Podcast:Expanded Perspectives Published On: Mon Jan 23 2017 Description: On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about how a lot of people mix up children's names or friends' names and as it turns out it's because you love them. It's not related to a bad memory or to aging, but rather to how the brain categorizes names. It's like having special folders for family names and friends names stored in the brain. Then, according to a new study recently published in the journal Science Advances, evidence shows that humans occupied much of the Sahara during the ‘wet period’ around 8,000 years ago. Through an analysis of marine sediments, researchers at the University of Arizona have determined rainfall patterns in the Sahara over a period of 6,000 years obtaining fascinating results. The UA-led team has identified the climate pattern that generated a “Green Sahara” from 5,000 to 11,000 years ago. The region had 10 times the rainfall it does today. Then, a Tennessee resident was recently startled by a Bigfoot type creature. Around 10:00pm a man heard some rustling around on his back patio. He went out to investigate and that's when he saw a large hairy humanoid. Then, Cam brings up the story of "Viracocha". Viracocha was the supreme god of the Incas. He is also known as Huiracocha, Wiraqoca and Wiro Qocha. Considered the creator god he was the father of all other Inca gods and it was he who formed the earth, heavens, sun, moon and all living beings. When he finished his work he was believed to have travelled far and wide teaching humanity and bringing the civilised arts before he headed west across the Pacific, never to be seen again but promising one day to return. In his absence lesser deities were assigned the duty of looking after the interests of the human race but Viracocha was, nevertheless, always watching from afar the progress of his children. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives! Show Notes: When The Brain Scrambles Names, It's Because You Love Them The Sahara was ‘green’ for over 6,000 years and had 10 times more rain than now Tennessee Resident Startled by ‘Bigfoot’ Viracocha Plumed Serpent: Ancient Bearded Gods Of The Americas (Book) Elongated Skulls Of Peru And Bolivia: The Path Of Viracocha (Book) Sponsors: GAIA Blue Apron Music: All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at www.prettylightsmusic.com. Songs Used: Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin Around The Block Double Love Take The Sun Away