The Bell Witch
The Bell Witch  
Podcast: Expanded Perspectives
Published On: Mon Mar 27 2017
Description: On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show off talking about how a non-invasive, tail mounted sensor gathers over 600 pieces of data a second. It can accurately predict when your cow is most likely to give birth by measuring tail movement patterns triggered by labor contractions. When they reach a certain level of intensity over a period of time it then sends an SMS text alert directly to your cell phone on average 1 hour prior to calving. Then, a caller calls in to Coast to Coast and tells a bizarre ghost sighting he and a friend had in South Bend, Indiana. Then, apparently a Benewah County woman swears Bigfoot caused her to crash on US Highway 95 in North Latah County late Wednesday night.  The Latah County Sheriff’s Office reports that a 50 year old Tensed woman walked into their office early Thursday morning around 12:30 to report the incident.  She told a deputy she was driving on US95 North of the Potlatch “Y “near mile post 367 earlier that evening around 11:00 Wednesday night when the incident occurred.  The woman believes she saw a Sasquatch chasing some deer along the highway and when she looked into her mirror to see the “hairy beast” she hit a deer which was running from the Bigfoot. Then, a woman on the Dr. Phil show claims that she died 15 years ago and when she woke up, she had psychic abilities. She claims God sent her back with a mission and some gifts. She has stated that I can speak French, I can write the Bengali alphabet, I can understand any foreign language. After the break Cam tells the incredible story simply known as "The Bell Witch". The Bell Witch or Bell Witch Haunting is a poltergeist legend from Southern folklore, centered on the 19th-century Bell family of Adams, Tennessee. John Bell Sr., who made his living as a farmer, resided with his family along the Red River in northwest Robertson County in an area currently within the town of Adams. According to legend, from 1817-1821, his family and the local area came under attack by an invisible entity subsequently described as a witch. The entity was able to speak, affect the physical environment and change forms. Some accounts record the spirit with the capability to be in more than one place at a time, cross distances with rapid speed and the power of prophecy. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives! Show Notes: Increase Live Births & Farm Profitability with MooCall  The Fourth Kid Benewah County woman swears Bigfoot caused her to crash on US95 near Potlatch  Woman Claims She Died And Woke Up With Psychic Abilities The Bell Witch Sponsors: GAIA Blue Apron Music: All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at Songs Used: Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin Gold Coast Hustle Starlit Skies Understand Me Now