Using Books to Build Business Relationships with Seth Greene
Podcast:Best Seller Secrets Published On: Thu Feb 25 2021 Description: Using Books to Build Business Relationships– Publish Promote Profit the Podcast with Rob Kosberg Episode 006 Seth GreeneSeth is the co-host of the Sharkpreneur podcast with Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington that was just named “One of the Top 10 Podcasts to Listen to in 2019” by Nasdaq.He is the founder of the direct response marketing firm Market Domination llc, and he is a 7-time best selling author who has been interviewed on NBC, CBS, Forbes, Inc, CBS Moneywatch and many more.Listen to this informative Publish Promote Profit episode with Seth Greene about using books to build business relationships.Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this week’s show:How people can monetize relationships with experts by making a podcast.Why it’s about the relationships not the number of podcasts downloaded.How podcasts allow business owners to cross promote on shows.Why you need a high-ticket item to sell for a podcast interview to be effective.How giving a gift can be an easy way to get more business from someone.Connect with Seth:Links Mentioned:marketdominationllc.comGuest Contact with more about your ad choices. Visit WITH US:🌐📞 1 (626) 765-9750