The Week of August 1st, 2022: Mars in Taurus conjoins the North Node and Uranus, then squares Saturn
The Week of August 1st, 2022: Mars in Taurus conjoins the North Node and Uranus, then squares Saturn  
Podcast: Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas
Published On: Mon Aug 01 2022
Description: In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 1st, 2022, is challenging, to say the least. As Mars — the planet of war, aggression, and conflict — conjoins the North Node and Uranus, the planet of disruption, we’re given ample opportunity to de-escalate situations and get to the root of anything that isn’t working. Because it’s all happening in Taurus, issues surrounding the environment, land, food, and/or the state of our ecological crisis will take center stage. Later in the week, Mars squares Saturn, the proverbial stop sign of the solar system — so prep for whiplash and quick-thinking. But there is beauty to be found in the dark. Through two small but mighty aspects, Venus in Cancer reminds us that connection and relationship are our way through challenging times. Hold on to what’s important and let the rest fall as it may. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.