Blunt Rolling Secrets, Drunk Stoners, Pot Taboos + Jason’s allergies
Blunt Rolling Secrets, Drunk Stoners, Pot Taboos + Jason’s allergies  
Podcast: Really? no, Really?
Published On: Tue Mar 21 2023
Description: Wait…how many blunts a day can a rapper smoke? Hearing that the number could be as high as seventy-five blunts a day, Jason and Peter- in search of the answer- went directly to the source.  Snoop Dogg’s former personal blunt roller, Ranagade PerRana reveals just how much pot is smoked and why some feel the need to employ a blunt roller. Jason’s slew of allergies prevents him from partaking in the California marijuana renaissance so consequently, he had to learn pot terminology, and he and Peter also found out about: Pot’s possible medicinal qualities. How Ranagade went from Iranian migrant to full-time blunt roller. What happens when recreational smoking gets out of control.  Blunt rolling party pop-ups. What a blunt roller’s tax write-offs look like. Franchising opportunities and the rise of the Professional Roller Association of America. Follow Ranagade PerRana on Instagram: @RanagadePerRana To find out more about the "Really? No Really?" podcast go to: Follow us on: Instagram @reallynoreallypodcast TikTok @reallynoreallypodcast Facebook @reallynoreallypodcast Twitter @reallynoreally_ Watch full episodes on YouTube for privacy information.