Podcast:#SistersInLaw Published On: Sat May 22 2021 Description: This week the #SistersInlaw look at the differences between civil and criminal charges that have been filed against the Trump Organization, and if a commission into January 6th would find that the President and his supporters had kicked off an insurrection. Then, the #sisters look at the role of stare decisis in our legal system and whether it has relevance in 2021. What do you think? Get More From The #SistersInLaw: Joyce Vance: Twitter | University of Alabama Law | MSNBC Jill Wine-Banks: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President Kimberly Atkins: Twitter | Boston Globe | WBUR Barb McQuade: Twitter | University of Michigan Law | Just Security | MSNBC Email the sisters at SISTERSINLAW@POLITICON.COM Or tweet using #SistersInLaw Barb's Articles this week: On AG investigation of Trump Org https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/05/21/new-york-criminal-probe-escalates-legal-risk-trump-business/5184002001/ On voting bill in Michigan and elsewhere that restricts access to the ballot box https://www.crainsdetroit.com/crains-voices/commentary-lets-not-make-it-harder-vote-michigan THIS WEEK’S SPONSORS: JENNI KAYNE: FIND YOUR FOREVER PIECES AT WWW.JENNIKAYNE.COM AND GET 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER WHEN YOU USE CODE SISTERS AT CHECKOUT. AUDIBLE: GO TO WWW.AUDIBLE.COM/SISTERSINLAW OR TEXT SISTERSINLAW TO 500-500 HYDRANT: GO TO WWW.DRINKHYDRANT.COM/SISTERS OR ENTER OUR PROMO CODE SISTERS AT CHECKOUT. ARTICLES FROM THE SISTERS THIS WEEK: BARB ON THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION INVESTIGATION KIM ON THE 1/6 COMMISSION