How To Upsell Potential Clients Using Your Book
How To Upsell Potential Clients Using Your Book  
Podcast: Best Seller Secrets
Published On: Wed Mar 09 2022
Description: How To Upsell Potential Clients Using Your Book – Publish. Promote. Profit. with Rob Kosberg Episode 125In this episode, Rob speaks on how to multiply customer value by using your book as the first point of contact and stepping stone to other offers. You’ll get a peek inside the model Rob currently uses at Best Seller Publishing. It’s called the “Free Plus Shipping” strategy.  This strategy is a way to bring in leads that are 16 times more likely to purchase because the first point of entry requires a small investment. This model is especially recommended if you have a high-ticket offer. It’s designed to attract an audience right off the bat that’s willing to invest in your information. Rob delves into why relying on book sales alone to make the majority of your income is a dead end. He also discusses how to better structure your sales funnel to make upsells and one-time offers. These don’t require a lot of extra work. They simply give your customers the option to get more help from you. A lot of times they choose the help, which results in more income for you and more help for them without a whole lot more effort on your part. That’s what’s called a win-win!Connect with Rob:Websitehttps://bestsellerpublishing.orgTwitter more about your ad choices. Visit WITH US:🌐📞 1 (626) 765-9750