Naked Comedy, Shared Vulnerability + Peter’s Prurient Interests
Naked Comedy, Shared Vulnerability + Peter’s Prurient Interests  
Podcast: Really? no, Really?
Published On: Tue Oct 10 2023
Description: Three words we had no idea could go together: Naked + Comedy + Show…but apparently, they do. In the city that never sleeps, where dreams are born and laughter is the currency, there exists a comedy club that takes the phrase "bare it all" quite literally. Every month, in Brooklyn, female and male comedians, some you’ve even seen on the Tonight Show, America’s Got Talent, The Late Show and more, gather in the buff, to deliver standup comedy to an audience partially made up of nude and fully clothed attendees. Really, no really? Jason and Peter began investigating so they went to the epicenter, to the guy who organizes, emcees, and performs in the Naked Comedy Show. Billy Procida is a New York City-based stand-up comedian, writer, and the host of: The Manwhore Podcast: Sex-Positive Conversations. He’s also the producer and host of "The Naked Comedy Show."   IN THIS EPISODE: Bombing in the nude in front of your ex-girlfriend and her unprepared friends. Naked comedy and the male vs female experiences. The reason to do comedy nude. Is standup improved when all your private bits are out there? Jason, a half-nude icon himself reveals what it’s like acting while naked. Who’s the audience for naked comedy? Peter’s Tale: Meeting a work colleague in a totally naked situation. True or false: Younger people, comfortable with nudity, have healthier body attitudes. Comedians who turn down the Naked Comedy Show. Jason’s surprising answer to: Does nudity on stage and in films elevate the productions. Manscaping 2023 - what should you look like downtown?   FOLLOW BILLY: The Manwhore Podcast: Sex-Positive Conversations Instagram: @billyisprocida X (Twitter): @TheBillyProcida TikTok: @thebillyprocida Naked Comedy Show tickets are on sale for October 20th: FOLLOW REALLY NO REALLY: Instagram YouTube TikTok Facebook Threads X (Twitter)See for privacy information.