peloton's emma lovewell is so into setting small goals instead of unrealistic resolutions
peloton's emma lovewell is so into setting small goals instead of unrealistic resolutions  
Podcast: So Into That
Published On: Wed Jan 03 2024
Description: Peloton classes have made me a much happier and less anxious person. As you’ll hear in this episode, I wish there was a government grant that gave all new mothers Peloton bikes upon the birth of their first child. Being able to exercise and boost those endorphins while the baby is sleeping has been a total game changer for me.And of their many great instructors, is my absolute favorite. Emma’s teaching style is exactly what I look for: encouraging, but not too over-the-top. Her mantra is “progress, not perfection,” which seems appropriate, especially in this phase of life and this time of year (holidays = lots of stress and sugar).In this episode, Emma shares her tips for staying active when you don’t feel motivated; which Peloton classes she actually takes; her “lazy girl ramen” recipe (she’s a bit of a recipe developer herself, her Substack is fabulous and worth a follow!!!), and much more.We also get into:* Teaching ourselves to drink water after being raised by parents who NEVER do* Our guys stealing our skincare products* Our shifting relationships with caffeine* The surprisingly important role our pets play in our lives* Finding a fitness community (Peloton #whattocookcrew, stand up!)* “Throwing in an egg” for protein* What made us laugh out loud this past weekLinks: * Emma's book, Live Learn Love Well* Her Substack newsletter, The Love List* Emma’s Peloton profile* My Peloton name, if you want to be friends! @caro_chambers* Jones Road Beauty’s Miracle Balm* LMNT electrolyte hydration packets* Lanniege Lip Mask* Belkin 3-in-1 chargersign up for my weekly "complete meal" recipe newsletter HERE 🍳: This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit