We’re All Thomas Now | Gospel of Matthew
We’re All Thomas Now | Gospel of Matthew  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Jun 23 2023
Description: Jesus warns and encourages his disciples about what will come as they live into his Kingdom mission. What would it look like to live as a disciple, free of all fear, fully alive to his power?Key Scripture Passage: Matthew 11v1-15Resources from this teaching:This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to Jenna from Rossmoor, California; Amelia from Homestead, Pennsylvania; Leandra from Tomball, Texas; Jordan from Anaheim, California; and Brianna from Hyattsville, Maryland. Thank you all so much!If you’d like to pay it forward and contribute toward future resources, you can learn more at practicingtheway.org/give.