The Hat Man
The Hat Man  
Podcast: Expanded Perspectives
Published On: Mon Jun 01 2015
Description: On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys discuss how MIT’s robot cheetah can hurdle obstacles now, a damaged robot can ‘Heal’ itself in less than 2 minutes, new evidence may solve mystery of America’s huge ancient city Mississippi floods may have shaped the rise and fall of the prehistoric metropolis known as Cahokia, a Tennessee witness recalls giant disc UFO, has the last human trekked to the North Pole? and a New Jersey woman claims a reptilian alien broke into her house and stole her wrist watch. Then after the break the guys into ‘Hat Man’ sightings and a listener Steve from Alabama calls in with an incredible encounter with a Shadow Person/Demon. Thanks to everyone who listens! Please support the show by Rating and writing us a Review on iTunes. Subscribe to the show and tell your friends. If you want more Expanded Perspectives, don't forget about Expanded Perspectives Elite! We release an additional show there every Thursday. Signing up is easy and it is only $5 a month or $55 a year. Have a great Week! Show Notes: Has the Last Human Trekked to the North Pole? New Evidence May Solve Mystery of America's Huge Ancient City Mississippi floods shaped the rise and fall of the prehistoric metropolis known as Cahokia. MIT's Robot Cheetah Can Hurdle Obstacles Now Damaged Robot Can 'Heal' Itself in Less Than 2 Minutes Tennessee witness recalls giant disc UFO New Jersey Woman: ‘Reptilian Alien Broke into my House, Took my Watch’ The Hat Man Book: The True Story of Evil Encounters Vanessa's Medical Support Fund Music: All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by permission by Pretty Lights! Purchase, Download and Donate at Songs Used: Pretty Lights The Hot Sh*t Feb 2015 All I've Ever Known Let the World Hurry By