You Only Lose If You Quit: with Afro Unicorn Founder April Showers
You Only Lose If You Quit: with Afro Unicorn Founder April Showers  
Podcast: PRETTYSMART,danielle robay,prettysmart,pretty smart
Published On: Thu Apr 06 2023
Description: April Showers is the first female, Black-owned business to own a licensed character brand in a major retailer. She is the creator of Afro Unicorn, a brand designed to represent the uniqueness of women and children of color in a truly diverse and inclusive fashion, selling apparel and accessories to toys, puzzles, books and more. Today she shares: How karma played a huge role in her success. What it’s like having Disney and Star Wars as her main competitors. How she launched the brand amidst some of the hardest personal moments in her life.  How she got into her first big box retailer. Why her approach is “All gas, no breaks.” The surprising way she learned all about licensing her brand.  Her visualization and journaling practices that helped her as she’s built her empire. The most pivotal decision she’s made in her business. Why she says you can go after exactly what you want.  How she thought her life was going to end when she got pregnant because she hadn’t seen a positive image of a single mother + how she feels about it now.  The surprising lesson she has learned from her two sons.