Helping People Increase Measurable Results with a Book featuring Roy Redd
Podcast:Best Seller Secrets Published On: Tue Aug 03 2021 Description: Helping People Increase Measurable Results with a Book – Publish. Promote. Profit. with Rob Kosberg Episode 051 Roy Redd Roy is a 4-time #1 best-selling author of the book The Unnoticed Advantage and The Success Magnet: Cultivate the 5 values that attract success, The Six-figure Trainer and The Little Book of Mental Health. Roy also Is a performance coach who works with pro, college, and high school athletes. He works with the athletes to dramatically increase, tangible, measurable, and physical results. He also does this with companies, organizations and anyone who has a purpose.At the age of 25, Roy realized he was not the person he wanted to become. That’s when he decided to make a change in his life. Since that startling realization, he went from broke to making six-figures, homeless to buying his first home, and depressed to feeling fulfilled.Roy Found that his distinctions dramatically increased what he calls workability. Workability simply means the ability to get the job done. When we look at the workability of an object, we judge the object on its ability to do what the object was made for. With this knowledge, Roy realized that the workability of a human comes down to the human’s ability to achieve its purpose. This makes performance the most important thing in life because to perform means to do what it takes to achieve a purpose. Roy became a performance coach for Pro, collegiate, and high school athletes. With a new distinction, Roy calls UnBounded Performance Roy is coaching people to dramatically increases tangible, measurable and physical results.Roy has spoken at Ted, National Head Start Conference, International Health and Wealth conference, La Sierra University, Unbounded Basketball Camp, Chaffey College, Stanford, Inland Empire One Love Christmas Party For Orphans, and Multiple High School, College, and NBA Teams. I have been featured on shows like Hollywood Unlocked, The daily Grind, Convos with Cole, and multiple radio shows and podcast.Listen to this informative Publish. Promote. Profit. episode with Roy Redd about creating top-notch business performance using a book. Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this week’s show:How we are all perfect, but some things constrict us from being our best selves.How to work around the life sentences our brain creates and break free and thrive.Why self-expression is important and how it can lead to a happier life and more successful business.How writing a book can generate opportunities and leads to build a successful business.How to harness the electricity it takes to achieve anything we want. Connect with Roy:Links Mentioned:royredd.comGuest Contact with more about your ad choices. Visit WITH US:🌐📞 1 (626) 765-9750