Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 5 Full Recap
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 5 Full Recap  
Podcast: Bros & Shows (formerly BravBros)
Published On: Thu Sep 26 2024
Description: Whats up Bros? Its back to the Mormon Wives this week and can we just say... we love this show. We also wish they would do this in a weekly drop instead of all at once but hey, we're just glad we get to watch it. In this episode, Whitney has pulled away from the group entirely. After leaving the group chat, she is upset that no one in the group has reached out or seems to even care. Layla is planning her divorce party to celebrate her newly single life. Taylor and Dakota continue to have problems as her due date gets closer and closer. Mayci continues to allude to issues trusting Dakota, and he does himself no favors when he hijacks her photoshoot for her new natal vitamin brand. Whitney reunites with the group at the divorce party and decides to discuss things with Jessi, only to find out that the majority of the group has an issue with her, so now she's fully leaning into the victim narrative. Mayci sits down with Dakota to hash out their issues and it ends up turning into Taylor voicing her issues to Dakota, and instead of hearing her out, Dakota makes it all about himself... Shocker.   Want more content?? Join BravBros Members for weekly exclusive episodes, housewives rewatch, community zooms and more! Click the link below to sign up!