The Delphi Murders: A Conversation with Kegan Kline Prosecutor Courtney Alwine: Part One: Before the Guilty Plea
The Delphi Murders: A Conversation with Kegan Kline Prosecutor Courtney Alwine: Part One: Before the Guilty Plea  
Podcast: Murder Sheet
Published On: Fri Aug 11 2023
Description: If you’ve followed our episodes on the Kegan Kline case, you will surely know how impressed we have been with the work of Miami County Deputy Prosecutor Courtney Alwine, who took over the prosecution earlier this year. In court, she always spoke with an eloquent and intelligent controlled anger. There were moments during the sentencing hearing where she confronted and called out Kegan that we don’t imagine we will ever forget. But, of course, what happening in the courtroom is only part of the story. All of us who have followed the case have been curious to hear the rest. While the case was working its way through the system, our only contact with Courtney was to make requests for comment- requests which she politely declined. Now that the case is over, we were delighted that she agreed to sit down with us for a detailed interview about it all. In this first part, we cover quite a bit of ground- including what she knows about Delphi, when the Miami County Prosecutor’s Office was first informed about the case, why five of the charges were dropped, what it’s like to work with Dave Vido and why she thinks Kegan pleading guilty was a smart strategic move.Send tips to Murder Sheet is a production of Mystery Sheet LLC.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at