Encounters x191
Encounters x191  
Podcast: Two Girls One Ghost
Published On: Fri Jul 28 2023
Description: You've heard of Naked and Afraid, but have you heard of... Naked and Locked out by a Ghost? On this weeks episode, we'll learn what it takes to survive the cold, winter weather when a ghost wants you out of their house. We'll examine haunted dolls, demons and haunted boyfriends. Do you think you have what it takes to survive the spiritual elements? Have ghost stories of your own? E-mail them to us at twogirlsoneghostpodcast@gmail.com If you enjoy our show, please consider joining our Patreon, rating and reviewing on iTunes & Spotify and following us on social media! Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Discord. Edited by the amazing Cristina Lumague and original music by Arms Akimbo! Disclaimer: the use of white sage and smudging is a closed practice. If you’re looking to cleanse your space, here are some great alternatives!