Omar Suleiman
Omar Suleiman

Imam Omar Suleiman is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and a professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University. He’s also the resident scholar of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center, and Co-Chair of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square, a multi-faith alliance for peace and justice. Originally from New Orleans, LA, he began his journey of traditional Islamic learning in the year 2000 and has spent years studying in the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Malaysia, etc. Upon becoming certified in various traditional sciences, he completed a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic law, a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, a Master’s degree in Islamic Finance, a Master’s Degree in Political History, and is in the process of completing his PhD from the International Islamic University of Malaysia in Islamic Thought and Civilization. His career started in his hometown of New Orleans where he served as the Imam of the Jefferson Muslim Association in New Orleans for 6 years and directed the ICNA Relief “Muslims for Humanity” Hurricane Katrina Relief effort. It was in this time that he was noted on a national level as being a strong advocate of community service, interfaith dialogue, and social justice. He co-founded the East Jefferson Interfaith Clergy Association and was awarded for his outstanding civic achievement by the Mayor and City Council of New Orleans in 2010. He then moved to Dallas and became the Resident Scholar of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center in 2013 and more recently, Co-Chair of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square. In Dallas, he has been a noted leader and voice for peace, and has partaken as a representative of the Muslim Community in many city functions. He has since been a guest at various national functions to share his experiences in community building. Shaykh Omar most recently founded the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research which is a think tank that focuses on instilling conviction based on Islamic texts, and producing contribution. He also founded M.U.H.S.E.N (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs), a nonprofit umbrella organization serving the community to establish a more inclusive “Special Friendly” environment for our Brothers & Sisters of all Disabilities.

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Eid Khutbah 1443 AH
When the heavens and earth are rolled up, everything will be blanketed in darkness. As people walk across the thin Sirat, or the bridge to Paradise that’s stretched over Hell, their only source of light will be glowing from the believers, shining according to the deeds they had sent forth. And that is where the Most Just will separate the hypocrites from the illuminated righteous.
Your faith will fluctuate on the waves of life. This is normal, but no matter what happens, never let go of the simplest of phrases: ‘La ilaha illah Allah.’ Bearing witness to the reality of the One True God will save you in life and, on the Day of Judgment, will outweigh a mountain's worth of your sins.
Allah, in His supreme mercy, does not punish us beyond the worth of a sin, but His measure for our good deeds is increased beyond calculation, leading to even greater reward. What makes our good deeds special enough to be multiplied on our scales?
From the beloved Companion Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) to the tyrant Abu Jahl, each person will weigh differently on the Day of Judgment—and not by physical weight or the weight of deeds. What’s your weight in the Sight of Allah?
On the Day of Reckoning, the Mizan, the Balance, will be set up to weigh your deeds. It will measure all things with precision and justice, but you can prepare for the scales to weigh in your favor with very simple deeds. Do you know the blessed words of dhikr that can provide you with 2,500 good deeds every day?
When the moment finally arrives for your reckoning, how will Allah judge you for your deeds? Whether done in public or in private, all of your deeds will be laid out in front of you as you await judgment. Will you hold your book in shame, or will your Lord veil you from the scrutiny of others?
Why is there such an emphasis on the concept of sabrun jameel, or ‘beautiful patience’ in Islam? During times of hardship, patience may be the only way to find contentment in this life. But in the Unseen, every little difficulty has meaning, and the Most Merciful is reserving an unparalleled final reward for your patience that will cause you to forget you ever suffered in the first place.
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. With His infinite understanding, He places us in situations unique to our temperaments that enable us to avoid corruption and become the best people we can be. And in every life situation, He wishes to hear our du’as. Constantly seeking the aid of Allah through du’a guarantees an answer that will bring great blessings in this life and the next.
From attaining wisdom to seeking comfort, the Qur’an’s deeper meanings and treasures reveal themselves to the believer in the times they need it most. As much as the Qur’an benefits and heals you in this life, it does so much more for you in the next. Returning as a fierce companion, its verses grant you special protections and rewards in the grave and on the Day of Judgment.
What if you could not only enter Paradise, but bring those you love with you? On the momentous Day of Judgment, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will keep going back to Allah, prostrating and interceding on behalf of his ummah. But he won’t be the only one. One by one, those who were so loved by Allah will intercede for others they knew in this life, until the greatest intercession will take place from the One who created us all.
Again and again, we see that Allah is generous in His forgiveness and His rewards for your deeds. Of particular reward are those actions you performed in this life that benefited someone else. Numerous narrations attest that “Whoever covers the faults of his brother, Allah will cover his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”
Allah is the Most Merciful, but He is also the Most Just, and that justice is particularly shown and upheld when the rights of other people are in question. How we treat people in this world is going to determine if we meet Allah’s justice or His mercy. On the Day of Judgment, it would be in our best interest to have been among the oppressed in this world, rather than the oppressors
You may know that your deeds will appear in the form of human beings in your grave to speak of what you’ve sent forth. But what will happen when your limbs speak? Your possessions? The animals you encountered and the earth you prayed upon? On the Day of Judgment, Allah the All-Seeing will cause everything from your life in this world to testify for or against you according to your deeds.
Your deeds on Judgment Day may grow to be as mighty as mountains…or they could be crushed into dust, meaningless as a mirage. It all depends on the sincerity and God-consciousness that you expressed in the life of this world. Like the Companions, be mindful of your deeds, but always keep in mind the endless mercy of Allah.
In the sweltering heat of Judgment Day, there will be seven groups of people who will be under the cool shade of the Throne of Allah, the Most High. They are the sabiqoon, the forerunners, granted a special position for all of eternity.
What is a pulpit of light, and who will be granted the special status of standing upon one on the day in which throngs will be crushed together? They are reserved for those who were humble and just. In contrast, those who were tyrannical in this world will be so disregarded that they will be no larger than ants.
What is a pulpit of light, and who will be granted the special status of standing upon one on the day in which throngs will be crushed together? They are reserved for those who were humble and just. In contrast, those who were tyrannical in this world will be so disregarded that they will be no larger than ants.
What is the worth of your gray hair on the Day of Judgment? Your wounds? Your dark circles and stretch marks? When gained for the sake of Allah, these are all marks of honor for righteous deeds that He will reward for all of eternity in the most beautiful of ways.
Join Dr. Omar Suleiman in this nightly Ramadan reminder as he explains the du'as that begin with “Rabbana Amanna” and when it's appropriate to use.
The Prophet ﷺ and his Companions warned us many times to beware the follies of the tongue. A heedless word or a biting insult could result in the worst punishments in the hereafter because they hurt other people so deeply. But a believer who guards their tongue and speaks well of others will have glad tidings on the Day of Judgment.
What will it be like to meet your Lord? That first encounter is entirely up to you.
As you are raised with those you loved in this temporary world, Jibreel (a) and the angels will line up in silent rows and Hell and Heaven will be brought near to the wicked and the righteous. In that indescribably anxious Hour, two things will differentiate the true believers: their immense, actionable love for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the five key qualities (and deeds) they embodied that Allah has promised an eternal reward for.
In the hereafter, deeds take on many forms. We’ve already seen that they guard us in the grave, but they also clothe us on the Day of Judgment—and their quality and beauty will be in exact proportion to the quality of our actions. Deeds related to sadaqah and Qur’an will have particular virtue, adorning us with crowns and with the green robes of Paradise.
When the Trumpet sounds, how will you be raised from your grave? Your actions up until the moment you die determine the very first moments of your resurrection. Were you faithful and charitable, or disobedient and greedy? The good deeds that you did in this world rise up to protect you as you navigate the tribulations that follow.
In the darkness of your freshly covered grave, as you hear the footsteps of your family walking away, nothing from this worldly life will help as your eternity begins—except one thing: your good deeds. One by one, they’ll show up in the form of beautiful people, guarding you from the punishments of the grave and bestowing you with glad tidings and the best source of companionship.
with Sh. Abdullah Oduro and Dr. Tesneem Alkiek
A Webinar
Eid Khutbah
Double Take
Eid Khutbah 2021
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Ramadan Reminder
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
Download our FREE eBook "Qur’an 30for30: The Companion Reader"
presented by Dr. and Sh. Abdullah Oduro
Live Reminder
Live Reminder
One of the most beloved of the Sahabahs. One of the ten promised Paradise. The one whom the Prophet prophesied as one who shall live alone, who shall die alone and who shall be resurrected alone. What was meant this prophesy? And who was Abu Dhar Al Ghifari? What made him so blessed that many ahadiths trace their source back to him? Truly this concise and informative talk by the beloved Imam Omar Suleiman on this beloved Sahabahs deserves your time and concentration today.
Jumuah Khutbah
Eid Khutbah
“If Only I Would Have”
The Benefits of La Howla Walaa Quwwata Ila Billah
Qur'anic Parables Episode 2
Qur'anic Reflections Episode 2
Virtual Khutbah
Qur'anic Healing Episode 2
Qur'anic Healing Episode 1
Virtual Khutbah
The By-Laws of Justice in the Qur'an Tune in with Dr. Omar Suleiman, Sh. Abdullah Oduro, and Sh. Yasir Fahmy for the first part of Qur'anic Reflections
The Light of Sincerity, and the Fire of Hypocrisy
We finished out Ramadan strong alhamdulilah. So how do we maintain the spiritual momentum and overcome the post-Ramadan blues?
In this talk,  Imam Omar Suleiman takes on the death of George Floyd from the aspect of Allah’s edict in Surah Al-Isra’ which can be broken down to :-. The sanctity of one human life;The complete authority of the family of the one killed unjustly;Those that are angered by the murder should not become unjust themselves in seeking justice; andThe role of the state/government/imam with the victim/ victim’s family/heirs. There is no justification for the unjust murders executed against its victims and the fact that there still has been no justice meted out only compounds the injustice that is prevalent in our society. Take the example of George Zimmerman who not only got away with the murder of Trayvon Martin but he has actually made hundreds of thousands of dollars after the killing. What is the message being given out to society, to potential murderers? Since nothing happened to Zimmerman, there is unsurprisingly no fear of accountability in all other cases of murder of persons of colour by persons in authority. What does the absence of justice do to the psyche of a person in a uniform and with a gun? Simple - that they can get away with murder, literally. Facing these tumultuous times, while seeking justice for the victims and their families, we need also be introspective as we call for the end of systemic injustice in our society. We must not be distracted by the attempts of those in authority to divert our attention from the act of the murderer to the character assassination of the victim.   Remember :- the victim’s character is not in question.  Rather, it is the snuffing out of the victim’s life that must remain the focus of all attention, even after years have gone by.
With Their Families in Paradise
Juz' 30 with Sh. Yaser Birjas
This is final episode 30 in the Angel series of Ramadhan 2020. When Allah loves someone Allah calls to Jibri’il and informs Jibri’il that He loves this servant and He instructs Jibri’il to love that servant and Jibri’il will inform all the angels that Allah loves this servant and all the angels will now love this servant too and love is then placed in the hearts of men for that servant of Allah s.w.t.. There are a few things to keep in mind in relation to the above:- The love of Allah s.w.t is the only love one should seek unconditionally. If you gain the love of Allah, it follows that Jibri’il will love you, the angels will love you and the people whose love is worth having will love you. Next, when you are beloved to Allah s.w.t., Allah will then put that love in the hearts of other men who are beloved to Allah, and you will be loved by righteous people for your righteousness. Thus, henceforth do all you can to seek and attain the love of the only one that matters -your Creator and Sustainer.
This is episode 29 in the Angel series of Ramadhan 2020. The remembrance of Allah either alone or in a gathering both involve the presence of angels. Did you know that the angels go out every night seeking people who remember Allah s.w.t., be it alone or with companions? And when one of them discovers such a gathering, the angel will then call out to the other angels saying ‘I found what you are looking for’ and now all the angels will join that gathering. Allah will then ask the angels a series of questions about His gathered servants and the angels will answer. What are these questions and what do the angels answer? Please listen to the end of this episode to increase your knowledge of Allah and His Angels.
Tuned into Allah, and out of gossip
Juz' 29 with Ustadha Lobna Mulla
This is episode 28 in the Angel series of Ramadhan 2020. This is a unique time for Muslims globally. A time when the masajids are closed and we are relegated to perform our salah in our homes. So now what? Well, turn your home into a place of prayer, of barakah, of blessing which is inviting to the mala’ikah and shunned by the shayateen naturally. Invite the mala’ikah into your homes where Allah is worshipped often through the performance of  your salah and recitation of the quran. When you pray, in actuality you are surrounded by the angels sent by Allah; an angel will pray to your right, to your left, behind you; angels the size of mountains they are. Thus take comfort knowing that notwithstanding the closure of the masajid, the angels are not barred from you.
