The Delphi Murders: A Talk with the Hoosier Public Defender about the Delphi Documents
The Delphi Murders: A Talk with the Hoosier Public Defender about the Delphi Documents  
Podcast: Murder Sheet
Published On: Fri Jul 07 2023
Description: It seems as if everyone in the online Delphi community has something to say about the Richard Allen case documents that we got released last week. We decided to check in with Shay Hughes-- the Hoosier Public Defender-- to hear what he had to say. Shay, of course, helped us behind the scenes with the drafting of the motion. We were curious to hear what he thought of what was unsealed-- and what he thinks might lie ahead in the case. Here is a link to Shay's instagram account here is a link to the Maryland Supreme Court case that Shay mentioned. tips to Murder Sheet is a production of Mystery Sheet LLC.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at