Big Sister Is Watching
Big Sister Is Watching  
Podcast: The 47 Morning Update with Ben Ferguson
Published On: Fri May 06 2022
Description: Mere days after Elon and Twitter announced their engagement, Biden moves to create America’s very own Ministry of Truth. Led by radical Nina Jankowicz and draped in the costume of fighting “foreign disinformation,” the “Disinformation Governance Board” will surely be a blank check for free speech crackdowns here at home. The questions are swirling. How will this board operate? What enforcement powers will be granted to the Musical Minister? Senator Ted Cruz joins Michael Knowles to reveal what exactly is so dangerous about this new federal power—created out of thin air and slipped past the American people under the darkness of the Supreme Court leak—and what can be done to stop it.--Make this Mother’s Day one that she’ll always remember with the gift of Genucel. Get 50% off world class skin care at your savings and get up to $1,500 of free silver today with American Hartford Gold: text CACTUS to 6-5-5-3-2.--IP Vanish helps you securely and privately browse the internet by encrypting 100% of your data. Get 70% off the IP Vanish annual plan—that's like getting 9 months for free—at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit for privacy information.