is breaking news that the Hunter Biden’s investigation has been infected with political preferential treatment after an IRS whistleblower has come forward. The claims come from a senior career IRS criminal supervisory agent putting their career on the line to expose how bad things are in terms of investigating Hunter. The Department of Justice has been covering up for President Biden and his family and will continue to do so despite the Biden White House denying any obstruction. Climate change has nothing to do with science and it never has. If government has the power to regulate air and water, then there are no limits to the power it has. They want to regulate you. It’s also a way to destroy government sovereignty. No scientist will say carbon dioxide is a pollutant - it can’t be because you’re exhaling it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday's Mark Levin Show, WJNO's Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Three stories dropped this week that speak to pervasiveness and corruption in the swamp. The Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower is evidence of a corrupt two-tiered system of justice. Will the whistleblower be allowed to be heard like Alexander Vindman was? Then, U.S. officials like Anthony Fauci were doing the bidding of the Chinese communist party and covering up the Wuhan lab leak. Also, there was Elon Musk's revelation that the FBI was granted full access to everyone's Twitter DM's. What kind of country spies on their citizens this way? Is this happening at Meta or Google? Is there any difference between what China is doing with TikTok and what our government is doing with social media in the U.S.? Our government today more closely resembles the Chinese government. All this is happening while China’s Xi is getting ready for war. How many countries around the world recognize Taiwan sovereignty? Only 13. China has had incredible success at intimidating the hell out of countries around the world. Later, RFK Jr polling in the double digits against an incumbent president, tells you that Democrats are looking for anyone else but President Biden. They don’t want another 4 years of him.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, climate change has nothing to do with science and it never has. If government has the power to regulate air and water, then there are no limits to the power it has. They want to regulate you. It’s also a way to destroy government sovereignty. No scientist will say carbon dioxide is a pollutant - it can’t be because you’re exhaling it. Later, Speaker Kevin McCarthy calls in to discuss his debt ceiling plan, which would raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts. The real problem isn’t the revenue, it’s the expenditures. President Biden wants to spend more money than we did at the height of the pandemic. If we do nothing, in the next 10 years we will pay $10.5 Trillion just in interest alone. Afterward, VP Mike Pence calls in with his take on abortion and foreign policy. Democrat’s position on abortion is the extremists’ position - they support taxpayer funding of abortion, up to the moment of birth. The Biden administration destroyed everything President Trump did in the Middle East. This is the absence of American leadership on the world stage. Finally, Yeonmi Park, who escaped North Korea, calls in to talk about her new book, While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there is breaking news that the Hunter Biden’s investigation has been infected with political preferential treatment after an IRS whistleblower has come forward. The claims come from a senior career IRS criminal supervisory agent putting their career on the line to expose how bad things are in terms of investigating Hunter. The Department of Justice has been covering up for President Biden and his family and will continue to do so despite the Biden White House denying any obstruction. Meanwhile, the brainwashing of the 1619 project pays no respect to our country’s actual history of bravery and sacrifice. The tenured union Marxist and the American hating left have contributed nothing, let alone put their lives on the line like the patriots at Lexington and Concord. Also, a federal judge has denied Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's request to block a congressional subpoena for a former prosecutor in Bragg's office who investigated former President Donald Trump. Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil ruled against Bragg and in favor of Jim Jordan, who subpoenaed Mark Pomerantz as part of what he's claimed is a probe into whether Bragg's office used federal funds in the investigation of Trump. Later, it is incredible that the manifesto of the Nashville shooter has been withheld from the American people. The Democrat media doesn’t want to know the motive because the shooter attacked a Christian school, which is also why Biden did not go to the service and has not invited the families of the victims to the White House. Biden is always looking for a scab to pick on the American culture and never celebrates or shows pride for America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Southern border is still wide open with thousands of illegal immigrants pouring in every day, and today there was a Senate hearing to address it. Many Republican Senators have had enough, even Mitt Romney, and they held DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to account for the disastrous border situation. The Democrat party is doing this intentionally because they are taking a page out of the Marxist playbook to quickly take down the country through open borders. People are pouring in by the millions from different cultures and not assimilating, which destroys the American culture. Also, Gov Ron DeSantis is one of a few Republicans who are taking on the culture war just like Donald Trump did, while others like Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie side with the radical left. Later, Robert Mueller and James Comey are the two FBI directors in recent history to have done the most damage to the FBI, which is pointed out by Thomas Baker in his new book. Mueller took the FBI in a bad direction after 9/11, and Comey’s hatred for Trump turned the bureau into a political weapon for Democrats. The FBI is now a dangerous organization to anyone who is an opponent of the state, while allowing the Biden crime family to go without investigation despite more and more evidence of their shady and illegal business deals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the House judiciary hearing today in Manhattan was fantastic and exactly the right thing to do because New York is not safe no matter what the liberal elites in New York with private security want to believe. Democrats like Rep. Hank Johnson called Republicans jack-booted thugs and MAGA extremists for wanting to crack down on the violent crime in New York being allowed because of DA Alvin Bragg. These Radical Marxist Democrats don’t want this crime to be stopped no matter how many people are hurt because it is part of their ideology. Instead, Democrats are only around to destroy the communities and cities they run, which is almost exclusively where this violent crime is happening. Also, the radical Marxists view the nuclear family as part of a failed feudal society and to be replaced by the state, because destroying the nuclear family means destroying the culture and society. Parents know that children are their responsibility and are speaking out at town halls against a law forcing parents to consent to sex change operations for their child. The Marxists are all for this because they want to control our children like they are now doing in Washington and Arkansas. Later, six additional members of the Biden family have been identified in benefiting from shady deals and suspicious activity, as well as Hunter Biden using his father as leverage in business deals and Hallie Biden getting millions from China. Nine Biden’s in total have been identified now and the number of family members involved is incredible. Republicans have no excuse to not appoint a special counsel to investigate this case because the Bidens were taking in money hand over fist and profiting off their position as government officials. Finally, Mark speaks with Senator Ron Johnson about investigating the Biden family and the evidence against their corruption. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is openly attacking Catholics and it was being covered by FBI director Christopher Wray. This is shocking how the FBI has inserted itself into lives, this time through the Richmond document allowing the FBI to monitor Catholic houses of worship as domestic terrorism. Also, French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for Europe to be less dependent on the USA, which Chinese President Xi Jinping absolutely loves and just made war with China over Taiwan 10 times more likely. Alvin Bragg is interfering in a federal election which is why there is national interest in his case against Donald Trump. Trump is leading in the polls and Bragg knows this, and objectively he is affecting the electoral process by indicting Trump on an issue that lies at the federal court level and has already been dismissed. China and Russia are trying to gain a foothold in our hemisphere in the Caribbean and have been waiting for weak U.S leadership, which is exactly what they have now under President Biden. Hunter Biden's business partners, assistants visited White House over 80 times when Biden was VP. White House logs reveal George Soros' son has made at least 14 visits during Biden’s Presidency. There’s news happening that’s not being covered by the media, and people should be outraged about it. San Jose CA's Calvary church thanks to a Democrat judge is required to pay a $1.2m fine for violating health orders during COVID - which will put the church out of business. This lawsuit was to disrupt nature of constitutional order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s news happening that’s not being covered by the media, and people should be outraged about it. San Jose CA's Calvary church thanks to a Democrat judge is required to pay a $1.2m fine for violating health orders during COVID - which will put the church out of business. This lawsuit was to disrupt nature of constitutional order. It’s amazing how people twist our laws to accomidate the left and government. People push faith out of the public square and yet when it comes to wearing masks the government goes into the Church to force people to wear them. Meanwhile, society today only goes one way and that direction is hard left. It very rarely slows down or turns around. Elected officials like Rep Nancy Mace aren't helping our cause - saying that Republicans can't win if the issue is abortion. Ronald Reagan was pro-life and he won the two greatest landslides in election history because he knew how to communicate and connect with voters. Roe v Wade looks like a conservative decision compared to what’s going on today. Democrats don’t want to codify Roe v Wade, they want to codify killing a baby right up to birth. Finally, Americans who use payment apps should watch - President Biden wants to tax Venmo transactions now! But it's not just Venmo - it's PayPal, Cash App too, and the list goes on. Everyone uses them. Anyone who conducts $600 worth of transactions will be required to submit form 1099 to Biden's rogue IRS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Pentagon classified document leaker story doesn’t smell right. This doesn’t mean that Jack Teixeira didn’t do it or wasn’t involved, it means we should wait a few days and not rush to judgement on this case. Sometimes it pays to wait and watch the story develop more. How did a 21 year old National Guardsman get access to the information? It’s hard to trust the same instiututions who are going after Donald Trump – they have a habit of misleading the American people. When all the information comes out and if he is guilty, its treasonious. Meanwhile, President Biden has been busy, working to destroy our country. Offering healthcare for illegal immigrants, extending funds without legislation and no one blinks an eye from the Democrat party - because the ends justify the means. Also, is Sen Micth McConnell finally going to retire? He’s said he will show up to work on Monday but there’s a big difference between showing up and doing actually work. Then, there’s the issue of when Sen Dianne Feinstein will resign? Democrats want Feinstein to resign because they have radical leftsists ready to take her seat. Just as Republcians have RINO’s ready to take McConnell’s seat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, we have three huge Democrat scandals that aren’t being investigated. First, an alleged Democrat money laundeing scheme. Some Democrat supporters appear to have been donating multiple small amounts of money in other donor’s names and the DOJ has done nothing. Second, Biden lied about his contact with Hunter Biden’s business partners as Vice President. Third, DA Alvin Bragg enlisted the help from the lawfirm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison to try and take down Donald Trump. This law frim is tied to Sen Chuck Schumer and therefore Joe Biden. Why is Bragg bringing in more Democrat lawyers? Later, why won’t Biden hold a formal press conference? It’s like he has one foot in the witness protection program. Is he too busy waving at invisible bunnies? Finally, the war on capitalism and prosperity, the war on independent energy - outlawing the combustion engine by regulation (some states doing it flat out), targeting gas stoves, HVAC systems, all perpetrated by ideologues. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg is interfering in a federal election which is why there is national interest in his case against Donald Trump. Trump is leading in the polls and Bragg knows this, and objectively he is affecting the electoral process by indicting Trump on an issue that lies at the federal court level and has already been dismissed. We have Marxists within the Democrat party literally destroying our country and our economy, which leaves our military powerless to stop the communist regimes around the world. China and Russia are trying to gain a foothold in our hemisphere in the Caribbean and have been waiting for weak U.S leadership, which is exactly what they have now under President Biden. If federal law enforcement and federal agencies were more focused on their jobs instead of targeting patriotic meetings, this wouldn’t be going on. China has built up the largest navy in the world and isn’t stopping and is partnering up with other communist nations around the world. World War III has already begun, and we just don’t know it yet; the enemy is waging it and the first battle is in Ukraine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Chuck Todd, the media and the Democrat party act