The Cross: Self-Denial in an Age of Self-Fulfillment | Practicing the Way Vision Series E9
The Cross: Self-Denial in an Age of Self-Fulfillment | Practicing the Way Vision Series E9  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Dec 31 2021
Description: In Luke 9:23, Jesus tells His disciples "if anyone wishes to come follow Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." In this episode, John Mark unpacks this Scripture, telling us that the cost of discipleship is to die to ourselves every day. Self-denial is not only challenging; it also runs against the prevailing cultural winds of self-fulfillment. But by overcoming our personal obstacles to discipleship and dying to ourselves, we can step into the abundant life that Jesus promises for His followers.Key Scripture Passages: Luke 9v18-24; Galatians 5v16-24; Luke 9v57-62; Luke 14v25-33; Luke 18v18-23; Matthew 13v44Resources for this practice: