The Burn Sesh (RHOPS07EP05, Winter HouseS2, RHOSLCS03EP07)
Podcast:Bros & Shows (formerly BravBros) Published On: Fri Nov 11 2022 Description: The Bros are settling down post Phillies playoff run but things are heating up between Ashley and Luke... Juan Dixon made the news this week as well with some unsettling allegations. Then we're back in Stowe where Craig's behavior is out of control and the strain is starting to get to Paige. Meanwhile things heat up in the house with a few of the couples. Out west, we check in with our RHOSLC cast and Heather seems to be at odds with everyone. Then we get an unnecessary bath tub seen with Seth and Meredith before we head to the finish with RHOP. Ashley and Candiace looked like they had some hope before things blow up at the end and it ends with HUGE allegations in a scene from next week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit