Winning In a Day: Inspiring Women Everyday
Winning In a Day: Inspiring Women Everyday  
Podcast: The Podium
Published On: Tue Jan 25 2022
Description: As sports fans stateside fall asleep on February 20th, 2018, the US is embarking on a historic run of performances. By the time they turn down the lights next, their medal count will have shot up by nine. Seven of those new medals are hanging around women's necks.American alpine skier Mikaela Shiffrin and hockey player Kendall Coyne Schofield take us through that momentous day in Pyeongchang and how it tells the story of much more than a single 24hr period. Instead, that medal run is illustrative of the power and resilience of all female athletes and these two women's personal growth since. Join Lauren Shehadi on Season 3 of The Podium, from NBC Sports.