Dr. Omar Suleiman dives into the 7th quality of the servants of the Most Merciful - Allah Turns Their Sins Into Good Deeds
Juz' 28 with Ustadha Nuriddeen Knight
This is episode 27 in the Angels series of Ramadhan 2020. Dear listeners, how would you like to have all your sins forgiven? There are occasions in your salah where if certain moments/recitations coincide with that of the angels then all of your previous sins are forgiven.  What are these moments? They are the moment when you say ‘Ameen’ that coincides with the ‘Ameen’ of the Imam and the 'Ameen' of the angels that join in that salah and when you recite ‘Rabbana lakal hamd’. There is also an interesting tale of a time when 30 angels rushed to catch the recitation of a sahabah during a salah. What was this recitation? Hold on till the end of this episode to expand your knowledge on this topic.
Juz' 27 with Dr. Nazir Khan
The Sins They Are Capable Of
Neither Extravagant Nor Stingy Dr. Omar Suleiman dives into the fifth quality of the servants of the Most Merciful.
In this episode of the Angels series of Ramadhan 2020, Imam Omar Suleiman touches on the presence of the angels on the most special night of the year, the night of laylatul qadr. The Prophet s.a.w talked about how many angels come down on that night. The angels would literally steal the rays of the sun and the angels fill up the heavens carrying the praises to Allah swt.  On that night they are going around all the houses of the believers and the masajids saying “Salaam, Salaam, Salaam”. The prophet s.a.w said that on the night of laylatul qadr the angels outnumber the rocks on earth. And amongst them is Jibri’il a.s. So ponder on this - You could be one of the those people whom Allah sends JIbri’il to visit his house to convey his salam.  Hence what would it require for Jibri'il to visit you? Please listen to this episode for enlightenment.
Juz' 26 with Sh. Yasir Fahmy
From Your Mouth to an Angel's Heart The angels grasped what they could of the Quran in their hearts with its initial revelation, and they look for it with every recitation. This hadith will give you an entirely different dimension of the power of your recitation, and make you want to always brush your teeth before reading.
Juz' 25 with Sh. Yasir Fahmy
Begging Him for His Mercy Dr. Omar Suleiman dives into the fourth quality of the servants of the Most Merciful.
Struggling to Recite Allah loves to see you trying. When you struggle for Allah's sake, the reward is greater. What do the angels do when you struggle to read Quran?
Spending the Night In Prostration And Prayer _ Dr. Omar Suleiman dives into the third quality of the servants of the Most Merciful.
Juz' 24 with Sh. Suleiman Hani _
Responding to the foolish and ignorant Dr. Omar Suleiman dives into the second quality of the servants of the Most Merciful - forbearance.
From Prayer to Prayer What you do before, after, and in between prayers make or break the quality of them. How can we structure our prayers in a way that allows for the angels to remain with us for as long as possible?
Juz' 23 with Dr. Zara Khan
Juz' 22 with Sh. Omar Husain
Episode 22_ The Friday Roll Book
The Art of Humility Sh. Omar Suleiman covers the first description of the servants of the Most Merciful - "those who tread lightly on the Earth and when they are approached by the ignorant, respond with Salam." What are the connotations of these characteristics?
The benefits of being called servants of the Most Merciful What is the significance of being called the servants of the Most Merciful? Sh. Omar Suleiman kicks off the first late night reflection in this special 10 day series.
Episode 21_ The First Rows _ What is the significance of the first rows in the Masjid? Are they physically the first rows, or do they encompass something deeper?
Juz' 20 with Dr. Osman Umarji
Episode 20_ A Caller from Heaven's Gates This is a hadith you probably haven't yet heard in a fundraiser. Charity should be a daily habit in our lives, and we should never underestimate the blessings we gain through it that we may not have considered.
Episode 19_ Have You Ever Seen an Angel in Human Form Have you ever met a human being and thought they must be an angel? You may be right, but you may also be missing the point.
Juz' 19 with Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy
When Your Loved Ones Are Dying Have you ever been around a dying loved one and noticed a presence in the room? As your loved ones breathe their last breaths, your supplications are witnessed by the angels. O Allah! Forgive Abu Salamah, raise his rank among those who are rightly-guided and grant him a successor from his descendants who remain behind. Grant him pardon and us, too. Oh Lord of the worlds. Make his grave spacious for him and give him light in it.
Juz' 18 with Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed
An Entourage of 70,000 _ Imagine having 70,000 of these blessed creatures follow you throughout the day seeking forgiveness for you. Why is the reward for visiting the sick so unique?
Juz' 17 with Tesneem Alkiek
The Ultimate Healer There are angels that visit you when you're sick and monitor how you react to other visitors. What rewards lay in store for those who are patient with their illness?
Delaying Commitment Due to Self-Doubt -Virtual Khutbah How can we overcome self-doubt and learn how to get over the hurdles in our way? Sh. Omar Suleiman explores how we can ask Allah to guide us through our doubts to make better progress to our journey to Him, especially during this blessed month of Ramadan.
Juz' 16 with Roohi Tahir Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Roohi Tahir, explore gems from the 16th Juz' of the Holy Quran.
In Episode #15, the respected Imam Omar Suleiman takes us through the action of angels in our life when we say or do something for the sake of Allah. Did you know that when you love someone purely for the sake of Allah, no ulterior motive, nothing personal or professional to be gained from the visiting that person, an angel calls out :– “May you find goodness in your path always, and may your steps be blessed, and may you have a special station in paradise”? Our venerable Imam relates hadiths that guide us through this concept of acting for the sake of Allah alone and the role of the angels when we achieve this purpose.
Juz' 15 with Zohair Abdul-Rahman
The Seeker of Knowledge. The path of knowledge is the path to paradise. The angels lower their wings out of humility to the seeker of knowledge in a special way. But what qualifies as seeking? And what benefits come through it?
Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Dr. Hassan Elwan, explore gems from the 14th Juz' of the Holy Quran.
Episode #13 informs us of the function of the angel when people remain just and fair when judging a dispute. The prophet said that when a person is asked to judge and they do it righteously Allah s.w.t sends angels who guide them to the truth. There is a story of Omar Al Khattab who had to judge a dispute between a Muslim and a Jew. The Khalifah judged in favour of the Jew over the Muslim and the Jew said that Omar had judged correctly. Omar wanted to know how the Jew knew this. Listen to the end of this brief talk to discover the Jew’s reply to the honourable Khalifah.
Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Dr. Khalil Abdur-Rashid, explore gems from the 13th Juz' of the Holy Quran.
In Episode #12, our respected Imam Omar Suleiman relates to us the task of the angel when a servant of Allah makes du’a for our beloved and honoured prophet s.a.w.. If a servant sends salawat (peace and blessings) upon the prophet s.a.w., Allah sends ten times of that peace and blessings on them and Jibril responds to our salawat with salams onto us.  And as if that’s isn’t enough, Allah will add ten good deeds to us, will forgive ten of our sins and raise us by ten stations. The prophet s.a.w said there are angels whose function is to look for people who send salawat onto the prophet s.a.w. and these angels convey that salawat to the prophet s.a.w. and  every single time we do that not only does Allah and the angels pray on us but the prophet s.a.w. will thereupon respond to that salawat by our name. However, this gives rise to the question : do you need to be in Madinah or Makkah for your salawat to reach the prophet The answer to this question can be found towards the end of this Imam’s five minute informative discourse with us.
Juz' 12 with Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy
Juz' 11 with Dr. Osman Umarji
In Episode #11 our beloved Imam Omar Suleiman teaches us what to do when we are faced with insults against the prophet s.a.w. To defend the prophet s.a.w. is one of the most beautiful acts a servant of Allah can engage in. Jibril a.s. once asked the prophet s.a.w. about the position of the sahabahs who fought in the battle of Badr. Prophet said they are the best of us. Jibril  a.s. responded the angels who fought in the battle of Badr are also the best of us. Can you then imagine the reward of a person who defends the prophet s.a.w. intelligently and intellectually? The answer lies within this brief talk of our beloved Imam.
In Episode #10 respected Imam Omar Suleiman teaches us what to do when we are faced with insults against the prophet s.a.w. To defend the prophet s.a.w. is one of the most beautiful acts. Jibri’il a.s. once asked the prophet s.a.w. about the position of the sahabahs who fought in the battle of Badr. Prophet said they are the best of us. Jibr’il  a.s. responded the angels who fought in the battle of Badr are also the best of us. Can you then imagine the reward of a person who defends the prophet s.a.w. intelligently and  intellectually? The answer lies within this brief talk of our beloved Imam.
Juz 10 with Tesneem Alkiek
Your Brother's Honor What kind of society are we creating if we're expected to tolerate bad behavior? It depends on how you handle it towards others... Support Yaqeen this Ramadan
Juz' 9 with Ustadha Faatimah Knight
Juz' 8 with Sh. Tahir Wyatt
If devils are locked away during Ramadan, why do we still sin? Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the meaning and implications of the hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad says, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are put in chains.”
In Episode #8, our humble Imam informs us of the role the angel plays concerning our character. The greatest test of good character is how a person of best character deals with the person of the lowest of character. The prophet s.a.w was once insulted by a man while the prophet s.a.w. was sitting with Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr witnessed those insults and when the prophet s.a.w responded with patience, Abu Bakr responded. The instant he did so the prophet s.a.w. leaves. Abu Bakr worried the prophet s.a.w. was upset with him. The prophet s.a.w. replied that when the man was insulting the prophet s.a.w. Allah sent down an angel to respond to those the insults. As soon as Abu Bakr jumped in and responded, the angel left and a shayateen came down and sat in the place of the angel, thus egging on the discord. The prophet s.a.w.  did not want to be in the presence of the devil. The prophet s.a.w said that strength is not in how you overcome another person. Rather strength is in how you overcome yourself – i.e. the one who owns himself in times of rage, unlike others who spew words in fits of anger. What is our beloved prophet s.a.w. teaching us here? Please listen to the end of this five minute message to learn the secret to elevating yourself in the sight of your Creator.
Sh. Omar Suleiman shares and reflects on a beautiful du'a stated by Prophet Yunus (Jonah) as he was in the belly of the whale. This du'a is said to clear all hardship and be answered by Allah (swt) if given sincerely by the believer. Explore more resources on dealing with the Coronavirus:
Sh. Omar Suleiman revisits the concept of reward based on patience shown in times of hardship and how you should focus on asking Allah for the reward without asking for the struggle. Explore more resources on dealing with the Coronavirus:
In Episode #7, the respected Imam informs us that throughout the day we have an angel that with reins at our head above which is a banner. if you are humble to Allah,  Allah tells the angel to raise those reins, i.e. raising us in the sight of Allah. If you are arrogant those reins are lowered, i.e. humiliated in the sight of Allah. and above it a banner As for the banner, something will be written it dependent upon our intention for the day. What is written on that banner? Take this four minute break during your day to ascertain the wordings on your banner today.
Juz' 7 with Dr. Nazir Khan _ Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Dr. Nazir Khan, explore gems from the seventh Juz' of the Holy Quran. Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
Juz' 6 with Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed, explore gems from the sixth Juz' of the Holy Quran. Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
As You Step Out. When you're about to step out into the world, and you say this prayer, you will be protected... Bismillah, tawakkaltu ’ala Allah, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa-billah In the name of Allah, I've put my trust in Allah, and there is no power or might except that which belongs to Allah. Angels in Your Presence by Omar Suleiman, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
In Episode #5, our beloved Imam addresses the effect of a night of sleep with wudu’ on our following  day. Did you know that not only humans work on shifts but there are in fact angels who work on a shift? Evening and morning? Their shifts begin and end at fajr and asr. The two angels of the ‘asr shift out with each other two at the time of fajr. Allah will ask them how did you leave my servant and they will answer. What is their answer? What methodology should you employ to get ahead of others? What is the effect of sleeping through the night into sunrise? Undoubtedly the five minutes of this talk will provide you with the answers to the above.
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on a stories from the past that showed a great deal of compassion and sensitivity. We can learn from these companions by being compassionate and sensitive to each other as we go through these difficult times together.
Ramadan Series 2020 Juz' 5 with Sh. Omar Husain
Ramadan Series 2020 Juz' 4 with Dr. Tamara Gray
Ramadan Series 2020 Juz' 3 with Dr. Abdullah Alaoudh
Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the virtues and blessings of the month of Sha’ban, specifically during the 15th night.
Heaven's Celebrities are Often Unknown on Earth Fame is not a ladder to the Creator, it can actually be the greatest testimony against a person in the Hereafter. Tune in as Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on what makes us great and what defines greatness.
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the idea of loneliness and provides a few tips on what we as a community can do to help others and help ourselves deal with loneliness during this time and afterwards.
Ask for the Replacement to be More The perfect supplication is when you ask Allah (swt) for the best, the highest in your perception, and accepting what He grants as the best. But how do you do this in times of hardship, times of loss and uncertainty?
