How to Sell More Books with a Book Funnel and Paid Advertising with Chris Benetti
How to Sell More Books with a Book Funnel and Paid Advertising with Chris Benetti  
Podcast: Best Seller Secrets
Published On: Tue Aug 22 2023
Description: I've got something special for you today. While we don't often have guests on the podcast, I couldn't resist bringing in an expert who's been making waves in the world of book funnels and paid advertising. I recently crossed paths with Chris Benetti, the man behind Smart Author Media, and let me tell you, this guy knows his stuff. Since my upcoming book, "Book Funnel Secrets," is just around the corner, I thought, why not dive into some ad-related content? We discussed the key elements of a successful book funnel and how to optimize it for maximum results. This includes crafting irresistible ads for platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as designing compelling sales pages. We also talked about the power of intent and how to leverage it in your book funnel to attract high-paying clients for your additional services. So, if the idea of amplifying your book sales with paid advertising piques your interest, especially if you have more to offer like coaching or other services, then this episode is packed with insights just for you.IN TODAY'S EPISODE, I DISCUSS:Best practices for running paid ads for book funnelsCrafting the perfect ad creativesUtilizing upsells and order bumps to maximize profitsCONNECT WITH CHRIS BENETTI:Know more about Chris: https://chrisbenetti.comLearn more about the Smart Author Media: https://smartauthormedia.comTune in to Smart Author Podcast: LINKSConnect with Rob - https://bestsellerpublishing.orgTwitter - - - - WITH US:🌐📞 1 (626) 765-9750
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