Podcast:The Awake Space Astrology Podcast Published On: Mon May 15 2023 Description: Your host, astrologer Laurie Rivers takes a break from predicting global events and puts the focus on the ray of hope in a volatile week; The New Moon in Taurus! This is our treat and our reward if we can hold our focus and not let the volatility shake us up too hard as we build through these wobbly times. We're also celebrating Mercury stationing direct on May 14th which prompts Laurie to do a little retrograde education to help clear up some misinformation in regards to planetary retrogrades (hint, there is no such thing as a pre-shadow...), Laurie has some big thank yous and celebrations for Patrons and talks about up coming events in Patron Shoutouts, and we wind up the podcast with Astrology Q&A where Laurie answers patron questions on the podcast. Grab your seat for 2024 Year Ahead Seminar June 2024 (patrons save 50%) Natal Chart Foundations 12 week astrology course starts May 20th (Patrons save 50%) Intro to the Natal Chart Visual Walk Through Video Saturn Return Video Intro to Interceptions