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the subject of handling more than we can bare while referencing the ayah that states that God does not burden or test us beyond our scope.
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the idea that while Allah may test us with hardships, He does not ask us to put ourselves in harm’s way to prove our loyalty to Him. At the same time, when Allah does test us, He has given us the tools to handle the test and gain reward from it.
€œTo be spared and grateful Is more beloved than to be tested and patient Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the idea of asking Allah for hardship in order to gain more reward. However it is a narrated that to be spared and grateful is better than to be tested and patient.
Istighfar, or seeking forgiveness, both prevents hardship and is a means of relieving hardship. Sh. Omar Suleiman describes one of the best du'as to make for seeking Allah's forgiveness.
In Episode #4, the respected Imam begins our understanding the role of the angels with our night sleep. The prophet s.a.w. said when a person makes wudu’ Allah sends an angel that spends the entire night at your head supplicating to Allah to forgive His servant as he went to sleep in the state of purification. And the prophet s.a.w. said that the recitation of the Ayatul Kursi before sleep would have Allah send an angel that would stand guard and protect from the shayateen. So for how long does the angel supplicate to Allah and for how long does the other angel protect you from the shayateen? Few hours? The whole night? To learn the answers make the time to listen to the very end of this episode by Imam Omar Suleiman.
In Episode #3, Imam Omar Suleiman talks about those times when we are fasting and yet we are surrounded by those who aren’t. It's natural to feel an instance of annoyance or even envy that they are eating while you aren’t. You may not know it but those instances are some of the most blessed moments in your life and you owe it to the angels. Truly. Why? Well find that five minutes which is all the time this talk takes to discover why.
On the fourth night of Ramadan, the Prophet ﷺ did not show up to lead Taraweeh. Tune in as Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on this incident and the meaning behind it.
Sh. Omar Suleiman describes a narration where Ali (ra) spent four dirhams in charity to search for Allah's mercy, as well as the lessons we can take about planting seeds in all forms of good.
10 Essential Tips The holiest month of the year is nearly upon us! What can we do to make this the most spiritually productive and fulfilling Ramadan we've ever had? Join our panel of speakers as they offer 10 practical tips to make the most of Ramadan this year.
Sh. Omar Suleiman shares a beautiful statement by Ali (ra) that in essence tells us not to belittle good deeds, and not to belittle other people regardless of their status.
Through the example of Muadh ibn Jabal, Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the Sunnah of loving each other and expressing that love for the sake of Allah.
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the story of a Bedouin who describes himself between two states: that of thanking Allah, and seeking forgiveness from Him, and how his simple praise of Allah was considered masterful.
In Episode #2, our respected Imam Omar Suleiman introduces the two angels, Raqib and Atid. Whatever we do or say is recorded by either of the angels on our right and left. When a sin is committed the angel on the left is to record it. However, did you know that the angel does not record it the instant it is committed? No. Rather the angel is instructed by Allah s.w.t. to hold back, hold off the recording for a certain time. How long is that time? And why is the time prescribed? What is the effect of this holding off? These answers lie towards the end of this 5 minute episode.
Juz' 2 with Tesneem Alkiek - Ramadan series Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Tesneem Alkiek, explore gems from the second Juz' of the Holy Quran.
Juz' 1 with Justin Parrot - Ramadan Series In the opening episode of the series, Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Justin Parrott, explore gems from the first Juz' of the Holy Quran. In the month leading into Ramadan, our team worked around the clock to be there for you, bringing you relevant, uplifting, and educational content to help cope with lockdowns, quarantines, and the fear around COVID-19.
From Adam to Abraham- 'When My Servants Ask of Me, I Am Near' - Virtual Khutbah In surah tul Bakarah, there is a verse that states "and when my servants ask you about Me, then tell them I am near. I answer the call of every believer when they call upon me so let them also answer my call and believe in me so they may find rightful guidance" (2:186). Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the very powerful connection of this ayah to two prophets, Adam and Abraham, and their call to Allah.
Angels in your presence #1 - They've Got Your Back. Do we have such a thing as guardian angels? What do they do, and how do we experience them? This Ramadhan 2020 Imam Omar Suleiman guides us through the realm of the Angels, the Mala'ikah. Episode #1 is an introduction into the role and presence of the angels in the life of every man and woman. Can you recall a moment when you are on your war somewhere and suddenly a car or bike that was definitely not going to miss you swerves and  misses you by inches? That is the angel carrying out its duty to keep you out of harm's way. Each of us is assigned four angels - two who record our deeds and two who protect us. But sometimes despite the presence of the guardian angels harm does befall. Why? Listen to this series to learn the who, what, when, why and how of the Angels.
The Prophet ﷺ bled more in Uhud, but he hurt more in Taif. Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on becoming aware of our own invisible wounds, the wounds we cause, the ones we ignore in the people around us.
ICNA Dawah Conf 2020
How do we manage our spirituality and mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak? The outbreak of COVID-19 is stressful for people and communities. In addition to fear of the risk of the disease itself, voluntary social isolation, mosque and school closures, and shifts in working situations can take a toll on our spirituality and mental well-being. Join Yaqeen Founder & President Sh. Omar Suleiman and authors of the Trauma series Sarah Sultan LPC, LMHC and Najwa Awad, LCSWC as they provide practical tips on how to nurture our faith and mental health during a time of fear and uncertainty.
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Sh. Omar Suleiman delivers a special lecture on the Amwas plague, the first plague to claim the lives of hundreds of Sahaba and thousands of people in the 7th century. He highlights lessons we can learn from that time period and offers some spiritual gems that are relevant to us today.
Abu Bakr - Part 3 There Will Never Be Another One Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was keen to remember and honor “the firsts” for their support, suffering, and sincerity. Abu Bakr’s (ra) honor surpassed everyone’s, including that of Umar ibn al Khattab (ra). He surpassed everyone by a distance that no one could ever catch up to. His status is sanctified as the first after the prophets. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said the sun has never risen or set on anyone, after the prophets, that is better than Abu Bakr, and that he will be the first to enter Paradise in his nation.
Abu Bakr_ Setting His Own Standards Abu Bakr's (ra) character is best described by the words of Ali (ra), 'he is the first to every good'. Abu Bakr (ra) was the ultimate trendsetter, the fastest to do the good deed. In episode 10 of The Firsts, Sh. Omar Suleiman continues to talk about Abu Bakr (ra) and his elevation in the pursuit of good. The standards that he set and the inspiration that he had to achieve the good deed and how we can learn from him in setting our own goals and placing a higher standard on ourselves and actions.
Abu Bakr_ Second to None in the Pursuit of God Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra) was the ultimate "first": quick to believe, quick to do good, never hesitant to follow the Prophet ï·º, and had a natural instinct toward good. In Episode 9 of The Firsts, Sh. Omar Suleiman describes the noble character of Abu Bakr (ra), his friendship with the Prophet ï·º, and his unmatched legacy.
Ali and Fatima_ From Love to the Pain of Death Many came to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, asking whom he loved the most, including Ali (ra) and Fatima (ra). He had the most eloquent answer, while maintaining his character of honesty. Even though Fatima was very dear to him and his heart was very attached to her, he didn’t want to answer in a way that would hurt Ali, whom he loved as his own son. He looked at Ali and said, 'She is more beloved to me than you, but you are more precious to me than her', making them both very happy." Tune in to episode 8 of The Firsts as Sh. Omar Suleiman continues to talk about the love between Ali and Fatima and the love they had with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to the pain that was felt after the passing of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the passing of Fatima (ra).
What's in a name? Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the etiquette of how we deal with one another from the prohibition of mockery of names outlined in Surat al-Hujaraat to the names we give our children.
Why do we grieve and what can we learn from celebrity deaths? Sh. Omar Suleiman addresses the recent death of basketball legend, Kobe Bryant, and why celebrity deaths affect us so much as well as what we can learn from moments like these.
The First Family - Ali (ra) and Fatima (ra) Both Ali and Fatima were raised by the beloved Prophet ﷺ and had a special place in his heart. They were married by the Prophet ﷺ then counseled by him. Through their blessed marriage, a community came together and a community remains inspired. They faced obstacles that we all face in our marriage but by the guidance of Allah, the advice of the Prophet ﷺ, and the faith in their hearts, they were able to pull through and leave behind one of the greatest examples of a marriage ever to exist. And in studying this blessed family, we get to see our Prophet ﷺ in a new light: as a loving father, grandfather, and father in law.
Both Ali and Fatima were raised by the beloved Prophet ﷺ and had a special place in his heart. They were married by the Prophet ﷺ then counseled by him. Through their blessed marriage, a community came together and a community remains inspired. They faced obstacles that we all face in our marriage but by the guidance of Allah, the advice of the Prophet ﷺ, and the faith in their hearts, they were able to pull through and leave behind one of the greatest examples of a marriage ever to exist. And in studying this blessed family, we get to see our Prophet ﷺ in a new light: as a loving father, grandfather, and father in law.
Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) - courageous and steadfast In episode 5 of the Firsts, Sh. Omar Suleiman introduces us to Barakah Bint Thalaba, or Umm Ayman, the woman who never stopped caring. Umm Ayman was a second mother to the Prophet ﷺ after his mother passed. Not only is she the second woman to accept Islam, she is the only woman to have been with him from his birth till his death.
Umm Ayman_ The Woman Who Never Stopped Caring In episode 5 of the Firsts, Sh. Omar Suleiman introduces us to Barakah Bint Thalaba, or Umm Ayman, the woman who never stopped caring. Umm Ayman was a second mother to the Prophet ï·º after his mother passed. Not only is she the second woman to accept Islam, she is the only woman to have been with him from his birth till his death.
Khadijah_ His First Love, Our First Mother In episode 4 of the Firsts, dive into the many “firsts” accomplished by the best woman of her time, Kadijah bint Khuwaylid (ra), the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) first love and wife. Sh. Omar Suleiman describes the relationship and love between Khadijah (ra) and the Prophet (pbuh), her support, and her station as the first woman to become Muslim.
Waraqa Ibn Nawfal_ The First to Confirm Prophethood We find Waraqa in the seerah and at the very beginning of Sahih Bukhari, but with little beyond his death - making the rest of his life a mystery. Who was he before that? What is his story? What is his status? Sh. Omar Suleiman tells the story of Waraqa Ibn Nawfal, the first to confirm the prophethood.
Zaid Ibn Amr (ra)_ A One Man Ummah Zaid Ibn Amr Ibn Nufaid (ra) is an absolutely remarkable figure in the history of Islam and has a story unlike any other from the companions of the Prophet ﷺ. Aside from being a monotheist before the coming of Islam, he would guide people to what pleased Allah based on intuition and fitrah (natural disposition).
Trendsetters, Revivers, and Strangers Who are The Firsts? There are forerunners in every age and circumstance. They rise to the occasion, and inspire a generation. They are the firsts that are chosen to lead the way for humanity. In this series, we will go through not only the famous firsts in Islamic history, but the firsts that are distinguished in the hereafter. Join Sh. Omar Suleiman weekly as he dives into the significance of these figures with emphasis on how they dealt with being the firsts of their kind, and how we can aspire to be like them. To kick off the lecture series, Sh. Omar Suleiman describes the 5 categories of firsts in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
In the midst of a major battle, the prophet notices a bird distressed about her baby. The prophet instructed it's child be returned to the mother. This is position that Islam gives a mother. Even when the mother bears no resemblance to us, it's status remains the highest in Islam. Imam Omar provides insight into this status in his khutbah and explains by providing examples of mothers of great Muslim leaders. In a time when the word 'mother' is used to belittle women and circumstances, our beloved Imam illuminates her role in our lives in the dunya and the Aakhirah. This khutbah is insightful in elucidating Muslims  failure to stand up and defend mothers across the globe who are bleeding tears and blood for the children of their wombs. It is time to increase our knowledge of our responsibility towards womankind and to expedite our efforts to protect and support all mothers of the world.
Allah has given us different senses and different ways in which we perceive things, and odor has a persuasion that is stronger than our other senses. Sh. Omar Suleiman talks about the spiritual and physical implications of smell.
The most frequent reference in the Qur'an to the love of Allah is in relation to Taqwa, piety. In this episode, we explore what piety is and how to attain it. _______________ To know you are loved by God is one of the greatest gifts of faith. In "Allah Loves..." Sh. Omar Suleiman explores who and what Allah loves so that we may become those who are beloved to Him. Catch this series every day this Ramadan!
