The Week of September 12th, 2022: The Sun opposes Neptune, then Venus makes a square to Mars
The Week of September 12th, 2022: The Sun opposes Neptune, then Venus makes a square to Mars  
Podcast: Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas
Published On: Mon Sep 12 2022
Description: In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 12th, 2022, is relatively simple but sloshy. The week begins as the Sun in Virgo leaves a trine with Uranus, prompting us to roll up our sleeves and discover new ways to work with what we’ve got. Then on Friday, the Sun forms an opposition to Neptune, which delivers a conflicting message — that sometimes things don’t work and we have to let them go. Later that day, Venus in Virgo makes a square to Mars, adding a critical edge and an influx of emotion to our interactions. Because this is all happening in a Mercury-ruled sign during Mercury retrograde, things feel a little messy. The solution? Don’t be reactive. Refuse to take anything personally. Prepare for details to get lost and translations to be thrown out the window. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.