Podcast:Expanded Perspectives Published On: Mon Jan 09 2017 Description: On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show off talking about space junk. How big is the problem and what are we going to do about it. Few humans have ever stepped foot in space but as a species we've already managed to make a mess of Earth's backyard. Space junk from satellites and rockets is crowding out spacecraft and telecommunication satellites in Earth's orbit, and putting humans at risk. It's a big problem, and getting bigger every day. Then, robots can be terrifying all on their own, but stick a human being inside and give them control of the mechanical muscles that provide superhuman strength and you've got a recipe for a horror movie. South Korean robotics firm Hankook Mirae Technology has done exactly that, and its Method-2 robot just took its first steps towards world domination this week. The robot is just one year into development, but it's already a hulking beast that could give anyone nightmares. The bot stands over 13 feet tall and weighs over one and a half tons. Its sturdy metal arms weigh nearly 300 pounds each, and with its human-like hands it's a spitting image of the intimidating militarized robot suits that play a starring role in the sci-fi flick Avatar. Then, Greg Newkirk over on the Week In Weird posted a very interesting encounter a man had with the legendary "Hat Man" all the way back in 1969 somewhere in Northern Virginia. Then, a 12-year-old boy on Wednesday said he saw an unidentified biped he believes was a “Bigfoot” creature. The middle school student, who provided his identity but was kept anonymous as per the standard code of journalism ethics regarding disclosure of the identity of a minor, said he his brother were at a friend’s orchad in Beaverton when they allegedly spotted the animal. “It was probably around 6:30 p.m.,” he said. “The sun was going down and when I saw it, he pointed it out too.” The eyewitness claims he wasn’t sure what it was until he realized the familiar outline of a primate. “I think it was a Bigfoot. It was very large, about 7 feet tall. From where I was standing, it looked very tall.” After the break Cam and Kyle talk about the incredible Ingo Swann. INGO SWANN (September 14, 1933 - January 31, 2013) was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions. Since 1970, his name and work have been incorporated into most contemporary books about PSI and the "paranormal." He was featured in four volumes of Time-Life's bestselling series entitled Mysteries of the Unknown. His contributive work has achieved broad media notice and been featured in every major American/British television documentary on the subject of PSI phenomena and Remote Viewing. Swann has been interviewed and/or profiled in dozens of magazines, including Time, Reader's Digest, Smithsonian and Newsweek. Swann's early work in parapsychology, as a noted and highly successful "guinea pig," made him a psychic superstar in that field. His subsequent research on behalf of American intelligence interests, including that of the CIA, won him top PSI-spy status. His involvement in government research projects required the discovery of innovative approaches toward the actual realizing of subtle human energies. He viewed PSI powers as only parts of the larger spectrum of human sensing systems. Swann was the author of over ten books. His publisher, Crossroad Press, is reissuing many titles as ebooks, audio books and paperback books, among them, Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy; Purple Fables; Psychic Sexuality; The Great Apparitions of Mary; The Wisdom Category; and Star Fire, with more to come. Ingo Swann was also a visionary artist and his exquisite works can be found at The American Visionary Art Museum, The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), The Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, and ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives at the USC Libraries. His extensive data base of writings on what he considered the Superpowers of the Human Biomind are available on this website in the Researcher section, while his collection of research, books and correspondences is housed within Special Collections, Ingram Library at the University of West Georgia. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives! Show Notes: Space junk: How big is the problem and what are we going to do about it? This giant manned robot might patrol the North Korean border The Phantom Hat Man Came to Virginia, and He Brought Noisy Ghosts A 12-year-old boy on Wednesday said he saw an unidentified biped he believes was a “Bigfoot” creature. Ingo Swann Write a Review for Expanded Perspectives Sponsors: GAIA Music: All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at www.prettylightsmusic.com. Songs Used: Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin Lost and Found Starlit Skies All I've Ever Known