Episode 227 - Athens Asylum
Episode 227 - Athens Asylum  
Podcast: Two Girls One Ghost
Rating: Explicit Published On: Mon Jun 26 2023
Description: A fourteen year old girl experiencing seizures… possessed. A man claiming to be the second coming of Jesus Christ… insane. A woman experiencing dissipation and is spending frequently… insane. Recommended treatments? Torture! Life at Athens Asylum in Ohio was anything but healing for the patients, and many spirits remain within its walls to remind the living of their haunting past. Digital archives: https://www.ohio.edu/library/collections/digital-archives/amhc Hospital accidents:  https://media.library.ohio.edu/digital/collection/p15808coll14/id/3028/rec/1 Gravesites/documentation: https://namiathensohio.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/210/2021/03/AthensPsychiatricHospitalCemeteryDirectoryWeb.pdf Have ghost stories of your own? E-mail them to us at twogirlsoneghostpodcast@gmail.com If you enjoy our show, please consider joining our Patreon, rating and reviewing on iTunes & Spotify and following us on social media! Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Discord. Edited by the amazing Cristina Lumague and original music by Arms Akimbo! Disclaimer: the use of white sage and smudging is a closed practice. If you’re looking to cleanse your space, here are some great alternatives! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices