Jessica Sepel: The Best Herbs For Hormones & Mental Health, Digestive Distress Pro-Tips + Social Media Boundaries
Jessica Sepel: The Best Herbs For Hormones & Mental Health, Digestive Distress Pro-Tips + Social Media Boundaries  
Podcast: The Art of Being Well
Published On: Mon Sep 25 2023
Description: In this episode, Dr. Will Cole is joined by founder of JS Health Vitamins, Jessica Sepel. After ditching fad diets and healing her relationship with food, Jessica immersed herself in the world of natural health as a clinical nutritionist. Through witnessing firsthand the power of supplements, her very own supplement line JS Health Vitamins was born. From the best mental health supplements, how to vet supplement quality, to the importance of supplement timing, they cover everything you need to know before making your next purchase. Plus, they let us in on their insider tips for digestive distress and how you can have a better relationship with social media. For all links mentioned in this episode: note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.Sponsors:Visit and use code WILLCOLE at checkout for 20% your first order or subscriptionProduced by Dear Media.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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