Competitive Eating, the Bullet Catch & Five Words that Changed Reality TV
Podcast:Really? no, Really? Published On: Tue Feb 21 2023 Description: Peter was told that Competitive Eating, a carnival favorite over a hundred years old, is done by professional eaters…who don’t chew! Is this possible? Could that be right? To sort out this gluttonous conundrum, Jason and Peter tracked down two world champions, Miki Sudo and Eric “Badlands” Booker who discuss their technique and speed eating secrets. But the carnival fun doesn’t stop there because in the early 80’s, outrageous and death-defying carnival acts found a home on reality tv. Woody Fraser, who produced what many believe was the first reality television show, reveals the creative way he was able to put these dangerous acts, and stunts like the Bullet Catch on national television for our viewing pleasure. To find out more about the Really no Really podcast go to: Instagram @reallynoreallypodcast TikTok @reallynoreallypodcast Facebook @reallynoreallypodcast Twitter @reallynoreally_ YouTube (full-length video podcasts coming soon!)See for privacy information.