What is your purpose in life? What is the connection between your Lord and your purpose on earth? When you have purpose you realize the One you're doing those little good deeds looks at your deeds and sees what's in your heart and your connection with Him. Through your  small good deeds you seek Allah's mercy. Purpose is what takes those small good habits that we do on a daily basis that connects us into Jannah. Do not let your family and your friends distract you from your purpose. Think of your family and friends and your career  AS PART of your purpose on earth. Think of all this as a means to seek recognition from Allah.  So set your sights on your purpose in life and strive to fulfill it today. Do not wait for tomorrow. Do not let a calamity be the factor that makes you question your purpose and seek that connection with your Creator. Get to know Allah in times of stability so when hardship hits, your connection with Allah is so strong that  you automatically turn to Him and not to some other similar creation of His for ease. Find the purpose now. Cement that connection now. Be this purpose today. Now.
Shaykh Omar Sulaiman discusses
In the final episode of the Prayers of the Pious series, Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects upon the du’a of Umar (ra) and praying for guidance. [ Day 30 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ أَرِنِ الحَقَّ حَقّاً وَوَفِّقْنِيْ لأِتِّبَاعِهِ، وَأَرِنِ البَاطِلَ بَاطِلاً وَوَفِّقْنِيْ لِاجْتِنَابِهِ “O Allah show me guidance as guidance, and allow me to follow it. And show me error as error, and allow me to avoid it.”
Why would Abu Darda’ pray all night for good character? Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the benefits of this pious man’s supplication. [ Day 29 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ كَمَا حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي “O Allah, as you have beautified me externally, beautify me internally.”
Can you change what has been decreed? Today’s episode covers Umar’s (ra) prayer to be written amongst those who have been blessed. [ Day 28 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ كُنْتَ كَتَبْتَنِي فِي أَهْلِ السَّعَادَةِ فَأَثْبِتْنِي فِيهَا وَإِنْ كُنْتَ كَتَبْتَ عَلَيَّ الذَّنْبَ وَالشِّقْوَةَ فَامْحُنِي وَأَثْبِتْنِي فِي أَهْلِ السَّعَادَةِ فَإِنَّكَ تَمْحُو مَا تَشَاءُ وَتُثْبِتُ وَعِنْدَكَ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ “O Allah, if you have written me among the blessed, then affirm it therein. And if you have written me among the sinful and the damned, then wipe it away and affirm me among the blessed. Verily, you wipe away and affirm whatever you will, and with you is the mother of the Book.”
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects upon the righteous du’a of Umar ibn abd al-’Aziz after he suffered the loss of his children. [ Day 27 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ قَدْ قَبَضْتَ سَهْلاً، وَعَبْدَ المَلِكَ، وَمُزَاحِما، فَلَمْ أَزْدَدْ لَكَ إِلَّا حُبّاً، ولا فِيْمَا عِنْدَكَ إِلَّا رَغْبَةً فَاقْبِضْنِيْ إِلَيْكَ غَيْرَ مُضِيعٍ وَلا مُفْرِطٍ “O Allah, you took back the soul of Sahl, AbdulMalik, and Muzahim, and it only made me love You more, and more desirous of what awaits with you, so take back my soul without me being negligent or careless.”
du’a is an example of how making du’a to Allah doesn’t have to be complicated, and the beauty behind the process of supplicating. [ Day 26 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ أَنْتَ وَأَنَا أَنَا أَنْتَ الْعَوَّادُ بِالْمَغْفِرَةِ وَأَنَا الْعَوَّادُ بِالذُنُوبِ فَاغْفِرْ لِي “O Allah, You are who You are, and I am who I am; You are the One who keeps forgiving, and I am the one who keeps sinning, so forgive me!”
Sh. Omar Suleiman covers a prayer narrated by Imam ibn al-Qayyim that highlights Allah’s power to grant knowledge and wisdom. [ Day 25 Du'a ] يا مُعَلِّمَ إِبْرَاهِيْمَ عَلِّمْنِيْ “Oh Teacher of Abraham! Teach me!"
the beautiful du’a of Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah, and the benefits of privatizing our good deeds as we do our sins. [ Day 24 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ اسْتُرْنَا بِسِتْرِكَ الجَمِيْلِ ، وَاجْعَلْ تَحْتَ السِّتْرَ مَا تَرْضَى بِهِ عَنَّا “O Allah, veil us with Your beautiful veil and place beneath that veil what will please You from us.”
We may do good deeds to help others, but how is our sincerity in our private lives? Sh. Omar Suleiman covers the beautiful du’a of Yusuf ibn al-Hussein. [ Day 23 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ نَصَحْتُ لِخَلْقِكَ ظَاهِراً وَغَشَشْتُ نَفْسِيْ بَاطِناً ، فَهَبْ لِيْ غِشِّيْ نَفْسِيْ لِنُصْحِيْ لِخَلْقِكَ “O Allah, I was sincere to Your creation in public but cheated myself in private. Please excuse my disgrace because of my sincerity to Your creation.”
Why Laylatul Qadr? The Significance & Virtues... | Behind the Scenes Sh. Omar Suleiman gives an introduction to "Why Laylatul Qadr? The Significance & Virtues of the Most Important Night of the Year", which he coauthored with Dr. Nazir Khan and Sh. Ibrahim Hindy, as well as some practical tips to help maximize our reward during the final 10 nights of Ramadan.
This episode walks us through the beautiful nightly prayer of Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) and the beauty of praising Allah. [ Day 22 Du'a ] تَمَّ نُورُكَ فَهَدَيْتَ فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ , عَظُمَ حِلْمُكَ فَعَفَوْتَ ، فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ , وَبَسَطْتَ يَدَكَ فَأَعْطَيْتَ فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ , رَبَّنَا وَجْهُكَ أَكْرَمُ الْوُجُوهِ ، وَجَاهُكَ خَيْرُ الْجَاهِ ، وَعَطِيَّتُكَ أَفْضَلُ الْعَطِيَّةِ وَأَهْنَأُهَا ، تُطَاعُ رَبَّنَا فَتَشْكُرُ ، وَتُعْصَى رَبَّنَا فَتَغْفِرُ لِمَنْ شِئْتَ ، تُجِيبُ الْمُضْطَرَّ ، وَتَكْشِفُ الضُّرَّ ، وَتَشْفِي السَّقِيمَ ، وَتُنْجِي مِنَ الْكَرْبِ ، وَتَقْبَلُ التَّوْبَةَ ، وَتَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ ، لا يَجْزِي بِآلائِكَ وَلا يُحْصِي نَعْمَاءَكَ قَوْلُ قَائِلٍ “Your light was complete, so You guided; all praise is to You. Your forbearance was great, so You forgave; all praise is to You. You held out Your Hand, so You gave; all praise is to You. Our Lord, Your face is the noblest of faces, Your prestige is the greatest prestige, and Your gifts are the best of gifts and the most wonderful. Our Lord, You are obeyed and You show appreciation. You are disobeyed, Our Lord, yet you pardon whomever. You respond to one in hardship and you remove harm. You heal the sick. You deliver from difficulty. You accept repentance. You forgive sins. The word of no one can compensate for your bounties, nor count the praises You deserve.”
Today’s episode talks about the beauty in asking Allah for a good ending with an example of a du’a from Abdullah ibn Abi Sarh. [ Day 21 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ خَاتِمَةَ عَمَلِيْ صَلاةَ الفَجْرِ “O Allah! Make my last deed in this life the performance of Fajr prayer”
In this episode, Sh. Omar Suleiman goes over a narration that gives us insight into some do’s and don’ts of du’a, especially about praying for patience. [ Day 20 Du'a ] حَدَّثَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ غَيْلاَنَ، حَدَّثَنَا وَكِيعٌ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنِ الْجُرَيْرِيِّ، عَنْ أَبِي الْوَرْدِ، عَنِ اللَّجْلاَجِ، عَنْ مُعَاذِ بْنِ جَبَلٍ، قَالَ سَمِعَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم رَجُلاً يَدْعُو يَقُولُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ تَمَامَ النِّعْمَةِ . فَقَالَ " أَىُّ شَيْءٍ تَمَامُ النِّعْمَةِ " . قَالَ دَعْوَةٌ دَعَوْتُ بِهَا أَرْجُو بِهَا الْخَيْرَ . قَالَ " فَإِنَّ مِنْ تَمَامِ النِّعْمَةِ دُخُولَ الْجَنَّةِ وَالْفَوْزَ مِنَ النَّارِ " . وَسَمِعَ رَجُلاً وَهُوَ يَقُولُ يَا ذَا الْجَلاَلِ وَالإِكْرَامِ فَقَالَ " قَدِ اسْتُجِيبَ لَكَ فَسَلْ " . وَسَمِعَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم رَجُلاً وَهُوَ يَقُولُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الصَّبْرَ . فَقَالَ " سَأَلْتَ اللَّهَ الْبَلاَءَ فَسَلْهُ الْعَافِيَةَ " حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مَنِيعٍ، حَدَّثَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، عَنِ الْجُرَيْرِيِّ، بِهَذَا الإِسْنَادِ نَحْوَهُ . قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ Mu`adh bin Jabal narrated that the Prophet heard a man supplicating, saying: “O Allah! Verily, I ask You for the bounty’s completion (Allāhumma, innī as’aluka tamāman-ni`mah).” So he said: “What thing is the bounty’s completion?” He said: “A supplication that I made, that I hope for good by it.” He said: “Indeed, part of the bounty’s completion is the entrance into Paradise, and salvation from the Fire.” And he heard a man while he was saying: “O Possessor of Majesty and Honor (Yā Dhal-Jalāli wal- Ikrām)” So he said: “You have been responded to, so ask.” And the Prophet heard a man while he was saying: “O Allah, indeed, I ask You for patience (Allāhumma, innī as’alukaṣ-ṣabr)” He said: “You have asked Allah for trial, so ask him for Al-`Āfiyah.”
Today’s episode is one that especially applies to those in the public eye. Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the dangers of destructive praise and the prayer Abu Bakr made to avoid it. [ Day 19 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِى خَيْرًا مِمَّا يَظُنُّونَ وَاغْفِرْ لِى مَا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ وَلَا تُؤَاخِذْنِى بِمَا يَقُولُون “O Allah, make me better than what they think of me, and forgive me for what they do not know about me, and do not take me to account for what they say about me.”
Today’s episode talks about being grateful to Allah and remembering the promises we make to Him. Sh. Omar Suleiman explains this lesson through the prayer of Uwais al-Qarni. [ Day 18 Du'a ] "Oh Allah cure all of my leprosy except for the space of a coin."
Today’s du’a is from an unknown Bedouin who called to Allah with so much praise he amazed the Prophet ﷺ. [ Day 17 Du'a ] يَا مِنْ لا تَرَاهُ العُيُوْنُ، وَلا تُخَالِطُهُ الظُّنُوْنُ، وَلا يَصِفُهُ الوَاصِفُوْنَ، وَلا تُغَيِّرُهُ الحَوَادِثَ، وَلا يَخْشَى الدَّوَائِرَ، يَعْلَمُ مَثَاقِيْلَ الجِبَالِ، وَمَكايِيْلَ البِحَارِ، وَعَدَدَ قَطَرِ الأَمْطَارِ، وَعَدَدَ وَرَقِ الأَشْجَارِ، وَعَدَدَ مَا أَظْلَمَ عَلَيْهِ اللَّيْلُ وَأَشْرَقَ عَلَيْهِ النَّهَارُ، وَلا تُوَارِيْ مِنْهُ سَمَاءٌ سَمَاءً، وَلا أَرْضٌ أَرْضاً، وَلا بَحَرٌ مَا فِيْ قَعْرِهِ، وِلا جَبَلٌ مَا فِيْ وَعْرِهِ، اجْعَلْ خَيْرَ عُمْرِيْ آخِرَهُ، وَخَيْرَ عَمَلَيْ خَوَاتِيْمَهُ، وَخَيْرَ أَيَّامِيْ يِوْمَ أَلقاكَ فِيْهِ “Oh He whom the eyes do not see, nor can be mixed with doubts, nor can be described by any who describe, nor is changed by any events, nor fears any officer, who knows the weights of the mountains, the measurements of the seas, the number of raindrops, the number of leaves on trees, and the number of whatever is shrouded in the darkness of night and brightened by the light of day, for whom no heaven or earth is concealed, nor a sea in its depths, nor a mountain in its ruggedness! Make the best of my life the end of it, the best of my deeds the last of them, and the best of my days the Day I meet You.”
Omar Suleiman reflects upon the story of a burning town, and the power of making dua with conviction and trust in Allah. [ Day 16 Du'a ] بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ In the name of Allah; with His name, nothing whatsoever on earth or heaven can inflict any harm; He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.
