Live in a Way That Begs the Question | Preaching the Gospel E4
Podcast:John Mark Comer Teachings Published On: Fri Mar 24 2023 Description: “What if there is a rich gift waiting for us in this new cultural moment of rising hostility?”John Mark discusses what it meant in the early church to be a witness and how that applies to how we share the Gospel. He argues that the call of Jesus isn't just to preach the good news, but it's also to become 'good news people.'Key Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 2v11-12Resources for this practice: podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for today’s episode goes to Tarrah from Ames, Iowa; Paul from Cleveland, Ohio; Guy from Wenatchee, Washington; Benjamin from Herborn, Germany; and Matthew from Beaverton, Oregon. Thank you all so much!If you’d like to pay it forward and contribute toward future resources, you can learn more at