like they want a race war in this country. Shootings are exploited and politicized by the left just like with the latest shooting in Louisville, Kentucky. Virtually every scientific study including one from the Department of Justice show that the 1994 assault weapons ban was ineffective, and that is the one Democrats keep citing. Even worse, the Biden administration is openly attacking Catholics and it was being covered by FBI director Christopher Wray. This is shocking how the FBI has inserted itself into lives, this time through the Richmond document allowing the FBI to monitor Catholic houses of worship as domestic terrorism. Also, French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for Europe to be less dependent on the USA, which Chinese President Xi Jinping absolutely loves and just made war with China over Taiwan 10 times more likely. The Biden administration and Democrats have sent our nation into decline, which is exactly what they want, and as a result we are losing allies around the world. Macron would never do this with Trump or DeSantis as president but has no problem walking all over Biden. Later, Gavin Newsom is the governor of a failed state and yet is still a viable Democrat candidate for president and will be propped up by the Democrat media. Newsom is already going on the Sunday shows to prop himself up and take shots at Trump and DeSantis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, we need Republican District Attorneys and Attorneys General to do to Democrats what they are doing to Republicans now, scour state statutes and think of new ways to approach them in order to go after Biden. There are no actual crimes or federal offenses being alleged against Donald Trump in his indictment by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg. There must be an underlying crime that is being covered up by a bookkeeping error to make it a felony rather than a misdemeanor, and Trump has been charged with no underlying crimes. The communist Chinese government paid for efforts to re-elect Bill Clinton as president in 1996 and Barack Obama among other Democrat campaigns according to court reports. Clinton was never charged or investigated by the DOJ under Janet Reno despite China pouring millions and millions of dollars into the Clinton campaigns and the DNC. Today, Donald Trump gets indicted for phony business crimes by Democrat DA Alvin Bragg. Both the DOJ and the FEC found no crime or any reporting violations, but Bragg has decided to charge Trump under a state law despite being guilty of any state crime as well. We vote to elect politicians who make our streets more dangerous - take our property from us, and we shake our heads. The hypocrisy of the left continues to be out of control. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we vote to elect politicians who make our streets more dangerous - take our property from us, and we shake our heads. The hypocrisy of the left continues to be out of control. From the Tennessee House which is currently getting a lot of attention from the major media after the expulsion of 2 State Representatives. The media is trying to create a racial issue, they want Americans in a constant state of hate and anger. Also, Democratic executive orders are rampant - pushing for more electric cars, trying to get rid of high-end gas stoves, lightbulbs, toilet paper and now AM radio. Pushing changes and the silencing of the conservative media through vehicle manufacturers. This is all about control. This is all driven from the degrowth movement, whose ultimate goal is to destroy capitalism. Our ruling class is constantly imposing their will in a way that doesn't make sense at all. Later, the Democrats continue to push their agenda in public schools. They are pushing gender identity, not gender biology in sports. The Biden administration has destroyed Title IX, which was supposed to ensure that women have a fair opportunity to participate in sports. 50 years of progress in women’s sports is now gone.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the communist Chinese government paid for efforts to re-elect Bill Clinton as president in 1996 and Barack Obama among other Democrat campaigns according to court reports. Clinton was never charged or investigated by the DOJ under Janet Reno despite China pouring millions and millions of dollars into the Clinton campaigns and the DNC. Today, Donald Trump gets indicted for phony business crimes by Democrat DA Alvin Bragg. Both the DOJ and the FEC found no crime or any reporting violations, but Bragg has decided to charge Trump under a state law despite being guilty of any state crime as well. This is just the Democrats once again interfering in an election and setting a precedent. We need Republican attorneys to pursue cases against Joe Biden and his administration because they have committed actual crimes. Also, Democrats don’t talk about individualism or property rights because they don’t believe in them, especially unalienable rights. This is why they embrace the 1619 projects and efforts to destroy our economic system and unity. Later, Mark speaks with Kash Patel about Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and the Trump indictment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host and Townhall columnist Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. The indictment of Donald Trump is an unprecedented use of our justice system for political reasons and an abomination. DA Alvin Bragg has helped the Democrats hijack the Constitution and rule of law against innocent Americans who disagree politically. We cannot lose hope in this country because if there is no hope for America, there is no hope for the world. We The People are being mocked and ignored and now under threat of prosecution. They are criminalizing being a conservative republican, and it’s not going away anytime soon. We still have a Constitution and a system of justice as the foundational premise, so why shouldn’t Trump be able to criticize a prosecutor and judge after an embarrassing and unprecedented indictment. We need the House of Representatives to start the impeachment process of Joe Biden and his corrupt administration, or unite behind the Article 5 convention of states to take our government back. All is not lost, but we must all work together and be laser focused on a solution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, there are no actual crimes or federal offenses being alleged against Donald Trump in his indictment by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg. There must be an underlying crime that is being covered up by a bookkeeping error to make it a felony rather than a misdemeanor, and Trump has been charged with no underlying crimes. The judge in the case has a potential conflict of interest because his daughter used to work for Kamala Harris but chose not to recuse himself so he can allow Bragg’s crap indictment. Bragg is intentionally interfering in a presidential election and should be disbarred for bringing this indictment on Trump. The radical left progressives want us to have a banana republic two-tier legal system, and this is an insurrection dressed up as a legal proceeding. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what’s happening to Donald Trump is a disgusting disgrace. Bill Clinton and others lied in front of a Grand Jury, committed perjury and obstructed justice, but the independent counsel chose not to indict him because of the damage it would have caused the country. DA Alvin Bragg has chosen to do the opposite despite no perjury or obstruction by Trump because this is part of the Democrat plan to bog Trump down in cases while the Democrat media piles on nonstop. They hope this will help President Biden by not having to defend his disastrous record on everything, taking the focus off the sitting president entirely. We need Republican District Attorneys and Attorneys General to do to Democrats what they are doing to Republicans now, scour state statutes and think of new ways to approach them in order to go after Biden. Also, you’re not allowed to criticize George Soros without being called an anti-Semite by Democrats and the media, which is what Adam Schiff did to Governor Ron DeSantis. George Soros has a more anti-Semitic history than anyone, but Republicans aren’t allowed to talk about it. We need the establishment RINOs like Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson to fight back against what the Democrats are doing, but instead they shoot arrows into the backs of their own people. There’s a culture war and a revolution being waged by the Democrats in this country, and the RINOs don’t get the big picture and would rather gang up on Trump. Later, The Chinese spy balloon that traveled over the U.S collected data from sensitive military and nuclear sites and sent it back to Beijing in real-time. Biden and Gen. Mark Milley lied to us and played down the balloon, covering for the Communist Chinese and allowed them to collect all of this intel while refusing to shoot it out of the sky. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Manhattan case against Donald Trump is a disgusting politicization of the legal process, and Chuck Todd has turned Meet the Press into a clown show by continuing to push it for ratings. Trump and his family have been dragged through multiple special counsels and Democrat witch hunts, and it seems it will never end. The only way to actually know if what Democrats say is happening is to pass their legislation and wait, and their answer when it doesn’t work is that we need to do more, which is always more government, more centralization, more redistribution, and more interference of liberty. The gun control advocates in the media are getting louder because they think they are morally righteous, and it is disgusting. The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons ban had virtually no impact on murders, but President Biden and his Democrat mouthpieces know that the vast majority of murders are not committed by what they call assault weapons. The law has been destroyed by the Biden administration to go after parents and families and now Donald Trump, just like how Joseph Stalin would do. It’s no longer about the elements of the law or the level of proof, but about tyranny and a totalitarian democrat party that wants to win at all costs and shut down speech of its political opponents. If we do not have a just law, we do not have a free country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the law has been destroyed by the Biden administration to go after parents and families and now Donald Trump, just like how Joseph Stalin would do. It’s no longer about the elements of the law or the level of proof, but about tyranny and a totalitarian democrat party that wants to win at all costs and shut down speech of its political opponents. If we do not have a just law, we do not have a free country. We have an American Pravda media that supports Democrats and whatever they do, and act as attack dogs to Republicans and anyone who dares to support Trump. Trump prevented a third Obama term and saved America from the destruction we see today as a result of the Biden Administration, and totalitarian Democrats and their media tried to cripple him every step of the way. They did not accept a Trump victory in 2016 and will not accept a Trump victory if it happens in 2024. Also, the National Archives has admitted that 1,170 pages from Biden’s time as Vice President were found at the Penn-Biden Center in 2022 and has no custody of records of the documents at his home in Delaware. We have Jack Smith interrogating everyone at Mar-a-Lago, but nobody is looking into Biden who actually broke the law and the National Archives confirmed it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark Levin. Donald Trump is the first former president to face criminal charges now that a Manhattan Grand Jury has decided to indict Trump. We’ve turned the corner from talk to action, and we are in an extremely troubling and frightening period in our country. This is the moment where we find out who the real RINOs are, because if you do not condemn the actions of Alvin Bragg then you are not a real conservative. If Donald Trump isn’t safe from political persecution, then none of us are if Democrats want to silence us. This is how hard it is to beat the establishment with billionaires like George Soros backing political district attorneys like Alvin Bragg to do the bidding of the totalitarian left. America has gone tyrannical, and the Democrat party has dragged us there because they have never accepted Trump’s presidency. Also, Ben speaks with Senator Ted Cruz about the consequences of the Trump indictment and the Democrat’s use of the law as a political weapon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the gun control advocates in the media are getting louder because they think they are morally righteous, and it is disgusting. The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons ban had virtually no impact on murders, but President Biden and his Democrat mouthpieces know that the vast majority of murders are not committed by what they call assault weapons. When it comes to children, Biden doesn’t want to protect schools in the same way we protect federal buildings and politicians. The left does not believe in science or data, but instead they believe in the federal bureaucracy and use that to tell us what to believe. Also, U.S. Attorneys are acting as district attorneys in Washington D.C. and not prosecuting criminals. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has overseen a massive increase in crime while throwing the book at anyone involved in the January 6th protest. Later, Mark speaks with 2024 presidential candidate and author Vivek Ramaswamy about his candidacy for president and leading a cultural revival in America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this exclusive podcast episode, Mark is joined by the President of Hillsdale College, Dr. Larry Arnn. Dr. Arnn and Mark discuss the direction of America and education. Is America rising or declining? What did the founders have in mind in the Declaration of Independence with unalienable rights, natural rights, God-given rights, and what they had in mind when they set up a republic with limited powers in the Constitution? Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan, what do these people have in common? All of these questions, and more, are answered by Dr. Arnn and highlight the type of education people can expect to receive at Hillsdale College, proud sponsor and partner of this episode. You can learn from Hillsdale for free through Imprimis; and free online courses on American history, the Constitution, and other subjects. See for yourself! Learn more about Hillsdale at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the immediate response of the Nashville police department is exactly how we would hope the police would respond to a horrific tragedy, and their swift intervention undoubtedly saved many lives. Democrats always talk about policies that will achieve a certain outcome because in the future certain things will happen – promises that get them a lot of support and power. The only way to actually know if what Democrats say is happening is to pass their legislation and wait, and their answer when it doesn’t work is that we need to do more, which is always more government, more centralization, more redistribution, and more interference of liberty. Also, what’s happening now politically in the state of Israel is the same thing happening in America, and will only getting worse. We are facing this Marxist movement that is customized towards democracies and our Republic, and we are in a soft tyranny right now. President Biden is trying to topple the elected Prime Minister of Israel because of his hatred for Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing an internal coup which will sink the entire nation. What is happening now in Israel is a preview of what may happen in 2024 if Donald Trump is re-elected. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Dan Crenshaw about the supporting Ukraine against Russia, and the devastation on our southern border from the policies of the Biden administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a 28 year old transgender woman attacked a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, leaving 6 people dead including 3 children. It is disgusting and unbelievable how in the immediate aftermath President Biden joked about chocolate chip ice cream, and how the reaction by the left was to blame guns without knowing any of the facts. Biden doesn’t want to protect our children by any means possible, because to him adding any kind of defense to a school turns it into a prison. Instead of fixing the issue, Biden and the left politicize it and turn it into a call for an assault weapons ban because this is what the radical left does. Also, the Manhattan case against Donald Trump is a disgusting politicization of the legal process, and Chuck Todd has turned Meet the Press into a clown show by continuing to push it for ratings. Trump and his family have been dragged through multiple special counsels and Democrat witch hunts, and it seems it will never end. There needs to be a thorough housecleaning in the Department of Justice, especially the FBI, because Trump is a victim of the Democrat system. Later, Mark speaks with author and Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean who lost her in-laws because of Andrew Cuomo’s COVID nursing home policy and her new book, I Am the Storm: Inspiring Stories of People Who Fight Against Overwhelming Odds. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, if America doesn’t keep its status of strength around the world China will step in and take over, which will have dangerous repercussions for the entire world. When you leave an international void, someone fills it, and in this case the Communist Chinese will and have wanted to for decades. China has stolen our technology, fused their civil and military economies together, and are now negotiating with Russia. President Biden issued the first veto of his presidency, rejecting a bill that would force financial institutions to maximize the return of investors so they can instead focus on ESG and climate change. Republicans are trying to protect the retirement savings of elderly Americans, but Biden is claiming Republicans are the ones trying to destroy them. Totalitarians have perfected the art of changing the language, and the radical left has done this to push their Marxist agenda. The enemy is getting stronger and stronger, and these pseudo-Conservatives have no official position for stopping it. Also, Donald Trump has done things for the American people that none other President has. Establishment Republicans have always hated him because they wanted Jeb Bush, and smear anyone in the party who defends Trump. Trump has been stabbed in the back countless times and has tremendous courage to not back down to the Democrat party and their media, who are used to Republicans backing down and surrendering to their attacks. American parents were being targeted and classified as terrorists by AG Merrick Garland, and there is extensive collusion between the Biden administration and the National School Board Association. Landmark Legal Foundation led the way showing that the NSBA worked with the DOJ, the Department of Education, and the White House to push for federal law enforcement investigations into parents speaking out against CRT in schools. The Communist Chinese regime headed by Xi Jinping is monstrous and still persecuting Uyghurs, but you won’t hear about it in the Democrat media. Xi is also responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Americans from fentanyl manufactured in China and smuggled through Mexican drug cartels through our southern border. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats call the parental bill of rights controversial because Republicans are standing up for parents who don’t want their kids exposed to radical liberal ideologies like gender fluidity, sexualizing children, or CRT. The fight against the nuclear family continues for Marxists today in America just as it did in communist utopias of the past because they know it is the fastest way to destroy a society. The Democrat party is all in on this ideology, and every single Democrat in the House of Representatives voted against the parental bill of rights. Also, we have people in the Republican Party who do not comprehend our country’s history and claim to be America first but are not and do not believe we should be the #1 superpower on the planet. They believe nothing is worth fighting for, from the economic wellbeing to the security of this country. Other countries will fill the void if we do not, which is what we’re seeing with China and Russia and Iran. Later, Mark speaks with Lee Zeldin, former NY Congressman, about the ongoing Trump cases and Alvin Bragg’s refusal to uphold the law. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Communist Chinese regime headed by Xi Jinping is monstrous and still persecuting Uyghurs, but you won’t hear about it in the Democrat media. Xi is also responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Americans from fentanyl manufactured in China and smuggled through Mexican drug cartels through our southern border. Now we have TikTok allowing China to track our children; China has already declared war on the United States, and Joe Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese. Also, it couldn’t be clearer that there are different rules of law in this country for Democrats, as shown in the lack of prosecution of Hunter Biden for lying on a gun permit. Hunter Biden is on video, email, and text proving him guilty, and should be facing years in prison, but they refuse to bring a case against him because they would rather go after parents and pro-life protesters. We are in a soft tyranny, from the way the language is being used to manipulate us to the way big social platforms are used to shut down debate. Then, Ron DeSantis is great governor of Florida, and his state is an example of conservatism and freedom working in the face of federal tyranny. DeSantis and Donald Trump are the most conservative options we have for 2024, but we will lose if the conservative base keeps fighting itself. We can’t afford to suffer under another term of Democrat Marxism and the Biden Administration. Later, it’s now looking like the Manhattan Trump case is dead no matter what Alvin Bragg does, so the media is shifting focus entirely to the Georgia Trump case. Democrats used the Covid pandemic to create new election laws and applied them in ways the constitution rejects, all for the sake of taking down Trump in 2020. Democrats have protested past elections and claimed fraud, but they are acting like Trump is the first to challenge the legitimacy of an election.