In todays episode, Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects upon a prayer made by a tree and the beauty of prostration. [ Day 15 Du'a ] اللّهُمّ اكتُبْ لي بِهَا عِنْدَكَ أَجْراً، وَضَعْ عَنِّيْ بِهَا وِزْراً، وَاجْعَلْهَا لِيْ عِندَكَ ذُخْراً، وَتَقَبّلْهَا مِنِّيْ كَمَا تَقَبَّلْتَهَا مِنْ عَبْدِكَ دَاوُدَ عَلَيْهِ الصَّلاةُ والسَّلامُ O Allah, write for me a reward with You because of it (the prostration), and remove from me a sin because of it, and stow it for me as a treasure with You, and accept it from me as You accepted it from Your servant David (Dawud), upon him be blessings and peace.
Todays prayer is about acknowledging to Allah the bad deeds we have done to invoke the good that He can bring to us. [ Day 14 Du'a ]  اللَّهُمَّ لا تَحْرِمْنِي خَيْرَ مَا عِنْدَكَ لِشَرِّ مَا عِنْدِي O Allah dont forbid me from the good you have, for the evil I have.
Sh. Omar Suleiman covers the prayer of Salaam ibn Mutee, whose du'a encourages us to have faith that Allah is capable of granting you the best of this life and the next. [ Day 13 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ كُنْتَ بَلَغْتَ أَحَداً مِنْ عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِيْنَ دَرَجَةً بِبَلَاءٍ فَبَلِّغْنِيْهَا بِالعَافِيَةِ O Allah, if you have granted any righteous servant of Yours a station because of a trial they faced, then grant it to me while sparing me that trial.
Sh. Omar Suleiman relates yesterday’s du'a to the prayer of another great man. Where ibn al-Jawzi worried his students would not find him in paradise, al-Mutarraf ibn Abdullah worried he would be made into a bad example for others. [ Day 12 Du'a] اللَّهُمَّ لا تَجْعَلْنِيْ عِبْرَةً لِغَيْرِيْ ، وَلا تَجْعَلْ أَحَداً أَسْعَدَ بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِيْ مِنِّيْ “O Allah, do not make a lesson out of me for others, and do not let there be anyone who benefits more than me from what You’ve taught me.”
Today’s du'a from Imam ibn al-Jawzi encourages us to do good and to share knowledge, then invoke Allah swt with our good deeds in prayer. [ Day 11 Du'a] إِلَهِيْ لَا تُعَذِّبْ لِسَاناً يُخْبِرُ عَنْكَ، وَلا عَيْناً تَنْظُرُ إِلَى عُلُوْمٍ تَدُلُّ عَلَيْكَ ، وَلا يَداً تَكْتُبُ حَدِيْثَ رَسُوْلِكَ؛ فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لا تُدْخِلَنِي النَّارَ “My God, do not punish a tongue that informs about You, nor an eye that looks upon (Islamic) sciences which point to You, nor a hand that writes the traditions of Your Messenger. So by Your honor, do not admit me into the Fire.”
This episode discusses a du'a that Ibrahim ibn Adham made upon bearing witness to Allah swt’s power, and how it may help us to frame difficult situations in more positive light. [ Day 10 Du'a ] أَرَيْتَنَا قُدْرَتَكَ فَأَرِنَا عَفْوَكَ “You have shown us Your power, so show us Your forgiveness.”
In today’s episode, Sh. Omar Suleiman talks about the supplication of Abdulrahman ibn ‘Auf, one of the richest men at the time of the Prophet ﷺ, and how to refrain from the temptations of greed ourselves. [ Day 9 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ قِنِي شُحَّ نَفْسِي “O Allah, protect me from the greed of my soul!”
Sh. Omar Suleiman identifies a du'a by Asmaa bint Abi Bakr for her son, illustrating the power of du'a from mothers and those who are oppressed. [ Day 8 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْ طُوْلَ ذَلِكَ القِيِامَ فِي اللَّيْلِ الطَّوِيْلِ، وَذَلِكَ النَّحِيْبُ وَالظَّمَأُ فِي هَوَاجِرِ المَدِيْنَةِ وَمَكَّةَ، وَبِرَّهُ بِأَبِيْهِ وِبِيْ. اللَّهُمَّ قَدْ سَلَّمْتُهُ لِأَمْرِكَ فِيْهِ، وَرَضِيْتُ بِمَا قَضَيْتَ فَأَثِبْنِي فِي عَبْدِ اللهِ ثَوَابَ الصَّابِرِيْنَ الشَّاكِرِيْنَ “O Allah, have mercy on his lengthy standing during the longest nights, and that whimpering, and his thirst during the hot summer days of Mecca and Madinah, and his kindness to his father and to me. O Allah, I have surrendered him to whatever You decree on him, and am content with whatever You have decided, so reward me for ‘Abdullah the reward of the patient and thankful.”
Today’s episode covers the du'a of Hudhaifa ibn al-Yaman, whose love of Allah swt inspires us to love Him and ask Him for his love. [ Day 7 Du'a] اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ صَبَاحِ النَّارِ وَمِنْ مَسَائِهَا ، وَلمَّا نَزَلَ بِهِ المَوْتُ قَالَ: هَذِهِ آخِرُ سَاعَةٍ مِنْ الدُّنْيَا، اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّكَ تَعْلَمُ أَنِّيْ أُحِبُّكَ فَبَارِكْ لِيْ فِي لِقَائِكَ “O Allah, I seek shelter with You from mornings and evenings in the Hellfire.” “This is my last hour in this world. O Allah, You know that I certainly love You, so bless my meeting with You.”
Today’s episode is about the sincere du'a of Abdullah ibn Mas’oud, on the beautiful occasion when the Prophet ﷺ listened to his prayers to be among his companions. [ Day 6 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ إِيْمَانًا لا يَرْتَدُّ ، وَنِعِيْمًا لا يَنْفَدُ ، وَمُرَافَقَةَ نَبِيِّكَ مُحَمَّدٍ ـ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ـ فِي أَعْلَى جَنَّةِ الخُلْدِ “O Allah, I ask You for faith that does not unravel, and delight that never depletes, and the companionship of Your prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the highest eternal garden.”
A du’a can make even the most unlikely circumstances occur, such as in the case of Umar and his martyrdom. [ Du'a Day 5 ] اللهُمَّ ارْزٌقْنِيْ شَهَادَةً فِيْ سَبِيْلِكَ وَاجْعَلْ مَوْتِيْ فِيْ بَلَدِ رَسُوْلِكَ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ اللَّهُمَّ لا تَجْعَلْ قَتْلِيْ عَلَى يَدِ عَبْدٍ سَجَدَ لَكَ سَجْدَةً يَحَاجُّنِيْ بِهَا يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ “O Allah I ask you to be accepted as a martyr in the city of your Prophet.” “O Allah, do not let my killing be at the hand of someone who ever prostrated to You, lest he use that against me on the Day of Judgment.”
In this episode, we observe the du’a of a complicated character, Abdul Malik ibn Marwan, and how we can improve the quality of our du’as when asking for forgiveness from Allah swt. [ Day 4 Du'a ] يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ ذُنُوْبِي عَظِيْمَةٌ ، وَإِنَّ قَلِيْلَ عَفْوِكَ أَعْظَمُ مِنْهَا ، اللَّهُمَّ فَامْحِ بِقَلِيْلِ عَفْوِكَ عَظِيْمَ ذُنُوْبِي “My Lord, my sins are enormous, but a little of Your forgiveness is greater than them. O Allah, so erase with a little of Your forgiveness my enormous sins.”
Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the power of making covenants with Allah swt through the prayer of Abdullah ibn Mas’oud, and the sincerity covenants can bring to your own du'a. [ Day 3 Du'a ] اللهُمَّ فَاطِرَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ ، عَالمَ الغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ ، إِنِّي أَعْهَدُ إَلَيْكَ فِي هَذِهِ الحَيَاةِ الدُنْيَا : إِنَّكَ إِنْ تَكِلْنِي إِلَى نَفْسِيْ تُقَرِّبُنِي مِنْ الشَّرِّ ، وَتُبَاعِدُنِي مِنْ الخَيْرِ ، وَإِنِّي إِنْ أَثِقُ إِلَّا بِرَحْمَتِكَ فَاجْعَلْهُ لِي عِنْدَكَ عَهْدَاً تُؤَدِّهِ إِلَيَّ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ ، إِنَّكَ لَا تُخْلِفُ المِيْعَادَ “O Allah, Originator of the heavens and earth, Knower of the seen and unseen, I testify in this worldly life of mine that if You leave me to myself, You are by that bringing my closer to harm and distancing me from good. I have no confidence except in Your mercy, so let that be a covenant that You deliver to me on the Day of Judgment — for You never break Your promises.”
Hadith #37 - When Animals Indict Humans for Cruelty | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
Hadith #36 - The Prophet's Doctors and Islam's History of Healthcare | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
In Hadith #35, of the 40 Hadiths on Social Justice Series, Sh. Omar Suleiman describes how the Prophet(s) dealt with those with mental illness, disabilities, and special needs.
In Hadith #34 of the 40 Hadiths on Social Justice series, Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses gender equity in Islam.
In today’s episode, we examine the importance of persistent du'a, like that of Habiba al Adawiya, and how to get personal with Allah SWT. [ Day 2 Du'a ] إِلَهِي غَارَت النُّجُوْمُ، وَنَامَت العُيُوْنُ وَغَلَّقَت المُلُوْكُ أَبْوَابَهَا، وَبَابُكَ مَفْتُوْحٌ، وَخَلا كُلُ حَبِيْبٍ بِحَبِيْبِهِ، وَهَذَا مَقَامِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ “O Allah, the stars have vanished, the eyes have slept, the kings have locked their doors, and Your door remains open. Every lover has found privacy with their beloved, and here I am standing before You.”
In Hadith #33 of the 40 Hadiths on Social Justice series, Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the injustice of stereotypes and collective guilt.
Hadith #32: Racism and Tribalism | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice How the Prophet ï·º dealt with structural racism and tribalism at every level.
In Hadith #31 of the 40 Hadiths on Social Justice Series, Sh. Omar Suleiman reviews Islamic ethics surrounding asylum, refugees, and migration.
Hadith #30 - Slavery in Islam | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice Epistemology vs. Historical Reality
Hadith #29 - The Rights of the Elderly on Society | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
Hadith #28 - The Rights of Extended Family | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
Hadith #27 - Framing How Rights Work in a Marriage | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
Hadith #26 - The Sin of Favoritism | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
Hadith #25 - Justice Between Parents & Children | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice How do we uphold Islam's honoring of the parents without sanctioning injustice towards children?
Hadith #23: Why is Riba Haram? | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice The concept of gharar and uncertainty in Islam.
Hadith #23: Why is Riba Haram? | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice A thorough look at the harms of usury to society and why it's so strongly prohibited in Islam. Download lecture notes here:
Hadith #22 - The Root Of All Social Injustice | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice
In the first episode of the Prayers of the Pious series, Sh. Omar Suleiman considers the righteous dua that Abu Bakr made at the end of his lifetime. [ Day 1 Du'a ] اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ خَيْرَ زَمَانِيْ آخِرَهُ، وَخَيْرَ عَمَلِيْ خَوَاتِمَهُ، وَخَيْرَ أَيَّامِيْ يِوْمَ أَلقَاكَ “O Allah, let the best of my lifetime be its ending, and my best deed be that which I seal [my life with], and the best of my days the day I meet You.”
ICNA-MAS Convention 2018
ICNA-MAS Convention 2018
Entrusted And Rewarded: The Characteristics of a Pious Employee
“Before the Sweat Dries…”
"The Definition, Categories, and Prohibition of Torture in Islam"
"He is Not a Believer Whose Neighbor is Not Secure From His Harm."
Righteous Anger
A Show of Strength
Building a Coalition of Justice (The Fiqh of Hilf-al-Fadool)
Sh. Omar Suleiman, Founder and President of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, and Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy, Fellow at Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, speak about reclaiming the narrative about Prophet Muhammad ï·º at the 2017 ICNA-MAS Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Did you know that the shark can detect a drop of blood from 3miles away? An elephant can smell water from 3 miles away? A cheetah can go from 0-60 miles in 3seconds? A bald eagle's eyesight is 4x the perfect eyesight of the human? Did you think there is no Creator considering you cannot explain all the above? That you cannot explain how you were created from a drop of fluid? That you cannot explain where you were before you were that drop of fluid? All the signs around you are  evidence that there is a Creator. And they go further to emphasize that there is a Designer. So what existed before us? Before the Universe? Before even Time? These questions and the responses are here in this talk of Sheikh Omar. Take a wee bit of time off today and give him a listen.
Jummah Khutbah at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center - Forgive But Should You Forget? Knowing When To Give A Second Chance. Sheikh Omar Suleiman deals with this very important issue - to forgive or not? Grudges, slights, stab in the backs these days, as in the bygone days, leads to generations of feuding. More so today when life and living has become complicated and confusing. The rat race too hasn't helped ease things. People are in a constant state of stress. Anger and frustration are always in the forefront of  the madness of survival. Disputes arise in many situations - family, friends, business. Worse when family mashes with business. These can lead to the worst fights and are practically impossible to repair. So what do you do when Allah has forbidden breaking ties? How do you manage the situation so some semblance of harmony, of a truce may be achieved? Pay heed to our Sheikh as he walks you through incidents from the Seerah that address these specific circumstances, guiding you to achieve that peace of mind and tranquility we all seek in the face of betrayal by others we trusted and believed sincere.
The End of the Journey of Faith This is the last episode of The Faith Revival Series. 2017-06-25 - Ramadan 2017
Yaqeen Is Full Faith Episode 29: Ask Allah for everlasting faith to obtain your biggest fulfillment in this life. 2017-06-24 - Ramadan 2017
The Ultimate Gift Episode 28: View your Iman as a personal gift from Allah. What are you doing to guard that precious gift that symbolizes Allah’s love towards you? 2017-06-23 - Ramadan 2017
Bend Don't Break Episode 27: The "tree of faith" is like a palm tree - deep firm roots, branches high in the sky, and constantly producing fruit. 2017-06-22 - Ramadan 2017
Friends of Faith Episode 26: A person is not given a gift, after Islam, better than a righteous brother or a righteous sister. Be in the company of those that will remind you why you believe. 2017-06-21 - Ramadan 2017
Fortress of Faith Episode 25: Remembrance of Allah (thikr) is a fortress for you from Satan. Remember Allah in the moments when Satan is most likely to threaten your faith. 2017-06-21 - Ramadan 2017
Planning your next year tonight - This talk was delivered at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-21
Imam Malik's Advice To Imam Ash Shafi 2017-06-20 - Ramadan 2017
The Guardian Of Faith Episode 24: There is nothing that can foster faith in Allah SWT like a meaningful relationship with the Quran. 2017-06-19 - Ramadan 2017
Unreasonable Goals... Episode 23: Sometimes the most detrimental thing to your Iman is setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. Set reasonable, achievable goals to avoid crushing your faith. 2017-06-18 - Ramadan 2017
Reflections on Terrorist Attack in Finsbury Park and Sister Nabra's killing - This talk was delivered at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-18
What are you praying for? How to properly divide your duas (supplications) - This talk was delivered at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-17
Why Do People Leave Faith? Episode 22: Once faith enters into the hearts, there is no way a person would easily give that up. So why would someone leave their faith? The answers are complex. 2017-06-17 - Ramadan 2017
Jummah Khutbah at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center - Let somebody else do it - passing up on good deeds & opportunities 2017-06-16 - Ramadan 2017
They Don't Believe Until.. Episode 21: How do we get to the point where we can taste the sweetness of faith? The journey involves humbling oneself and submitting fully to Allah. 2017-06-16 - Ramadan 2017
Sweetness of Faith.. Episode 20: Once you've tasted the sweetness of faith in your heart, you will do anything to protect it. 2017-06-15 - Ramadan 2017
Faith in Hardship Episode 19: The firm belief that what has come to you is decreed by Allah SWT can keep you steadfast during times of hardship. Ramadan 2017
The difference between Posing and Aspiring 2017-06-16 - Ramadan 2017
Am I a Pharaoh? The pitfalls of Narcissism - This talk was delivered at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-13
Envy and Faith... Episode 18: Envy and stinginess cannot coexist with faith in the heart. Guard your iman by disconnecting yourself from the love of this world and taking advantage of opportunities to be generous. Ramadan 2017
Poverty Leads To Disbelief.. Episode 17: Poverty is a difficult test to a person's faith. Seek refuge from poverty with this supplication. Ramadan 2017
The need for Validation and Approval - This talk was delivered at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-11
Two Hungry Wolves Episode 16: What are the biggest threats to your faith and how can we overcome them? Ramadan 2017
The Faith Of The Prophets Before... Episode 15: Everyone's faith is occasionally challenged by doubt. Even the prophets had their moments. By immediately reminding ourselves that God is sufficient for us and is the best disposer of our affairs, these doubts can strengthen our faith rather than damage it. Ramadan 2017
Episode 14: Allah Rewards You for Your Doubts If... Satan is always going to whisper. But refusing to allow yourself to turn that whisper into action is a sign of clear and pristine faith. Ramadan 2017
Use your blessings wisely - This talk was given at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-08 - Ramadan 2017
Episode 13: Guidance After Iman. We're always asking God for guidance. But what comes first - guidance or faith? Ramadan 2017
Episode 12: Omar Was Always In The Zone Place your heart "In The Zone" with the intention of seeking from every moment that which will cause your faith to blossom. Ramadan 2017
Episode 11: Remembers his place in front of Allah As human beings, we will never stop sinning. But remembering your place in front of Allah before committing the sin can deter you from it. Ramadan 2017
May Allah have mercy on my brother Moses PBUH - This talk was given at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-05
Episode 10: Move Beyond the Catalyst Allah sends you reminders night and day, and sometimes those reminders are major wake up calls. What happens if you don’t make use of that wake up call right away? Ramadan 2017
Repenting from hypocrisy and lying - This talk was given at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center. 2017-06-04
Episode 9: What does it mean to have a heart that overflows with faith, or a garment of Iman? Ramadan 2017
Episoded. 8: Two Supplications of the Prophet (s) for the Heart There is nothing more inconsistent than the heart, yet no vessel more important. Therefore the Prophet (s) taught us two supplications to keep it firm. Ramadan 2017
Episode 7: You're No Angel Even the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) were vigilant about their faith. No matter how confident you are in your Iman, you're no angel. Be protective of it. Ramadan 2017
Episode 6: Healthy Fluctuations Faith is supposed to increase and decrease, but how dramatic are your fluctuations? The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized that both your peak and your base line should be reasonable, otherwise it may all disappear. 2017-06-01
Episode 5: Even If Abu Dharr Doesn’t Like It There is hope for the major sinners, as long as they turn back to their Creator. Allah doesn’t want you to be weighed down by your past in a way that you can’t meaningfully progress in the future. 2017-05-31
Episode 4 - He is not a believer when... There are certain actions that are so unbefitting of a believer, that belief departs from the doer of those deeds. We may have low points in faith, but we should never allow that to push us to major sins. Death doesn’t always come to us in our best moments. 2017-05-30
Episode 3 - Shaky Foundations There is a direct correlation between the actions of the tongue and the condition of the heart. If you want to receive faith, you must first settle your heart - and if you wish to settle your heart, you must settle your tongue. 2017-05-29
What's Your Secret? 2017-05-28 at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center
Episode 2 - Your Faith Wears Out Think of your favorite shirt. It fades slightly each time you wash it, and will eventually wear out if you don't take proper care of it. Faith is the same way - but unlike a piece of clothing, it's the most valuable asset you have. Without faith, you have nothing. Use this du'aa to ask Allah to renew your faith. 2017-05-28
Episode 1 - Faith Is Refuge Before exploring different methods of reviving and protecting our faith, it's important to understand the meaning of faith itself. In the first episode of "The Faith Revival", Sh. Omar Suleiman explores what faith is, particularly its role as a protector - a place of refuge. 2017-05-27
Sh. Omar Suleiman - Khatirah Taraweeh Night 1 at the Valey Ranch Islamic Center May 26, 2017
Ramadan A To Z Conference 2017-05-23
Hadith #14 The Poisoned Well 2017-05-22
Hadith #13 Corrupt Lawyers And Unserved Justice 2017-05-22
How To Destroy Your Ego & Leave Shameful Sins
Hadith 12: Whoever Deceives Is Not One Of Us
An in depth lecture about it's virtues, practices, and how to gear up for Ramadan. April 27, 2017 at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center.
Would you have paid attention? A moving story. Jumuah Khutbah delivered at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center on April 7, 2017.
Jumuah Khutbah at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center on April 28, 2017.
Hadith 11: Don't Shortchange Anyone. The comprehensiveness of "Tatfeef" in the Quran.
Hadith 10: If you can't stop them, join them. The "everyone else does it" fallacy
Hadith 9: Responding To Evil With Good
Hadith 8: The Right To Water, Food And Shelter
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #7 - The Ruling On Silence And Injustice
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #6 - A Word Of Truth In The Face Of An Oppressor
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #5 - You Will Be Asked About Your Potential
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #4 - To Seek Or Not To Seek Leadership
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #3 - From The Scrolls Of Abraham
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #2 - God Is More Capable Than You
40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #1 - The Gravity Of Injustice
Jumuah Khutbah, January 27, 2017.
Jumuah Khutbah on January 20, 2017.
Bad Blood: The Road to Mending Relationships was delivered at the 15th MAS-ICNA Convention.
The Quran places emphasis on the oneness of human beings. It introduces the idea of common human origin and ancestry at four different places and says that humans have their origin in a single cell or soul Jan 2017
Jumuah Khutbah: Whoever Is In Service Of His Brother, Allah Is In His Service December 23, 2016
Why Do Innocent People Suffer? A very important question answered by Sh. Omar.
When You Find The Truth What Are You Willing To Do For It From the series "Through The Fire - The Journey Of Salman The Persian"
What Kind Of Christianity Was Salman Alfarsi Experimenting With? explained by Omar Suleiman From the series "Through The Fire - The Journey Of Salman The Persian"
What happened to Salman Alfarsi after becoming muslim explained by Omar Suleiman From the series "Through The Fire - The Journey Of Salman The Persian"
What happened to the key figures in the early life of Salman Alfarsi explained by Omar Suleiman From the series "Through The Fire - The Journey Of Salman The Persian"
Omar Suleiman explains how to purify the heart.
Jumuah Khutbah delivered on the 2nd Dec 2016
Jummah Khutbah delivered on the 4th November 2016 by Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Jummah Khutbah/Talk titled: Remembering Death without Dying by Sh. Omar Suleiman Valley Ranch Islamic Center. Jummah Khutbah 10-28-2016
Jumuah Khutbah by Sheikh Omar on racism In Islam Islamic Center of Irving
Do Muslims Support ISIS? - Omar Suleiman In Part 14 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. When it comes to condemning acts of terrorism like San Bernardino for instance, every mosque and pulpit spoke against it, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman.
Do Muslims Hate Americans? - Omar Suleiman In Part 13 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. The anger felt by many in the Muslim world and other countries, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman, is primarily directed against the American government not the American people. Many are dismayed by American foreign policy in Syria, for instance, where they feel betrayed because Bashaar El Asad was left to butcher his own people for months until ISIS appeared on the scene.
In this talk Sheikh Omar advises us on the importance of upholding the rights of people.
What Is Martyrdom In Islam? - Omar Suleiman In Part 12 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. According to Sheikh Omar Suleiman, there are various categories of martyrdom in islam, which isn’t just achieved through fighting - Sheikh Omar explains further...
Is Jesus Christ Divine? - Omar Suleiman In Part 11 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. The best way to alter the public perception of Muslim women in the West, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman, is for them to continue to be out there and for thriving, successful Muslim women to engage fully in their communities. Regarding the debate over the divinity of Jesus, a study of early Christianity will reveal that it was far from monolithic.
Is there Persecution of Arab Christians? - Omar Suleiman In Part 10 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. Throughout history there has been a lot of friction between Muslims and Christians, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman, with Muslims also on the receiving end during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition.
Does Racism Drive Islamophobia - Omar Suleiman In Part 9 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. There is certainly an element of bigotry and racism, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman, because you'll find that the same people who are Islamophobic are also anti-Semitic.
Women's Rights In The Quran - Omar Suleima In Part 8 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. The Quran is very progressive with regards to women, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman.
What Kind Of Training Is Available For Imams? - Omar Suleiman In Part 7 of the interview, Shaykh Omar takes questions from the audience. Imam training is not as defined in Islam as it is in other faith traditions, says Sheikh Omar Suleiman.
Sheikh Omar discusses the importance of participation and why Muslims across the nation should vote both locally and internationally.
The "All-Terrorists-are-Muslim" Myth - Omar Suleiman In Part 6 of the interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman dispels the myth that all terrorists are Muslim, noting the huge disparity between the amount of media coverage given to the rare cases where perpetrators were actually Muslim and when they were not.
Sharia Law vs. Penal Code - Omar Suleiman In Part 5 of the interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman gives the definitive word on the meaning of Sharia law and how it must be distinguished from Islamic penal code.
Love Thy Neighbor - Omar Suleiman In Part 4 of the with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman answers a question in the mind of many people in the West who have become conflicted about their Muslim minorities: Can you be a Muslim and a patriot? Can the allegiances of a Muslim in a non-Muslim country sit side by side? Can you be a practicing Muslim and an American, British or French citizen?
Rules of Engagement In Islam - Omar Suleiman In Part 3 of the interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman debunks erroneous interpretations of what has become popularly known as “the verse of the sword” from chapter nine of the Quran, Surat At-Tawba.
The Medina Charter of Coexistence - Omar Suleiman In Part 2 of the interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman tears down some of the most popular misconceptions about Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Is the Quran inherently violent? Does the Quran contradict itself? Does Islam advocate Holy Wars through jihad? Is Islam anti-Semitic?
Forget the Pundits, Ask a Muslim - Omar Suleiman In Part 1 of this fourteen-part interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman shatters myths about Islam in America and about Muslims in general.
Jumah Khutbah - Makkah Before Madinah, Embracing the Struggle Valley Ranch Islamic Center Sep 23rd, 2016
The Value Of A Smile - Omar Suleiman Khutbah - 26th August 2016
My Master, I Appeal To You My Weakness - Omar Suleiman ICNA Convention - Baltimore, MD May 23, 2015
The Perfect Fit: Mindset Of A Mu'min - Omar Suleiman Young Muslim Youth Conference 2016
Sheikh Omar advises what we can do for Syria
A Guide to Hajj Step By Step - Part 2
A Guide to Hajj Step By Step - Part 1
Your Actions Your Salvation - Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Self-Actualization - Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Achieving The Goal In Life - Omar Suleiman
How To Be Great Inside And Outside Of Home - Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Serving for the Love of Allah - ICNA-MAS Annual Convention Baltimore, MD May 28, 2016
Jummuah Khutbah - Thoughts on Dallas Shooting and Black Lives Matter
Thoughts on Madinah attacks & End of Ramadan - Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Ramadan Recipe - Sheikh Omar Suleiman
How To Remove Shortcomings Of Ramadan In Two Words - Sheikh Omar Suleiman
What Will You Ask Allah For Tonight (Laylat Al-Qadr) - Sheikh Omar Suleiman [4th Jummah Ramadan 2016]
Allah is in full capacity to hear you and answer you. Just call upon him and he'll answer. If you've been oppressed there's no veil between your duas and Allah.
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 30 - Final Juz 30
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 29 - Al Mulk, Al Mursalat
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 28 - Mujadillah, Tahrim
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 27 - Al Tur, Al Hadid
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 26 - Ahqaf, Dhariyaat
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 25 - Shura, Jathiya
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 24 - Zumar - Fussilat
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 23 - Yaseen - Zumar June 28, 2016
Ramadan 2016 - Late Night Khatirah Heart Softeners - Readings from The Book of Patience June 27, 2016
Some Duas for Laylatul Qadr
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 22 - Ahzab - Yasin June 27, 2016
Ramadan 2016 - Khatirah Day 22
Signs of Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) - Omar Suleiman
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 21 - Al-Ankabut, Rum & Luqman June 26, 2016
The Gift Of Allah To Prophet Muhammad SAWS - Omar Suleiman
How Can a Menstruating Woman Observe Laylatul Qadr?
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 20 - Al Naml, Al Qasas, Al Ankabut June 25, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 19 - Al Furqan, Al Shua'ara & Al Naml June 24, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 18 - Surah Al Furqan, Ash Shu'ara & An Naml Summary June 23, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 17 - Surah Al Mu'minun & An Nur Summary June 22, 2016
Ramadan 2016 - Khatirah Day 20 Why Are You Still Alive - Omar Suleiman
Virtues of Laylat Al Qadr - Women I'tikaf at Mosques or at Homes?
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 16 - Surah Anbiyaa-Hajj June 21, 2016
AlMaghrib Institute IlmFest 2016
Two things that no one knows
Almaghrib Institute Ilmfest 2016
The Waiting Game - When will Allah help me Ramadan 2016 Khatirah June 21, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 15 - Surah Maryam & Taha Summary June 20, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 14 - Al Israa and Al Kahf June 19, 2016
Quran 30 For 30 - Day 13 - Al Hijr and Al Nahl June 18, 2016
Ramadan Khatirah June 18, 2016
Powerful Ramadan Reminder June 17, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 12 - Yusuf & Ibrahim June 17, 2016
One third of Ramadan passed already June 17, 2016
Quran 30 For 30 - Day 11 - Hud & Yusuf June 16, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 10 - Tawba, Yunus & Hud June 15, 2016
Ramadan 2016: Quranic gem from Surah Yunus June 15, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 9 - Al Anfal and Al Tawba June 14, 2016
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 8 - Al A'raf and Al Anfal June 13, 2016 Juz 9 Al A'raaf - The Heights A Barrier between Paradise & the Hellfire on which those people whose good deeds and bad deeds are equal will sit. Allah's mercy overtakes them and they enter into paradise. SubhanAllah. In the previous Surah Allah's mentions that whenever they insisted on turning away from guidance, we opened for them every door of good for them but it didn't fulfil them or they were taken by death, left in complete despair. If only the people had believed good and blessings would have come to them. V101 - The stories of the people of disbelief come to you so you are informed of their destruction or their bad ends due to denying the truth despite the truth coming to them constantly. Their hearts are sealed. The story of Musa and the magicians who eventually believe in Allah. The magicians throw their staffs first appearing to be snakes. When Musa (as) throws his staff it becomes a snake and eats all their snakes, they accept Islam thereafter. Allah gives aid to Islam often using those who want to destroy Islam. The threats of the Pharoah towards the believers among his people are mentioned, always along the lines of persecution. Abu Jahl was the Pharoah of our time - the makkans would persecuted the new muslims. A'raaf - Anfaal Persecution of Pharoah did not work and the persecution of the Makkans will not work because they will be successful. "Spoils of War" This Juz deals with the Battle of Badr. Those who establish the prayer and give charity are the true believers and have a high position with their lord. V7 - Victory is granted to the believers. Those establish truth and abolish falsehood no matter what! Tastagheefuna rabbakum - Call upon your Lord. Muhammad (saw) spent the night praying to Allah for victory at Badr. Why did Allah send Angels? Why so many angels (3000)? Why did they have to come for victory. Allah sent it as a glad tiding to the believers - to ease their heart. The believers saw the affect of the angels.... Reaffirm their faith and to ensure them that victory comes from Allah alone. In Badr - The victory came to those who believed. Never lose trust in Allah. "Oh you who believe respond to Allah and respond to the Messenger when they call you to that which gives you life." This message - The Quran, the guidance- gives life to the heart! Stick with Allah and nothing will phase you!
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 7 - Al Anaam and Al A'raaf June 12, 2016 Juz 8 Of the disbelievers Allah says, even if the angels came with the truth they will still disbelieve. Allah doesn’t force people into disbelief. People who challenge you in your faith are there to strengthen you. NO matter what we show to a person who is misguided, if they insist upon it they will not be guided. Verse 116 If you were to follow the majority of those on they will misguide you. Allah is saying don’t follow the majority, they aren’t necessarily correct. Allah wants to strengthen the believers as they are a minority. Allah will open the hearts of those Allah wishes to guide and those who insist upon misguidance, their hearts will be constricted. This is what happened to Umar Ibn Al Khattab. His heart opened to the deen of Islam. When Allah wishes good for the person h grants them guidance. Verse 133 “And you Lord I free of need…. If Allah wills he can do away with you…” Allah does not need us, he can easily replace us. We should be grateful for receiving guidance. We are privileged. Sacrifice at the time in Makkah in the early days of Islam was a form of Ibadah. Allah reminds that HE (swt) is the possessor of Vast Mercy especially for those who still have not accepted Islam, so do not continue is disbelief. Verse 161 – 163 “Say that My Lord has guided me to the straight path…” Ibrahim (as) is mentioned again, who built the kaaba, that was built for One Allah. Remind them of that so they may stop using the kaaba to worship multiple gods. “Prayer and sacrifice” – these two are equated. To mention Ibrahim is to insist upon monotheism. Everything is for Allah alone. Suratul A’raaf Suratul An’aam – establish the warnings Suratul A’raaf – talks about the consequences for not heeding the warnings? The first ten verses speak about the regret of the people once they have been punished. They lament over their inability to follow guidance. Verse 12 They turned away from guidance only because the messenger was not from their tribe. It wasn’t because they didn’t believe in the message or didn’t believe Islam was the guidance. They followed their ego. Just the same as shaytan said – “I am better than him.” The first racist in the world was Shaytaan – do not follow him! Abu Jahal couldn’t accept it! The surah draws parallels with Shaytaan and the disbelievers of Makkah. Shaytaan blames Allah for leading him astray but Allah has given us intelligence to choose between right and wrong. Allah tells the story about Adam and Hawa eating from the tree and the deception of Shaytaan. But while Adam and Hawa (as) turned back to Allah, shaytan remained steadfast in his arrogance. Shaytaan lead them astray through ingratitude. This is the way Shaytaan gets to us all, beware of his deception. Verse 27 “O children of Adam, don’t let shaytan…” Don’t let shaytan deceive you the way he deceived your parents – Always turn back to Allah. “All praise to Allah who guided us to this and we would not have been able to find guidance if not for Allah…” The believer is ALWAYS grateful! Juz ends off with the conversations between people of hellfire and people of Jannah and their respective rewards.
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 6 - Al Maida and Al Anaam June 11, 2016 Juz 7 The end of Suratul Maidah and beginning of Suratul An’aam (Makki Surah). Laws of Shariah continue and ends with story of Isa (as). Verse 82 (Al Maaidah) Praises those Christians who recognize the truth as they hear it. “A person who believed in Isa (as) and then believed in Muhammad (saw) will have two rewards” Verse 89 Breaking of oaths Verse 93 Intoxicants, gambling and sacrificing to other than Allah, casting arrows and trusting Shayateen should be avoided! Immediately after this prohibition Allah says there is no blame on those who believe for what happened in the past. Verse 94 – 100 Laws of hunting, ihram and prohibitions Allah makes permissible the game of the sea. “Its water is pure and its animals are pure.” Unlike for the Jews. Don’t persist in excessive questioning – you could make things haram for you. All the food was haram for Bani Israel except that which they made haram for themselves. Food – Everything is Halaal unless proven Haraam. Verse 105 – 108 Allah clarifies wills and inheritance Verse 109 – end The table spread? May Allah send a table spread with food? Isa (as) followers asked for this as a gift from Allah (swt) – Isa (as) made dua for this and Allah granted it. Musa (as) followers were ungrateful after Allah (swt) sent manna and salwa to them from the heavens. Isa (as) glorifies Allah and denies telling the people that they should worship him as god. Allah knows this but this is part of bearing witness. Isa (as) is the victim as those who made this claim against him. Surah Alan’aam revealed all at once! Along with Jibreel (as) accompanied by 70000 Angels! It went from the heart of Muhammad (saw) to heart of Ibn Masud all at one as well. This Surah spells out Allah’s oneness, longest and first of the Makki Surahs. All praise is due to Allah! Allah is stressing is Tawheed. And also stresses His (swt) creation. Allah is the only one worthy of worship. How many generations were destroyed before them (the people of Makkah)? Shubuhaat and Shahawaat (Pride and desires) veil them from the truth. Nothing will unlock their hearts. Not miracles, not difference in revelation etc. Allah addresses Muhammad (saw) and says that the prophets before him were mocked as well. Verse 22 Speaks about judgement day and those who worshipped other than Allah. Allah will gather them and they will be questioned about those they worshipped and about the claims they made against those who brought the truth. They also denied resurrection. Asaateerul Awalleen – Fiction of the people who came before (an insult to Muhammad (saw). The people of the book for the most part believe in life after death. Verse 36 – Verse 42 Allah mentions the animals and plants use their natural instincts to worship Allah by running their course, who are you to deny Allah with such arrogance! Verse 43 --- Do not be deceived by this world! Turning yourself away from guidance turns you away from good – enjoy the world… Aakhirah is not for you! Be pleased with Dunya, it does not last forever. Surahtul An’aam also focuses on Ibrahim (as) and his natural inclination towards Allah. Verse 74 --- People of the book and People of Makkah both honor Ibrahim (as). So Allah tells us the story of Ibrahim following his inclination to worship one Allah. After seeing the stars and the moon and the sun….it’s not possible for these things to be Allah. Verse 80 – 82 Ibrahim (as) was divinely inspired with the argument that he used. Elevated Ibrahim (as) from his people and protected him against them. Ibrahim (as) is the embodiment of Monotheism. Allah mentions many prophets and says that they were never on any path but motheism and tawheed. “The vision perceive him not, but Allah perceives all vision…” Just because you don’t see Allah, Allah sees everything! Verse 108 – 110 Don’t insult those who worship others when you call them to...
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 5 - Nisaa & Al Maida June 10, 2016 Juz 6 Beginning of Suratul Maidah This surah has a different time period, post Hudaybiah (Treaty), Muslims now in power after turning back to Allah. In a place of success, authority and victory. So Allah reminds them of humility. The prophet (saw) is now sending letters to the rulers of the world. So Surah Maidah details the etiquette of dawah. The maturity of the laws are also shown. This Surah also talks to the followers of Isa and Maryam. Allah addresses the Muslims and mentions the importance of fulfilling contracts. Allah says the grazing livestock are halaal for us. And there should be no hunting while in the state of Ihram. Muharram, Thul Qa’dah, Thul Hijja, Rajab and the sanctity of these sacred months. Verse 3 The prohibition of eating dead animals, blood and the flesh of swine and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. That were killed with a violent blow or strangled. A lot of laws regarding what’s allowed to eat. Verse 5 All good things have been made lawful for us. Always start with the name of Allah. Allah also made marriage to the women of the people of the book halaal for the muslims. Verse 7 Remember the favour of Allah (swt) and the covenant we took with Allah, addressing the Muslims. We hear and obey! If we connect this to the previous Ayat – If the heart is corrupted then the person will undoubtedly find loopholes in the law. Allah gives us these laws and reminds us to be mindful of Him. Fear Allah. And don’t let your hatred of people keep you from being just – Because you are in a state of power doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be just. Allah mentions rewards for those who do and those who disobey. Remember Allah’s favour – Allah protected the believers form the enemies and the hypocrites. And then Allah reminds us of Bani Israel – broke their covenant with Allah and fell into the punishment of Allah. We should not deviate! And then Allah reminds us of the Christians – they deviated from the covenant. We should not be like them! Muhammad (Saw) is reviving the covenant that was brought to the people of Musa and Isa. Allah guides those who are pursuing his pleasure and take us from darkness to light and upon the straight path. Allah takes us to the story of Musa (as) in Verse 20 – Remember the favour of Allah – Allah had blessed them with position. Musa (as) is about to enter Jerusalem with his people. “Oh my people enter the holy land…” They turned their backs on Jerusalem they did not want to fight. After seeing the army of Firawn drown miraculously. They still do not realize that Allah is truly in charge and only He (swt) grants victory. Allah reminds the believers not to make the same mistake! And they then entered Makkah with grace, justice and mercy, having no fear and maintaining justice!!!!! The children of Adam (as) – Qaabil and Haabil. Allah only accepted the one sacrifice and out of envy the one brother turned in envy and hatred he killed his brother. He should have turned to Allah instead. Verse 39 “Whoever turns back to Allah after transgression, Allah will forgive him….” The dominion of the entire heavens and earth belongs to Allah. We are never in a position act unjustly. We should always judge justly – Bani Israel were entrusted with the scripture and they were unjust. DO NOT be selective in punishment. The Quran is a criterion over the books that came before! Allah will replace nations if they turn away from the covenant with people who will worship and love Allah and Allah will love them.
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 4 - Al Nisaa June 9, 2016 Surah An Nisa verses 24 onward Includes spiritual admonishes and legal rulings. Verses 26 – 28 (Summary of the purpose of Islamic law) “Allah wants to make clear for you...” “Allah wants you to succeed” Allah admonishes the people of the book their faults but also highlights the good they did so we can do good too. Allah also wants to forgive us. “Allah’s mercy precedes his anger” “Allah want to lighten your difficulties” Allah doesn’t burden us beyond our scope. The law has been legislated to make things easy for us, for e.g.. Restricting us from alcohol (harmful effects). Verse 34 – “The abused verse” (or ‘the verse of abuse’) Procedure of resolving conflict with one’s spouse. Why an abused verse? Prophet (saw) is the Quran and he never beat any of his wives even though he may have reached divorced– does not mean to beat or strike (rather strike an example) – People abuse this verse saying wife beating is allowed! Verse 36 onwards – focuses on different things other women’s laws. “And worship Allah and do not associate anything with him….” General rules of Ihsan are imparted, showing excellence to everyone: starting with one’s parents and ending with the stranger. “When we bring upon every nation a witness and we bring you as a witness upon all of them…” Why is it important that Rasul (Saw) is a witness for all mankind? Abdullah Ibn Masood (ra) recited to Rasul (saw) Surah Nisaa until he reached verse 41 “When we bring upon every nation a witness and we bring you as a witness upon all of them…” Rasul (saw) urged him to stop and began crying because he realized the Amanah he was given as an intecessor. May Rasul (saw) not be a witness against us. Verse 43 – “Do not approach the prayer while intoxicated….” Legislation of tayammum is introduced as well Verse 48 “And indeed Allah does not forgive association with him but he forgives everything else for whom he wills…” Allah forgives everything except for shirk – May Allah forgive all our sins. Verse 58 “Allah commands you to render trust…” Give back trust to those who are due and Judge between the people with justice. “Oh you who believe…Obey Allah, the messenger and those who have been granted authority over you…” If you have been granted authority over people, be just and turn to the Quran and Sunnah Verse 64 “No, by your Lord they do not truly believe until they make you the final judge…” First few Juz – Allah mentions people going astray for desires and pride. Here Allah says desires should conform to what Rasul (saw) has judged and as for pride they agree with the prophet (saw) snuffing their pride. Verse 75 Battle has a noble purpose – For the sake of Allah – protecting the weak and oppressed. Verse 79 “Whatever has come to you of good, is from Allah…” When good comes to you Thank Allah, when bad happens to you acknowledge that you are to blame, do not blame Allah. Verse 82 “Do they not contemplate the Quran or do they have locks on their hearts…” Take responsibility for your spiritual shortcomings and worldly failures Verse 87 Third consecutive “Allahu la ilaha illa hu…” Allah warns of the day of judgement ‘Laa rayb’ Verse 102 Long verse detailing Salatul Khawf – How to pray in battle “When you finish the prayer remember Allah standing, sitting and while you lie on your side…” “Indeed Salah has been decreed upon the believers within its specified times…” Even in battle, prayer should be prayed on time. Verse 116 Shaytan is an enemy, promises to lead us astray. Verse 123 It is not by your wishes that you enter Jannah. Always exert effort in good deeds. Verse 135 Allah is JUST, so should we be just and firm witnesses for Allah (swt) Allah finally warns the hypocrites and the disbelievers – Allah does not want to punish us. Allah is all-knowing of all that we do.
Quran 30 for 30 - Day 3 - Ale Imran and Nisaa June 8, 2016 Ale Imran part 2 and Surah An Nisa Bani Israel was condemned in Surah Baqarah – we should avoid their actions they followed so we don’t follow their fate. We should not reject revelation. “Oh you who believe fear Allah or be conscious of Allah….” “And do not die except in a state of submission to him.” “Cling to the rope of Allah…” Theme revolves around guidance of the Quran to the Prophet (saw). Our nation should unite around the book of Allah. Always remain productive in the work of Allah and free oneself from personal agendas, desire and pride. What makes us the best nation is that we enjoin what is good and forbids what is evil and we believe in Allah alone. Focus on what has made the successful succeed. Allah addressed the believers and says that their success at badr was about them fulfilling their covenant to Allah and so they were successful. At Uhud they fell in their covenant so they should becareful, rush to Allah’s forgiveness. Those who are righteous enjoin good and forbid evil and rush toward good deeds. This relates to the battle of Uhud – because the believers turned away because they thought the prophet (Saw) was killed, and it wasn’t about Rasul (SAW) it is about Allah always! And Allah rewards those who are grateful, so don’t turn away no matter what. The archers were tested along with the believers at the Battle of Uhud, but Allah has already forgiven them. Allah did not tell you this about your weakness to distress you, it is being brought to your attention so that you take lesson from it. SubhanAllah! Allah will always forgive so long as you turn back to Him (swt). “If Allah aids you, then who is it that can overcomes you and if Allah forsakes you and who will support you after that. So upon Allah let the believers place their trust…” Rasul (saw) would awake for Tahajjud and recite the last ten verses of Ale Imran. “Allah responded to them, that I do not cause the deeds of anyone to go to waste…” Surah An Nisa The chapter about women – many issues are covered regarding women and family life. Ale Imran – Spiritual admonishment end of the surah also establishes gender equity An Nisa- Practical issues – how to deal with orphans, widows. Establishes legal implications. The verse of polygyny was established to deal with the problem of widows and orphan girls. But not restricted to that time, though one must be just.
Quran 30 for 30 day 2 - Al Baqara and Ale Imran June 7, 2016 End of Surah Baqarah beginning of Ale Imran is a connection The quran will intercede on the day of Judgement These two surahs will shade the believer like a cloud – argue on your behalf on the day of judgement. Emphasize guidance. Ale Imran – 1st section revealed early in Madinah – Muslims have just fought off their opressors so Allah shifts the believers focus. Al Hayy Al Qayyum – Names of Allah (Ayat Al Kursi) (Two greatest names of Allah) The quran is for those who are conscious of Allah. This surah also addresses the People of the Book – all the revelations before were a guidance before they were changed. But the Quran is now the criteria for all those who have Taqwa. Allah addresses the hypocrites – those with crookedness in their hearts. They focus on ambiguous verses and interpret it according to their desires and to cause corruption on earth. Allah addresses the believers- people of knowledge accept every verse as it is all from Allah. We don’t escape any ruling. The heart is ready to receive revelation – it can bear any ruling of the Quran. The law is not too burdensome. The theme of dua still exists through these first three surahs. The focus is the purity of the heart and maintaining sincerity as well as remembering the aakhirah often and meeting Allah. The desires are not strong enough to take them away from Allah Allah addresses the disbelievers- Allah has the best reward with him. They disregard this for their own desires. There are things more beautiful that what you desire over pleasing Allah. Unrestricted desires leads to a person fall into hypocrisy. Allah clarifies that the way to HIM has always been Islam (submission to Him alone in the way that he orders you to submit with his guidance). The people of the book only differed out of animosity and pride – desire and pride leads people astray. Allah addresses them – the likeness of Jesus (as) is just like that of Adams (as) – Allah said “BE” and they came into being. Warning to the people of the book to accept truth and not be deluded. Allah calls them to guidance. Some of them accept and some will turn away. To the muslims – we do not want any element of Deen to be rejected we should believe in all prophets. We accept the entire body of revelation and divine guidance and so distinguish ourselves. Allah will not guide those who insist on misguidance. Can’t attain righteousness until you spend from that which you love.
Lesson from Surat Al Baqara: Don't let your desires delude you. June 7, 2016
Quran 30 for 30. Al Fatiha and Al Baqara summary. June 6, 2016 Ramadan is the month of Quran. Al Fatiha and Al Baqarah Fatiha (Umm Al Kitaab) – Opening of Quran is a supplication for guidance. Prophet (saw) “Dua is essence of worship” Asking Allah for guidance Baqarah – Ain Surah Fatiha we asked for guidance and then in this surah Allah responds that this book has guidance. Allah gives us reasons why we should believe in him in surah Baqarah – stories of how to seek guidance, what guidance is, how to be sincere, reasons we fall from guidance. Always be sincere Allah will be with you. The Quran is a book wherein there is NO DOUBT. Always seek refuge from Allah. Allah speaks about 3 people: Those who believe in Allah and accept guidance Those who purposely turn away from guidance and their hearts eyes and ears are sealed Those who are hypocrites who use guidance for their own good (material/worldly benefit). Story of Adams (as) – fell from guidance (due to simple desire) and was guided again – (Repentance). Follow Allah’s guidance and there will be no fear upon you nor shall you grieve. Iblis guided Jinn – lost guidance (pride) much harder to return to Allah. Firawn – a man who insists upon pride and put it before everything including divine guidance. Bani Israel – Insist on desire, some may turn to Allah again others insist upon their desire until it hardens the heart much like firawn Sulaiman (as) - had access to desires and a great kingdom! He (as) remained close to Allah, a beacon of guidance. Ibrahim (as) – Abrahamic way is unique from all the children of Adam. The way of Deen. Representing everything a person would want to achieve in becoming close to Allah. “Oh Allah send from amongst them a messenger that would recite upon them its verses……” Guidance – Quran Implementation of that Guidance – Rasul (saw) Allah places purification before knowledge – purification first from desires Qiblah is switched to the Kaaba. Allah has prescribed upon you fasting as it was prescribed upon those before you so that you may attain taqwa. Fasting is supposed to bring guidance into your life. Guidance comes in Ramadaan – by gaining piety, glorifying Allah and being grateful. Thank Allah for guidance. “When my servant asks of me I am near to him, I answer the call of the caller when he calls upon me…..” Rushd – guidance in your actions (Rashidoon – guided) Enter into Islam (submission) entirely – do not follow the footsteps of Shaytan and Firawn. Rather follow Ibrahim, Moosa, Rasul (saw) Allah does not burden you beyond your scope. Every soul will have what is within its scope. Fatihah starts with dua for guidance Baqarah ends with dua to be kept firm upon that guidance