What's Next? Coronavirus, Disease X, Maternal & Adult Immunization
What's Next? Coronavirus, Disease X, Maternal & Adult Immunization  
Podcast: The Antigen
Published On: Tue Mar 24 2020
Description: In this final episode, we’ll examine the potential of vaccines to help fight emerging global health threats, like anti-microbial resistance & new diseases like COVID-19, as well as what the medical community—and the rest of the world—is doing about it. We'll also wrap up the series by understanding how vaccines may help us lead healthier lives, from the moment we’re born to older age.Host Yasmeen Agosti speaks to Anna Mouser of Wellcome Trust, Prof. David Salisbury of Chatham House, Prof. Kevin Outterson of Boston University’s CARB-X Foundation, Jane Barratt of IFA, and Dr. Carol J. Baker of University of Texas Health Science Center.Episode  references:World Health OrganizationDisease XAgingCenters for Disease ControlCoronavirusAntibiotic ResistanceAdult ImmunizationMaternal ImmunizationCARB-XEpisode credits: BBC News (opening audio)