Ep. 31 Campus free speech round table: spring 2017 semester in review
Ep. 31 Campus free speech round table: spring 2017 semester in review  
Podcast: So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast
Published On: Thu Jun 01 2017
Description: FIRE President and CEO Greg Lukianoff once declared 2014 the year of the heckler. But after high profile examples of mob censorship at the University of California, Berkeley, Middlebury College, and Claremont McKenna College, has 2017 become the new year of the heckler — at least on college campuses? On this week’s episode of So to Speak, host Nico Perrino is joined by his FIRE colleagues Will Creeley, Samantha Harris, and Joe Cohn to help answer this and other questions about free speech on campus during the spring 2017 semester. www.sotospeakpodcast.com Podcast video: YouTube.com/theFIREorg Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/freespeechtalk Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/sotospeakpodcast Email us: sotospeak@thefire.org Call in a question: 215-315-0100