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, American parents were being targeted and classified as terrorists by AG Merrick Garland, and there is extensive collusion between the Biden administration and the National School Board Association. Landmark Legal Foundation led the way showing that the NSBA worked with the DOJ, the Department of Education, and the White House to push for federal law enforcement investigations into parents speaking out against CRT in schools. The Garland memo classifying parents as domestic terrorists was unconstitutional and exposes how far the Biden administration went to silence political opponents. Also, the Manhattan Grand Jury in Donald Trump’s case was told to stay home today, which means there is either disagreement in the DA’s office or that Alvin Bragg and his staff do not think they can get a majority of the jurors to go along with their plot. They’re starting to downplay the Manhattan case while building up cases in Georgia and D.C which is appalling. The courts in D.C. are working faster than ever and are packed with left-wing Democrats to take down Trump at any cost. Next, Governor Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump are the two leading candidates for the Republican nominee for President, and we’re going to need every vote to win in 2024. Some Republicans would rather lose based on their positions which are not necessarily conservative positions than win the presidency, which will doom the country and re-elect President Biden. Later, Mark is joined by Jim Trusty, one of President Trump’s lawyers, to discuss the leaks and abuses of the rule of law to destroy Trump. Finally, Mark speaks with Ian Prior about his new book, Parents of the World, Unite!: How to Save Our Schools from the Left’s Radical Agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, when you apply populism to things, you apply majority rule; but we are a Republic and specifically not a majoritarian parliament. It is unbelievable how pseudo-Conservatives are trashing Ronald Reagan along with other great statesmen who defeated the Soviet Union and Communism. We see the rise of communist China, what Russia has done to Ukraine and Europe, Iran being one step away from having a nuclear weapon, and North Korea having ICBMs that can reach America. The enemy is getting stronger and stronger, and these pseudo-Conservatives have no official position for stopping it. Also, Donald Trump has done things for the American people that none other President has. Establishment Republicans have always hated him because they wanted Jeb Bush, and smear anyone in the party who defends Trump. Trump has been stabbed in the back countless times and has tremendous courage to not back down to the Democrat party and their media, who are used to Republicans backing down and surrendering to their attacks. Now today somebody leaked the D.C. District Court judge’s sealed order to ABC News and it’s everywhere. This leak is a quintessential example of obstruction of justice and makes it impossible for Trump to get a fair trial, and a criminal act by the federal government by the judge, Jack Smith, or someone in their orbits. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, George Soros-funded Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg may be getting cold feet in charging Donald Trump. If Bragg is dumb enough to bring this case there is no question that what happens at the trial level will be overturned, but the damage to this country will already be done. The radical left media has jumped all over this and are lamenting that Trump is encouraging people to protest but are silent when Supreme Court justices are harassed at their homes. We had members of Congress use a slush fund of taxpayer money to pay for NDAs and hide sexual allegations, but they won’t be prosecuted by the liberal prosecutors who are going after Trump. Also, if America doesn’t keep its status of strength around the world China will step in and take over, which will have dangerous repercussions for the entire world. When you leave an international void, someone fills it, and in this case the Communist Chinese will and have wanted to for decades. China has stolen our technology, fused their civil and military economies together, and are now negotiating with Russia. Pacifism is not the future for Conservatism, and populist republicans are more like leftists now than ever. Later, President Biden issued the first veto of his presidency, rejecting a bill that would force financial institutions to maximize the return of investors so they can instead focus on ESG and climate change. Republicans are trying to protect the retirement savings of elderly Americans, but Biden is claiming Republicans are the ones trying to destroy them. Totalitarians have perfected the art of changing the language, and the radical left has done this to push their Marxist agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, just like in 2008, we have a Democrat administration and a Democrat Congress with no financial responsibility, blaming everything on President Trump yet again. We are seeing the consequences of 24 months of Democrat rule over this country - this is a manmade economic disaster, and it is not over. We have Republican candidates for president in 2024 who are more like Henry Kissinger than Ronald Reagan was, which will not go over well for America or the world when dealing with Russia and Ukraine’s battle for freedom. Meanwhile we have an incompetent buffoonish Commander in Chief who complicates these matters even more. Democrats are always about bailing out other Democrats and elite donors, but not every day Americans like the people in East Palestine, Ohio. The board of Silicon Valley Bank was filled with liberal crackpots pushing liberal causes like climate change and social justice, and in the end that was what ruined the bank. The grounds for appointing a special counsel to investigate the Biden crime family have all been met, but AG Merrick Garland refuses to do so even as more information is revealed. Hallie Biden is now the third Biden family member to receive payments from China. This would be headline news on every news platform if this were Donald Trump or any Republican, but because it is Biden’s family it is ignored even though they have been caught red handed again. Democrats and the media are in heavy cover-up mode for Biden now because there isn’t just smoke, but real fire. Joe Biden and his family are the dirtiest family to ever occupy the White House, and having so many financial ties to the communist Chinese regime while the entire law enforcement system either ignores or defends it is a scandal of massive proportions. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Special Counsel Jack Smith is using intimidation tactics, casting an extremely wide net on anyone who may have seen or heard anything at Mar-A-Lago regarding Donald Trump’s presidential documents, all because Smith wants to get Trump in any way he can. At the same time, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office is looking for a novel legal argument against Trump so they can indict him. If Trump is indicted, it will be a disaster for this country for decades to come. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden is suing the Delaware computer repairman who turned over Hunter Biden’s files to the FBI, claiming that he had a reasonable expectation of privacy. Even though Hunter forfeited his laptop by not returning to pick it up, Delaware courts and juries are liberal enough to give him a chance. The difference in the treatment of Donald Trump compared to the Biden Crime Family is sickening. Also, the war crimes being committed by Russia and Vladimir Putin are as bad as the holocaust in World War 2 and genocide in Rwanda. Putin is a war criminal, and what he is doing to the people of Ukraine is being vastly ignored by the media. It’s one thing to have the ICC, a special court setup for things like the Nuremburg trials, but to have a permanent court outside of our jurisdiction that can take up cases means they could drag American presidents or soldiers in front of that court too. Later, Mark speaks with Steve Miller of Real Clear Investigations about leftist groups spending over a billion dollars to control public elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the grounds for appointing a special counsel to investigate the Biden crime family have all been met, but AG Merrick Garland refuses to do so even as more information is revealed. Hallie Biden is now the third Biden family member to receive payments from China. This would be headline news on every news platform if this were Donald Trump or any Republican, but because it is Biden’s family it is ignored even though they have been caught red handed again. Democrats and the media are in heavy cover-up mode for Biden now because there isn’t just smoke, but real fire. Joe Biden and his family are the dirtiest family to ever occupy the White House, and having so many financial ties to the communist Chinese regime while the entire law enforcement system either ignores or defends it is a scandal of massive proportions. Also, Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, calls in to discuss the recent liberal mob attack at a UC Davis incited by the Sacramento Bee and UC Davis staff. Patriots aren’t allowed on college campuses even though they’re subsidized with our tax dollars, while tenured professors push their radicalism with no consequence. The American Marxism indoctrination has moved from the colleges to our children. Later, Mark speaks with Benjamin Hall about his new book, Saved: A War Reporter's Mission to Make It Home. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are always about bailing out other Democrats and elite donors, but not every day Americans like the people in East Palestine, Ohio. The board of Silicon Valley Bank was filled with liberal crackpots pushing liberal causes like climate change and social justice, and in the end that was what ruined the bank. The Biden administration is destroying our economy and driving up inflation, because it is filled with people ideologues like OMB Director Shalanda Young lying about our deficit and national debt. President Biden is such a pathological liar, he is now accusing MAGA Republicans of wanting to defund the police because they didn’t want to pass his so-called inflation reduction act, which is just a social justice and climate change bill. Biden says it’s because he has no shame and has been lying for decades. Also, Marxists and populists are changing the language so if you believe that America should remain the #1 superpower and defend ourselves and our allies against the communist Chinese, fascistic Russians, or islamonazis in Iran, you’re a liberal. Unless you oppose providing aid and support to allies and turn the other cheek while innocent people are being slaughtered at rates we haven’t seen since World War 2, you’re a warmonger. Later, Mark speaks with journalist James O’Keefe about his new venture in citizen journalism, O’Keefe Media Group. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we have Republican candidates for president in 2024 who are more like Henry Kissinger than Ronald Reagan was, which will not go over well for America or the world when dealing with Russia and Ukraine’s battle for freedom. Meanwhile we have an incompetent buffoonish Commander in Chief who complicates these matters even more. We cannot survive without allies, and they cannot survive us; even Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea know this because they’ve built an alliance against us. Also, President Biden is preparing his first veto as president, shutting down a bipartisan bill that would require fund managers to maximize the returns. Biden will veto this bill once it hits his desk in order to prioritize ESG objectives like global warming and social justice, even though he knows ESG is part of the reason why we’re seeing banks collapse. Later, Democrat media hacks never dare question Biden and his lies, which is why Biden is allowed to come on The Daily Show to lie about always supporting gay marriage. He also continues to lie about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is fighting to protect our children from the CRT indoctrination of the left. Finally, Mark speaks with Karol Markowicz about her new book, Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party agenda is a disaster for capitalism and capitalists. There is no industry more heavily regulated in America than the banking industry, and if an administration forces banks to give out loans to people who cannot repay them or to comply with subsidizing government programs, they will collapse like Silicon Valley Bank. Just like in 2008, we have a Democrat administration and a Democrat Congress with no financial responsibility, blaming everything on President Trump yet again. We are seeing the consequences of 24 months of Democrat rule over this country - this is a manmade economic disaster, and it is not over. Also, President Biden knows if he can flip Texas blue, it’s all over for Republicans because they will have no path to the White House. It won’t matter how red Florida or Pennsylvania becomes. California has flipped blue through illegal immigration, and that’s what Biden is doing now with a wide-open southern border, and he doesn’t care how much crime and drugs come into America as a result. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News host Sean Hannity about the banking collapse and Biden’s bailout. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, the political violence we see in this country today can be traced back to President Obama and then-Vice President Biden, not Donald Trump or any Republican. Nobody plays the race card and gets away with it more than President Biden, whether it is anti-black or anti-white racism, and he is a symbol of the radical ideologies that have taken over the corrupt democrat party. American history isn’t American Marxism or the 1619 project, and Ken Burns knows that despite going on CNN to tear down Ron DeSantis. They hate DeSantis because he’s the only one fighting against this ideology taking hold in our classrooms and pushing the Democrat Marxist agenda. Then, Medicare and Medicaid funding is going bankrupt, and the Democrat plan to fix it is to tax families making over $400,000 or more to replenish the fund. Democrats don’t believe in a responsible budget but will continue to win elections like the Marxists they are, by pretending to be for the common people and to tax the rich. Donald Trump didn’t move boxes of classified documents all over the place, but that’s exactly what Joe Biden did. Biden had no right to have any of these documents as Vice President, but 9 boxes of documents were moved to Boston with some documents marked classified, and nobody in the Democrat media or the Department of Justice wants to know how or why. President Biden is proposing $4.7 trillion in new taxes in his budget, which is just the latest in Democrats who just keep spending, creating debt, and taxing us to pay their bill. Biden’s new budget proposal is another attack American individuals and business, with the highest personal income tax rate since 1986 and highest capital gains tax since 1978, and a corporate tax rate higher than Communist China’s. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the 16th largest bank in the country, Silicon Valley Bank, collapsed today and was shut down by regulators after a run of depositors withdrawing their savings. Everything President Biden and the Democrat party is doing makes it harder to make money, whether you’re an oil company, farmer, or small business owner. At the same time, everything they’re doing with energy and food is making it harder for everyone to keep their money. The new massive taxes against wealth creation, entrepreneurship, savings and pensions is an attack on all Americans while making the federal government even bigger. Biden wants to create more programs and entitlements in his budget too while making no spending cuts, which will almost double our national debt in a decade. Biden is destroying America faster than anyone could have ever imagined. Also, liberal prosecutors and judges involved in the January 6th cases have been exposed for withholding evidence from the defendants, and the outrage from Democrats is at Speaker Kevin McCarthy for allowing access. Now the argument is that this will slow down the trials if every defendant wants to review the tapes and they can’t have that – where is the ACLU and civil liberties groups to stand up for these people and due process? Later, Mark speaks with Representative Wesley Hunt (R-TX) about his time in Congress so far. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is proposing $4.7 trillion in new taxes in his budget, which is just the latest in Democrats who just keep spending, creating debt, and taxing us to pay their bill. Biden’s new budget proposal is another attack American individuals and business, with the highest personal income tax rate since 1986 and highest capital gains tax since 1978, and a corporate tax rate higher than Communist China’s. Even worse, Biden is proposing a tax on unrealized gains – money that hasn’t even been made yet. Speaker Kevin McCarthy called out our national debt as the biggest threat to America because these Democrats are the biggest crooks the world has ever known. Also, Democrats are engaged in digital McCarthyism in order to use the federal government to control what we see and hear on social media, and this was exposed further in a Twitter files hearing today. The Democrat party is a totalitarian party and does not care if the FBI and DOJ go after innocent American citizens. Elon Musk is a hero for free speech by allowing access to Twitter and exposing the illegal censorship. Later, there are multiple leaks that Donald Trump will face indictment in New York over charges related to payments from an NDA with Stormy Daniels and payments made to then-lawyer Michael Cohen. This would be the first ever indictment of a former present, and would completely upend the 2024 presidential election, but these Soros prosecutors have nothing better to do. This is a phony case, but radical New York Democrats are twisting laws in any way they can to get Trump. Later, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly about the newly released January 6th tapes and how it affects the defendants who could not get access to the tapes before their sentencing. The D.C. judges are the real villains, who misled the court in their discovery obligations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump didn’t move boxes of classified documents all over the place, but that’s exactly what Joe Biden did. Biden had no right to have any of these documents as Vice President, but 9 boxes of documents were moved to Boston with some documents marked classified, and nobody in the Democrat media or the Department of Justice wants to know how or why. Also, we aren’t going after the Mexican cartels because the Biden Administration is so invested in not investing in the U.S Military and proper law enforcement. Things are so bad Democrats aren’t sure if we can go after the cartels while also preparing for threats from China, Iran, and Russia. Later, another school in Fairfax County, VA, is in the spotlight for pushing racist discriminatory programs, this time for a college prep course that excludes white and Asian students. This is exactly what Democrats want to do to our schools, because to them it is no longer about the merits of the students but about equity and racism. Finally, Mark speaks with Senator Tom Cotton about the U.S. State Department’s involvement with and funding of non-governmental organizations who are working to overthrow Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the growing threat of Iran’s nuclear program under the Biden administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, a Mexican cartel murdered 2 American citizens, and the Biden administration’s response is all talk and no action. Democrats always talk about gun control for American citizens, but never about cartel gun control and their dominance of the southern border. Mexican cartels have invaded this country under the Biden Administration, and this will have dangerous effects for decades to come. President Biden and the Democrat party have used illegal immigration to unleash this violence on our society, and they’ve used it to try and affect the demographics of the country. We have a narco state south of the border using the same tactics as ISIS, because ISIS learned it from watching the drug cartels. Also, American history isn’t American Marxism or the 1619 project, and Ken Burns knows that despite going on CNN to tear down Ron DeSantis. They hate DeSantis because he’s the only one fighting against this ideology taking hold in our classrooms and pushing the Democrat Marxist agenda. Then, Medicare and Medicaid funding is going bankrupt, and the Democrat plan to fix it is to tax families making over $400,000 or more to replenish the fund. Democrats don’t believe in a responsible budget but will continue to win elections like the Marxists they are, by pretending to be for the common people and to tax the rich. Later, Biden and his administration only care about diversity, not competency, which is how you get nominees like Phillip Washington to run the Federal Aviation Administration. Washington has no experience in aviation and was unable to answer basic questions for the job during a congressional hearing and has no idea whatsoever what he is doing. The Democrat party puts its racist CRT, DEI, equity agenda ahead of the safety of millions of Americans who fly on airlines. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit