The Stowaway
The Stowaway  
Podcast: Camp Monsters
Published On: Wed Jul 20 2022
Description: Your dim lantern casts a thousand shadows down here in the low, soggy hold of the sail-training ship Amphion. But there is only one moving shadow that interests you. As you approach it, you begin to wonder who or what you have cornered, because it's not what you thought it was.  Welcome to Camp Monsters Summer Camp. Over the past few seasons of the show, we’ve gotten tons of suggestions on the monsters we should cover. We noticed that a lot of these take place at a summer camp. So we’ve collected the best of the stories you’ve sent — and researched a few of our own — to create our first series of legendary summer camp creatures. Hopefully you can take these episodes with you to summer camp or they’ll bring you back to when you were a camper, scared of what might be lurking outside of your cabin.This year’s sponsor is YETI. Check out all of their amazing gear in store or at Pack it up - Shop YETI Camp ChairsDrink it in - Shop YETI Drinkware