"F**k Those Guys, We're Number One": How an NBA Owner Fleeced America
"F**k Those Guys, We're Number One": How an NBA Owner Fleeced America  
Podcast: Pablo Torre Finds Out
Published On: Tue Apr 02 2024
Description: Mat Ishbia is a housing tycoon, and he was supposed to insulate the NBA's house from disgrace. But eye-opening new reporting from investigative startup Hunterbrook Media alleges that Ishbia's company became the country's largest mortgage lender with "a lie." Hunterbrook's Sam Koppelman examines how the owner's competitive management style parallels his approach to basketball and why Ishbia could even be forced to sell the Suns, while Pablo explores how Ishbia's childhood hero — Isiah Thomas — fits into how both the Suns and United Wholesale Mortgage have been operating, behind closed doors. Further reading: "The Lie That Made UWM America's Largest Mortgage Lender" (Hunterbrook Media) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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