From Medicine to Millions with a Book with Dr. Travis Zigler
From Medicine to Millions with a Book with Dr. Travis Zigler  
Podcast: Best Seller Secrets
Published On: Thu Mar 25 2021
Description: From Medicine to Millions with a Book – Publish. Promote. Profit. with Rob Kosberg Episode 014 Travis ZiglerDr. Travis Zigler is a recovering optometrist turned ecommerce entrepreneur. He is the founder of Eye Love,, whose mission is to heal 1,000,000 dry eye sufferers naturally. Dr. Travis and his wife, Dr. Jenna Zigler, use the profits from Eye Love to fund free clinics in Jamaica and the US through their charity, the Eye Love Cares Foundation,  Due to the success of Eye Love (over $4 million per year as of 2020), others have asked if Dr. Travis would help them grow their business online, and more specifically with Amazon, which is one of his superpowers. Specializing in Amazon PPC, Dr. Travis blogs about Amazon PPC and selling on Amazon and also has a free Amazon PPC Masterclass, which you can check out here: to this informative Publish Promote Profit episode with Dr. Travis Zigler about starting a sales funnel with a free book.Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this week’s show:How a free book is a great start to a sale’s funnel.Why a Google ad to a blog post instead of a product will yield more sales.How having a free book can lead to more product sales.Why the persistence of Google Ads to a blog post can create ROAS.How pay one cent for a website visit might be better than worrying about SEO.Connect with Travis:Links Mentioned:eyelovethesun.comeyelovecares.orgprofitablepineapple.comfreehydrate.comGuest Contact with more about your ad choices. Visit WITH US:🌐📞 1 (626) 765-9750