The Roswell Alien Slides
The Roswell Alien Slides  
Podcast: Expanded Perspectives
Published On: Mon May 11 2015
Description: On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk with the legendary Red Pill Junkie and the infamous Micah Hanks about the unveiling of the mysterious Roswell Slides. If you are unfamiliar with the Roswell Slides, a team of UFO researchers announced at a livestreamed online press conference on Feb. 4 that it has obtained Kodachrome slide images that provide “smoking gun” evidence that aliens are real and that an alien UFO crash actually occurred in Roswell in 1947, despite government denial. According to Anthony Bragalia, He said the images on the slides have been examined and declared authentic by a photo specialist who had worked with Kodak for decades and had led technical project teams at the company’s headquarters in Rochester, New York, and published authoritative books in the field. After conducting detailed and extensive tests on the slides, the specialist concluded that they were authentic slides from 1947 that had not been “tampered with or manipulated in any way”. The images were revealed on May 4th to a large crowd in Mexico City, Mexico. The images depict what looks like a mummified child in a glass display case. We talk about the actual photographs and discuss what the photograph most likely is. Show Notes: “Roswell alien slides” photo revealed The Roswell Slides That Aren’t! The Roswell Slides Finally Solved? Kodachrome Real Placard   Music: All music for Expanded Perspectives Elite is provided by permission by Pretty Lights Songs Used: Prophet Finally Moving Total Fascination