Listen Now: Live, Laugh, Lies with Susie Evans - Clayton Echard’s Story
Listen Now: Live, Laugh, Lies with Susie Evans - Clayton Echard’s Story  
Podcast: The Bravo Docket
Published On: Wed Oct 23 2024
Description: You're probably wondering why we're in your feed today. We wanted to introduce you to our new favorite podcast - Live, Laugh, Lies with Susie Evans! We thought it was especially fitting because Susie recently sat down and talked with her ex Clayton Echard about his paternity scandal. Once you've listened to our three part series breaking down Clayton's court case, make sure you listen to Live, Laugh, Lies episode, "Lights, Camera, LIES (Clayton Echard’s Story)" to hear Clayton's POV! If you like what you hear, subscribe and listen to Live, Laugh, Lies wherever you get your podcasts and follow them on Instagram @livelaughliespodcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit